r/EntitledParents (ft. r/EntitledPeople) | Mom BREAKS-IN To Water Park

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are you ready for some EPS to be taken down by my comm reading voice and stock images thrown at them like a ninja throwing chickens then let's turn the entertainment dial up to 11 and the swear swears dialed down to zero let's do this a teenager is riding his bike to school when his journey is cut short by an entitled mother what does she do and what excuses does she make to try and get away with it a little thing here a little thing there this entitled thief keeps getting away with his minor crimes but what revenge does the cashier have to finally put a stop to it and our fan submitted story this entitled mother doesn't want to invite her relatives to her parties and other special events but what really makes the relatives angry is what this mother says about them behind their backs what thing does she say you'll only find out on this episode of voice he hears and title parents this story was called entitled mum hits me with her Prius and says it's my fault so I live in a pretty suburban area near a lagoon it's pretty nice there but super cold I live about two miles away from my school so I bike there and it's usually in the 30s Fahrenheit freezing cold for California anyways I have to cross a bunch of roads before the street turns and I can just ride straight ahead to eight hours of hell so yesterday I set off on my bike wearing gloves a jacket and a wobbly basket on the back of my bicycle carrying my backpack and lunchbox I was fairly early so I went a little slowly not going super saiyan on the pedals like usual there was a lot of traffic on the roads so instead of going on the bike lane I stuck to the sidewalk for fear of being run over by an idiot I crossed around three sidewalks when I came to the end of the sidewalk where it was cut into so a neighborhood road could cross to the main one there was a car coming towards me a Prius obviously and I couldn't see through the windshield so I didn't know if they could see me or not so I crossed the road a little more carefully suddenly this freaking loser slams on the accelerator and shoots toward me at 40% of the speed of light I freaked out yiii did my pedals but the gear was high so I didn't move as quickly as I expected and missus Prius hit the back of my bike I didn't fall off because she grazed my basket but my backpack and other stuff got flung into the middle of the road thankfully the cars on the road were pretty far away and they slowed down when they saw this woman smash into my bike I look into the windshield no longer blinded by the sunlight and I see a woman in her 40s texting away on her darn android oblivious to what had just happened I moved my bike to the start of the sidewalk walked back to her car and smashed my fist on the car dashboard as hard as I could to get her to look at me infuriated it works and I make a sizeable dent in the car as well when when she looks up and her face just contort into the most hideous look of anger I have ever laid my eyes upon she slams the Android down and wrenches open the door squeezing through it as she gets out of the car I can see she is a Karen from a mile away in fact a mile away is where I wanted to be from this conversation what the heck did you just do to my car you piece of crap I was visibly ticked off you just hit me with your car no I didn't you freaking kids are all the same then why the heck is my stuff all over the road idiot I was really angry at this point I don't like it when people mess with me especially adults because I have a history of being wrongly accused of dumb stuff by adults and I've never had the courage to talk back what did you just call me where are your parents yeah where are they I need help suing you she now became less freaked out more smug because she thinks she's won the argument for some reason I don't know how Karen's work don't ask me you're the one who caused damage to my car you hit me with your car because you were texting well I like what do you actually think you were doing driving into the road while looking at your phone the back door to her car opens and I see her kid who I know from school getting out I don't know her that well but I know that she's unlike her mom um what's going on the entitled mom speaks before I can say anything this [ __ ] just stopped his bike in front of me and then he damaged our car wrong your mom was texting and she hit my bike while I was trying to cross the sidewalk the entitled mom turns to me with a gleam of outrage in her eyes and she coils her hand to slap me and then I hear someone shouting I jump out of her rage and see a cop that got out of his car down the road yell at her who the entitled mom changes into the victim faster than you could say expectable plot twist when she sees him Oh officer thank goodness you're here this child tried to destroy our car with his bike she points to the dent on her car the size of a block of cheese no I saw it you hit it with your Prius ma'am he walks onto the road and picks up my stuff cars now start to move through the lanes sharing dirty looks at me and the entitled mom the entitled mom having nothing left to do revert back to her original insanity and shoves her kid into the car she jumps in as well and starts the engine the cop is almost next to his police car so he yells at me to stay where I was and he chases after