r/EntitledParents | HANDS OFF MY CHILD KAREN! - Reddit Stories

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welcome friends to another r slash entitled parents video while i know i'm not entitled to it could you guys go ahead and hit the like and subscribe buttons down below that said our first story of the day is by tannerland28 entitled karen still thinks she's entitled to my unborn child tries to get cps to court and mandate myself to have a c-section so she can adopt my unfortunate child i'll start by saying that i and my baby are safe for clarification i'm a fundamental baptist so i'll dive in sister karen was not done with trying to take my son it started yesterday saturday i wake up to many different members of the karen family thanking me saying they're glad i made the best choice for my child so joyful that i'd repented and chosen a godly family for my mistake mistake meaning my unborn child karen had posted on facebook that my child was going to be adopted by her family and that she was excited to raise another child to serve the church so i messaged her and said it looks like you did have more jokes the child is mine understand karen says please allow this child to be raised in a godly and loving home if you can't the county court will at that point i took screenshots and blocked her along with the rest of her family about an hour later there's a social worker miss l knocking on my front door i opened the door and greeted her i asked to see her official social worker id she said that a report was made that a child was being harmed and mistreated no ma'am the only child here is in my womb then i welcomed her to look around to see for herself and told her about the kieran's family's attempt at taking my child she was shocked complimented how clean and organized my home was and invited me to the county child protection services office at two o'clock i arrive at the cps office go in take one step in the door and can already hear the carriage trying to convince the social workers from across the building to give them my baby the front desk lady was very nice and took me to an office to wait for someone missell comes in i ask if there's a problem she says some people can't understand that you can't force a court to mandate a c-section just because a single woman is not married and pregnant kieran felt the need to call me a who are and it's my fault that my child will be a godless womanizer as she was being escorted out of the building by police i made a report to the officer who was once a single mother herself so now a paper trail has been started the officer said if there were any more problems with the karen family they would be happy to help with her missile asked if i needed anything else got some help filling out some women infants and children paperwork which i will not be shamed for and i was done i really hope that karen family got the message if not she can tell her jokes to her new cellmates i feel bad for op they're a single mother who chose to have a baby on their own and while practicing their religion of all places somebody uses that as a reason to try to take that child away from them do you think op honestly deserves a restraining order against somebody like that let me know what you think in the comments down below our next story is by entertanola karen in comic shop so i'm a female comic nerd and there's this one comic shop near my house which is pretty cool so while i was at this comic shop getting a couple comics this lady comes up to me she looked to be in her 40s and she said to me what are you doing in here girls can't read boy books and i told her oh these books are for everyone and she went on a rant about why i shouldn't be there and why i should be shopping for clothes and makeup instead she ended up getting kicked out of the shop it was the funniest stuff to see her be dragged out by security while screaming get your hands off me i have my rights she's not wrong she has her rights just like the store and the security guard have the right to kick anybody out of the establishment honestly it's hilarious to me how many people think stores or restaurants fast food places are public property they don't realize this is a business somebody owns this location you can't just stand around say or do whatever you want and expect nothing to happen they have every right to a refuse you service for any reason and b kick you out or at least ask you to leave and if they don't escort you about at that point eventually somebody's gonna come with a pair of handcuffs our next story is by taco of ore my mother believes my time my money and my possessions are rightfully hers i honestly don't even know where to begin my mother's always believed herself to be entitled to absolutely everything that is mine beginning with my time i have a brother who's severely disabled and is four years younger than me when i was nine years old she began teaching me how to tube feed him and it became my job to get his feedings done my eight-year-old sister's job was changing his diapers that went on well into adulthood when we finally put a stop to it my now ex-boyfriend actually opened my eyes and made me see the reason my mother didn't want me to go out late at even 18. it wasn't her being afraid for my safety but concerned for her freedom as there would be no one home so she could go out during school i was never allowed to join extracurricular activities because who would watch my brother i was never allowed to go to a single school dance i was allowed to get a job in high school but had to come home as soon as my shift was over immediately look after my brother and of course she take half my paycheck for rent she watches my son for me of course i pay her he's my son and i wouldn't expect anyone to do it for free even if i never charged my mother to watch my brother she and her husband borrow my car time to time since hers won't run today i noticed the sunroof which i never use is open and i honestly don't know how long it's been that way i noticed water stains and admittedly although not new it's the nicest car i've ever had and simply asked that it not be opened again which somehow turned into her screaming at me to stop talking i honestly do not understand how she can always see herself as a victim in every argument no matter how wrong she is i know i should have cut her off a long time ago and a car is a stupid hill to die on but i am at my wit's end so you mean to tell me that somebody is using your car left the sunroof open you notice water stains in the interior of the vehicle and after all that you say that that's a stupid hill to die on i think that's a pretty reasonable hill to die on that's like the basic principle of respecting somebody else's stuff especially if they let you use it this next story is by reader mom of one don't give her the keys let her figure it out entitled egg donor i posted a story about my baby shower and almost every single person told me to go no contact this is the story of the day it happened and this is as close as i could remember side note i've been living with entitled egg donor until i can move away to live with my boyfriend we don't live in the same country i think it was a sunday and titled egg donor woke me up to tell me my father her and sibling were going to the park and taking care of my baby we were still in lockdown and technically not supposed to but it was a nice day and they wanted to go for a walk entitled egg donor says i'm taking carrot get up and get her ready i say why they say get up get ready your father's coming to pick us up are you coming or not you have 10 minutes i say what no one told me why do you want to take carrot did