REPLAY: Crankworx Innsbruck Downhill 2023

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Colorado and it is so a higher start now this year for Ramona cups is cup excuse me cook for schneid from Switzerland this woman then a former cross-country World Cup racer that decided that she'd had enough of peddling and got on the full gravity bike well we all know what that feels like two's downhill don't you I think it was better it was better for me so the Swiss woman still on this new upper section linking these turns and you know Trace we're going to be talking a lot this afternoon about carrying speed through those corn corners but you've got to right most of them are banked and you need to carry as much speed on the exit along these long and fairly flat strikes yeah I mean the goal of this track is to carry your speed you can see that it's not the steepest track but it's got some flow to it but as soon as you slow down you're just losing your momentum for a long straight so the goal is definitely to push in some of those ruts and turns and really gain and maintain the speed but she's very strong Rider and I mean it's not a very penalty track you really want to use that pumping oh and you can see how slippery it's getting did you see how it is definitely starting to break up right it's saying that as well right is also saying and this is a good part to look at it the dappling the way the lights coming through the trees making it so so difficult to see where you're going yeah well the boys were saying one of the hardest parts about practice earlier today was that the light was so flickery and it meant that where you want to dodge those holes that have formed over practice this morning you can't because you just can't see whether making it even more physical a few bits of Boardwalk on the way down it's Louise Ferguson from Fort William in the UK is now a resident of Queenstown in New Zealand it's leading with 354 for her some 15 seconds outside the fastest qualifier from Valentina Hull yesterday so these times will come down this afternoon yeah I mean we know that Valley is so strong here this is is it her fourth it would be going on her fourth win in a row yeah that's right we've actually just several time we've been here in Innsbrook right at least on this one this Force here and you won the first three and she won the last three you saw the rocks that Ramona just went through there that's where Elliot was talking about in the pre-show that you want to go on the smooth line but it's not an option if you want to enter that corner from the outside and really get that exit speed and these flat turns at the bottom absolutely crucial we've seen the race lost there in the past yeah from past experience I have actually lost the race but it was well fast enough it was really wet and in the wet though just insanely hard so poop fish might now across the line then no time for at the moment but uh looking at the timing board in our boo there she's not threatened that time of Louise at Ferguson a lot of energy could hear her breathing heavy there yeah well that's what we're gonna expect right I mean everyone said just what a long physical track this is so the next to leave the Hut then Ellie Smith [Music] and you can see just up the top so the new section is about 40 seconds extra I think we said and you can see it's in those beautiful pine trees and it has some nice turns a bit steeper than some of the lower sections but that's what's going to be adding that physicality to the track is an extra 40 seconds of it's a lot turning pumping I mean I'd like to know how many turns are on this yeah you're right you can see just how hard you've got to work with the legs in those turns yeah absolutely I mean there's not much pedaling here but the amount of pumping that you need to do and maintaining that speed yeah you can see it is getting a bit blown out there Stephanie yeah probably the track definitely passed it sir Prime that it might have been earlier in the week some rain in the week as well a couple of days ago the soil was absolutely Primo gone back to being hard packing slippery today then for the Australian well Ellie's no stranger to the dry and Dusty conditions I'm sure that she'll be loving it the top five at round one and Rotorua at the start of the Year third at the last round in Cairns you can see in these there's a three corners in a row here and every corner has an option of outside or inside she's gone inside inside outside but the options are kind of endless in that section it's always interesting to see what the writers actually choose to do therefore and that right hand of this crucial because yeah absolutely Elliot telling me that Rider's trying no break it Trace to carry as much speed along this street I have heard I have heard about that because you don't break it well no I don't be honest my brother told me he no breaked it and I thought I wouldn't there but you're right but oh no she's got a flat tire ah no way well spotted so in between those boardwalks that we haven't really seen there is a rock garden and you can either Bunny Hop the whole Rock Garden Boardwalk to Boardwalk or you can choose a smooth line and I wonder if that's where she's got a flat tire well yeah look at that that's not gonna be an easy ride to the bottom with the flat is it it's a pretty bad track for it that's for sure well we will be able to see the section that Elliot spoke about earlier once she gets there some big compressions coming in out huge and then you'll see your boardwalk and it's here that was the key section Elliot spoke about is really choosing your life off that wooden um Boardwalk to get this exit yeah again carry that speed down here a lot easier when you've got a fully inflated rear tire I know some of the boys were speaking about jumping from Boardwalk to Boardwalk there but the problem is when you land being able to make the next Corner was rather impossible yeah entertaining if anyone does do it then Ellie Smith on the last straight out of the trees now down through those stumps a couple of line options there as well I am not going to threaten that time of Louise Ferguson that's for sure with that rear flat tire I'm very unlucky for the welder fabricator from Australia that's right fully qualified okay Ellie Smith across the line then that's flat that yeah yeah you're not wrong there Rob that is flat tires [Music] so where she's speaking about it was that Little Rock section I was talking about between the boardwalks it is a like the rocks are so sharp and Pokey and she said she got offline is that what it yeah I've done it caught a rock and that was that there's your leader Louise Ferguson on the left there Continental nuke through Friday Sam Hill was here practicing all week I believe he's damaged his ankle unfortunately this afternoon in practice so he's not starting today where did you get it um yeah [Applause] I uh oh yeah I had to find through the roots yeah okay cool the fence racing is fierce at the bottom we're not going back to the top actually is the next Rider that would have would have dropped would have been uh the junior World Cup winner from last year Gracie hemsby let's have a look here Tracy if we can spot where that tire's going down catching that puncher no it looks like it was before the boardwalk yeah you can see her lose loser will so she actually clearly got it even with the flap but she had it before she even entered the boardwalk section so just a little bit offline on this track and you've seen how I exposed some of the rocks are and I think it's gonna be quite a day of flat tires yeah it's possible still smiling anyway at least Ellie Smith thank you well earlier in the week I was lucky enough to catch up with Canada's new red rocket Gracie hem Street here she is ladies and gentlemen welcome to Ports of Fortune with your host Rob Warner stirring the fast the Furious The Talented greasy hamstring [Music] hello Gracie so welcome to Innsbruck we're going to jump straight into it with some quick VAR questions right you ready okay cats or dogs do you trust cats no they're all friendly and then yeah dogs are just they just love would you rather ride a bike made of spaghetti or one that's made of bubble gum uh talking Al Dente um I'd say spaghetti really why oh it gum's sticky but gum it's okay no I'd say gum it's unbreakable yeah and it's gonna sort of maybe bounce it's like almost extension a little bit yeah what is your favorite food I'd say grilled cheese sandwiches what yeah yeah well as in two pieces of toast cheese in the middle and then you grill the lot [Music] is that right what's so nice yeah if you could have one superpower whilst riding a bike what would it be uh anything you want fly levitate yeah you just come in at the last drop in at the Finish area a bike that can fly well it's not that far away actually Elon musk's got one I'll just make that up what is your secret for being so fast and so stylish before you answer that here's a word from our sponsors did you know that in 2022 RockShox was pink bike suspension product of the year well now you know where were we I I'm lost well I was just hang on it's time to spin the fork four locations on the track and four things you need to pull off you know what you signed up for I don't know what I said that's fine let's go oh it's the rock garden blindfolded just kidding it's actually a wild card with four shroud anywhere on the course you want I got shot all right should we go have a course in yeah we're getting a call from the pressure police all right Grace you carry on there you're putting some more air in that tire yeah yeah let's see it Grace no pressure oh I think that was a good one I think it was five shroud went about there but a gracious succeeded on Forks or 14. I think we can let you go now that's it yeah all right yeah nice oh my God how cool was that okay I'm gonna happen ah [Music] I can't swear Oh Come Oh you can love this it was a fun afternoon thank you Gracie unfortunately not riding she's uh feeling unwell today we believe so we won't be seeing her in action well they've had a big few weekends of racing and then going straight into the World Cup next weekend if you're not feeling well now yeah that's good good call then and actually amazing well we is bettering her qualifying time by almost six seconds well yeah let's not be surprised to see Louise Ferguson leading either no with the win down in the Southern Hemisphere and the summer series in Queenstown her home second to the last round yeah okay we go back to the top then oh yeah but Luana she reaches from Romania this woman is represented for her country at the World Championships but more importantly yeah she she did pretty good this week right yeah I mean I am so impressed by Luana I saw her race up against Caroline in Caroline Buchanan in the jewel slalom and she picked her I mean you know we're talking world champion Caroline Buchanan that's a big scalp to take so fair play it's a nice woman the Dual Salam was like a mini downhill it's slippery loose it has those massive holes in the turn yeah so I mean I'm not surprised to see her up there in the qualifying results and carrying good speed up here at the top then fast along here and up by .37 then very close racing in the top six that's right you can see just how splotchy that light is it's so difficult to ride fast through that section holding good speed pushing you can see her pushing and pumping in the sections where we said you really need to maintain your speed here yep everyone turning around she takes outside there it's neat and tidy very smooth you know there's outside lines are everywhere the insides of course shorter tighter it's a difficult one to work out whether let it run around the outside on a lot of turns on this course [Music] and you knocked there though where you don't want to lose time as you said early you don't want to be losing time onto these Boardwalk sections well she was green at the last split the next one might tell us if that mistake and she is back by .75 now then so interested and you know and this section is hard if once you've got your speed along this section you're holding it for this whole section it takes up until you hit the next road before you can really go back into that tight technical choosing your line but you're not gaining 0.7 of a section along this particular yeah area an easy to make mistakes up there pushing so hard when it's just so loose and slick as it is today yeah it's great to see the girls pushing though and the time's so close it's very exciting racing well there's a slippery left before you enter this Rudy Rocky section I wonder if if something's happened back there pretty tired by this section and there's something's definitely happened gone from 0.75 to 7.5 back wow right before we saw where the camera was it's a long road and there's little Pebbles on the road and you have to make a extremely loose left and oh boy it gets slippery and I can imagine after no rain for two days just how slippery that turn is [Music] so almost out of the woods and down to the line now for ceresh is then it's Romanian ride up yeah I was just gonna say she really lets the bike go it really lets it roll underneath her crossing the line 402 for uh still goes into fourth place though so a very respectable ride and back to the top straight away then for one of the World Cup Riders here today Veronica Woodman lives about an hour away actually in South Tyrone we're in tyrol at the moment now 356 in qualifying good enough for a fifth spot she'll be looking for more than that in his final though Tracy yeah I actually got to speak to her about the track about the physicality and how it was running but she's actually liking the track she had no complaints about it being too physical so taking it easy and qualifying and ready to put it all on the line for a race run four top tens in last year's World Cup Series took a tenth in lenza Hider at the World Cup there a week ago and fast up there looks good so far yeah you can just see when they really let the bike roll and go in the really in the ratty part of the turn she's not losing anything 0.9 nearly two seconds up then says massive for Whitman on the top section it's still a long long way to go down here you can see how hard it is for the Riders to see today this dappled light playing Havoc for him rather stand there hitting holes they can't see she dumped that triple there which we haven't seen yet today so that would have made a lot of speed now we'll see if she's taking the insides or the outsides in these turns no opting for the outside it must have got very slippery taking that inside line now she'll be uh extra try extra hard having her new teammate sitting at the bottom in the hot seat yeah you're right there that's right the Italian national champion diving away down here 30 years old now a registered nurse actually ridden bicycle since she was just four years old this woman next split then it was a good Advantage at the first it still is a number two split two losing around point three eight of a second though the section where we saw Ali just take her flat tire earlier smooth down in there pumping over the little jumps you gotta pump as much as you can getting a bit tired but that's what I'm gonna say though it's easier said than done right oh yeah legs the arms are all filled up you're hurting top to bottom manages to get a few pedal Strokes in there and probably you know relaxing a lot of layer down that straight than some of the other women we've seen so far today yeah knowing that she's got a push to I mean get closer to the time of valet they're gonna be pushing hard in this section back up to 1.9 nearly two seconds then into the green for Whitman but still a ways to go these flat turns are coming up probably the most crucial part of this course now Tracy to carry speed right this is the yeah it's the most awkward you take that left and then you have to kind of hop dabble over a stump and then roll over a rock so it is very trying yeah you're at the bottom you're fatigued you've been pumping and you still have to stay exactly online so Whitman tentatively into that along right the grass the ground broken away it's so slick