the entitled mom I didn't stay where I was and I kept going on the path to school taking a detour this time the cop probably came back and saw I wasn't there I saw an article in the newspaper the next day I didn't tell anyone about the incident but my face showed up in the cops body cam and they sent a request to me to come to the police station I went with my parents and we pressed charges against the entitled mum I feel so sorry for her kid that she had to endure through all of this crap we sued them for a ton of money and we only had to pay for the repair to the car now there's nothing wrong with talking to someone on the phone if it's on speaker your eyes are on the road it's like having a conversation with somebody that would be in the car right doesn't make much difference when you see some people who their eyes are no longer on the road because they're looking down texting someone it's one of the most stupid things you can do on the road even if you're doing everything right you don't know what other drivers are gonna do and these can change in a spa second I mean now here over the story new this that's why he didn't even want to ride in the bike lane because he's like yeah I don't trust people enough on the road to actually ride even in the bike lane it just takes one stupid distracted driver looking down for a split second slightly swerving and bam that's it the fact that this lady could have almost killed this guy and still wants to blame him there's something messed up there this story was called guy made a lot of money by stealing from us and he ruined his career I used to work in a small chain of bookstores slash stationery shops we'd sell books pens paper and so on it was a quirky little store straight of a romantic love novella or a Stephen King book if you prefer this happened a few years ago and I reconstruct it from my memory while trying to be as accurate as possible I can't guarantee it we had a guy who visited us several times never bought anything and didn't request assistance in short my favorite type of customers one day I noticed how he puts one of our pencils into his jacket since I was busy with another customer I only realized that he's gone when he's already gone this may not matter for shops that don't sell pencils but we do and it annoyed me quite a lot even if the pencil wasn't worth even one dollar I had a talk with my boss she recommended to let it slip it's not worth the effort also calling the police for one dollar they will laugh at you and charge you something for their visit a few days later the same guy enters the store just wants to look around I keep a close eye on him guess what he tries it again this time with an eraser when he tries to leave the store I ask him with my best customer service voice would you like to pay without a razor with cash or card do you know that sweet feeling of victory when something works out exactly as planned that was what I felt in that moment that was until he replied with no and left now my boss has a strict no burn policy I wasn't even allowed to throw him out of the store calling the police was somewhat of an overkill and not allowed by my boss to be honest I just waited for the day when he would enter our store with a basket and just grab everything he'd like the day passes he keeps snatching a few almost worthless items here and there but one day he enters the store with a paper in his hands I almost expected him to have a groceries list of stuff he wanted to steal but he comes to me hands me the paper and tells me that he needs the books by tomorrow guess I was standing there a few seconds in complete surprise thank goodness I stopped him before he left sir I can't order those for you my apologies you're a bookstore get them or you'll be in trouble since we have a bad record with you as a customer we can't risk ordering stuff for you that you maybe don't buy in the end we may also have to charge you for all the stuff you snatched in the past few weeks I point to a few of the security cameras in our store that are rather used to monitor employees than customers well how much do you would this baffled me quite a bit so I just said a number I mean getting something for stolen stuff is better than getting nothing am i right 100 bucks that's way too much I want a discount what are we are slash choosing beggars we don't offer discounts on stolen items I don't care just get me the books by tomorrow or you'll be in big trouble the guy storms off before I had the possibility to stop him I obviously don't order the books don't even look at the list why should I care at this point of my career as a bookseller I already decided to switch my profession and workplace I wasn't allowed to do anything because of my boss and management anyways the next day the guy enters the store early in the morning do you have my books no I I told you that I need them today and the guy storms off again later the guy and an older man entered the store guy with a big smile everyone who worked in retail knows that complicated customers with a smile indicate trouble my friend here needs those bull do you really not want to give them to him that's right I didn't order them for him though his books are crucial for his exams today why didn't you order them why didn't you tell him to get them somewhere else I explained to him that we can't order them since he stole several items from our store all being recorded on camera the older