How Modern Coal Mining Works with Bravus Mining & Resources

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this right here is what this whole operation is after [Music] all right [Music] guess which one's ours it's a mystery extra standards so the wet messes up off oh hey MTV Welcome to My Crib come on in as you can see it's about 100 square feet beautiful view like so here enormous spacious bed bathroom shower toilet everything you need massive flat screen TV living large here at camp lavona [Music] all right we're at the Bravos Camp we're getting fed very very well this evening I have some prawns they're not shrimp they're prawns make some steak a garlic bug whatever that is we're eating up and in about an hour [Music] we're going out to the mine to see 9800s loading tonight 24 hours a day seven days a week should be fun we just drove into the pit that's a Liebert 9800 loading cat 796 trucks 80 tons of overburden per pass amazing so wild wow [Music] [Music] oh my God this is so wild we just took some pictures I'm gonna go up in the cab we'll show you some end cap footage right about now [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so I did ask why they're running these excavators they have a few of these 98 hundreds a few 96 hundreds and a few 9400s why not run electric rope shovels because this is a great application for rope shovels that I've seen in other coal mines this is so remote we drove a hundred kilometers from the nearest paved road to this mine site it's so remote that they don't have the power necessary for the shovel so they have to run everything diesel and these excavators just allow for a lot more flexibility because they are diesel they can move anywhere without the trailing cables I thought that was interesting also you'll notice as he's digging he's digging into that face pulling it toward him while sitting on a bench this is apparently the most efficient way to dig with these big machines so he's going to be digging there pulling that face and as he works through the night he'll be moving this way all the way down and then once he's there he'll move all the way back and just keep moving forward backwards pulling at that face pulling at that face as he goes but I was just telling him this is It's flawless flawless 80 tons per pass as soon as the truck's backing up buckets swinging over releasing it's just absolutely spectacular [Music] [Music] okay we're all done we're gonna go get a beer we'll see in the morning [Music] that's it safety briefing it is 5 45 in the morning we well I worked out Angel wasn't there oddly enough I went to the mess hall had a great grub now we're gonna do our safety briefing before this crew gets started for the day and then we'll go see mine operations after this this is every single day at this time twice a day as the as the cruise change out it's two Crews two shifts per day seven days a week um foreign I just did a ton of learning so this is a caterpillar 796 Hull truck this is a caterpillar 796 Hall truck the difference between these two trucks it's the same truck but the tray the bed of the truck that holds the material is completely different this is a Dura tray so it has a steel skeleton but the actual tray itself is rubber whereas that is the more conventional steel tray the theory behind the dura tray is as it dumps it essentially Springs the material out which helps with carry Back Carry back is the material that sticks within the beds and the buckets of these machines making them less productive you don't want material sticking to your bed because it could be 10 20 30 sometimes more than that tons per trip that's stuck to the bed that that truck can't haul back and forth costing a ton of money okay this is the Carmichael coal mine it is run by braavis which is owned by adani now the mining is performed by McKellar you got that very simple but the premise behind this is there's a lot of Mines out here they have the mine owner like Brabus here and then the mine contractor that does the mining which is McKellar Bravos owns some of the equipment McKellar owns some of the equipment but McKellar staffs all of the machines and operates the mine itself they do the mining their contract Mining Company this allows for flexibility within the mine planning and allows for Brava sadani to utilize less capital as McKellar is bringing in some of their own equipment look this truck is so big that it has ladders just to get up to the engine all right we're down in the pit we'll show you some beautiful Drone footage of where we're standing from a bigger picture perspective but this right here is what this whole operation is after this is thermal coal this is mined thrown into Haul trucks loaded into Haul trucks gently brought up to their wash Plant cleaned put into rail shipped to the port put onto bulk cargo chips and brought to other countries where it provides power for millions and millions of people they ship about 10 million tons of this per year this is what it's about right here and this In fairness we've talked a lot about this with them over the past day since we've been here a lot of people look very negatively on coal because there's been a lot of most of the time it's straight up propaganda about how bad it is for the environment but the reality is this is actually helping the environment because this is going into southeast Asia and into India in places that don't have consistent power don't have consistent heat so rather than burning wood or things that are far worse for the environment they're able to produce power efficiently effectively bringing people out of poverty elevating them so they can think about how to care for the environment how to live better lives which helps people and the world which is not something they talk about often but this is it right here this entire operation it's all about this foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] trucks come here they dump a coal basically runs through the crushing system into the wash Plant screening process take the ash out get the stuff that doesn't add any value go on get the stuff that's full of value down this belt onto that stockpile onto the train so it goes from there to the train to the port Port ships Southeast Asia why why is this mine so important but from a personal level for me yeah it's so important because of what it does for the communities that support us on the second stage it's so important because what we what we get to do is we get to send high quality coal mining in the best possible way with the highest Environmental Compliance for the highest safety standards over to the Southeast Asian market where they've got coal but it's lower quality coal and they don't have the same Technologies and applications we've got here to mine it so I think what we're doing is giving a higher quality product to people that are going to benefit their lives and at the same time benefit the lives of the mining communities we support yeah yeah like what's the story you guys want to tell is is my point hopefully what we've done is show that at the end of the day this is this is a viable sustainable industry and done the right way it can be good for everybody and done the way we do it in supporting the environment it's a win-win and so so hopefully just by doing what we do we can help show people the positives and what mining does for society um all right well thank you so much to braavis Carmichael mine to adani to everybody that showed us around today this was an extraordinary experience I'm so so so happy to come out here it was amazing to see the mine it's amazing to see the reality of coal mining to see the passion people have for this project to see the quality of life out here all of it is honestly I was expecting it to be okay but this is pretty extraordinary and I was thinking I was talking to Angel this morning it's like I would do this I'd happily work out here so I am going to get a quick workout in I'm going to eat my lamb and then we're going to hit the road to our next Journey thanks for tuning in [Music]
Channel: Aaron Witt
Views: 233,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lp6OMS-6sd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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