r/EntitledPeople - Entitled Lady Wants to Swap Kids Because I'm POOR!

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hello my beautiful friends welcome back to our slash entitled people where you'll hear stories about people who think that the world revolves around them much like this lady who plops her butt down on a bunch of cookies at ikea because the line was too long guys she's sitting on cookies guys you know the deal in today's episode you're gonna hear three stories so buckle up and if you feel your blood start to boil just remember to breathe i hope you stay for the stories today and hit that subscribe button for future stories this first story is titled he thought he was entitled to laughter a couple of years ago my mother died tragically unexpectedly at the age of 50 it was a horribly traumatizing night and few weeks for my whole family as you can imagine i was not in the best headspace for a while after this but a girl has to pay the bills so after two weeks off i went back to one of my jobs at the grocery store it was my second shift back there i was working the register around seven at night a middle-aged man and his ten or eleven-year-old son came in through my line the man started out fine he then proceeded to wink at me and make a stupid joke and for the life of me i can't remember the joke it was something anyone in the service industry has heard hundreds of times something like oh it isn't ringing up it must be free what i do remember is i was at the end of my eight hour shift and still emotionally decimated i didn't laugh i just nodded and gave a half smile and continued ringing up his groceries the silence that followed his joke was deafening he then says really not even a damn word he then turned to his son and said some people have no sense of humor don't even try with them that's why they work places like this i feel bad for the sun that will grow up being just as poisonous i would have turned to the sun and said ugh some people like your dad tell stupid jokes that they think are funny but they aren't and then they expect others to laugh don't be like him and then i drop the mic and walk away [Laughter] i'm just kidding i always think of these things after it happens i would have thought about that after the guy walked away with this kid i'm sorry it happened to you op this next story is titled let's exchange daughters i deserve the white girl okay so recently it was mother's day and i was talking to mom on skype to wish her a happy day and celebrate with her when we talked about this again i must clarify that english is not my first language for which i apologize if there's mistakes so a long time ago more than 20 years ago my mother had just married my father and became a part of his family she was a very hardworking person she studied and worked in addition to helping my father's family every time she could since she didn't have a family everyone loved her for these qualities at the same time my uncle married a woman let's call her liz like my mother liz had grown up in a poor and toxic family but she was not at all as hard working and kind as my mother nor so beautiful liz always envied my mother she may have been married to a rich man but for liz it wasn't enough she wanted to be admired and loved just like my mother so she always competed with her liz always tried to steal credit from my mother or make my father look bad to the other members of the family and when she did not succeed she would cry like a little girl so that someone would take her side one day my mother announced to the family that she was pregnant everyone celebrated and this angered liz a couple months later she announced that she was also pregnant clearly she was competing with my mother again over time it became known that both liz and my mother were gonna have girls and they were very excited liz always talked to everybody about how her daughter would be saying that her girl would have the white skin of her father and her green eyes and brown hair my mother never stopped working while pregnant while liz stayed home nine months pregnant without doing anything the first to be born was me i was born healthy and liz did not even hold me when i was introduced to the family as she was still talking about her daughter and how great she'll be when she's born a few months later my cousin was born and it was here when liz's pride went to the bottom her daughter was born very similar to her with dark skin and straight hair and the brown eyes of her father nothing to do with the little white girl with the brown hair and green eyes that she wanted but my cousin was beautiful when my mother would bring me to liz's house she'd always leave me with my cousin in the crib and while she had coffee with my aunt and liz my mother noticed how she paid a lot of attention to me how she always approached the crib and tried to play with me ignoring her own daughter i was born identical to my mother with very light skin black hair a small pink mouth and big brown eyes liz always complimented my skin and eyes to which my mother was grateful and one day liz approached the crib to see me she asked my mother if she wanted to trade daughters my mom laughed thinking she was joking but then liz insisted the conversation went something like this liz says it shows that you like my daughter very much and i like yours if we exchange them we'll be happier i have a good financial position and i'll be able to give her everything she needs my mother says what she needs is her mother you give your daughter what she needs and i'll give mine the same i do not intend to give her to you liz responded your daughter does not seem like your daughter she adapts more to our family she has a more delicate appearance that will fit with our way of life do you plan to deprive her of that mine on the other hand adapts more to your lifestyle we can make it work i'm only telling the truth besides there's no difference they're almost the same age and i doubt that the family will care my mother responded i need this girl for the simple fact of her being mine she's my daughter i gave birth to her liz then says you plan to deprive that girl of a comfortable and happy life just because of your selfishness we can provide a better life for her what kind of mother are you anyone would be happy to exchange children with me my mother already angered about this ended up screaming at her my mother and i left the house and for a long time she did not let liz see or visit me for the fear that liz would try to steal me liz believed that she deserved a white daughter because according to her she's adjusted more