Replace your phone screen in Resolve (including reflections!)

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today we're going to learn how to composite footage into our phone screen using green screen and make it realistic all within DaVinci Resolve and fusing on the left-hand side and the media pool is where we keep our footage what you can do in what I've done already is right click create new timeline using selected clip and it will put it into the timeline at the bottom of that list in the media pool you'll see the timeline and of course down across the bottom is where a timeline sits now the footage in the middle is what we're going to composite into the phone and replace the green-screen portion of our phone I'll drag that down into the timeline and because it's a little bit longer than our footage over the phone what I'll do is trim that down a little so they're exactly the same size I'll select both pieces of footage right click and choose new fusion clip you can see it combined it and now it's just one file I'll select it click on the fusion tab at the bottom of the screen and now we're in the fusion screen of DaVinci Resolve so what we have here is our node tree what I'll do is select the bottom node and there's two dots underneath I'll choose the left dot and that puts that particular footage in the left hand window you're also seeing it in the right hand window but that's because it's the media out which is our final product you'll notice the white dot underneath the node off to the right hand side if I select the top one and put it in the left hand side you'll see that that's actually our phone footage so we're taking those two pieces of footage merging them together and then it's producing the output on the right hand side now the reason you're only seeing one piece of footage is because it's a foreground and a background what you're seeing in the foreground blocks what's ever behind it in the background so right now the footage of the main is what's in the foreground and just so you can see it I'll grab this arrow here slide it out to the right-hand side and you can see right behind it is our phone footage now what I've done here is reversed the inputs so the green is the foreground and now the only thing that we can see is the phone you'll notice if I disconnect the foreground node from the merge node the only thing we're left with is the background and that will change the image on the right hand side because all we're going to see is the only image being put into the merge and then out to the media out so we're seeing the phone on the left hand side because again I had that white dot selected on that but take a node so reconnect the node now we have the phone footage in the front and I'll just go ahead and move this note to the bottom but you don't have to move it that's just how I like it in this particular case I'll take this red bar slide it back to the beginning because that's going to be our entire clip so I'll put it at the beginning of our clip because what I want to do here is track this footage so what I'll do now is hold ctrl and spacebar or command + spacebar and that will bring up our select tool option what I'll do in the search bar in that box is type in play now for playing our tracker so that we can track that flat surface of that phone I'll click on add the next thing I'm going to do is choose one of the tools at the top because we need to draw a box around what we want to track so I'll go ahead and click on that and I'll just click to make points and you'll notice that it makes a nice rectangle around our footage it'll turn to a circle in order to close the loop so I'll click on that once the mouse icon turns into a little circle and that will close our loop over on the plane art tracker settings window on the right-hand side we have a couple options that we can change we actually can leave it at point we want to leave it as a point tracker perspective or work in this case in this case we can track the luma which is the lightness versus with darkness well you also can use the red channel green Channel blue channel whichever makes the most sense for your footage now if we hit track forward here you'll notice what happens it actually doesn't do anything at all and that's because we need to tell it which footage that we want it to track so I can come down here left-click and drag it into our media in which is our forum footage then we have a different problem because the blue line that you see that is the mask and we're not actually creating a mask we just want to tell it which footage that we want to track so again you'll see as it goes along nothing really is happening so what we can do now is disconnect it from the node that has our footage you can see the little triangle connection there we'll disconnect that and then we'll drag it from that footage over to our playing our tracker and that will turn into an orange line and that's exactly what we want now if we come over to the plane our track your settings choose track forward you'll start to see the little dots start to pop up now it's legitimately tracking our footage so now that's complete we have our node tree what I'll do is disconnect the bottom portion of the node tree which is our phone footage that we just tracked I'll hit the left circle on our media in on the left hand side and that will put our footage in the left window and of course it matches the footage that we have on the right window because it's a straight line right through I'll press control space or again command space and then choose the deltaCare now you didn't have to disconnect it like I did but I just did that to show you the