Replicate Film Characteristics with RGB Split Tone DCTL in DaVinci Resolve

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in this video I will demonstrate the RGB split tone Dil that I've created for DaVinci this tool provides a film-like tonality for both highlights and Shadows the RGB split tone high low targets the shoulder and toe regions Additionally the high mid low version offers control over the midtones including a pivot feature for adjusting the mid- gray area both versions features a built-in slope function that allows for precise adjustments to the curve steepness simplifying the emulation of classic film characteristics so why do we want to split the RGB values in highlights and shadows film stock typically has a characteristic response to light and color that differs from digital sensors one aspect of this is the way film handles the role of in Shadows and highlights in film highlights are often softer and shadows may have a slight lift with midtones remaining more consistent this creates a more organic and less harsh transition between different tonal ranges let's take for example the Kodak 2383 lot and place it onto a grayscale image you can observe warmer Reds followed by green and then blue in the highlights and in the shadow area you can observe lifted Blues as well it is not only a characteristic of print film but when we take a closer look at negative film profiles like this one from the filmbox plug-in we can also see some split tone characteristics let's look at some film scenes here's the scene from the movie tenet where we can observe a warmer tone in the highlights and here's the scene from the movie silence where we can see slightly lifted greens and Blues in the shadows so what are the options in D Vinci to create a split tone effect first I want to take a look at the native tools we have in D Vinci to adjust shadows and highlights the lock wheels are designed to provide a quick intuitive control over a specific tonal range without requiring you to generally shape the curve while you can adjust the range over which the lock wheels apply their adjustments you can't directly control the shape or slope of the curve they use another option is to work with curves but this can get quickly complicated so first we can click on the red button here then we can adjust this bline then we have to create a point to make a curve now we don't want this slope here so we can create a second point then we can press alt to fix it on the diagonal but you can see that we still have the slope here so we can adjust it but when we adjust this point here we are also changing the midpoint area here so this is a bit annoying and we don't really have a reference for this point so no values and it can be even more trickier if we want to adjust um just a small step here and when we adjust multiple splines it can also happen that when we want to adjust the green spline here that we grab the red instead so for me this is not really user friendly we can also switch to editable splines but now we have more points to adjust and this can be really timec consuming so that is why I don't like to use the curves so with a dzil it's much easier we have three sliders to adjust the green red and blue channel in the highlights and the RGB channel in the shadow area along with additional sliders to adjust the slope depending on how much you adjust the sliders the midtone range will stay intact the slope function allows users to precisely control the shape of the curve affecting how quickly the highlights and shadows roll off into the midtones when aiming for a film-like look it's generally better to minimally manipulate the mid- gray range focusing instead on how the highlights and shadows transition into these midtones in addition to the stunner tools I've added the RGB split High mid low Dil for enhanced control over the midtones this detail features mids sliders for precise RGB splitting near the midtones the pivot is key for aligning the split tone effect with the mid-gray area which varies based on the camera used for more details please visit my website there you will also find a free demo version the demo version comes with a watermark but it is fully functional if you have further questions leave a comment that's it thanks for watching have a nice day and see you next time
Channel: Stefan Ringelschwandtner
Views: 13,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7M4bBTk1UT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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