r/EntitledPeople "Karen DEMANDS to Enter my Apartment, I GET REVENGE!"

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents entitled parent tries to enter my apartment to measure the bedroom so this happened three years ago i was renting a basement apartment that i loved my landlords were great and an uncle of my childhood friend and i lived there for three and a half years halfway through they told me they wanted to sell the place but probably not that soon since the husband was working on a commercial ship nine months at a time i just asked them to tell me when they decided to sell anyway 13 to 14 months pass and they decide to start the process they introduced me to the realtors everything gets sorted out up to this point everything is going great realtors give me the 24 hour notice before they bring buyers and i can stay home during the showings or go about my business i have no complaints about them or my landlords throughout the entire process then one day i just got back from work and i didn't feel like going out again realtors came with a family of five or six it was announced i just forgot so i decided to stay family consisted of mother father adult daughter and two or three kids can't remember father was a piece of work now thing is i lived in a touristy town on the mediterranean coast it was summer people try to pull all sorts of cons here entitled father i know you said someone lived here but we had hoped to stay a couple of days to get the feel of the apartment realtor um what this place isn't for rent op already lives here entitled father well i can't buy something just like that but okay obviously we can't stay the night me sorry no you can't i live here he moves on measures things left and right wondering out loud if their large wardrobe will fit into the bedroom now he wants to buy an apartment for his daughter in case she wants to go to college here eventually they pack up and leave for the beach i saw them later beach was two minutes away from the apartment the next day there were no scheduled showings so i decided to do one thing everyone does when they live right next to the beach take a nap after work but before my head even hit the pillow i hear someone coming down the stairs there were only two basement apartments and my neighbors were away for the week i get up and go for the door to spy but before i even made it halfway there someone rattles the doorknob and then 10 seconds later starts knocking i was really confused and freaked out i go to the door and lo and behold it's entitled father from yesterday i do not open my door me who is it it's me entitled father we were here yesterday me what do you want i want to measure this space in the bedroom to see if my daughter's wardrobe will fit me no you're not getting in but i can't buy the place if i don't know it's for my daughter me then call the realtor they have all the measurements on file i'm not letting you in i'll buy this place and evict you me good luck i have three months left on the lease you can't do crap about that my landlords told me if the place sells before my lease is up contract will state i can't be evicted before my lease is up i already had a place lined up entitled dad starts yelling and i hear him go away i called the landlords and realtors after that they were all mortified and worried someone like that just came to my place tried to let himself in and threaten to evict me entitled father did not buy the apartment after all because landlords refused to ever deal with him again realtors told him it was sold to this day i believe their plan was to find a place to crash out for a few days for a free vacation under the pretext of buying the place for their daughter i still had to improvise webcams around the apartment to keep an eye on it while i was at work for the remainder of my stay there i spent the entire summer not feeling safe in my home do you think they were really interested in renting or do you think they were just trying to crash for a few days please let us know there's nothing wrong with crashing i do it all the time i can't sell you this animal so just before christmas i got two little rats who are my absolute life i spend more money on treats and toys for them then i do food for myself they came from my local pet store and it also happens to be where i go for most of their stuff i made an effort to learn as much as i could about the animals before i got them and carried this on after getting them at this point i know how to handle and deal with them more than the staff there do they only get basic handling training it's not their fault so sometimes the staff asks me questions that can help them in their future mid lockdown i went in to grab some food and bedding for my two boys when i was pulled to the tank of rats with two boys in it i had handled the boys already when they were little before the lockdown that was about eight weeks prior asked about the selling policies because they were getting too big for the tank and i felt really bad for them after some time talking to the staff the manager eventually let me adopt them because they trusted i could give them a loving home and the attention that they just won't get in the store they are the most spoiled rats ever i swear since then i've been in a lot buying stuff and talking to the staff and getting to know them well due to the distancing restrictions the animal area is barricaded off so customers can't get in there one of the managers came up to me asking if i'd be able to have a look at a couple of the girls they have had there as well since before the lockdown because one of them seems aggressive they don't know how to handle her or what to do i take a look and quickly deduct that she is almost completely blind i offer to come in and handle her whenever i can and they agree that would be a good idea i'd like to add that store policy restricts employees from handling animals outside of selling and feeding which they hate as much as i do after handling her and her sister for a while i stood near the checkout chatting to the staff member on duty we'll call him jay for a while and this time maybe five minutes there was a woman we'll call her karen with a boy who was maybe six who started scoffing at us i was wearing black jeans and a rick and morty print tee don't judge me it was cheap and the staff uniform is black cargo pants and a bright colored polo usually green or blue for all staff members jay and i share a glance that says here we go jay and the best customer service voice i've heard hi how can i help you today karen my son wants a rabbit he can't go and see them move the barricade so he can pick one jay i'm sorry but i'll have to ask you to wait for my colleague to come back from her break so she can help you karen scoffs you can help us can't you jay i apologize but someone has to be on the register at all time i can't leave my colleague will be back in a minute to help you karen gesturing to me well why can't she help me me oh i'm sorry i don't talk back to me i saw you in there alone so you can help us jay ma'am she doesn't work here then why can she go in and i can't jay she's a trusted customer who knows how to handle our rats she was simply looking in on them as one of them seems to be blind she confirmed that for us this is disgusting why are you allowing one customer in but not me my poor baby just wants a rabbit to play with is that too hard for you to understand jay as i said my colleague will be back to help you feel free to look in from the barrier karen looking at me you obviously work here why else would you be talking to the staff now move the barrier so my son can look at the bunnies me seriously i don't work here i was just checking the rats karen then fine check the rabbits so my son can pick one me i can't do that it's not my job and i know nothing about them i want to see you fired refusing to help a customer this is unacceptable about now is when the other employee will call her tara comes out she was wearing a different color than jay tara is everything okay here jay karen are you the manager i want this girl fired she refused to help me tara she doesn't work here miss is there something i can help you with karen my son wants to buy a rabbit but this girl refused to help what kind of store is this anyway i gesture bye to tara and jay while she is on her rant and start heading to the door karen where do you think you're going i want to see you get fired your attitude towards me was very rude tara looks at me and we both sigh tara opie i'm sorry but we're going to have to let you go we don't tolerate rude behavior toward our customers me realizing this is the only way it'll be sorted what no i love working here tara i'm sorry but this was unacceptable you have been a good employee until now thank you for working for us i pretend to look sad and walk out after a couple of days later i went back in and jay was on the tills again i asked him what happened after i left and he told me that she was unimpressed with how we treated her so she will find somewhere else to get her son a rabbit this door holds the right to decide if someone can purchase an animal and i doubt they would have let her anyway speaking of pets do you guys have any pets and if so what kind please let us know i have a poodle and she means everything to me can we have 35 sandwiches to go for our meeting in 30 minutes this happened almost two years ago when i worked at evil bookstore corporation in their cafe that proudly serves siren coffee but not their food for the millionth time no we do not sell cake pops unlike a normal siren coffee store our food came from another vendor famous for cheesecakes meaning our offerings were a lot different and so was our stock i'm not sure how other locations did it but we kept a stock of about five thawed sandwiches of each type of sandwich available so about 25 were at fingers length at any time our sandwiches sometimes sold but we did have to toss at least one or two every night the sandwiches honestly messed up the flow of the cafe as they took about three minutes to cook while most of the other food was just taking it out of the pastry case and putting it on the plate you had to almost guard the oven to make sure they didn't burn if left in for a few seconds longer than the timer went off so you couldn't do other time necessary tasks like steaming milk or intensive processes like making blended ice cream beverages it was a summer day fairly busy but getting towards the later part of the evening about two or three hours to close the other cafe worker was on their 30-minute lunch when two fairly young adults walked up the conversation went something like this me hi what can i get started for you them you have sandwiches right me we do lists options them okay awesome could we have seven of each we have a church meeting in 30 minutes me flabbergasted um well we have about 25 sandwiches available they take three minutes each and i can only do one at a time because we only have one oven them oh i mean we'll take the 25 then me mentally calculating it will take about 75 minutes for me to do all of them and your meeting is in 30 minutes they stepped aside to talk about it i'm panicking inside because there is no way i could make all these sandwiches and serve other customers while they were debating i had to make five blended ice cream beverages and a snack down to 24 now co-worker is nowhere in sight i am drowning the line is growing i am in the pastry case when they lean over and ask me where to get sandwiches if they can't get them here me frazzled um internally i am screaming thinking they could have planned this in advance also i am covered in whipped cream this is not the time they stepped away again and were calling one of the stores i think my line cleared up and they came back and asked again saying are you sure you can't i told them yes i am very sure i am so sorry they left the next day i told the cafe manager a very evil man the story thinking he'd also find it preposterous but instead i got scolded because we could have used the prophets i rebutted saying okay who was going to serve the other customers then while co-worker was on break and i'm stuck making 25 sandwiches he had nothing to say speaking of sandwiches what is your favorite sandwich of all time please let us know sweet onion chicken teriyaki at subway for the win enjoy your hand sanitizer so i have this friend sorta let's call her karen even though she's the same age as me a teenager when we were younger i caught her a few times having stolen stuff from me and her friends and was generally a stealing lying jerk but we sometimes got along and our relationship is complicated and she thinks we are fantastic friends so i don't tell her otherwise she also set me up with my current girlfriend but that's a different story i also have a really good peripheral vision and people often get mad when i could see them do stuff out of the corner of my eye that they thought i couldn't so i went shopping with my friends late last year and my friend not karen drags me into a certain shop for body products as it was one of the last shops we could go to and i still had a decent amount of money left i bought a lip balm and two small scented expensive as heck bottles of hand sanitizer i never use them so the size of them didn't bother me it was just for random occasions when i needed them or wanted my hands to smell nice i got home put them on my desk and used them about three times the rest of the year then in about march karen came over and asked hey can i have one of these bottles of hand sanitizer and i tell her no i bought them myself and they are very expensive she looks at me fake smiling and says oh okay then and i swear i can see her grab one off the desk very obviously as soon as i turn back to my pc without looking at her i say put that bottle back i said no karen is surprised and quickly puts it back looking at me innocently saying what do you mean at this point i look up and say you know i have good vision don't try and take my stuff when i've told you no then reached over and put the bottle in my desk drawer and go back to what i was doing the next day she comes over again and her mom is with her the mother starts getting mad at me saying karen told her i stole her hand sanitizer and that i locked it in my desk i told her i don't have a lock on my desk and that i bought that hand sanitizer last year she was still mad and shouting at me to give back the hand sanitizer no one else was home as my family were all shopping or at school i go to online school and karen is homeschooled so no one could back me up or save me from her i finally get fed up go inside and grab one of the bottles of the hand sanitizer and an old lotion tube i never threw away because i'm messy i screw off the cap of the lotion lid and squeeze the sanitizer into the bottle sealing it back up and putting it in my desk i put the bottle of my pocket and walked back to the door this will just take a moment i forgot i put it in the kitchen she nods still mad and karen is smiling in success as i walk off again i reach the kitchen and grab a bottle of ketchup mixing it with chunky aloe vera gel and awkwardly shoving it into the hand sanitizer bottle this makes a sort of translucent pink gel that looks like strawberry hand sanitizer as that was the scent for this one the smell of the original hand sanitizer is very strong and it overpowers the ketchup making it seem convincing i come back and hand her the tiny bottle of ketchup and aloe vera looking directly at karen and saying i'm so sorry i stole i don't know what came over me they both looked smug and turned to leave her parents saying she won't be returning again i don't want you stealing more of her stuff and you're lucky we don't press charges on you because you're a kid i put on a sad face and say that's a shame before slamming the door and her stuck-up face i hope she enjoys her hand sanitizer would you be friends with someone who stole from you and why or why not please let us know there's nothing wrong with stealing if you get something good out of it karen thinks her son deserves honors placement regardless of his grades i worked in a pretty affluent school district for 14 years and met a lot of entitled parents these two from my first year of teaching never left my mind though obviously dialogue is not really accurate as an 8th grade english teacher it was my job to recommend either honors english level 1 english or level 2 english for my students 9th grade year personally i hated this i want kids to work to the best of their abilities and not make them feel inferior when they just might not be mentally mature enough for a higher placement yet math and science also had to make similar recommendations to clarify level 1 was a normal rigorous class probably comparable to the class i was currently teaching level two was for kids who really struggled with reading and writing honors was very intense students would write numerous papers that might not even get graded they would have multiple chapters to read independently each night frequent tests and quizzes and no grammar instruction because they should already have mastered it at this point it was probably appropriate for maybe twenty percent of my students at most math and science were tracked in the same way parents never liked this either multiple complaints every year but parents could choose to wave their kids into whichever level they decided pretty much never went well so many kids who would wave into honors would fail quarter one and need to drop a level before the end of the semester on the other hand if they dominated in level one their current teacher could suggest moving them up these two entitled parents asked for a meeting with me the math teacher and science teacher when they joined us in the room we were meeting in they were absolutely simmering with rage their son had not been recommended for any honors classes and that was not okay basically we explained kiddo did a good job did his homework got solid b's and some a's did what he was asked no more no less he fit the description of a level one entitled dad either you are all wrong or this school has failed our son he came in with straight a's in elementary school you obviously didn't teach him well enough or you placed him incorrectly entitled mom my husband and i graduated from ivy league schools our other two kids are in ivy league schools us okay but we aren't placing them or you we're placing this kiddo and pretty much if you do your work in our elementary schools you get an a entitled dad well then you need to give him more time to do better he obviously wasn't trying us honors kids don't need to be warned to try they just try and succeed because they are really advanced in these areas how will he get into a good college if he is at level one every year almost all of the senior class goes on