r/AITA CAMP FIRE FROM HELL! - Reddit Stories

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would you be the jerk for having a negative reaction to the news of a new grandkid coming we'll get into that in a bit but first am I the jerk for saying Freak no to a dog and taking it to the pound I 38 year old male generally like dogs but in small doses I grew up with them but they weren't the most positive thing to me growing up my wife has had similar sentiments about owning pets and they aren't something either of us ever wanted we have two daughters age eight and ten my sister 33 year old female has grown up to be a classic dog mom and loves her dogs more than anything she's also very close with my daughters well the other day my sister took my daughters out shopping they come home with a puppy I see it and I'm ticked my sister's like look what I bought them my girls were asking if I liked it I tell them can you take the puppy out front and play with it they do my sister's like are you going to keep the dog I respond Freak No you know we don't want a dog it's not staying and you're telling the girls that it's your new puppy take it back keep it I don't give a freak it's not staying here she says I don't need to be so hostile calls me a jerk and leaves I'm livid I call the girls in and they're happy my heart broke telling them we can't keep this dog the look from happiness to sadness is something I'm not going to forget your aunt tricked you and this dog isn't yours well that didn't go over great and they both went to their room crying I took the dog straight to the pound I gave my sister one more opportunity to keep it but she said her lease won't allow another dog but she called me evil before hanging up am I the jerk yeah I'm sorry but as much as I love dogs and you know I would love for this to be a happy situation where they keep the dog and raise it forever as a happy part of the family you can't drop a dog on somebody you just can't it's way too much of a commitment not just in expenses but also how long you're going to have that dog also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy getting to decide whether or not all of these people are jerks why not hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is am I the jerk for using my hearing aids to make someone look stupid I female18 have moderate hearing loss I lost hearing over the years with many ear related incidents I wear hearing aids to hear people talk sometimes but I mainly use them at school when I start the school year I tell the teacher that I wear hearing aids and they normally put me next to their desks so I can hear them without the use of my hearing aids in one of my classes I have a girl Lily Lily likes to yell at people to get them to come to her instead of getting up to talk to them no matter who tells her to stop she won't the teacher stopped trying to get her to stop a long time ago in this class we have to take notes Lily missed notes day and the teacher told her to find someone with notes no one near her wanted to give her the notes so she chose me I was on the opposite side of the room and she began yelling at me she had done this all year and it was annoying I didn't look at her I just kept working on other schoolwork I wasn't going to give her special treatment because she was lazy she had no mobility issues she just doesn't want to walk to other people she kept getting louder and more frustrated that I wasn't going to her she yelled at me for 10 minutes before she stood up and walked over to me she was very mad at me and kept saying that it was stupid that I didn't go to her and that she shouldn't have to stand up she very loudly asked what are you deaf the entire class was watching us I have no idea where the teacher was I slowly turned to her before taking out the case that has my hearing aids in it and made a show of putting them in I then very loudly asked her what she got a very red in the face and then turned around and walked back to her seat no one in that class knew I wore hearing aids because my hair covers them my sister said it was mean of me to do that to her because she didn't know and I wasn't wearing my hearing aids and I could hear her because she was very loud so am I the jerk honestly I I'm surprised that even in that situation they understood that it was hearing aids I mean I never experienced anybody with hearing aids while I was growing up especially not any of my peers I probably in that situation if it happened in recent times would think that they were just putting some earbuds in or something like you were just putting some earbuds in to cancel all the noise out and like this what was like a way of showing her up either way I don't think Opie's The Jerk here they didn't owe anything to this yelling girl our next story is am I the jerk for declining to participate in a meal train for a woman with an able-bodied husband an adult son living with her so some ladies in our church occasionally send out invites for meal trains for people to sign up to bring meals for someone who recently had a baby or is sick or something like that I get it it's a nice idea to help people out I have no problem and have participated sometimes in the past last week a meal train was posted for a lady named Sue name changed obviously who apparently had spent a few days in the hospital due to severe back pain she's home now but still in pain and unable to do much the meal sign up stated about bringing a meal for three people Sue lives with her husband and adult son the husband and son work full time Sue does not work I decided not to sign up for this meal train because I also work full time I figured if people want to that's fine but I don't have the extra time to be cooking meals for people who have capable adults in the household to help out some people do have extra time and that's great if they want to help out well I'm guessing others felt this way too because the meal train just wasn't filling up very fast so they kept posting about it and posting about it I kept ignoring it last night I got a call from a friend of sues we'll call her Jane Jane asked if I was aware that Sue had been in the hospital and if I could possibly sign up for a meal slot I explained