Replacing a damaged door threshold.

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hey workshop gang it is Tuesday April 23 2019 and today I'm gonna do something different if you followed along you know my introduction video I talked about how I'm gonna do different things on this channel and they could be a wide variety I've done a picture frame I've done maintenance on my power equipment it could be just about anything so today I need to do some maintenance on the shop now on my other channel I did an installation video on some seals on the roll-up door so if you want to see that go to that channel Joe daddy's garage and check that out but today I need to work on this door right here behind me now the shop I built this in 1996 with a couple of buddies you know they helped me out I did we did all the framing stood it all up put up the trusses everything and so this door has been here since 1996 that's a long time for wear and tear and you know weathering and of course the Sun rises in the east which is basically that direction which comes right into this door every day well I've tried to maintain it a little bit you know it's got some rust coming through casual airplane today but it has had some rust coming through you can see evidence here this is from carpenter bees that have been chewing up the molding but the biggest concern I have right now is at the bottom at the threshold this thing has just been falling apart and getting worse over the years so I need to address that and let me show you what I'm talking about now when I built this shop to pass inspection and had to have slab here outside of the door so I poured a slab on my own and I guess had I'd known better I would have put it up a little bit higher so that it would have supported the edge of the threshold but at the time this was put in after the door was already installed if you look you can see you know there's normal weathering on the door and he's painted a little bit worse on this side I may replace some of this trim pieces on the outside I'm not sure yet but my biggest concern is the threshold now as I said just you know this is hung over here and over the years has just gotten consistently worse on the inside this is the adjustable wood or what's left of the adjustable wood that would meet the bottom of the door and create a seal I need to see things have fallen apart and it's not unexpected this sort of thing happens but I need to do some maintenance on it now you could put in another threshold like this but it would need the support on the outside and more than likely with the conditions the wood would still be an issue and probably rot so I don't want to deal with that so let me show you what I'm going to replace this with this is what I'm gonna use no I was at Lowe's the other day and I will say I'm a supporter of Lowe's because they support military veterans they give us a discount and I appreciate that so I frequent Lowe's as often as I can now this MD is the brand I don't see that really is you can see threshold adjustable aluminum so there's no wood in this and this gives a range of inch and 3/16 to inch and 9/16 and there's a little bit of variance on each side as far as the width so let me show you what I'm talking about on that now this threshold like you said is adjustable it comes with a leather strip or door seal it goes up against the bottom of the door it comes with a height adjustable centerpiece that that strip slides in to see the end there of course look at the seal and you can see the shape of the seal so it will fit in there and it may slide or you may be able to pinch it together and let it flare into that opening what I do like about it that there is no I like that there's no wood but it also comes with these little seal pieces that go against the floor so you can see those and then it has some more pieces that are gonna go inside that channel right there and act as a seal for the adjustable piece in the middle and now go in later but I'm just showing you that for now and like I said it has a wider portion and a narrow now I would assume I haven't seen anything specific in the instructions it doesn't say what direction it should go but I'm going to assume that the wider portion will go to the outside and I'll adjust that so that that is supported by the concrete floor and there's no additional support needed on the outside but I'm going to assume that at least looking at this you know the like I said here the instructions if you can read that it says vinyl positive air seal okay here we go in swinging door but it doesn't really tell you what that means in swinging can mean a lot of different things moves there's an arrow or something that pointed and said this way that way I don't know anyway I'll make it work there's also whoops there's also a hardware kit that comes with screws which I can only assume is meant for a wood floor now I'm going to concrete here so I'm gonna have to put some inserts in and then these little cage nuts and your head adjustment screws are inside of that so put the cage nuts in and I'll go through all that sequence whenever I get to that point now in my instance there wasn't a lot holding this in any more the nails had rusted away on the end and when I had installed this I had put down some sort of a bonding agent I don't know what it was and this not