to college some fantastic colleges too plus if he does well he can go up a level then put him in honors and if he does badly he can move down us that can be really tough on a kid to be in a class with others and then have to leave because you can't achieve what they can also the class has to slow down to try to help any kid who isn't grasping the material and now the whole class is behind it's much better for a kid's self-esteem to do so well they move up also remember you can wave him in entitled mom we don't want to wave him in we want you to recommend him entitled dad all of our friends kids are in honors how would it look if we had to wave ours in ding ding ding there it is they can't hold their heads high in the country club if their son is just normal we ended up saying if he made a drastic improvement by the end of the year we would reconsider by the way he didn't even with some incredible papers written at home for my class weird how he couldn't write as well in class parents waved him in he did horrible in all three and ended up back in level one for all except science ended up passing science by the skin of his teeth honestly my heart goes out to him that's really difficult especially if your parents are comparing your success to theirs your siblings and your neighbors delivery driver gets his karma twice i was driving down a small country road with a 45 mile per hour speed limit that some choose to ignore and coming up behind me was a standard work truck i won't name names but it was a popular automotive parts store delivery truck and got right on my bumper i'm not in a tiny car but it's a sedan and he was so close that all i saw was grill and hood in my mirrors while i stayed doing the speed limit after about three minutes he decided that a sharp curve was the perfect time to pass me and surprise surprise there was a car coming after the curve he swerved at me and i slammed the brakes nearly missing his bumper thankfully i had this all on dash cam front and back i got home and got the footage on my laptop and called their 1-800 number with his plate number and his truck number the woman i spoke to was super apologetic and she asked me to send her the video she watched it while on the line with me and immediately asked if she could put me on hold i said yes and a few minutes go by and she comes back and brings me someone else on the line the local store manager of that driver she had sent him the video and the manager apologized a ton and promised me right then and there that that employee was terminated for their behavior a few weeks go by and i don't hear anything until a friend of mine on facebook sends me a link the driver that was fired managed to get my name from his hr or manager or something and was trying to find me in real life because he lost his job and made a video wearing his work uniform threatening me because of everything i went to my local police station about it and showed them the video and explained everything and was told i needed to speak to that company again because they let my name get out i called them and told them everything going on and i was told i'd get a call from their hr department within two to three business days literally six hours later i received a call from some higher up hr person with one of their legal team on the phone they wanted me to sign a document stating i won't publicly go after them or give negative pr if they sue him for me and get a restraining order and everything on this guy for what he threatened they even offered to have a lawyer of my choosing go over it with me at no cost to me and sign it and have them handle it another few more weeks go by and that friend on facebook he knows that guy's family or something said that the dude's mom posted some sob story that her son is going through some expensive court case that he likely won't win because the other team is over 10 lawyers so not only lost his job but then tried to find me only to have his ex-employer sue him next we've got entitled parent calls my dad a liar because he doesn't look disabled for some reason it's almost like my dad and i are entitled parent magnets when we're together we usually have some sort of encounter they're pretty minor most of the time but occasionally they are absolute horror shows this is one of those times cast we've got bug that's me your idiotic narrator we've got dad the big guy i happen to share jeans with we've got entitled dad very angry and very overweight man in a minivan we've got entitled mom the minivan man's wife she was kinda okay we've got kids one and two two very annoying kids probably about two to three years younger than me my dad and i haven't always gotten along so while i was on leave we tried to hang out as much as possible so mostly that was us running to the store for groceries and other little things this encounter happened in a walmart parking lot so i am not surprised by the lack of brain cells from the entire entitled family we met a little backstory might help so here it is my dad is a veteran 100 disabled due to his time overseas and as a paratrooper when he was younger this means he is able to park in handicap spots he does this occasionally when his knees are giving him more issues than their normal pain today is one such day now a little more about my dad dude does not look like he is any sort of disabled even though he's pushing 50 he still works out as much as his body will allow him to man is still built like a gorilla and looks like he's still an infantryman but anyway on to the story my mom asked my dad and i to head over to the store to pick up some food for dinner honestly we ended up grabbing more snacks than anything but we got what mom had asked for as we were checking out we heard the voice of god not really it was the intercom asking for the owner of the gray ford f-150 parked in the handicapped spot to please come to customer service dad oh man if someone stole my truck i'm gonna cry me someone probably just doesn't realize that having dv on your license plate means you are a disabled vet bet you 20 that's what it is him and i finished checking out and headed over to where we were summoned and looked for whoever called for us the first thing we noticed was the absolute whale of a man his two kids and his wife standing there i kid you not the man's face was beat red and you probably could have fried an egg on it also to be fair calling the guy a whale is an overstatement he probably was only 250 to 275 but that's still fairly heavy but this is coming from a 150 pound stick bug so what do i know entitled dad is that your truck why the heck did you take up a handicap spot if you're obviously not entitled mom her voice actually would have been pleasant if she wasn't so angry my husband has very serious hip issues and he had to walk from the back of the parking lot to the front of the store because of your rudeness dad sir ma'am i can park there i'm a disabled vet entitled dad bs if you're so disabled you shouldn't be able to maintain your body like that me sir he was injured overseas some days it's worse than others and today his knees keep locking up my dad then lifted his pants leg to show them his knee braces which honestly looks like some futuristic exoskeleton make you run fast and jump far kind of thing the woman immediately looked embarrassed and apologized something i wish her husband had done entitled dad i don't give a crap i had to risk messing up my hip even more because your sensitive little dad's knees hurt kid i have actual pain entitled mom sir please forgive my husband he's just angry right now entitled dad shut up entitled mom let me handle it dang it my dad and i honestly just wanted to buzz off at that point so we turned around to walk away when i felt a hand on my shoulder kid one hey kid apologize to my dad before you leave jerk now most stories would be like this kid didn't realize i was a black belt in every form of hand-to-hand combat but i'm a realist and don't enjoy fighting very much me bro i don't have to apologize for crap so let me go get one no jerk my dad could have hurt his hip from walking because of you two apologize me i don't think i want to at that point i was mad from this kid having his grimy high school hand on my shoulder so i yanked his hand off of me started to walk away hey forget you kid my dad and i just walked away and got into the truck when we shut our doors we both burst out laughing because of the entitled dad's idiocy and his kid's rudeness dad hey man i'm proud of you for not starting a fight or anything thanks for standing up for me too but i had it me i was standing up for you nah man i was just making sure he didn't realize you were disabled so i won the bed dad never mind you're a jerk me yeah i get it from my dad and that's it no big scene or climax or anything nobody got arrested we just went home and made some enchiladas and had a few bowls of ice cream afterwards hey karen can you read us our new review we just got on itunes mr redsox93 says i really love these stories on here and on the greatest kevin storyteller of all time a salute to you mr reddit thanks red sox we hope you continue to enjoy the mr reddit podcast available on spotify and itunes your guinea pig looks sad and scared so i'm taking him with me just like the title says an entitled jerk tried to take my guinea pig because she thinks that it looks scared and sad now before i go into detail i wonder why a small animal would be scared of a loud drunk and obnoxious idiot barging into my home so currently 11 pm at the time of this post and as hot as heck here in the uk i'm just about to try to go to sleep but lo and behold a drunk idiotic obnoxious brain-dead [ __ ] comes barging into my home and starts talking crap about me and my dad and my younger brothers for those who catch on quickly i'm indeed talking about my mom who i've blacklisted out of my life who thinks the world revolves around her and has a hissy fit whenever someone proves her wrong she starts sobbing and crying saying lunatic nobody loves me why does nobody love me to which i explained to her you're a drunk you're cruel and vindictive you talk crap about your own kids and then start to wonder why nobody in your family loves you she tries to bs her way out of it saying oh i don't mean it i only say those things when i'm drunk she doesn't so as i'm tired ticked off and done with her i tell her she can either get out on her own or i'll call the cops to get her out she reluctantly does so but when she walks past my living room and sees my guinea pig curled up next to a frozen water bottle she goes oh look at your little baby he looks so sad at this point i walk to the door and order her out much more aggressive to try and get it through to her head that she needs to leave when she walks up she goes fine i'll leave but i'm taking your guinea pig with me it looks sad and scared to which i grabbed the guinea pig out of her hands and shove her out locking the door behind me with her going how dare you i'm your mother i demand you give me your guinea pig so i can look after him she's still screaming her head off whilst i'm now stuck wide awake in this dreadful heat calming and soothing my guinea pig and she wonders why i want to get a restraining order against her speaking of guinea pigs have any of you ever had a guinea pig or how about a hamster please let us know i'll stick with my poodle thank you very much am i the jerk for not wanting to meet my granddaughter i had my daughter when i was very young and things didn't work out with her mother i had visitation rights and that was pretty much it as i was dragged through the court system by her mother and bled dry i made sure to pay child support and even though i had evidence that none of it was ever used properly social media posts and my daughter always needing things i didn't contest anything whenever my daughter contacted me for something i helped her out as she grew up however i saw her slowly turn into her mother her demands for money became more desperate and every month she was in some sort of financial trouble things didn't improve when she turned 18. i offered to pay for her university but it turned out she never even got accepted and had faked everything to get money off me during this time i got married and had two kids but i still tried to support my daughter i learned my lesson and stopped giving her money directly and offered to pay for things directly she wasn't happy with this she'd cut off contact with me every time i refused to give her money only to pop up after a few months for a new request for money the breaking point came when she was pregnant and needed a guarantor to rent a place for her her partner and the new baby i happily accepted and helped with the first few months rent this turned into the landlord contacting me every month as they hadn't paid any rent my granddaughter was born and i wasn't allowed to see her when i turned up to the flat unannounced she called the cops on me in the end i realized i was just seen as a cash machine and decided to sever ties and not hurt myself anymore i sent her an email and a letter to know that i was done that i'd pay the rent for another six months and that would be it i also forwarded her resources from the local council so that she'd be able to get a council flat six months went by with no contact i was then contacted by the landlord as they had trashed the flat before leaving causing me to pay for the repairs from the very little contact i have with her mother i know she managed to secure a council house and isn't homeless since then she's contacted me for money and i've ignored it now however she's using my granddaughter as leverage i need money your granddaughter needs money if you ever want to see her you need to give me money my granddaughter is 18 months old and i have never seen her my heart hurts too much and i can't keep being used like this her mother already has enough terrible things to say about me but now my wife is saying i'm punishing the child for nothing what would you do if you were in this situation would you keep giving her money or would you cut her off completely please let us know she deserves that money trick me and claim my work for yourself watch it backfire cast we've got sam my big brother we've got lazy we've got slackers we've got the boss we've got the big boss we've got vp and me small background my brother was working at an at will employer in charge of making small commercials for local and very rarely state companies and businesses think of a small airplane hangar with 60ish employees and a studio apartment for the higher ups the setup my brother was a gopher for his lazy manager and his for slacker employees his usual job was all of their work while they were out of the office going to bars and clubs my brother was told that they were going to important business meetings during all of these times and one day he got a text from our mom and dad that said with pictures hey we found your manager and co-workers at a club when he got this text he checked the company work records and saw that they had all taken credit for his work and left his name out of it the boss came down to his section of the office and told him that he was being reprimanded for not doing any work for the past month he was told in an email that he was on an unpaid suspension for the next month with the big boss and vp cc'd in the email cue the malicious compliance my brother and his team were to oversee a multi-million three million or so dollar contract commercial for a company that was to be in the super bowl 2016. can you see where this is going my brother knowing that he was going to be blamed for the fallout put in his immediate resignation two weeks after his suspension on week four i'm with my brother in the car eating sonic and he gets a phone call from his frantic boss asking where he is my brother said i'm in my car next to my little brother eating at sonic he started to shout at him to get back to the office when my brother chimed in with if i'm so useless at work i'm sure lazy and slackers can do it all right it's not like they're currently at the local club every time they say that they're going to a business meeting right and i put in my resignation two weeks ago remember there was a good 10-second pause in the call if you want to talk to him about it go to the club and ask him yourself my brother gets a four-way call the next day from the boss big boss and vp all apologizing and asking him to get back to work immediately to which he responded with as i've told my boss and big boss i put my immediate resignation in two weeks ago with big boss's signature in it vp said i wasn't aware of this my brother continues since i haven't done anything in the past month i'm sure lazy and the slackers can do it all right it was then they realized they had done themselves over a false report from lazy a month later he gets a call from an ex-co-worker saying that the big company sued the company into bankruptcy and let go of everyone lazy and the slackers were fired only two days after the four-way call karma is a jerk have you ever had co-workers take credit for something you did if so what did you do about it please let us know if i had a job that's exactly what i do secure it but leave the keys in it roger that lt this happened back in my army days on deployment to afghanistan i was an e4 despite being in for around seven years at this point because i decided to self-medicate for a while before seeking health for ptsd and was a bit of a fixture in my unit after spending my entire army career in this unit despite my mistakes i was well liked by most of my unit and especially my co company commander and first sergeant the enlisted counterpart to the company commander i was what the army calls a deployment soldier someone who you love to have in your unit while deployed but gets a bit let's say distracted and has a tendency to get in a bit of trouble when back in garrison or the us for too long i was known for being sarcastic a jokester and hardworking when it mattered but tended to be the typical long-term e4 when it came to bs duties in garrison also important to the story i was also known for rarely being seen without my best friend jay who i went to basic with and was lucky enough to be in the same unit my entire career and if we were left without supervision for too long well leadership knew not to let that happen consequences could range from the time the entirety of the barracks living members of the company missed pt the day after st patrick's day due to the three-story beer pong monstrosity we created to well this story i had recently been switched to ops operations basically they put me behind a desk to be the armorer guy guy that makes the pew pews go cue again when they stop viewing from the front line despite having no training and definitely not the best person for the job this led