now here she comes to the line then she should go faster she does 352.5 two seconds up new leader in Innsbruck great run for Veronica Woodman and now only four Riders left over the top and the next Elite will be Phoebe Gail fourth in qualify with that 352. no stranger to letting the bike roll underneath there and riding fast this girl I rode with her when she was still a junior over in sliding in me and Tony were like yes we need to watch out for this one won three rounds the junior World Cup last year a first year Elite Rider took fifth in Leah gang that's a World Cup last year strong at the top in those Corners she was pedaling out of the corners we haven't seen that as much getting the power down just at the right point and you know sixth year last year but she did hit a tree and she was on a really good run actually so looking for some Redemption Phoebe go this first year Elites Trace they're going to be hungry for it 1.8 back though so a long way into the red she's gonna do well to turn that around I would say yeah I mean I agree with you yeah Monica was so smooth and the top and smooth is fast sometimes in these really sketchy tracks where you just need to hold your speed battled all season long last year with Gracie hem Street who he uh just saw that piece on the Canadian Rider these two women really chase me looking at here you know or talking about Gracie and Phoebe I mean they are gonna be the two top Riders from the Juniors yeah and long before they're pushing for wins in the league yeah no you're not wrong and how good to see like the junior girls just come the first year Lee already up there that's right isn't it the top girls so it's a girl trying to stay off the brakes into that fast right hand are there and I think her riding style is just so cool she's aggressive she's tough she lets the bike massive amount of time then nearly a second and a half she's pulled back between the first two splits on this course so accelerating down here now this is gonna be good to see does it mean that she's carrying more Pace under these flat sections that time could come down and be greener the last split I mean what I was just saying before that split that she was looking aggressive she was pushing she's letting the bike roll and it's making a difference now still got like some of the hardest parts of the track are from this road still getting a few good pedals in there some of the more technical awkward sections are to come [Applause] good Pace inner there as well a few different options 0.35 so she has gone green then so Phoebe Gail turning it around on this run going from red to Green nearly two seconds back it's impressive yeah that's a huge amount of time to make up in sections of the track where it's not very obvious to make up a tooth yeah that's right on this course those are big times to pull back and it's her pace maybe a mistake or something at the top but a pace has been good all the way down as it is now as well then last couple of times yeah they're fast in that last Rock section so Phoebe gal almost definitely is gonna go fast this year then as she comes to the line Gail takes it 350.7 1.8 up new leader three Riders to go Phoebe Gail with a scorcher 350 is still though 10 seconds outside Valentina house qualifier that was a very impressive run by so tired talking about how physical it is okay Lisa Bauman now another Swiss Rider 13 qualifying [Music] oh letting the bike go up there you can really see the speed from that camera angle can't you yep two times a Swiss Enduro champion this woman Tracy so maybe got the lungs for this track yeah physicality of it it's interesting Phoebe said just how tired she was right yeah add a couple of paddle Strokes in there as well yeah from Switzerland actually lives down on the French Riviera very nice too so it's a great place down here Chase hard to see her doing anything wrong so far and only four hundreds off at that split then so nothing in here at the moment I mean you can really see it in her writing she's really focused on the next section ready for the next Corner bump bumping jumping over the awkward stumps and then pedaling out of those turns it really is the way to get through this track yeah picking a way down ends Brooklyn delivering another great race here seventh time we've raced on this course here oh a little stall in there yeah awkward it's so awkward in those in those Corners where you have the option to go inside or outside you take the rest first reward if you're off for that inside you want to make sure you're really hitting it quite far down there so let's see what she can do at the next split she even went straight down the rocks and for the inside so that did look faster and she's up now so look at that 900th up now wow taking it to Phoebe Gale then the leader at the moment who is 10 seconds outside Valentina holds quality as the course slower today Tracy would you think of I mean I'm gonna say that because we had rain in the week it was perfect a day or two ago also I'm really not qualifying it was a little bit cloudy so it was probably easier to see the tract during qualifying but yes it could be running slower but I think you always try to push that a little bit harder when it comes to race day don't you yeah you certainly we can see the times are getting faster and faster from their qualifying times yeah they are softening up at the moment Phoebe Gail from Whitman from Louise Ferguson foreign now it's just a tent back so still very much in touch here so some of these key sections we've been talking about in the bottom are gonna matter so much to Lisa the way she takes them and that was smooth yeah and we have the next the next Rocky section where um as Elliot spoke about you have two lines so let it roll through those two flat turns it's gonna be tight I think for Phoebe Gail this one yeah Phoebe was super fast in that last Rock Garden [Music] a second outside in a second place where she can be pleased with that great run then for the Swiss woman such a roller coaster of split times but what a great run from top to the bottom which is extremely fast get to see her letting that bite go oh you can just see how dusty and loose it's getting on course only gonna get drier and drier it is just two Riders left to go now just join us it's the rock shocks downhill from Crank Works Innsbruck presented by deuter's two Riders left Anna Newkirk Valentina Hull at the top yeah I think Lisa will be very pleased with that run she really pushed the whole way didn't she she certainly did as will this woman then Anna Newkirk from the USA actually resides in basil in Switzerland Lowe's already in that first right-hander You Can Tell She's hungry for it excuse me I was gonna say being on the podium last year in third yeah well that's right second and quality a third last year exactly and you're jumping at that bit for the gold medal and good speed around that long right there I mean we know she is riding extremely well this week being second I believe it was in July Fourth in the pump track so she will be tired but I think she'll be you know kind of hyped coming off those great results and in the top ten Atlanta Hyder the former silver medalist in the junior ranks 3.6 up then it's massive for new Kirk wow look at this might have Valentina hole scratching ahead of the top new Kirk is flying down now I mean you could see it she was hungry for it and you can see it already she's letting it go she's riding super smooth but pushing everywhere she can letting it go jumping over the roots absolutely history they've added downhill over the years but it's been pretty important which we saw some of the Last Riders slow down a little bit taking that inside so she's really letting it roll she knows what she needs to find on this track she's gonna let it go down here catches that cash berm at the bottom no problems there for new Kirk what's the next split gonna tell us then and 5.4 now extending and it's a massive run for Anna Newkirk well Valentina hope will have to watch herself this afternoon now although it is well Champion we're talking about I know but this is very exciting I mean as soon as you put that Target on your back you're gonna have people chasing you and Anna is shooting that bow and arrow straight towards her she says he is absolutely good line of that left now she's gonna fight soon get on the pedals as quick as she can but it's interesting to watch her she's just linking these terms like it's just yes exactly exactly what you need to do on this Innsbruck course is linking everything and this lower section we know is one of the a lot of dust in the air there [Applause] new cooks hit the deck or at least very nearly you could see the dust fly up wow and now she's 0.935 back so still in touch then for new coach oh she could still take the lead oh that corner that's the second ride I've been caught out on the loose today oh it's just probably what do you think Chrysler in your garden because it's a relatively easy turn yeah I mean that's absolutely it but it's so so slippery it's flat and there's a tiny little rut and maybe during practice the right has just disappeared yeah exactly and she managed to find any time on Phoebe Gail she goes out snow she goes faster no way by 900. no why 97 thousands in it that's incredible she falls off gets back on and takes the lead in safe I mean it's a Cinderella Story really you could heard riding was noticeably fast and you knew she was hungry for it it didn't look like she was going out of control or anything no she was riding super smooth so it will be interesting if we can find out exactly what happened yeah that's right we will endeavor to do so I really should probably just push the front or something just slid on the break-in okay last Rider then the reign in a world champion from Austria lives here at Innsbruck validity to Hull the winner of this race the last three years can she go four in a row a massive qualifying run for her if she can back that up with anything like her she's gonna be hard to stop today Tracy she's saying there that the longer track is suiting her better and she thinks it's gonna be a fast one which is interesting because it's not you just never know if people like the longer or the short tracks maybe she finds her Rhythm easier when the track's a bit longer but I mean this track Valley's riding style really suits a track that you have to have a bit of an eye for detail yeah you know she really knows yeah look at that so yeah Carrie I'll try yeah where's he she knows where she wants to push that bike and put that bike but she also knows exactly where to pump Let It Go and I mean you can just see it in her writing she is so controlled on her bike she certainly is yeah you can jump like one of the best women in the world can pump the full package for this took that win in Leah gang just a week ago that World Cup win there as well so she's gonna be riding on the crest of a wave at the moment I mean when you look at the way that she rides the bike the bike is hardly ever you know out of control it's almost like she's putting it there on purpose like her by every life she takes and remember the woman leader at the moment nuke crashed actually a little bit further down so that's a much bigger Advantage reality uh really on the clock for Valentina hole but she's still gotta get to the bottom of course carrying good speed through here yeah she's good at pumping smooth she'll be just taking taking a couple of breaths here ready for that bottom section knowing that she's gonna have to play a bit of pinball at the bottom again and did aggressively pedals onto this straight then now she's got to watch this easy at the left yeah he's in the left you saw a big puff of dust from the horse rider Valentina hole no problem flying down here now and she's out by 10.4 because of that crash the new Kirk had there then oh it's gonna be even bigger than a qualifying win at this rate loose into there fast carrying good speeds he knows she's got her as the course flans off now yeah I mean this is just so great to watch the way she even uses some of the ruts in the holes to pump through just to keep maintaining her speed and that's why you see her time grow and grow and grow nice steep section then picks the way down through those stumps no problems with Valentina hole at 350.6 to beat it it might be a 340. under here she comes in Valentina hole comes to the line to win crack working for the fourth time by nine a point three eight seconds a massive margin for the world champion Valentina hole a good couple of weekends work in Austria for her her fourth win here at crank works [Music] not unexpected Tracy no absolutely not unexpected but I mean still a race run the clock's still gone the track was loose out there we saw a few people go down so it's not easy to take the win she made it look easy but it isn't easy still battling with yourself with your mental she's come off a World Cup win which is great but it's also hard as well because you have that extra pressure amount of pressure on I mean it's a fair play to her for coming and racing today because she could only lose really right I mean everything exactly and then how that would take you into the next race so that's what I mean she's like she's honest you know interviews she just says it how it is yeah she races whether it's easy or hard she's been through some pretty hectic challenges since being an elite but I mean it's she's such a great writer to watch on track and I feel like it's a pleasure that we got to see her win the race by nine seconds that's right okay we're gonna go down there to her now she's ready earlier on home soil in two weeks how do you feel right now oh it's amazing I feel like my racecraft is just getting better and better and it's there where it should be and I can't wait for the next workout when you talk about racecraft you know it looked like you were super deliberate out there what does that look like on the track well I guess there's just so many parts which need to link in and I would like just being cool and not stressing myself way too much is what I need and that's what I figured out last weekend so just keep it going and so now moving forward do you feel like you kind of have some stuff figured out like compared to years past I feel like you've had some good results here and bad results how do you feel now going forward well I feel like here for crank works I can always deliver I think I've won now four times in a row so it's sick but um yeah I mean I'm still young so I guess I need to learn quite a bit still but I hope I hope I'm done with it well congratulations and good luck next week thank you so much well great to hear from Valentina there it is then a fourth winner I I this is difficult to say but unfortunately now Trace she stands alone as the most successful you were on three wins each but that's but yep how's that all right yeah be careful with Tracy at the moment I loved her interview she said she's finally perfecting her Race Craft and that's what it is it's really an art it's a craft and the way that she's holding herself carrying herself mentally and you know feeling good coming to a race like this and I don't think she expects to just walk in and take it but she has really got this track down let's have a look at this win and run and something else you know I heard and took from there is the fact that she said not I don't need to be stressed and that's what I did last week you know yeah easier said than done though Tracy yeah but it's so true I mean as soon as you take the stress out of your riding you're just riding for you and some sometimes you know a bit of extra stress works but it's the way you use it and it looks like she's really using that nervous energy for the good and like she said she's perfecting a racecraft and she wants to take it into the next races yeah learning all the time I'm here I still feel like well listen I still feel you know it's hard to say it's just been World Cup winner she's raining world champion but I don't think we've seen the best of Argentina she's been finding her feet right the speed's been there but like she said the head guy hasn't does it yeah but you can see in her first like and