r/EntitledParents - Karen Tries To Steal Lego From Wheelchair Bound Child...

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g'day there guys it's your aussie hubby marky back at it again with another episode of r slash entitled parents now if you hate karen like i hate karen then you know what to do smash a like on this video chuck a prawn on the barbie sit back relax and enjoy the quality content posted by user faker5045 titled entitled mother snatches a toy from a paraplegic kids hands context this happened in december 2018 i help a local ngo giving kids that are in special care homes and hospitals gifts during christmas time we get a lot of presents which is nice and sometimes people are very generous and buy pretty expensive and giant toys this is not that nice now don't get me wrong i love people that want to help but when we get these awesome toys we know it will be a problem with the kids because they would get jealous when someone gets something better giveaways are normally done in a christmas party or event so everyone sees what everyone gets as a save measure we decided that the best toys would be given in raffles before we give the rest so that anyone has the chance to get them this prevents most problems most the main story we were in this small pediatric hospital with about 25 to 30 kids in our party and it just ended the raffles segment a ten-year-old kid we were called charles had won an enormous lego set a pirate ship of some sort if i remember correctly which was roughly his own size it was funny seeing him carry it on his lap as you may have guessed by the title charles was a wheelchair user because he could not move his legs then our really totally not fake santa came and gave away the other kids their presents which are randomly distributed only taking age and gender into accounts charles and the other winners didn't receive another one just to make it clear kids were starting to play with their toys with us volunteers and their parents watching then karen appeared she approached charles and started talking to him by the face he was making it was obvious the poor kid was scared and with his mum nowhere in sight i decided to intervene consider i am a 26 year old guy with full beard dressed in an elf leotard very intimidating indeed i say hello miss what can i help you with oh nothing sweetie just talking to the little one here are you his mom oh no thank god no i'm internally like oh this beer my beautiful tyler is over there oh cute and i say to charles so what is this gentle lady speaking to you about kiddo she wants my toy sorry oh no no it's not what you think i was trying to trade with him see my poor kid got this superman a very average plastic action figure but he's not that into superheroes yet he loves legos so i thought why not trade them you like superheroes don't you not really but all boys love superheroes you just said your boy didn't what the hell karen well miss this is charles toy but i think we have some others left in the bag we can go check if you like that's awesome do you have another lego set not really this one was a special surprise but maybe your kid would like a car a ball or other action figure um then thanks but no thanks i will take this one and she tries to take the box but charles wheels himself backwards and is now hugging it tightly oh you little stop it miss it's obvious he doesn't want to trade it and he want it fairly who cares he can't even play with it look at him i see he can use his hands so stay back and i put myself in the middle of them she makes this weird high-pitched sound and is like i don't care what you say my boy deserves it more he's not some useless crippled actual words she pushes me aside and before i can react she rips off the box from charles arms and starts running thankfully for us santa claus has come into town our real totally not fake santa is able to intercept her her shouts had alerted him about what was happening and he came to check on us he's like what's happening madam your employee was trying to steal my boy's toy apparently she forgot santa was the one who gave the presents in the first place i'm pretty sure that lego set belongs to the wheelchair kid that is crying over there for all i care you are no one to tell me what my kid deserves as a present and you are no one to stop me from getting it actually i'm pretty sure i am let me present myself i am dr nicholas saint name changed for privacy head pediatrician and manager of this hospital unless you want to be kicked out of the premises you will give that toy back immediately who would say our real totally not fake santa was actually a fake and he was also an actual manager what a christmas miracle for poor karen the woman was basically paralyzed so santa took the toy and returned it to charles where's your mom kid my dad he is in the other building filling in some papers i think well while he comes back our bearded elf friend here that's me is going to take care of you yes yes doctor santa i think he had partially heard what the doctor said to karen perfect now for you speaking to karen you are in the naughty list come with me i'm sure our social services office would love to hear about this incident about a woman attacking a child what please no the two left the room with karen crying like a spoiled kid i took care of charles until his father arrived and told him what happened he thanked me in return and then we all could enjoy the party on a side note i had the chance to meet tyler karen's kid he was mad about his mother trying to trade his superman which she had thrown into the floor before leaving as far as i could see he really liked superheroes after all thank you all for reading posted by user v sean titled my sister tried to steal my cat my mother warns me i see red this happened almost five years ago and i still see with anger whenever i think back on it before i start the story let me give a little background i have a cat named oliver oliver is a strange cat he doesn't really meow and he tends to make these odd quaking sounds marez and mez when he does make sounds you know he wants something or he's happy that you are awake it makes you feel honoured when he does talk to you i have too much younger sisters from my mother's second marriage the sister in this story i'll name anne she's been spoiled sheltered and coddled by my mother for her then 27 year life my stepdad wanted her to try living away from home and so they approached me to have her stay with me and spread her wings she lasted two weeks before she