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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today am i the jerk for letting an acquaintance go homeless after she caused a scene at my bff's baby shower after that why you should always be nice to potential hires and after that i hate target now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen gets kicked out of target but that's my favorite store so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day am i the jerk for letting an acquaintance go homeless after she caused a scene at my bff's baby shower hey everyone my best friend from birth eliza had a baby two years ago me and my boyfriend husband as of two weeks were the obvious choice of godparents because her husband and mine are first cousins as godparents we decided to throw her a baby shower slash gender reveal so the party is planned and we have family and friends over me and eliza have mutual friends one of them who caused a scene eliza's mom is from a southeast asian culture and we played all the baby related games etc then it was time for the balloon popping aka gender reveal the cake was also the same color one of our friends ellie is a trans woman was in the kitchen complaining to my boyfriend about how she didn't know it was a gender reveal and how she wouldn't have attended or wasted money on a present if she knew she was supporting small-minded people i was unapologetic because it was obviously a gender reveal party too we had a pin your vote at boy or girl board in front of the doorway it's literally the first thing you'd see when you enter also the facebook name of the event was in a different language which roughly translates to celebration of womanhood slash pregnancy eliza's mom explained the cultural significance to guests so in her defense we didn't mention the gender reveal or baby shower she got louder and she generally likes attention and my husband was mad at her because she was insulting the party he asked her to leave if she meant to cause trouble and she got mad so he was like please leave none of us wanted eliza to get hurt and i didn't want ellie to cause a scene so i didn't speak up when my boyfriend kicked her out our families were there and i didn't want arguments the rest of the party went by smoothly and mom and dad ended up with a pink balloon and cake no spread about this and ellie also posted a rant on facebook and twitter which confirmed to our other friends that she wasn't kicked out unfairly she's still invited to places by most girls but not by eliza and me i filled eliza in the next day when she asked why ellie left early if ellie can't wish well for my goddaughter she has no place in my home we still are civil though she's not cut off a few days ago ellie contacted me about losing her job and she has no place to live everyone else has at least two kids and i'm the only one without kids she said she doesn't have a place to live and how me and my husband should let her have a spare bedroom i told her i'd think about it but i'd have to ask him my husband is vehemently against this because we just got married and he thinks we should have the house to just us for at least a year i agree with him but i feel bad for ellie well what would you do in this situation would you let ellie live with you or not please let us know i'd give her a ride to the nearest bridge she can live under how's that for small-minded why you should always be nice to potential hires my wife and i moved to our current city back in 2013. the standards for my wife's job here are different to this standard back home she has an associate's degree and most employers wanted a bachelor's degree however nothing could stop her and she kept putting in applications one day one of the employers she had sent applications to called her back however it was not to tell her she had gotten a job instead it was the manager telling her how unprofessional it was of her to put in for positions that were obviously above her in fact i'm going to delete your email from our system please don't apply anymore it's just a waste of our time i'll send you a letter since you just can't seem to follow directions in my emails my wife after she got over her initial shock asked the manager for her name i don't see why it matters but ivanka tulip my wife said thank you and continued her job hunt sure enough she got the letter in the mail asking her not to apply anymore citing inability to follow clear directions my wife held on to this letter i told her to throw it away but she insisted on keeping it eventually my wife landed a job at one of the biggest employers in the city not only that but this employer was the main supply of business to the employer that was so rude to my wife well my wife is an extremely precocious and hardworking person and eventually got her bachelor's and then became the manager over her crew one of the managers responsibilities was to decide who to send business to my wife told her boss about the letter and what happened and used that as justification that if this is how a business treats potential hires then they really shouldn't be trusted with their business her boss honestly probably didn't even care very much and just let my wife do what she does honestly my wife is kind of a jerk and it wouldn't surprise me if her boss just gave her whatever it took to keep her happy wouldn't you know the rude employer's business went way way down in fact my wife would only give them business if they were the last ones who could be called this led to the most awesome meeting my wife has had this year you see to improve their relations the crappy employer set up a meeting with my wife and my wife's boss and the crappy business