I mean this is still her first years as an elite Rider exactly but she has had you know things happened to her that happened to you over a lifetime of your career in a short time and that is what is unbelievable about a rider like Sally is being able to deal with those and and move on and man it's like it is so hard for her I can't imagine some of those times that she's felt just really struggled and overcoming that is I mean yeah she's got to be here you respect her don't you yeah like surround the way that she's so open so she had injuries she's had terrible results she's had slack for crashing but all right well Valentina then it's just sealed her fourth win here at crackwork Inns but stay with us off this break we're coming back with the men don't miss it we'll see you there foreign into the world of Red Bull TV your daily source for Action Sports music and entertainment download the Red Bull TV app for free and sign in to watch all of our content offline get the Red Bull TV app now if you want to get to the top [Music] [Applause] dig deep down bingo bingo Bongo a story of dedication teamwork and friendship 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Finn house is here third overall in last year's World Cup Finn I'm going to start with a thank you mate for last year because he gave me that win in Monson and your win to compensate on that was a pretty special moment right yeah man thank you that was a special moment for me I've been watching you commentate for so many years and to finally get my look at the time moment it was pretty special and you know you'll get things harder than mine I think I don't know I've never done this before so but what was it like I mean you know long time coming in your mind I don't think it was in everyone else's but a win in Canada that must have been insane for you I mean yeah it was a Next Level feeling like to be able to get that win at that place with all of the history behind it meant a lot and I think that that feeling is something that's really hard to beat and I think it's gonna be hard to beat over my career but I'm just happy they've got that win and now we're just looking damn right bro not many people get to win a World Cup on home Soul so fair play for that and looking at this year's World Cup with two races in you've been doing all right man right you wanted you and Bruno one two in the World Cup overall I mean you're pretty happy right I should think before you had a fourth and A fifth or something yeah I'm really happy with that I've been consistent all year and just riding my best and I think that there's a few more steps I need to take to get to the top step but uh second overall right now I can't complain and we're just looking forward to the next one next week I did want to ask you you know at round one I couldn't help but notice the name of Jordan Williams up there I was like I wonder how that's gone down in a specialized team he was Junior last year he's coming and he's won his first Elite World Cup which I know from speaking to you was something you always want to do right you you're well aware of the history when we when I shot you you were like Brosnan's been the best in the coming Junior into the elite so far what was it like as a teammate I mean did you expect to see him do that we all knew he was fast I don't think we knew he was that fast yeah it was an interesting one for sure because look and I were talking during the week before the race we're like are we prepared for Jordan to win his very first World Cup did it look like he might then you sort of had a well we just knew that him like him coming in he was already at such a high rate of speed that he had a chance to do it but to watch him actually do it was honestly more than anything is just extremely impressive because I know how hard that transition can be yeah and for him to just do it like he did it cool is amazing and honestly nothing's really changed in the team like he's very respectful you know he's humble he still wants to share lines and talk about the track and everything and I think that we've got a pretty good uh family underneath the specialized pit it's been it's been smooth sailing yeah because it's not always the case like that and you know I was thinking I said I said I actually said to Elliot I was like I don't know if Bernie and Finn will like that really you know what I mean I mean it's a tricky one but on the other hand you know like actually Elliot said I think Bernie's going to be loving I mean he's a little bit older but you've been pushing him but now he's got another kid this youngster like fresh ass pushing him and that might keep Rooney keeping I don't want to say young because he's like the best in the world but you know what I mean it's like it's a challenge for him absolutely I think that that's one of those things where he's gonna make both of us better because we're both going to have to ride faster so that we can beat him and I think we both didn't like it but there's so many fast Riders at the top of the sport right now you have to just respect when another Rider gets the job done because there's so much at risk that there's not a lot of ego off the bike and I think that that's really important especially if you're within the same team because otherwise it's just going to be animosity everywhere and I think nobody's gonna have a good time and nobody's going to get good results so more of a friendship and just like understanding that we're all racing each other but more than anything we're racing the clock and yeah Whoever has the best day it gets the best well it's incredible to see you and Bruno you're so competitive and I know you're so tight as well it's going to go on the specialized team is doing it right start with us Finn we'll be back with a mentally after this break stay with us crank work thank you [Music] look up at the sky is it a bird is it a plane this is definitely Chris hopefully that parachute Works a behind the scenes about a mind-blowing project featuring Chris Kyle riding his bike in the sky it's something that has never ever been attempted before Don't Look Down now available on Red Bull TV for another epic edition of Red Bull root ride astonishing Air Time massive pressure let's go the bar is raised and the Riders are sending it Red Bull roof ride July 1st Live on Red Bull TV [Applause] [Music] welcome back to innsbruckling for crank Works World Tour stop number three the men only are about to drop in on this formidable downhill track I'm Rob Warner alongside Elliot Jackson we've got special guests spin Isles in it with us then I know you've been up the track you practice this week decided not to race but it's a tricky track right it's fast it's narrow between the trees you've got to carry speed it's physical you tell me yeah it's one of those tracks where I think people underestimate how hard it actually is and with the change this year it's made it a little bit longer and a little bit more Technical and physical um there's not a lot of line choice but I think that people underestimate that because when it's when there's not a lot of line choice you really have to take advantage of all the little sort of holes and roots and rocks and everything that generate as much speed as you can so yesterday I think we saw Bernard win qualifying by like 3.8 seconds he did and I think that the difference in that is just him utilizing every little bump on the track to carry as much speed as possible and I think that that's something that people forget about on tracks like these and obviously it's tightened fast and you know that's a little scary well it's easier to go fast but it's steep but you've got to generate the pace yourself it's another Skillet you've been up there having a look we've been thinking of it all yeah actually what Brenda was saying I went up there with Bernard and caught the last cut the last little section what are the sections that's been catching some Riders out a couple of lines one of the ones we highlighted on the pre-show so definitely seemed like exactly what Finn is saying is you really have to use every single thing on this track to carry speed and that's your start list that's the last pipe Bernard Kerr as Finn said the fastest qualifier the last to drop ravelli Wallace Brooke McDonald Bryce far all going before him so great to see such a quality entry here we're between World Cup races some of the world's best area today and a great atmosphere it was always at crankworks the festival rolls on and we're going to be going to the top then and I believe it will be Sam Gale the first Rider that we will see here he is yeah I I heard that he's actually been living with Blinky in the van all summer so really yeah [Laughter] 22 years old from Nelson in New Zealand this upper part of the track here is actually quite difficult because it's kind of nibbly and you have to carry your speed around these very slim entrances to the turns and there's one here where you have to set up really high for that is actually one of the harder turns and I don't know if many people are still doing that line so he didn't do that there right he went low get up all the way back exactly we carry a bunch of speed through there and this is the new section and when you come to the old section the pace just goes through the roof oh when you talk about it being nibbly Finn how does that work on a on a race track right like you're trying to go as fast as you can but how do you nibble at the same time it's one it's kind of frustrating because you feel like you want to push as hard as you can in a race run but it's almost more important to be smooth and calm and focus more on the braking than anything because if you're coming into sections you're breaking late you're breaking early you're not getting the entrances of the turn very well and the most important thing is to carry speeds for those sections so it requires really like you say it almost seamlessly getting off the brakes and carrying which is like really really hard to do right it is to be honest and that is the skill here on this track absolutely it is and this corner here is exactly like that too it's like there's a few sections that are really hard and if you don't get that you're just losing time because this track you have to carry your speed yeah you've got no options you can't even pedal and a lot of it to get back up to speed yeah this right and there is pretty wild right absolutely and heading into these boardwalks you got to be on the pedals or pumping as much as you can and if you get that corner wrong it's kind of like I said you just start to lose speed man you can kind of see yeah yeah and look at that so Gail in time all the way down here despite really not doing anything wrong it's just Pace it's just this pace yeah it's an interesting one like that where if you're even a little bit off right from the beginning because it's so fast and because it's so committing you're just going to be losing time and then it carries down the whole track and it's an interesting thing with mindset coming into a course like this because if you don't have it it's hard to bring it back you know [Applause] yeah and that corner there is exactly like that too you're turning over these weird rocks and they're round and you're trying to carry grip with the or trying to hold grip with the front tire and it's just really difficult is it awkward yeah exactly down there's some big compressions now the guy oh and that's a big one off there 4.7 so now his pace is a bit more where he'd want it to be between splits two and three but the damage is done yeah this last section is hard it's there's those big compressions coming into those bridges are pretty scary and it's hard to be fully committed to that and then these Corners here like so easy to when you're tired and you're breathing and you're just getting caught off guard by these you know little dust holes it's easy to throw it away three minutes and 15 seconds into your run yeah damn right especially when you're exhausted as well so Sam girl coming around this last couple of turns now then not gonna threaten Jacob do it with that 3 or 20.3 the fastest time so far goes third 5.7 back Bernard curb with that qualifier yesterday at 3 18. yeah do it somewhere near that I I talked to Jacob after his run he said it was it was definitely a smooth one okay next man to leave it leave them track siding through this new top section and I didn't know this but but Preston is a two-time British National Motocross Champion schoolboys that's right yeah absolutely right yeah yeah it's cool I I think you can kind of see that when when people ride the bike like kind of knees in kind of steering with the with the uh with the back on the with their hips and stuff like that it's cool how like the Moto a lot of guys that ride downhill ride Moto but how'd that translate especially for guys like him who have been so fast on the motorcycle obviously to come to riding and how those skills translate quite well yeah that's right about 1.4 back so in touch I'd say on this top section this young man and I think it's interesting too like what Finn said these are those sections these really long traverses where you're not really breaking too much and if you make a mistake right at the beginning it's kind of your speed for the entire section absolutely and it's easy to come become complacent too like if you do get the corner good and you're like all right cool I have my speed for the section you have to be aware and like continue to hold that intensity through the whole section because once you lose the intensity like I said before it's really hard to bring that back and that was yeah that was really fast yeah he held that inside line there which was pretty cool I didn't set up why 2.1 back though and this is where Jacob actually would Excel because he won dual slalom and you know that he has like a bit of a BMX background and he's able to carry really good speeds for these flatter sections yeah yeah I always thought it was interesting on this track Like you said keeping the intensity because there's so many spots where you are just chilling and you you always you should chill right like you can't really make up time you can't pedal on a lot of the boardwalks and stuff like that so your only job is to kind of get your breath back reset your mind exactly and it's hard it's hard to be S like to hold the intensity the whole way down so to have a moment like that is pretty important especially on this board box but you also have to be ready to go for the next section you also have to be you know in a tucked position if you really want to like hold each millisecond because like on a track like this we'll see as the times you know kind of get faster but I think they will be tight at the top because if everybody's on it there isn't that much right right yeah there's no like big rock gnarly Tech section or something exactly yeah everyone no that's right and it's hard to judge you know intensity in a qualifying run versus a final but I know that finals like this especially for a race like this that everybody's really going to be going for it because it's you know a pretty important event Williams goes across the line Second 3.2 into the red that's a good run yeah it was a good run he was hard on them those last couple of turns he was working hard still yeah really smooth okay now from Finland this man let's see what he can do there this bike looks crazy I don't know much about it but I I've talked to him the other night and uh we were just talking about some of the riding in Finland and he says a lot of the stuff that he trains on is only about 30 seconds long that's right so he's like yeah we're riding 30 second tracks but we're doing lots of laps and I'm like well how do you prepare for any of these tracks he's like honestly it's pretty hard to keep you know there's that high line there's that High Line it's super hard like yeah we kind of saw him you hop off you have to carry so much speed to get to it but when you hop off if you kind of drag the brakes through those turns then you kind of lose you lose the advantage that you already gained by taking that turn if you're if you're coming in too hot and that's