to her status and that my mother was selfish for not wanting to exchange since then liz tried to make life impossible for my mother bothering her at work and inventing accidents and even slandering to blame her she's also stolen some photos of me and presented me as her daughter to her acquaintances and friends something that was soon known as a lie when they visited liz's house liz did not mistreat her daughter but she always yearned to exchange babies and this continued until my uncle and liz divorced a few years later she left the country and rarely contacted her daughter shortly after the divorce my mother told everyone about the exchange of daughters and now liz is a black stain in our family and is hated by everyone including her daughter no one has ever told her about the exchange that her mother wanted to do alright first of all liz seems completely nutso guys i have so much to say about liz and i personally think she's a horrendous human being the fact that she wants to trade kids because her child wasn't what she envisioned like holy crap someone needs to take her eggs because i fear for her future kids this story is titled my entitled aunt thinks i work at a store that i worked at four years ago and demands a discount okay first off my aunt is a real [ __ ] she uses our family for her gain and doesn't care about anyone but herself and her image she lives in one of the most expensive parts of sacramento while our immediate family all lives and has lived in the same area nearly my mom and aunt's entire lives she's very entitled and thinks highly of herself she and her husband and children are the type of people who are always keeping up with the joneses she has to be admired and loved from strangers she scams money out of whoever she can especially my grandma which is how she's able to live in such an expensive area and claim back issues and not work she'll just smoke weed and hang out all day while her husband gets drunk and acts like a dick with that out of the way let me tell you what happened friday afternoon i'm the semi-black sheep of the family i mean i'm not mean i'm not rude i just don't socialize much with my family because i know they really don't like having me around so no one ever calls or talks about me in regards of how i am or how i'm doing so i was surprised to get a phone call from my aunt i didn't know the number i didn't know at the time how she got my number but i was waiting on a call from my doctor so i answered without a second thought so i answer hoping it's my doctor but i hear my aunt's voice she and i have never been close i don't like her at all and i don't think i've ever liked her anyway i answered and i'm extremely confused when i hear her voice she tries to sound all sweet and nice and says hey how you doing grandma says you're sick i replied yeah i am okay she's quiet before she gets to the point of why she's calling me well you still work at party town right my grandson needs a costume for halloween i want a discount or can you sneak one out for me i kinda just sat there thinking is she serious did she really just say that did she just ask me for something that i cannot do if i wanted to or asked if i could steal i said what are you high i don't work there i worked there four years ago for like two months and why would you think i would give you a discount or steal for you of all people my aunt lets out this weird uh sound and start saying something like don't be selfish your cousin needs a costume for her son he's only three years old are you really gonna be a [ __ ] and not get him a costume after her little rage all i can do is laugh i had taken some pain meds from my knee so i'm kind of loopy and tired and thinking i'm dreaming all i do is laugh i could hear my sticky finger cousin chime in and calling me selfish and how she's gonna get me fired for stealing somehow they came up with the idea that i steal costumes from my teenage nephews at a job i don't work at because my grandma told them i worked there once four years ago during halloween she and my cousin are still yelling at me on the phone until i stop laughing my eyes are closed and i'm on the edge of sleep and i tell them i don't work there i haven't worked there in four years you guys can't stop coming up with scams and schemes long enough to get the facts straight before you call and harass people that's all i remember before i passed out i woke up saturday morning with a stiff leg and missed calls and texts from my grandma and aunt my grandma was apologizing and said she sent my aunt straight but an hour later my aunt calls and says you can get grandma alive for you but i know you're being a selfish [ __ ] just like your mom and you won't even help out the family i just listened to her trying to stretch my leg and let her go on and she says i'm gonna be in later today for my grandson's costume and it better be half off or free i would love to see that but even if i could stand to walk or be in public i don't care enough to watch her humiliate herself or try to belittle a seasonal employee i feel bad for the kid but my aunt is such a [ __ ] and she's hurt my grandma too much for me to even consider helping her or my cousins guys i have an aunt like this in my family she's not anywhere as bad as op's aunt though but like back then she'd always suggest that i work places so she could get a discount she'd always be like oh hey you should work at best buy so you can get me some good deals on tvs or oh hey you should work at honda so i can get a discount on a car or oh maybe you should be president so i can save money on taxes guys and that wraps up today's episode of our slash entitled people guys if you've missed the last episode of our slash entitled people an entitled woman tries to kidnap op's son because his son looks nothing like him and oh yeah he's the kid's stepdad if you aren't subscribed hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on future entitled people stories and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 51,702
Rating: 4.9428797 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled parents stories, entitled people's stories, stories of entitled parents, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, reddit fail, fail, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents reddit dark fluff, r//, rslash entitled people, crazy stories, crazy reddit stories, crazy reddit posts, entitled people top post, reddit entitled people, entitled woman stories, entitled woman, entitled lady
Id: PnIdgVf-N54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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