very nicely to Jane that I work full time and I don't often have time to make a full meal and that my husband and I usually just get our own meals or one of of us Cooks when we're able she was like oh well that's okay there are plenty of weekend slots available too that you could sign up for when you're not working I said well aren't her husband and son home on the weekends couldn't they cook then Jane got a really snippy with me then and cut the conversation short I told my husband about it and he thinks I could have made time on the weekend to cook something and take it over just to be nice I asked him why didn't he sign up then if he thought they needed meals on the weekend and he told me I was just trying to start an argument I don't think I'm the jerk because Sue's husband and grown son should be perfectly capable of cooking for Sue and themselves especially on the weekend but I might be the jerk because I don't have much going on during the weekends and I could cook for them I just don't see the need to so Reddit am I the jerk I mean honestly not gonna lie I think this personally just comes down to the fact that Opie's not really obligated to do this if they don't want to or they don't have the time to you you can't force somebody to do it you're gonna shame somebody for not doing every charitable possibility this next story is am I the jerk for deciding I won't let my boyfriend be a stay-at-home Dad after I said he could be my boyfriend 26 year old male and I 27 year old female have been together for five years I make around 140 000 a year working as a QA manager and he makes forty to fifty thousand dollars working as a warehouse forklift driver he's never been into working and we talked about him being a stay-at-home dad and I initially agreed because Child Care is expensive we want at least two kids seven months ago he lost his job when there was a push for unionization and some people were essentially bullied out he was without a job and I agree to cover living expenses fully if he does the housework Cooks Etc before I didn't really think of his ability as a stay-at-home dad in the seven months I come home to empty beer bottles trash on the coffee table the fridge is constantly empty because he was supposed to go buy groceries but never does and when he does it's mostly junk food we originally agreed he would cook and he has cooked maybe four meals for me I'm still doing most of the cooking and cleaning now I just can't imagine him as a stay-at-home dad he just sleeps in and barely applies for jobs he just got one but that's finally in response to me putting my foot down that I'm no longer supporting him my mom was a stay-at-home mom and with four kids she still kept a spotless house and cooked every meal from scratch we've been fighting about this a lot recently and I've told him if we do have kids he has to work because he isn't contributing at all now and so I can't imagine he'll do anything as a stay-at-home dad he yelled that he has to apply for jobs and he's under a lot of stress but what's the stress he has everything taken care of and he barely applies to one to two jobs a day he didn't do anything we agreed upon what me taking care of finances and I don't know how to move forward with the relationship but am I the jerk for no longer wanting him to be a stay-at-home dad now that I see what he's been like the last seven months I've heard firsthand accounts from people in similar situations where they say my partner wanted to be a stay-at-home mom or a stay-at-home dad and they just kind of quit there's these people that say oh I'm going to be the greatest stay-at-home mom stay-at-home dad and they imagine themselves doing all these chores and staying on top of it but then they just treat it like an early early retirement I don't think Ops the jerk at all I think it's definitely a very clear red flag our next story is am I the jerk for lying to my sister about helping her pay for her fiance's bail but using the money to move out am I the jerk I'm 19 and live with my older sister my little brother her fiance and their kids I've been living with her since I was 15 because she was granted custody of us as a foster placement and ever since I turned 18 has been saying I have to start paying rent if I want to live in their house despite her receiving money from the government for me I never saw a penny of it for years as well as still for our little brother she isn't hurting for money so I don't understand why she's badgering me to pay rent there I share a room with him he's six I have a section to myself and she wants me to pay hundreds for that and a tiny cramped house I decided to save my money for my part-time job I do College online and play Bingo and have saved up enough for an apartment with a friend now I can finally have space to myself and pay rent justifiably just days before we were going to apply and pay the security deposit to secure the apartment my sister informs me that her fiance got into a fight with someone at the casino and it turns out that he's been gambling the monthly checks she gets away and that's why she needs me to start contributing to the bills since he got locked up and she needs to save for his bail and pick up extra shifts I I didn't want to tell her that I was planning to be moving out literally the following weekend so I lied and said okay but instead took my half and applied like I'd been planning to for months I made sure to pack my one suitcase while she was at work and left while the kids were at school didn't have much so it was fast by the time I'd signed the lease and picked up the keys is when I called and confessed to my sister I wasn't planning on returning ever except to see my little brother and she said that I'm so fake for leaving when I promised her money for bills and she can't afford rent and her fiance's bail and I'm a huge jerk for lying to her because she doesn't know what she's gonna do when she starts crying I just blocked her because she wouldn't stop texting me am I the jerk yeah lying about helping her out with the bail probably was not the best decision but Opie was under pressure and I don't blame them I don't think Ops the jerk here and obviously it was the right thing to do at least in