man turns to the guy me is that true no I don't remember doing anything like that no worries we've kept the footage the older man thanks me and they both leave the store that's the first time I look at the list all books were related to law and crime prosecution quite high literature I giggle a bit thinking that he ran into troubles in other stores too I was wrong a few weeks pass the older man enters our store again turns out that he was studying law in a university nearby and had four years to order and study the books but decided that he only needed them on the days of the final exams the older man told me that he already made trouble while entering the school he was prosecuted with stuff the older man never told me which stuff and thus they almost didn't accept him into the school a lawyer who already broke the law several times works out only in the movies him stealing in our store was the final straw their Board decided to drop him out of the school not letting him try the final exams and the older man needed a few books for the school he showed me his ID and I gave him a 5% discount just because he was so nice and I knew that we could handle that discount eventually he started to take all orders from his classes to our store which made us a lot of revenue and it's much easier to order one book for 20 than 20 different books for one I still wonder if the guy was able to study law somewhere else it seems really strange that a guy studying law would steal really small things but this is a classic case of a kleptomaniac it's an obsessive-compulsive disorder where you can't stop yourself from stealing and usually it's just little things like pencils or erasers so probably the only thing more ironic than him studying law would be if he was studying psychology this story was called I am local this story happened to me last year when I was working as a GS agent at a water park selling tickets was my main duty first of all let me tell you the policy whether you swim or not to enter our gate you must buy a ticket for you and your children seems reasonable to me second of all we also have a discount for local people if you can prove that by showing your ID we have a list of places that are considered to be local as well one good summer afternoon we were busy there was this mum the untitled mum and her three kids walked into the park I would say the kids around 5 to 8 year old something and they were too excited for the entitled mum to hardly make them wait in line to buy tickets first entitled mum came to me to ask about the price which I told her is $50 per person same price for adults and children kind of pricey I know but it's summer and the park is located in a tourist area the entitled mum was kind of shocked and went what that's too expensive don't you have a discount for local people oh we do have that ma'am may I ask where you live I live in blahblah City which is not on the list and the city is like a hundred and forty kilometres from us I am sorry ma'am that is not considered as local according to our list the entitle mum asked increasing her tone at this point well where do you consider local you have to be in this region I showed her a map which I have for this very situation I have had so many people arguing about this I am from that town she pointed to a town on the map I paused and was confused a little bit okay I said then she went on making up a story that she has two houses here and there in the city and I knew she was lying I continued to ask her okay in that case may I have a look at your photo ID or something that has your home address on it to confirm your local and she freaking flipped why are you heck do I have to show you my ID I just told you I'm from that town I explained it's our policy ma'am then she was so mad at me and she asked to see my supervisor I had three supervisors on that day by the way this is where the story gets interesting supervisor one greeted her and caught up with the situation and then explained to her the exact same thing that I just said for like five minutes straight she refused to show ID probably because she can't prove it then unfortunately if you can't prove that you're a local resident we can't suddenly the entitled mom yelled interrupting my supervisor I am local and I want to discount she said it so loud that everybody could hear her but we kept telling her it is our policy we must check the ID the entitled mom was frustrated so she demanded to see another supervisor supervisor to appeard supervisor to is 19 years old by the way the youngest hi ma'am the entitled mother waved her hand and rudely told my supervisor to no I don't want to talk to you probably because the entitled mother saw how young she was supervisor ii was like oh okay and awkwardly walked back inside that was actually kind of funny I tried to hide my laughter really hard at this point she realized her kids were not next to her anymore they had run off to somewhere she panicked turning her head around to look for them she demanded to see my general manager to help her my GM is a tall african-american by the way who is very kind my general manager came to see her calmed her down a little bit while she was standing near the glass door next to our gate to look for her children the kids had already sneaked in early and they were playing near one of the kids slides then she saw them as she was about to open the gate herself to get the kids my general