r/EntitledParents - "That's the DEVIL's Juice..."

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everyone and welcome back to another video on the good night reddit channel today we're going back through the subreddit slashing tato parents I'm gonna be looking through some more stories so without further ado let's get into it everyone that's mentioned in this story had been in quarantine and drove to my grandpa's funeral it was in his honey don't worry everyone must take 19 measures if that's a concern my grandpa passed away three weeks ago due to an embolism while he was sleeping we were very close and I loved him very much I respect your grandfather and I hope he's happy in the afterlife for a zoology we decided that all of his grandkids and his children and two of his closest friends Joaquin would contribute to his zoology there was a total of 13 grandkids two of his kids and two friends that was going to contribute to Tseng theology at his funeral it was all very planned out and my grandpa wanted his funeral to be more of a short happy life celebrating things we didn't invite many people because that's how he wanted his funeral to be but of course entitled aunt had to show up let me say that she never cared for my grandpa in the least as soon as everyone found out about his passing we got an overwhelming amount of calls from people we didn't even know he's students mostly she never called but that's unimportant I suppose we gave the eulogy and a lot of us were crying hugging each other and wasn't the case with me I don't like crying in front of people so I went correct I went to cry in the bathroom once I got myself together I went back to where everyone else was but in turn around was never in the service I'm going to be stopped by you guessed it entitled on I'll be referring to her as a a and well I'll be me PA oh dear she hugged me and it startled me to be honest me oh hey entitled on what are you doing here she straight-up ignored me yeah oh my poor child how are you doing huh huh well I guess that's kind of a stupid thing to ask isn't it she laughed like it was the funniest thing she had ever heard I just stay quiet and total done I am so sorry about your grandpa we used to get along so well he arrested lies I really don't like when people say rested I like transcending because my grandpa didn't rest he wasn't tired he was happy you transcended I like that me Thank You matado don't it means a lot ei don't worry about it dear I smiled but I just wanted to leave yeah anyways is the service done I wasn't a very important business call afraid I may have missed it she giggled so very funny me not really a lot of people are still here and I was just heading back to them yeah perfect I still wanted to be there so I could horse the ceremony I spent all night writing it and I'm so sure your grandpa would like it me the ceremony is over my mom my uncle and my cousins my sisters and I unhorsed it I'm sorry you didn't get to be the yay what are you talking about I want it's ours the ceremony him and I were very close me he just wanted it to be a short service that was how you pictured it I'm sorry but I have to get back there now might I add that everyone was just listening in at this point mostly because my own is so problematic that they were just waiting to see when she would set someone off yay oh come on may I still do my part me that's not really up to me not to you you'd have to talk to my mom and Todd oh that yeah could you ask her for me please my child she was saying me Nina I hope I said that right me I'm sorry EA but oh please I don't get along with your mom that well she's dramatic you know I was getting really pissed and I was on the verge of crying again me that's none of my business you were probably saying no mostly because you showed up without letting anyone know yeah that's because I know your grandpa would have loved for me to give his whole Center ceremony and not all of you he adored me and he adored everything I did for him me you were never even here yay you showed up out of nowhere always I have to go now I asked my mom but please stop bothering me she stomped out to go ask my mom and mumbled the word ungrateful I just went back to hang out with my cousins since she had set me so far off I needed to calm down when she asked my mom of course my mom said no she got really mad and she left and shut the door her kids were so ashamed and annoyed that they directly apologized one by one to all of us she sent an indirect meme about rude and imprudent people to the family group chat we almost kicked her out of it she divorced my uncle a while ago so there's no reason for her to be there when she left we all stood there and disbelief I'll try to ask my mom for the whole conversation that she had with us but that'll be later on you're in brackets in not happening because I'm too lazy to find it maybe it'll look here in a future episode we'll find out I'll post it in an update like maybe we'll find it pa has always done things like this in the past so what's really no surprise that she would pull something like this during a sensitive time thank you for reading and miss you Gramps well honestly my thoughts on this is that everyone in the family should be able to you know mourn in their own ways and if that includes you know going and saying your piece about your grandfather I feel like she could probably do that but I'd probably need more information to be able to say that she's probably just a really bad person or something no well I don't know this is on mobile so I apologize for any spelling mistakes of grammar issues back story back in 2013 my stepsister Tata Mon 30 had an accident and couldn't care for herself for a while so her and her son and taro kid 10 came to live with us I didn't like being at that house most of the time so I offered them my bedroom so they would be more comfortable the room had a TV and a Playstation 3 that I've saved up for and bought with my own money plus a variety of games i also bought i had saved a long time for it and did know normally let my little cousins or others play it to avoid them breaking anything and that is small there are a lot of other things that have happened but this one stands out to me over the course of entitle mom living with us in my old room and total chaos Olli decided to clean the items of my room as his things like old nerf guns I had electronics and all sorts of other things I had in there most of the time when it's out of kid it's using something I don't want him to I go and ask him nicely to stop this is immediately met