r/EntitledPeople GET OFF MY GOLF COURSE!

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entitled golfer blocks my way to go home while screaming at me to go home from user cryptic fire after that my feathery bodyguard gets revenge on entitled parent from user Nessie bird after that entitled mom trying to cut the queue at checkout counter by being an abusive and lying person from user new fish didi after that entitled parents Country Club wannabes from user pixie arrow thank you so much to our posters for letting us read your stories and if you would like us to read your stories next please submit them to the our / mr. reddit subreddit and if you're new please subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories every single day and for every thumbs up this video gets one entitled parent will get kicked out of the country club entitled golfer blocks my way to go home while screaming at me to go home this happened a while back when I had foot surgery I live on a golf course and there is a path that golfers used to get to different holes like every golf course part of the path is 20 feet from my house my friend was coming back from the gym which is approximately 500 feet from my house she was coming over for a visit there are two paths and one goes the opposite direction so she chose the wrong one she called me saying she was lost so I decided to come outside to see where she was and meet her halfway on the path to my house since I was on crutches at the time so she finally sees me and comes to me we both made sure we were out of the way of any golf carts that needed to get by demon spawn starts angrily walking up to us and here is how the conversation goes gasps we've got entitled golfer we've got me and we've got my friend entitled the golfer what the heck do you think you're doing walking on my golf course I look at her like she must be confused I'm sorry ma'am I'm not sure if you understand that this is the neighborhood Golf Course and I'm allowed to walk here just as much as you are entitled golfer clearly sees that I have a boot and I am on crutches and looks at my friend entitled golfer what were you doing wandering over there being in the way of the other golfers friend I was lost I've never taken this way to her house before and I wasn't in the way the only golfers could easily drive past me they didn't seem to mind that I was there entitled golfer looks at me and says well you two need to go back to where you belong and get off the path because you can't be here on my course I roll my eyes and start hobbling on back to my house which was clearly not the way she wanted me to go hey I told you to get off the dang Golf Course lady my house is literally right there I point to it it was not even 50 feet from where we were standing no you can't go that way you have to walk all the way around the neighborhood that would probably take two hours especially since I'm already in pain and sweating from the heat it was also quite a distance because my neighborhood is big then you just drive home you little jerks it will only take a minute or two I look at her like she's insane um you can clearly see that I can't drive because I just had a foot surgery my friend and my car is in the shop so I don't have it with me I walked here entitled golfer then call your dang parents so me being a smarty pretend to call my dad who is currently on base at Fort Belvoir of course he doesn't answer because you can't have your phone on base I leave a message and say dad I know you're currently doing PT with the other soldiers at Fort Belvoir but I need you to come home so you can drive me home from the golf course that's behind our house this lady won't let me walk 50 feet to our front door because I'm not allowed on her pathway okay see you in about two hours thank you bye bye I look at entitled golfer and say okay so he'll be here in about two hours you're more than welcome to stay here with us until he comes untitled golfer gives me this angry look I'm just as angry my foot was hurting and I felt like I was about to pass out some of y'all might ask why didn't you just ignore her and keep walking no this jerk parked her golf cart in the way and stood in front of us blocking our way back to my house entitled golfer well I'm not waiting here for two hours that's ridiculous can't you see that her son is sweating from the heat I need to take him home so you understand why I'm trying to go home now I need my medication as well entitled golfer looks at my foot again to see I have a boot and it's bandaged up to an titled golfer I bet you're not even injured you're just probably faking it for attention her kid tried pulling my crutch from me and says mommy I want to play with the metal things why won't she let me me excuse me you don't just get to assume crap about me you don't even know me and get your kid off me before I call the police I started to try and walk around her but it's hard walking in the mud and wet grass on crutches she saw that I nearly fell okay fine go home but I never want to see your face again around here snaps a photo of me if I see you again I'm calling the police me it's okay I never want to see your ugly face again either go ahead call the police I have a right to be here since my family owns this property at this point I was in my backyard I look at my friend and say man she is a nightmare and she just laughs to this day I have never seen her by my health again next we've got my feathery bodyguard gets revenge on entitled parent so I have two birds a major Mitchell's cockatoo and a Crimson bellied conure as well as two dogs my birds are harnessed trained so I can safely take them outside I normally walk my dogs together and then my birds also separately so normally I do three walks a day weather permitting since it was a nice evening I decided to take my birds both of them out on a walk together as I