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we've all wanted to build our Dream Home in bloxburg but some of us don't have any game passes so today I'm going to be attempting to build one of my subscribers a modern house in bloxburg with no game passes I'm talking no transform tour no advanced placement no multiple floors you name it so this is Sage she has no game passes in a budget of 170,000 and I'm going to attempt to build her the most y house she has ever laid eyes on and if you guys would like to potentially let me build your future bloxburg house all you have to do is be subscribed to the channel and join my Roblox group and if you're like ew no I hate her then you can unsubscribe super easy anyway so before we get started we need our daily October outfit and today's daily October outfit is Shrek Fiona and Donkey from Shrek what are you doing in my swamp I've done a little outline of the floor plan for sage and as you can clearly see she literally has none of the game passes like none of them so this is going to be kind of interesting the reason I wanted to do this is because I was reading my comments and someone literally said I would love to build like you but I've got no game passes and I'm like I want to show you guys that even if you have no game passes you can still build a very very nice house in bloxburg and I'm going to prove it today but um I haven't built a no game pal house in a hot minute so this may flop but oh well so this is a little Flor plan we've got going on we've got the garage living room kitchen dining office backyard bedroom one bathroom master bedroom hallway and the big front yards thing with like doing the roof in a No Game Pass house can be complicated but because we're going with like a modern approach it's not going to look too bad let's just hope she likes it imagine I do this house and she's like um actually I hate it and she just bulldozes it in front of [Music] me what have you done I'm waiting for that day to happen I just work really hard in a build and you guys are like um that's actually ugly I actually have big plans for this house I cannot tell you my plans but I've got big plans I'm telling you now I have plans that I cannot share with you right now because the ha is Will sabotage me and I got some stuff in the works the roof bits a little bit confusing because I want to have like Sky roofs in the middle here to let in that natural light if you get me I just open the chat and all I see is my car murdered me I'm confused I spent like so long on this roof but you know what I don't care it was worth it so with the color of painting boom chakalaka we've already got a nice house going on also going to change the color of the grass real quick she's going to have this house even after the fall update we need to make sure all the grass matches and you're probably like ooh Alaska what's going in this suspicious little square that's not a square but you know what we're going to tenant is a square we're going to put a pool in here that is $5,000 I hope she's not looking at a budget right now she's looking at a budget like girl the money SK Skyler where is the rest I gave it to tent I remember I built a no game paath house for myself a couple months ago it was so ugly I was actually watching that the other day and I'm like I can do so much better than that so here I am building a house for one of you guys I was going to build it for myself but I'm like when am I going to use a No Game Pass house so I was like I would rather build it for you guys and you guys actually use it remember when I got bloxburg last year I did not buy any game passes and I literally refused to buy them and I remember saying to my friend why would I spend money on basic shapes they're not even good like can you imagine me now with no basic shapes um I don't think so we're putting the garage door here and we're going to make it the same color as the wall like look at that blends in beautifully I don't know why I said beautifully like that so now for the windows this is where the fun begins this is where the fun begins so we'll just make them blend in with the wall guess we can use this massive W when was the last time I ever used this massive window we're going to use it is it a ripoff maybe am I using it nonetheless um absolutely how dare you and in the power invested by me using plain lines bushes and pillars we have the outside of the house all complete I told you it's going to look scrum yum yum added little fog machines on the lies so now we can start working on the inside this is what I'm really excited about this section here is going to be like a massive open concept what I mean by open concept is this entire wall is going to be like one big window so you can see out of it through all perspectives instead of like a backyard it's more so going to be like like um a garden like a Japanese inspired Garden so something like this and hopefully it will work if it doesn't then you know what we can cry ourselves to sleep and I mean Sage does have like a relatively High budget I also messed up the flooring I I hate doing floors and blocks do it no just no and you know what this time we're going to add carpet in the room think about it when have I ever added carpet in the bedrooms and blocks but we're going to add carpet why because why not let's hope Sage likes carpet because guess what yeah getting carpet I always have this fear when building your guys' house that one day us are just not going to like it I can't overlap the floors bloxburg why did you do this to me y'all you guys do not understand how excited I am for Abby who is Abby name is literally Sage I don't know where I got Abby from I don't even know an Abby I just want to scream can we talk about like how beautiful the inside of this house is looking so far like are you kidding me y'all forget about Abby I'm living in here who stop who is Abby who's Venice I don't even know Venice is forget about Sage I'm going to live in this house I'm sorry Sage I'm building your house and I'm taking it off you can you imagine if I was a prank Channel and like I built houses for my subscribers and then just bulldozed it oh my God has there been someone like that in the bloxburg community that just like pranked people and bulldozed their that is so mean oh my God wait I was watching Tik Tok the other day and I saw this girl she was crying because someone bulldozed her house in bloxburg like how mean do you have to be to do that okay I've got all the lighting in the house done sage just goes the money going down is making me anxious what is your favorite color I need to make sure that I paint her bedroom her favorite color because I mean it's her bedroom okay she said pink well not too pink because I mean it is a modern house but like can make them a nice soft pink like that so I've got that touch of