to me being the lone person on the night shift as troops tend to take very good care of their weapons when downrange and if something does break it usually has to go to the battalion armorers the guys that were actually trained to fix them so honestly there wasn't much for me to do i won't get into all my duties but it wasn't much it wasn't hard and i was bored cute side note the best nights were when the mind dog assigned to us couldn't sleep and came to the toc tactical operation center and i got to play with her most of the night back to the story before i was switched jay was in the lead vehicle which hit an ied he was medivacked out on a chopper but luckily himself and two others were concussed and beaten up but otherwise okay rest in peace to the driver sadly he was only 19 and was placed on life support but it was removed at the request of his parents less than 24 hours later anyway jay came back to the unit but leadership was wary of sending him back on mission too soon and he was placed on night shift with me to this day even the co and his pl platoon leader usually a second lieutenant aka butterbar can't explain why they thought putting he and i together on night shift unsupervised for 12 hours a night was a good idea with both of us being well liked and in our specific company for longer than anyone else there we got pretty brave and there were quite a few antics and pranks pulled on the company leadership most of which were tolerated and laughed about and i can go into detail later if anyone is interested this antic however was not loved by the officers not at all while deployed military cooks serve midnight ciao which is exactly what it sounds like since we were on a larger base this time around our unit was issued a gator think electric golf cart except where the rear seat and club holders would be there's a small dump truck bed we would use this to drive to pick up midnight chow and drive back and sometimes other members of the unit would use it for work or just to avoid taking the buses on base well one particular morning a group of lower enlisted took it to the gym and stayed longer than usual and when the officers woke up they wanted to go get breakfast only to find they had to use the bus because the gator was gone jay and i were berated and told that we weren't supposed to let anyone below a platoon sergeant rank use the gator first we'd heard of this rule but whatever this happens all the time in the army adjust and move on since we were ops we were still allowed gator use so we didn't care that is until one morning i left shift with the gator keys still in my pocket and they couldn't find them or used the gator until i showed up for my next shift thus ends the gator use for anyone but the first sergeant who never used it anyway and company commander and the xo second in command to the company commander on the officer side usually a first lieutenant but in this case a butter bar our exact orders were the keys stay in the gator and no one uses it without our permission i was told off pretty harshly by the xo usually you can get away with a bit of argument with the butter bar the good ones anyway after you've been in the military for a while and this exo really was a good one i guess he was just having a bad day or something i don't know but i knew better than to press my luck and argue there's more than one way to break in a new lt after all so now we've finally come to the malicious compliance jay and i were fairly annoyed with the xo's actions and since we had nothing better to do that night and i sure as heck wasn't gonna let him think his rank allows him to not give people decent human respect we spent the first few hours thinking of how to teach him a lesson knowing that ceo had left to the brigade headquarters earlier that day we came to the conclusion that since we couldn't bring the key inside anymore but still needed to secure the gator we would need to get creative that night we decided that since we had to be inside and couldn't have eyes on it we'd need to hide it or at least place it out of reach outside on a smoke break we saw the connexes or railroad containers for civilian speak they were stacked too high with empties on top and extra supplies on bottom we looked at each other and immediately knew what to do we took turns building a makeshift ramp that night and slowly eased the gator up to the top of one of the stacks turned it off left the keys in it and disassembled the ram luckily we left before the exo woke up and the first sergeant didn't notice it was missing since he never used it getting back that night we were a bit nervous but when we walked in the first sergeant tried hard to hide a smile we knew we were in the clear then sure enough the exo comes to us with a red face xo what the heck was that us what was what sir don't give me that crap the gator us well sir you said we had to keep the gator secure from anyone without your permission but we have to stay inside and couldn't see it since we had to leave the keys in it as well and didn't have any guidance we thought the best thing would be to put it where no one can reach it this is the point where first sergeant breaks down laughing and the exo knows nothing will happen to us so he says okay that was good you had your fun but don't put it up there again us roger sir we later found out they used a crane from the contractors to get it down probably for the best no one got hurt that way still under the same orders with one caveat and inspired by the crane usage that night i took a trip to the contractors and after explaining the situation to them they happily agreed to use the crane to move a barrier from our mortar bunker out of the way long enough for us to fit the gator in then replaced it there was physically no way to get it out without a crane things happened much the same that night except this time we had new orders that we were not to hide the gator at all the first sergeant stayed behind that night for a few smokes with jay and i laughing but telling us he can't protect us forever but he was interested in seeing how it all plays out so he wouldn't stop us from continuing but tread carefully we thanked him and quickly came up with our new plan but this time we waited until about 3am thinking the xo may have a surprise visit sure enough around 1 we saw a red flashlight beam shine on the gator during a smoke break and while we can't prove it was the xo we assume it was around 3 we began unscrewing the entire front wall of the tlc drove the gator inside and replaced the wall that morning the exo unexpectedly arrives with the first sergeant before we were off shift the first sergeant walks in and laughed so hard he can't breathe hearing a loud sigh outside the door the xo enters stares at our work and walks out head down without saying a word this time the first sergeant made us undo our work since it would interfere with operations and later that night the xo told us we had made our point and we even got an apology after that anyone could use the gator as long as it was backed by breakfast and the ceo had one heck of a laugh when he returned have any of you ever played tricks on your boss if so how did they take it please let us know i'll play a trick on you mr reddit come on karen update would i be the jerk for planting prickly bushes in my front yard to keep the neighbors kids from my property about a week after my post i planted a wall of blackberries and raspberries at the two sides of my garden facing the driveway about 30 centimeters from the edge so no overhanging branches on the other side of the berry wall i planted lots of stuff like strawberries and tomatoes to reach for the tomatoes and strawberries from the driveway you either have to go through the fruit bushes or walk up to my house walk about two meters along the side of the house and my windows and then walk into my actual garden not something you do by mistake for about two weeks it was somewhat quiet but i still found the kids on my driveway every single day as far as i know they did not enter the garden and i hadn't noticed them walking around my house anymore so i figured the bushes were working about one week ago berry season started and my bushes are now full of raspberries and there's lots of strawberries as well the neighbors noticed first i caught the boys picking and eating raspberries so i told them off and dropped them off at home told their mom i caught them stealing that's how i see it even though it's fruit and that i'd call the cops next time she huffed and told me to grow up but took the boys inside anyway after that it was quiet up until yesterday afternoon when i went out for a while and found the dad and his two sons right in the middle of my garden when i returned clearing my bushes and plans i didn't even confront them just called the cops from a distance as they hadn't noticed me yet and started filming them after making the call luckily two cops showed up after 10 minutes or so and they confronted the neighbor as they were still picking berries they told them they were trespassing and that the berry picking was in fact considered stealing and that i could press charges for the first time i noticed a bit of fear in my neighbor he was having trouble finding his words and kept looking back at his house i guess hoping his wife would show up to yell at the cops they all went inside with the cops so i just went home as well after a while the cops came by and asked me if i wanted to press charges i asked them if they felt like they scared the neighbors enough to stay away i got a small smile and yes about him but the wife had just kept shouting at them and her husband about the little jerk living next door i told them no for now asked them if i'd be allowed to get an extra camera set up on the wall between my garden and the road to cover the entire front garden and driveway they said that's allowed as long as it's on my side of the wall so now i'm getting an extra camera installed one neighbor knows i'm done messing around but his wife isn't there yet and if i ever catch any of them again the cops will be called and possible charges will follow what would you do if your neighbors kept stealing from your garden please let us know it's just a garden berries are meant to be eaten sir i don't think this is you about 10 years ago i worked at a chain hardware and home improvement store back then their return policies were pretty straightforward and return cashiers were allowed to refuse items based on those policies one such policy was that any return without a receipt and over 25 dollars required a valid governmental issued identification license passport military id etc so i'm working a returns counter my favorite assignment because i was allowed to actually not take crap from customers this customer comes in for a return and drops about 150 dollars of rechargeable lithium batteries on my desk i ask him for his receipt he doesn't have it i inform him of the policy requiring id and he says he left it in the car he'll be right back now these batteries were a high theft item and usually in those scenarios they would say they'd be back leave the items on my desk and never come back in this case he did come back about 35 minutes later with an id i take it from him and try to not start laughing while inspecting if it's real the following conversation occurs me sir is this your id him yeah i just renewed it a week ago the date does show it was issued a week ago me so your name is blank him yes gives me full including middle name me can you verify the address he does me okay sir i have to give you this back because i don't think this is you and i can't do your return him before i hand the id back why not i swear that's me me sir the id states that you're a two hundred pound six foot one black man him and me looking at him and trying to understand how that didn't click for him well you're a five sevenish about 135 pound white dude we stare at each other for a moment he slowly takes his id and leaves i called a manager to mark the batteries as a recovery and we had about 25 packs stolen the week before and have a laugh about it note my state i don't remember if others do lists your height age eye color and weight on your license with your picture customers can't read signs or they can but choose to ignore it recently my work clothing store opened back up one new rule is that only every second change room is allowed open this is to enforce social distancing by reducing the amount of people in that area of the store so people are aware a change room is closed we have stuck a sign white laminated paper at eye level onto the change rooms dark gray curtain which is also left closed the section i work in has two change rooms so only one is available to use i went to see if the other customer in the change room needed any help and noticed that there was someone in the other one too the one that is meant to be closed i stood next to the curtain and said hi excuse me there is a sign saying this change room is closed i'll need you to exit out of this one and use the one that isn't closed when it becomes available thank you the customer opened the curtain and began picking up her belongings yes i know i saw the sign but the other change room is being used i told her that the rules still apply even if the available change room is being used she'll just have to wait her turn five minutes later and no i'm not exaggerating i caught another customer in the closed change room i went up to the curtain and repeated what i said to the other lady the customer opens up the change room and says oh sorry i didn't see the sign again white sign dark gray curtain pinned at eye level also this was in the kids section of my store so clearly these ladies are setting a good example for their kids the rules don't apply if you can't be bothered waiting edit yes taking down the curtain would solve the problem but i don't have the authority to do that as i'm not a manager am i the jerk for going back on my promise of making a dress for my sister's wedding reception this past week me 22 and my sister 27 had a fight she's getting married this november and instead of the typical gift she asked me to make a custom dress for her wedding reception i work for a seamstress the woman i work for has her own boutique and does a lot of tailoring work slash custom gowns for weddings proms and special occasions i freelanced with doing costumes for local theater and sometimes to commissions for cosplayers overall i have been sewing for seven years my sister knows this which is why she asked for the reception dress i've been working with her to get the logistics of the dress down style color details etc all i've gotten a solid yes on is her measurements otherwise she's flip-flopped significantly and or brushed my questions off saying it's not until november we have plenty of time a custom dress takes a lot of time and effort to make and some materials depending on what she wants may have to be ordered or fabric dyed on top of it all the dress is free and in between my own projects an actual job most recently when i asked her about the dress she told me she wanted a quick change dress aka a dress that rolls down into a different one she wanted the dress she walked into the reception with to be white and the dress it changed into to be red to match her theme at this point i told her i wasn't doing that kind of dress quick change outfits cost a ton more in fabric and are not comfortable to wear and you usually have to sacrifice details for the ability to change dresses when i told her this she got huffy and said doing two short and simple dresses was just as easy and cost-effective as doing one big intricate one not true i got really frustrated and told her i wasn't going to spend 500 minimum on a dress she'd wear once when she hadn't even given me the details of exactly what she wanted i said if she was gonna be this unreasonable she could buy her own reception dress cause i wasn't gonna put up with her indecisiveness and craziness she said i was being crappy for going back on my promise and she'd already been counting on this dress being free when budgeting not my problem in my opinion my mom called me up later and said my sister called her crying about me going back on what i'd said and no longer having a reception dress at this point i've stopped caring and honestly don't even want to go to the dang wedding anymore am i the jerk what would you do in this situation would you still make the dress for her please let us know she better make that dress her sister deserves it you couldn't have checked the shelves first so i work in a retail slash discount store that i'm pretty sure is specific to the east coast we sell the basic stuff food snacks home decor makeup toys electronics outdoor stuff you get the gist so today i'm over in the home section setting up a new summer display it should have been set up like a month ago but because of delayed shipping we barely have half the stuff that's supposed to be on display so if you work in retail you know how annoying it is to have to set up a new display i'm in the middle of taking down the shelves from the old display and repositioning them to fit the new one so there i am sweating like crazy in an 80 degree store with barely any working air conditioning trying to remove the shelf from the display i finally get it off and stop to take a breather here comes karen can i bother you for a second hun and before i can bother to give her an answer she starts explaining that there's an outdoor chandelier in the garden section and she wants it the problem is apparently it's the last one and it has no box as it's obviously the display model she asks me to check it out and see if i can find the box so she can buy it i go over and take a look and notice she's not alone her husband is with her i start pretending to look for a box i know for sure that it doesn't exist and probably got thrown in the baler months ago but i get the idea that she's not the type of customer who's going to let me go without at least pretending to look for it but before i get the chance her husband starts explaining to me that he wants to make sure this model actually works first it has no batteries so i call one of my managers because she's my friend and ask her to help me out she goes to find some batteries to check that it works but not before telling karen's husband that she believes the reason this model is on display we don't display every model just some is that a customer originally bought it and returned it because one of the lights didn't work as she's off finding batteries karen's husband starts explaining to me that those guys who return this lied to y'all there's clear signs of damage and i can tell they used it for a while before returning it so that's why one of the lights doesn't work i let him keep explaining but i know this isn't true because the