didn't feel like going on a third walk I normally walk them separately because they get jealous when one gets attention and not the other my cockatoo is very skittish and my conure is extremely chill on walks this particular day my conure was content to make a tent out of my hair once I put his flight suit like a bird onesie and diaper all in one and harness my cockatoo was nervously excited screaming flapping and talking away happy to get outside sitting on my hand looking around at everything due to both of them being very attractive birds I try to walk them when we hardly ever see anyone my cockatoo hates everything and everyone with a passion except me and my mom where I live in summer it gets dark between 7:00 and 8:30 p.m. so it is easy to avoid people if I need especially because I live in a quiet middle-class area with lots of families so if I go at about 7:00 p.m. when most people eat I won't usually see anyone I am known in the area and people usually respect my space when I have the birds however a lot of new properties have come on the market so there are many new people around I was walking back home from my usual birdwalk route and walked down a huge flight of stairs the Sun was directly in my eyes so I couldn't see the people at the bottom my conure was sound asleep in my hair and my cockatoo was looking around contently when I got like 5/6 of the way down I could see the family in the empty cement parking lot we have above the park a man two boys about five and seven ish riding bikes and a woman I was wearing a hoodie with one of those huge oversized hoods so I put my cockatoo on my other shoulder and pulled the hood up we do this tons at home and she likes it I walk slightly angled so my cockatoo doesn't see the bikes kids or the man then I hear the words I always dread kid do mommy look a bird that lady has a bird they couldn't see my conure in my hair kid one pretty pretty birdie I smile and wave but keep walking at the same time at this stage my conure has heard voices and wants eyes on any potential danger so creeps up to under my chin on the collar of my hoodie my conure is very protective of me and attacks anyone that he senses is not good / angry or is just the man he just doesn't like man my cockatoo does similarly but doesn't bite just screams bloody murder and lunges when they get close I hear running footsteps and thinking it is one of the kids walk slightly faster hoping to discourage any interactions with them this is when I hear the him I keep walking then my cockatoo screams and she had tapped to the side of my hoodie my cockatoo was on my cockatoo freaks the heck out flapping to the ground screaming my conure has moved down my arm to my forearm nattering angrily as I pick up my cockatoo and start soothing her I look around and see entitled mom our kids are halfway between us and their dad Oh promptly thank heck called them back what the heck is wrong with you I hiss not wanting to spook my cockatoo further my kids and I want to pet your birds she says morning at my cockatoo look lady I take it you have never done this before but birds are not dogs they are extremely skittish in particular plus my Birds bite so no I have a kangaroo pouch on my hoodie just for cases where my cockatoo or my conure gets spooked and I slip her in so I grab my conure that had puffed up and is swaying aggressively from side to side looking at entitled mom I put him on my shoulder outside the hoodie so he doesn't bite my ears he does that when he gets mad sometimes even if it's not at me bull crap they are wearing leads they are obviously tame she turns and goes to call out to the kids I assume but I cut her off No these birds are tame but only to me they will attack you leave me alone I go to turn and the lady grabs my arm this is when my conure had had enough he was a small fist sized ball of furry he lunged for her hand and bit down hard entitled mom yelled luckily my conure didn't hold on for long as she had yanked her hand away one of her knuckles bleeding not much but it was bleeding don't touch me or my animals how dare you you are going to hear from the police wait until I talk to your parents I am a 22 year old female and I look about 16 to 17 I hate my babyface listen up you disgusting human disease I am 22 you won't be talking to my parents but my cousin the city I live in city police lieutenant don't touch me or my animals again I stormed off I didn't want to see her expression or listen to any more BS safe to say my Birds and I will just be chilling outside in our backyard for a while this isn't the first time I have encountered ignorant people when it comes to my birds or my dogs but it was the most extreme next we've got entitled mom trying to cut the queue at checkout counter by being abusive and lying person a little background I work and live in Dubai and most of the time I shop from Cara for close to my apartment in here that's the closest thing to Walmart here I've seen Cara for in France as well since close to 90 percent of the people living here are expats who work and live here evening hours in the supermarkets and malls can get pretty crowded this happened three weeks back so I was getting some groceries on a Sunday evening after work the queue for cashier in the evening was pretty long fun fact Sunday we work here in UAE weekends are Friday and Saturday since I'm living alone and I hardly cook I had around 14 items which was mostly the snacks I indulged my evenings on so I was there getting close to the cashier there was just another guy in front of me with a shopping cart full of stuff and I was on my phone talking to a friend excuse me mister I heard someone talking to me to my left ear I told my friend a-hole and turned around there was this entitled mom with a kid now this kid is not an entitled kid by any means she was too young to even say anything I told my friend on the phone that