r/Entitledparents My Parents Turned Me into a Slave

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welcome to our slash entitled parents where a karen gets racist our next reddit post is from look at my nipple a little backstory my dad is muslim and he really wanted one of his children to marry a muslim then i met a really sweet muslim girl at school and you could clearly see that she's a muslim and has arabian roots but my aunt that is my mother sister is a really religious christian and she hates other religions so me and my family arrive at our christmas party and search for our grandma me and my girlfriend go sit down next to my siblings and cousins and it was really nice until my entitled aunt arrived at the party with her nice boyfriend and their kid this was the first time that my girlfriend was at a family gathering so my aunts are for the first time then the following conversation occurred who are you i've never seen you here before i'm opie's girlfriend you aren't from around here are you um my parents are arabian then my entitled aunt turned to me and whispered why are you dating someone like that uh because i like her and she's really sweet she says to my girlfriend can you just go back home i already have to deal with one muslim and i can't deal with a second one um why should i go and what's wrong with being a muslim you should just go you guys believe in the wrong god and you don't even celebrate christmas entitled aunt stop that if she wants to be here then she gets to be here but she isn't even family yeah that's true but you and your boyfriend aren't married either so why does he get to be here because we're both christians so we're family via our religion okay then we're done talking because my dad and my girlfriend are family via religion as well ugh girlfriend just go we do not want someone who's gonna blow up the house wow she actually effing said this my dad heard this and got pissed entitled aunt that's enough if you're gonna be that racist again i will personally see to it that you will never be at a family gathering ever again oh so you're threatening me i should have known that's the only thing that your race is able to do my dad was about to jump on my entitled aunt but me and my aunt's boyfriend stopped him i said aunt's boyfriend maybe it's better if you and my aunt go back home the boyfriend said yeah that's the best for all of us this happened last christmas and my girlfriend is still not fully over it she doesn't really feel comfortable anymore at gatherings but my grandma said that if she wanted to come she wouldn't invite my aunts you know the really ironic thing about this is muslims and christians believe in the exact same god they just disagree about the prophet so when the entitled aunt said you should just go you guys believe in the wrong god and you don't even celebrate christmas i mean yeah she's right that they don't celebrate christmas but it's literally the exact same god our next reddit post is from deleted this is an old story that happened two years ago it was my day off work and i decided to hang out at an internet cafe and relax now our internet cafes have rules where students can't play after 1pm since they have class they do this to avoid having students skip class i log into a pc at 12 45 and i started playing cs go after about 15 minutes i feel a tap on my shoulder and i see this guy standing behind me i remove my headset and this is the conversation that follows hi can i help you yeah you need to log out it's 1pm no i paid for an hour it's 1pm and you need to go back to school oh no i already graduated last march i don't believe you i saw you last semester yeah the same semester i graduated stop lying if you don't get off that computer then i'm reporting you to your college dean i'm not lying so go report me if you want give me your id okay i pull out my work id and show it to him his face turns red he then turns his attention to the guy next to me it turns out that was his son who i was playing with and he says son let's go the son stands up with an ashamed phase and says he's sorry as he was leaving after they leave i turned to face the owner of the internet cafe who knew me and we shared a laugh that was the last time i went to an internet cafe our next reddit post is from a22yellow i've been taking care of my three younger siblings since i was 14 and we had just moved to a different state and at that point my youngest sibling was two and a half years old and now they're six up until then i never had a very good relationship with any of my siblings and i barely hung out with them i was resentful of them because of my parents very obvious favoritism of them it started off small with me just watching my siblings for an hour or two and then it quickly devolved into me watching my siblings for hours on end into the night while my parents made friends with neighbors and went out then it turned into me watching my siblings nearly full time and i watched my siblings with no pay they said they were paying me 25 bucks a week regardless of how much i actually worked but i never touched any actual cash they would only ever buy things for me if they had the money on the side after their own spending the pandemic made it very very easy for my parents to guilt-trip me into watching my siblings all the time and sacrificing everything in my life for example i let my parents pull me from school to do all virtual teaching even though i had some apprehension i let them continue to pull me out of school during my senior year i let them ruin my relationship with my girlfriend for a long while before i finally put my foot down and repaired it and i let them shut down my opportunity to get a real job because they wanted me home working for them 45 60 hours a week babysitting and their kids are not angels hell not even part angel they go unchecked and undisciplined i'm the only one that they even semi listen to and that's a 50 50 chance they run around like banshees hit scream and are just generally bad kids they're constantly watching a screen and have been as long as i remember they watch scary and murdery videos and things that generally young kids shouldn't be watching they stay up as late as i do and sometimes even later for reference that can mean that they stay up until like 4 5 or 6 a.m because i sometimes get knocks at my door asking for food and such it's not just me who says these things my youngest sibling is the worst she goes the most unchecked and ignored and when she's bad my parents say well she has adhd so no that's not an excuse it's not even a diagnosis you just don't parent her and you don't want to help her mom i don't think my younger sister has adhd or even if she does have it i think she has a mom who doesn't discipline her and instead encourages bad behavior it's ridiculous the middle kid is becoming more mature at nine years old but he's still unchecked and he doesn't listen the oldest who's now 12 is realizing that his parents don't actually parent and he's becoming resentful because his younger siblings get favored because he's getting prepped to be the next me i understand the whole older kids babysitting younger kids thing but you can't expect a 14 year old to be able to cope well with a child care job hell i don't even really like