top management they needed this meeting to show how much value they could add the day of the meeting comes and everyone introduces themselves finally mrs tulip says she is the manager and how nice it was to meet everyone that's when my wife said excuse me i just want to be certain are you mrs ivanka tulip ivanka yes that's me my wife oh excellent i'm so happy to finally meet you in person thinking she had an in with my wife mrs tulip was over the moon my wife let them carry on and tell her all about how much value they could add to the business and how they could really help out my wife's employer this is when my wife says well thank you but unfortunately i feel that we can't really give business to an employer who we feel has some ethical issues that need to be addressed big boss from bad employers excuse me we were not made aware of any ethical issues what are you talking about that's when my wife brought out the letter that was signed by mrs tulip my wife then tells them that if they treat potential hires this way then it was an ethics issue for my wife and it would be very hard for my wife to give them business since she had concerns about the welfare of the business she couldn't approve any more goals to bad business than absolutely necessary mrs tulip turned white and you could hear a pin drop on the other side of the table my wife thanked them for their time but apologized and went back to her work we don't know if anything ever happened to mrs tulip but that business has since downsized and has gotten a reputation for being a poor choice to send business throughout my wife's organization have you ever had someone be rude to you when you applied for a job if so what did they do please let us know what if i've never applied for a job because i'm not a peasant i hate target so backstory this happened a few weeks ago my neighbor has a super nice kid that is in the 9th grade 14 years old and as a nickname we call him tank he's big and tall and well built like a tank hence why we call him tank my neighbor texted me in the afternoon while i was at work asking if i could pick up her kid i said sure since i don't mind getting him so it's about 3 30 in the afternoon i pick up tank from school and as i'm pulling out i get a text from tank's mom asking me to pick up a few things from the store and as you can guess from the title the store that was closest to the school was a target one thing to note about tank school uniform is a maroon top and khaki bottoms so we get to target i tell him to just wear his sweatshirt which was red and white his school's colors and had the school mascot on it which is a knight overall he looks like your average 14 year old but did that stop people from immediately asking him where things were or why this cash register was closed or why this product was out of stock could he be a dear and check in the back short answer no before tank could say anything i would respond with he's my brother we're shopping goodbye ninety percent of the people would walk away but a few people would just huff and tell me well you shouldn't interfere with his work like what part of we are shopping did they not understand i also called him my brother to spare him the embarrassment of saying i'm his babysitter i've known tank long enough to treat him as my brother this continued on our trip through the store i swear once people entered target they lost all brain cells how do you confuse a kid with a clear school uniform on for a target employee which are mostly college kids where i'm from we get the shopping done with what feels like the millionth person asking where's the milk when i guess one of the higher ups came to us and laser locked his focus on me higher up are you interfering with your brother's work me not unless i'm disturbing him with call of duty how many times do i have to say this he's my brother and we're shopping for our mother leave us alone higher up well i can't do that you need to leave and he needs to get back to work me buddy i don't know what's going on but tank here goes to a fancy catholic school he's too young to work well we get kids from that school so he's 14. he's in middle school he can't even drive it then became this back and forth of he can't even drive and i don't care you got him in so much trouble i hate target eventually i just get tired and i paid for the things and dragged poor tank out of the store i told his mom what happened and she said that happens every time she and tank go to the store she did pay me back for what i got for their dinner oh yes i did pull a karen and demanded to speak to the manager for being such a jerk and not knowing his own employees the manager did apologize it didn't occur to him that he was talking to a customer to which he said it had been a stressful day and it was monday you know how it is you know i said yeah mondays suck but please refrain from doing that again or other people may not be as nice as me speaking of target do you like target or walmart please let us know i prefer walmart because of how funny the people who shop there look am i the jerk for giving my kids unequal wedding gifts and honestly one gift sucked i have three kids when my oldest son got married my husband and i paid for the down payment on their house when my daughter got married we were going to do the same but they chose to live in one of her father-in-law's rental properties so my husband and i paid for all the furniture i always assumed that when my youngest son got married we would do something similar my youngest married a woman i have issues with i was actually fine with her for a while but once she asked me if i wanted grandchildren i said i didn't have particularly strong