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Posted by u/litigatrix82 17 hours ago Platinum Gold2 Petty partner at law firm made our lives awful. Quit and now I am the client. Fired her. I worked for many years at a large law firm and had a solid chance at partnership. Never had a bad review. For some reason unknown to me, but likely a result of this person’s well known mental problems and insecurities, a partner I worked closely with lied about me in a review, just enough to cause a problem that would delay partnership for me. I also witnessed her extreme bullying and harassment of others (thankfully not directed at me, but it was bad). I believe the fact that I spoke out against this encouraged her to target me. Unbeknownst to her, I had already accepted an in house position with a very important firm client when I learned about her attempt to undermine me. About six months later I happened to be assigned to manage a case she was involved in. My colleagues were already upset with her poor performance. So, I was tasked with firing her off the case. Under the circumstances, this was very bad for her (already poor) reputation internally at the firm, and cut off a huge source of her work. It is nice to do justice. Posted by u/RupesSax 12 hours ago Take My Energy Made a Road Rager pay for his actions So something bizarre happened on my drive to work a few days ago, and I still think about it. There was this car that was aggressively weaving between lanes, sometimes with zero warning or turn signals, and at one point, he tried to get into my lane, but I was already next to him. He still tried to merge and nearly ran me into the left median. I had a car in front of, and behind me, so I couldn't brake too fast or speed up. And I was not in his blind spot. So I honked my horn and he STILL tried to get in the lane, but ended up getting behind me and tailgating me aggressively. And I'm like 'whatever dude. I'm just driving to work, this isn't Fast and Furious. You're in a Lexus.' eventually, he got in front of me, and I thought it was the end of it. But this guy made me his enemy because after that, he did NOT let me pass him. Ever. I simply did not care, I was too tired for antics. But any time I changed a lane, he'd change with me, and then slow down to slow me down. And for a while, I thought 'am I imagining this?' So finally, an exit for the toll road was coming up on the right, and I was like 'screw it, I'll take the toll road. Get away from this guy' and sped up to get into the exit lane THIS GUY Went all the way from the left lane into my toll road lane, so I was like.... 'you had no intention of being in this lane.... I don't think I'm imagining things anymore' So I stayed a good distance back, waited for him to get kinda into the curve of the exit lane to the point where he was committed to it, and I immediately changed lanes and got out, and watched him try to swerve out, but it was too late for him. He was in the toll lanes, and I was on my merry way. I have been thinking about it and laughing for days now. Posted by u/CanadasNeighbor 12 hours ago Neighbor kept tossing unbagged food into my trashcan so I moved it next to their patio/entertainment area Basically the title. My neighbor and I both keep our trash cans out front in between our houses, except we make sure our own cans are on our own property. They're like 5 feet away from eachother. I'm a bit controlling, I don't throw anything away unless it's wrapped in a trash bag, to avoid my can smelling like a melting heap of crap. After some years, they've gotten a lot more comfortable with crossing small boundaries: letting their dogs run all over our property, dig under our fence, and most recently this year: throwing dog crap and open food containers into our trash cans. I noticed because it suddenly got really smelly, even though it should have been fairly empty because the trash man just picked up the previous morning. So I opened the lid, and lo and behold there were 5 half even pizzas in their boxes chucked in there, along with some party crap and dog crap. I knew it was my neighbor because they literally just had a party for their teenager, and I saw them in their garage eating pizza. Normally I'd just call for a trash can cleaning service but it's expensive and my neighbor definitely did this crap on purpose. So instead, I rolled my trash can to the backyard and placed it as close to the fence as i could. Because on the other side of that fence is their patio/entertaining area that they use constantly. Ive left the lid open for good measure and last time I was out there I overheard my neighbor complaining about the smell. They were setting up crap for another party too. Oh well. Posted by u/condiments4u 18 hours ago Got the W Cost Ignorant Landlord Over $50k This story is from a while back when I was in college, which was situated in a rather large city, so rent was not very cheap and landlords thought they could cut corners. Unlike many of the buildings in the area, the room I rented was within a wooden house. When I toured the house, nothing stood out as unusual - the room was small but cosy, there were rather large common rooms, and the roomates seemed nice (one of whom was the landlord's daughter). Another plus was that they were okay with me brniging my cat and not putting