what I mean by the breaking points being so important especially on Corners like that because you you know easy to drag the brake slide out and lose time less than two seconds off there now that's split on track yeah it was funny I remember back in the day uh Maddie Lichen in another uh legendary finish Rider yeah he would talk about that you know it's like 20 30 seconds and you guys in in the UK you guys are like that little Hills yeah that's right that's how it is yeah it's hard it's hard to train for tracks like this if you're Racing for three and a half minutes I like that inside line if you're Racing for three and a half minutes like how do you train for that if you're only practicing on 30 second tracks all the time it's weird but you I think you get you your intensity is good you know it's true that's right you you it comes into the red ball roots and rolls now section this Fierce them down to this right hand but they're off the brakes also on that inside line there it's it's crazy because Maddie did win World Cup in shrompery in 2007 yeah and I think right he did yeah and he had a really famous part in a clay Porter movie that I'm a huge fan of and it was like the sick Dust Bowl track in Finland kind of seemed like it was in the middle of nowhere it's really cool and so Finn I always wonder like with the with the writer like Oni what are what do you feel like the biggest differences between him and and somebody like Bernard who we'll see later um I think quite young still um and to be honest you watch Bernard ride and he's so smooth and you can see that in the way that he's carrying his speed everywhere the way that he's coming through all these rough sections and everything looks easy and I think that is a good sign of speed because if you're riding something that's really rough really fast it normally looks smoother and that's something that loex really good at and Bernard has gotten really good at over the past few years and Bernard has the background of in crank Works especially competing in so many different events that he's so multi-talented that like you can look into his downhill riding and see that and you can see that he's carrying speed so well and it's just generating and carrying speed and you know it's just years and years of racing yeah it is I I always think it's interesting um that there's so much experience in download racing knowing knowing what lines to take but I do like any style like that kind of that tough kind of thing yeah it is it's really really nice how's it worked out pretty on the clock six point eight back he goes in a fifth whole Factory racing the crazy looking bike I'd love to see that thing up close yeah it is a wild looking bike huh well Rhys Wilson would have been next to drop in he's decided to sit it out so it's Harry Malloy another Rider from the UK originally actually from Tunbridge Wells in Ken now lives about an hour away in South Tyrone with his girlfriend Veronica Woodman and he's uh another one of those team manager yeah you know Rider combos I was I had an interesting conversation with them down at the Finish just during the women's race and he was saying that he just still loves riding right like I think so much of the time when you stop trying to win World Cups you end up having to stop going to the World Cups and racing him and he's like you know I'm kind of in this perfect position where I get to base there's not really much pressure bikes yeah I've got care I've got mechanics at my own despite yeah but I also think it's it's funny because I think exactly in that way the pressure is off and and he can then learn right going up and watching the track riding the track he knows what it's like to be a rider when he's talking with his team and and he doesn't put pressure on them in the wrong way like really curating that Vibe so I love uh love seeing Harry continuing to be one of the fastest people I think that's quite cool too for him being a rider to then have a bunch of younger Riders on his team with both Chris and Ronan who aren't here yeah but he can pass on that sort of knowledge of racing for as many years as he has as well as understanding the pressures and the toughness of being a rider and I think that that's a cool combo and like definitely creates a good culture within the team and I I think you can see that with those younger guys because they're always having a good time and just like riding as fast as they possibly can they are wild yeah team a couple of riders my lawyers in charge of but losing a bit more time between those splits bit of wind coming through here now I hope that's not affecting things up there yeah it's always been every year you kind of hope that you're not going to catch catch some win right on those on those road rocks because you can't really do too too much about it no that's right there's very little you can do clothing's about as tight as it's legally allowed to be now yeah back in your day when there was no rules you guys were just wearing whatever three bags now another point three goes by then for Malloy and that Harry's really good at all that technical stuff right like when you think about breaking points like Ben was talking about like these type of sections I always think you can tell when a rider is breaking and riding this stuff right because they don't move a lot on the bike yeah yeah yeah get your braking done you walk into the turn and then you're out absolutely and this like this track at the bottom I mean [Music] I don't know the lawyer crossed the line he goes third 3.7 into the red they look good it's just weird yeah so loose it's so dry it rained for that first day of practice and when I was riding it was a little bit wet but the difference between now and then is crazy and um when I was uh looking at the track earlier today it just looks like there's a lot of big holes developing and you can see how dry it is and the wind coming through is just gonna make that worse I I did I walked to Andrew Driscoll on track I walked earlier in the week the day after it right I walked a couple of times but like the hard packed bits that were shot he did look slick yeah other parts of the truck looked about as perfect as it could ever be the dirt was Unreal yeah now it's just dried out and blown out really blown out and like like Ellie was talking about that bottom section I think is going to catch a few Riders out because it's uh it is slippery and if you're not on your brakes you're gonna be struggling Andrew Driscoll making his way down at the moment might as upcoming what's watch out for all of us as well I can do it round one remember in Rotorua at the start of the Year burn of curve we're with the last to drop 2.9 back though for the American Rider yeah and Andrew is one of those Riders from the US lives in in New Hampshire he uh he's one of the first couple of years in Elite got a an eighth place in in Snowshoe in 2021 and I I love the new crop of U.S Racers because I think that there was a period a couple years ago where there was a big bifurcation where a lot of people would stay in the U.S and then other people you know Nico malali Luca would go to the World Cups but you know Andrew getting out here to crank works is really good because no good spot no sometimes it works out sometimes it does it I was gonna say he looks really really smooth coming through a lot of those rubber sections and his book came off and that's really that's a tough spot that's right before those boardwalks like we were talking about and it's just it is like that I mean to me that I always thought that that section was one of the hardest sections because those rocks you can't really break on them and you can't start to turn too early like you want to slap that turn but if you start turning to earlier front end will just push immediately and it's hard yeah that's exactly right like this dust on those rocks is going to be really hard for a lot of riders and there was a there was a big hole developing there but it looks like it's actually stayed pretty smooth oh smooth into there over the top here's that replay take us through it Finn what happened here I'm trying to see where his foot came off it looks like just through a compression there his foot kind of Twisted and came off there's a slow-mo yeah it's that right foot and I think oh I mean it just it almost looked like he clicked out I think it might have been on purpose yeah it just clipped out and that I'm just putting a foot out for that turn that's really impressive to get through that turn with his foot off like that yeah because that compression is massive and it it is hard even with both your feet on the bike so that's impressive ride applied to this man and Driscoll across the line in the fifth and he didn't lose too much time through there which is no you know sometimes you just gotta throw a foot out what can you do you gotta know in his head he was definitely coming out of that turn going oh my goodness Dylan Maples now another American Rider then on track 12th in qualifying another one of the uh great USA Riders here yeah if he was he was 14th here last year writing for you know that common sold Arco team and the other 22nd at vowel I lost and he's got one of those Styles where he kind of rides inside the bike right and I think it really kind of Suits these type of tracks where you can kind of get a lot of pump you're you're low on the bike you kind of have this like tuck Style allowing the turns and yeah you can see that you're exactly right Elliot you can really see how he's pumping every little thing the bike almost looks big you know but he's the second off yeah and it allows him to utilize the Train on a track like this he's really steezy this guy can do some of the biggest whips out there I think he's uh oh that was a good line there jumping through that those holes is is the uh split one yeah so being reflected on the clock he is you can see him popping over picking up over what he needs to avoid you always think like it's not just kind of about the style and the energy you save when you when you jump over stuff because every hole you hit it also slows you down exactly yeah that's right see how he takes this right that inside line is definitely more popular I feel like there might be a big hole forming on that on the left-hand side entering that turn and it seems like most of the Riders have just opted to go straight inside and and try and avoid that loses half a second though between those splits you can definitely see the wind blowing through here yeah you can it will be blowing up the mountain it feels like from where we're sat here in the Finish area put a good pedal in there as well he's still trying Jacob DeWitt still seeing three in the leaders are in the hot seat down the bottom we were talking about uh like slalom winners thinking of Jacob it's rare to win slalom and I think it actually gives you a lot of confidence because you know so many of the world-class Riders have one slalom so I'm not surprised he's doing well here are skills in it I mean but Dylan's right there only point one uh lost on that last split one and a half to five before the bottom but he's attacking hard now pedaled really hard on that fire Road up there he hasn't given up yet that's for sure yeah that's right I mean you were talking about that like you can't ever rest you can't you have to keep pushing even though you're the intensity goes down in the middle of the track you have to bump it right back up for these last couple turns absolutely there's there's like a small moment that you can take to take like one or two breaths but you can see Dylan has been hammering the whole way down any little spot that he can pedal he's tucking he's pedaling and you can see that in the time there and rewarded with a great second place then a three 21.9 it's this is that section that we were talking about in the pre-show so he's like setting up wide kind of going in those holes trying to carry as much speed as he can on those uh on the boardwalk but this is sahodo hariki penne he's also one of those multi-sport guys here at crankworks that he was second in the pump track last night and he's like got so much bike skill so yeah for sure I mean it's I think the use on that prototype mondraker bike is as well I I was laughing you were calling you call your bike the Batmobile I do call my bike to Battlefield well it's all blacked out and last year I was riding it in the first day I was like in a full black kit black bike and I was like I feel like Batman maybe you started a little thing here everyone's got there's nothing under there it's just like you know right yeah yeah yeah it was like the mustache before let's see what he does on the split so penny had a brilliant year you lost yet it's tight point forward back a little bit wide on that near the tape we were talking about that Toyota saying the track is fun to practice and cruise but it's super hard to race just because it you know you get out of rhythm like all the holes there's a there's a certain speed that's comfortable to ride a lot of these turns and holes on and then as soon as you pump it up it gets super weird and uncomfortable kind of getting out of rhythm it is exactly like what you're saying and when you ride it at a race Pace it feels completely different to in practice and it almost feels like the holes are working against you you know it's not like you have to be able to practice the track at close to Race speed through all of the sections so you do know how the bike and how you will react to every single hole because especially on track like this it's so easy to lose and gain exactly like he did there just half a second do you only do four runs in practice Finn or do you stop and break it up I tend like tend to stop through the first couple runs and look at sections that I struggle with um it's easy to hike up and just double check everything but as it gets later into practice I tend to do more complete runs yeah and try and ride different sections at different speeds so do you I won't ride the whole track as fast as I can per se but I will take each section at a time and work at close to race pace so I know how each section will react to how I'm riding it because I was never capable really and so when I did a race run at full pace and I was exhausted it was a completely different thing to anything I'd experienced in a build up in the whole week you know hitting holes I was too tired to lift the wheels forward stuff yeah yeah absolutely I know Jake had that that second split Jake was just really really fast at but I think that there's time to be made up and these last couple of splits and it's a good Gap he's got Duo at the moment 1.6 back to second place still in Maples and he goes second 1.227 back then for the New Zealander Jake Rob that Jacob wrote that bottom section so fast I mean there's only about 20 seconds there and he just pulled almost 0.7 on tohoto so he must have done something really impressive I think that's maybe the flat Corners because in duel there's so many flat cars yeah that's part of it I know funnily enough a lot of the writers saying that this is crazy one of the most physical tracks so this is that tight section that you come into it's kind of taking as much speed as you can over that roller and then you'll see him kind of spot his turn he's gonna set up wide here and then lock in and then always watching the eyes spotting that exit strain on the pedals there too every every little uh thing you can see I'm going to the left of that little hole saving as much energy and time as he can definitely see how rough this section is too taking that inside that that you were talking about Finn sick rooster yeah like a video part yep and there's a there's these little jumps that you can do and even though the lines look like they're kind of feet apart almost going off there but it is okay well let's go down to the finished area because Tracy's with tohoto gotta run it looks like it was a bit hard how was it yeah it was all good eh um yeah it was full on after a whole week of racing like almost most of the events and then to have to throw down a down or run like that it's pretty physical and tiring but it's it's all good it's fun