Replacing driver tire on EY&P Steam Locomotive Nr 107
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Channel: Leo de Groot
Views: 612,371
Rating: 4.4863586 out of 5
Keywords: Fort Edmonton Park (Tourist Attraction), Edomont Yukon & Pacific, EY&P, Steam locomotive, 2-6-2, engine tire, locomotive maintenance, railroad, railway, loco, locomotive
Id: 1Z4G7BMUCm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 19 2014
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Pretty cool, although it could use some editing to make it shorter.
Here is how they did it in 1935:
BTW the guy doesn't really know what he's talking about with the 'molecular structure', and 'the metal getting harder' stuff because the temperatures they are using are far too low for any of that.
ah the heavy accent and slang of industrial alberta/saskatchewan, my people. Fun to watch but i don't know why they didn't use the crane for the lift. I know our millwrights would get pretty uneasy about anything sticking if it didn't go perfect the first time and it's a bear to try get appart again. But then again that was bearings which probably couldn't get as much heat.
If you are ever involved in work like this try get into the shop to chat with the people doing the work, they are always great to talk to and there is always lots to learn from tradespeople.
thanks for sharing!
Why level the insert when you are going to block with flat bar and press into place? Get it somewhat level then let the weight settle it into place and then press with blocks and flat bar.