r/EntitledParents "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY MONEY!"

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welcome back guys to voic-- here and another r slash entitled parents don't forget voice II veterans to LIKE subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode this story was called hunting a days the things people go to to get an elk is just sickening I love hunting only started five years ago but I have yet to get an elk and now I'm not sure if I want to this is all happening in Montana I was there as mostly a pack mule but stayed out of the nonsense Mike was really our star player and relayed a lot of the convo back to me there's two separate stories that happened back-to-back Mike is a family friend Edie one intitled dad in the first story PT entitled teen boy there were about five et but one stood out as the douchiest eighty two the dad in the second story and eek a snot-nosed little child the background 85% of elk hunting I've seen is done by sitting on state land that borders private land and waiting for the elk to hop the fence over to state land where it can legally be hunted this leads to huge groups of people sitting around a private plot and waiting some groups will work the elk into a corner of state land and gun down the whole herd it's revolting but easy elk meet Mike and I were waiting at a decent spot on a hill where we had some tree coverage and a log to sit on there was a herd on private land that were watching very closely one decent bull elk ops the fence Mike waited to take the shot until was more on public land if you injure an elk and it runs back onto private land the owner of that land can claim your elk the elk finally moved into our sweet spot Mike fired and obviously hit the bull he didn't go down all the way but took a few steps before laying down once the elk started laying down we see this group of teenagers run out to the bull and he shoots it in the head Mike was obviously livid and much down to yell at the kids the Edie started yelling at Mike to leave his kid alone they argue for some time about who gets to tag the elk might put the elk down but et claimed the kill shot there were the typical you don't deserve it because you're only injured it and my angel should take it because he earned it but that standard when dealing with entitlement Mike was greatly outnumbered and let it go the teens destroyed the elk skull and the shouting match along with the extra gunfire scared off the rest of the elk we pack out to move locations just absolutely ticked off at the audacity of some people we get to our next location similar setup wide-open state land just waiting for the elk to hop the fence Mike sees another bigger elk he fires and a half a second later there is another shot two people shot at the same elk the elk went immediately down so there was no question it was dead when we get to the elk the ed2 meets us there we find there is only one bullet in the elk now Mike's gun makes a pretty big hole and this was indeed a large hole in this elk Edie - brings ek who is maybe 12 but likely younger ek has a much smaller rifle than Mike's I went down to the elk with Mike for this one way to go ek you got your first elk sorry but there's no way this little rifle made that hole that rifle probably wouldn't even take down an elk I did you obviously missed Novus bullcrap you're not taking my elk they argue with name-calling etc while I check the elk for any other holes or signs that made any contact on the elk but there was none just a huge hole throwing a bunch of meat come on man let e can't you have it it's his first elk and he did shoot how do you know he didn't hit it because of the big hole in the elk seriously that rifle would not have had that kind of impact I don't care man that's not cool Mike used some other choice words to which the IDI used some of his own ek decided to rock-paper-scissors for it finally Mike decided to rock paper scissors the kid for the elk Mike won and the kids started bawling the ed2 yelled some more about how we stole an elk from a kid we should be ashamed of ourselves the entitled kid kicks the elk as Mike was putting his tag on us I chased the kid off and the IDI started to come after me but I stood my ground with my rifle in my hands not pointed at him but he got the message I was sending weak warded and hold ELQ out and I decided that I'd much rather hike a mountain and maybe I'll stumble upon an elk it's a much more pleasant experience though less guarantee I don't know if you as equally paranoid but I'm just like somebody's gonna get shot during this story aren't they this story was called give us your birthday money it's only fair before I stop this is basically the early time these two turned entitled I had no idea where it came from and it surprised me since they never acted this way before they're both genuinely good people except in this one moment anyway here's the cast entitled friend 1/2 birthday girl and me so it was B G's birthday and she decided to have a dinner at a nice restaurant to celebrate and at the time I recently got $100 from my grandmother for my birthday a couple weeks prior this bits important and I very rarely ever hold on to that much money at once so I wanted to make it stretch so I spent around $15 on nothing but starbursts for birthday girl I didn't really know B G at the time and I had no idea what she liked or what she wanted so I thought everybody likes candy ef-1 and to pick me up from my house with my little goodie bag filled to the brim with starbursts we start driving to the mall so EF one and two could get BG something they went to Spencer's and got nerdy t-shirts and lanyards a mug and a poster totaling around $60 they wanted to get a birthday card but the ones at Spencer's were too inappropriate as B G's parents would be at the birthday dinner too so EF one decided she could go buy Safeway and get a birthday card when we go to the store EF one and two went down the aisles while I stayed near the front I found a rack filled with Amazon gift cards and thought to get myself one while I'm here to get a book or something online I picked one $25 one and proceeded to the line waiting when EF one and EF sue got back they returned with more than a card chocolates balloons party hats confetti shooters plastic necklaces they had all that in their hands and they stood in line and joined they noticed I had an Amazon card and asked me why I got it I explained to them that I was thinking about getting myself a book online that's when it went downhill oh well since you're getting that then you can get this stuff for BG - what no I can't afford all that stuff you got yeah you can I know you've got $100 from your grandmother you can easily pay the $20 for this stuff it wasn't $20 it was nearly $50 that's my birthday money and I already spent some on my gift for BG you spent what like $10 come on we spent nearly $50 it's only fair the difference between us is that she didn't really pay for it herself her parents gave her the money almost anytime she wanted my not like that you have to work for money in my family and that's if my parents had any work to offer I start to get frustrated since they weren't taking no for an answer I can pay for the card but I can't get all this other stuff that's just too much dude you're seriously not being a good friend right now excuse me just pay for the stuff no I don't want to spend half of my money like this dude how do you think we feel you spent little compared to us okay you guys can pay for this yourself I said nor I continue down the line and started to purchase it as they left the line in a half questioning whether they should buy it themselves or not as I paid with cash pf' spoke just seriously not gonna buy this she said it like I did something wrong and I snapped at her enough I'm done