RGB Crosstalk - DaVinci Resolve DCTL

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hi I'm Stefan and this is a video about my tool RGB crosstalk and this tool is an alternative to the RGB mixer when we look at the RGB mixer we can see that in the red output the red channel is at one and the green output the green output is at one and the blue outputs blue is at one so if I increase the green 2 1 but we want to keep the neutrals we have to move the blue slider down to zero and now we have a split tone effect now we can add another node and we can rotate the U and maybe adds a bit of saturation so our skin tone is back on the skin tone line so we have to make adjustments to two sliders and to a second node with my digital it's a bit easier if I increase the green and blue the blue value will automatically drop down to zero so I don't have to think about it so if I increase this to 0.5 it is the same like increasing this 2.5 and lowering this to 0.5 so this is the same but it's just faster and I can also lower the red and blue value to let's say minus 0.2 then it looks like this and it is the same like adjusting the green to 0.5 along the red to minus 0.2 and now we have to lower the blue value to 70 to have neutrals but the detail will do it automatically for us so we don't have to think about the blue slider the blue output in blue we just have to think about the red slider and the green slider so the green and red and the blue and red are those two sliders here then we have red and green and blue and green red and green and blue and green and we have red and blue and green and blue red and blue and green and blue and the RGB mixer is very useful to create different looks for example an orange and t-lock so this is before and this is after and of course we can reduce the effect here so this is one look and I click on reload and if I want a more Autumn look I can use the green and red slider and move this one to the right and the blue and red to the left and now the image gets very saturated so maybe I bring down my saturation a bit and lower the blend mode and we can now see that the green leaves are more shifted towards yellow of course this is maybe a bit too extreme so this looks more natural this before and this is after here another example this is original and here's a RGB mixer version so you can see I've changed the green and red and blue and red and all other sliders this is before and this is after so you can see that we are able to create completely different looks with the RGB mixer and for this image maybe I want to reduce the red and green and the blue and green and then I will rotate the U slider a bit so to bring the skin tone back to normal so this is before and this is after and we can really see how the shirt pops and we push this more towards magenta so with this dctl we've created this magenta Green Split so this is a very strong look but maybe that's the direction you're going for and here another example where I pushed the where I push this color more towards blue so this before and this is after and here another example so this is the original image and we can see this has a very strong orange and T look already and maybe I want more separation between the basketball and his skin so I can lower the red and green value and also the blue and green value and this will spread up the colors as we can see here so this is before and this after and we can now see in the before image this basketball here is very close to his skin tone and after we have more separation between the skin and the basketball so this before and this is after before after before after though the RGB mixer can really help us to fix certain images you can download the free demo version of this detail from our website the demo version comes with a watermark which appears as a grid of black pixels overlaid on the image but is fully functional that's it thanks for watching have a nice day and see you next time
Channel: Stefan Ringelschwandtner
Views: 12,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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