r/EntitledParents "KAREN DEMANDS CHICK-FIL-A!"

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hey there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today entitled parents at chick-fil-a do not recognize the meaning of closed after that my entitled father wants me to give up one of my $300 bikes and after that he ruined my sister's only birth experience so I made sure he had never forget her now for every thumbs up his video kids one Karen doesn't get her chick-fil-a like heck I won't so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day entitled parents at chick-fil-a do not recognize the meaning of closed hey it's me the one chick-fil-a guy again anyway like I said I've got a few stories to share from this whole sickness fiasco so here's another one for y'all today I'm gonna be telling the tale of the family who did not recognize that we are privileged to close whenever we need to so for some background we usually close at 10 but since everything's been going on we've started closing at 8 usually there are a few people each night who will pull up after we close and they're naturally disappointed but understanding and we try to not let them leave with a bad experience however once in a while some people refuse to take no for an answer so on this particular Saturday evening I was working what we call the cash box if you've never been to a chick-fil-a or at least one that does this it's essentially a cash register midway through the drive-thru that takes payments processes model orders and REE sequences the order of cars in case the order is wrong it's pretty efficient and keeps the people at the window from taking too many payments so anyway the time was about 755 and I was at the cash box sitting on a little bench and making sure the tablet was charged there were three or four cars in the line who I had already taken the payments from and I was just chatting with one of the I pause people the guys who come to your cars with iPads and take your order we were just talking about the weekend and stuff while waiting for cars one more car came through the drive-through so after I tickets payment I started to pack up the cash box which consists of a moderately heavy register and an iPad the person I was talking to put the immortal cone in the drive-thru to show that we are closed for the evening they propped open the back door and went inside while I was wrapping up wires to the receipt printer and iPad charger as I was packing everything into the container to bring it inside I saw a car pulling around the cone towards the window of the drive-through since I was between them and the window I stood on the curb next to the drive-through and put my hands up in the stop gesture I checked my phone and it read 804 so we were definitely closed with only one car in line the car was a red minivan beam driven by a fairly large stomach wise anyway dude with a woman in the passenger seat I could hear at least two kids in the backseat but it was dark and the glare from the windows get me from looking in the driver rolled down the window and the conversation went as follows me I'm sorry sir we're closed we won't be able to serve you tonight the guy in the driver's seat was very not happy he was also not wearing a mask which made me uncomfortable at the beginning his words did not help the situation entitled ad B yes I see a car at the window and if you're helping them you'll help us to me they had their order taken ten minutes ago and they've been waiting very patiently sir it doesn't matter if you go up there they're not going to serve you entitled mom excuse me my daughter wants a milkshake and you're going to get it for her understand I could hear a girl screaming about her brother taking a toy or something in the backseat and the mother turned around and very loudly whispered at them to be quiet now I know that I didn't have to sit here and listen to this lady but I also know that it wouldn't look good on my performance review if the guy they hired for being good with people basically said no you're going to leave so I can go home and never have to deal with you again so my reply was well miss I suggest you look somewhere else for that milkshake because we are closed our kitchen and shake machine are shut down and I doubt there's even food for the employees in there so I'm sorry but I can't help you and yelling at me will not change anything by this time the car in front of them had pulled for it and the guy in the driver's seat looked at me and said I'm gonna go up there and get my food and you can kiss my blood I responded sir if you go up there you will not be served if you refuse to leave we will call the police and have you arrested for loitering and trespassing on private property and then you can do whatever you want with your butt in court I then turned around and went back to packing up the cashbox ignoring the sounds of raw anger and hatred coming from behind me as the guy pulled his van up I got on the walkie-talkie we have outside and told the people at the window there was a very angry guy in his family coming to the window I then finished packing up the cashbox told one more car we were closed they took it much better than the first family and went inside I put the cashbox in the office in the back of the store and went to the front to see if the van was still there it turns out my co-workers had just locked the sliding glass window after about 20 seconds