r/EntitledParents | "YOU CAN ONLY SPEAK ENGLISH... *IN MEXICO!*"

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what is going on everyone welcome back to the channel today I've got some more entitled parent stories for you all entitled mother wants everyone to speak English in Mexico in the middle of September I went to Cancun for holidays with my mum we're Mexican but my first language is not Spanish sorry in advance for any mistakes and we're from a city a bit away from there we were staying at a really fancy hotel my grandmother paid the room and plane for us in celebration of my 18th birthday and we really wanted to make the most of it this obviously meant they had a lot of foreign people staying so most of the hotel was managed in English everything was great we got a nice view of the sea and wanted to do a lot of things now my skin is quite sensitive to the Sun I get read real fast so we went to swim before breakfast now this was when we had our first encounter with the entitled man she was a normal looking lady and she didn't even have a karin haircuts her and her two sons who were both around 8 to 10 years old was thing in a room two doors down from mine so when we went out on our way to the lift we saw them doing the same my mum greeted them politely buenos dias and seeing that she didn't answer and assuming then that she was from another place she corrected it - good morning and gosh the look on her face she looked offended and just nodded in return she decided to take the stairs instead as she had a lot of things from her kids in her hands now I'm a big advocate that there is no way to look Mexican and my family is a weird Arabic / Japanese mix from three generations ago and he really couldn't tell by eye where we are from now this is going to be important later we weren't swimming to the beach and everything was cool no bad encounters I even made conversation with a German girl and my mum with hers a bit later we went to the main canteen to eat breakfast it was a dank big place full of food half traditional Mexican food and the other with more international plates and as much as I love waffles in the morning I was feeling a bit more like Shilla keels with eggs there this guy making the eggs you just went near the counter he asks you how you wanted them and he made them for you it was that simple we stand in queue just a couple away from our turn and what do we find that lady from earlier coming right behind us now the chef's had really broken English but it wasn't a problem since we just really needed to know how the different X stars were names now his English will improve with the time working there good morning how do you want your eggs my mom said never thaw sport father which is scrambled please the guy sighed in relief god knows how long it had been since he last spoke in Spanish saliendo Senor coming mom a theoretical opera theology and a key como esta temporada baja it's been a while since the last time someone from here appeared it's low season the entitled mom touched my mother on the shoulder I'm sorry but could you speak English most of us do so you should as well you know to not make anything awkward my mom feels uncomfortable speaking in English so I answered I'm sorry if it bothers you mom but it's easier for the chef to speak in his own language and if we can help we will Wow rude it's his job to know English but not us to know Spanish we won't talk to you in Spanish don't worry but right now we aren't speaking to you just don't speak Spanish at all while there's people around I'm really sorry but we have the right to speak any language we once well at least speak your own language and don't ridicule the rest of us for speaking English and my language would be how would I know Korean now for the record not me nor my mum look a bit Korean I dunno where she got this idea yes we do look a bit East Asian but not Korean mom Spanish is mine and my mother's language we are trying to ridicule you we're just asking for scrambled eggs see she raised her voice it was that simple to ask for your eggs in English next time do it at first we were done and just turn around the eggs were already served my mom said to the chef mooch I got the alien category throws me astray are those bad America for fatherhood thank you very much I want another two fried from my daughter please who looked at the entitled mum and said Clara Sunita of course miss while cracking the eggs destroyed past a master you know that look at the inside los Gringos upon him Pierre Nesmith II Alice this happens a lot more than you expect Americans kept really weird the entitled mum walked away and we thought we were safe from her yelling until a few moments later when we were already out of the queue and she was back with the manager it was him he didn't want to cook my eggs if I didn't ask for them in Spanish is that true the chef was frozen so I stepped in noise verdad listen Nora Carrie after nose are blaring Claire's a la fuerza de la vía no si quieres Oh Dora no it's not true she wanted us to speak English of course it was even her turn yes miss she says she wanted them to speak in English well in my opinion they should not be speaking in Spanish in here the managers looking resigned sorry there is nothing I can do against that they are staying here just as you are and could speak anything they please if you wish there is another person making eggs at the other side of the buffet what an unprofessional place I want you to know that me and my family are not coming back we're sorry to hear that enjoy the rest of your stay he was done God knows how many people like her he's dealt with in the past long story short she just stayed one more day and was always looking at us like we were some kind of bug whispering things to her children while directly staring at us did we care no not really oh my god how dare you speak Spanish in Mexico it's not like Spanish is the official language or anything people never cease to amaze me now to be honest one of the main reasons I chose to study Spanish at a high level at university is because I feel so guilty whenever I go to another country and don't know the language you guys must agree right if you live in America or English it feels like everyone knows English when they come to visit us but when English or American people go to another country it's rare that we'll know the language so for this American to