Old Creep Predator Gets Arrested AGAIN While On Probation

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we're back with the Catch a Predator today we're checking out the sneaky Predator this is with the classic old TCAP uh episodes uh so welcome check out Dane if you're not subscribed to him I'm buff Pro on YouTube check out the toasty games Channel yeah [Laughter] yeah I'm hiring your kids to bail this no and now let's watch the stuff hey let me finish brushing my teeth real fast okay what happened I got crap stuck in my teeth thing feet to brush my teeth your feet yeah your feet my dang old man get your hearing aid and as it turned out Lions had good reason to be suspicious oh it wasn't his first time down this path oh no no no when it's first time I'm glad they called him what's crazy is he says and check this out he says in the chat that he is 28 right right no 28. he's there's no way at least he's the oldest 28 I've ever seen good in this that mustache is at least 37. you know what I mean like this those shoes say at least 30 yeah come on man yeah you're posing at the hotel or whatever he's like like modern day flexors you know they go and like get an Airbnb and be like yeah my new Penthouse or whatever yeah in fact he was 68 years old 68. now we see a lot of fitting online about ages but it's usually five years you know not 40 years yeah like Jesus who does he think he's wow wow this guy thinks he's like the Moby Dick of catfish man I don't know dude yeah I can barely even see this guy just like the little bit of his face that I can see I know it's like yeah old at least 50. that's his sex offender restriction it's the same guy yeah yeah I hope they tase him yeah straight in the face I mean he's not even caught and he's still doing it jeez and then to follow through on the chat by actually showing up I I mean it's stunning what was your plan it's pretty wild and he's already sitting down when did Chris come out right he goes to cut that part because he was probably like take a seat and he's like lick your feet no plan at all you know I've got the transcripts of your conversation here I'm sorry I've got the transcripts of your conversation here it's the power of Chris Hanson man [Laughter] that old school anime surprise what conclusion am I to draw for this just conversation that probably was offhanded what it sounds like Robert is a little offhanded you know just a little bit yeah yeah a little bit yeah off-handed what it sounds like Robert is that you wanted to come here to have a sexual liaison with a 13 year old boy no it was not my intention no no oh yeah the problem Robert is is that your history would contradict that given the fact that you are our registered sex offender isn't that correct correct and what were you convicted of the man I don't know like this guy this guy tweaking right now what did he do before he came here really ruining my high right now I'm convicted of before there was intercourse intercourse so you had intercourse with a underage boy yes but he man you know go ahead and haul him to jail bro he's done you got probation correct how long were you on probation you're still on probation now oh wow wow wow out on probation right back at it again my God throw them away throw them in the trash for real dude and now you're in this house to meet a 13 year old boy how does that look Robert I didn't know he was 13. he said here we are here in the classics I didn't know that it's he told I had the transcripts bro you responded to it bro told him you were like 40 years younger than you were just coming over to talk and hang out he was not gonna deviate from the script one bit he he was gonna stick to his story until The Bitter End well yeah he's been through this already you know he's like yep I was just here to talk wasn't gonna do anything and talked to met up is that what you did with the 15 year old boy in the last case I made a mistake to just and I didn't even know I was 15 he told me he was 18. what you know how old he was either it's crazy well I mean apparently he thinks he's 28 so maybe he just has a real hard time with you know numbers ain't his thing huh I don't know if the dude even has like a brain cell left just looking at him he's he's struggling yeah did you learn from your previous mistake I learned to be more careful for us to stay away from uh or connect not to be subjected to either proposition or he learned oh they took advantage of him he learned to be more careful is what he said yeah because he got caught and he was like that's the lesson I learned is I don't want to be caught again he learned to like resist the propositions or whatever like they're asking to him or yeah yeah they're like please Mr 105 28 year old you know like yeah he's a period of proposition or making proposition for anybody I should let him finish but still either way like what do you see a counselor correct you do and when was the last time you saw your counseling not tuition two weeks ago did you talk about your sexually charged conversation on the internet with a 13 year old boy no no I didn't tell him about that you know no skipped over because I think the internet is a place where you just it's it's always been a potential pretension you pretend to be this you can't do that please make up he pretend it's a pretension you know you pretend here you know it's fantasy so I could be however old I want to be on the internet no it seems pretty real to me this was real yeah it's real yeah so what does that say about your ability to distinguish between what is pretend and what is real there's a [Music] you know what could happen because we're like do you do you know are you in the real world right now bro or are you okay don't give that out Chris don't give him that out what should happen to you I'm not really sure probably more enforcement of uh who's gonna say anything talk to his counselor with my account from oh wow his face too he's like he's him now bro I mean if you go back and look at the record from the previous case just drop it it would appear perhaps got probation instead oh man jobs surprised they didn't just spear him when he walked out the door again for real boom it said in the transcript this boy was 13. Robert line yeah I had somebody else where is he at do they got that I don't care just sitting out by the Walmart parking lot out here and just hanging out so he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to five years in State Prison all right sorry about scroll down so cops you have the right to remain silent your feet God he was held for one hundred thousand dollars bail for violence probation in a staggering one million dollars bail for Riverside charges on a total of 1.1 million dollars bill they were like you staying in jail dude oh my God God the district attorney tried to keep him in prison without bond claiming he posed a dangerous Society the judge disagreed noting there was no actual victim but either way he was unable to post bond jeez the judge's like well you know there wasn't actually a victim so we'll let him out well shut up dude me uh well in this case went all the way to California Supreme Court which ruled in the state's favor and he ended up pleading guilty to all three felony charges against him assessed five years in prison with credit for serving a year and a half in county jail he released in 2012 and listed as a level three six if they got levels to this I I didn't know that's crazy maybe that's why some of those some of those first time offender guys you know get off so easy because they're only like you know entry-level threats or something um screw that man yeah now anyway I don't know what ever happened to him it doesn't really say all right maybe passed away of old age either way hope you guys enjoyed that leave a like leave a comment do all that cool stuff today's your birthday happy birthday so that's my friends we'll see you next time bye-bye [Laughter]
Channel: CinnamonToastKen
Views: 630,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinnamontoastken, satire, funny, react
Id: JrE6rOllA5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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