feelings she began to cry and told me that her mom puts a lot of pressure on her to have kids and she doesn't think she wants them but she comes from a traditional family and her mom has called her broken and says she needs mental help this struck a chord with me because i wish someone had told me that i didn't have to have children i told her that she absolutely is not broken and she shouldn't have kids if she doesn't want them i confessed that i regretted having kids i resent that no one made it clear to me that i shouldn't have them if i wasn't enthusiastic and that being a mother had been very draining and unfulfilling and my husband and i struggled emotionally with how much we didn't want to be parents that jerk went home and told my son everything i said and he told his siblings she said he had the right to know that i didn't love him which isn't what i said at all then she implied i was stupid for having kids i didn't want but she was considered doing the same so she can't be that smart either this caused a lot of family drama and i told her that i'll never forgive her and i'll never view her as family they got married last year and i bought them a 50 gift off the registry my son still brings it up on occasion but i feel like i don't owe them a house when she betrayed me like that edit no one is going to change my mind and this woman did something horrible but i'm going to buy my son a car so he doesn't have to be punished for what she did thanks for the advice well what do you think is opie the jerk or is her daughter-in-law the jerk please let us know this is why i don't open up with anyone you never know who you can trust talk to me any way you please have fun losing the entire staff i was a rink rat growing up friday night saturday morning and night along with sunday morning and night i was there heck i didn't even leave between the morning and night sessions i even went tuesday nights as well i was serious too i dove deep into speed skating and not trying to do my own horn but i was pretty good and well known anyway i'd been going to this specific skating rink for years and knew everyone one day it was right before i started 7th grade the owner came up to me and asked me to go out onto the rink floor and tell some kids to slow down i did and came back and he asked me how would i like to make 750 an hour to which i responded do i also get in for free he laughed and said of course boom first job and i wanted to be there anyway so it was the biggest win-win of all time for me to say i loved it was an understatement and i did everything besides work the snack bar dj skate counters floor guard janitor hype man you name it and i did it it was some of the greatest times of my life so much fun and the owner was super awesome also we were paid under the table so getting an envelope full of cash every week just felt like a bonus for having fun to me it wasn't a job it was pure fun it also helped that all my friends were regulars as well a few years go by and the owner sold to another guy who we will call tim tim could be an absolute nightmare to work for he changed the entire dynamic of the place and everyone felt it now this skating rink was popular and extremely old lots of people all over the city knew of it my mom and aunt skated there when they were kids if that tells you anything some way or another the new owner set up a juicy deal and the rink started making a crapload of money on saturday night from 7 to 11 it was skating per usual but 11 to 2 ish in 3ish it was a club a local hip-hop station came in there with local label swisha house and turned the place upside down for those few hours every weekend the place was poppin there must have been over 2 000 people in there on average and at 20 dollars per person it adds up quick plus the snack bar would never stop turning out food and drink we were making stupid money bonus we also found some good stuff when cleaning up as well it was awesome so tim has it made but sometimes he would fly off the handle for little things all of us weren't sure what his deal was but he would explode out of nowhere and start talking all kinds of nonsense i'd started to have enough because we had all worked hard there for many years without issue one night he went too far i don't like being called outside of my name it's a respect thing my own mother didn't do it and he for sure wasn't for context i was in 10th grade now one night he was in some kind of mood and for whatever reason was taking it out on everyone i don't remember the exact situation but he started freaking out on me at about 11 30 pm now slim thug and paul wall were in the building that night so the place was extra packed way more than usual i'm sure we were breaking all kinds of fire marshal rules he went ballistic and called me every name in the book while i just stood there with rage building up in me i'd had enough for years this place ran flawlessly and everyone loved us so he really didn't have a good reason to treat us in the manner he did my plan was formed i immediately gathered everyone else that was working and we all decided that enough was enough it was time for a lesson i assembled the entire crew and we all quit on the spot all of us that meant nobody to serve food clean help the swisher house people or just carry out general things that needed to be done when two to three thousand people were in the building he was stunned his tone changed and he became very sweet we weren't having it as an additional forget you i called the other two people that were off and they showed up to quit as well tim had already reached out so he assumed they were showing up to work nope we left him with zero workers on the absolute busiest of