of dealing with the people from what I was told they stayed outside for a minute or two but he eventually left when they saw a manager picking up a phone this story does have a bright side though I was wrong the shake machine was not shut down yet and there were some nuggets and one cheese sauce left so I wound up getting dinner after all so that's all for tonight people showing up late is a pretty common thing and we don't usually have to threaten people with the police so someone taking this normal situation in such an extreme way was pretty memorable have any of you ever had chick-fil-a and if so did you like it please let me know never okay I prefer Panera Bread my entitled father wants me to give up one of my $300 bikes some backstory about four years ago now I was 14 then now 18 my brother and I got a bike each from our parents for our birthdays our birthdays are 12 days apart these bikes were $60 from Walmart and so weren't made with the best parts I decided that I would make my bike something of a project for me to learn about fixing up bikes I poured a lot of my own money into this bike changing the chain the wheels the seat handlebars I had to replace the tubes no less than two times for each wheel and I learned to do it all with a little bit of help from our local bike shop when I got stuck on something a little over two years ago my brother who never rode his own bike decided that I could just have his as a backup if I needed so just like with my own I pour it so much time and money into getting that bike to be just as good into my main one all in all I probably spent $300 on my main bike and maybe 200 to 250 on my backup I am extremely proud of what I was able to accomplish with them my father has always wanted the very best of everything even if we couldn't afford it he couldn't just have a TV he needed a $600 TV with Wi-Fi connection he didn't just need a computer monitor he needed a $250 curved monitor this all despite the fact we are often hanging at the edge of eviction from our house now before you call me a hypocrite for spending my money on the bikes I will point out that I have my own job and used solely money I had to spare on those bikes my father hasn't had a job since 2011 my father refuses to go to the doctors to treat his diabetes and blood pressure issues because he believes that all the doctors want to do is make him think he is more sick than he is while draining all of his money we actually had to fight him for two years to go to the doctors just so he could get disability so he could afford groceries and pay the bills instead of just one or the other anyways recently my father has gotten the idea into his head that all he needs to feel better is to start exercising again while this isn't the worst idea in the world he is far beyond the point where only exercise can fix his problems the guy can't even walk in a straight line or stand for more than 20 minutes without getting lightheaded he has been told on one of the times we had to rush him to the ER but he has gotten so bad he needs medicine to fix damage he has done to his body he is also dealing with kidney failure and needs weekly dialysis which he doesn't consider in the same league as those evil doctor visits he's in no shape to be riding a bike but that didn't stop him from coming to me while I was looking over the back tire of my bike I crashed like an idiot and the tire warped the following conversation happened my father hey Opie how close are you to fixing that bike me I don't really know I think the back tire may be warped if so I might need a new one well you have two bikes and so I was thinking that when you get that one fixed maybe I could have it to ride around this summer it would really help me feel better now I have actually lent my bikes out to friends before as we live in a small town and honestly you don't need a car to get from place to place so most of us just go around on bikes in the summer to save gas but this man was so sick he was leaning on the door frame just to talk to me I was not about to have him riding one of my bikes and crashing it and getting himself and my bike hurt I also knew when he crashed it I would have to fix it right away so no thank you me um I'm not sure that I'm comfortable with that maybe we could just get you a new $60 one from Walmart dad but I don't want one from there those bikes are crap and will break so fast me well I don't feel comfortable with you on one of my bikes you are sick and I think it would crash it and I know you won't be able to fix it dad they're not even your bikes anyway we bought them for you and your brother and he didn't want his surely you don't need both me actually I do this one needs work and I still need a way of getting around plus you said those bikes belong to me and my brother and he didn't want his so they are mine unless you want to give me the money I put into them back dad we bought them there are ours me no I spent my money on them and the only thing that is still original on that bike is the frame I will pay you the $60 if you want and you can use it to buy your own bike at this point my father is red in the face and start yelling about how I am so ungrateful and how he never gets to exercise and how it's no big deal I refuse to budge eventually our mom comes home and hears all of this I kid you not he goes to my mother like a toddler who has had his toy car stolen and says that I'm refusing to