down an obnoxious deposit. Cut to two weeks later, I'm moved into the room and everything seems fine, except my allergies begin to act up. I figured this was just due to allergy season being in full swing, despite not usually having allergies act up. One month in and my allergies are worse, and I start to notice small things around the house that seem to just be MacGyvered - for example, sink piping is duct taped and the bathtub had a crack, which seemed to be glued(?) together. At 1.5 months, allergies are again worse and my cat beings acting really weird - they start running into things, acting confused, and having what looks like muscle twithing. I took her into the vet and was told that they believe she's ingested a large amount of mold. Dr. Google confirmed that this is a possibility given her symptoms and fully explains how I've been feeling. I end up asking my friend to watch my cat for a couple days while I look for the source of mold in the house. Remembering the weird handy jobs performed in the bathroom, I removed the little piece of wood that covered the area between the bathtub and ground (it was elevated on some plastic feet) only to find it covered in fuzzy black growth! I immediately replaced the wood (which had growth on the back side of it too) and checked under the sink. It looked like there was old water damage no the bottom of the cabinet, but no mold - that is, until I shone a light into a small hold cut out in the back of the cabinet. Again, the entire area that I could see in that whole was covered in black fuzz. I don't know if it was psychological, but I ended up getting watery eyes and sneezing a bunch while on the hunt for mold. I immediately showed my roomate who then called her dad about the mold. The dad essentially said it's nothing serious and he'll get to it when he has time. Well, 1 week later and he's done nothing about it. Wanting to bring my cat back, I called to ask him for an update, and he said that he consulted with a professional who said it didn't sound like mold and that I should just keep it covered. I was ticked but this being my first rental I had no idea how to handle it; and for as nice as the landlords kid was, she really didn't try to help pursuade him. After some research, I found that in my area mold is a hazard that landlords are required to take care of. While this wasn't stated in my contract, it was a contractual obligation he had. I called the landlord with this information and told him that I'll be witholding my rent until he sends someone to look at the issue. He flat out laughed and said I can't do that, and that he wouldn't allow me to break my lease early. I was ticked, and too nervous to bring my cat back into the house. After reviewing some more local codes, I decided that instead of witholding rent I would report the issue to the municipality in hopes of them taking action. Within 72 hours, they sent an inspector out to not only check the areas I mentioned finding mold in, but also doing a fill inspection of the home. They spent at least 2 hours walking around the interior and exterior, looking under every applicance and into any accessible space. After the review was done, they told me that the mold damage was far more extensive that I thought. Essentially, the entire house had become infested due to moist conditions and poor ventilation. He said that this would require extensive work and that I would not be able to stay in my room during this time. But that's not all - the inspector also found over a dozen code and permit violations, each of which would have to be remedied or else a huge fine would be levied. The inspector sent a letter detailing his findings to the landlord, and I got an angry call with him screaming about how I shouldn't have gotten them involved and how he was actually planning on coming out that weekend. I was too timid to boast about this win, but I did state that, per the inspectors findings, I will be moving out, as I am leagally allowed to break the lease if conditions are unlivable; he said I'm not allowed to, and I told him to take me to court in that case. I moved all my stuff out that day with some help from friends and crashed with the friend watching my cat during this ordeal. I was able to get a room in a much nicer house rather quickly, and kept in contact with one of the other roomates from the previous home. Apparently, the landlord tried to rent out my room again and didn't take the inspectors letter seriously - even the part that stated that they have (I believe it was) 1 month to take care of all code/permit violations before they would be fined daily per violation, some amounting to over $1000 per day. Things got real for him after about 5 weeks, when he got multiple letters from the municipality detailing all of his fines, and how the rates will go up if he continues to ignore them. Last I heard, he scrambled to respond to correct all of the violations, but not before his fines amounted to $50k and he was forced to have all tenants move out. I noticed the house for sale a few months later. Posted by u/Info__share 8 hours ago Supervisor harassed and belittled me; I promoted, outranked her, kept her from promoting, and got her fired! In 2015, i had a supervisor who was a GS-6 that harassed and constantly belittled me. I was a GS-4. I couldn’t