Repairing the LARGEST Trucks on Earth | Finning CAT

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foreign [Music] we are in Alberta Canada just north of Fort McMurray with our friends at Finning cat now if you'll look very closely you'll notice it is the middle of winter and this is the trip I've been very excited about you'd assume it gets slower in the winter but it doesn't it gets faster more Furious in the winter because the ground freezes and they can run the trucks as fast and as heavily loaded as possible we just got badged up with sin crude thank you to sin crude for giving us permission to shoot out at the mine today we're going to see the 798 AC the new 797f and 797b rebuild some of the biggest trucks in the world are right out there moving material and we're about to go see them so with that let's get in the truck send it to the mine [Music] foreign [Music] crude Mildred Lake mine right behind us is where they're bringing in the ore the oil sand and that's the beginning of the processing so we have 797s 400 ton trucks going back and forth and back and forth we've seen a lot of 797 bees we've seen a lot of 797 F's haven't found the 798 yet but it's out here somewhere every I mean what is it been like every minute or so every minute or so there's a truck coming in here and the amazing thing is the hopper can take multiple trucks at a time so there's one one dumping a 797 F another one B backing in right now about the dump 400 tons of material at a time here comes another truck [Music] behind me is a p h 4100 up above that is another shovel down right below us the shovel we're surrounded by shovels and they are loading these beautiful cat trucks [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] those are awesome so welcome to thinning's Mildred Lake shop this is right next to the sin crude mime so it's Unique because they can drive the trucks in and then drive them back right out to the mine without any kind of Transportation it's right next door you'll notice behind me is a 797 right there 797 there 7.97. yep there's another 797 they have 797s outside a lot of big trucks and for all sorts of work here they're working on the frame there they're replacing a radiator these trucks are some of the most I don't want to say abused but used trucks in the world and that's really just because of the conditions they're working in mud hot in the summer really freezing cold in the winter they're fully loaded working 24 hours a day seven days a week which is absolutely amazing so let's check out a few individual projects and highlight some of the work fitting does here [Music] oh wow this right here is a d8 tailings dozer you'll notice where the cooling package typically is up front it's closed off that's because this will be working in tailings which is essentially a very wet sloppy material and it's covered a lot of times in water or a really really fine mud so this will be working a lot of times up to that level in material it could get buried when it gets buried all of that material gets into the cooling package causing enormous problems so what they've done is they've put the cooling package on the top of the machine and have closed off the front so this can run in much deeper mud or water than your typical Dozer without getting in trouble another amazing modification on this machine for safety is that there's an escape patch on the top of the cab so that if the machine does get buried up to the cab and you can't open the doors you can still go out the top and be safe just in case that's obviously not to be used regularly they're trying not to bury these machines but if they do this has a lot of safety features on it to keep the operator safe it's a wild machine I've never seen dozers modified like this before [Music] foreign my typical joke when they're doing something like this is that they're just changing the oil they're not it's just a joke they are doing the undercarriage in this machine and you have to replace the undercarriage typically every 1200 to 1500 hours because it's working in water and sand and oily material it's extraordinarily abrasive and corrosive at the same time but mostly abrasive God forbid so they're redoing the undercarriage and this machine will be back out in a matter of weeks here we're going to explain to you using this white board here how much bigger a 797 radiator is compared to me so here's me right here just like you Safety First of course and this is a 797 radiator here see that it's amazing how much bigger the radiator is compared to me I wish we had one to actually show you but thankfully I have this white board to at least draw it out so you can see it up close [Music] this is a brand new 797 f it was just assembled at the Fort Makai facility which we're going to later brought down here to transport it they have to remove the outer tires the outside two rear tires they keep four on take two off and remove the dump body then here they put the last tires on marry it up with the dump body and add the final accessories so let's go up and check out what the heck the cab looks like foreign she's standing on the engine putting in additional wiring harnesses for some of the the additional features and crude requires over here you can see the manifold come out there then the exhaust goes into this after treatment system this is a tier 4 machine and then over there the big red tanks everybody always asks about our fire suppression so Chase is at one end of the truck the camera I'm at the other end of the truck like we could this is comfortable we could throw a football to one another yeah we can play catch this is a comfortable distance you could have a whole wedding on top of this deck yeah with like a mid-sized family this all of this there's all sorts of different antennas this looks like a like a high-rise building or one of those fake trees with all the antennas on top of it excuse the beeping I have no idea what that is but this right here is considered a critical feature It's A Serious XM antenna and they have another one at the other end of the truck so that they never lose service so you can't bring your phone when you're running these machines for obvious reasons it's dangerous but what they found is and of course you want to listen to something so they have Sirius XM and all of the brand new Hull trucks they allow their operators to listen to it and not only is it enjoyable it's way more enjoyable to listen to music or Howard Stern of course but it's a key safety feature because if you're running all night that helps you stay awake while you're running this truck which I think is