process that we're going to so i'll drag the delta key over i'll left-click and drag out of the output of that node which is the orange line that you see and yes you can have two different outputs coming out of there I'll click the left circle on that nodes you can see that it's our phone footage on the right hand side and not deltaCare settings I'll click on the box this is background color and then I'll choose pick screen color so I'll drag that over our green area once I do that I'll go ahead and click on OK I'll drag from the output from the Delta here into our merge tab and now you can see if we look on the right hand side which is our final product that we can see right through to the background which is our footage of the men so by using the Delta here we keyed out the green which allowed us to see right through our footage for lack of a better term the Delta keyer basically punched a hole through our footage so had there been nothing behind it that would have just been a checkerboard pattern but in this case we actually had something for the background so in this case that's why we're able to see something now you'll notice the new problem that we have is that we keyed out the green very nicely but that doesn't mean that we took care of those track points that we use which are those circles of the black and white circles so I'm going to show you a way that we're going to take care of that now the first thing that we're going to do is go into the planar tracking node that we made before so that we can track the footage the button says create planar transform and basically what this does is tell us whatever we plug into that to follow the movement of the tracker that we set before I'll bring the footage back to the beginning the next thing we're going to do is do the add tool option we've been doing all along in this case we want to choose polygon and basically this will just allow us to create a shape so I'll make sure I have that node selected come back up to the top and essentially what we did for the tracking portion I'll click around make a nice little rectangle around our tract points come back up to the top wait for that to change shape and then close the loop I'm going to drag the polygon into the input portion and then for the planar transform right-click over the merge node and choose input mask immediately you see if this is not what we want so we'll come over to the polygon portion and click on the invert so essentially what we did there is pretty much what we did with the deltaCare we created a mask which basically keyed out that portion of the footage and again we can see right through our top footage into the image on the background you'll notice something as I start clicking around you can see the footage behind it but basically it's just like a window that we're looking through it's not as if it's actually composited into the screen so exactly like the polygon node we actually need that footage to follow the movements of the phone to so we can take our planar transform node I'll right-click choose copy and then we'll right click paste it to our node area and we'll use that to plug our footage into so I'll left-click drag it over to the area that we need to put it in I'll hold down the shift key you'll notice that the line turned to different colors and I can place it right in between our merged node and the footage that we're compositing into the phone the other problem that we have is that footage is exactly the same size as our phone footage so what I'll do choose the add tool option and choose a transform node same thing I'll left click drag it down hold down the shift key it changes to different colors we could place it and it snaps right in you'll see if I just the size in the transform option on the right the green outline is our footage in the background you'll notice that starts to get smaller and now we can actually see that checkerboard and pattern that I was referencing before if I disconnect the phone footage at the bottom you'll see what's happening here so I'll move the timeline you'll see that that footage follows the movements of the phone so I'll reconnect this back up to the foreground portion of the merge node we'll go ahead and position over our phone now and place it in a way that shows what we want it to and just to make all the notes at the bottom they're a little bit cleaner to see I'm going to right click line up all twos to grid and you can see how it makes them a little more easier to follow now something that we probably should have done sooner which will make it a little less confusing is right-click and choose rename so we could take the node on the left on the top change that to footage which is the footage of the men and then we can take the footage at the bottom what we'll end up doing is either hitting f2 or we can right click and choose rename and we'll change that to phone and that's our phone footage now for this footage we're going to basically follow the same exact steps but we're going to approach it a little bit differently so let's go ahead and create a plane our tracker as we did before in this case everything looks good but what I'm going to do is instead of choosing the luma which doesn't necessarily work in this case let's choose our different options as far as red green and blue I'm going to select blue and you'll notice the contrast between our track points in the background are very different you have the white versus the black which is enough of a contrast to allow our footage to attract easier but first things first I'll select R to draw a square around our track points you'll notice here that when we track forward is a