yeah I mean you looked good and coming off a second last night it must have been hard going on such a physical track today yeah I was pretty ricked but uh yeah physical track it's tiring as but it's good fun and uh yeah no it's all good well thank you for the interview good job yeah yeah boy second place run for me at the moment 1.2 back on Jacob DeWitt Maples Williams Malloy in there as well no one so far able to beat that qualifying time from yesterday of Bernard at 3 18.46 but they're getting close yeah I mean Jacob's two seconds up on the second place qualifier of Loris rivelli yesterday and I wouldn't say the track if anything it's probably gotten slower so I'm interested to see what the other Riders do well one man who Knight likes Austria who took the world championship here in 2020 is Reese Wilson here he tells us about breaking points oh fancy seeing you guys here you know the game of golf it's just like riding a bike how do you implement the right technique when you're golfing it's just as important as when and where you hit the brakes on your bike Jokes Aside being good at slowing down is the key to being the fastest here we are at one of the most important corners on the track heartbreaking zone so we're going to run through how to break where to break and winter break we come from a really high speed section jump line down by the side of the road we jump over this Crest it's a quite a steep downslope Landing as you can see there's some Roots there's some breaking bumps and there's some rocks so as the week goes on this is going to get really rough so where you're braking and what line you're on is the utmost importance we have an inside line we have an outside line at the moment the inside Line's a little bit smoother so when you jump over this Crest your bike's heavy on the ground it's nice and smooth you're gonna be able to do hard braking in a short space of time if you're on the wide line through all of these rough bumps rocks and roots your bike's going to be dancing it's very hard to keep your wheels on the ground and keep those brakes applied so it's going to be important to pick a smooth Lane down into this corner so there we have it the secrets to the most technical corner on the track in regards to braking next time where I'm going to teach you how to hit the elusive hole in one [Music] so I'm down here with Jacob how is your run um it was pretty solid I can't complain I had a big crash crashing seating yesterday so I started early but um yeah I know happy yeah I mean it was great it seems like you made most of the time up in the bottom section can you give us a bit more about that yeah I'm kind of surprised watching the time because my top felt better in the bottom I had like a bit of a Clipper and a couple other little mistakes of the bomb but um yeah still Cuts still standing alrighty thank you good luck for the rest of the race thank you there's your leader Jacob Jewett then at the moment in the hot seat 10 Riders left at the top there they are then as far the next to drop George Branigan what can he do today Oliver coming a bit later before we go to the top five but let's go back then to the start then for Ben zvath and and Ben he uh him and his brother Ollie got on new teams this year they were on that Union team last year so I think it's always difficult to go to a new team he's brand new bike brand new suspension new tires new gear everything is different you have new teammates new team manager so it's uh it's always interesting but it's it's really about finding the place where you fit best similar to what you're saying with Jordan yeah absolutely I didn't see all of it come out they're firing in Rotorua yeah yeah that's right it worked for him for sure I think both of these guys had their best both him and his brother had uh their best seasons last year and I think they just built through the season and then this year seems like they're doing something similar you know just building up getting more racing in and just getting faster as the season goes on 1.2 back then in touch really at the first split how hard is it Finn to come in like you have this year absolutely banging right on the pace at round one because that's not an easy thing to do is it no it's always it's always hard coming into the first race because you're not 100 sure where you're at speed wise especially if you don't get any racing done and I think that it's hard to judge in your own training how fast you're actually riding and coming to that first race and being like I'm ready to be competing in the top 20. in the top 15 in the top 10 but I think trusting yourself and trusting your training is so important but then it's hard because for someone like Ben who's completely changed his entire program like Elliot said new bike new team new man everything you have to throw that on top of everything so I think it's a huge transition into the into a new season like that but once you get more racing under your belt things just start to slot in and and become more natural yeah like they did before even the way the bike fails absolutely that's right 2.7 back at split number two yeah sometimes things click sometimes take a bit of sometimes things can take a bit of work him and his brother I mean they work so hard train train as hard as anyone out there and I think uh you know seeing him ride it's really just little tiny things like you know even though we we see him you know second in two seconds back at these splits it's just a fine line between kind of carrying that extra little bit of speed and there he is almost losing zero time yeah from that split foot like Finn said this last this last split Jacob definitely did something special so see if we can make up a little bit more time this bottom split it's just so important to be smooth it's there's so many big holes and big compressions and if you get your line even a little bit a little bit wrong it kind of messes you up for the whole section and you lose that that flow for the rest of the track and there is I mean it's only 10 seconds but it's easy to lose time in the last time yeah which he has crosses the line fourth then we're at 3 23. [Music] all right we're gonna let you go now and go up in the sunshine and watch on the side there mate for the last nine Riders to come down thanks for joining us congratulations on a great World Cup campaign so far mate and uh so I'm gonna watch I'm gonna watch now see how you get online thank you so much yeah yeah cheers guys very much fun always a pleasure yeah nice job okay nine Riders to go just joined us it's top three of the crank Works World Tour we're in Innsbruck in Austria drops in for his attack his finals run here on this new top section at the moment brand new for 2023. she has carrying good pace around these turns so many riders Elliot losing time nope not seeing that winning time that leading time coming toppling down today so far yeah and that was that Highline that we just saw up there I think the thing that I'm kind of seeing throughout the entire field is really just who can nail these breaking points yeah it's all about isn't it this track it's really the main thing point back then so in touch repeat you're not it's it's the exit speed of the turn and what you carry down that next you know Traverse across this mountain yeah I know Peter's been a decent amount of time in schlad me and you can see I feel like he's kind of visibly has a little bit more speed yeah and that is just and it looks smooth this is inside it's awesome yeah not knowing which one is faster because you you can carry a lot more speed in but the exit speed's a little bit less that's why he's having to Pedal a little bit more [Music] [Applause] early in the week straight lines into the right hand it's a little kick off that last step there I always never know if I'm gonna blow a tire out on something no 1.5 now then so losing times between splits one and two not a good side to be going backwards yeah one of those kind of international races that you definitely going to want to put in a good showing lots of international competitions yeah getting the paddle wheelie a chance to really be in there in the mix with the world best and nice on that right gets good pedals into this fire road then in this fire Road Sprint we saw Anna crash in that turn it's it's weird because it's kind of this uphill off-camber bed it's really easy to slide the front end especially as you come in coming down that fire Road look at this next split no I thought he might time back he's actually lost another couple of tents there yeah but he's attacking hard I always think it's interesting as when you have somebody that's in a hot seat as as long as Jacob has been you kind of understand what their run was like yeah so they had like Jake had a good first play good second split his third split wasn't as good and then the last split was was pretty good as well um so we're really looking to see who can make up time on him on those first two splits yeah that's right you've got to be in touch is the line he goes into fourth two point eight back yeah good good run for Peter always feels good to finish it off this is that tight section we're gonna see him take the inside so compared to tohoto here he'll try to get his breaking down a little bit early and then look at where he's looking Toto is way left slides it out a little Scandinavian flick look how blue she is look at the dust it is it is the right I mean the writers were saying that it's you know the light is so difficult the you know kind of that really fine dust it was great that we had a little bit of rain but the rain loosened it up and now it's now it's dry so there's no traction well let's watch out for this man then George Branigan from New Zealand a man who can injuries really playing habit within the last few years but when he is on he's phenomenal with third in June earlier in the week on Thursday showing us that the pace is there the form's there for Branigan yeah definitely yeah it's such a skilled Rider like you're saying like he is one of the most amazing writers to watch especially in these turns like this stuff a little bit of a mistake but as soon as like he needs to let off the brakes he'll let off the brakes it just it's like he doesn't care no a broken collar boner Red Bull hard line taking him out last year finishing his season early interested to see where he gets on this split half a second this this straight you know kind of watch where he's putting his his wheels watch where he's kind of lifting up you can see these little tiny brake hits and stuff like that just working everywhere this is why this track's So Physical yeah yeah I mean I think that that's interesting because you think of when you when the writers are saying oh it's one of the most physical tracks and it doesn't look like there's much going on but every single kind of movement that the that the Riders are making and then you see the bike making it's Rider generated yeah that's right every time he picks it up every time he puts those wheels down it's so calculate cats that laugh right there he doesn't [Music] sound six back so losing one point one between splits one and two yeah we saw that quote from him talking about how that top section definitely adds a little bit more you know I guess fatigue to you yeah extra kind of yeah 40 seconds still carrying good Pace down at least now he's going to get hard on the pedals that's a difficult turn that right onto the Fire Road yeah when I walk the track it's the worst turn ever like it's so even the first couple of riders you could see how many front wheels had kind of gone over that turn so it's definitely not one that we're looking for in the rail and makes up a lot of time yeah look at that he did put it back point now you know that's [Music] that's two and three yeah jumping that off that Boardwalk there's two doubles that you can do you see George like we're saying not scared of those gaps and he was tight on that ride there as well look fast through those two flat turns got pedaling in the middle as well for Branigan super loose turns now to come then so where's Branigan gonna finish [Music] comes down the line and goes third 1.5 into the red [Applause] behind sihuto orico penne George get a good run in we're actually kind of seeing that that tape kind of second group shape up three people on that same second behind Jacob here's watch see him maybe make a little couple mistakes on this Traverse but George looking really good taking a nice little rest through this roots and roll sections Red Bull roots and roll and here's that section that Rhys highlighted locking the legs save a little bit of energy back to the top for Felix power now Germany a seventh in qualifier then for this man yeah rap is actually really good on a Trails Bay I actually do you know what better than that he rides a Honda so he's I'm a big fan of Felix power the German Privateer the top Privateer here this afternoon actually six time here in Innsbruck so he knows this track well and if he's the Charles Rider he's got better skills yeah okay here we go yeah okay that's right that's where I went wrong my entire career generally that's though yet we talked about how you know the track we'll we'll see the times go down but the track has actually gotten worse yeah I think so don't you yeah definitely that's right looser and it's been a week really now yeah I mean and we have not only do we have you know the pros on the tracks we have the amateurs on the back so when the Riders practice this morning it's a totally different track you know four or five hours later and as I'm running for what two or three nights now which means that the moisture that probably [Applause] trying to find that smooth stuff something that he can turn off of get traction next flip coming up then for about 3.8 now so nearly four seconds into the red and that's kind of what we were I was kind of highlighting on in the pre-show where sometimes it's good to try to find the smooth line but but at the same time a lot of the times you just have to you know what Eddie Master says main line with confidence go exactly where the holes are sometimes it's yeah it's life why not I guess that's why you go to the gym yeah who is that I think Steve Pete used to talk about that as soon as it rains you just kind of follow the river yeah yeah there's normally a bit washed underneath in it yeah that's right let's see how he goes through this this is one of the key section of the last key sections fast sections oh he doesn't go through he goes into that pad on the tree there oh well yeah big hit for Bower it is so that every single Rider that goes through there you you feel like you're going to hit it and you just narrowly miss it you tuck an elbow on the right side because it is so tight and you have all those rocks to navigate so come on everyone's run pushing a little bit harder you probably have a week to be a bit more tired than you might have come into this section before Here's Your Leader Jacob do it Jake Jake Jake is so chill he's all right he's definitely a a quiet dude but he's one of those dudes when he gets on the bike you would never know because he's so aggressive he's Samurai he is going to see a bit more of this man in the future the Canadian JJ leading at the moment standing above uh two two legends of the sport there yes the two new zealanders just like you know like during practice of the dirt's always been rushed up yeah just a couple of bits like especially at the bottom I think our cameraman Mark just rested his camera on George tripod Branigan yeah but that's definitely what we were we were kind of talking about it's like on one hand it's really nice that it rains but it softens it up yeah because there is a it's always a bit of a crack you first get to the to the races so it should be should be interesting you know it's always interesting too because okay sorry we're gonna go to Tracy who's with the top three we were just enjoying over to you trace George uh we're just wondering how the track conditions are going Elliott and rubber assuming what's going on but you've just been down yeah so obviously it just came down it's been like six seems like ten hours I don't