my opinion this next story is am I the jerk for insisting on going on the family vacation of my ex-boyfriend my 34 year old female and ex-boyfriend 25 year old male were together for a year and a half our breakup was amicable I never assumed it would last given the age difference I got along well with his family even with his mother who understandably wasn't a fan of our relationship given the age Gap but did like me as a person before our breakup we were invited to a destination wedding of his cousin in Hawaii I was asked to make the arrangements for flights in a hotel I didn't mind so we made the arrangements together selecting the place in flight times and I put it all on my credit card with the promise that they would pay back their portions when they could over two thousand dollars each I have a good job and could pay off the whole trip and I was happy to do it to save them interest on a credit card since then we broke up recently I got an email from his mother asking for her flight and hotel information I politely reminded her that they would need to pay back their portion it's been three months since we booked the trip and asked if they would reimburse me for my portion of the hotel and Airbnb since we broke up and I wouldn't be attending at first her response was cool but polite saying that I would get my money eventually I didn't respond she rode back again with a much different tone demanding the information for the hotel and Airbnb and I said I was causing undue stress while they were planning for this big trip I replied that I would happily share that information once I was reimbursed she said that I would not be reimbursed from my portion of the accommodation expenses and that she was going to tell everyone how terrible I was for holding the hotel information hostage I texted my ex and asked what was happening and why things had taken such a turn he said I was being unreasonable and making everything about money which was unfair since I knew they were struggling financially and I wasn't I said that it didn't feel very fair to me that I was basically paying for them to go on this trip and getting nothing he assured me that they would work on paying me back when things got better for them financially I said that just wouldn't work for me since I had no guarantee and no idea how long that would be and that I would still be out thousands of dollars since they didn't want to reimburse me for my portion I offered instead to let them share one room at the Airbnb and one room at the hotel but that I would be staying in one room as well he was outraged and said I was making things weird but my side is that I have the time off from work and paid for it so why shouldn't I go I told him that I'm still within the range to cancel the reservations if that was a better fit which he also didn't like since prices are much higher and places are harder to find now I won't attend the wedding of course but I don't see why I can't take the vacation that I planned and paid for am I the jerk this is a really awkward situation I don't know if you can rightly expect them to pay your portion I do think it is more than fair though to expand expect them to pay for their portion and I also think it's more than fair for you to take that vacation regardless it's not like you're bunking with them our next story is am I the jerk for buying my son a car but not my daughter I 47 year old male made the same promise to my two kids Ronan 21 and Lana 18. I told them that if they graduated high school with above a 3.5 GPA I would buy them a new car in addition to a graduation gift Ronan absolutely rocked high school he was his class valedictorian played three Sports was the captain of the debate team participated in model un conferences frequently was on the student council and volunteered extensively he now goes to an Ivy League school with a generous scholarship of course he more than met my requirement and I bought him a nice car that he chose Lana on the other hand struggled she needed tutoring all four years and barely had any extracurriculars I'd never say this to your face but I'm just relieved that she graduated at all I'm proud of her for working so hard to pass her classes but she got mostly D's and C's and plans on going to our local community college that basically takes anyone unfortunately she didn't get a high enough GPA to meet my requirements I did get her a nice graduation gift but it wasn't nearly as expensive as ronan's car when the end of the school year rolled around Lana started showing me different used cars that she would like I assumed that she was planning on buying one for herself and wanted my advice so I worked with her to find one in good condition at a fair price and she finally picked one out the trouble came when about two weeks after she made a decision about her car she came to me and asked whatever happened to the car I wanted I was confused and said I don't know did you buy it from there we both became more and more incredulous until it came out that she had expected me to buy the car for her apparently for years she had assumed that my promise to buy her a new car if she got a certain GPA meant that I would buy her a used car regardless of her academic accomplishments she accused me of favoritism and misogyny and said that if Ronan had failed school her words like she had I would have still bought him a car because he's my favorite and also a boy this is not and was never the case if she had just asked I would have made this clear to her Lana went to the rest of the family with some sob story about favoritism and now nearly a month later my sister brother and parents have all chipped in to get Lana a used car everybody who chipped in has been very distant to me and Ronan I've tried to explain myself but no one will give me the time of day Ronan is the only one who doesn't think I'm a misogynist and a terrible father am I the jerk I don't think OB is a jerk outright for sticking to what the Agreements are I think it could be definitely argued that Ops just being overly strict though creating two lofty of expectations and also just not helping out their kid in at least assisting them and buying this affordable used car I mean if you take a step back