much holding that in like I said that came out pretty easy but what I want to do now is just do some comparative measuring the instructions talked about some of the tools you'll need and they share the picture up at the top there one of those items is a hacksaw and of course it shows a pencil and a screwdriver and a drill and a tape measure but it talks about the fact that this piece may be longer than your original threshold so as a comparison my original threshold was dead-on 36 inches the replacement piece is 36 and 5/8 inches so basically I'm gonna have to trim this 5/8 of an inch so I'm going to do these in separate pieces I'm going to trim the outer piece first and I'm also going to pull back these seals I don't want to cut through those at the same time and could be I'll just be in my way so 36 inches I need to mark that and then cut now there's a couple of ways I could cut this I could use a hacksaw I could use if I had a chop style saw with a steel cut blade in it I could use that I would not use the fibrous wheel that comes with a cutting a chop saw because it will clog that up but today I'm going to use what I call as this wheel and it's just a little thin cutoff wheel and of course it's in a 90 degree hair grinder [Music] I'm not sure if I had the camera on for that last segment but I had started cutting with this cutoff wheel and I realized I was taking a little longer than I wanted and I remembered I had this cutoff wheel and this is on my Ford a half inch grinder and the disc is from Harbor Freight and it made short work of cutting that off as you can see here so I verify the length and it's right on 36 inches so I'm happy with that but now what I want to do is I want to cut off the filler piece and I'll make a note here pay attention to what you're doing because this filler piece will fit either direction into the channel but verify your hole alignment for each one of these locations because if I turn this around and I try to line up those holes they don't line up these are off when you match this one N 1 is on the N 1 is on and the two middle ones are off so we used to go this direction and I need to cut off this end [Music] [Music] [Music] so now that I have the length that I want I want to press these seals back in to the track that they belong to and I'm going to take a razor and just trim those off you'll notice I'm cutting from the bottom side because it holds it in the trough and the pressure of the eraser won't push it out but did the other way it might push it out of the trough so that was easy enough alright so before I get too far along I want to make sure the main piece is gonna fit into the opening slide that in and line that up with the opening for the door I don't want it too far out because then it doesn't work as a seal and the width of the channel here is the same as the thickness of the door so I'm gonna line that up set at the back edge and I'll show you that just a second is lined up with the what would be the opening for the door and now you can see what I'm talking about I've got that lined up with what would be the thickness of the door is now matched up this channel I want to point this out while I'm here this kit like I said I believe since it has wood screws in the in the package that would tell me that it's designed to go into a wood floor and obviously I have concrete so I have some inserts for concrete and these are for number 10 screw which requires a quarter-inch hole and I'm just going to use the screws that came in the package and put them in that and I'll show you the configuration because you're not bolting this or screwing this directly to the floor you're going through that channel and I'll show you that in just a minute but what I wanted to point out these holes look like they're three sixteenths which is fine for the screw but that's not going to work for drilling the hole that'll accommodate the insert so what I'm going to do is mark all of these locations with a sharpie and then I'll come back and drill these with a hammer drill and a masonry bit now the way this works is if you want to have a stopping point for your drill you can attach the handle which again is very convenient and you can add in your drill stop and it does have measurements on here looks like they're quarter-inch marks so let's say you had in this case I've got like a I think this bits about four and a half inches so if I were to put that in the Chuck and I only wanted to drill maybe a half-inch I can pre set the stop on here to that depth and when I reach that point this hits and stops it completely now as I was saying you can preset the depth so in my case I'm installing some number 10 concrete inserts so that I can attach my threshold and I want I don't want to go any deeper than I need to so I can set that priest that's pre stop or that stop bar however you want to label it so just a little bit deeper than the length of my insert tighten that down [Music] sorry to have one insert in place tap on that a little bit sure it's all the way down sitting over here and over here now the instructions show the Caged nut going on the bottom side of the channel and by their showing you using a screwdriver with these little tabs so I can show you it has these little hooks on either side and so basically I can get it framed right for you either put one hook into