do anything right in her eyes. I had the highest productivity in the office because I closed the most cases in the shortest amount of time. She tried stealing my cases and creating obstacles to prevent me from closing the cases I identified. It never worked. I always prevailed. She lied to the area manager and said I had brought a gun to work. They forced me to open my bag so they can search it or said I would be terminated. They found no weapons. She took what I said completely out of context and told the area manager I said I wanted to burn the office down. What I had said was “I don’t care if the building burns down today. I will still wake up tomorrow, say my morning prayers, and apply to other jobs. I am marketable and can find another job.” She called the military police on me in attempt to have me arrested because my Gerber pocketknife (that is sold everywhere and completely legal!) slipped out of my pocket without me noticing. The military police never made contact with me. She kept my knife and never gave it back. Eight months later, I ended up leaving the office because it was toxic and I couldn’t deal with the harassment anymore. I deployed into a GS-7 grade. Shortly after, she deployed as a GS-7. A GS-9 position came up and we were both interested. Neither of us applied as it wasn’t posted. She told the area manager “I can’t work with him. You have to move him from this location.” My area manager said “he’s my highest producing employee. Moving him would be a change of benefits for him. Why would I create a problem I don’t already have.” She was upset and complained. My area manager selected me for the job. I’m now a GS-9 and she’s a GS-7 in another office. I ended up getting promoted 6 months later to a GS-11 (we’re in the excepted service). She finishes her assignment and goes back to her permanent job of a GS-6. My region manager calls me one day and says “hey, I have this applicant for a GS-7 position and I think you worked with her.” He told me her name and asked “I’m thinking of selecting her for the position at XYZ location. Do you think she will do well?” I said “boss, you could leave that office unmanned for six months and there will still be more productivity than you putting her there for 12 months. It’s not a move I would make and not an applicant I’m willing to endorse.” He said “understood.” She didn’t get the job. Someone else called me and asked what I thought about her at another location and I said the same thing. She didn’t get the job. Three years later I promoted to GS-12 and she’s still a GS-6. Two years after that, I promoted to a GS-13 and she finally made it to GS-9. She wanted to deploy again but in another directorate (because I would’ve been her second line supervisor— not that I would have accepted her) and the commander asked me if I knew who she was since we worked in the same directorate. I said “yes, I know her.” He asked what I thought about putting her into XYZ position. I gave him my same feedback as the other two had asked. She didn’t get the job. Recently, I was doing some reviews and found anomalies. I turned it over to my counterpart (another region manager) because it wasn’t my region. Four months ago, we fired her for the anomalies I found in her office. It turned out she was committing fraud. Ahhh good times. Posted by u/youeat- 9 hours ago I’m trying to show my bf how much I’ve been taking on lately. We just moved in recently together, it’s been about two months. I do dishes, laundry, cook, clean, mop vacuum, grocery shop. Even as far as taking out the trash, making our home space look nice, buy most groceries, take care of all pets, and we sort of split bills. (That’s a long explanation, but short of it is it’s not exactly half, I pay more.) His excuse is he’s overworked from his job. He works from home, and bc we don’t have the same schedule I am sometimes home when he is. He claims he is too busy to do things around the house even as much as he doesn’t have time to eat. So I make him food even when I’m off. Im stressed from my job too, so that’s why I feel like you should be able to do the bare minimum. Every time I come home he’s playing games which totally doesn’t bother me as long as he takes care of some responsibilities. I do give grace bc sometimes he is busy, and I get it, but other times I wonder. So far I’ve set some boundaries which are to take care of his pet, the trash, and now paying for the groceries. We’ve settled bills to be 50/50 but he doesn’t always pay, even when I request on PayPal. Working on adding more boundaries. He doesn’t do anything for my animals, not even since I’ve moved in. Tbh I don’t think his cat would’ve even eaten or had a clean litter box if I hadn’t have cleaned it. (This is a throwaway acct so I won’t give away what pets I have) Adding context when we first started dating his place was super clean, once I moved in he said the reason it was clean was bc he hired a cleaning crew. I wasn’t too aware of what that entailed as I’ve never been able to afford something like that. But the load is more than I thought. So once I moved in things got super gross, so I cleaned, hoping he’d hop in. The most is he does feed his cat/clean the litter box maybe three times a week, but still lets trash build up. Then once I take it out he’s like “oh let me get it” I think