r/entitledparents "IT'S JUST PAINT! IT WILL WASH OUT!"

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how dare you complain about paint in your clothes it's just faint and it will wash out never test the power of a gerund Oh slash anti-marriage our first story we'll be reading today it's just paint it will wash out from user putrid tadpole after that entitled mom demands my favorite plushie because she thinks her angel deserves it from user amy 77034 after that my own father tries to ruin my education to upset my mother from user dicks mo Roxy and after that print me a receipt even though you have no power from user K rx-8 black and then we'll be wrapping up with entitled grandmother I bought clothes for your mother from user midnight shadow 7 thank you so much to our authors for letting us read your stories and if you'd like me to read your stories next please submit them to the are slash mister reddit subreddit and if you're new don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss a thing it's just paint it will wash out this is my first post ever I finally got enough karma to post it's really more about the kidandparent though this happened a few years ago and some parts are stories from my parents so things might be a little fuzzy insert obligatory on mobile sorry for formatting and spelling here English is my first and only language so light me up for grammar stuff our cast we've got entitled kid entitled parents they always said exactly the same thing my sister sister's friend me my mom and my dad background me and entitled kid were friends since kindergarten but he was always rude and got away with anything because his parents were so stubborn it was his birthday and I wanted to go to paintball so we just took him and one other neighbor who had recently moved in but was a nice kid we did good but definitely overestimated how many pink balls we would use and ended up with almost a full gallon bag of extra paintballs neither I nor our other neighbor wanted it so we just gave it to entitled kid story I was in the living room near the front door when my little sister bursts through the front door screaming and crying covered in bright orange dots my mom who can be a little overprotective sometimes almost fell down the stairs trying to help my sister she cleaned her up changed her and bandaged her from the paint it was a hundred degrees so the paint was hot mom immediately called in titled kids parents entitled kid is a bit of a neighborhood menace and there is nobody else that would have done anything like that they denied everything that had happened even though entitled kid was walking around outside with a gallon bag full of orange paint balls what happened was that he was walking around with his bag of paint balls they saw my sister and her friend another neighbor having a water balloon fight and started to Pelt them with the paint balls sister and her friend were having a water balloon fight entitled kid says I'm playing sister's friend no it's just us can you please leave us alone my sister yeah it's really hot and we just want to play alone okay he turns around as if he's gonna walk away sister and her friend continued their water balloon fight entitled kid starts throwing handfuls of paint balls at both of them my sister and her friend both ran home crying covered in the orange paint sister's friend didn't get hurt too bad but my sister was burned pretty bad on her hand this is the conversation on the phone to my mom's again my mom you should not let entitled kid be throwing those paint balls around he burnt her on the hand and titled mom already in attack mode I cannot believe you would accuse my precious entitled kid like that he would never do anything like that your brat sister should be more careful where she plays also paint can't burn you and it doesn't matter it will just wash off my mom says all right we'll see what my husband has to say about this when he checks the cameras she hangs up we had recently installed cameras to overlook our front door driveway and backyard there were a series of car burglaries that past spring and we wanted to have some additional security now entitled mom is terrified of my father a large 6-foot 225 pound man who takes absolutely zero crap we see her from our window get into her car and drive away my father comes home my mom tells my dad what happened and he goes and checks the driveway camera he sees sister and her friend having a water balloon fight in our lawn then comes in titled kit looking at them with his bag full of paintballs you know what happens my dad later went to their front door and went off on them for being irresponsible parents it came back with the bag of paintballs in hand I'm sorry if this was long I wasn't planning on making it this long but this stuff upsets me to this day I have lots more stories about him if you guys want to hear I can make a whole list next we've got entitled mom demands my favorite plushie because she thinks her angel deserves it hello mr. reddit I have been a longtime fan of yours and I wanted to share this recent story I am on a computer and English is my first language so feel free to edit any spelling errors the cast we've got me the entitled mom the entitled kid mark one amazing cousin and the flight attendant back story I'm 14 at the time and my cousin Mark wanted to take me for a trip to Nebraska he is 21 at the time of posting when I packed I had to bring my favorite plushie and if anyone knows the Nintendo Mario games my plushie was one of the villains Ludwig von Koopa I bring it with me just about everywhere in case my anxiety goes high my anxiety can get very high during confrontations in public etc the story once we took off on our flight I decided to play some games on my phone while I was relaxing and sitting down mark was looking out the window from his seat I had my plushie with me since I never knew what could happen soon the entitled kid notices my plushie and starts talking to me hi where did you get that plushie oh hi it was a birthday gift for my 11th birthday my dad got it from EB Games the Canadian version of Game Stop can I have it no sorry this is very dear to me and keeps my anxiety regular but I want it now my anxiety is starting to go up and mark notices and steps in to help me listen she said no so it's no fine he storms back to his seat until I hear the entitled mom me I jump almost out of my seat at this already nervous from a kid I'm already hugging my plushy claws which is helping the anxiety yes my son says you hit him after he asked politely to see your little toy give it to him you are too old for it anyway this is