let him use my bike and that it's such BS my mom as if she could read my mind says why don't we just get you a cheap $60 bike to ride you only needed to ride around the neighborhood this made him go ballistic throwing a fit about how we all had decent bikes except him which isn't wrong as my mother bought a souped-up bike she bought from the bike store when it was on sale for a charity event a few years ago we pointed out that we both like to go trail riding and ride around town while he only wants to ride around the neighborhood they said that it shouldn't matter that he had a right to have a decent bike eventually my mother relented and offered to let him use her old bike although it's a really old bike and you'll never guess who was in charge of fixing it up so he can ride it if nothing else I was told that once I fixed it up I wouldn't have to do anything more I am only going to change the tubes as the tires are still good enough and I am gonna get the chain greased instead of replaced what would you do if you were in this situation would you let your dad ride one of your bikes please let me know Oh needs a bike anyway why not just get two Mercedes ho BMW he ruined my sister's only birth experience so I made sure he had never forget her our cast we've got my sister we'll call her Sarah for the story we've got sister's ex-boyfriend Paul we've got ex-boyfriends new wife Jane we've got ex-boyfriends parents mr. and mrs. dull we've got oldest brother Zeke our parents and me when I was 14 and my oldest sister Sarah was 22 we found out that she was pregnant with Paul her boyfriend of four years they immediately got engaged and they were really happy for a time Sarah had a horrible pregnancy about 16 to 18 weeks in the wonder of creating human life evaporated within her she developed hyperemesis which if you don't know a really bad morning sickness she was constantly in pain she developed gestational diabetes and just all-around hated the experience around this time Paul V VIN fiance started getting sick of the complaining I believe the argument was your body is built to do this it can't be that bad Sarah was due around Valentine's Day and Paul's parents mr. and mrs. dill were very excited both about the grandkid and the fact that he would be born on a holiday she was very against that and really really hoped that her son wouldn't be born on a holiday even when as small as Valentine's Day her birthday sometimes falls on Easter and she hates it because it might make him feel that his day isn't very much about him well mrs. doe says something like well if you name him Valentino Valentino then that'll make the day even more special to him again sister hated the idea she thought it was tacky he'd be bullied for it and just really didn't like the name Valentino Paul loved it but agreed to go with a more average name like Daniel or Jared fast forward to February and she was ready to get this over with Sarah had officially been put on bed rest because while standing or walking her blood pressure took unexpected spikes and dips I look back now and goodness do I feel bad for her she was doing her best to avoid giving birth on Valentine's Day because again she didn't want him to be born on a holiday unfortunately births happened when they happen and that baby was going to come on Valentine's Day whether she wanted him to or not I remember waiting out in the waiting room with my dad brothers and Paul who couldn't stand to be in the delivery room because it was gross I was so mad that he could have gone in but wouldn't because he thought my sister was gross while giving birth whereas I had to stay outside because I was too young to go in with my mom and other sister dad went home with the youngest twin brothers while the oldest Zeke stayed to watch me because I refused to leave 16 hours after Sarah went into labor my little nephew was officially part of the family on the evening of Alan stay unfortunately Sarah was not okay she had to go to an emergency c-section and while doing the operation discovered that the back of her uterus facing her spinal cord had a very large and very severe thankfully non cancerous tumor when I say large I mean it was twice the size of a standard uterus the doctors were shocked and didn't understand why nobody had noticed it on an ultrasound it accounted for her severe back pain and blood pressure issues the doctors immediately went in for more surgery to remove the tumor but sadly ended up having to perform a full hysterectomy this meant that my nephew would be Sarah's only child now while Sarah was in for surgery Paul was taking care of everything baby related to make sure his son was okay and my 14 year old selfs memory I remember him being suitably distraught but I didn't really pay a much mind and spend my time in the waiting room with my mother and other sister Zeke however wanted to be a good future brother-in-law and make sure that Paul was okay he found Paul filling out the baby paperwork on his own looking in my brother's words like he had not a single worry in his mind Zeke asked why Paul didn't wait for Sarah to fill out the paperwork as she should have been out of surgery within the hour and Paul said that he just wanted her to get her rest and heal that checked out with Zeke as he was 16 and didn't know any better at the time now I know what you're probably thinking no he wouldn't he knows how much she hates that name and still she'd need to