little bit of a problem you'll notice in the right-hand window which is our media out which is our final product it's creating track points on our man which is not exactly what we wanted to do and that's because in our node tree you'll see that the phone is the top footage which is why we have that white dot on that node but the plane our tracker node is plugged into the footage of the man so of course what we can do is disconnect from the triangle portion of each node and then hold down that Shift key and then drag it until the line changes to different colors and that will reconnect it to the portion that we actually want and then now if we choose our plane our tracker and track forward it's just to pick up the track points on the footage that we actually wanted to track same thing as before just for consistency I'll grab these two nodes drag them to the bottom again this is just aesthetic you don't have to move it if you don't want to go to the plane art tracker node click on the bottom where it says create plan our transform node same thing as before I will hold down shift place it in between our footage and the merge node if I move my timeline around you can see that it follows the movements of the phone so so far so good we're right where we want to be again let's go ahead and choose a transform node left-click drag hold down shift move it in between the footage in our planar transform same as before I'll go ahead and make it a little bit smaller and you'll notice that again we have our inputs spot we have the footage of the phone as the background which is not what we want because we want that to be the foreground so we can look through it into the background so instead of disconnecting we can just right click swap inputs and now let's put our footage behind the phone of course we can't see it anymore because we haven't key to anything out so let's go ahead right-click Delta here I'll drag this over to the left hold down shift connect it between our phone footage and the merge tab same as before we'll go up to background color click on pick screen color hover over our green portion of our footage click OK and now we can see our footage behind now the key isn't that clean so what I'm going to do is come over to one of the other sections of our Delta keyer settings and we'll adjust our threshold so it doesn't grab the portion of the background that it unintentionally selected when we chose the green and the reason I knew that is because I saw the checkerboard pattern on the background now if I scrub through the footage you'll see that it actually did a pretty good job its following the movement of the phone it actually has reflections that are in the original footage with the apparent problem that you notice is that it never get rid of those track points so no problem we can go through the entire process of doing that again we'll right-click copy ctrl V to paste we'll take the output right click hold it over the node choose input mask we'll choose our select tool option will choose polygon go right click drag over that node choose input come over to the polygon settings choose invert and then now we can select our tool let's go ahead and draw a mask around our track points now that successfully got rid of our track points but you'll notice that it's also getting rid of our reflection so if we scrub through the timeline here you'll see that it's a little bit more realistic but again without having that reflection there that was in the first place it's a little less believable so now how do we take care of that so what I'll do is disconnect that portion of the footage and not feed it into the merge tab I'll select those two nodes bring it to the bottom because we're actually going to use it in a different format I'm trying to clean a transform above the polygon node again I'm just doing this for aesthetic reason so that we can follow the node tree welcome back to our select tool option I'll select another transform node left click hold down shift feed it into our node tree right click drag it to effect mask into the transform tab and I'll select the transform node now remember of course this is fed from our phone footage on the left hand side there so if we adjust the size we're basically making that footage larger and smaller of course that looks ridiculous and that's not what we want so we'll come back down to the polygon section I'll uncheck invert come back up to the transform node now if I adjust the size you see we essentially have a copy of the phone footage within our phone footage so why does that matter because basically we're going to scale it up so that those track points are just outside the window that we created with our polygon mask and because we haven't scaled it up too much and because the reflection is moving you're not going to notice any little discrepancies as far as size is concerned so if I script to the footage now there we go we have the footage tracked into our phone it's following the movements and we have the reflection right on top of it which makes it much more believable so thanks for watching guys if you really like this tutorial and you want to see any specific fusion tutorials go ahead and leave your requests in the comment section below I'll add it to my list of tutorials that I'm coming out with and I'll see you guys in the next month
Channel: Post. Color. Gear.
Views: 26,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: green screen, davinci resolve, fusion, composite, screen, replace screen, replace footage, resolve 16, resolve 15
Id: 5Pg-aUaGXag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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