know what four hours or something some practice maybe more um it's kind of the same in terms of holes maybe a little rough a bit not much but it's just a bit drier because Riders are not riding every like 10 seconds so it's like drying skating some bits but otherwise basically the same yeah yeah all righty and is it feeling pretty physical out there it is physical yeah because you're used to this track um where it used to start now it's like 30 seconds more or whatever it is so you get to the same section just feeling a bit more quick than you used in the past so yeah it's quite physical I was tired by the end for sure all righty and what about you Jacob how's your week at crank Works been so far yeah it's been good uh did well on the door and now I'm yeah still to be like now in the top 10 for this so yeah it's been a good week yeah I mean it was amazing to see you do good and Jewel and papa Bernard giving you a big hug how do you think he'll go a bit later on today um I mean he won't go the Ashland soon so I'd expect the same yeah should be good thank you oh Toto's busy [Applause] and Bernard Kerr there the man rushing in to congratulate Jacob after that win on Thursday and you will be the last Rider to drop on that new prototype pivot bike we were having a good look at it earlier yeah yeah it's a beautiful looking thing running a heart I said a high pivot it's a mid pivot right yeah I think because like everyone went to those super high pivots and then they put their way back now yeah yeah for sure I don't think he could really turn too well on them so like everyone kind of went back down I love that uh definitely have to call out Tracy a bit there she's just jonesing to get on the track it sounds oh I think that we were uh we're doing okay medical advice all right Tracy I love it yeah but it is so good to see the sport progress like you know when we were over it at the pivot tent he was talking about how those lugs they can prototype the bike so fast and so you you go halfway through the season and you realize there's something that needs to be done they can actually print up a whole new bike that's right that's what he said although he did claim that each prototype bike is around 50 000 pounds because of the machine involved in them I mean it did look beautiful looking thing so yeah I mean I but I think that that is cheaper than building a mold to put a carbon one in for it to be wrong and then yeah we build a whole new mold again so yeah you kind of we we forget the amount of effort and money and resources that go into building a new bicycle right and so I love that that process is now in public on the downhill races yeah yeah that's right where most of the prototypes come from we still wear a lot of the technology comes from so I've enjoying it enjoying themselves here it's been an amazing week the last event is the downer we're on a course hold at the moment then Rob what was it like to be on slope Style oh what last year yeah you know what privilege yeah yeah like and also what a privilege because it was just the most insane I mean I said I said to I saw cam at dinner last night and Allen and I was like that's like when the last Rider in a World Cup Downhill comes down when we were commentating it and they take the win and they break all the records and they make history it was amazing yeah let's enjoy this because this this is absolutely stupendous and I don't even know what he's doing but the crazy thing I I felt I was talking I was talking to cam in the beginning or this morning and I said you know he was smiling at the top and it was like he was just like yeah because David gobzyak took it to him yeah and it meant that tricks he's probably had stored and able to do that he hasn't needed for four years he has to bring out a smile across his face it's like here we go I've got it yeah he knew he was going to deliver and then watch this his foot comes off honestly anyone else would have been in big trouble probably I thought that he was done I was right next I thought he was done oh my god look and he gets it on with about three planks to go and I'll tell you what yeah it's fine it's absolutely fine ml he is not this Earth and you know to see in any sport Elliot to see the very best do their very best yeah under all the pressure and look what it meant to him yeah he doesn't have that he doesn't give out that much emotion right but he did yesterday I mean there is like certain moments in in like sports history where you see an athlete just rise to the occasion it was like um you know Michael Jordan hitting a game-winning three you know we saw that with like a maripiron at the World Cups and things like that yeah that was definitely to me one of those moments that's right it was yeah it was one of the great mountain bike moments here yesterday it certainly was beating Brandon's seminox record yeah yeah yeah there's Emil there yeah I wonder if he's looking at the downhill track he's actually watching the downhill today amazing yeah what a Fab he is I got to actually talk to uh Martin Sardis from another a Swede Swedish Godfather and he was just saying how Emil just knows exactly what he needs to do to perform the way he does and only he can do it absolutely no it was stupendous to see and it brought the hillside alive here in in where we're on a course hold here at the moment uh stay with us we'll be back with the action after this break [Music] die into the world of Red Bull TV your daily source for Action Sports music and entertainment download the Red Bull TV app for free and sign in to watch all of our content offline get the Red Bull TV app now A New Perspective on the Streets of San Francisco join Danny mccaskill on his very special sightseeing tour Imagination Running Wild and taking no prisoners welcome to the Rock because making it look easy can be pretty hard will he send it Danny mccaskill postcard from San Francisco now available on Red Bull TV [Music] fear a constant companion that even the mountain bike Elite have to deal with your mind just starts kind of Playing Tricks on you because you can't do anything delve deep into the psyche of the athletes and get to know one of their biggest driving forces reverence a journey into fear now available on Red Bull TV [Music] it's always a struggle out here there's a big crowd you've thought about this country's whole life the bike events everyone talks about I'm going for Podium for sure it's more than just watching any championships [Applause] it's about progression style spirit and community the knife I have to go as fast as I can or if I have to look like I'm fast and Fast fun [Applause] here we go that was a good one bike on Red Bull TV [Music] take a deep breath and die into the Red Bull clip diving season 2023 the decisive display of focus and skill don't miss out on the ultimate spectacle of human potential Red Bull cliff diving World Series 2023 live on Red Bull TV take a look inside if you make one mistake it's game over the menacing world of mountain bike racing what do you mean by menacing with six off the chain stories from up-and-coming rookies we have a good time to experienced Riders [Music] race tapes now available on Red Bull TV foreign welcome back to crank work it all crank Works Innsbruck the third stop on this year's talk we've got a course hold at the moment I believe we're a few moments away now from the top six Riders dropping in but uh yeah a beautiful afternoon here and Rob you know one of the things I've been coming to crinkworks for for so long and this is kind of your first Tour of Duty if it will yeah whatever what's kind of the biggest difference between the this event and some of the other ones you've been to yeah well it's taken me a while to adjust to the to the different vibe you know obviously we did the World Cup for a long long time and it's a real kind of pressure cooker environment yeah it's a completely different I mean you've been laughing at me right I've been like I've been a bit lost here and there like you know but it's it's been brilliant fun I mean to go to some different destinations to go Rotorua yeah in New Zealand look at Cairns in Australia do you have a favorite moment so far this year well from the downhill alone I mean last night of course it's a witness brand to win this excuse me Emily you're handsome was it but yeah that's my favorite downhill moment to see oh my meccano turns four years old in a few months time finally get that win on home soil there in Cairns Australia that was a moment right yeah that was fantastic look at where we were as well jungle in a rainforest yeah yeah I think for me for sure that was it's one of my favorite moments there's so much history at that track you know Nick just losing out World Championships Yeah by like 0.2 or something like that it to see him get that was really special it certainly goes yeah absolutely unbelievable yeah so the Stun City sunshield start shining stronger well we've got Tracy here of course mix sister who uh cause I remember told him off afterwards are you happy with that when was it was it by enough of a margin oh yeah I mean I'm just laughing down here in the there's a bit of action down here in the final ring um no it was like amazing but like I told him at the Finish like too close man he had he had more you know he had more in the in the bag in the bank and he just he made it so fine and he's got in second and third so many times by like hundreds even thousands of a second and then he goes and wins and puts us all on the edge of our seat so it was intense but super super proud of him like yeah always proud of him it was a brilliant boat and Tracy you know we're almost at the end of these these men downhill what has been the biggest surprise that you've seen so far with the track and how the Riders are riding guys wise I think the track is running blown out throughout the day we'll find more time but the track is like super hard to keep that speed obviously for me the biggest surprise is Jacob he won the Dual slalom and then coming down that track with so much speed holding it together the whole way and then you know there's writer after writer really top writers that he's just staying ahead of so I think it's pretty exciting for the last six Riders and including his his papa his team manager exactly well yeah Bernard last drop I'm going to change the subject now Tracy quickly and this is dangerous this is what I'm about to ask you is Harry carries enormous risk I think but we saw I mean I don't need to tell you that we saw Rachel Atherton oh I know a mum mum come back and take the first World Cup win this year I'm just saying what what do we think what we thinking Trace when are you going to be back between the type I can't imagine you can leave it along a lot a lot and leave it alone can you give me a chance to have this moment I'm still freaking out about making a job [Music] it was interesting to see you during the women's you know you really wanted to get back out there yeah I mean I love racing and you know what it's so hard to be in the Box sometimes when I see you know the potential of the track the women the speed I'm just like man you're always going to be hungry for it no matter what physique you're in or what age you are you're always hungry for it and I think that's natural for for a born competitor absolutely yeah and I'm only gested it's amazing to see not only our competitive URL competitive Mick is too are you and Elliot you two are gonna have to be my Shepherds at the next round I've got no idea what goes on in Whistler I've only been there once it's about 10 12 years ago I'm like all right is it going to be a good time all I can say Rob is lucky I'm pregnant only a month away now July the 21st to the 30th the big one new track as well for the downhill there the 11.99 do we know much about it I don't have you um so it has definitely got something to do with they wanted to build a new track and they wanted to be World Cup level and I mean the Canadian open is so gnarly because it's so old and it's so used and it's really really getting really tough to ride so they just wanted a fresh track down Creekside and I mean that Hill is insane and I think it's going to be one of the sickest tracks that we've seen in Whistler for a while yeah yeah yeah I think I think too it's it's been cool to see them put so much effort into it because they've had people some of the top writers Bernard Finn going out there scoping it out so it's years in the making so I think it is going to be a pretty special downhill race there I think it is I mean I mean it's gonna be a really special track because I believe that it is going to be dedicated to Stevie Smith yeah and I mean that is going to be special for Anyone who puts their ties to that track that is just going to be nice absolutely yeah something really I look forward to of course Joyride as well I mean I didn't I wasn't there last year but I watched it on the TV I won't forget that in a hurry it was Madness right yeah is that when taught yeah yeah I don't want to do this feature I'm just going to jump over it no worries well now Rob I feel like you're a pro slope style commentator I can't I've never seen you more nervous in your life hosting slope silent cam oh you were right there yeah yeah but you try hosting something you know nothing about good thank you good thank you I was on cloud nine when I saw your name all right it was a privilege it really was a privilege to get to shout out those those top athletes Trace we're going to let you I was going to say get in the Sun but this is cool for you from the Tropics of Cairns you're no problem right about a hoodie soon you go put your feet up we're gonna have a look back at tohoto's run here now in second place at the moment interview yes exactly a man a few words when you put a mic in his mouth there he is can you still hear me Taho all right here we go now you escaped you escaped it's like cut it up and we were talking about this run I think it's it's definitely special because you can tell how much you use the download Bike like like the the pump track yeah kind of picking those points where he can use the track as a Rhythm Section especially on this Vlog Traverse kind of what we're looking for like going up picking his spots outside fast yeah and this section right here that we haven't really seen too many mistakes on that left-hander but the the edge of the the track kind of just rolls off and there's this big route so surprised a lot of how good the Riders are actually getting through that section the Hoda like he was saying it's like a long long week at how physical this track is crankwicks is so difficult when you're when you are going for that king or queen of Pittsburgh's title how many bikes do you need any as well at least three yeah is that right yeah I didn't mean that in a sort of materialistic way I meant in a way that you've got to be out of just like jump between bites because the downhill bar feels like nothing else on Earth for sure I mean I think it's one of those things where we we have those bikes at home but to uh to bring them to crankworks is pretty crazy so the last six are gonna be it there you go and it's Oliver the first manner dropping a man who dropped excuse me who pushed Louis brooney the world champion all the way around one right yeah kind of far down Elder RockShox had a far downhill back in in uh Rotorua earlier this year point three only offbeaten yeah Rooney yeah he was uh got on that fmd Canyon team this year you know had some incredible results last year on the World Cups on the union team kind of like a halfway in between a privateer team and a factory team so he is just such a professional worked so hard again changing every single thing so for him to be able to do that first base out I know he was super stoked on it and he's been having a consistent year this year nothing nothing too crazy I know he he probably wants more after getting a couple top tens last year in the World Cup yeah but it's uh he's riding well and here he is okay from Fallon then in Sweden 28 years old actually a dual nationality this man also got an Australian passport as well but he's going to be Keen to impress after what he did in round