one of my most valued items and I would never hit someone I told him no politely but he started yelling at me I'm sorry but he can't have this he deserves it way more than you do he was good this year I was starting to hyperventilate as entitled mom was screaming at me this is when March stepped in he might be pretty short but he is very strong and capable of intimidating a lot of people listen here buddy when he says this I know he's about to get snarky he gets angry very easily she told you both she isn't giving her plushie up she has had it since her 11th birthday and cares for it as a mother would care for her baby leave us alone and don't bother us again you shut it that is no way to speak to an adult give him the toy he's been very good this year oh he's been good well do I look like Santa Claus I don't care if he was good or bad he isn't getting the plushy and that's final I start to giggle a bit once he says that but I knew deep inside this was not over the entitled mom an entire old kid walked back to their seats which aren't far soon flight attendant walks up to us excuse me can you tell me what happened during that I heard she hit someone mark explains everything to the flight attendant for me since I was still having a panic attack from the encounter the flight attendant talks to the entitled mom who afterward shoves past flight attendant towards me she almost grabs my plushy and I jump out of the way mark grabs her arm and starts turning it as anger had gone far enough listen here do not and I repeat do not try to take her plushy again she is already stressed enough from you leave her alone entitled mom is now realizing how stupid this idea was and still tries to demand my plushy she breaks my anxiety level and it bursts in her face me listen to me I have told you and your brat that this belongs to me can't you understand that no means no all you entitled jerks are the reason I carry it around with me now leave us alone or I will make sure you are arrested the moment we get off this flight entitled mom is now getting nervous as my face gets redder with every word pouring out mark let's go of her arm and hugs me as I am now bawling my eyes out after I let my anger erupt untitled mom and entitled kid finally walk away he stays right by my side with flight attendant comforting me after those shenanigans once we landed I immediately went to find a security officer for help with entitled mom he told me he would talk to her and she actually got in trouble for attempted theft and assault the rest of the trip went beautifully I hope I never see her again next we've got my own father tries to ruin my education to upset my mother hi mr. reddit me and my girlfriend are both huge fans of your YouTube channel and we both watch you all the time this is also my first post on here so sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes so here's the cast we've got me we've got my entitled father and my mother along with a few other people who come into play later in this story so for some backstory my parents have been divorced since I was still a baby my father has aided my mother ever since I'm not 100% sure why I've been stuck in the middle of a lot of arguments and always felt like things were my fault I have also always loved my mom more because my father didn't treat me right when I turned 12 I was finally able to move away with my mother halfway across the u.s. I was accepted into a college program where I'll get my associates degree before I even graduate high school here our story starts my parents have a court order saying I need to go back three times a year I'm still a minor and if I don't there will be consequences this program I'm in takes up my entire summer keep in mind I'm giving up my high school summers for more school so I can get ahead in life since I was unable to go back to Michigan the entitled father took my mom to court and the judge stated I have to go back since I live far and he asked for Court my mother had to do it over call during her work hours this gave my father the perfect chance to tell the court that my program was fake and made up a lot of bull after that call my mom called me and told me everything I got mad and I decided to give him a piece of my mind and call him which I ain't doing just his voice alone gets me so mad because of all the things he put me through in the past the call goes like this hi I heard you and mom had Court hi yes we did what about it why did you tell the judge my college isn't real and he cuts me off which made me more mad well I would never do such a thing damn dare you accuse me listen here I worked my butt off to get into this program and if you didn't tell the judge who did also why didn't you speak up and tell the judge that it is real like a good father you claim to be well is it just that your mom promised to not pay Charles do you leave her out of this I'm tired of you talking crap about her this is about you and me you are ruining a great chance for me to get ahead in my future and zero cost to me this is my choice Jay he cuts me off again did you just call me Jay yes I did you don't deserve to be called dad especially after all the years of torment from you and stepmom if you don't let me do this and get my free college then me and my mom will drop the child support charges it easy just about the money once again this is bull because he brought up the child support a few times in the one court case alone okay if money doesn't matter are you going to pay for my education no if you don't leave me alone and let me go to college I'll tell stepmom about you cheating on her with your coworker he backed off and realized what power I have over him what do you mean on cheating oh you know how you take me and my brothers to her house and would make us lie to stepmom about it yeah that's cheating and lying he goes silent you know what Jay stay out of my life I'm done with you and don't you dare ever contact me again I'm tired of all your bull goodbye I hang up and blocked him and my mom told me she'll take care of him from there now I'm staying in college and only a year away from getting my degree this story was already long but I could write a longer one if y'all would like there are a lot of details I left out and I wouldn't mind putting them in if you guys want them thank you for being next we've got bring me a receipt even though you have no power this is my first post on Reddit so I apologize for any mistakes that are made English is my first language so feel free to roast me some back story I work for a parking company as a cashier and I tend to deal with some entitled people but this