the square opening maybe see it sticking out right there and then take a screwdriver and press in on the other hook and let it catch get the screwdriver out and there you have both little tabs caught so I want to put all four of those in see if I can show you again here get that first side in push it in get the screwdriver out pretty simple surprised well I guess they leave it to the Installer to put them together but I don't see a reason why these couldn't be put in at the manufacturer but I guess time is money and if they don't have to pay somebody to do that they won't so good all four of those are in and that was simple enough the next step is installing the adjuster screws so it has a slot at the end on one end of it that's for your screwdriver and it's blunt on the other so you want to put the blunt end down and get that into that little insert you know I was saying earlier about this imagery and how they could do a better job with this door and I just noticed the bottom of the store is tapered so if it's an end swinging door this wider portion that I talked about that I already have planned to put out onto the threshold area would definitely go to the outside because you wouldn't want that taper doing what the the lower end of the taper leading into that even with a higher end coming in so that it creates the seal so that makes sense that that image and it's hard to notice that but after looking at a couple times I figured it out I also want to point out that it talks about a step five raised channel threshold to desired height by turning adjusting screws leaving one quarter inch clearance between door and top alone channel at each adjusting screw so I'll get everything set in place and then adjust that height and figure out a way to get that gap between the two and then it says install screw screws through holes in threshold into floor note short adjusting screws push the height adjustable channel up the longer installation screws pull the height adjustable channel down and secure threshold to the floor so basically the little adjusting screws said the height and also act as a kind of a receiver of the pressure whenever you put the other screws down through it helps push down the main channel by using those four screws it does say to install the air civil strips as shown and it's talking about here in that little channel where the main or the inner piece will slide up and down so you need to put those in before I do anything else some of them going to install these strips and I already know that I'm going to trim them off but probably leave a little bit hanging out at the end press that in place there we go it takes a bit bit of pressure to get those in there you could probably use a little wd-40 or something if you wanted to not gonna waste your time on that now for me to come up with an easy way to measure a quarter of an inch it's gonna be hard to get in there with a tape measure so what I did is I checked my Philips screwdrivers these are old craftsman screwdrivers look at that 250 250 so I can use these two as a guide when I'm setting the height well if you can tolerate the birds singing my neighbor's dog barking I can see he this basically you just turn these you push that up as needed turning them clockwise a little bit at a time and then I'll close the door you can see how these screwdrivers fit well there I'm actually making contact with the seal that is already on the door [Applause] that's that may be right where I need to be actually no I'm gonna leave it at that now if I need to come back and adjust it later I will so now I'll put the screws into the inserts screw them down I want to get them all started first and then I'll speed this up a little bit now I've already trimmed the seal itself shorten it up to match the length and basically yep I can catch one edge and pull back and catch the other edge slips right in let's see what happens that's nice looks like it's sealed all the way across I don't see why I wouldn't that's definitely an improvement here it is from the inside and you can see that door sweep actually touches up against the inside of that gray seal so that's a big improvement so that's it I don't think it was that hard to install just need some simple tools again it was threshold by MD Salter Lowe's and I think this was less than $20 so good deal I hope the video was informative or nothing else at least entertaining and if you would throw thumbs up on there like share subscribe all those cool things and I'll keep making these kind of videos I think it's fun to branch out and do different things but again I didn't want to load that up on my other channel and that's gonna be all car stuff so thanks for watching take care of yourselves we'll see you next time I want to point out on these instructions it says once you put this into the font of the floor where you want it it's not your show [Music] one [Music] it works out gang it is Tuesday just whatever happens to come [Music]
Channel: Jo Daddy's Workshop
Views: 296,615
Rating: 4.8522601 out of 5
Keywords: threshold, door, repair, entry door, rotted, wood, aluminum, hammer drill, how to, lowes, diy, concrete, replace, best video, bloopers, great guy, bob vila, home and garden
Id: qCvLHSBjcMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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