to make him seem like he does something. I even tried to quit cleaning via my therapists advice to see if he would do anything and I got nothing in return. He waited until I couldn’t take it anymore. My revenge is making his sandwich wrong, I got a small lecture on how to make it better but the fact he was unsatisfied made me happy. Had too much mayo, no salt, and I didn’t cut it right. The fact that he disliked it so much made me happy, and I think I’ll continue. This is honestly a rant but I think I need more ways to be petty bc talking with him doesn’t seem to get the point across. We’ve had multiple talks about what I need from him, but he only changes for a day. Honestly I’m just mad that he doesn’t listen and I want to keep making his sandwiches wrong. Edit: just wanna say tysm for being real with me, and for all of the advice. Sometimes it’s easier seeing the truth from the outside. I cut off a lot of my friends recently so having some people give me the harsh truth helps which is why I’m here. Also low self esteem (which I’m working thru with therapy) Learned I’m a bang maid, and need too find a way out, or set some serious boundaries. Which I’m not sure is a feasible option, as I have work tomorrow and he’s throwing things around in the bedroom bc I’m not ready for bed, even though I have work tomorrow, but honestly I’m just reading thru the comments for advice trying to sleep on the couch I just won’t sleep with him rn. This is just lame. This is the first time tonight I’ve not given into what he wants (ex: sandwich debacle which I did tonight) He might be pettier than me and I’m not sure I want to fight that battle. Posted by u/Ok-Crew5770 11 hours ago Entitled neighbor is angry I am using my park space (not op) Entitled neighbor is angry I am using my park space My 30F husband 27M and I live in a closed street of small houses. Each house has a parking spot , plus most people owning more than 1 car park in parallel infront of their house. We didn’t own a car because we both worked from home and hate driving, plus public transport here is not so bad. We have a neighbor who owns 3 cars, so obviously he has no space to park them all at his house. He asked our next door neighbor (we can call him EN) if he could park outside of her house (she also does not drive) and she said yes, but EN , in order to not block his other car, parks all the way in front of my driveway. Tbh, I would not have minded if he had asked, but the fact that he just does it annoys me. Also, my family comes to visit often and if they come by car, he usually is blocking and we have to ask him to move (and every time he gets mad as if we were asking for a favor). Anyway, I got a nice promotion that involved in person work 3 times a week, so we decided it was time to get a car. We bought a nice practical one and got it in our park space. Well, next morning the guy was blocking my exit. I rang his doorbell like crazy (it was 6am) and when he finally came out I asked him to move, and to not park there anymore. He got defensive and said that my neighbor let him park infront of her house, to what I answered “yes but this is MY HOUSE, and if you block my entrance again I’m gonna remove your car”. He moves and the next day he is blocking again. We realize he left the car open so we let the hand break lose and push the car to the middle of the street, infront of his driveway. I put a note on his windshield saying “next time it’s a tow truck”, put tape over his doorbell so it continues ringing and I left as quickly as I could . He hasn’t said anything but he hasn’t parked there anymore. Posted by u/DrOogieBoogie42 1 day ago My roommate kept stealing my clothes. So I tie-dyed his. I didn't go to college until I was 21. For some reason the fact that I was of legal drinking age made partying a lot less fun. That wasn't the case for my 18-year-old roommate, "Paul". We didn't have much in common (different courses, friend groups, etc), so we didn't talk much, but he was a huge party animal. He'd come to our dorm drunk at 2AM on weekdays and then go to his classes very hungover. He also had a girl over at least once a week, and they were never quiet. But the most notable thing about Paul is that he was an jerk. Not only that, but his family was loaded. So he was the kind of jerk who bragged about how much of an jerk his money allowed him to be. Paul was pre-law, and some of his teachers graded students based on how formal their attire was in class. Paul had six Oxford shirts from expensive stores (think Hugo Boss and Ralph Lauren), all in white. His wardrobe consisted only of those shirts, four dress pants and a single t-shirt. One day, as I was preparing to do laundry, I noticed some clothes I hadn't worn or put in the basket recently. They were clearly worn, reeking of sweat, alcohol and a bodily fluid I won't name. Some were also stained. It was gross. I confronted Paul about it and sure enough, he'd been wearing my clothes to party, drink and "get lucky". His excuse was that his clothes were "too expensive" to wear at parties, unlike all my t-shirts, flannels and jeans. I yelled at him that he couldn't take my clothes without permission. He said, "Dude, it's just clothes. It's not like you can't wear them anymore." The fight was going nowhere, so I just told him to never do it