r/EntitledPeople - 4 Times Idiots PRETEND to Know the Owner and GET DESTROYED!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends i hope you're having a lovely day today and in today's episode you'll hear some stories about people absolutely embarrassing themselves by saying they know the owner to get what they want and you guessed it nobody actually knows the owner they freaking lie and get caught my friends strap yourselves in because these stories are pretty cringy as you can imagine i hope you enjoy them and do hit that subscribe button if you're new here so i manage a locally owned store where we deal in used goods of the video game variety being a small business dealing in used goods we have certain policies in place for a reason most of our customers understand and don't harass us about them but not this guy this guy enters our store and walks up to the front counter where i'm working i greet him and he asked how much we pay out for an xbox one i explain our store policy which is that we need to see the items in person to give out any quotes ignoring what i just stated he proceeds to tell us about how he really doesn't want to sell it that it's just taking up space not being used so he just wanted to know what the lowest amount would be if we paid him i again explained to him how we need to see the item and we don't give quotes because there's quite a few things that go into the numbers that we need to see the condition for i again state that we'd be more than happy to take a look at it if he brings it into the store at this point he starts to get upset he raises his voice a bit and says look i know you can give me a number it's in your computer just tell me what it says for an xbox one i try to explain to him that the system doesn't work that way and that we look everything up manually in real time so i can't give a number without seeing the item in question now at this point he doesn't let me finish explaining and interrupts asking me to just look it up on ebay or whatever and give him the lowest price that we'd offer by this time i'm done trying to be nice i tend to get people trying to get me to be a pushover and it really bothers me so i tell him once more that we have our policies for a reason and everybody is treated the same he then starts going off about how i'm being rude and denying him a service being highly annoyed i inform him that i have the right to refuse service and that he can just not bring his item in because i will no longer be buying anything from him at this point he starts chuckling to himself i ask him what he's laughing about because he's in full blown hysterics he then says oh man you really messed up now you don't even know i know the guy who owns this place you're the manager here yeah i proceed to tell him yes and then he asks for my name and keeps saying over and over how he's gonna contact the owner and let him know how i've messed up big time about refusing him service i then tell him that i have the right to refuse service to anybody and that he's no longer welcome in the store and to please leave so at this point the owner from the back walks out to see what the commotion's about the guy looks directly at the owner and says this is the last time you'll be working with that guy ask him why my boss was about to say something to me but the guy had to have one last word in and he points to me saying you will never see me again in the store because you won't have a job anymore he's practically screaming that as he finally leaves the store the owner then turns to me and says joke's on him he won't be seeing you again because i'm banning him from my store we both have a good laugh and every now and then we mock the guy god guys i would mock him too that was super super cringy laughing hysterically at op and then breaking out the you don't even know what you did i know the owner like it was some sort of anime plot twist guys these stories always amaze me because people think knowing the owner gives them special privileges i mean it might if if you actually know the owner right i worked at a restaurant that was across from a state park entrance spring through summer were insanely busy as we were the favorite for both tourists and locals now it wasn't unusual for the tours to treat us like garbage or be inconsiderate of our policies such as the large sign on the gate of our patio telling people it was dine in only and to see the host to be seated there it was such a problem in fact that eventually we padlocked the gate shut one day when we were nearing the end of another lunch rush i saw some people sitting at a table crowded with our to-go boxes in another server section looking around like they were pissed i remembered them as a tourist family from earlier in the week who had been jerks to me so i went up to ask her about them i said what's up with table 20. the server said huh they're done why i told her oh because they were here the other day and they look kind of pissy now i just wanted to know if they treated you okay the server tells me they were fine they seemed to be happy with me earlier i don't know what they could be mad about now but i'll go check she walked out to the dining room where she had a clear view of the table and then immediately turned around and came back and she said uh those aren't the people i waited on and where did those boxes come from my party didn't ask for any so we asked the host and she said nope she did not clear that table yet and she definitely did not seat those people the host told us how they were entitled jerks to her when they came and got takeout and then they took the boxes and demanded a seat at a table because they were now paying customers the host had clearly told them no she couldn't seat them on the patio or the restaurant with a to-go order but the picnic tables in the garden were free for them to use so knowing now what must have happened and that these people have been rude to everybody they've come in contact with we collectively decide just to ignore them the rush is over and we don't need the table so the entire staff carefully avoids them while we serve everybody else around them the family proceeds to get really angry as we clear every table but theirs which not only has all of their takeout garbage but all the plates glasses and trash from the guests who sat there before in the meantime we informed the owner of the situation and he was looking forward to when they finally had enough and stormed inside you'll never believe what happened next as soon as the father sees the owner approaching them he immediately starts yelling about how we let them sit and never clear the table or serve them he starts yelling that this is unacceptable for a restaurant and that when his friend the owner hears about this that the staff will be fired for their incompetence and the lack of customer service the owner's response was perfection he says so let me get this straight you yelled at my host when she told you that she couldn't seat you on the patio you were directed to the picnic tables in the garden which is a lovely place by the way and instead all four of you climbed over a padlock gate with a sign on it and you then proceeded to seat yourself at a dirty table and now you have the gall to call my staff rude and try to get us fired the dad was furious at this point that the owner was making valid points but he doubles down and repeats that soon his buddy ron his owner friend will find out what's happening and we will all be jobless so this is where it went from good to great our owner looks at the man dead in the face and says calmly first of all i'm the owner you must be at