one got another one of those writers I was talking about his brother being super fit we're gonna see him pushing all the way down and he he is so still on the bike when he watches upper body hardly moves it all just everything's so deliberate go back for that right hand of that I'm gonna carry good speed along this next try Swedish national champion then this fella and this is where we first get our our first View a top fast section and he's up look at that then he's green at the top we haven't seen that for a while this afternoon keep it going now all the way down track it's a long way to go you just see him you see the Riders just like waiting there's nothing really you can do you can't really pump can't really pedal so on those kind of highs and lows just being patient the track takes so much patience yeah that's right sometimes you've got to go slow to go faster oh that was quick around there that was really that was insanely quick and again there like you say really looking like he's taking his time it's so difficult to do in the heat of a Race Rod it's only slid out a couple times on that turn in practice using that back into turn nice and straight into that right next split coming up then it was point three what is it now then for svar 0.5 extends a little more showing us just how quick Jacob Jewett went down here this afternoon and I you know like I was saying it's so interesting to see him ride because you're like where is he making up the time he doesn't look like he's super super aggressive no he doesn't but that is one of those tracks you just have to be smooth and just stay off the brakes as much as you can he's making it look easy then onto this fire out now an eighth last year in Andorra his best World Cup finished picking a seat Gathering his breath for this next little bit you can see does this little Gap it's there point six now oh just Edge in the way tense and we've seen Jacob make up 0.6 on other Riders so yes we did that's right he has to keep pushing a little pedal stroke in there these some of the easiest looking turns on the track some of the most important a 320.3 is the time to be not the fastest time of the weekend that holds to Bernard care the fastest qualifier from yesterday last couple of turns and for tomorrow he's running out of time he's not gonna go where is he oh Oliver's one lifts the Bob head in Innsbruck three quarters is a second into the green 3-19 point six the time to be Oliver takes the lead wow that's been a long time coming here this afternoon impressive to do that after a course hold as well inside the top for ages oh my God delivers another one yeah what a run you know this is that long kind of traversing bit right here and just you can see how precise He Is We saw people kind of jabbing the bricks there and then again right here doesn't even hardly lock up the back wheel we see so many riders kind of locking it up you actually get more braking power when your wheel is just slightly turning almost yeah that's right any luck break Christopher Grace then from the USA fifth fastest qualifier on the podium at the world cups is a junior yeah he said he had a smooth win in qualifying wants to try to keep keep that up but it's just so so physical the heat all of these things but he's from North Carolina used to the used to the heat yeah nine to the US Nationals oh he gets that high really good fast through those turns there no doubt about that another Rider he was on on that gen s team now he was on Specialized gravity with Finn and and loik taking a win in the downhill Southeast Series in touch here as well less than a second off Point cell pushing the front there yeah it's just so easy to get right outside of that that line but yep still right up there in that top three so this is a really good run for Chris long way to go down here a lot of Corners carrying good speed everywhere so far quick around that right as well and this tight line here another one of those riders that kind of rides inside the bike lets you get a little bit more power on the pumps oh wide there gives me a good line in that right down the bottom there split two coming up then he's on the fourth walk What's it gonna be for Grice 1.1 about losing around point four of a second between spits one and two yeah this is a nice smooth run from Chris seems like he's executing exactly what he wanted to do I don't see too many mistakes resting where they can on that board not much you can do there earlier all about all gets wide there all about the pace you drag onto it really yeah yeah there is a right hand or with the rock that you have to jump off of and you know everyone it's it's terrifying you don't want to break Ollie was kind of talking about it where it's like man there's two routes that want to just pop up pop your back tire offline and you have to just go super fast break as little as possible through there fast through this section then clean as well Under the Boardwalk again 1.3 back losing another couple attempts to all of us are our leader at the moment now yeah just it's about a section maybe not quite as good as his his top just in terms of how smooth and how clean it is perhaps tired yeah yeah better I think Bernard said that it was it was the most physical track of the year yeah that's what he said exactly so if it's Chris Christ then he goes across the line into third place just Shire two seconds into the red a good run four to go here at crang work Innsbruck okay [Music] Chris Grice there just going in a third place So Physical the ride is saying yeah oh my gosh get that man some water a good run down didn't see him make any real mistakes set up wide there and gets wide into that right hand up these top Riders try to no break that right and carry as much speed onto that long straight as they can now okay back to the man who won here in 2019 then from Napier in New Zealand the legend of mountain bike racing Brooke at McDonald a man who came back from life-changing injuries to the very top of the sport fourth in qualifying it's always just so good to see Brooke I got to talk to him and you know he said it's such a mindset shift you were talking about it as well between being chill for a crank Rick's race and that kind of high intensity how high strung atmosphere of a World Cup yeah different thing on that prototype mondrai could buy because well big cover over the center as you said earlier we're not sure how many people are actually running new stuff over there that's running a cover but this is a brand new bike we do know that and Brock look at that point five five five off then yeah you saw him talk about that in in his quote just the challenge of balancing you know how hard do you go how smooth are you on on a track like this because it can really only take like a fixed amount of speed so it's really like kind of Finn was telling us about earlier the breaking points yeah looks good through these turns turns yep locking in hung up just a tiny bit on that oh a nice around there and you can hear him clipping back in actually I think he might have unclipped get around that left-hander full commitment here if then that won't bother broke McDonald one of the most committed Riders there's ever been in this sport that's for sure a few pedal Strokes on the boardwalk second split 1.2 back now then losing 0.7 there oh not what McDonald's would have wanted a World Cup winner back in 2012 in Valdez air in France won't forget that day yeah that's right I mean he is one of those writers that on on the right days just and it's just so incredible and he's been on this this mind Drinker team for for so long helping them develop the bike and you know taking taking people like Danny Hart world champion all of these things so yeah that's absolutely right Junior world champion himself back in 2009. you could just see how fast he goes to those sections where you can take risks half that deficit as soon as you can take risks goodness and McDonald with a momentum now in his lower sections can he pull that time back it's a tall order but maybe not impossible there's definitely time to be out here yeah moving out to us in these last couple of turns then these Riders don't want to push too hard he's not going to go but throughout that time as well he goes across the line in a third place a three 21.17 for Brooke McDonald just one and a half off all of us last time yeah great great run for Brooke it's like it was horrible tell how hard is it look so what this is what we were talking about barely breaks off of there gets set up wide in the holes and then just launches into that next little bit that was commitment committed wasn't it almost tripling over that section we haven't really seen anyone do that on the pedals the minute he hit the ball as soon as he's on the boardwalk dude so Brooke McDonald then in the third place that Oliver's are leading from Jacob do it that man there third Chris Grice in fourth to Hotel ariki penne in fifth at the moment with only now three Riders left at the top and this is Mark Wallace from Vancouver Island spends a lot of time on Provo there third in qualify and then for the Canadian and we always talk about how technically good Mark is even right out of the start you can see him kind of hopping holes that that other people aren't and again a rider that we has changed teams yeah and so he's on on that Norco Factory racing team new bike for him this year 10th and Leah gang last year at the World Cup race there 14th Atlanta hide up but his best result actually a second place in Lord back in 2017. in less than a second off and I know you know he's talked about over the years about really wanting to you know he is again like as soon as it gets gnarly as soon as it gets steep you walk you watch Mark Wallace for lines and things like that but he's talked about wanting to get better at these tracks where you're using the track to gain speed and things like that so this is definitely looking like a really smooth run from Mark again hopping these holes kicking his way around that inside there as well perhaps not as quick as some around that right hand that we've seen this afternoon [Music] yeah that's true you don't want to break trash as soon as you break traction I always talk about as soon as you see roost that means that you you broke traction next flip might tell us a bit more here it comes now so you're right Elliott pulling back point two between no splits it's it is it's so hard because you just have to be perfect and so this track is is hard because you have to go from being perfect between you know being precise to like we saw Brooke you know to taking the risk yeah me too and making big inroads on the clock with those risks that Brooke Durkin just that one section really impressive to see and Wallace coming towards it now paddling but my Wallace is not scared no he's not he's not scared this man one of the most impressive things I've ever seen was going riding with him on Mount Prevost a few years ago and now less than half a second into the red can he fight back on this last section well off a second is doable with someone like Mark Wallace I would say have you got those turns up there good so I'd expect him to execute these good have you seen any any break hits or anything like that coming into them last drop down then right there stands fast 3-19 still stands starts at 1.2 in the red for Mark Wallace and we're seeing that you know that Gap again Mark Wallace Brooke McDonald Chris Grace being on that same second behind me starting to look nervous just two Riders left at the top now look at this through the Red Bull roots and roll section it's so crazy to see it in slow motion because you can see how kind of uncomfortable it is to ride over rocks like that no traction kind of whatsoever rides with those kind of knees and Sears with his hips a lot spots where he wants to go shifting his eyes you see when they making it look easy on yeah you know online like that doing it for the Norco Factory team but it's Oliver's are leading but we had that this is the same thing we had in um in Rotorua with with Ollie on the hot seat yeah that's right and it took Bruni to stop him okay Loris River Valley now from across the border in Italy 23rd in Lia gang last week and second in qualifying here at a sixth place in Montana last year his best World Cup finish yeah it's really nice to see Loris kind of like having these results that give him some confidence on that that Canon Pirelli team he uh he actually qualified fifth at Leo gang there was a little bit of weather but I always say you don't know that looking at the results sheet and you can you can take that confidence into your next races yeah can he push for the winner this afternoon a lot of people talking about just how good a rider he is loris rivelli oh two back though Elliott surely too much to turn around yeah and I wonder if there was a big mistake up there or just kind of pushing like super hard to try to take that win a former downhill an Enduro national champion as well maybe about a breathe a little bit on this one before Bernard Kerr makes his bid to stop so I've taken the winner this afternoon he's shaping up to be a good last run yeah and it's going to know exactly what he needs to do he's still got the fastest time of the weekend we don't have to track is a little slower today perhaps for Bernard I think this is a race that you would that he that he expects to win yeah and that everyone else expects him to win so I think that that is really good because if he can execute here then that means that he can handle that pressure as as he's going on to the World Cups you know gives him some confidence he says to himself yep I can do it I've got it you know when I need to execute and perform I can perform so I think that the this race has a lot more kind of riding on it um four burner than than you would kind of Imagine no that's right it could be the the turning point no exactly that the mental game is strong here this afternoon for these Riders these riders that have chosen the ride Bernard would love a little confidence boost he would love to take the win but it won't be easy that's for sure you know and it's I don't think it's sports are just so funny because he's been getting you know top 15s and stuff like that at the World Cup so now we're like he needs to turn his season around because last year he would stop fighting top five overall yeah uh got that second place and so we we now expect that yeah that's right so here comes the origami Valley keeping the Gap roughly the same all the way down they're not able to really get any closer to the leader at the moment then [Applause] it comes across the line he goes into 12 4.3 back yeah so he must have made a mistake right at the top probably losing two seconds from that first split to the bottom [Music] yeah clock says I remember DD saying that felt felt good but yeah fox says now so this is that inside I think sometimes you know that could be we're seeing a lot of the the top other top Riders like take that outside yeah and so if you end up trying to tighten up your lines a little bit they don't allow for as much speed and so you can feel you can be going as fast as you possibly can on an inside line or whatever but there's another line that allows you to carry more to carry that speed around the outside real hard some there's also the argument that perhaps the shortest route down the mountain might be the fastest Sam Hill damn hill week actually believe he's hurt his ankle okay last man to drop then from Surrey in the UK Bernard Kerr can he win crank Works Innsbruck here today the 2015 in King of crack works on track then three times a Red Bull hard line winner the right fifth overall in last year's World Cup he's coming out high he is he's trying hard here at the top he is coming out everywhere already on that new prototype pivot bike I mean you can just see the the aggression compared to the other Riders the intensity yes oh look at it yeah be interesting to see what the clock tells us momentum is insanely important on a track when it looks like he's got plenty of it so far let's see if let's see if we can and he's up by 0.69 then so he has made it happen and sex award on this course letting