signs of wear and tear he was describing were basically invisible and the rust he pointed out was clearly just a chip in the pain that probably happened during assembly since it was right next to one of the screws at this point the whole ordeal has already taken up about 20 minutes of my time my manager returns with the batteries and lo and behold the light doesn't work just like every one of us could have predicted karen's husband goes to open his mouth and say something presumably to ask for a discount for the broken light and then oh look i found them says karen apparently she turned 45 degrees to the left of the spot she had been standing in for the last 20 minutes and realized that this display model was not the last one we had as she had earlier exclaimed in fact there's an entire shelf of them right next door the whole dang time hey karen hit us with those special announcements join as a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video and huge shout out to lexi pink who left us review on itunes saying man mr reddit i love listening to your stories especially the entitled parents ones now i can listen to them on the go when my very own yes i got my own entitled parents starts to go off i simply put my headphones in and i can listen to you while drowning her out you're great i love listening to your stories thank you so much thanks lexi we hope you continue to enjoy the mr reddit podcast available on spotify and itunes entitled mom an entitled kid try to steal 200 worth of digital downloads cast we've got me we've got awesome manager we've got store manager we've got security guard we've got entitled mom entitled teen and poor dad you all wanted the story and here it is this was my second year working at walmart and it was a slow day i was browsing the area around electronics so it was neat when management came around and when i was by the dvds i noticed a few cases hiding behind some products the dvds were there and fine but i saw the digital downloads were gone this did throw me off a bit because usually people would just take the whole thing and leave the case but no just the downloads so i placed them in the damaged cart and wrote missing digital downloads and plus the packages were open so we couldn't sell them because the disk could be damaged for all we know as soon as some of my associates came back along with awesome manager he asked if anything happened i told him about the dvds and he even got concerned because he also found some in the toys department electronics was between the toy department and the shoe department but as the day goes by we kept finding more and more we kept an eye out for any suspicious activity until i saw a teenager entitled teen by one of the new releases on dvd awesome manager also saw this and called in one of the security guards to keep an eye on the team and that's when we can hear someone opening and closing a dvd case awesome manager immediately took action and walked up to her awesome manager miss may i ask what you're doing entitled teen i'm just browsing for something for my little brother she was rolling her eyes at him awesome manager noticed something small in her hand and one of the dvds shoved into the back of the shelf with the case open awesome manager i can't have you opening the dvds entitled teen well how do i know you're not going to sell empty cases she was getting hostile very quickly manager i get that miss but you're still not allowed to do that entitled teen was getting very defensive until the security guard was on site and that's when i saw a woman coming down the aisle to stand by her and that's when i knew it was the entitled mother is there something wrong sweetie entitled teen yes he's accusing me of stealing awesome manager miss me and my associates my daughter would never steal how dare you accuse her of that i was worried for awesome manager because he was a retired veteran can't remember if it was navy or national guard and he was prone to use his veteran voice if someone pushes him too far i was almost on the receiving end of it at one time but he held it back awesome manager ma'am i can see the downloads from the dvd in your daughter's hand entitled mom and entitled teen were yelling at him at this point and that brought the store manager over because he could hear the yelling from the shoe department store manager op is something going on i can hear yelling all the way from the shoe department me we've been finding open dvd products with the digital downloads missing and awesome manager found the culprit she nods at me and walks over to awesome manager entitled teen and entitled mom store manager awesome manager is everything all right entitled mom your manager is accusing my daughter of stealing and i will not tolerate it i demand him to be fired and be compensated for the stress he's put us through as store manager was going to ask awesome manager entitled teen opened her jacket a bit and tons of the digital downloads fell out from the inside of her jacket i was even shocked as we all witnessed what was going on security guard was close by and looks at store manager to give the signal which was given immediately but security guard has to call for backup because entitled teen tried to run for it security guard caught up with her but entitled mom was now trying to get the guard to let her go luckily another security guard showed up and got her too we had to empty the jacket entitled teen had and she had over 200 worth of dvd digital downloads that were taken from their cases we couldn't sell the dvds so they were put in for damages awesome manager had to call the police and the cops had to take them away and they were banned from other walmarts as well even awesome manager was wondering why bother taking the digital downloads instead of the whole thing i told him that it could be a scam she was doing by selling the digitals at a high price and rips the people that buy them off by downloading the digital so that they couldn't use it someone does this with our games and sells them at gamestop he thought i had a good point and just shrugged it off me i was afraid you were going to go flippy on them awesome manager just laughed and said he handled worse and told me to keep it up baby of electronics we all had nicknames and i was dug that because i was the youngest member there and props to those that got the flippy reference as the day went by i saw a man walk up to the counter and i asked how i could help him poor dad hello i'm the father of entitled teen an entitled mom's husband i just want to apologize for what they did me it's okay sir they should have known better and it is what it is turns out he was divorcing entitled mom and trying to get custody of entitled teen because entitled mom was a toxic lady but he couldn't get custody due to his finances and was trying to find a better job poor dad tried to offer to buy the dvds his daughter took the digitals from and i told him i couldn't do that poor dad kept insisting but i told him i would get in trouble and he lets it be i haven't seen poor dad since i've worked there so i hope he's doing good and got custody of the daughter edit i'm getting messages about awesome manager's action the store manager did talk to him about what he did and was told not to accuse customers of stealing again he was hired a few weeks before the incident happened because he worked at a bad retail store that the managers didn't do anything and let customers always win despite the situation what would you do if you saw someone stealing from the store you worked at would you confront them or just let someone else know please let us know they should have minded their own business am i the jerk for refusing to give my parents money i'm a 19 year old female with six older siblings my parents spent most of my childhood spending money they didn't have on my siblings so by the time i hit my teenage years i realized i was probably going to have to fend for myself financially when i turned 18. i started babysitting and doing odd jobs around my neighborhood when i was 14 and eventually got part-time jobs during the school year by the time i was 16 i was working three jobs in the summer and two in addition to school when my parents told me they couldn't pay for college i'd already earned enough along with scholarships to be able to put myself through college and have plenty left over i've continued to work during the school year and have been able to make money currently by tutoring online the issue began a few months ago when my eldest sister 29 got married my parents spent 30 grand on her wedding taking out a second mortgage to do so to make matters worse my dad was furloughed six days after the wedding they'd effectively dug themselves into a hole they couldn't get out of two weeks ago my mom texted me for the first time since the wedding she didn't say hi ask how i was or make any small talk she just said your dad and i need a favor when can we call you i'd expected this none of my elder siblings are doing well financially and they've exhausted all other loan options both from family and the bank i figured they would text me ask me to loan them a few thousand and promise to pay it back when they could figure things out i was absolutely willing to pitch in a few thousand and had even considered giving them some of my tutoring jobs so they could make some extra cash i was not however expecting them to demand i give them all of the money close to forty thousand dollars i'd made from the ages of fourteen to eighteen the exact statement my mom had made was you made that money under our roof we were the ones who allowed you to work so you only have it because of us anyway we bought you food and clothes for 18 years that money is only a fraction of what you owe us and so on i said that food clothes and shelter were the very minimum it's what they signed up for when they chose to become parents i didn't ask for any of it etc they responded by telling me that if it wasn't for them i wouldn't have the life i have today i said that they were being ridiculous and hung up since that day both along with two of my siblings have continuously hounded me about giving them what is rightfully theirs my siblings who have never been asked to give them money are still professing that it's my job as their kid to take care of them i told them they wouldn't see a scent of my hard-earned money and have no right to make such a request i'm torn i feel awful for refusing to help them but on the other hand this was their fault i feel i shouldn't be responsible for fixing their mess am i the jerk what would you do if you were in this situation would you give your parents all of that money or absolutely not i can't wait to hear from you of course they should their parents deserve it stop screaming at me lady i don't work for this pool so a little background information i work as a teacher part-time at a regular high school social studies and i work part-time with refugees of all different ages we get a lot of different refugees and we try to split them up in different levels based on past education slash past jobs their knowledge of our language and society and the amount of time they can and want to spend on the lessons for example a mother of five might not have as much time as a young adult without kids so two days a week i teach these people about our society but also things like finding a job how to arrange things with the government and other problems they might encounter now besides the standard things like language social studies etc we also offer some other things for example swimming lessons we have a deal with a pool walking distance from the school so once a week the students that need and want to can learn to swim after their regular lessons the first few weeks of a term one of us teachers will walk with them to the pool and will stay for the first 15 to 20 minutes of the lesson to help or support keep in mind that the students are adults who usually don't need much help i had walked with the students to the pool and was sitting on a bench close by one student was quite nervous so i stayed a little longer just in case she needed support the lesson went well so i was on my phone going through emails and student social media that might sound creepy and stalkerish but i actually use social media for assignments because it is a very vital part of society nowadays in comes karen i was told later that she had tried to sign her son up for private lessons but there were no instructors available at the time slot she wanted so the son had his lessons in a group gasps in shock apparently karen had seen me helping slash cheering on some of the students before i sat down she came up to me and immediately asked what i was doing i tried to explain to her that i was working but she cut me off shouldn't you be paying attention to the students and odds to instructors a bit much for such a small group again i tried to explain that i'm not a swim instructor but just there to guide the students she wasn't having any of it if i was just sitting there i had to have time to teach her son in private and how i was just lazy and rude for refusing her earlier again i told her i don't work at this pool but she just kept going along with her rant eventually the actual swim instructor came up to me and told me the lesson was going well and if i wanted i could go back to school karen immediately jumped in asking what she meant the instructor looked at her confused because why was she there and told her i was their regular teacher that walked them here and stayed because it was the first class i have never seen someone backpedal as fast as karen in that moment she got red stammered a bit about how the instructor should pay attention to her class and left her quickly so fast that the instructor called no running in the pool which made her even more red i had to laugh at that point and explain to the instructor what happened and she laughed as well so that was my encounter with a wild karen speaking of pools it's getting hot out have any of you been to the pool yet and if not are you going soon please let us know oh i just love the pool but especially peeing in it am i the jerk for kicking out my daughter after she tried to send my cat to the shelter the relevant backstory i have two daughters one is 21 and in college the other is 26 and because of a lot of factors finds herself pregnant divorcing her husband and needing to live in our house for the foreseeable future and i am happily married to their mother the other notable character is my cat lieutenant we call her lude i found loot in a dumpster almost 10 years ago when she was only a week old got her to the vet and she has been my best buddy for the last decade she's now my grumpy old little shadow whenever i'm home so yesterday i came home from work and i hear my eldest daughter calling me from the kitchen my wife and eldest then tell me that lute is getting old dad and with the baby coming we didn't think it was safe to keep an old grouchy cat around an infant so we made the decision today to send luke to a shelter so that she can find a family that is more in line with what she needs i told them both they were way out of line not in so many words and we would talk when we get back i drive to the closest shelter find loot prove ownership pay the 100 fee to get her back and take her home so here is the drama part when i get home i call a family meeting and tell my eldest she doesn't get to make decisions about my pets without consulting me loot only wants to be left alone and even if it came to it i would rather exhaust all my options before putting loot through life at a shelter my eldest began arguing with me that loot would be a liability around an infant and she is unpredictable untrue she is either asleep sitting on her cat tree or eating at that point i saw red and told her my cat is well trained and dared her to come up with one instance of lute even scratching someone which she couldn't but kept insisting that old cats are inherently dangerous for kids i then told her that she had one month to get a new place to live as she clearly doesn't respect me or my things and that if flute so much has lost a whisker i would hold her personally responsible my wife and younger daughter are now begging me to change my mind as with my eldest current financial condition i would probably be condemning her to homelessness and that my daughter should come before a cat am i the jerk for kicking my daughter out after she tried to get rid of my cat edit to add as many people have brought up no i'm not being as hard on my wife as my daughter my wife came up to me last night and basically begged for forgiveness saying she wasn't thinking and just accepted the things my daughter was saying without checking very out of character for her so i have told her i will need some space for the foreseeable future but that she and i are okay flute is already microchipped and wears a collar and tag i've also contacted all the shelters around my area and send them loot's pitcher chip id and my contact information and an explanation that i'm worried someone may surrender my cat without my permission would you let someone live with you who tries to get rid of your pets please let us know she deserves to live there she's his daughter no this is not the price that's advertised karen screams at me so it's just before last call and i'm doing the extra cleaning required to keep our restaurant safe when my closing waitress who's amazing comes to me daksana my table is refusing to pay full price now we've had a crazy service and rocked it all night even with a few hiccups but i was still in a great mood especially as it was almost time for me to enjoy my patio so i put my understanding compassionate friendly manager voice on go to the table introduce myself and ask what seems to be the problem karen this stupid jerk is overcharging us and i'm not paying here's the price in the menu pointing at our new paper menus we give out me ignoring her language ah i see i would also be frustrated however as you can see here and i point a bit above where she says it says to go which is not our dine in prices karen that's bs you jerks are trying to rip me off it clearly states here's the price and that's what i'm paying so you go fix my bill or else now i'm pretty laid back and even though she was talking to me like this i'm thinking okay i'll buy her a drink or two and that'll make up the difference just to get her out of here at this point and she's making a scene me well i can probably karen forget you listen here i'm not paying this bill if you don't change it i'm calling the cops at that point i've had enough i was about to be nice and she decided to treat me and my waitress like garbage plus if i'm being honest i felt like the first night back i had to defend my restaurant me so you're refusing to pay your bill are you going