busy nights and boy did it implore he couldn't find anyone to work so the place went to absolute crap that night the on-duty officer told him he needed to figure something out or he was going to close it down without workers well he didn't it closed down that night and apparently without staff it got nasty people started trashing the place shortly after the radio station and label took their business elsewhere and not long afterward the place closed down he lost his entire investment this was very bittersweet for me because i loved the place but he ran it into the ground the building is still standing and i would love to bring it back to its former glory but my pockets are not deep enough yet maybe one day i'm a grown woman and i don't go to this school lady so i'm a youth worker and i care for young people aged between 13 and 18 years old who are in out of home care for various reasons but most of the time they've been removed from their homes i have a specific client that i work with a lot who is verbally aggressive and has a lot of anxiety around school this particular day was her third or fourth day at a new school and she asked me if i could walk her to her classroom because she was feeling anxious this is something i do a lot for our clients to also make sure they're actually going to class it has never been an issue i had even been to this particular school many times with another client so i'm walking her to class and she's walking really fast ahead of me with our head down when a teacher stops me now i'm a 30 year old woman and i was wearing jeans a black shirt with biggie smalls face on it and a pair of vans so i can understand that my outfit skews younger but i find if i dress cool i have better success building relationships with the clients as they see me as more of an older sister rather than dressing in my normal business clothes and coming across maternal so the teacher says in an incredibly loud condescending voice why aren't you in uniform i tried to quietly say i don't go to the school so that the other students don't hear me because obviously my client doesn't want it broadcast that she is in care and had a carer walking her to class but the teacher isn't having any of it she didn't listen to what i was saying at all she starts lecturing me in the most horrible voice literally wagging her finger and saying this school has standards and you're making us look sloppy i'm giving you an out of uniform slip and you'll be getting detention too i'm really annoyed by this point but also in shock because i'm 30. how the heck can she be mistaking me for a school kid i have a forehead wrinkle and the beginnings of crow's feet how is this possible i very firmly say there's no need to speak to me that way i don't go to this school and of course she doesn't let it go she gets louder and says if you don't go to this school you need to leave we don't allow other school kids on our property my client who has been standing there gets more and more agitated and decides to set her straight and at the top of her lungs screams she doesn't go here you idiot she's my carer the teacher turns bright red every student is looking at us now the teacher mumbles something about visitors needing to sign in i told her i had and we kept walking my client was so embarrassed but her little outburst instantly made her popular with the other students because as she told me later that teacher is absolutely horrible to everyone my client was spoken to by her teacher about appropriate language at the school but wasn't punished try to steal my fiance lose some business many years ago i was engaged to my now wife let's call my wife anne her then ex-boyfriend was and remains to my knowledge a big jerk i'm not sure why she dated him let's call him john i knew that they previously dated and didn't care we all have pasts including me ann and i clicked right away and we both knew we were the ones for each other anne and i are on a weekend getaway with friends at the beach we go out to a local bar there aren't many in this area and we see john a story within a story two for the price of none it wasn't an absolute surprise that jon was there because jon was now dating one of my exes we'll call her melissa i know small world melissa had previously introduced me to this beach and it was a fun place melissa is the one x that i despise i'm perfectly fine to see or chat with any other of my exes except melissa and i wish all of them well except her after i broke up with melissa for various reasons i subsequently find out that she was cheating on me quite publicly with at least one other guy on multiple occasions including when we went away to that same beach cue a hot humid beachy night lover's arm in arm i tell melissa that i'll wait in line for us you sit and i'll call you when i'm near the front melissa thanks me by publicly making out with a guy 200 feet away around the corner unbeknownst to me at the time after we broke up melissa's friends told me that story and other similar gyms that made me feel quite embarrassed for being so oblivious anyway back to the main story i go to the main bar to grab drinks for anne and me as soon as i'm away from anne john makes a beeline for her he tells ann that they should leave the bar together and pick up where they once used to be anne says no and on top of that she's engaged john doesn't care anne reminds jon that he's on a weekend getaway in a rented house slash hotel with his girlfriend john offers to dump melissa and declines and tells me this about five minutes after it happens she asks me not to make a scene being that i certainly got the better of the two women in the situation i figure the most appropriate response is to