pink in her room but it's not like overboard like pink in your face so now that all the lighting and the windows are done I think it's time to finally start adding Furniture so we can start with the entryway in the lounge room which is going to be here this is a kind of difficult Lounge room because as you can see there's no like walls for the TV to go I want a nice big carpet here but we can't use advanced placement so we're actually just going to have to double up and use like multiple carpets and because this is the modern house we might as well add the modern chairs I'm just kidding I hate them I could spend hours in this category it confuses me so much I never know what lounges to use there's so many ooh we're going to use some sophisticated lounges are they expensive yes is she going to have a heart attack yes it's fine she's going to look at her house and she's going to be like wo that is gorgeous what do you mean I can't place a chair there wait wait what to make this a corner Lounge I need to use this sophisticated sectional straight Lounge okay gotcha can't place it there why don't tell me you need advanced placement for that are you kidding me you're joking you're joking you're joking you're joking do we just have like a corner Lounge I can use we do but I don't like it fine fine fine we'll use it all right fine bloxburg you win this is so sad I can't even do a custom made coffee table you know lately I've actually liked the color linen I know controversial opinion everyone's like eww don't use linen that's ugly but I kind of like it all right don't judge me FBI open up I'm kidding we're not going to have a linen phas you know what else we need in here curtains they literally have like no privacy in this house who needs privacy when you've got gorgeous Windows everyone babes everyone needs privacy I can't even fit a painting in here this is so annoying what can I fit in here this little tiny photo frame and I mean because it's Halloween we can have a few pumpkin decorations I was just thinking imagine if she got disconnected did and like she left halfway through building this that would be kind of awkward I was going to put towels in this coat rack but I can't do that cuz she's got no game passes well that sucks well maybe the bench can go over here instead also I love the fact we're doing an open Concept in here like that that looks kind of cool we also need a TV in a fireplace cuz every living room needs a fireplace thing is though where on Earth are we going to add it I guess we can just plop it here that's such an old thing for me to say oh let me just plop it down here oh bab your bills you need to pay your bills I don't want to use the most expensive TV if this was me I would use this um fancy frame oh I really want to no I feel bad I don't want to spend all her money no I feel bad I'm going to do [Music] it I'm sorry girl I'm sorry but I mean look you got a pretty TV so it's worth it now I've got the kitchen and the dining so I do know that I want the dining table behind the fireplace cheapest dining table is the Simplicity table it's only $100 and you know what we can be bougie on a budget I mean hey you don't need to use the most expensive chairs to make your house look good wow I can't even place a carpet on top of the table that's just rude you know I can place though table wear ha ooh what's this Victor's Victorian globe table oh that is like $960 we're not doing that we're not trying to make Sage go poor today what is that bro I don't know why doing a kitchen in bloxburg stresses me out so much it's going to be a very tiny kitchen that's the goal today I want to see how small I can make a functional kitchen am I capable of it I don't know we'll say also question you know the comments that are like can we just appreciate the fact that are those Bots or are those real people I can't tell like look I'll go on my most recent video I'll scroll in the first comment let's just appreciate are these are these real people or all these Bots oh my God this person just said Alaska you should do a Suburban House tutorial with no game passes well well well sopir little does she know well I just said all this house is looking scrumptious and I didn't know how to spell scrumptious so I just gave up we don't have room for like a really big island I'm kidding yes we do we always have room for a big island what are we what are we saying a thank you my mom just gave me cake guys I feel special I'm not even kidding every time I film my mom will like bring me food okay there's the layout of the kitchen you know what I kind of love it now we just have to fill it in and just like that we've got our gorgeous little kitchen I also realized we forgot to add a door here that leads into the garage so next we have the office I can either face the office this way or I can face it this way but because there's windows on both sides here I think we're going to place it in the corner so then this way you can see both angles of the house oh my gosh there's so many windows in this house some cool bookshelves at the back here with her office chair you know what we're going to have a pink office chair she deserves a cute little pink office wo we only have $98,000 left mate we need a cool down on our budget I'm scared for this video I said I'm not going to use her entire budget and I'm planning on sticking to my words so I think I'm going to leave her office like this don't want it too crowded in there especially because we've got so many other rooms to do this is obviously her garage and she doesn't have a car so we're just going to have to to fill this with other things it's been nearly like 2 years since I've started playing bloxburg and I I still don't know what to add in a garage oh wait you know what would be cool if we made like a workstation oh my got Alaska Violet coming up with um ideas for the garage not clickbait okay what do what do we have here gas oh Americans call it gas we just call it petrol but you know what else do we need what if we type up tools oh this is perfect we've got a little tool box no literally call me Bob the Builder after I do this like are you kidding me okay just like a carpet in the middle to fill the space space and the next thing I want to do is this Garden here because this is the most important thing at the house it's like the statement piece like you can see it from all the angles it needs to look pretty and in the middle here we're literally just going to have one single tree like this but I want to make this a Japanese blossom tree so we can paint a pink add some leaves around the tree just make it as aesthetic as possible it kind of makes the most sense because her favorite color is pink and then last but not least F this entire section up into a pool some more trees at the back here and as you can see we've got a gorgeous little