I'll call later since it wasn't anything important me yes ma'am entitled mom you mind if we go before you we are in a hurry and entitled mom looks 40 points at the basket in her kid's hand it's a small basket with some chocolate and a coloring book so I look at the eight or nine people behind me in the line and no one seems to have a problem judging from their face me sure no problem you can go ahead now entitled mom doesn't say thank you which doesn't matter to me anyway she cuts in the line the guy currently at the checkout is swiping his card and cashier is bagging the stuff entitled mom suddenly turns around and waves her hand and starts yelling entitled kid come over here here surprised is me everyone in the checkout counter turned around only to see the entitled kid with a trolley full of stuff literally more than 100 different items for sure everyone in my line combined wouldn't have that much stuff to check out me excuse me miss I was under the impression that you had two or three items to check out but this is a bit too much and I can see no one in the line would approve that most of us have been waiting here for over 15 minutes what are you saying I was here before you I was genuinely shocked I was like what no you weren't I was a bit confused like maybe she was there and told me to hold the place or something and I didn't notice because I was on the phone now already a couple of people are having big trolleys on the checkout counter which is pretty narrow it's two lines in the middle and two checkout counters on both sides kind of set up so entitled kid about 14 comes by pushing the cart through the line in a forced manner like literally he was not giving a darn and doing it by force so there is one bald guy he was on his phone all the time I thought he didn't care or he didn't even notice the whole thing but he had just happened to stop the cart by holding it when entitled kid was trying to squeeze it past him bald a guy you're not gonna cut the line not today entitled kid mom this jerk is stopping me now the entitled mom storms past me and goes to the bald guy who the heck do you think you are bald guy look these people are nice might let you get away with your BS but I'm not gonna let it happen and you need to teach your little jerk some manners I was in the queue ahead jerk and don't you dare preach to me on parenting no you weren't ask that guy me no you weren't you happened to trick us into thinking you got two items to cut the queue and you're being a really jerky person about it this time I was sure that she wasn't in the line before me by just looking at her face it was literally the face of someone who thinks themselves as I am so smart the rest of these people are stupid so I can get away with anything entitled mom I was there before you jerk weren't you staring at my bud pretending to be on the phone all the time me now that's it you're not gonna get on this queue or any queue today without waiting your turn jerk I would have stared at a pack of sour candy instead of her butt and I hate those candies I really wish that I could have come up with this line there at the moment so we hold the queue and call the manager to my surprise everyone else was calm and supportive and one guy actually said like maybe it would have been much quicker if we let her first but let's wait and get this crazy woman sorted out after a few minutes a manager shows up manager what's the problem entitled mom I was on the queue first and these two are not letting my kid through pointing at me and the bald guy another guy in the queue Bs she was cutting the line saying she had only two items and her kid showed up later with a truckload manager just looks at everyone to see that they not and confirm his words manager then asks the cashier and she confirms the same entitled mom these people are lying manager it's safe to assume that you were cutting the queue then assuming everyone else is lying ma'am so you have to step out of the queue and start in the end of any queue Bs she turns to me you did a liar and she tried to grab my phone maybe to break it I don't know I withdraw my phone and hand out of reflex manager that's it you are done in here we don't want you in here anymore apparently making banned customers inside a store so entitled mom was removed immediately by the security and the manager apologized to everyone for the trouble the whole thing took about 20 minutes of everyone's time and that was it and our final story of the day entitled parents country club wannabes a little backstory my family and I are originally from New Jersey my parents retired to Florida I live in Texas for part of the year and in Florida with them the other part of the year the house in Florida is located inside a Golf & Country Club Villa Association there is a Country Club and although living there automatically means you can apply for membership you still have to pay for it to be long the club has two pools two golf courses a bar a restaurant snack bar driving range gym etc so we do use the membership at the club last summer we spent a majority of the days out at the pool the family pool is the larger one Olympic sized with swimming lanes up to ten feet deep and heat it there's another one for adults but it's not as deep and it's not heated we prefer the larger pool because we like the deep end and we like to swim laps the larger one also has a small covered area with two tables we are very fair and like to protect ourselves from the Sun now during the summer it is usually pretty quiet because all of the snowbirds are back in the north they are usually only in residence from the end of October until the beginning of April so we usually enjoyed having the pool to ourselves or sharing with a couple of neighbors that we had made friends with but then about midsummer the obnoxious family arrived they were very obviously from Brooklyn I know