as well considering they're 18 not only were they maybe less academically inclined than their brother obviously but they were doing it in the middle of the hardcore pandemic years depending on the person that probably can affect their performance quite a bit right our next story is am I the jerk for calling a guy an idiot for traumatizing his kid and getting him in trouble with his wife I was at an observation deck yesterday it's one of those that has a glass floor as part of it there was a guy in there trying to get his wife and kid to go on the glass floor so he could take a picture Kid looked about three and terrified his wife wasn't interested either when she went to the bathroom he picked up his kid and went on the glass floor the kid was frozen stiff and looked as pale as a ghost the dad got a selfie though when he walked by me I was telling my boyfriend that if we got married and had kids and he did something so idiotic and traumatized to our kids I would be ticked the guy overheard me and said I should mind my own business I said I wasn't talking to him but I did repeat myself and say that he was an idiot for putting his child in such a scary place when the kid obviously didn't want to be there by the time his wife had come out and she heard us arguing then she got ticked off at him for doing this against their kids obvious desire we walked away but my boyfriend said I shouldn't have started crap with some random guy terrorizing his own kid am I the jerk yeah I definitely don't agree with the way that they handle the situation here and I think honestly even what Opie was saying to their boyfriend is fine I just once it started getting into an argument I think op should have either walked away or de-escalated I don't really know if it's worth getting into a fight with this person especially in front of their kid after all that I mean the kid's already traumatized enough right this next story is am I the jerk because I 38 year old female don't want to take my stepson nine on vacation my husband 39 and I have been married for five years we have two children of our own both girls aged five and two I also have a son 10 from a previous marriage but I was widowed my husband's ex is barely involved in stepson's life at all they got divorced when stepson was two when his ex wanted a fresh start so my husband did the decent selfless thing and had complete custody of their son even though we'd wanted shared custody I got a Bonus at work and I really wanted to go on vacation with just my family just once we've been on family vacations all together lots of times but just once I want to spend my money going on vacation where I'm not looking after someone else's kid I want stepson to stay with his mom while we go on vacation my husband sees my point of view and is okay with it I don't think I'm being at all unreasonable my mom found out what I was planning and says I'm a complete jerk these are the reasons she says I could be be the jerk my mom says that his stepson's Mom isn't properly involved in his life I should be even more involved in his life to compensate I think this is a completely unfair expectation she also says that I'm being a hypocrite taking my son but I think that's totally different because my son doesn't have another parent I'm all he's got if stepson's mom won't take him just for once then obviously he'll come on vacation with us but I don't think I'm the jerk to ask if I can have a vacation with my own family just one time it's not like I hate stepson or something he's a nice kid he's just not mine am I the jerk uh yeah I think op is being unreasonable I think it is a really weird to have them as kind of part of the family and I assume living with you and then take their father and go on a family vacation and just leave them behind a nine-year-old I get if you don't really care for this kid all that much but you married their father that they live with you kind of married into that father-son family I can't begin to tell you how cold callous and evil stepmother like this sounds sorry nine-year-old Johnny stepmom doesn't like having you around so you're gonna have to go to your mom's place while we go on vacation sounds real cool our next story is am I the jerk for my reaction for the news of the new grandkid coming and telling them to get their craft together my daughter recommended me to this Reddit area I have two daughters Bethany is 22 and has their life together she just got a good job and is doing really well Abby is 24 and doesn't have her life together she dropped out of college at 19 since she got pregnant and then baby daddy left I've been a huge part of the kid's life while Abby tries to get back on track at 23 we decided that she needs to go back to school since she can't support herself being a waiter the whole time I was the free babysitter basically raising the kid so she has one year left of her higher education and she freaked it up again so grandkid 2 is coming and she said she'll most likely drop out again when she told me I asked if she was joking she got defensive and asked what I meant I told her that she needs to get her crap together it resulted in an argument which she stormed out after calling me a jerk my other daughter said I should post here and see if I was a jerk edit so I have a plan now and I'll lay it out for her tonight if she has the kid she can only stay if she stays in school she has to go to court and get child support for the first kid and do the same when the other one arrives I will only babysit twice a week in real emergencies if he needs me to babysit more than she needs to pay and it will be the cost of the average babysitter where I live she needs to provide all the baby stuff I'm not paying if she decides to drop she's going to be out of the house and needs to figure it out although when the kids young you have every legal obligation to take care of them house them feed them clothe them at some point they get old enough and they make enough adult decisions and it becomes more than justifiable to say listen you gotta leave the coop and support yourself because I just cannot stick around for this them destroying their academics and dropping out and following that up with expecting you to save the day