to leave karen don't you listen stupid i'm not paying and i'm not leaving you jerk me okay so you won't leave and won't pay your bill i'm going to have to call the police on this matter to resolve it karen do it i'll call them for you so i go to the kitchen manager who is also part owner explain the situation and my plan and he's like yeah if they calm down discount a couple drinks and send them away otherwise do what you think is best alright it's on for the first time in my 10-year restaurant career i call the non-emergency police line explain what's up and ask if it's worth calling an officer over dispatcher oh yeah absolutely it sounds like she's getting aggressive and refusing to pay for a service that's fraud we'll send a unit when we can and if she gets violent call us back i knew we were pretty low priority and the whole time i was hoping they would secretly leave so i could just count it as a walkout but what followed was the craziest 45 minutes i was dealing with my tables last call drinks her coming in to scream at me a few times asking where the cops were calling me and my waitress more names my favorite line though was i have kids at home then her husband came in and actually talked to me like a human being i saw an out and despite the karen tried to take it husband look man i understand the confusion and i know you're not trying to do us over is there anything you can do for me though she won't pay full price and she's on her period me cringe laughing on the inside because it's the first time someone has actually used that excuse i was going to offer to buy some drinks but she started screaming at me i'd rather not have the police involved and if you pay this bill i can call them off and we can all go home happy so i handed him a discounted bill and kept a copy of the original hoping he would pay there and this nightmare would be over nope he went back to karen with his tail between his legs she stopped screaming at me but this gave her new ammo as now she found out i could change the price she still refused to pay and is now insisting the cops would shut us down when they get there side note i know there's a lot of bad rep for the police especially right now but these guys were what every officer should be they pulled up calm cool and collected i told them the situation from my side customer won't pay i can't give them anything else for free as per the owner so i had to call in back up then i simultaneously thanked them and apologized for having to call them walked them to karen they listened to karen's one-sided story and which obviously she paints me as an evil villain but these guys are clued in and already got her number metaphorically speaking obviously so they start poking holes in it after about five minutes of back and forth with karen starting to shout at the officers they interrupt her officer look you have to pay your bill or leave at which point it's theft and you will be charged also it seems like this man already tried to help you out by taking care of a few drinks and we still had to be called out here you're going to pay the full price and we're all going to go home karen but you're not the court of law it's advertised as this officer ma'am i've already had enough of this and i'm sure both these poor guys have too gesturing to me and the husband pay the full bill or you're spending the night in jail thankfully she came to her senses and asked for the debit machine didn't tip and left without another word as she was paying i thanked them for coming and told them to never come back luckily with what's going on right now we have to take information of the party so i have her name and phone number to make it official thanks for listening to my vent would you have changed the price on the bill for her or left it like it was please let us know they definitely should have changed it i hate false advertising am i the jerk for refusing to pay for college i 51 male have two kids katie who's 17 and mark who's 15. i'm seeing a lovely lady alice who has one kid eliza who's 17. we met because our daughters are friends and have been seeing each other for about 18 months and have lived together for six months though we currently live together our finances are pretty separate financially i do pretty well and i make more than she does so i pay about eighty percent of the house bills in addition we both pay for our own individual expenses and for those of our kids clothes cars cell phones spending money etc it had been going really well and we were talking marriage which means combined finances so we started looking at what a budget might look like and it went pretty well though we both had to compromise a bit on what we wanted then we got to college savings i put a certain amount of money into katie and mark's college funds each month and i assumed we would be doing the same for eliza it turns out that eliza does not have a college savings fund there is no money set aside for her future education at all i was stunned i know eliza is planning on going to college where to go is one of the favorite topics of conversation at the dinner table for both girls eliza is not gifted athletically or academically so there's little chance of a scholarship i asked alice what her plan was and she replied she didn't have one i pointed out how expensive college was she asked me how much i had saved for katie and mark so i pulled up those accounts she said that was plenty we could just divide it in three i said absolutely not i had started saving that money for each of the kids before they were even born and it belonged to them she said what about treating the kids equally i replied that equally meant giving each of them the same amount going forward but not taking money away from two of them to give to the other she said what about the retirement funds i said no again because of both the hit we would take on taxes and what it would do to our early retirement plans i had worked hard to save to be able to retire early and travel alice said it was unfair to eliza not to pay for her college when i'm paying for the other two and i agree but you don't start planning on how to pay for college when the kid is 17 it's not eliza's fault but it's not mine either alice is accusing me of not caring about eliza that i would find a way to do it if it was my kid i told her that i did find a way for my kids it was saving for their entire life not hoping that tens of thousands of dollars would magically appear it went downhill from there at this point alice and i are not speaking we won't be getting married and i seriously doubt we will be together very much longer i don't think i'm wrong and neither do the people that i talk to however i admit they are biased toward me i'm coming here to get an outside perspective am i the jerk what would you do if you were in this situation would you split up the funds to pay for her college as well please let us know you definitely should you sure you want me to do that officer so i worked for the it help desk of our local city council when one early morning at around 5 30 a.m my mother stormed into my room scaring the crap out of me and my cat half asleep i asked why she was screaming at me clearly in a panic she told me that the police were on the phone and asking for me now i won't go into detail but suffice to say that my first thoughts were what did i do now and i didn't do anything did i still half asleep i walked downstairs and got on the phone and vaguely asked yes i got a reply along the lines of dang it it's always the same with you guys don't you know it's market day uh yeah every wednesday isn't it it is every wednesday has been since around 1302 a.d officer what are you gonna start making a joke out of this me slowly starting to wake up completely uh no i just don't get officer cuts me off angrily your car is on the market square and they can't set up their stalls dang it get over here now and move this dang car the i.t department was next to the market square so sometimes the car did indeed stay parked there overnight me really having issues with people screaming at me no problem be right there now usually i rode my bike to work but seeing it as it was clearly a pressing matter i asked my dad who had awoken from my mother's frantic behavior to drive me to the market square on the way there i explained the situation and my dad couldn't help but give a chuckle and told me don't do anything stupid to which i gave him a smile shrugged and with a han solo-esque grin told him hey it's the cops my father snickered and shook his head knowing that doing something stupid was somewhat of my middle name if an officer tells you to do something you do it right we arrived at the market where people were already setting up stalls to prepare for market day except for where i spotted the car of the it hardware department and about 15 meters behind it a police car with his light flashing i got out and slowly walked over to the two officers that were standing near their car one of them immediately launched into a tirade about how we were all the same and how we it guys always thought we ran things which basically we did including their i.t once he paused i calmly asked him what he wanted me to do again he blew up nearly screaming move the car not wanting there to be any doubt i asked if he was sure and he truly nearly lost its screaming incoherent words at me me okay okay calm down i'll do it if you insist let me go up to the office and look for the keys so off i went i went to our offices where i was met by our cleaning slash coffee lady who asked why i was in so early so i explained the situation and that the hardware department's car was on the market square again confused she asked me but that's not your department is it to which i side nope do you know where the keys are so together we looked for the keys which we found rather quickly i asked if she'd accompany me down because the police were making me nervous which she kindly and graciously did upon getting back down it was clear that angry one hadn't calmed down and that i'd probably taken longer to go get the keys than he wanted in quick strides he walked up to us and without a word i tried to hand him the keys which he didn't notice because he screamed in an angry high-pitched voice move that dang car at this point our cleaning slash coffee lady looked at me and said but you i shrugged and give her the most roguish smile i could muster at that time she smiled gently shaking her head once more and just to make sure i got things straight i calmly and politely asked so you're telling me i have to move that car now i had seen cops get angry before but never turn red with figurative steam coming out of their ears he blew up and pulled out his night stick and took one step towards as if to indicate i was getting close to either getting arrested or smacked over the head i turned and quickly made it over to the car nervously but loudly muttering things like under duress and not my job i got in the car fumbled with the keys somewhat and in three to four tries started the car i waited about a minute and then the car sputtered forward and stopped i tried again again the car sputtered but then it took off like a rocket all i remember from the short drive is seeing our cleaning slash coffee lady bursting out laughing as i passed just before i plowed straight into the police car as i was getting out somewhat dazed i saw the two police officers standing there white is sheets and utterly perplexed i stammered at them the immortal words i i don't know how to drive man i just pick up the phones and help people so yes they had called the only person in all the i.t departments that didn't have a driver's license and just worked on the phones and one that doesn't really like the police nor getting woken up hours before i have to get up i suffered no consequences as there were cctv cameras filming it all with audio which i of course knew and our cleaning slash coffee lady clearly heard the cop order me to move the car having known the mayor since i was 12 helped me too of course so the moral of the story is always do what the police tell you to do you need to help my daughter get over her breaking up with you a few years ago i was dating a girl named hannah i say was because that's no longer the case hannah and i were in our mid-20s when we met and quickly started dating shortly after a few weeks into the relationship i would be spending more time at her apartment than at my own house her parents paid for a place for her we were inseparable unfortunately my rose-colored glasses didn't alert me to the emotional burden that i had placed on myself by being with hannah hannah was unfortunately not emotionally well of course being in love tends to let you gloss over these things and i managed to forgive her for going through my phone or stalking other girls i talked to online or for giving me the silent treatment when we argued about something or for texting her exes behind my back however all this came to a head after just over a year of dating when she accused me of cheating on her with multiple women and a big spectacle in front of her classmates and friends in public after giving me the silent treatment for over a week i decided i'd had enough and when she told me we are done i decided to walk and never look back of course this didn't stop hannah from trying to do a 180 and get me back which resulted in me having to block a total of seven different numbers from her her friends and her burner phones before she eventually hacked my reddit account and after sending me messages through my profile deleted it i know what you're saying where are the entitled parents enter stage left hannah's family and i had gotten along very well her dad and i met weekly for baseball and her mom and i would often discuss things for her apartment i would often go over for dinner it became rather apparent that her parents had difficulty dealing with her emotional well-being and that they would many times look to me to help her during these episodes so when hannah came home in tears that i left her her parents immediately contacted the one person who was there to help her during her emotional distress me in case you weren't paying attention hannah and i are in our mid-20s and i was being contacted by her mother trying to explain how this was a misunderstanding and that i should come take her back when it became apparent that i was not interested in doing so her mother allowed hannah to contact me through her phone berating me for ghosting her and leaving our fabulous relationship when hannah finally hacked my reddit and i was forced to change a plethora of passwords as well as check all my accounts for suspicious activity alongside contacting a lawyer i finally reached out to her family to tell them what had occurred i was met by her father stating that i needed to come discuss this breakup with her that she was distraught and nobody else could help her but me apparently i needed to help the person who broke up with me get over breaking up with me because i'm her boyfriend it was then that i said to her father that no hannah is not my problem anymore that i am under no obligation to help her through her breakup and then informed him of the hacking and threatened legal action he once again tried to ask me to at least contact her because i could only assume her parents were having difficulty handling her emotionally i once again repeated what i said that i have my own feelings to worry about and reminded him that she broke up with me and you want me to come help her through this i hung up i never heard from any of them again probably because they're all still blocked have you ever dealt with a really difficult breakup if so how did you go about doing it please let us know it's all his fault am i the jerk for telling my boyfriend's mother she raised a psycho who needs to be in a facility so i female 26 have a boyfriend male 24 and recently he got into a dispute with the neighbor's kids they accidentally kicked their football into our yard and they came into the garden to get it back to be honest i didn't care but my boyfriend started screaming at these like 11 year olds about how they are poorly raised and their parents should be ashamed i was mortified i sent the kids some chocolates and sweets and apologized profusely for his behavior i was seeing red flags and told him this behavior was not normal he kind of brushed me off and i told him if he pulled anything like that again he was gone the next week the ball came into our garden and i was about to throw it back to the kids when my boyfriend stormed outside and took the ball inside i told the kids that i would bring it back in a minute he went into the bathroom and emerged like 10 minutes later wearing gloves and the football was covered in his doo-doo what the heck i asked him if he was out of his mind but he stormed past me and threw it over the fence screaming take that you jerks i screamed and girl i mean screamed at him about how he was a total jerk and i wanted him out of my house and he's a disgusting monster and that they were just kids i screamed and screamed and eventually he left i deleted all of his games off his ps4 and gave it to the kids as an apology i was so embarrassed my ex-boyfriend's mom messaged me asking me what had happened and i responded with what happened what happened you raised a sociopath who covered a football and his own doo-doo and threw it at someone and he needs to be in a facility because something is wrong with him and god knows how i hadn't seen any red flags about this monster you raised during the seven months we dated i know i'm in the right for what i did to my boyfriend but am i in the wrong for snapping at the mother for something she had no direct involvement in what do you think was it wrong for her to go off on his mother like that please let us know i thought it was a great idea what he did with that football i might have to try that myself karen doesn't wear a mask and i make her regret it so yesterday i was at the store to get some groceries for today's pizza sundae due to what's going on you have to wear a mask if you plan to go into any kind of store but a lot of people just brush it off and try to go inside without one but in larger stores and markets the staff stops you and tells you you need to get a mask and then come back like the responsible person i am i always wear a mask when i go to the store because the store is close to my house 90 of the time i do my shopping there naturally i know the few staff members that work there so while i shop i also make some small talk with them i'm guessing this lady saw me a bunch of times in the store and thought i was working there while i was shopping she approached me and asked hey kid where can i find baking soda naturally i replied it should be next to the flower she said thanks and walked off one minute later though hey