sign the paperwork to my fellow people have read it I regret to inform you that Paul forged Sarah's signature on the paperwork and waited until she was out of surgery to hand said paperwork over my sweet nephew that was born on Valentine's Day was named Valentino on his first official birth certificate I still to this day don't know why Paul and his family were so insistent about the name he had even picked out a different one with my sister and before you ask no he was never brought up on forgery charges because his parents were witnesses to her signing the papers even though they only got there at the last minute so Sarah Tim and got her son's name changed a month later she was willing to do split custody with him because that's her son's father and she wants the kids to know him but Paul vanished and she never heard anything back which seemed weirdly out of character to us until a mutual friend on Facebook was tagged in his wedding pictures six months later Paul had apparently started cheating on her not long after she got pregnant sara was livid but there wasn't much she could do so she filed for child support and continued to live her best life until six years later this is where the revenge starts my friends so sara has been a single mother for the past six years and has been amazing at it at this point in my career I've been a hairdresser for about eight months at our local great clips I'm working one day and who is seated before me but Jane Paul's wife herself I take her back for a trim and she clearly has no idea who I am that adds up because a mutual friend that still keeps in contact with Paul said that Jane doesn't know a thing she has no idea about Sara that she was the other woman or that Paul actually has a kid that he's been infrequently paying child support for she's in the dark on it all I told myself not to be a jerk and treat her like a normal customer which I did now at this point Jane was heavily pregnant so a lot of our conversation was about that she loved being pregnant but it was hard her husband was so unsympathetic big shocker and she was due in 10 weeks and they still hadn't picked out a name for their baby ladies and gentlepeople 'he's this was my chance I asked what kind of name she was looking for and she said I want something unique and unusual but not ridiculous like brain play hey you know the ones I'm talking and Paul had suggested so many already and she didn't like any of them so I can iving little weasel I am said what about Sarah my sister's name isn't actually Sarah she was named after an older family member that passed not long after she was born but there was no female equivalent for his name so our parents created one it's a beautiful name and just what Jane was looking for she loved it she stuck by it and I found out by stalking her Facebook months later that she had put her foot down about it and that that was their daughter's name now Paul has a daughter with his exes name to remind him every day about her and to also remind him to pay his child support little nephew is 10 years old now with a new name and no contact with his biological father though we do still sometimes call him eval as a family nickname he likes it but doesn't want to bring it to school so it's staying a family nickname Sarah pretends to hate when we call him that in a joking way as long as he likes it she doesn't have a problem with it and she's seeing a new guy who's really great and like a father to Val do you have any unique and interesting names picked out for the kids you'll have in the future if so what are they please let me know if you're expecting a girl I highly suggest Karen Karen joins our club some years ago I was finally out of debt and ready to start investing for my future but I didn't have a clue how that's when I heard about a national organization that promoted investment clubs offering support and tools to help people like me learn about investing by doing it I liked the idea get smarter play low stakes and maybe have a beer or two while you do it so I told a few friends they talked to their friends and pretty soon we had a budding investment club since we were all friends of friends organizing went smoothly we elected officers and adopted a simple Charter based on the national groups templates minimum monthly dues were set at $10 an amount any one of us could afford to throw away but any member could contribute more than the minimum if they liked and to build up our investing pot most of us did individual contributions bought shares and the club's Holdings like stock in a corporation higher contributions meant more shares meant more voting power when we made club decisions as we got rolling a few more people heard about the club and expressed interest so we created a little process attend three meetings as the guest of a member then if you're still interested club members decide whether to offer an invitation we always did sign the Charter pay this month's dues and you're in most new members paid extra for at least a little while to catch up to the voting power of the founding members so everyone stood on more or less equal footing by year two we had settled into a friendly routine holding monthly meetings that were one part socializing one part learning and one part considering what to do with our growing little pot of cash we picked a few stocks started buying a few shares at a time and portfolio performance was added to the monthly