demanded to move back home my mum and stepdad agreed to pick her up but it would have to wait a week as the week passed my sister kept making all these comments in regards to oliver why doesn't he talk what's wrong with your cat damn it oliver talk already she progressively got angrier with oliver and complained about how she can't make him talk i kept telling her that he's not a verbal cat and that he'll talk when he wants to she'd man-handle him and get mad i snapped at her one day and asked her why she's so determined to get oliver to talk well my cat did and she was happy clearly oliver isn't happy and that's why he doesn't talk preposterous oliver is a very happy and absolutely spoiled fluffball she'd only known him a little over two weeks her logic was flawed fast forward a few days to the night before my sister was getting picked up my mother called me to go over the move and some other details in regards to my stepdad being here near the end of the call my mother pauses and says your sister is going to try and take oliver me being confused says wait why she's convinced that he's unhappy and that he needs a big yard to play in me getting angry says he's terrified of the outdoors he literally cries and hides if he's taken out of the apartment she knows nothing about him or how happy he is what the hell i told her to knock it off and don't even think about doing anything of the sort i met oliver he's clearly happy and loves his home me seeing red says you get her out of my home as soon as possible i'm serious i can't account for my action if she tries anything with oliver she's not welcome here ever again if she calls you tonight i want you to tell her that i'm aware and she needs to focus on getting out of my sights i understand and i'll tell her we finished up our conversation and said good night the next day my stepdad showed up to move my sister home i put oliver in the bathroom and kept an eagle on my sister when we were saying our goodbyes she had the audacity to tell me not asked that oliver would be happier with her and in the big yard that they have i got angry all over again and turned my step down and said you need to get her out of here before i start yelling and he did exactly that she kept insisting on coming back for oliver and he silently pushed her into the hallway my mother later told me that anne kept bad mouthing me and demand that they take him away my mom had to put her foot down and say something along the lines of how would you feel if someone stole your cats this hit home since my sister had lost a cat a little over a year before i haven't talked to my sister since and she's still living at home at 32 years old oliver is doing great he's the best cats and i love his little quacks i started dating my boyfriend shortly after this incident and he adores oliver as much as i do he spoils the furball to no end we are constantly surprised at the new shenanigans oliver gets into we're pretty sure that he watches cute cat videos while we're sleeping to learn new tricks i'll include a link to an imgur album i made ages back of oliver's pictures posted by user my toddler can't eat titled entitled mother tries to stop a child from getting surgery so this was on my b day last year i'm on mobile and can't spell for crap i'll cast me who do you think so significant other od me and significant others oldest cs chill sun the middle child t is our toddler the one who was having surgery em is entitled mum ek entitled kid and all the nurses and doctors so me and significant other were bringing our kids to the hospital for teas surgery which is a feeding tube change we went in to check in and did all the stuff that you have to do as luck would have it the check-in was next to the emergency response and there she stood entitled mother screaming at the desk my child needs to be admitted now as we worked through the emergency response to the operating room entitled kid grabbed the shoulder of toddler and entitled mother started berating me saying why are you going first i have an appointment let my child go before you you don't need my toddler screams in pain cs and od start telling at ek entitled kid has pulled out the toddler's tube when i wasn't watching entitled mother says you monster your children are so i cut her off and say ma'am we're here for surgery please let us go to the operating room entitled mother grunts whatever and i say what are you here for if it's urgent then the nurses can get you admitted very quickly my poor baby has a stuffy nose i didn't see the rest of that thank god posted by user nellyjelly150 titled entitled family spray autistic children with a hose so this happened around seven years ago i think i believe i was about 13 at the time it was the summer holidays and me and my family were at my mum's friend's house i was outside with the kids playing with them one thing i should say is that my mum's friend's child is quite autistic he doesn't talk and when he does it's rather limited and he makes a lot of loud noises to express himself some that people who don't understand may view as odd my brother who is also autistic acts in a very similar way to this so on to the story we were all playing in the garden and the child in question oh was making some rather loud noises as he usually does he was just expressing how happy and excited he was no big deal right well apparently the neighbors really hated that this innocent child was disturbing their peace and before we knew it we were all soaked from a hose that the neighbors had turned on and held over the fence naturally aru started crying loudly as he was confused and suddenly soaking wet and as was my brother both our parents came running out to see what was happening and once i told them what was going on our dad stormed out of the house and banged on the neighbor's front doors absolutely fuming our mothers got the kids calmed down with some snacks and got them changed and dried off before letting them out in the garden again by this point they were fine and were back to their happy selves unfortunately no charges were pressed against the neighbors but thankfully it was the first and last time they did anything like that again posted by user dax aryan titled entitled karen screams for not getting as much discount as she wanted from my loyalty card this story is 5 years old and i was a 19 year old who was still in college there is a bookstore about 5 kilometers from my home that i was a frequent visitor of they had a loyalty program and i had this particular vip gold card that gave me