kid it's not there me okay what do you want me to do about it well go look in the back there has to be some i really need it me it clicked miss i don't work here karen confident as heck of course you do you're wearing a mask note all the staff are wearing synthetic gloves masks and red shirts with a store logo and i was wearing my nike t-shirt and shorts me confused and baffled everyone should wear a mask while in a store it's required by law i took a look at her again where's your mask how did you get inside without one i'm guessing there wasn't any staff by the counter so she just slipped in without anyone noticing karen visibly angry what did you say to me boy where is your manager i want to talk to him right now me i sighed ah again i don't work here karen is fuming i want your manager as soon as she said that i had a light bulb moment you see i know the manager she's a sweet person let's call her jess but if you get her angry she is the devil me with a grin on my face okay miss follow me we get over to jess and before the woman said a word me jess this woman isn't wearing a mask jess miss put your mask on while you're in our store karen is surprised i don't have one jess really upset get out karen realizing she's done for but jess points her finger at the door now miss karen realizes she's in trouble and runs out of the store i just said thanks to jess and continued shopping have you guys been wearing masks and have you seen anybody who's not please let us know you'll never make me wear one of those stupid things am i the jerk for not wanting my boyfriend's brother in my pictures because he has a distracting facial scar i 22 female have been with my boyfriend for three years now and things are going great i have a really good relationship with his family and his parents adore me they're well off and always give me lots of support i'm not exactly rich which i really appreciate for some context his brother got into a car accident last year and it was pretty rough he was mostly fine but ended up with a permanent facial scar nothing wrong with that he still looks great but the scar is huge and very noticeable it's a very sensitive topic but i think he'll get better soon anyway it was my birthday recently and we all had a nice dinner afterwards i needed some pics for my social media so i handed my boyfriend's brother my phone and told him to start snapping then my boyfriend asked him to join us too and i didn't really expect that his brother wasn't interested in being in the pics with us since the accident he has become very withdrawn and doesn't even like being social but my boyfriend encouraged him eventually he decided to join us but i was totally against it i was kind of upset that i was put on the spot like that and my boyfriend noticed and asked what's wrong i said that the scar is just too noticeable and would get more attention which isn't fair especially when you consider it's my birthday i'm not an attention seeker but i think it's unfair to do that to someone also i just didn't think it would look nice apparently that was horrible of me because everybody was acting like i'm the devil my boyfriend got really upset and refused to take any pics with me his parents seemed quite mad too but they didn't say much his brother didn't even look very upset he just gave me a blank stare and left the room i'm not sure why everybody is acting like i said something so horrible when he didn't even respond he seemed fine to me and even if i messed up why won't any of them straight up tell me yesterday i spoke with my boyfriend about it and he demands that i apologize to his brother apparently it was the first time he actually seemed okay with having his pics taken and i ruined that i'm sorry about that but i don't think that's relevant at all i just feel like i'm being blamed for everything my boyfriend keeps saying that i hurt his brother's feelings but i don't see any evidence of that i personally don't see why an apology is needed am i the jerk well what do you guys think is she the jerk or has she done nothing wrong please let us know i'll give her a break it's her birthday do my shopping for me no i'm working so this happened a week or two ago so for those who haven't seen my previous post i'm currently working as an online shopper at a certain orange and maroon british shop the job basically involves me going around the store picking up shopping for one to eight people at a time on that day there was a lady there with her daughter who was probably no less than 17 who looked a little confused so i put on my best friendly customer assistance voice while quickly throwing an item in my cart are you all right there madam she darts her head around and says oh we're looking for insert item i don't remember i remembered knowing where the item was and i was going to that aisle anyway so i just said oh yeah i'm going there right now i'll show you where they are i take her to where the item she was looking for was and park up my cart to grab the stuff i need she asks me to grab it for her it was hung up on a shelf and i'm tall and have long arms and she was pretty short the daughter was on her phone so i was like of course she throws the item in her bag and says i need the second item next could you take me to where that is the following conversation ensues me oh sorry i can't i need to finish up this shopping her well you're doing shopping anyway you can just get whatever you need in the same place as what i need what if i can't reach me there will be another member of staff or you could ask your daughter to help her this is incredibly disrespectful whatever happened to the customer is always right me nothing i just can't follow you around and do your shopping for you because i have to do my work her go get your manager i'll sort something out with them daughter oh for heck's sake mom you're not doing this again her don't you dare sweat me young lady her daughter because i should listen to you the lady who treats store employees as if they're servants and calls the manager when it doesn't go her way i was honestly counting down the minutes until you started being a jerk towards the employees i started to shuffle away while i can stand my ground in confrontation i feel super awkward during domestic disputes her we're going to talk about this when we get home then to me where are you going daughter no we aren't leave the guy alone i'm walking home and staying in my room the mother grabs her daughter by the arm and people are looking into the aisle and skipping it to avoid all this conflict thankfully my little scanner has a button to call a manager so i quickly press that before things get worse the manager sees the mother and daughter screaming at each other manager both of you break it up suddenly the entitled lady becomes like a little kid who's telling on a mean classmate mother oh thank goodness you're here your employee is refusing to help me and told my daughter that he'll get her free stuff if she beats me up daughter that's not true my mom is being her usual self wanting everyone to bend to her will when i wanted to leave she grabbed me manager yes i saw that tiger what happened me i showed this woman where this item was and she wanted it down from the shelf then she demanded i follow her around in case she can't get something else daughter and i can vouch for that manager right then ma'am i'm giving you one chance to leave the store right now otherwise i will call security and have you escorted out there was no objection from the mother and she left before security was called the daughter got some free stuff for having to put up with all that and i got to finish after my current shop so just under an hour early though that was probably because there wasn't much stuff left to gather neighbor parks his car and blocks my exit don't mess with a woman scorned this happened about five years ago when i moved into a wheelchair friendly unit i'm a 29 year old disabled female in a wheelchair the unit complex i live in has 20 units upstairs and down but only half of the tenants have assigned parking i have a car space but this neighbor didn't it took a while for tenants to get used to this it was a brand new complex and the tenants all moved in at the same time but one of them let's call him jerk either didn't get it or didn't care he would constantly park in my car space and every time i confronted him about it he claimed not to know but he had parked there anyway i informed the landlords about this and they sent out constant letters until he finally got the message but did he park on the street nope he started to park his car along the driveway sometimes blocking my exit to get out of the door i go down a ramp and then turn onto the driveway but he would park his car and block my exit there was no back exit so this was my only way to exit my place i told the landlords about this and the council parking officer in hopes that they could make him stop doing this i confronted jerk a few times and told him not to do this and warned him that his car might get damaged if i tried to get my wheelchair around it but did he listen nope one glorious day when i needed to leave i saw his car parked halfway across my exit there was just enough room for me to get around but i knew i would scrape the side of his car with the side of my power wheelchair if i tried to get around it i had two options stay home and miss my appointments or try to get around his car i went with option b before you have a go at me for damaging his car it was an old beat up tin can that already had some scratches on it what's one more when i got home his car was still parked there so i called a tow truck company and told them there was a car parked illegally blocking access to my home i don't like using my disability to my advantage but i'd had enough the call went something like this me uh hello um yes i'm i'm so sorry to bother you but i'm in a wheelchair and i can't get into my house because there's a car parked there it's my neighbor and he won't stop parking there i need to get inside omg what what's the address we'll be right there ten minutes later the tow truck arrived he saw the car and me stuck out in the driveway with tears dramatized for effect in my eyes not long before the driver was able to tow the car away jerk came out screaming wait what are you doing that's my car the rest was jerk yelling in audible sentences asking why his car was being towed and threatening to sue the tow truck company based on the crab fest of a tin can he calls a car he didn't have a leg to stand on he moved away about two years ago but in the remaining time he lived there he parked his car on the street have you ever had someone who kept parking in your spot if so what did you do about it please let us know i park wherever i want to i don't care whose spot it is am i the jerk for not giving my cousin his share of my inheritance i 25 female i'm the oldest great-grandchild of my great-grandparents and my brother 22 male is the second when we were born my great-grandparents set aside trust funds for each of us that have grown to about two hundred thousand dollars each i'm planning on using my money for a down payment on a house eventually now my great-grandparents both passed away before my cousin 18 male was born since he didn't exist when my great-grandparents were setting aside money in their wills he didn't get anything from them my aunt cousin's mom recently found out about the trust funds and became incensed that her kid didn't receive anything she messaged me and my brother telling us that she knows we will do the right thing and split all our money three ways so that it's fair because that's what your great grandparents would have wanted you to do i talked to my grandmother and she said her parents gave me and my brother that money for us to use and that it's completely up to us if we want to share it or not she also made a good point that since there are now 30 plus great-grandchildren if my aunt really wanted it to be fair then we would have to dole out the money among every other great grandchild and everyone would end up getting less than fifteen thousand i'm not sure what the right thing to do is my brother and i have discussed it and we agree that it's technically not fair for my cousin to not get anything on the other hand my cousin's other grandparents that i am not related to are billionaires with a capital b and he's their only grandchild so he's said to inherit everything from them and is in no way hurting for money my parents think that my brother and i should ignore our aunt and keep the money to use it and to pay off any debts and get a head start on our adult lives though i didn't do anything to earn the money and would be fine if i did give up some of it would i be the jerk if my brother and i kept our inheritances even if it isn't fair to our cousin edit this got a ton more attention than i expected thank you everyone for the advice my brother and i have been reading as many comments as we can and this has really made us feel better about keeping the money i'm going to write a letter to my aunt saying that although i understand where she's coming from we are going to use the inheritances as our great grandparents left them for us specifically what would you do would you share the inheritance with your cousin or keep it please let us know give me that wheelchair now a little background on me so you understand the serious situation this whole thing put me in about six years ago i wound up with several health conditions that all interacted with one another creating a domino effect of health problems during the course of those six years plus this current year i have been hospitalized for no less than a week at a time 15 times despite getting most of the conditions stabilized i have a few more hurdles to overcome those being one a heart condition where my pump capacity is at 35 percent and requires me to get a pacemaker plus one leaking valve and due to the low pump and all my hospital stays i've lost almost all the strength in my legs to where i total wobble walk with a cane but to truly retrain my legs i need to use a rollator a stroller with four wheels and a seat also my legs are so weak i don't have the strength for the lift or push of the legs to get me upstairs and more especially getting off the floor or ground if i fall once i'm down i'm down and it takes about two to three men to help me get upright so one day i go to a store to grab some food and medical supplies won't say the store's name but they usually wear smurf colored vests i slowly tuttle walk into the store and that day i am wearing black jeans with holes bright red suspenders to hold the pants up due to all the weight i've lost a white short-sleeved dress shirt and a very bright and loud red green and goldish colored plaid vest i don't even make it past the security centers when i'm suddenly grabbed from behind by a woman who looks like she's never worked a day in her life and done up to the nines so she looks like she should be shopping at high retail stores in new york or paris instead of this local place i'm going to call her snooty i know they usually call these ladies karen but my bonus mom's name is karen and she has never treated me badly so snooty it is for me thus the playbill for this little production is going to be me snooty store security store manager and of course kind of piercing together what i remember from the argument conversation as stated i didn't even make it past the security sensors at the building entrance when snooty grabs me from behind by my right elbow and attempts to spin me around i shift as best i can rollator and all and see this high falutin lady with an exceptionally annoyed look on her face excuse me did you not see me try to flag you down how could you miss us you walked right past me and my crippled daughter her daughter isn't crippled in fact all she has on is a brace boot around her left ankle and foot me lost in a little bit of confusion i'm sorry i thought you were waving at someone you knew in the parking lot do i know you no you don't but you should pay attention to customers when you bring in the handicapped items such as that wheelchair i flag you down because my daughter needs it me stammering a little uh i'm sorry but but this isn't a wheelchair yes it is this store provides them for handicapped customers and you need to do your job and give this one to us um that's not my job in fact i don't have a job i'm in the middle of getting approved for disability really what a world anyone thinks they can get away with lying and excuses just give me the wheelchair and i'll be nice and won't report you i don't work here lady yes you do you're wearing a vest and this is one of the store's wheelchairs she places a hand on one of the bars on my rollator and grabs tightly no i do not work here lady i am a customer i'm not wearing the right kind of vest this item doesn't belong to the store it's not a wheelchair it's a rollator and the store doesn't provide wheelchairs they provide scooters which are located behind you let go of my walker snooty attempts to jerk the rollator from me i'm going to report you for being rude to customers especially ones who are handicapped you're not following the ada laws that'll get you fired for certain me pulling back on my rollator again i do not work here this doesn't belong to the store it belongs to me it's not a wheelchair and your daughter isn't handicapped she has an ankle brace on probably meaning she just twisted or sprained her ankle grab her a scooter if you want but leave me alone more lies more lies i am taking this wheelchair and i am going straight to the head manager to have you fired what happens next is a tug of war to the best of my ability between myself and the lady with my rollator she eventually does something kind of intelligent and she pushes on one of my poles which causes me to stumble backward eventually tripping over my own feet and kaboom down i go to the floor slamming my head to the floor i'm in a tremendous amount of pain the room and my head is spinning the lady is saying something to me in scalding tones shaking her finger at me but my head is ringing i'm now short of breath so i don't really hear her nor understand her she huffs and walks away and i was told she was slightly cursing as she was having trouble trying to push her daughter around in the wheelchair note roll leaders are made so you can walk facing the seat thus the handlebars face out away not from behind the seat several minutes go by folks are trying to help me get up finally there comes in a gentleman and i believe his two sons all of whom look like they could be professional linebackers who managed to get me up and escort me to one of the benches just inside the entrance doors just a couple minutes more and the store manager and a security guard come walking up to me with very stern looks on