that accent anywhere it was the entitled grandmother and grandfather they're entitled daughter who appeared to be in her younger 30s and her entitled devil spawn about six to seven I would guess the irony is that his name actually means an angel now these people only had one volume obnoxiously loud they would scream at their kid from across the pool instead of getting up they would just scream his name over and over while he kept misbehaving they would yell at him to get out and he would scream no from the middle of the pool his mother would talk on her cell phone all the time telling everyone just how important she is and of course she would threaten to call the devil spawns father who wasn't with her anymore I think it was self-preservation on his part these people thought the rules did not apply to them they brought their own alcoholic beverages and food with them the kid had large rafts in the water the kid also jumped into the pool right onto people in the pool they urinated into the pool he vomited into the pool they would throw their garbage over the pool fins they would just be generally obnoxious to the point that people just started leaving the area and now that brings us to the last interaction when I finally had enough it was this past March I guess the little devil spawn was on spring break mom and I decided to go to the pool and relax we both had our books and looked forward to getting into the water as soon as we got to our table I realized that the entitled family was at the next table over I told my mom and we might not want to stay she asked why and I asked her if she recognized them the mother screamed at the kid our cast we've got me they've got my mom we've got Devil's spawn we've got entitled grandmother entitled grandfather entitled mom the snack bar employee the board member and my dad entitled mom Spa get out of the pool spawn no I don't want to spawn now entitled grandmother spawn this goes on with all three of them yelling at him mom rolled her eyes at me and I knew she remembered them now so entitled mom gets up and decides to lay on a lounge chair on the deck between the pool and the table were entitled grandma and entitled grandpa set so now they are screaming back and forth at each other even louder spawn is splashing some other people we've tried to get into the pool to swim and has decided to try to climb on one of the older gentleman that was in the deep end since it is the only pool that is heated it's the only one that people can really use in March it's still a little cool at night and the water would be chilly little by little between their yelling and spawn being an absolute monster people are getting sick of them and going to sit over at the other pool I was trying to read my book but there yelling was so bad that I couldn't even hear my mom talking to me right next to me I read the same sentence five times and finally gave up at that point I stood up I am leaving out the language they used as every other word me to my mom that's it I have had enough I have read the same sentence five times and still don't know what was said plus he has splashed me in my book several times my mom getting up as well I know what you mean this is ridiculous entitled mom rolls over on our lounge chair and looks at me so you saying you got a problem with my kid me yes but not as much as the problem I have with your general attitude and rudeness all you do is scream at the top of your lungs at him instead of actually disciplining him and you continue to allow him to wreck everyone's nice day at the pool plus you are all so loud that we can't even talk to each other entitled mom how dare you try to tell me how to parent my kid at this point entitled grandma and entitled grandfather started on us entitled grandmother if you have such a problem you should go to the adults-only pool that's what it's there for I'm a board member and we have every right to be here enjoying ourselves in a family pool you should just take your fat butt over there oh this whale has no room to talk her butt actually blocks the Sun entitled grandfather you can just get the heck out of here and mind your own business so now thoroughly ticked off mom and I went to the other pool where we found everyone else they managed to chase off that day close to 20 people she had been telling them all that she was a board member and that she was going to have them kicked out in our haste to leave mom had forgotten her towel on the chair so we had the employee who was working the snack bar go get it for us we told him everything that happened when he went to get it these people had taken it and thrown it over the fence onto the ground we filed a complaint through him they were not signed in on the pool log when you enter the pool area you're supposed to sign in on the log with your last name address and member number they said he had other complaints about them that day but nobody knew their names to report it so when we got home we got a hold of one of the board members he and my dad see each other daily at the gym and their lockers are right next to each other we said that it wasn't right that a board member would be out there breaking the rules but also bullying the other members come to find out these people aren't even members let alone on the board nobody has seen them this summer guess they were told you got to pay that five hundred dollars per month if you want to be part of the club and use the pool good riddens and shoutouts to our Regenerist of the day to see spider Nicholas Audra and monster Murphy become tomorrow's Regenerist by leaving as many breezes you can in the comments below
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 52,814
Rating: 4.8924007 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: gIWKKgNz62g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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