with entitle mother intervening and allowing the title kids to clean whatever I to me once usually I'm too exhausted to dispute it and I know they will move out eventually so I just let them have it for now however some items are worth fighting for like a PlayStation 3 please do the PlayStation 3 a while after they both moved in we had a small family get-together and one of my nephew's came to stay the night to hang out with me and it's not a kid who was his cousin usually when my nephew's stayed over I would let them play in the PlayStation 3 evening when things have flown down and this is what happened this evening since the ps3 was an entitled kids room my old room still I let ek and my nephew play in there without me bothering them sir and I heard my nephew getting upset since he's younger whilst ek attends to bullying sometimes I decided to peek in and see what it was happening I was for a short time and notice that ek was not allowing my nephew to play the ps3 this annoyed me for several reasons one ek has lived in that room for months now and only plays it when others are over because he hates sharing if he actually wanted to play he would do it on his own to to my nephew does not have any consoles at home so he doesn't have many opportunities to play three he would only ever play single-player games that I had when I had several two other playing games they could have played back to the first reason if I'm not sharing I went in and told ek to either give my nephew would turn to play or play a to play game ek relented after a bit and gave my nephew the controller so I left off there telling them to take tons when I stood I leave the doorway and I heard a thump and look back and ek has ripped the controller out of nephew hands this pissed me off because of reason 2 above and it was what I just asked them to do so I go in and make him give an e the controller back and I sit down with them and joke with them a bit to lighten the mood they're taking tons and it all seems good as new so I get up to leave again again as soon as I am out of the room he can trips the controller from any and now I'm mad and tell him he needs to shut off the ps3 or leave the room so any complain piece ek refuses both and says he doesn't have to listen to me so I woke over and shut off the ps3 from him and offer my nephew to come swimming with me instead this is when and taro mother comes in iam heard me basically tell a kid no which is fighting words for her she rushes into the room and says I can't tell her son what to do and he doesn't have to share the ps3 since it's his she then tells me I need to leave her son's room and stop bothering him I will Durand snapped at her and told her that everything in there is and that I bought it with my own money and if I have to I'll take the TV and the ps3 and set them up in my new room which was the den and my bed was the couch and Annie and I will play while ek won't be allowed to bother us I also said that if I got if I did that I wouldn't bring them back and inkay would not be allowed to play it again while he lived there she fought with me on this for several minutes until my dad whose house Marin had to step in once my dad stepped in and sided with me but more assertively e/m is forced to admit defeat and slinks away and he is upset so to make him feel better we go night swimming and then had some ice cream so he still was able to have a fun visit thanks for reading all right my thoughts let's go so my first thing I want to say now is at the start of it you admitted that it was your room and that annoyed me enough because yeah they're living there currently but that's still technically your room with all of your belongings in it and I like how you said that if it gets worse you're willing to take dominance and be like no this is my stuff I'm gonna take it and put it in my new room like I like that that's that's good you're just standing up for yourself a lot of people don't do that with these stories so props to you man okay background my mother grew up with severely narcissistic parents her mother stepmother and her father once me and my siblings and all of our cousins were born things got a lot better or at least it did for a while too my young brain my grandma had something like a mental breakdown and my mom took me my siblings and moved out of state for unrelated reasons and my grandma had a huge falling-out with both of my uncles the result was her turning to religion and I mean extreme religion Relling her children and grandchildren they were going to hell for not being baptized or being born out of wedlock and many many others she refuses to take accountability or apologize for anything she does or says and claims that everyone is either lying or out to make her look bad from that point on my mom and grandma's relationship has been rocky at best and they went back and pulled from talking to not talking to talking again all right this story during the time when talking was happening my grandmother and one of my cousin's flow out to stay with us for a holiday weekend a month or so beforehand one of my little sister's best friends got into a motorcycle accident and how to ended up comatose and life support for a month before his body started shutting down and his family had to make the decision to pull the plug they just had the funeral a couple weeks before this all went down my sister and her boyfriend were at the hospital and with the boy and his family every day up until the very end it hit them really hard off the holiday dinner we're all sitting around the table playing card games and having a couple of drinks not my grandma apparently alcohol consumption is a sin or something when my sister takes out a phone to show my grandma some photos and videos of her and her friends just being goofy the boy that passed was in one such video and like most young adult men had led a swearword of some kind in the midst of whatever he was doing grandma oh well he's not getting into heaven we all went silent my sister and her boyfriend both went up to our room immediately and didn't come down for the rest of the night he actually waited until my grandma was asleep before sneaking out in order to avoid her and spend the rest of the time she was visiting and it's parents house my mom pulled my grandma aside later that same night and told her about what happened to the poor kid and then my sister was devastated that she would say something like that we expected that my grandma would at least apologize at the very least I don't know if she'd known beforehand what happened but by the