you not hear her not sleep all night they say hurry up get up get her ready i get up half asleep getting her ready putting her outfit on i say okay where are you going how long will you be gone with her they say i don't know why didn't you pack your lunchbox what the freak is wrong with you i say what you just told me to get her ready i have to make her lunchbox too you do it you're taking her out they say stop being a lazy piece of poop this is your job as a mom it's your responsibility i'm sitting on the couch thinking i get this really bad gut feeling i pick up carrot and start walking to the room i say no i'm not comfortable with you taking her i don't want you to take her they say what you don't trust me i say no i don't i shut the door to my room entitled egg donor says are you freaking kidding me you piece of poop you have no right to shut this door open the freaking door you can't deny me time with carrot we're taking her out and you have no say you freaking selfish piece of poop she starts banging on the door yelling and cussing at me to let her take carrot i locked the door and was holding carrots sobbing i called my father and through sobbing i tell him everything that happened and how uncomfortable i feel how i don't trust her and don't wander around carrot father says stay in your room i'll be there in a few minutes and then we'll talk entitled egg donors yelling you freaking witch why the freak are you calling your father when he comes you'll see he'll be on my side why don't you trust me you know how many times i took cara to the park i took her to visit people the grocery store at this point she's telling me every single thing she's done she knew she shouldn't have during covid and everything i felt in that moment she validated i didn't say a word the whole time and was sobbing while holding carrot in my arms they say if you don't let me take her pack your stuff and get the freak out i don't care you don't want to give me carrot then get the freak out she was yelling this over and over and saying other things i tried to block out my father eventually arrives as entitled egg donor is yelling at me telling me to get out of her house i started talking to him in my room told him everything he's hearing everything she's yelling and we decided it was best if i moved in with him father tells me to pack all the basic things i need and later in the week we'll come get the rest parents are divorced by the way they're friendly i started packing all the essentials i need but also the things i don't want to leave behind just in case i can't come back took me about two hours i say okay father i'm ready let's go father says wait just relax this is your house relax i say can we please go i don't want to be here entitled egg donor says let her freaking go she doesn't deserve our help if she wants to act all grown up then she can leave i say father let's go please entitled egg donor says no freak you you want to act like a grown-up go figure it out see who helps you no one's going to help you i said please let's go i was on my knees begging crying until i realized my father's drunk during the two hours i was packing he went and bought alcohol and got drunk i asked can i have your house keys i'll call an uber father says okay here pulls his keys out slowly and starts handing it to me entitled egg donor yells no grabs the keys out of his hands shoves them in his pocket no you won't get his keys get the freak out of my house you're not welcome i don't give a freak stop trying to handle your keys if she's so big now she can go figure it out let her figure it out i walk back to my room holding carrot and i break down for the third mental breakdown of the day i called my boyfriend don't want to go into much details he told me to call my friends violet and l for help he apologized for not being there and letting the situation get out of hand but ultimately there's nothing he can do as he's not there calling violet one missed call second time ringing she picks up i say violet i'm so sorry to call you but i need your help i don't know what to do i don't know what to do i need help please help me violet says what's wrong what's going on i say entitled date donor's kicking me out and it's so bad i don't know what to do i don't have anywhere to go right now violet says oh my god oh my god oh my god i'm so sorry op i wanna help you but i'm not in the city i'm two hours away you can live with me but i don't have any way to give you the keys until i'm back i say okay can i call you back i need to think violet says i'm so sorry but you can come over and stay as long once i'm back it's going to be okay you're not alone text me if you need anything else i hang up i call l and say hello l they say hey op what's wrong i say l i need your help i called violet she's not in the city and i don't know what else to do l says are you okay what's wrong what's happening i see entitled egg donor kicked me out violet said i can live with her but i need somewhere to stay in the meantime can you please come get me elle says give me 20 minutes i'll come get you and you can stay with me i say i'm sorry i don't mean to add stress to your life i don't feel safe i'm not okay please help me elle says grab whatever you can i'm coming it's going to be okay l arrives and i run downstairs give her carrot i come back upstairs to get my things and load the car entitled egg donor says you're not allowed to come back here until you change your attitude and give me carrot you won't survive without me you need me you piece of poop you're not going to survive you won't last a month without me none of your friends will be there for you every time i would go back to get my things she would say that my father sat there watching me leave with my things thinking i had an uber and i was going to his home i wasn't in that moment i decided if i was going i wasn't coming back once i loaded the car i wrote them both a long butt message pretty much telling them freak off this is what you did and to forget i existed i broke down in the car and told elle everything i had endured and called my boyfriend to tell him where i was going to be that me and carrot were safe violet and l hid me until i can leave the country to go back to my boyfriend ellen violet gave me a home gave me and my child love and support and i'll never be able to repay them for what they did for me i'm just glad that in a situation that was as dicey and stressful and painful as this was for opie that they were able to have not just one but two people there to help them in their most desperate of times and it sounds like things are on an upward trajectory now getting out of the country getting to the boyfriend hopefully everything should be okay for opie just cut off all of that toxicity and leave it behind in the past but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so of all these stories i've read today which is your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below and if you haven't yet if you could like and subscribe that would mean a lot to me whatever you do whether it's liking subscribing turning notifications on all of it helps grow this channel and i appreciate the heck out of it so until next time i'll see you all tomorrow with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 10,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, Storytime entitled parents, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/ entitledparents, r/ entitled parents Storytime, Storytime r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitledparents posts
Id: 9M1CDW8dEhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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