massive discounts of about 25 to 40 percentage per book now this is an exclusive card which is probably owned by about 200 individuals in the whole state my grandfather had a few stores in town and we rented our place to this chain during their initial years without much mortgage or rent and this was a gift from them i am also well known to the people in the store as i used to go out on the weekends during my school days to help them stack and arrange new books and everything i used to love being there so i am a familiar face and has never once actually displayed the card in the counter everyone just searched my name and gets the card number in the bill for me this one fine day i was in the store searching for books and i spot this lady her husband and her son in the store they appeared new to the store as they asked me where they can find the children's book section i liked the kid as he grabbed this particular book called the wings of fire by abdul kalam a man i truly admire and respect his mum who actually had taken a lot of books already said he can't have that book as that'd make it too costly now this is probably a three dollar book and it would come cheaper with my discounts so i politely asked the husband if it's okay that i gift him this book the husband must have felt bad probably but after i insisted he said i could gift their child the book as the billing section i had the book billed separately and the family noticed how there was a massive discount to my bill they asked the cashier and they said about my membership the father opted to get an entry level card which offered them some store credits or something but the mum wasn't satisfied with this told me not ask not politely to use the gold card for her books i think i was kind of a pushover back then just ask them to bill it under my name also i'm not losing anything here right yeah self-respect wasn't something i was truly aware of back then apparently this woman had picked up a lot of magazines and they weren't included in this discount category she started saying how my card was a scam and useless and how i wasted their time i did not know what to say as they were getting a really good discount on the other books which they wouldn't have gotten with a year's worth credit but nah this woman was eating me up alive there the manager at the store was called and he someone i have known for years asked if there was some reason for me to stay here it was difficult for me to explain the story with the yelling karen made and the security got involved i somehow managed to give the embarrassed child the book and the husband did thank me i had met this man a couple years later and we acknowledged each other the question that always pops in how are people so confident of themselves that they go ahead and create an unwanted scene or should i use shameless don't know posted by user deranged behemoth titled entitled mother calls the police on me for stealing her daughter who is my girlfriend and an adult sorry this is long but i hope those of you who read it will enjoy it background this happened about five years ago my fiance and i have been together of seven years about this month we were hoping to get married this year but might postpone due to the circumstances we were reminiscing some old stories yesterday when this one came up and she suggested i share it she was my girlfriend at the time and at the time i was fully aware that her mum was a few fries short of a happy meal but this was the pinnacle of her behavior if you guys enjoy the story i actually have a few more i shall share if you like sorry for the length but i hope you guys enjoy it fyi there's a happy ending haha title of your sex tape that entire sentence cast entitled mum my future mother-in-law girlfriend is ellie pio police officer and me story ali and i weren't living together at the time she just stayed over from time to time when she could i took her home after she had been staying with me a couple days and was heading to work but shortly after just before getting to work i get a call from her and i can tell she is in tears apparently when she got inside entitled mother immediately blew up on her about being gone for so long even though it was only two days and she told entitled mother she was going to be gone and kept in contact with her while she was gone but ellie just sort of brushed it off and went to her room entitled mother's house was pretty much a stereotypical crazy cat lady house house badly decaying cats all over the place going to the bathroom in random places and whatnot and when ellie gets to her room she realizes while she was gone the cats pissed and crapped all over a pile of her clean clothes but whatever ellie decided to just bag them up and she would wash them the next time she came to my place her mum didn't have a functioning washer at the time and apparently that really set entitled mother off entitled mother apparently thought ellie was bagging her clothes because she was planning to go back to my place that night and stay another few days so she stomped into my room grabbed the bag ripped it open and flung the clothes all over the room with a cat crap and pee while screaming at ellie that she's not going anywhere that's when ellie ran outside and called me she was so upset and didn't know what to do her mom had been doing crazy stuff to ellie ever since i'd been with her but up until i just helped her however i could not while getting involved and not saying a word to her mum i told her to go ahead and get the things she needs and i'll take her to my place she said she would love that i told my work i was going to be late due to an emergency and turned around to go pick her up when i pulled back up to the house ellie was in the driveway crying i went and hugged her told her that it was going to be okay and that she could stay with me as long as she wanted so she went back inside to get her things as i was standing outside waiting i heard the door open again and then went to help ellie with her things uh oh it's her mom entitled mum comes stomping out with her hair crazy and frizzled and an old nightgown she beelines for me and gets right in my face entitled mother with an extremely thick high-pitched southern accent says my daughter said i need to come out here and ask what you think of me i knew that was a blatant lie and ellie would never instigate this you got something to say huh you think i'm trash don't you ha that's what you think isn't it again up until now i'd completely kept my mouth shut and was trying to