First start of the Detroit Diesel 4-71

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hey there dango stu here today's video is about putting that detroit 471 into this tinny and is proudly sponsored by [Music] [Music] all right only joking about the tinny but we do get it fired up finally morning christmas eve today hopefully we're going to start the detroit today i'm just going to quickly weld up the new throttle bracket to take with me up to adrian's then we'll hit the road this is the old aluminium one which i had to bend up this is the new steel one that is taller but we need to space it out on the back so it doesn't hit the rocker cover [Music] so i'll just weld that in place so it doesn't flop around makes installation a bit easier don't really need to but only take a few minutes [Music] i also ducked out to renko to grab the exhaust manifold so we can install that onto the block before firing it up a little bit of oily gunk in there from the problem we've now solved let's go i'm gonna put the exhaust manifold on now uh adrian's saying best thing is just get these on the ends of the studs here then you can drop it on to the lip here and then we go check underneath that it's not hanging over before we start tightening it up the great thing about doing it this way is that although the manifold is relatively heavy you can do it on your own without any trouble at all resting it on those two little lips means that you're not actually taking any of the weight once it's in place and you can just do one of the nuts up finger tight and it'll stop it falling off again you do need to have a look underneath though make sure that's not hanging in front of that lip at all because if it is you can crack the manifold as you tighten it up me being me i'd already lost one of the uh nuts for the exhaust manifold but adrian just handed me one said it's the same as the con rods so that's actually a conrod nut which is a high quality nut so that's good all right let's talk this up and get the water reconnected so we've just um we need some pipes and we want it to be stainless so just to be nice it'll last nicely which is part of the old beer keg because the valve we've cut the tube this will be our new nice stainless shiny line between here and there to give it some rigidity and not just have rubber hose flapping around so yeah i love i love the fact that a part of this engine is going to be a beer keg now well look the last job i said it had a big keg as a fuel tank perfect what could you ask for the finished product leave them straight if you look from back yeah right oh look at that gold giving the uh land rover service while i'm here new oil and oil filter new fuel filter the air filter they sent was the wrong one we'll do that later to hold anything um okay i'll just stick the bolt in that side oh yeah my side yep so we've upgraded this from shitty epoxy bolts to create nice hard washers nylock nuts and make it pretty again a little bit yeah there we out go all right fairly robust yeah definitely shouldn't go anywhere no in theory all right i'll get this little plate off then i'll throw the sump on yes then we can put some oil in there some love juice in the engine very good another milestone i've decided to swap this cooling water outlet from the exhaust manifold to the underside we're gonna get some new fittings and run a much shorter distance to here using some steel elbows and then just a short length of hose rather than this big loop it used to have coming out here keep it tucked in nice and tight these bolt holes aren't blind holes they go right through to the water jacket so i'm just going to put a little bit of thread sealant so adrian's made some long studs to go in the blower so we can hang our shutoff flap and the air box should be a nice little upgrade with screws driver slots yeah with screwdriver slots very nice so actually another interesting thing you were telling me before uh was that because my rack's not sprung loaded it's more prone to if one injector sticks the whole lot will yeah where howl is you can have one stick and it's just that just that one and it'll help might hold the other ones up a little bit but yeah yep won't hold the whole lot yeah so i'm slightly at more risk than he is yeah yeah but if they keep the good fuel up good you know that the chances of it having a minimal yeah what makes an injector stick poor fuel and the rack seizes because they have water through it the plunger and bush seizes so that it'll stick actually in full fuel right um but poor fuel or um it's started to collapse in the middle side it was showing the other day yeah it's picked up the metal so that that particular injector could have seized quite easily then yeah absolutely yeah right nice yeah that when i pulled it first apart was just covered with yeah yeah pretty common amazing could breathe at all what gets me out of the detroit's though is they can be in that bad condition and still get you up the coast they don't die no there seems to be this yeah they just seem to keep going and going like you can get it home yes you can always fix it when you get home but it will get you home yes and would you say that's an advantage to a unit injector where an injector can fail whereas if an injector pump fails oh exactly you just put one injector out and you could if you really if it was really giving you lots of trouble