end of the night she knew the whole story instead this was the response she gave grandma well I was only telling the truth he obviously wasn't raised right that was the straw that finally broke the camel's back after my grandma went home none of us had spoken or heard a word to her my sister refuses to speak or see her for any reason I haven't spoken to her unless it was absolutely necessary for whatever reason and my mother is completely given up on ever having a relationship with us I have loads of stories of my experiences with her as well as some of my mom has told me from her childhood but this was the most recent and my loss I feel bad that my mom never had a good childhood or a decent relationship with her mother but I'm very glad that at least now she doesn't have to deal with her garbage anymore I absolutely love my mother and I'm so glad she came out of all is stronger I feel like well I feel bad for the sister really the mum didn't really have much you know to do with this story other than having a really terrible mom myself but I feel like the your sisters should be okay all right at least I hope they're doing all right now also I heard that the poor kid that was killed or unfortunately passed is in a better place now and no granny he does belong in heaven because he was a good chap I know no I know in Australia he it's like casual to swear obviously know just like gonna whip out a swear word right now no it's a casual thing for most people hey you wrote it I wanted to force this incident so others could have some laughs with me by the way I translated this whole conversation so some soft sounds odd please forgive me now once of the story with my mom and little sister to buy some stuff gloves hand sanitizers mosques and other ingredients for my mom's cooking that was regular with the virus and everything when we entered the store and almost a lot of the shelter almost empty but we did find although we needed so I thought I could get some Indomie ramen I don't know if any other countries have it and lucky for me I found one lost big Indomie ramen pack vegetable flavor so I thought I was really lucky because it's my favorite has I raised my hand to take the lost I hear someone yelling hey you don't take my noodles and look behind me and lo and behold and entitled Karin joined the server I grabbed the ramen and looked at her questioning your noodles in yes you have a problem me yes I got this ramen it's mine in why do you want it anyway eighteen are now adults you don't need it by the way I think she thought I was eighteen because I have a small bid me I'm more much seventeen cow yeah what did you call me it's me besides what makes you think that you could take this off my hands I wouldn't do it if I were you Yin are you threatening me me I'm warning you for your own good I try to back off but I bump into someone behind me me oh sorry I was in a hurry turns out this man is Ian's kid in AH ek help this donkey stole the noodle packet from me ek give it back by the way this kid is almost as my size so I'll shoot me 17 to 18 me I didn't steal it this lady tried to take it from me ek you fool my mother Alaia me apparently ek then proceeds to try and punch me right on in my face I dodged it me what's up with you and this dude launches at me trying to hit me yet I dodged them I then kicked him in the balls DK screams like a ghost game like a horror ghost game yes that's how loud he screamed I'm gonna try and do this now then an employee came probably from the scream and from this point onwards we'll call him nice employee any any what happened me these two were trying to beat me for the intima Indo me that I got it first and he is this true iam and AEK no he stole from us not exactly what they said but I understood what they were saying because they be yelling a lot and my ears were hurting any I'm gonna go check security cameras stay here it was the first time I see people get pale and so scared at this point my mother comes to the noodle slash ramen aisle and what happened to you okay me I'm fine mom it's only these two we're trying to beat me up for the dough me I keep mispronouncing that yeah he's your son you have to teach him manners he stole from us what kind of mother are usually let him do that me angry cuz this cow was talking to my mom like that better mom than you do you think you're a buffer then you should probably go to a mental hospital ek don't talk to my mama like that who do you think you are I cut him off you grow up instead of following your mother you're way out of the league to even fight me first and total mother and ek stop talking and stay calm I'll handle them then my mom starts chewing them out harder than a teacher and he came out back with security and says ma'am you're leaving you disturb paying customers eeehm but any ounce security escorted a.m. and ek out of our store and he then apologized for what happened and I assured him that it's not his fault we got home with all that we bought and I ate one bowl of ramen when I got home oh and also ek OEM if any of you are reading this I feel bad for your family if they have to deal with you both my thoughts on this so like if I learn like Maya shopping center for example and I see like the lost packet of like onion rings are really good delicacy that I find in my coals for this one bag left and someone else is already going to grab it I'm looking at the stove then like hey you got it first men it's all yours enjoy your onion rings but if I'm grabbing it first and someone then disturbs me I'm probably gonna act the same way because I got it first and yeah alrighty and that's gonna conclude today's video on the good night reddit channel and the ocelots of total parents subreddit if you guys did enjoy this video please do hit that like button and if you haven't already hit the subscribe button too and if you want to be the first to see these videos the bail notification thingy majiggy generally helps with that and tell me your thoughts in the comments below I'll see you all in another video bye everyone [Music]
Channel: Good Night Reddit
Views: 6,015
Rating: 4.9180889 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, funny reddit, good night reddit, best of reddit, entitled parents fail, entitledparents fails, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, redditor r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitled parents posts, ep video, eps, goodnight reddit, good, night, redditor, rslash, voiceyhere
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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