talking about this me yelling at her kind of made the cashier nervous so I calmed myself down as I finished paying I walked out the store and waited for them they ended up buying it themselves and walked out the store kind of ignoring the walk to the restaurant since it's close by but the kicker here BG absolutely loved my gift because she can almost never get candy since their parents put her on a strict diet she wasn't really overweight so it was kind of heartbreaking by that fact and BG liked the gift ef-1 and he f2 got her but she didn't really show it as much which was kind of sad as well because they did pay for it and went out of their way to get her a bunch of stuff I thought after the altercation if it was bad that I got myself something when they were birthday shopping and I'm still not sure if that's taboo so I'll let you guys decide if I was in the wrong and after this ef-1 and I are still best friends and stuff but I rarely talk to EF two anymore I think when you're a teenager and you don't have much money don't have much spare time you probably don't have much independence to go out to where you want when you want I don't think it's that unreasonable to in that moment buy this stuff from your birthday gift that you wanted because you probably don't know necessarily when you're gonna get the chance to buy it again perhaps as you get older that becomes more of a taboo like if your intention shopping is to buy for someone else and then you just start spending all your time buying for you depending on the context yeah that's probably a bit more awkward this story was called EF demands to be seen without an appointment while AAS just looks on embarrassed I work as the lead assistant in the office that handles university withdrawals the following is an encounter I had with an entitled father about his son who is in college EF is entitled father am entitled mother she didn't say word but I want to mention she was there to a s adult son PS my boss hey how can I help you hi yes we're here to withdraw my son from his curse his dish semester sure thing you're in the right place do you have an appointment set up yahoo we joke that would have been something would have liked to know ahead of time like you can't call ahead and check okay well I can schedule one for you the reason we schedule is because our full-time staff like to take the time to talk to students one-on-one to go over any potential implications and resources that might be available to them that's unacceptable I'm an alumni Tem and AAS I might have to make some phone calls to get somebody in trouble because this is outrageous I can see what I can do but I can't make any promises everybody is booked solid for the rest of the day that's much better I walked back to my boss whose door was open so she could hear the whole exchange from the start I'll go ahead and meet with them you sure yeah that's fine I mean I'm supposed to be on lunch but whatever me as I'm leaving sarcastically in whispered yeah he's gonna make some phone calls sure right just because you're an alumni they'll listen to whatever you she almost spits out a coffee as we shared a silence laughs we see this crap too often working in student services where parents try to pull all sorts of crap when in most cases we legally can't talk to them about their kid fer pa is a thing guys okay so it looks like we can squeeze you in that's better so I started talking to the kid okay so we're gonna need you to fill out some paperwork fill out what's in the box here the Scranton on the next page and read and sign the back two pages if you don't feel comfortable signing something till the meeting that's completely fine all right thanks I should note he looked mildly annoyed with his father the entire time especially when he started talking about what's next yeah don't greet anything until we read it over and meet with them yeah can they get you literally if you sign something but aren't sure if you want to proceed we put it in pending and do not touch it until you reach out to continue or it's after a deadline and we destroy it we never go through with it our school has nothing to gain by booting people from the class when we already have your money after a minute the father starts again he's a smart kid he's having a hard time adjusting we've been sent to other offices for ways dealing with pay smart but he's anxiety and mental stuff keeps him from getting out of bed some days I understand sir we have resources on campus for things like that the counseling and testing center is just across campus and the first few visits are free before they charge on a sliding scale well we have one department or somebody tell us that he has to work everything out with these professors at this point I pick up that there's something else going on so I try to help by probing a little bit well if you feel comfortable you can tell me a little bit about what's going on and I can direct you into the right offices EF comes back up to my desk where we as high-functioning autism he can't focus in his classes and that contributes to easing Authority about County classes and he third him he's really smart and he does well at everything but it's just a battle okay now I get it yeah he approached it a lot more blunt and worried than they'd be and still kind of had a road turn but I could tell he was just trying to help his well there's the ODA office office of disability and accommodation in the same building as us they're just at the opposite end of it last office on the right there they can work with students for alternative testing places and advocacy with instructors pending the appropriate documentation they require oh we didn't know bad dad I mean that kind of thing just used to be called gifted and talented you know because he's smart of course sir that would just be the best office to speak to about this sort of thing eventually my boss calls kid and family back they have a really long meeting that takes up the rest of my boss's lunch and honestly she's overworked as in her position as they're leaving he said thank you for the help and the kid looked at me like he felt bad about how his dad acted I see that face a ton with students whose parents come down super hard for no reason confrontation with parents always makes me a little nervous but I had been with this office since 2016 when I started college and I've had to deal with a lot of angry parents over the years heck my other boss who I've been here longer than even told me she's glad I'm the lead assistant now because she hears me up there dealing with them I know how much information I can give before it's something above my pay grade and I always know just who to direct things to because if we bother them with every little question they'd never get anything done but this one while the dad definitely was entitled after he calmed down a little I could tell it was from a genuine place of concern that I'm an alumni maybe I'll make a few phone calls this is what struck a nerve with me I've got a million of these working at a university but they're so common I tend to forget a lot of them entitlement can come about for many reasons maybe they were raised by an entitled parent themselves maybe they've had a hard life maybe they feel like they're just trying to protect they kid perhaps it's just an expression of the evil within themselves but whatever the reason is it's never justified to treat other people unkindly first your story's memes and fair not at all slash Boise here don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode all right boys veterans I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 42,540
Rating: 4.9211044 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts
Id: Jm1B-F6VkX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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