maintain that but this woman was up in my face freaking out and was tormenting the woman that i loved so i finally looked at her and broke my silence why do you treat her like this what do you mean that's my daughter and i worship the ground she walks on oh really so calling her a beer expletive and a is worship censored for brevity's sake yes i've heard her say this with my own two ears i would never say anything like that i'm getting rather irate and i say bullcrap i've heard you say it there's an explosion that takes place and she says you get your fudging ass off my property okay i almost never find myself in situations like this so i'm not used to it i say that because after she said this i pretty much saw red i'm not proud of it but i just started shouting every curse word in the book i could possibly think of at the top of my lungs while she went back into the house but thankfully that only lasted a few seconds and i immediately calmed down so finally ellie comes back out with her stuff we put it in the car and i assume that it's over but ellie turns to me and says i'm sorry but we can't leave yet why not mum called the cops i sort of had a feeling that would happen no big deal so he just sat and waited for the cops to arrive after about 10 minutes or so a cop car pulls up right when he does entitled mother comes out of the house and oh my god yes she was doing exactly what you would think she instantly puts on the fragile brittle old lady act hunched over walking slowly the whole gig and of course when the police officer asks her what happened she has to pitch your entire medical chart to the guy ellie will tell you this woman has been terminally ill for 12 years lol so when she finally gets done trying to milk this poor guy for sympathy she tells her version of what happened sir he came onto my property and verbally attacked me he's awful to me sir and i've never done anything to him he turned to my daughter against me and is trying to convince her to leave at first he seemed somewhat sympathetic to her until he turns to ellie ma'am is this your boyfriend yes sir okay and how old are you sir i'm 23 this was my favorite part because the officer looked up from his notepad and said wait what obviously he was thinking ellie was a minor or something based off of how entitled mother was acting but quickly realized just what he was dealing with eventually he turns to me and says okay sir please give me your version of what happens i did so funny side notes at one point police officer looks up at me and says you look really familiar do i know you it actually turned out the police officer and i had gone to high school together once we recognized each other we laughed and shook hands and very briefly this was hilarious because out of the corner of my eye i see entitled mother has a big scowl on her face as she sees me getting friendly with police officer but anyway police officer puts his notepad away and turns to me just fyi he says the following with this heavy tone of i know that you're fully aware of this and don't believe you're in the wrong at all but i have to say this as a formality well opie she doesn't want you on the property so be aware that if you come back here you technically can be charged with trespassing do you understand this as i've explained it absolutely sir but sir i want to press charges he didn't do anything illegal ma'am but he verbally assaulted me i understand that and while that was ill-advised he slightly turns to me and gives me a small gesture with his hand and i'm not in agreement it's not something i could arrest him for he agrees he will not come back to your property without your direct permission ah okay fine whatever ellie come back inside what no you heard the police officer op is leaving and you're staying here well ma'am i didn't say that at all but but your daughter is not a child ma'am she's a full-grown adult she has every right to go wherever she wants i'm her mother she lives under my roof i told her she needs to stay here so she needs to stay no ma'am that's not how it works if she wants to go stay with her boyfriend there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop her entitled mother starts the fake crocodile tears and stomps in the house in defeat ellie and i thanked the officer got in the car and left we've been living together ever since happy ending believe it or not entitled mother isn't really much of an entitled mother anymore over the years since that day entitled mother has actually decided to make an effort to try and improve herself i guess she realized that if she didn't make changes she would lose her relationship with ellie so entitled mother started taking advantage of her medical coverage and went to see her psychiatrist and got medicine for mental illness she actually had as opposed to the ones she would make up and since then well she's actually gotten way better she takes her medicine regularly and has a boyfriend that is an extremely kind man and treats ellie as though she were his own daughter so basically entitled mother really isn't an entitled mother anymore we actually get along very well and we see them frequently and we help each other out whenever we can we actually look back on the early years when she was in fact an entitled mother and laugh so not only is everybody getting along well we can actually share the cringe stories and happily laugh about them if you guys would like to hear some more let me know all right guys that's all for today's episode i hope you enjoyed it if you did be sure to tell me what you thought about it down in the comments down below if you're new to the channel also don't forget to subscribe it would really help out with my channel growth and also a huge shout out to my channel patrons and members i just love you guys and thank you for supporting me on this journey if you guys are new to the channel and you'd like to support me links are down below for the patreon or you can click the join button next to subscribe if you'd like to become a channel member alright guys that's all for today's episode i hope you enjoyed it i hope you have a good day night sleep whatever you're up to and i'll see you in the next episode bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 15,474
Rating: 4.9523177 out of 5
Keywords: EntitledParents, entitled, parents, r/entitledparents, r/entitled, r/entitled parents, rslash, markee, markee reddit, markee entitledparents
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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