the wrong restaurant because my name isn't ron and i sure as hell i'm not your friend secondly let me tell you how my restaurant works if you're nice to us we will do just about anything to make you happy i train my staff to go above and beyond for customers this is my policy but if you act like a bunch of pricks and you're in my restaurant you will always get treated like one now get out of my restaurant the father sputtered for a second and the owner just shouted out and drowned out the guy's response he and his family then slunk out with the awesome boss of the day right behind them to ensure that they didn't try to come back having a boss that sticks up for you is the best my friends i am so glad the owner decided to annihilate this man can i get some clapping going on here steve because what he did deserves a damn mic drop and a standing ovation absolutely brilliant so to start off i teach martial arts i've been doing martial arts for 10 years but only been teaching for about five maybe six i've become close with my teacher he's like a father to me anyway so we usually teach class together but if someone comes in i usually go so he can continue teaching well one day a woman comes in and immediately starts flagging me down in the middle of class so i excuse myself and walk over there i said hello how can i help you the woman then says why are you so slow uh pardon next time an adult calls you over you need to come immediately do you understand now i didn't really want to start something so i said yeah okay and then we continued i said what can i help you with today the woman says she wants to sign up her son for classes i told her okay let me get a schedule and the payment options and she said oh just the schedule i then asked pardon she responds i only need the schedule i don't have to pay i know the owner and he says my son could take a few classes for free just to try it out i told her miss i can't do that as i'm not the owner she then says to me you can and you will did you not hear me say that i know the owner now at this point i'm getting agitated because i can see that this probably won't get anywhere and we'll just talk in circles so i start darting my eyes around and the master the owner catches my eyes i wave him over the owner says hello what can i do for you the woman then says again i'm here to sign up my son for martial arts classes anyway i know the owner of this establishment and he says i can put my son here for free a few classes just to try it out the owner looks at her and says the owner told you this yes i spoke to him just yesterday he told me to come in and offered me a few trial classes so if you could just sign me up that would be great the owner looks at her again and says are you sure the owner told you this yes if you don't believe me i will call him right now so my master then says actually i'm the owner of this place miss i don't ever recall speaking to you and offering your son free classes now if you're interested we do have these packages if you want to have your son test the waters the woman then said never mind she grabbed her son and she promptly stomped out of there and she never came back guys i wish i had half the courage of this woman to go into an establishment and try something like this you really have to give her props for keeping up the act though yeah i spoke to the owner and he said i can get free classes uh ma'am are you sure you spoke to the owner of course i talked to him yesterday uh ma'am i'm the owner do you guys think this actually works can someone please try this and tell me how it goes because i clearly do not have the confidence for this so i occasionally help out a friend at their family's busy mexican restaurant i work in 9-5 managing a gym but if she needs me at nights or on weekends i help out plus i get to keep tips so yay so on this particular night my fiance was hanging out in the booth with my friend's husband and their 10 year old son chilling and eating chips and salsa and waiting for me and my friend to finish up so we can go see avengers meanwhile this lady with the let me talk to your manager face and a grouchy looking guy come in it was just dying down from saturday night rush so i grabbed two menus and in my curious voice i told them that i'd be happy to show them to their seats so cue her remarks that she didn't want a booth and that she needs to be by the bathroom because quote you never know if the food will agree with me her husband was rolling his eyes snorting during the entire exchange so i find them suitable seating and i take their drink order she got a water with no ice lemons on the side and a beer with a lime for him so i get her drinks out and set them up with homemade chips bean dip and salsa grouchy man was hungry and now he's being fed so he's a little bit more polite not his wife though she complains because the chips are too hot the bean dip is not brown enough and the salsa doesn't taste the way it did last time i'm thinking well they're complimentary ladies so just eat them and shut up of course i didn't say that but i wanted to finally they decide on what they want fajitas for him and a taco salad for her i put the order in and i go chat with my fiance and my friend and his son the next thing i know i'm being snapped at by the lady i go over to see what she wants and she goes off on me that i need to do my job and not flirt with customers furthermore she says that she knows the owner damn it and he's gonna be really mad that his staff is so lazy upon hearing this my friend who is waiting the table behind me comes over and says oh you know the owner the lady gives my friend a withering look and then smirks i do and both of you pointing at us will be looking for new jobs when i talk to him now at this point my friend burst out laughing which caused the lady's face to turn a brilliant red and my friend says that's funny because the two owners of this place are my mom and i we've always owned it so i'm not sure which man you're referring to the lady went quiet her face went from beat red from anger to pale as a ghost her husband had a huge grin on his face and gave us a wink after that she didn't say one word we kept hearing her scold her husband for eating too slow because she just wanted to get out of there her husband raved about his fajitas and he tipped me 20 percent oof my friends nothing worse than saying you know the owner to the actual owner i feel super super embarrassed for the lady guys it's so cringy using that line when you don't actually know the person like yeah i know you're upset you want better service but saying that you know the owner when you don't is a little bit much don't you think oh and on top of that she told the owner to find a new job oh my goodness if you don't personally know the owner and you want to do something like that at least make sure you know what they look like and that my friends brings us to the end of this episode i hope you guys enjoyed the stories today if you did give it a thumbs up and if you want to hear some more super entitled stories i will link some really popular ones right here check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 151,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, reddit fail, fail, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents reddit dark fluff, r//, rslash entitled people, crazy stories, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, best revenge stories, karen freakout, entitled karen, horrible neighbours stories, karens lying, karen caught lying
Id: Q9yl00APq2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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