say no you can't speak Spanish in Mexico that is beyond ludicrous oh and by the way I definitely didn't choose this story to flex my Spanish now that didn't happen at all moving on to our next story entitled parent tries to get me to have sex and get pregnant to cure my mental issues wave so I got reminded of a lady at my job who seriously tried to get me to have sex and have a baby so I'm asexual I've been that way for years I've also been diagnosed with unspecified psychosis depression and anxiety the chance of me having sex is slim and the chance of me having kids is even slimmer my co-workers know about my mental issues I ended up in a mental hospital for a bit and they wondered where I was and this one parent was trying desperately for me to have sex because sex would cure my depression and a baby would cure my psychosis why is she entitled because she has three kids that she only kept around for a check and flew all her money on drugs but she apparently has enough knowledge to know how to cure mental illness she also tried hitting on guys young enough to be her kids and no matter how many times I told her sex wouldn't cure me she'd never let it trough she finally got locked up and after the second time her kids were taken away but having kids worked out so well for her so I should just listen well this story was shorter than I usually choose but I had to read it this is just mental if you think that having kids will fix your mental issues you are crazy moving on to our final story entitled kid attempts to steal from the store but his entitled mom yells at me and my coworker sophism backstory I work at a fairly large farm store in my town as they pay pretty fairly I'm at the register and my coworker is locking up the hunting kids section they have a giant metal gate like you would see in the front of a moor when the person man in that area goes home for the night then a young man maybe 14 to 15 steps through the sliding glass door with his mother who's maybe 35 to 37 claiming they need a roofing nails so the mum and son walked in and claiming to be looking for some nails so I tell them what I'll there in politely my coworker was walking around with a notebook writing down stocks that we needed more off and it seemed like a normal night that is until I hear from a squeaky puberty voice hey my coworker is demanding give me about the knife and I'll let go no you get the heck off of me before I call the cops I can call them right now and get you in trouble for shoplifting this 60 year old man is Shirley kidnap me I'm 1960 just because I dyed my hair white Paulo in doesn't mean I'm 16 get the f off my baby before I get the manager so my co-worker presses his walkie-talkie button and I walk over to the aisle and see if I can assess the situation oh good are you the manager I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to ask your son to give back the knife and for you to let go of my co-worker or I'm going to have to call the authorities why is a 15 year old girl working here don't you have somewhere else to go there are firearms and sharp things here at this point I'm starting to get a little frustrated at her because even though I look young I'm 17 and nearly everyone as soon as I'm 16 to 17 except for a few people likely entitled mom mom I've been raised around hunting and knives my whole life selling them and helping people with them is no different I'm also sorry to point out that I'm 17 not 15 fine and show me your ID I don't have to show you anything then I press the button for the manager to come to our aisle hello P & Co what's the problem here well this mother and son are harassing us and the son has stolen one of the nice man is trying to kidnap my baby and I think this young women here is being forced to work I'm glad to say that Opie is of age and CEO is not trying to kidnap your baby but I heard over the radio chatter that a knife has been stolen this knife was on the floor unpackaged so I thought it was someone's that was dropped so you gave it to your teenage son well duh these perverts are always looking for kids to take me and my coworker have been closed since our parents met and he can barely stand his brother why would he want another kid probably to sell for each drug addiction I don't have a drug addiction and I think it's time I just take this knife out of your son's hand so this whole issue is over soon after my co-worker takes a knife and hands it to the manager if this was found on the floor then why is the plastic tip still on it I guess it's just from the guy being safe mom I strongly recommend you leave before we contact the police soon after she leaves grumbling about having to go to a bigger brand it starts with an L and its logo is a blue house you Ethics City Doc's go back to playing your games mom I've been raised in the country and I will die in the country you're not country because you're literally carrying around a hydrofloss just shut up and get out of here you disrespectful lady you need to be taught to respect your elders was that a threat because I can easily put up the cameras and fork it over to the police the entitled Mum and entitled care to scamper out of the building and we lock the door so we can clean up for the night thanks for reading I'm currently getting more information from my coworker and he told me about the Converter ensued Arthur I heard the kid scream I'll try to keep you updated well I hope you can I guess I can say that this entitled mum clearly has strong legs with the amount of time she jumped to conclusions in this story yeah I think you should have instantly caught the authorities and got her out of there anyway that is gonna be the end of this video I really hope you guys enjoyed it now I've had a few comments over the past few days about some stories not being truthful and maybe being a little bit fake so in this video I try to pick as legitimate stories as I could find and I hope that came across so drop a comment below if you enjoyed these particular stories with that being said I will see you all tomorrow with some more reddit content
Channel: Redditor
Views: 616,787
Rating: 4.9403229 out of 5
Keywords: redditor, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, redditor entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories
Id: p29Q_i9R0SE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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