allow jon to spend time with melissa let them make each other miserable fast forward a few years anne and i are still married john and melissa are married too they deserve each other i have a new client that needs to hire a service provider for millions of dollars the client has narrowed it down to two options one of them is a massive company but the contract name is john's name and i confirm with anne that this is indeed john i tell my client the story about john and say that you can hire john i'll be professional but you need to watch your back with him i say alternatively we can still use the service provider and ask for john not to be involved and get someone else to be their point person my client is more aghast at the story than i ever was he's very traditional slash old school he says he absolutely won't work with john or his company and hires the other provider which is fine by me and they both do the same job and cost the same so it's really a matter of comfort level with the day-to-day folks i'm not sure if my client told john why i told my client that he was absolutely free to explain why and i hoped he did although i doubt my client would do that he was too polite either way john's company lost a couple million dollars and john personally lost a very nice bonus all for trying to get with anne that one night um you're in the wrong store this has happened so many times during my years in retail that if i had a dollar for every time it happened i wouldn't have to work in retail anymore what i am of course referring to is when a customer comes into your store says a product is on special and then eventually realizes that it is on special elsewhere or it was on special last week i block a lot of these out these days but looking at an old facebook memory today i got reminded of one of my earliest and a classic situation like this back at the turn of the century i worked for one of the two major supermarket chains in this country let's call them colds i was working to check out this one day when the customer let's call him mr c comes in i'm there scanning his items when he notices a discrepancy with the price of an item mr c excuse me the price of that ice cream is wrong me how so well you have charged me four dollars yet it is on special for two dollars me let me just check that for you where did you see it advertised on special it was in your catalogue let me just have a look i then browse the catalog and find no mention of the ice cream being on special me i'm sorry sir but it's not in the catalog yes sir choose sorry sir but i've just looked through the entire catalog and it's not in there mr c give that to me he grabs the catalog out of my hands and then proceeds to look through it he then looks through it a second time and then throws it down this is the wrong catalogue why have you shown me the wrong catalog i want to speak to a supervisor excuse me sir but this is the correct catalog if you have a look at the front page of the catalog you'll see the dates that the specials are on for mr c don't give me any of this nonsense leave all my stuff here i'm going home to get the catalog that you guys put in my mailbox to show you what the specials are me okay sir mr c left and i did a deferred sale even though i was not expecting him to come back amazingly 30 minutes later he did and he came straight to my checkout trying to interrupt my sale mr c see i told you me excuse me sir do you mind waiting while i serve this customer no you pay attention to me and now me to the customer in my checkout it'll just be a second to mr c fine show me mr c proceeds to open the catalog straight to where the ice cream is on special but i had already noticed three things wrong with it so was going to bring up each of them one at a time me firstly sir the ice cream that is on special may be the same brand that you are trying to purchase but it is the wrong size what do you mean well the one you're trying to purchase is a two liter tub of ice cream the one on special is a one liter tub i don't care still give me the special me well if i was to still give you the special it would be the same sort of special as there is off the one liter tub which would mean that you would actually be paying more this is just flagrant mish advertising secondly look at the dates of the specials this was last week's catalog i didn't know of the special last week you should keep them running for longer and finally i would like you to look at the store sign above you okay and and now look at the logo on the front of the catalog and now compare the two are they the same um mr c at this point became very quiet and quickly scurried out of there please don't steal my phone i honestly didn't believe that there are these kinds of incredibly entitled people who think that stealing a phone from someone to entertain their kid is acceptable behavior yes you never believe in saying things until they happen to you for a little context i work as a security consultant for a fairly paranoid company which is kind of understandable considering the sensitive nature of our work and the kind of client we usually have but it leads to zero crap taken policies yesterday i took a day off to deal with some of that lovely government bureaucracy i sit in an office government office no less and wait for an appointment it's hot it's kind of humid the kids forced to wait there with the parents are cranky and i'm reading and answering my email on my phone since there ain't much else to do anyway entitled kid comes up to me entitled kid what you playing me i'm not playing i'm doing my emails i admit it may look like i'm playing a game since i'm not the young kind of person who's super fast at typing