statement piece why does it feel like I'm building my dream housee instead of hers okay next we've got our bedroom we don't want to use the most expensive bed cuz we only have $887,000 left so we've got to be wary Mo an even bigger painting up the top why did I turn American did you hear that little build hack for you guys she doesn't have the transform toour but like I can still move the pillows around using Advanced placements so that is pretty neat like it's a little bit messy but we've got the spirit and then this section over here is where I want to have another fireplace I reckon we can just use the $600 one cuz we are boy under budget now one of you guys actually taught me that I can use pillars without no game passes all I have to do is get rid of this wall place the pillars first with no roof and then you can place the wall see learn something new every day hey hey hey I reckon we could even fit a couch in here because her room is pretty big so she can have her own little mini Lounge room if you will I don't know what's my problem but every time I see an empty space in the wall I'm just like I need to cover it up now behind her bedroom we have a little secret closet if you will so we're just going to use a few of these traditional drawers I can't place three of them but it's like the perfect space for three you know what it's fine all we need is two and I mean in this section we can just add a mirror and then opposite the Wardrobe we're going to have her little makeup table I love doing vanity tables in bloxburg I think they're just like so fun to do or we can use one of those like professional I love these mirrors I have one in my bedroom and I love it you know what I don't love though looking in the mirror and seeing a big pimple on my face I'm like oh my God where did you come from and then there we go we've got our little wardrobe so now we have her bathroom I love the skylights at the top here like I think that is the perfect place to add the shower actually scratch that that's the perfect place to add the bathtub like right in the middle there oh yes please you know I just realized there probably like not much privacy in this bathroom but all right cuz we got a pretty bathtub privacy please I don't like how there's like such a big long empty space when I smell a big empty space I want to add some pillars big empty spaces call four pillars pillars fix everything so then this way we can fit the toilet right there just in case someone walks in on you you got a little bit of privacy I want to use these $600 sinks you know what I'm doing it I don't care you did this for what why not why why not why I want to have LED lights around this mirror but we can't add LED lights to a No Game Pass house except if you individually place them like I did outside so I mean technically we can have them up the top here and this is the closest we can get to the bottom and last but not least some shelving units for the toilet paper we don't want her running out of toilet paper do we no no we do not and there we go we've got the gorgeous bathroom last but not least we have the guest bedroom might just fit a single bed in here oh and the theme for the guest bedroom can be dark modern I was just thinking the other day what if you have a guest bedroom and you like the guest bedroom more than your room do you sleep in the guest bedroom let me know in the comments like if you guys have a guest bedroom do you sleep in it like when you guys are sitick of your room I feel like I would wait guys should we be like extra should we add chandeliers on top of these lamps like that she's going to look at this room and she's going to be like why is this room better than my room and I'm be like um next question and you know what another TV in here another one another one another one another one another one and another one cuz I feel like all the rooms should have TVs in them o and and in the corner here we can have a nice Lounge moment so one of these fancy lounge chairs with a matching Ottoman and then the house is all complete so now it's time to change all of the decals for showing Sage her new home oh scratch that apparently Sage is in build mode sage has already seen the home I repeat sage has already seen the home now we just have to ask her for the total because I have no idea how much we spent $103,000 oh my damn okay yeah that kind of makes sense we did use a lot of like expensive items so this is how the outside of the house turned out I think my favorite is definitely like the backyard bit being on Mobile sucks can't get over the fact she's literally Fiona from Strike right now I know I keep saying oh my god this is my favorite part this is my favorite part but the living room is literally like my dream living room I love how it looks into the backyard my poor girl stage is lagging so bad right now but this is my first time using this TV um um I don't like the channel so I just refuse to use it anymore coming back here we have the kitchen and the dining room it's also connected to the garage which is over here I also like the fact that you can see outside to the front yard oh my God she just made some peanut butter and jelly and then across from the kitchen we've got the office with her Bobby office chair no but like if this was my office and this was my view um yes please oh damn Sage is already used in her kitchen like guess girl cook me a sandwich why does that sound sexist I'm sorry I'll cook you a sandwich okay welcome to your bedroom Sage you know what I love her bedroom I love the fact that it's connected to the Wardrobe every time I look at her room I'm just like oh my gosh yes I want this for myself especially the Wardrobe at the back here like are you kidding me girl she's still lagging oh my God it's not funny she made this sandwich like 5 minutes ago it's not even loaded in yet it's okay Sage I will wait for you right here I'm trying to move it feels like I'm [Music] stuck it's like watching a toddler try and like take its first steps oh there she goes there she goes so proud of you Sage okay so connected to the bedroom we then have the on Suite which is also the main bathroom of the house I just realized that we forgot to add a shower let's just hope she doesn't say anything and then coming down this hallway the last room we have is the second bedroom that is correct so yeah the guest bedroom you know what I love it I would sleep in here all the time thank you very much so yeah that is the whole entire No Game Pass modern house all complete I really hope Sage enjoys her new home I hope you guys enjoyed today's video and I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Alaska Violet
Views: 812,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DZkEioe8Otc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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