treasurer's report we cheered each modest gain and learned from our small losses then came pat pat was an outlier in our friend crew most of us knew her but few knew her well she had a reputation for being a little too loud a little too blunt a little too much of a jerk a little too rude but she was also known to be smart and a club focused on learning more smart couldn't hurt right besides our well respected President had brought her in and right away Pat proved she was smart she had reviewed our Charter and our past minutes before she came to her first meeting she asked solid questions about past decisions and our reasoning she listened respectfully to the education and stock study presentations probing politely and made mostly appreciative comments after each meeting just a bit of a smarty thrown in once in a while but we could handle a bit after her third meeting we sent her to the next room while we discussed inviting her to join us there were a few misgivings expressed we had all heard stories about Pat's capacity for unpleasantness after all but president said I warned her pretty bluntly that she needs to behave when she's here we're all friends but this is business money is serious so I told her keep yourself in check leave your attitude outside ultimately everyone agreed she had indeed behaved we had no reason to doubt her sincere interest so we called Pat back in and president said congratulations Pat just pay your dues and sign here with a flourish Pat handed treasurer a $10 bill and everyone applauded as she signed the Charter then she said thank you all thank you but frankly you really don't have any way to keep me out the room got quiet she then turned to treasurer and said now next month if I'm interpreting your little reports correctly all I have to do is give you this much money and I'll have equal voting rights is that right that's about right yes came the answer and if I were to give you that plus and here she pointed at the bottom line of the club's total holdings this amount I'd become the new majority shareholder right I suppose and then I'd be in charge of all the club decisions declared Pat that's right unless you all can keep ponying up more cash than I can there's nothing you can do to stop me from running this club like my own private account with nearly double my money to play with is there and now that I've signed your silly charter you don't even have any way to kick me out so see you all next month she smart turned and left the door had just barely closed when the room exploded she was joking right oh heck no the nerve could she really do that that can't be real how big a mistake did we just make wow what a class-a jerk but as we looked over our template-based Charter we found she was right there were requirements for tax reporting officer fiscal responsibilities bank and brokerage relationships conflicts of interest and a host of other issues we had never faced and never expected to face there was boilerplate language about how to buy out a voluntary withdrawing member there was a provision allowing us to involuntarily withdraw someone who didn't keep up with dues and/or attendance but we had no cap on individual member contributions and no provision allowing us to kick out a stakeholder so long as they continued to pay their dues and attend and we now realized that if she could make good on her threat to by majority holding Pat could simply out vote any attempt to amend our Charter a more elegant solution probably existed but within twenty minutes someone came up with the nuclear option two minutes later we agreed to launch it we accepted assignments then went our separate ways to prepare for next month's meeting that evening everyone arrived a bit more promptly and settled a lot more quietly than usual Pat looked smug as she took a seat seeming not to care that no one spoke to her she was ostensibly Fanning herself with a personal check too bad we never saw it so we'll never know if she really was ready to put her money where her loud mouth had been president took the floor before I called a meeting to order I have a personal announcement to make I made a really poor recommendation to all of you last month I feel the bad judgment I showed means I am not fit to be your president I'm presenting my letter of resignation and my voluntary withdrawal from the club and solemnly gave the letter to Secretary Pat looked like she had been slapped but she said nothing more treasurer spoke up just so you all know president spoke to me earlier about this decision so I've already calculated withdrawal payout and have it ready according to the terms of our charter and president took the check vice president spoke next president you weren't alone in that decision I voted with you and I also regret my poor judgment here is my letter of resignation and withdrawal treasurer said and here is your withdrawal payout prepared as we discussed and it went on in small clusters at first then all in a rush each club member declared they had made a terrible decision presented a letter and collected an already prepared check sometimes during the rush Pat stopped being silent okay I see yeah yeah I get it seriously you've made your point that's enough now you don't have to keep up this act knock it off already you idiots but we didn't with all the letters collected secretary added them to the bank of a fat binder containing copies of all the club minutes and gave the