it run there Elliot yeah he was looking he he was hooking at every single section riding up there checking out the lines and you can just see how hard he's pushing on all of these parts that other Riders are just kind of chilling on taking this inside he's going for that inside there as well yes good speed tight there as well right against that bank on the inside one of those parts of the course where you've got to be patient yeah and then ramping it straight back up here's one of those risky sections here we go yeah smashing into that burn there no issues at all and another Boardwalk he comes one of the biggest most important sections he said point two now so he's lost time between splits one and two Under Pressure now core of a second to play with for bernica facts about those boardwalks being key sections fine line between pushing too hard making a little bit a little bit of a mistakes haven't seen anything yet that we could really pick four wheelers on the pedals now for Bernard car then talking straight away lifting his hands up resetting yeah hard on the brakes into that right here we go then [Applause] what's this gonna be is he gonna be red or is it gonna be green he's over a second into the green now then perfect through there just perfectly getting the downsides on those rocks continuing to push perfect breaking yep gets a paddle in there as well trying so hard this winner I know those first couple of World Cups have been disappointing for him looked at this section during practice but he's on good Pace here today [Music] safely around this last couple it's very catcock running down on the right screen haircut he takes the win of crack Works Innsbruck 319.2 Bandit car has done it the last man down the hill well he talks fast he rides fast that is a run that for Bernard that is such a good run for him to be that aggressive I think that that's something that he's worked on for a couple of years and for him to and go for that it's a relief that's why I'm saying this there's a lot of pressure on this race for him yeah almost through that way you've seen that exhaust today let's train him pay enough yeah yeah for sure yeah trains uh trains with Jericho like him and Lucas shot that was one of the things just that's the team that's that's the Enduro Rider on the team walk away he's had a good weekend Tracy's there Tracy if you can get a word in edgeways for us have a go I'll give it a go burn it [Music] no chance how was your run Bernard um as you can see Tracy about as good as your voice not very good I'm gonna throw it away at the start I think twice if you guys saw that so pretty loose we're just up there for an hour so it's pretty hard it was so dry coming in practice so oh it did the job I'm so happy I mean it was never going to be an easy race and it hasn't been the easiest year but what you did on the track was pretty impressive dude you held enough together to get the win and how did that feel oh I'm so happy honestly it's been an unreal week for the team Jake won Starlin Dane won his race today Jake's in the podium Matt Walkers won the Enduro Morgan's on the podium I'm gonna shout them all off pivot Cycles oh my God what a family I mean as a papa bear it is insane and going forward how do you feel about the next races coming up after today and everything the team's done oh I'm absolutely frothing like Racing's pretty tough when you're not doing good but days at ease make it pretty worth it so very very happy well it was very impressive that you backed up your qualifying win and super stoked for you thanks so much Trace thanks craneworks and uh thanks everyone Innsbruck for having us [Applause] and congratulations Bernard interesting what he said there that racing is tough when it's not going well and like you could see that like you said the relief today you can see the mindset change man you could see it like it'll be better next week at the World Cup [Music] we saw those mistakes at the very start right like him hopping over and I think it's good that he he actually it's good that he was able to make those mistakes right out of the gate and then continue and so like and recover great because you would say when he says that it's a bad run I think for him he perfect run as being like clean but as you can see like for him it's better to go over the edge yeah yeah yeah yeah even on a track like this without gradient Nissan where yeah mistakes punished harder right Elliot yeah they are a little bit if you blow them turns totally probably ain't gonna if you blow one of them turns bad you ain't winning this race well we saw that you know when we talked about the traverses throughout the day there is two or three 180 turns into a long straight and so if you make a mistake there then that's where you touch the brakes at the beginning of one of those reverses but yeah Bernard Kerr your winner you can just hear the relief another big day for Oliver Oliver's War he lost round one by point three in row row it's about the same today for the Swede Jacob Jewett leading home the two Canadians in third and fourth and an amazing ride for Brooke McDonald he'd be happy enough without I think the fifth place finish for him a day on that new prototype on Breaker bike yeah within two seconds on a fairly long downhill track here Preston Williams the young youngster from the UK coming in 12th Jackson's through unable to match what we saw from him in Cairns Australia a few weeks ago yeah and he's really really focused on that king of prank work yeah he'll be stoked just to get a couple of points going forward but it's all about big learning today there it is it's got his got his merch actually that's his first prank Works down he'll win really he took the king of crimework in 2015. so I think that's his first crying works with yeah yeah I love I mean Bernard has this really nice style yeah you know heels down and look at the just say how beautiful that fight looks he'll be back to look at this Amazing Race in a few moments Ty we'll see you right after this break [Music] look at the time from Stevie Smith he takes his first ever World Cup win the making of a legend Stevie Smith aka the chainsaw he was a bit unpredictable he was creative he was wild he did have a great light full of giggles and laughs and adrenaline the untold story of a true champion Long Live chainsaw now available on Red Bull TV really awesomely fun welcome to the video this is Eric fedco and this is Emile Johansen oh I've heard about this follow them as they go to different competitions check out radical bike spots and lay down built bangers great some people think that a meal is an alien sounds like being an alien is pretty good holy we hope you enjoy raising the bar now available on Red Bull TV no why turn absolute Madness and drop Into the Heart of katsovisa for another epic edition of Red Bull roof Rye astonishing Air Time massive pressure the bar is raised and the Riders are sending it here we go Red Bull roof ride July 1st Live on Red Bull TV have you ever stared at a picture and came alive they say every Rider has a calling 15 athletes on their mind trip through Europe [Music] a fantastic ride into the wildest dreams of fighting the old world now available on Red Bull TV [Music] well it's a beautiful evening here in Innsbruck Austria and we've just had the downhill it's just finished Bernard Kerr taking the win in the men Valentina Hull taking the win in the women's what a couple of races we've had today yeah it's been incredible man I think that this is one of the most exciting races just because there were so many little stories right like you had you had Valley coming off that win in in uh Leo gang last week yeah Bernard really having to live up to all that pressure the hype he puts on himself expectations to be honest but it's true that relief it's a relief when he wins for himself that's sure but let's enjoy Valentina Hull then taking a win by nearly 10 seconds today great to have the reigning world of champion at crank works we had Bruno round one as well but amazing to see Valentina really I think we're starting to see now just now what Valentine is going to be capable of yeah for sure I mean she talked about it in the interview about racecraft and I think what she means by that is everything surrounding the riding yeah the preparation how are you mentally prepping when you're up at the top of the track what are you thinking about what are you thinking about when you make a mistake after you have a little bit of a mistake or you have a good section you know what goes through mine and so I think like you're saying now we're starting to see her put every single one of these pieces together yeah and you know it takes a while doesn't it to to learn how to put like you say I know we just touched on it but to actually like know how to ride the bike in a race run yeah like to get a feel of your pace of your speed to be comfortable with it to know what's good enough to win to know if you you know I never I've never had that feeling you know what I mean thing I always say about the greats of downhill is they they know what time means yeah yeah yeah yeah when to push they know winter paddle winter tuck and that I think we're seeing from Valley that's uh you know she's on track to become a Rachel Atherton yeah well that's right and that's you know you go back a few years when she left the Juniors all the talk was of that yeah you know I remember someone said to me yeah we're gonna fight it was actually someone from Rock socks who said to me we're going to focus on Valley because she is the future of Downer and it's taken her a couple of years she's had some injuries I mean 2020 I can't really help but think back World Championships Leah gang her first Elite world she lives on the other side of the hill where her parents do she lives in Innsbruck here or she's got a property here but but like you know the fact that everyone was like she's gonna win it and she ends up breaking her ankle after qualifying fastest man I mean it was I think that that is we see so many people with raw speed um and you can say I think sports are are so short term right like that was only three years ago yeah that's right it feels like it's like oh is she gonna make it happen and stuff like that but there's a big difference like we were talking about between having that rough speed it's kind of like you know polishing a diamond there's all of these things that need to happen to make you uh Greg Menard Rachel to be a consistent winner yeah there's it's like an extra ingredient yeah you must be happy to see Anna new Kirk though from the USA coming in second you know we said it in commentary a bit it feels to me like it's been a while since America's been at the top of women's Downhill Racing right yeah and I mean she's she's spent a lot of time her and Abby spent a lot of time training um with with Jericho Lake over in in Santa Barbara on this new Contra team they spent some time in Santa Cruz as well and yeah this is kind of even though they're still on a privateer team they kind of have their program going yeah it's just those two they pit out of the SR Sun tour or Max's pit when they're around and I think seeing her come across the Finish Line being so shocked yeah that's you know still took that top time with the crash right like she was like ah like yes exactly absolutely of course amazing until like I mean I was just kind of watching her ride and she was hopping around she was there it is right there that crashed and so she was hopping around she's super fit she's got her Fitness kind of worked out it's really really really cool to see Anna kind of coming into her own especially here at crankworks yeah a great run to die a silver medal for here then of the rock Shots down her wings but presented by deutsa [Applause] that's it for our confidence yeah she crashed she got second behind the world champion behind the woman who won last week you know it's good yeah and I mean she she actually made up a little bit of time on that last split so yeah it's uh it's cool that's a cool feeling as an athlete to say I actually have the speed to be up there with the best that's right yeah it's it's half the battle in downhill one man we know who has got plenty of pace he just proved it of course great it's always difficult to get those words and he's an incredible bike rider man he really is huh look at this right at this right-hander you see him overturn a little bit that was kind of the first mistake he was talking about there's it wasn't quite catastrophic as he made out in his post race interview oh my God but I think I think you know we say that in it I think in in Bernard's mind right it is the difference between having a perfect run and having one that is a little bit ragged and I think that's okay to have a little bit of a ragged run when you're racing down or when you're pushing and stuff like that so I don't think it was as much as Bernard has Bernard I think he really does believe that right like oh my God I was so wild but kind of looking back because he's just a such a skilled Kind of Perfect oh you can sign him you know that's for sure I think we're gonna see more Bernard as well he won't let last year slip by him you know he was fifth over in the World Cup his besties this day three years old now he knows that you know he's no Spring Chicken in this game anymore I know he tried out this window he's had a bit going on so far this year he's actually moved from Surrey where he's got as many 20 second runs as you can poke a stick at to North Wales almost within sight of the out of the afternoon bike park he moved up there for that reason that he can ride every day he seems a lot more relaxed I mean you know better doing what he needs to do right it's he's for a house in North Wales to ride more I mean I think it's incredible when you see a rider like Bernard who is on his you know however many seasons it is and it feels like just now he is starting to figure it out everything's starting to quit him as a team manner talked about that with kind of Harry Malloy preview actually you know this part of it he's figuring exactly exactly and and that you know talked about with Valley as well to put all those pieces together to be a chill team manager to be able to say Matt Walker won you know you see how happy he was walking out to Jake and giving him a hug so I think everything is gelling at the pivot Factory racing tin and it's really really cool to see I I like it just is the best feeling for me yeah it's great to see we love him we do and don't forget he won Red Bull hard line three times that's coming up now it's rapidly appearing on the horizon he's going for that fourth win that's going to be good live on Red Bull TV as well as is this in a month's time it's Red Bull Joyride excuse me it's red but excuse me I'm gonna start again oh my God it's crack Works whisper with Red Bull Joyride in it we got there in the end I'm looking forward to this and the new downhill track as well the 1199 I mean whistler's gonna be yeah I'm a bit excited I haven't been for 10 years thinking about it we've been talking about it we were talking about it with Alan and uh I am excited everyone's bringing their bikes it's it's uh it's the place to be for the competition for the riding the lake like there's just so much for sushi yeah I'm gonna be taking a downhill bike Ellie is that the right choice oh it's the rich but that's 10 days there yeah oh I think I might be oh my goodness there it is then all right everyone well thanks very very much for joining us it's been an incredible week-long Festival again here in Innsbruck the Riders have delivered the sport has been inside an incredible downhill I'm Rob Warner this is Elliot Jackson thanks for joining us we'll see you in Whistler [Music] [Music] will always be [Music]
Channel: Red Bull Bike
Views: 211,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull bike, bike, downhill, crankworx, innsbruck, live stream, live, 2023, final run, finals, dh, downhill mtb, mtb, mountainbiking
Id: o4S578Bq17s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 33sec (8913 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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