kids and even as a kid i didn't really hang out with younger kids because i found them annoying my parents making me do this made me resent them even more in all honesty it's exhausting and it's made me a resentful person for a while and i'm still very angry and i have a lot of pent-up frustration that i'm trying to work through honestly i don't think i've ever been capable of properly caring for these kids and they should have either a real babysitter or after-school care i've had several breakdowns and i'm just not mentally fit for this job and all of my concerns have been ignored by my parents after we moved towns my mom and my stepdad became very very bold my biological dad is dead and because of that my mother receives a survivor's check with stipulations as to where it can be spent my entire family bashes her for refusing to use that money correctly and abusing it they joke about how the money is for them not for me and they refused to let me live in my hometown where i'd be happier and healthier because that would mean they'd lose the check i found out that the only reason they can afford the house that we're in is because of that check they depend on that check despite having two well-paying government jobs they just spend all their money on frivolous bs like a thousand dollar armchair and my mom's purses they guilt-trip me by saying that if i don't stay they'll lose the house and it will all be my fault eventually it all came to a hit back in october i put my foot down and demanded that i get a job i needed money for college and i had nothing to show for my life and i had no way to pay for college at that point i didn't even have a driver's license this led to a huge fight where my mom said that i was her kid who had no say in anything and my life was hers to control essentially she went on this rampage saying that she would cut off my contact to everyone i knew and she would make everyone hate me and how she would make it so that i couldn't physically leave because i was all alone and i had no one in my head i realized that she was wrong so i immediately backpedaled and false apologized and i just went along with what she was saying she promised me therapy pills help with the kids just a bunch of bs and i knew that everything was a lie since then my parents have been getting more and more aggressive with me saying that i'm not leaving to the point where they mention it at least once a day at first she would say you can't leave until you graduate so we have someone to watch the kids then they said that they needed my check to pay their mortgage and they wouldn't get it unless i stayed and now they say that i have to stay until the end of summer to help us in our time of need they've threatened to put me in a psych ward to have me arrested and to have my girlfriend's parents arrested for harboring me as a runaway after i'm 18. i'm not a nanny i've been prevented and living my own life and i've been withheld from getting the necessary things to survive on my own i owe nothing to them or their kids and in self-preservation i have to let them be on their own and figure their own stuff out i never wanted kids i never bought a house that i couldn't afford and i need to go to school to get the kind of job that i want op it sounds like you're kind of coming to this realization on your own but just to be clear this is straight up child abuse this form of child abuse is called parentification it's when parents try to make their kids parents for them so parents can run off and do whatever and then they leave kids in charge of kids which yeah is child abuse so if i were you op i would try to find all of your legal documents like your birth certificate your social security card things like that and then just leave if you're an adult if you're 18 years old there's nothing they can do nothing so i really hope you find help op and i would recommend going to r raised by narcissist because you'll find a really strong support group there our next reddit post is from humble hedgehog so my mom and i decorate cakes together my dad will always complain throughout the process and yell at us the entire time every single time that we make a cake he'll tell us that we're never to make another cake again because he hates the stress remember it's not even him who decorates them my mom and i are the ones who bake and decorate the cakes i suffer with anxiety and depression one year i spent my hard-earned money as well as hours designing baking and decorating my birthday cake yeah i made my own birthday cake it's relaxing and i knew that no one else was gonna buy me one after celebrating there was about half of my birthday cake left and i figured i could save some and enjoy small pieces over the next week the next day i woke up and dad had already left for work with the rest of my cake he took every last crumb to share with his work friends over coffee and didn't even think to leave me one piece this was my birthday cake and he didn't even ask this has happened so many times i'll spend hours designing baking and decorating and he just takes the rest without even asking i even told him that he could take some but if he does to leave me some as well he then gets upset and guilt-trips me making me feel selfish for wanting to share my hard work with my friends after i put up with him getting angry and complaining for hours while i make my cake it's not even his birthday cake our next read a poster from psychosenpai a few days ago my mom had to go to walmart to pick up a prescription and grab a few groceries she hates walmart so we always try to hurry while she waited in line for the prescription my brother and i went to look for a few groceries we needed we reach the grocery part of the store and start shopping and we finally go to the drink aisle we see there are two gallons of apple juice left i go to grab them and a woman comes up she sees me take them but i turn around and ask if she was also coming to get apple juice she says yes so i offer her one and i take the other i don't know how or why she escalated this so fast but she told me to give her both of them because she wants them i tell her again that i'll give her one of them but we're gonna take the other she isn't happy about this and starts demanding that i give her both i tell her flat out no my brother isn't saying anything because he's not good with confrontation and just wanted to get apple juice i say ma'am do you want this one bottle of apple juice or not just give me both how hard is that to understand i want them both so no yes just give them to me as things start to progress into a scene my brother starts looking anxious but he chimes in look we're trying to be nice here i don't care just give them to me you're wasting my time i eventually get tired of this and out of spite i put them both in our cart i turn around and motion for my brother to follow she starts yelling but we just head to the front it was seriously the stupidest thing ever that was our slash entitled parents and if you like this content check out my podcast where i publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 418,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: KS-kaYzjWXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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