binder to Pat your next club secretary we'll need this treasure was right behind with a similar binder of financial records ten dollar bill on top here are all your clubs accounting records and remaining assets President added the sign charter to the stack so Pat looks like you're now a club of one you win good luck and goodbye we all stood and stared silently until she shoved the stack to the floor and saw herself sputtering to the door within ten minutes we had signed our newly upgraded Charter we elected our officers torn up all of our payout checks and put our new club back to business as usual okay maybe just a bit more giggly and a bit more pleased with ourselves than usual never saw Pat again didn't care lesson learned never let Karen join your club what if I don't want to join you a stupid club new co-worker doesn't want help okay note this story is old I've not worked at this place for years also this is not the same job as my post about helping my coworkers story time I worked in a pharmacy dedicated to sending medications to nursing homes since this is often difficult to do just by hand there were machines that could help out I often helped use the machines to package the meds a new co-worker joined my team she was pleasant enough but for some reason I could not tell you even to this day why I hated her on sight apparently the feeling was mutual though we were able to work together cordially enough since the machines while super useful we're also prone to breaking down a lot of manual intervention was required to ensure smooth operation since it's a pharmacy we also had to keep track of the medications being used on it which means counts often done nightly particularly with more expensive medications this information is relevant I had been at this job for a few years so was reasonably experienced with the use and maintenance of the machines coworker wasn't this is also where I point out that co-worker is older than me so co-worker had been at the job for a few weeks and had received some training so my boss at the time I've written a post about that creature elsewhere told me that it'd be okay for her to shadow me while I worked but also to make sure she did some of the work on her own so she had learned via hands-on experience also meant I couldn't leave until co-worker did since she hadn't been given the go-ahead to be alone with the Machine goody it went more or less okay for the majority of the shift I let co-worker do some of the work as ordered by my supervisor and she seemed to be getting it however for some reason she wasn't relying on the computer which had kept track of all the medications used and their corresponding slots to do the nightly count instead she was literally riding down every single slot and medication by hand to count later co-worker I said you know the computer keeps track of that I know it does yarn and metal but I don't seem to get how to do it this is towards the end of my shift my nerves were fried from having to deal with her and I was tired you do it like this co-worker I show her I don't get it yarn and metal so I'm just going to do it by hand you younger people don't seem to have a problem with computers but I do let me do it by myself people the process to see what had been used was literally two clicks of a mouse button I had shown her once at the start of our shift our supervisor had shown her during initial training another co-worker had shown her while she was training I was done so I let her do exactly what she wanted let her write down every canister by hand every med by hand and let her count by hand I even offered as a show of good faith to help with the counting but again no yarn and meadow I'll do it let me do it by myself fine as a result we ended up leaving an hour after our shifts were supposed to end that's an hour of overtime that we hadn't been authorized to take for the record next day my supervisor asks me why I'd stayed so late so I told her very honestly that co-worker didn't want my help finishing out the necessary counts last night supervisor being what she was yes my wording there is deliberate immediately went and ripped co-worker a new one the day after coworker didn't come in we all found out she had quit effective immediately good riddance I guess bonus aftermath I also found out the day after I had to stay so late that the counts co-worker did they were wrong all of them what would you guys rather do count things by hand or use a computer please let me know in the comments below I prefer to do it myself but there's one thing that I have to use technology for and what's that obliterated that like button for mr. edit oh nice Karen hit us with those announcements as you wish huge shout out to our newest official channel members Demonte and jay thank you so much for supporting the channel become a channel member today or join us on patreon and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video and now you can have me record a silly message for you or loved one learn all about it on our fiver link in the description and shoutouts to our regionals of the day and Swan Sebastian and Josh
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 59,235
Rating: 4.9143219 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: 1pLvhGTlOBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 34sec (2014 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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