their faces manager we understand you were trying to take a wheelchair from a handicapped customer and that you were glancing up and down at me well obviously attempting to pass yourself off as an employee of our store me no i was trying to come in here to buy some groceries and medical items when this woman accosted me telling me i needed to give her my role later security well this woman said you tried to manhandle her to take it away from her i explained my medical conditions and how it's impossible for me to be able to manhandle anyone at the present time or foreseeable future the man and sons who helped pick me up informed the manager and security that i had to be picked up off of the floor that i had no leg strength as far as they could tell after this the manager and security look me over and then look at each other with expressions that said this needed to be looked into further security called for another officer to have them find the lady and her daughters and bring them up to the front of the store when they arrive snooty starts right on in you've got the right or should i say the wrong man he needs to be fired now and i have a good mind to press charges against him and the store for his assaulting me manager ma'am i can't fire him as he doesn't work here yes he does he's wearing one of your vests manager you mean a vest like this he raises up a side of the vest he's wearing it looks nothing like our vests ma'am it also doesn't have our name nor our logo on it well then he tried to impersonate an employee so he could attack the disabled i still wish to press charges security ma'am he says this stroller is his this is not his wheelchair me it's not a wheelchair if she owned it she'd know it's not one also if it was hers why does she have my wallet and prescription list in the basket under the seat that shows why you're not the owner there's no basket under the seat security politely helps up the daughter out of the rollator and onto a bench seat walks over and flips the seat up revealing a little basket which contains my wallet and my newest list of prescriptions to order snooty now looks up wide-eyed and somewhat terrified security tells his partner to make sure she doesn't go anywhere manager and security proceed up the staircase to the manager and security offices they are gone for about 20 minutes and then come back security informed snooty that the incident was all caught on camera and proves she's the one who started everything accosted me and then walked off with my relator she starts screaming and threatening security and the manager with lawsuits and such but is cut off when an ambulance crew arrives followed by the local police the ambulance crew got the gurney prepped for me with the backboard and neck brace not that i needed it but with the fall they have to make sure i'm extra stable and taken in to see if i have anything wrong with my neck back or a concussion they get me loaded and i'm waiting a few minutes when the police come back from the offices and ask me what i'd like to do i can be a forgiving guy usually given my mood and circumstances but i was still hurting and utter disbelief of what this lady did and upset beyond all feeling i let her have it i told the officers i wanted to press charges i'm not sure what all happened to the lady although i know she didn't help herself out as i was being rolled out the doors on the gurney i saw her break away from the police take a defensive stance and then she started flailing and smacking at them with her purse and arms as well as kicking their legs with her pricey name brand pumps it didn't take long before they had her on the ground and the handcuffs becoming the next bit of bling around her wrists looking oh so plain compared to her bracelets i didn't have to do anything about a week later i got a letter from the county courthouse informing me that her case was already heard the store video manager and securities testimony as well as those from a couple of other people who came forward after realizing what it was they saw when they walked past us was more than enough to convict her i don't know if she served time in jail or community service but either way i hope she got to be seen in something either bright orange or maybe an old-fashioned little black and white striped dress my mom turned her guest room into a nursery after i told her she will never meet my child i am currently pregnant with my first child and both my mom and stepdad have been terrible to me and my partner the entire time told us we would be unfit parents because we aren't married yet legitimately screamed at my partner for knocking me up even though we planned the pregnancy i finally decided to cut contact with them a few months ago after i found out i was pregnant having a child can already be a stressful time and having them around to make it worse was not something i was okay with if they can't be nice to my partner then they don't get to see our baby plus they are the kind of people who don't wear masks in public and actively choose to be in large gatherings with no social distancing so them seeing a newborn is out of the question one day i sent my mom a very detailed email of why she is not allowed to be a part of my life anymore and will not be seeing her grandchild to make things even better i also noted that we will be moving across the country shortly after she is born to be closer to other family members so not only is she cut off but we are literally moving far away and never coming back she responds by showing up at our house at 11 pm screaming outside our door about how it's her baby and she deserves to be there for it i tell her to buzz off and eventually she leaves months go by and she will text me randomly asking about technical problems with her wifi router or something and needs help little things like that don't mean much to me and i sent her the info she needed my cousin also had a virtual baby shower and sent my invitation to my mom's house accidentally so my mom came by to give it to me things slowly came to a point that we were fairly amicable with each other but i still stood my ground about our boundaries and nothing else had changed she knew this then she sends me a video today that blew my mind she redecorated her entire guest room to be a nursery crib changing table four hundred dollars worth of newborn clothes toy chest stroller a car seat for her car and the list goes on in the video she is in tears saying oh my god i can't believe my baby is going to be here soon this is where she will sleep where i will change her diapers these would be her toys is she psychotic her baby sleeping and living at her house what so i call her up immediately and i reiterate that we are still moving across the country soon and that she will have no contact with a baby before that her response oh okay we will see about that genuinely confused what part of you will have no contact with this baby does she not understand or thinks will change in the next few weeks when she's born is she planning on stealing her from us i am at a loss for words edit wow so many great tips from you guys thank you for the advice i showed my partner the comments i've been getting and i think we're starting to take this more seriously and we'll be contacting a lawyer on monday i wanted to mention a couple things to clarify as well i have been seeing a psychotherapist the past few months strictly due to the relationship i've had with my mother throughout my life and all of that is documented my midwife and hospital is also very aware of the situation and the emotional stress i've been going through so we will definitely be utilizing this in the case that she tries to sue us or call cps also due to what's going on only my partner is allowed to be with me during the birth anyway we will be keeping things hush until after we move we would have moved months ago if it was financially possible for us we also spent a lot of money on my birth center here that is non-refundable she is due in august and our lease ends in september we already have everything set up to move and the other family is helping us out just a waiting game at this point my partner is the power of attorney if something happens to me during the birth we are currently in a state that is against grandparents rights the only way she would be able to sue for visitation is if both myself and my partner were deceased even after we move she still cannot file for gps if she is living in this state what would you do if you were in this situation and what would you say to the entitled grandma please let us know she deserves to see that baby am i the jerk for burning my mom's diaries because i want nothing to do with her you can probably guess that i had a strained relationship with my mother she had an affair while married to my dad and she ended up leaving my dad for her affair partner my dad was a good man before the affair but he took it hard and allowed it to destroy him i was left to play son and parent to him while my mother started a new family it was hard to watch her play mom to her new kids and pretend like i didn't exist i might occasionally get a call from her but she was so busy raising her new kids that she didn't have time for me it was also hard to understand why those kids had so much more than me we were poor and why she was okay with that as i got older teens she did try to re-establish a relationship with me but i wasn't interested she was still trying to mend fences when she died last year but i will at least give her credit for trying she tried very hard to have a relationship with me but my heart was too hardened for that to be possible one of the things she left for me was her diaries from the time she was a teenager she also left me some letters she had kept over the years and some writings her hope was that i would read them and get to know her better she wasn't expecting me to forgive her but it was her way of trying to make up for the years when we had little contact my siblings knew about this and asked if they could make copies once i was done with them i didn't promise them anything those diaries said in my study slash home office for many months i didn't want to read them but i felt like i needed to do something it was a friend of mine that suggested i burn them as a catharsis which is what i decided to do i went over to his place one weekend and we burned all of it he was right it did make me feel better i feel like i now can be done with her forever when my siblings found out about it they were upset they told me that i had no right to do that and if i didn't want the diaries i should have given them away but i told them that they were mine to do with as i pleased and i had every right to burn them if i wanted my wife said she agreed with them and thought my decision was spiteful she said she felt like i might have even wanted to do it so my siblings could not have the diaries as a way of punishing them she also feels like it could have been an opportunity for healing as a family that is now lost my wife bases her opinions on the fact that i didn't discuss my plan with which she thinks is because i knew she'd urge me not to do it i don't agree with her take i did this because i felt like this is what i needed to do to move on from the situation but am i the jerk well what do you think was this okay or not at all please let us know oh i just love burning things am i the jerk for making my son make dinner after he insulted his sister's cooking my daughter who's 15 has recently taken up cooking and baking our oven sucked so we got her a new one as an early birthday present and we just needed one she's been baking non-stop and recently started making us dinner because my son and i are working hard to redo our backyard think building a shed and hardcore gardening since she's inexperienced my daughter started out with a really easy recipe that involved frozen vegetables the dish was great the carrots were a little underdone but i thought that that just gave it a little extra crunch and didn't say anything my son however has always made fun of his sister and comments on everything he sees her doing in the kitchen while eating dinner he said something along the lines of some poor excuse for cooked vegetables which made my daughter upset she takes criticism to heart and this comment kinda crushed her pride i told my son that his comment was unacceptable and that he should be grateful that he had a fresh meal ready for him when we decided to take a break from the yard work i also told him that he should make dinner tomorrow since he thinks it's so easy now some things about my son he does very good hands-on kind of work which is why i have him out with me doing the hard labor in the yard he hates cooking and since my husband is a very good cook he expects his dad to do the cooking for him i sometimes worry for when he goes off to college and doesn't know how to make anything for himself when i told him that he had to make dinner tomorrow he complained and said he didn't know what to make i didn't back down and told him to think of something after dinner he approached me and asked if i actually expected him to make dinner i said yes it's only one meal i'm sure he could come up with something he complained again and said he was sorry for the comment he made my husband thinks i should just let it go but i think this would be a good learning experience for him i'm sure my daughter would appreciate her work being taken more seriously too so am i the jerk edit i want to mention a few things this is not a gender thing at all my daughter bakes and cooks because she wants to we have never pushed it onto her as something she should be doing because of her gender she picked it up herself last year i do believe that my son should know how to cook before he goes off into the real world it's just been hard when he actively rebels against anything cooking wise i will not back down from this thank you for your support edit the oven being a birthday present was my daughter's idea i didn't word it correctly in the original post that's my mistake our old oven was on its last legs and she was the one who begged my husband to buy a new one my husband had been holding off on it because of money and no one used it enough to warrant a new one until recently since she is the one to use it the most and she's the one who went out with her dad to pick it out and make sure it was perfect for her as well as my husband she dubbed it her birthday present it will not be the only thing she receives for her birthday and we had already picked out all of her presents before the oven so what do you think should he have a go at making dinner himself do you think it would help him be a little more appreciative please let us know i don't blame him one bit i love complaining about things too why don't you just buy a bunch of pins and put them all over the house you got it babe so my husband works from home and has a very tidy office i work in a lab and so can't usually work from home and since our house is small i never really set up a workspace for myself and to be honest i'm not the most organized person so usually my belongings are found scattered all around the house my husband once turned around the car when he realized that he forgot to make the bed so my messiness is a challenge for him anyway one day a few years ago while my husband was out i had to sign something couldn't find a pin in my bag and so stole one from my husband's desk a few hours later the following conversation occurred husband hey did you take the blue pin off of my desk me oh yeah sorry i rifle through the stack of crap on the kitchen table until i find it here you go husband slightly irritated i wish you wouldn't take my stuff you're always losing things now i'm a little huffy because while it's true that i lose things from time to time we're talking about a one pound paper mate not a mont blanc well you're the only one with an office full of office supplies i don't even have any place to keep my own stuff husband well why don't you just get a bunch of pins and put them all over the house with the rest of your stuff then even you'll be able to find them and then he stalked back to his office okay fine i think let's do it your way i hop on amazon and oh look ten pins for five pounds let's get three sets in each color plus a few pin holder cylinders and a pack of sharpies for good measure because you can never have enough sharpies add to cart and confirm the next day my malicious package fortuitously arrived while my husband was out of the house when he returned home he was greeted by a lovely bouquet of pins in the entryway he was soon to discover a similar bouquet in the kitchen on the mantel table at the top of the staircase bedroom dresser and bathroom cabinet this is a small two bedroom house so pins had suddenly become the primary design motif his only comment was exasperated really to which i just grinned in reply he did move the one out of the bathroom but the others stayed where they were and actually were pretty handy i have not needed to borrow any of his pins since so i like to think we both won can i talk to someone who knows things like a man this popped into my mind recently i used to work at a retail tropical fish store and weird as it is we were very well known we used to provide the aquarium with rare fish and people used to drive from two to three states over if they were true fish people to come buy from us i at the time 17 female was an expert in tropical fish and koi in fact it was my job that summer to be the koi and outdoor pond point person and my job was not only stalking the ponds but managing all of the plants caring for them and knowing every bit of information and all of the prices of the various koi and goldfish we had i knew diets temperature ranges places of origin special breeds i knew it all they would even call me with questions on my days off that clearly did not matter to one customer though he came inside the store and asked for some help with coy outside i happily agreed as i was the only person not on my lunch break now this guy frankly seemed put off by me offering to help so instead of buying anything he decided to quiz me for 20 minutes about the koi goldfish and pond plants to try to get me to admit i didn't know something i answered every single one of his stupid questions some were really stupid and at the end of 20 minutes he had the nerve to say can i talk to someone who knows things like a man full emphasis and tone on those words too sure you can i say with a fake smile let me get john for you here's the malicious compliance john name change was 75 retired annoying as heck and crazy my boss didn't even want him to be hired but he owed john a favor now john is an expert in goldfish but he hates coy and outdoor pawns jon also like i said is really annoying and crazy but he had a soft spot for me so we always