r/entitledparents - Wheelchair taken

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[Music] okay for a bit of a backstory I have a disability to where I can walk but not far without excruciating pain i went to disney with my family over the summer it was very fun until halfway through our trip enter a pan deck also this is my first step post so sorry if it's not easy to understand cast me somewhat disabled teen m my amazing mom d best dad ever AK amazing cop heady 'it ech bratty kid pd poor dad who has to deal with these morons LS my sisters that errands important story my family and I were on vacation in Disneyworld for a week we were having a wonderful time until Wednesday we were at Animal Kingdom and in line for Callie river rapids enter app eken PD all of a sudden net start talking nonsense app I can my son please borrow your wheel chair to sit in M I'm sorry our daughter has to sit there she can't walk well and it will hurt her to walk it's not that far she can walk it off M if she can then so can your son yep ain't having it yep just give me the god damn wheelchair my sisters and i couldent believe the utter foolishness this lady had in her d this is a theme park for kids don't swear in front of children yep I will report you to the wheelchair ental service they will take yours away d go ahead this is our wheelchair they can't take it f is very upset but doesn't speak for the duration of the wait and ride we thought this was the end of it but no it gets worse my family decided to split up because my mom and I love roller coasters and I haven't ridden Expedition Everest in years we get in line and it turns out a pan deck were following us fede wasn't there so I assumed he didn't want to ride the coaster and say that it was maybe six to seven so I didn't know if it would be okay to let him ride because i whould been terrified to ride the right at that age he is round two of this idiotic lady's rampage yep I again is it okay if we go ahead of you PD is waiting for us and we have a Fastpass soon M I'm sorry but from the way you've treated us earlier i couldent care less if you missed your Fastpass ech i need to sit in the wheelchair my legs hurt err let us through now or give me the wheelchair me look lady I have to sit in this chair he can't just sit in it with me in it it then pushes me out of the wheelchair and shuts our kid in it she then tries to leave but other guests don't allow her as they were watching this unfold just then a security guard comes and assesses the situation because he heard the commotion ACK what is going on here AB these two people are trying to steal my wheelchair ACK M is this true M no this woman stole our wheelchair that my daughter needs bystanders start telling the cop what happened AB fileting I rented this wheelchair out for my son who is disabled that was the sentence that caused her to ruin her vacation ACK okay he'll have to take this woman into custody until further notice yep thinking shed won what but I did nothing wrong ACK you just lied to an officer this wheelchair doesn't belong to the park so it must belong to them eventually AK and his friends asks if we wanted to press charges we said yes and charged her for assault after that my mom and I enjoyed the ride and told the rest of the family what happened they were dumbfounded and we still laugh to this day so this is an older story but I've been waiting to tell this story in this sub is perfect for it M entitled mother F entitled father a common thing to happen in my family is my parents demanding me to buy them stuff for families and because well they are entitled I have Amazon Prime so I understand using my account however they also make me use my debit card to pay for stuff and eventually do pay me back still it's incredibly annoying it's never been a huge amount of money but this time around it was a set of shares worth $500 I first rejected the idea mostly given I'm still in college and only made at $10 an hour at the time $500 was about 1/4 of the money I had in my bank account at the time I told my em this and she went off on me claiming I don't love her and that I don't trust her to pay me back and begins to cry you know basic parental manipulation tactics I comply and buy her the chairs and I'm out $500 she then tells me she will pay me back in about three days when my father gets paid three days later still no money to avoid a fight I just bite my tongue then a week passes and then another week after about two weeks of not being paid I was incredibly pissed off I also worked almost every night this summer at a customer service job so naturally I want to relax on my days off q my parents that decided we needed to deep clean the entire house I'm helping and then I receive an M air about an interview for an internship that I've been working hard to accomplish I'm reading the email and that's when it happened M so are you going to do any work today or just sit on your butt all day me pissed off tired really you're going to say that after I bought those chairs for you F you ungrateful son of a beach I pay for your college me I'm not doing anything until you pay me back the $500 M now crying you're so disrespectful after everything we've done for you some fun details my parents actually don't pay for my college all the loans are in my name my father's ago was hurt after bringing up that fact I threatened to return the chairs which only cause more fights long story short I had to literally tattle on my father to my grandmother to get my money back and they now have their chairs this is a normal thing and I really see myself going no contact in the future a little context to begin with five years ago when I was 14 I've been the victim of a 45-year pedophile who kept me under his influence for five month using manipulation and serious threats against me and my family so I was too afraid to tell my parents about it because I was really naive at that time during this five months I lived a genuine nightmare the guy was waiting for me in front of my school after class he forced me to come to his place and to do things one day my mom discovered a love letter that the guy gave me and that I put in evidence on my desk so my parents could find it and get me out of this nightmare I told them everything and my dad called the cops the case went in court twice because that bloody motherf er challenged the first court decision in the witnesses that had been called for the trial there was the EM the mother of her knee is an deathly ie I acted pedophile son so what about her end looms her son and no matter what he does he's still a good boy first you need to know that pedophile guy is a multi recidivist so M knows too well that her son's got a serious problem the judge calls the mother at the bar the conversation went like this judge well good morning miss M I'm going to ask you some questions about the case you doesn't have to swear because your status of mother of the accused doesn't guarantee that you'll say the truth you understand M with the weak voice of an innocent old woman hm-hm judge tell me Miss M did you know what was happening between your son and op M I knew they loved each other I didn't even know opera was a minor remember that that's important for the rest pop is saying that my son is an horrible man but it's false pop was loving my son and was consenting to everything he asked she stares at me with her bad looking eyes op is simply a liar I was shocked so were my parents who were sitting by my side I was going to explode but my dad told me to calm down and put a reassuring hand on my back my parents those heroes my lawyer raises and asks for an objection then talk directly to em ma'am your son has been diagnosed of serious mythomania and narcissistic perversion by psychological court experts as my clients results are totally clean who do you think is the LA ma'am em keeps repeating pop is the liar the love of up for my son was genuine office just being cruel because the may had fought or something if by for to mean the constant violent insults against me and my family that I received every day for five months the things he did to me ect then your ID see you think this is big weight for the rest honestly when she accused me in court of being Allah I was shocked but not really astonished because what I'm going to tell you I learned it before the trial by the police and my lawyer when her son was kept in remand and him had a correspondence by letters in one of that letter she sent to him was written don't worry about all he thinks he's clever but we will get him be brave son together we'll destroyed him she literally wrote that like she and her son were the victims when the judge asked about this letter she just stuttered and said that she didn't really mean that remember when him said she didn't know I was a minor well his son this dumb bus had showed her some picture of me saying I was his boyfriend so she perfectly knew I was a really young teenager also she knew her son was a pedophile and that see literally paid an apartment for her pedophile son in the very same town where I live what kind of sick mind you have to be to do that when the court asked her about that she answered that she just wanted to financially help her son who wanted to move nearer to his job the guy was unemployed and I think it's useful to mention that the guy was under judicial review and ethyne conditional Liberty when he did his things on me I recovered of a trauma thanks of legions of psychologists my parents and my lawyer got thanks them and today I'm fine the guy ended up with a pretty big sentence and I never heard from him again thanks for reading and if you are a parent of a child or an early teen please if he's acting strangely or seems much more close than before please try to figure about what is happening to him nobody want to live what I have lived thank you for watching slap that like button and comment your opinion on these stories below I'm waiting write that comment seriously have you written it yet if you don't comment you make a bunny cry somewhere you're not that kind of person I know anyways peace out and catch you tomorrow
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Id: v9cVA72qf7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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