manager stopped her excuse me ma'am you're not allowed to do that and what she ranted on about next I will remember forever look I've had it with your bullcrap especially you pointing to the GM I'm not gonna pay for tickets my kids are already inside okay I am going in I'm their mother you you get away from me I warned you now get lost then she stormed in my general manager and all of us heard that in or of what just happened my general manager walked back to the desk and said I think she forgot to take her medication or something how to know but can someone call security please I didn't witness what happened next but I heard from my coworker that later two police officers came to escort her out of the building and she got banned to set foot in our water park for five years yes this is technically an entitled parent but it feels a lot more like an hour slash entitled locals if that's the thing which I definitely feel is a thing because you always hear people in restaurants and things like that I'm local I'm here every day as their excuse to get special service for some reason the crazy thing is this lady wasn't even local she lived ages away and has somehow thought she could get the discounted price yeah fair enough the tickets were pretty expensive but you've driven all that way to go there surely you would have checked the prices online and if not then that's your own fault just pay the price and have a nice day with your family nah that's too simple for an entitled parent this fan submitted story was called entitled mother thinks she can exclude family but still get presents when my cousin gave birth to her daughter my parents and I weren't invited to the christening or the first birthday party the excuse for not inviting us to the christening was that they didn't want a big event this was fair enough but we later found out that various friends were invited and that there was an after-party in a local pub my parents were hurt as they showed my cousin nothing but love and encouragement when she was going through a difficult time when her dad my mum's brother and my uncle had died however they didn't argue and just draw a line under it they then had the birthday party in secret but I didn't tell my parents because I didn't want them feeling more hurt I think that the reason is because we don't fit in with their Friendship Circle my parents were from a working-class background but worked tooth and nail for good jobs and had a nice home whereas my cousin and her friends have children so that they don't have to get a job basically she thinks we're posh because we work hard she's given me more than one indication of her inverted snobbery my art who is the widowed wife of my mother's brother wasn't much better and didn't tell us about these things either she excluded us and we'd only seen the child once by accident when she passed us in the park with a pram last December I was in a really bad mood for a reason I can't remember and came home to see that my mum looked upset I asked her what was wrong she said while she was out she met a friend who had just come from the hair salon she told my mother that she was seated behind my cousin who is tearing into us to the hairdresser that her aunt and uncle my parents never bothered with getting her daughter christening Christmas or birthday presents she didn't know my mom's friend but she knew her I was fuming when my mum relayed this to me she actually thought she could exclude us from celebrations deny us a relationship lie to us about the reason but still feel entitled enough to expect that we drop off a bag full of presents at every occasion I went into a tirade on Facebook tagging her and my art in and not sparing any details I've now been blocked by her and my art it probably wasn't the best way of handling it and was a little petty but I needed to put my fury somewhere I felt so defensive of my parents who are nothing but loving the funniest thing is the post was on her wall for six hours before she saw it and deleted it so I'm sure plenty of people got a glimpse into her true nature you go love a little bit of petty revenge when there's an entitled parent involved if someone doesn't want particular people at their events whatever it's their event they can run it however they like you're not entitled to go to other people's events just because your family or friends but the first thing that was done wrong was they lied about it they said they didn't want a big event but it turns out they even had an after-party at the local pub it's a completely different thing however to still expect and feel entitled to presence when you didn't include them into the event itself it's just like saying yeah I want your stuff but I don't want you if you'd like your story to be narrated may don't forget to visit the subreddit pause / Boise heal link below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more all right I'll see you in the next one what are we r / choosing beggars
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 390,099
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, daily reddit, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, story time, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, entitled parents owned, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, r/entitledparents 20
Id: QOB_nDVEx4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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