would chat i went inside to find jon and explained to him that this customer wanted a man to talk to john asked me why he wanted to speak to a man when i was the pawn point person and i told him that he clearly just didn't like that he was speaking to a girl john nods knowingly gets this evil grin on his face and goes to help the customer five minutes later i hear a man yelling in the parking lot i run outside and find the customer screaming at john what is wrong with you does nobody know anything around here i will never come back you're all horrible and know nothing about fish and you're a terrible employee or something to that effect i watched the guy hop into his car slam the door and drive off i asked john what happened he said oh yeah no every time he asked me a question i said hmm not sure good question though i could go get ob and ask she's really our pond expert and apparently he did not like that customer if you read and remember this forget you thanks for reading have you ever had a pet fish if so what kind were they please let us know i used to love flushing goldfish down the toilet when i was little am i the jerk for not wanting to babysit my sister's kids we've got me 25 female we've got sister 24 female we've got mom and dad who are 58. so i am bi and when i was 17 i had a girlfriend my sister found out by accident and after begging her not to tell my parents she didn't and then on my birthday she told my parents long story short i was kicked out and disowned and my lovely aunt took me in and cursed out everyone in my family for doing that that year was honestly heck for me since my sister then gossiped about it at school thank god my friends didn't care or i would have gone crazy so when i was 19 i broke up with my girlfriend after a year and found my now husband and i got a house so everything is good now so when my family found out i had a then boyfriend they were happy i finally turned straight which then made me yell at them and told everyone to never call me so a few days ago my sister called me like everything was okay and asked me to babysit her two kids i declined immediately she started begging me saying that she needed to shop and needed a day off and asked me why i was being so difficult i told her that she was the one who made my 17 to 19 years difficult and that she should buzz off and hire a babysitter she then started yelling at me saying that that was like eight years ago and that i shouldn't be holding a grudge and then yapped about how family is family i told her to hire a babysitter and hung up my husband supports me for doing that but now my family have been calling me and saying i'm being unreasonable am i the jerk it's been like eight years so that's why i'm asking edit she has apologized to me sorry for not adding that in but it wasn't genuine it was sorry for doing that you know i suck at secrets as you noticed we don't talk edit to address some things 1. when my life was finally on track and i had a happy life with my boyfriend now husband my parents reached out to congratulate me being straight again i told them to buzz off my sister also reached out and we did talk before she told me that she was sorry about it and that i should have known secrets are not her forte which was a big lie by the way she waited till my birthday to tell my parents because we didn't have the best relationship really so i've avoided her and it's obvious she feels no remorse i asked her if she felt any remorse and she told me that she did the right thing because i would not have become straight had she not made me cut off so her calling me out of the blue was strange since i hadn't talked to her for months really before the reason i have not touched the block button is because i would rather be in contact just in case an emergency happens i don't really know why guess it's because i just want them to genuinely apologize entitled mom's debit card doesn't work claims i broke it as many of you in the u.s are aware and possibly outside the u.s but i digress most bank cards have a square chip at the bottom of the card it's supposed to be an added security measure or something along with a normal step on the side for swiping most stores have a chip reader added to their machines but some still don't this happened a couple years ago at the king of burgers and the drive-through we hadn't had a chip reader installed at the time so people had to swipe their cards using the strip on the sides of the card instead of inserting their card to the chip reader one day this entitled parent came up to the drive-through with three kids in the back seats they're pretty irrelevant to the story beside the fact they were there she was at the pay window and when she handed her card to me i noticed it was snapped along the strip i informed her that the card won't work she snapped at me to just use the chip so i explained to her that our machines don't have a chip reader entitled mom well just try this drip you should have a chip reader this is ridiculous what kind of place are you how am i supposed to feed my kids i obliged to show her that it wouldn't work i swiped her card and it read on my computer as an error so i again informed her that we would not be able to use her card because the strip is snapped so i began to hand her card back to her without saying a word she glared at me snatched the card out of my hand and pulled out of the drive-through i just kind of shrugged and forgot about her and got back to the other customers behind her a couple of moments later the phone in the manager's office rings my manager is wearing a headset as well so she can help take orders when the rush starts so i can hear parts of the conversation not to mention the back area at this particular store is about 500 feet max so we're all pretty crammed together as is entitled mom starts going off on my manager about how i refused to take her payment and that i snapped her card in anger and called her names my manager was able to hear my side of the interaction at the time because of our headsets and just simply told her that she knew what really happened entitled mom started demanding a corporate number but to be honest i think my manager was done she just said this specific location was privately owned and that the owner will be informed before hanging up on her kind of anti-climactic but i was grateful to have my manager shut that down real quick i've had managers take karen's side before at other jobs but that's why i hate customer service hope you enjoyed and thanks for sticking with my dumb ramblings am i the jerk for correcting my boyfriend's family on his name i've been with my boyfriend for eight years i'm 28 female and he's 27 male i've always known him as joseph or joey his family have known him as josephine he only came out to them last year despite identifying as male for several they're fairly close-minded people his family and don't really understand but they're tolerant ignorant but tolerant they occasionally call joey a nickname josie cute nickname but it bothers joey he won't speak up about it anymore as he's done so in the past and has been ignored he's told me it's not a big deal and that they're set in their ways he doesn't want it to be a big deal well joey's mother recently posted a picture of joey at a family meal captioned with the names and she called him josie in the picture once again joey told me not to say anything but he was crying over it so i commented and explained to everyone on joey's mother's facebook that she doesn't have a daughter josie doesn't exist and it's joey apparently now a bunch of joey's mom's friends have called her out and don't want anything to do with her for the problematic behavior towards her own kid but now joey's father wants nothing to do with him while we're together for embarrassing joey's mom joey's extremely upset and has called me selfish because he didn't want to make this a big deal i think since we are partners it's offensive for me too and it hurts to see the disrespect am i the jerk well what would you have done in this situation would you have spoken up about it or not said anything please let us know entitled mom wants me to give her one of my dogs okay so up until this happened to me i thought most of the entitled parent stories were bs but this happened to me and i've started believing a lot more of the stories here this happened to me a good few months ago my landlord was selling the house that me and my family lived in and we couldn't find a house that we could afford to rent because we had to move out so we ended up moving in with my hand my aunt lives pretty close to the center of a small town 8 000 people and there's a gate to the back garden beside her house you can see somewhat into the garden through it my aunt has two dogs tiny chihuahuas and i have one a beagle dalmatian mix she's chubby so we had three dogs living in the house when the dogs are bored they love standing at that little gate and barking at people who walk past one day i was home alone my sister was at school and my parents and aunt were working so i was in the kitchen cooking dinner for my family while the dogs ran circles around the garden and barked at everything that moved this also sucked because there was a vet's office directly beside us and the vets parking was behind the office meaning that anyone who brings any animals into the vet could be seen from our garden which means they would be seen by the dogs too and every single time they saw anyone bring in an animal they went crazy this meant that it was completely normal for the dogs to be barking like mad i heard a knock on the door and i assumed it was my dad coming home from work early or coming to pick up something that he left at home i usually lock the door when i'm home alone and he often forgets his keys the door wasn't locked this time but sometimes he rings the doorbell without even checking if the door is open i unlocked the door and there stood a lady we'll call her entitled parent with her kid in tow the dogs were standing at the gate absolutely losing their minds that someone dared to stand in front of their house then the following conversation happened paraphrased this conversation happened a good few months ago so i don't remember it very well entitled parent hi sorry for bothering you i had shouted just come in at them in polish earlier since i thought it was my dad she probably thought i was getting angry about someone ringing the doorbell her apologizing for bothering me made me think she was gonna be nice me oh hello i saw you have puppies in your garden they're very nice me oh yeah they are my daughter really liked them me oh i'm glad how many dogs do you have um there's three could you give us one what i'm sorry no it looks like you have a lot more than three dogs in there you could give us one she's smiling but her eyes are starting to look a lot less friendly me um no there's just three are you sure if you're going to be selling the puppies anyways you can give us one me sorry miss but they're all grown dogs i have no puppies to give you goodbye i start closing the door goodbye they're very nice dogs she says as she starts walking away the ending of the conversation was awkward though it wasn't this abrupt i don't remember exactly how the ending of the conversation went though she didn't drag it out nearly as long as she could have but that last they're very nice dogs freaked me out so much that i kept the dogs inside for the next few days and only let them into the garden while i was standing there watching them it was also crazy to have some lady knock on my door and try to convince me to give her one of my dogs this one isn't too crazy but i still thought i'd share thanks for reading hope you have a good day what would you tell someone if they knocked on your door and asked for one of your dogs please let us know i wouldn't even have asked i would have just taken the darn thing are you color blind so i live within walking distance of a ski resort that has a village i ski i eat i have friends there so i am usually a few times a day at minimum even when not skiing one very busy saturday morning i was walking through the village saying hi to friends and employees while walking so i can meet a friend for breakfast don't ski on a saturday unless that is the only day you can and i'm just avoiding the rental line when i hear an excuse me behind me thinking nothing of it i just keep walking along until someone grabs my shoulder i spin around to see this really upset looking karen now as skiers usually know at most mountains all employees wear the same brand of clothing sometimes all the same color sometimes two to three different colors depending on which department you work in i am wearing the same brand of clothing but not in a color at this resort karen i need you to help me get my kids past this stupid rental line they have a lesson in 20 minutes me i don't work here just walking to meet a friend for breakfast you obviously do i saw you talking to other people who work here me i am here a lot so obviously i know people here but i do not work here i know you do you are wearing the same clothing brand just like everyone else grabs me come help my kids me pulling away get your hands off me i do not work here find someone who does but i doubt anyone would want to help a jerk like you it's your fault that you got here so late no one else is walking away i am going to find a manager and get you fired you jack good luck with that i'll be at this restaurant if you want to humiliate yourself further everyone in line was looking at her i walk off towards my destination and run into a friend who works at the mountain rushing in that direction me hey friend friend what's going on over there sounds like someone was upset yeah some woman thought i worked here and went off on how she was going to get me fired because i won't help her i'm sure she will be looking for a manager i would avoid her at all costs friend probably a good idea let a boss deal friend heads back to where he is supposed to be handing out trail maps and answering questions about 300 feet from the lady i head in and get two bar stools for me and my buddy we get coffee and breakfast in our catching up about 30 minutes after sitting down while we are eating breakfast i hear over there that's him karen comes over grabs my shoulder again and spins my barstool spilling the coffee i'm drinking all over me and my friend's breakfasts she is there with the manager of security manager of security whose kid happens to be besties with my middle kid karen this is the rude jerk who wouldn't help me you need to get him fired me staring daggers straight into her eyes wait for it i did actually say this security he doesn't work here he lives here well you should ban him for being so rude and calling me a jerk me if the shoe fits you are the one who should be banned from here you have grabbed me three times now the third time you ruined mine and my friend's breakfast you really are a jerk that totally set her off she was spouting that she was here on vacation and deserved respect for all the money she was spending for her family security now we don't like to ban people here this is a place where everyone should be having fun now if you pay to replace the breakfasts and calmly leave we can all just go about our days this guy is super chill karen there is no way i am paying anything for someone who called me a jerk okay i'm going to have to ask you to leave our property immediately i can't do that i have to wait for my husband and kids to finish skiing security that is not an option you need to leave now this is private property this is not private property and i am not leaving security moves dial on radio i need you to come to the restaurant oh are you calling some buddies i see how all of this works you all just friends here aren't you and you just hate all the tourists i pay your salary in walk two of the local sheriff deputies they always have a couple at the mountain on the weekends in case of accidents drunks etc they're not usually needed this early in the morning they walk up to security and he begins explaining the story karen they are all lying they're all friends and just protecting each other bartender i saw her grab him you can also watch it on the security camera if you want please you grabbed him i only grabbed his shoulder to get his attention me three times with a total grin on my face police grabbing someone with intent is assault would you like to press charges me actually yes i would karen starts screeching as they grab her and cough her up luckily she didn't put up too much of a fuss i was going to decide to drop the charges after i watched her get perp walked through the village so with bartender holding our seats and the kitchen remaking our breakfast which would be 15 to 20 minutes my buddy and i followed the two sheriffs and karen getting walked in cuffs through the village with thousands of people watching busy weekends we would get at least 10 000 skiers and borders the restaurant and where the sheriff's park are on almost opposite ends so we had to pass the rental shop cue new character cool dad cool dad you were the guy from earlier what happened i explained the situation and told him i was waiting until she was in the sheriff's suv to tell the sheriff i had changed my mind on pressing charges i told him she really needed a lesson and hopefully this would be a good one he asked where i was going to be after he got his kids to their lesson late we told him i walked over and let the sheriff know i changed my mind about not pressing charges and anything else is between him and security buddy and i headed back to the restaurant and shortly afterwards cool dad shows up cool dad i cannot apologize enough for my wife i remember this verbatim when one little thing does not go right the world has to pay not just me and my kids but the whole world do you guys want a drink or a shot i sure as heck need one so a couple of bloodies and shots later my buddy and i have become friends with cool dad turns out karen doesn't even like skiing and just sits reading a book while he and his two kids ski but always insists on coming to the mountain and wearing her really expensive ski clothing to look the part the reason kieran was on the warpath and they were late to the mountain she couldn't find her favorite hat at the condo that morning ran into him and his kids later that week and did some laps with them and they took me and two of my kids to lunch whole family was cool except for karen so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not alright guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 237,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: Bb5dLamC0bA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 42sec (9282 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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