again. He agreed. The week before spring break, Paul did it again. This time, he ripped one of my jeans. Not a small split anyone can fix, but a long, horizontal tear across the thigh. I could never wear those pants again. I thought about confronting Paul, but then I had a better idea. I was alone when I found out, so he didn't know I knew. For the rest of the week, I didn't bring it up. Then, Paul left for spring break. He was wearing his t-shirt, and didn't pack anything else, since he was going home. I waited an hour, shoved all six of his Oxford shirts into my backpack and left to spend the week with my family. Once I got to my mom's place, I started brainstorming what I'd do with the shirts. Tearing them wasn't enough, those can be fixed. Whatever I did, it had to be permanent. Then, my sister gave me a suggestion. I called a couple of friends over, and we got to work. We tie-dyed every single white shirt. We chose the most vibrant colors we could find. There was no way Paul would be able to wash them off. After spring break, I made sure to get to the dorm before Paul. I put all the shirts back in the closet and left to see a friend. When I got back a few hours later, Paul was on the phone with his parents. He'd put them on speaker phone, and was screaming about how someone had "colored his shirts" and he couldn't wear them to class. At one point, he said he'd wanted to sue whoever did it. At that, his father shut him up and told him to stop complaining. He said it was probably just a prank and he wasn't going to sue anyone. After Paul hung up, I asked, "What's the matter, dude?" He looked at me. I could tell he thought I'd done it, but he didn't say it. For about a week, Paul went to his classes wearing his only t-shirt. He couldn't convince his parents to buy him new shirts, so he had to start wearing the tie-dyed ones to class until he could save enough money to get more shirts. His grades dropped, but he still passed. Paul never stole my clothes again. Not my proudest moment, but I don't regret it. Posted by u/dadudemon 1 day ago Platinum2 Gold5 Bravo! hehehehe Wholesome Silver2 Hugz Ally Take My Energy2 Angry lady yelled at a special needs person at the gym so we did a bit of trollin' This guy named Michael has Down Syndrome and he is at the gym with his father 4 days a week around the same time. He is very nice and positive. He yells encouragement and compliments to people working out. When he arrives at the gym and if he sees me, he yells very loudly, something like, "Heeeey! How are you! Glad I can see you." And if he likes my shirt, he tells me he likes it and the things he likes about it. Michael is a genuinely good person and I love seeing him when I work out. When he's working out, he makes loud "ooooo" sounds that sound like a cow going "moooo" but without the "m" part. It is very loud especially when he is getting in the zone in his workout. If you've never seen him, you'll look up, see him lifting like a beast - and being the mature adult you are - can tell he has Down Syndrome, mind your own freaking business, and go back to your workout. Apparently that was too hard for someone this evening. A lady with her training group (about 5 people total) were working out next to Michael. How the gym is laid out, the aerobics/stretching area is next to the dumbbells. Still plenty of room for everyone. Michael is doing his thing, having a great workout, but is getting very loud. His father is nearby working out on the machines near the dumbbell area. One of the ladies gets annoyed and walks up to him and yells at him to keep it down.1 I know the father (we have similar jobs and talk sometimes about work). We both made eye contact and our eyes widen. We are both thinking, "WTF is wrong with her...." Michael is not hurting anyone. Almost everyone has on headphones, anyway. Michael said, "Oookay!" very loudly. That's just him but it felt like a hilariously smartass response. haha! Everyone gets back to their workouts. Michael obviously is just as loud as ever making those noises. Lady gets ticked, walks up to him, and literally yells at him to keep it down. Father is understandably angry, walks up to her, tries to explain to her that he's special needs and doesn't mean to be loud. They argue for a bit. I couldn't hear everything they said but the conversation ended when the father yelled EXTREMELY loudly, "HE'S R*****ED! WHAT THE FREAK DO YOU WANT FROM US?" Everyone stops working out and looks at her. Her face turns bright red and she sulked away. Everyone goes back to their workouts. The petty revenge part: my workout buddy and I decided that we really really needed to workout our abs so we did some situps in the stretching area. Next to their group, and grunted loudly when we got to the last few reps. They said nothing to us, though, but we still had fun.
Channel: Storytime
Views: 11,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, pro revenge, reddit pro revenge, Storytime pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash prorevenge, pro revenge reddit, top posts reddit, pro revenge stories, pro revenge video, r/ prorevenge, r/ prorevenge Storytime, Storytime r/prorevenge, funny reddit stories, prorevenge posts
Id: nXlf7RXBUxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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