on a keyboard a skill i really envy the youth of today for i'm more hunt and peck style i prefer using a desktop by far and i need to concentrate to actually hit the right letters so i don't notice that entitled kid returns to his mother who appears shortly afterwards just as i finish my mails entitled mom come on let my son play on your phone for a while so he doesn't nag me me sorry ma'am this is my work phone there ain't no games on it there really is nothing on it that could be remotely considered fun these things are stripped down to the bare bone with zero leeway when it comes to what you put on them entitled mom i saw you play let him play for a while we'll be in before you so you get your precious phone back soon enough me sorry ma'am i'm not allowed to give my work phone to anyone that's no lie on my phone some rather sensitive information is potentially accessible it does take a few extra steps and you need to jump through a few additional access hoops but as said before my company is a bit paranoid when it comes to this and we're only allowed to use our phone to access corporate information and what is considered a controlled environment i'm as said above in a government building with an additional feature that will become apparent soon it doesn't get any more controlled than that most of all i'm not allowed to give my phone to anyone outside the company and even only a select few people inside of it and most certainly not in an unlocked and hints usable state fortunately at this point i already closed down the mail container which needs additional unlocks to access the mail portion as she simply snatches my phone from my hands i was actually flabbergasted for a moment before i realized just what she did she has my work phone in her hands unlocked in short i am very close to not having a quiet weekend and she is very close to having a few very uncomfortable weeks months or years depending only on how creative our legal department gets me ma'am please give me back my phone this very moment my company is very strict with phones and unless you hand it back this very moment i have to report this to the authorities and report a theft of my phone to my company they will press charges please ma'am please give me that phone back no luck she waves it off and tells me not to be a baby as she hands my phone to her son telling me i'll get it back as soon as it's their turn to go in it's not like we're leaving you without your precious phone me ma'am for the last time actually him pushing a button on the phone would already have required me to report it as stolen and tampered with but i am at this point willing to assume that a kid of about seven or eight years old doesn't really know what he's doing i have to call the police if you do not hand the phone back right now she glows at me and then asks an incredibly sassy tone yeah how you gonna call the police without your phone i sigh pull out my private phone which actually does contain a few games and frankly if she had asked any nicer i would have let her son play with it even if he breaks it no big deal dial the not quite an emergency police number and report what's going on all the while entitled mom glowing at me very obviously not believing i'd really call the cops for something as trivial as that frankly if i didn't have to i probably would not have if that was my private phone in her son's hands i would not have been bothered now since this is a government building and a police station is right inside the same building it doesn't even take a minute until two policemen enter the room which causes entitled mom to go pale for just a moment before acting as if it isn't her business at all the police ask me what's going on i explain it to them they ask entitled mom and she has the audacity to claim that it's her phone and that i want to steal it from her me that's easy to prove lock the phone and let's see who can unlock it she claims she forgot the code but by then the policemen have a pretty clear picture of what's going on i unlock the phone to show them it's mine and they ask if i want to press charges i tell them i don't want to but i have to no later than now i do because there's now a police report about it so i have no choice anymore and knowing our legal department they usually get very creative as to what they try to slap on this which i am currently not really regretting because as of this writing i'm on the phone with our internal security who is just as happy as i am to deal with this on a weekend that happened two months ago a little update i did not have an enjoyable weekend afterwards as predicted our legal department actually did press charges including industrial espionage remember we're talking about a kid who is about seven playing with my phone and the words of one of our lawyers and i quote that way the sum is high enough that the carrot needs to hire and pay for a lawyer herself i honestly don't know what's scarier to think that they really tacked on industrial espionage to this petty bs or that a 50 year old high level corporate lawyer knows and uses the term karen please come watch this video next you will love it and huge shout out to odorox our newest official channel member thank you so much for supporting the channel join as a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out on our next video and to have us make any kind of video you'd like us to just come visit us on fiverr link pin in the comments below
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 75,727
Rating: 4.914145 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: Y1c-Mku2LE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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