brilliant that's pretty cool so this truck is destination crude sync crude all of their trucks have Sirius XM [Music] driving a Haul truck but those are just the safe engine noises I'm going at a safe speed of course all right this is beeping this beeping's enough for me [Music] loading these trucks is extremely important you'll see two things on the side of this 798 behind me that highlights how important it is so right there we have 410 tons it's important not to exceed 410 because it's additional wear on the machine and it's potentially unsafe because it could make crate faults with the braking system for example it's also important not to under load it because that machine is going to the crusher that's a lot of time and money spent to make that happen you want to get it as close to that nominal payload as possible and then that red indicator just above the 410 T sign there is to show the shovel operator exactly where the center of that box is so that is where the shovel operator is aiming when he comes over and lets the load go within that truck [Music] Wild does it look big the cylinder and just one more on the other side can lift the entire 400 ton payload over and over and over again when it's hot when it's as cold as it gets [Applause] [Music] so it's running their target is 90 availability which means out of all the hours an entire year 90 percent of those at least this truck is moving all in material [Music] you stand under this building here for a sec to get out of the snow yeah for a moment much better [Music] thank you [Music] now we're at finnings Fort Makai shop that's their shop this is the yard across the street where they're doing 797 F assembly we saw five trucks lined up here in the summer it was beautiful there wasn't snow here here we are winter more trucks getting assembled right behind me under that tarp and all around here there's one being lifted right there it's so cool everybody always asks the difference between a 60 15 and a 60 20. so this is a 60-15 bucket right here and here is the bucket for that brand new 6020b [Music] yeah the cabin here extremely spacious I'm in one corner cases in the other you could you played hacky sack you could play hacky sack in here for sure I boofed it yeah yeah or on you can you can almost hula hoop it's a beautiful machine typically a cat 60 20 b like the machine behind me there's a very large machine we've seen him at a coal mine for example where that is the production piece of equipment moving the majority of the dirt material whatever it is however this up here is really just a cleanup machine this is not any kind of production machine whatsoever this could never load a 797. it's important it's for the odds and ends but this is a quite a rare machine up here because they need either way bigger or a little bit smaller more versatile like the 60 15 next door as you can tell each one of these trucks is in a different stage of assembly I believe they take just over a month to put together all of these parts come in from the United States they assemble them here and then like we just saw at the Belgian Lake facility if they're going to that mine it's in crude they'll go down to that facility for the final touches if they're going to to base or wherever they go they'll be primarily assembled here and then they go elsewhere the mine another fitting facility for those little little bitty touches and then they're back to work I guess not back to work then they go to work [Music] oh such so cool place Happy Cab it's happy because it's brand new you can it has the new 797f cab smell to it as well it's nice so this is the same cab we were at the other shop but obviously it's attached to some wood 797b frame the frame is designed for multiple lives he said roughly how many hours until you do a frame up they go between 70 and 80. so after about 70 to 80 000 frame hours and we've said they're typically if they're running 90 percent of the time 6 500 to 7 000 hours per year so that's over a decade of wear and tear they break it all down they rebuild the frame they'll weld on the inside and the outside they'll repaint it all and then they rebuild it from the ground up so you can see this truck and rebuild so big they put scaffolding raffle thing on the truck so that they can access the different portions of it while they're rebuilding I have sat on this truck before cut to the footage of me sitting on this truck but I wasn't supposed to sit on it should I admit I sat on it I may or may not have sat on this truck before [Music] it was outside of the College downtown Fort McMurray but these trucks are so valuable that they said hey let's go bring it in for a rebuild this is 797 a model so it's probably late 90s real early 2000s Maybe they're rebuilding it and it'll go back out to the oil sands once they're done with it in roughly a month it was looking a little rough when we saw it last okay you'll see in a lot of these trucks it says heavy metal equipment and rentals that is a company we'll be with we'll be doing a video on them specifically but a lot of these new trucks in here belong not just to the mines but to heavy metal equipment rental what the mines have done is they would carry everything on their balance sheet all of their equipment would be theirs but in recent years they've gone to a more flexible model where they're renting more equipment so just like anywhere else where like a small Quarry you'll rent 745 articulated Haul trucks up here it's just bigger scale they'll rent 793s 797s so this is going to one of the big oil sand mines in crude Suncor one of them however it doesn't belong to them it's a rental machine d11 854 d11 d11 854 d11 [Music] foreign they had to pull something out like he was talking about sometimes the trucks get bogged 797s so they'll pull it out with one or multiple d11s oil sands this stuff blows my mind huh definitely smells thank you so much to Finning Finning has showed us remarkable Hospitality has really made this entire week possible so thank you to Finning if you're looking for a job with an amazing equipment dealer look no further than thinning they're probably I assume hiring for all sorts of positions check them out with that we'll see in the next one stay dirty everybody foreign foreign foreign
Channel: Aaron Witt
Views: 262,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aaron Witt, Aaron Witt Vlog, Vlogger, Construction, BuildWitt, Construction Vlog, Cat, Cat Equipment, Dirt Vlog, Heavy Equipment, BuildWitt Vlog
Id: O3o3kMLrtLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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