one came to my mind recently when you enter the lot you receive a ticket now we scan tickets and the scan tells me how much is owed it's never much when you compare it to others you can ask for a receipt but it's not printed automatically so here's the cast we've got me we've got gentle giant mama bear my wife and we've got the jerk customer now our story we had a bad storm roll through a day before so it wound up knocking our power out to sections of our lot now the lot is tied to different power sources so there might be one area working but the other will have no power unfortunately the booth and register were tied to the area with no power so we had to hand issue tickets I was called in to help keep my wife company while the power was out for her protection we are stationed in an area that was not exactly the most safe so I was not working the shift I was just there to keep my wife safe we had a fairly uneventful night for a while so after it was dead for a while my wife asked me to watch the booth while she took care of a personal matter please don't ask I was sitting in the booth taking care of customers as they went through pricing each ticket by hand due to no power for the register jerk customer pulls up and I go to take care of his ticket this is the conversation thank you let's see your ticket I priced their ticket and it was six dollars that'll be six dollars please I need a receipt I can't print receipts right now we have no power then why is that light on the light he spoke of was a streetlight that was tied to a different power source that light is tied to a different power source and again we have no power in the booth Britt molly dang'rous aide I'm getting kind of agitated we have no power I can't print you a receipt our register has no power I wanted we see this is a miracle is it it I don't know what else to say we have no power and I can't print a receipt with no power AV you give me my receipt well I want my money back I'm wondering how anyone can be this stupid once again I can't print you a receipt if I have no power thank God my wife comes out and just wrote on a piece of paper and he drives off saying it wasn't so hard now was he I wish I could have punched Anna mr.reddy you have my permission to use this story and our final story of the day entitled grandmother I bought clothes for your mother honey mister read it this post is another about my grandmother I have a lot of stories about her longer than any Karen REE so I hope it tickles your fancy quick back story well more to it now my grandmother has finally left me alone i snitched a few months ago about her gossiping on topics she knows she's not supposed to so I'm no longer welcome at her home not that I mind I plan on getting a court order after I'm 18 to hopefully grab some of the old stuff I left behind if not she'll have to pay for damages anyway this takes place when I was eight to nine so nearly a decade ago the cast we've got entitled grandmother umbrage we've got slave grandfather Cornelius fudge we've got absentee dad donar we've got good-for-nothing grandpa granddad and awesome grandmother mama we've got mum and the devious soon-to-be lawyer me so Umbridge has never liked my mom even knowing her for close to 20 years there was never a moment Umbridge wouldn't badmouth my mom or anyone in her maternal family it sadly caused a rift between my mom and mamma that has strained our relationship but we fixed it to me Umbridge was this beacon of light someone who would be on my side how wrong I was I don't want this too long so let's not dilly-dally we were sitting at the kitchen table and I was complaining about mom doing something typical entitled kid I'm no longer that so we dodged a bullet there and Cornelius fudge was eating when Umbridge piped up I bought you a mum closed when she was younger she stated in her natural caring tone trust me if there was anyone who had a Karen voice it would be her I remember how she would come visit Donna when they were dating really I piped stunned that umbrage helped my mom who certainly didn't like her but showed none of it around me yup you're awesome grandmother couldn't buy her a lot so she would come over and be dressed in nothing but tattered clothes she looked at grandfather with a glint I could in place when her grandfather died she didn't have a black dress to wear to his funeral awesome grandmother couldn't buy her one I wondered innocently awesome grandmother could afford anything when she was married to your granddad Umbridge replied instantly just don't tell you a mom when you go home it's a little secret I nodded with a bright smile I realize now that all she is is really a giant manipulator and nearly succeeded in tearing my relationship with my mom apart she would constantly berate my mom in ways I couldn't understand and made me promise to keep it a secret all she does is complain about my mom and criticize her she's done worse things to her and it breaks my heart to know my mom still went through it all I was nothing but a kid when I had been twisted into thinking I could have whatever I wanted Umbridge would buy them and then complain about my mom never buying me anything she's not your normal Karen she's vicious and could make even Karen look like a saint but none of us had to deal with her my absentee dad has to with his wife and kids I'm just a little heartbroken that my poor grandfather could so easily listen to her manipulations all because she hates me so much now I turned out too much like awesome grandmother and my mom with my attitude I pity anyone who has to deal with her but I'll update on what happens after next month she probably won't be expecting a court order from her once precious princess keep fighting against the Karen's and their earth-shattering Gries and their egotistical entitlement and congrats to our Regenerist of the day jade gotcha funny Turtles la kiba sham anna ruyi mariah Voyles and crystal don see you know what to do become our next Regenerist by dropping as many reasons you can in the comments below that's all for now but don't be blue I'll be back soon with more stories for you remember to listen to mr. reddit every night so your dreams will be wonderful like you are and bright [Music]
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 57,486
Rating: 4.824204 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents rslash, rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, reddit, r/, rslash, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, mr reddit, entitled, parents, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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