every single day I think is more than a valid reason to do what Opie's trying to do our next story is am I the jerk for telling my wife I don't like to hear criticism of my parents so for context my wife and I have very different relationships with our families mine is huge and complicated and my relationship with my parents is strained it's kind of been on the men since having kids but we don't see my mom and dad very much as we live overseas my wife has only her mom dad passed long ago and no siblings they're very close and her mom has been with us about 50 percent of the last four years helping out with our kids her mom is nice but I have issues with her she is a bad Communicator like literally mumbles all the the time which is especially bad because I'm communicating with her and what's not my native language and it's very difficult for me to understand I constantly tell her to speak up and speak clearly and she just kind of Giggles rude anyway I try not to make a big issue of it or that she's super pessimistic or that she talks with her mouth full of food or a million other things because I know she's family now it's on me to put up with it so when my parents visited for just two weeks this Behavior was not reciprocated by my wife or my mother-in-law constantly they were criticizing the way they talk their clothes their humor the way they act towards the kids everything they are kind of annoying but I didn't like this and I said it to my wife I reminded her that I put up with her mom non-stop without complaints and asked her to refrain from speaking poorly about my parents especially with her mom I told her that it makes me very sad and uncomfortable and that she should understand how much it means to me that our relationship ship is finally repaired it's not the time to complain about the presence that they brought being inadequate my wife is furious now says I'm censoring her did I do something wrong I feel like I'm just asking for what I give but maybe I'm too close to see clearly honestly I think op's not the jerk here based off of just what they said it's pretty unfair that they just have all this judgmental Behavior I mean they just sound like extremely intolerable people that said I don't think we have a great appreciation of what op's parents actually did just what they were criticized about without knowing the basis of those criticisms so for all we know they could be monsters but Opie's just saying the basics of what happened this next story is am I the jerk for refusing to share a campsite with strangers last weekend my wife 30 year old female and I 30 year old male went on a backpacking hike in the Pacific Northwest the hike was 24 miles total 12 in and 12 out with the trail ending at a beautiful Crystal Blue Lake the trailhead was close to three hours from our home so we woke up at 3 30 a.m to be sure we'd get an early start for those unfamiliar with overnight backpacking the end of a hike typically has several established flat sights to pitch a tent they're always first come first serve and not reservable or numbered in any way my wife and I started the hike around 7am and finished at 1 30 PM we were surprised to find that we were the first ones to complete the hike but more surprised to find that there were only four sites scattered around the lake for a hike this long it's not uncommon to find eight or nine sights at the end regardless we were glad we had options and chose the first spot that sat directly in front of the lake we wondered what might happen as other people started to trickle in lo and behold within the next hour a few other groups showed up and the remaining sites were claimed around 4 pm a group of four hikers arrived to the lake at this point my wife and I had been well established at our site with our tent cooking gear and supplies spread out the group of four hiked around the lake searching for spots and eventually returned to our site they stood around for a few minutes before approaching us and asking if we could move our tent to share the space with them given the size of our site their tents would have been no more than six feet from ours and are otherwise private backpacking trip would have become a shared experience with strangers we would have been cooking food together Gathering water together and hearing each other's conversations therefore we politely declined and suggested they check for sites at the Lower Lake about a mile and a half back they were clearly displeased by our answer and gave us the come on man routine we again declined to share the site at which point they became upset and insisted that we move our tent to make room for both of theirs they said it wasn't fair that we were capitalizing on the spot we maintain our position and they ultimately left the lake my wife's in my backpacking philosophy has always been to set ourselves up for success by arriving early the whole point of backpacking for us is to get away from social obligations and be in solitude are we the jerks it's a classic case of early bird gets the worm right I think this is one of just those classic situations where if you're a decent person you just kind of have a bad taste in your mouth and feel like an awful jerk for having to say no to these people or maybe not decent person but definitely having people pleaser Tendencies like I know for sure if I were in this situation I would feel terrible having to stand up and say no to these people but you got there well in advance you're entitled to that spot and it's more than fair to not want to be cramped up with multiple strangers but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy am I the jerkier story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 9,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/, r/aita, r/am i the a**hole, am i the a**hole, aita, reddit am i the a**hole, Storytime am i the a**hole, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash aita, am i the a**hole reddit, top posts reddit, am i the a**hole stories, am i the a**hole video, r/ aita, r/ am i the a**hole Storytime, Storytime r/aita, funny reddit stories, aita posts
Id: RhiQVRRk908
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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