you could actually um wouldn't like you could take the arm off yep so the other ones can still work and then just get your fuel lines and just crimp them right with a pair of pliers so to cut the fuel off to it so great fire yep you can get yourself home without one cylinder running fully fueled you'll have to replace the fuel lines of course but yeah it'll shut the fuel off to it just crimp it with a pair of side cutters don't cut them just crimp it off crimp it down yet and then yeah and you'll get home you'll get yourself home and on three injectors it'll miss fire and run like but it'll still get there yeah yeah we'll get there yep that's good to know on it not my right one no no that's your favorite yeah so i was gonna have a bet with you whether it'll fire up first time or not absolutely if it all right if it doesn't fire up i'll get the mohawk okay adrian did a water pump for adam one of the oyster farmers who helped me lift my detroit out of the boat and got some oysters from him so christmas eve is good it's going off right off yeah well it's probably not too bad to go that way well i get some stiltsons onto it oh no there we go nice it's a 45 i reckon 45 down yeah yeah let it hang down a bit too when i heard it yeah [Music] it's better than having the gasket move as you go to put it on and then right it doesn't it just has a little bit of grip it's more of an adhesive than a sealant in this yeah well if we just get a couple in i'll just give you a couple and then i can get on with that oh yeah so that's a few for your side and forward there's a new pickup right in the bottom of the pan there's quite a belly to the cover that goes on here so it should still pick up oil nicely it's not too close to the bottom and sucking on or anything like that just going to talk up all the sump bolts now so it's nice and even much less chance of leaking i've got to make sure actually that my cable gives me full travel on throttle too might not be quite getting it to um [Music] full fuel so by changing the height of the injector just so you're changing when it changing the relevance to where the piston is to when it fires so you get it firing a bit further down the ball so um when the pistons are a bit lower you start to burn a bit sooner but it's a little bit slop a little bit more slobbery per se so because you haven't got as much heat starting to burn the fuel but if you get it starting to atomize a bit higher up when it's built a bit more compression up a bit more heat burns a little bit more fuel but a little bit cleaner and gets rid of a bit of a slobbering effect right so by firing later yeah by firing later when the pistons closer to the top of the top of the hole because i do a fair bit of idling around looking for stuff i need later what do you want later so if i was doing a lot of full throttle stuff probably to bring it down a bit like okay so my branded 1470 instead of one for eight oh that's a lot of numbers oh that's how many different injectors there are there's there's hundreds but yeah like okay so an n60 oh yep so they're saying 1460 which i think what we set it out last time so i'm going to probably run it at 1470 okay give it up lift it up ten there get it up that bit higher get it burning a bit cleaner and um but it wasn't burning clean but just to stop that a little bit more or less chance of slobbering in the air chest yeah wet stacking i like kind of yeah yeah this is very true um so yeah so let's see you can see this different and it also then gives you a breakdown of what the injector is all the tips and yeah yeah what would be the reference um yeah they are they're getting harder they don't because they make this little book anyway okay so hang on to it yeah hang on to it like i've got a lighter one not one girl with a friend steve and it's a little bit bigger it's got a bit more but it doesn't have as much detail as this okay that's what they've lost some of their detail along the way though well now um so yeah all right so we're going to go for 1470. okay get them right up here we could go higher if we wanted to but once again this is something we could adjust right yeah like we'll see what it does yeah and it'll shoot here it's a little probably a little bit wants to jump to life a little bit easier too when it's burning up a bit higher so yeah it's a little bit more crisp um so yeah interesting all right and it should it'll probably change the note coming out of the exhaust a little bit not much but it will you'll notice a little bit yeah so yeah so 15's will slide in nice 17 shouldn't go so nice nearly no drip not no drag it's a slight amount of drag and then it should stop on the 17 so that's gives you a good 16th hour really at the end of the day if you were to grab a 16 power feeler gauge it should feel really nice okay that's so that's timing tool goes in the little hole beside the injector so you'll actually see the oil push out push out make sure there's no oil left in there so we've had all these off and apart so they're actually that's sitting higher than one quite well yeah that's quite high and we'll get that we've had the rocket gear off and we've moved the rockers it could be the posts could be in different spots so it does change when they're not yep going back exactly where they were but it's not critical because you're going to rear and with the head on everything's attached like the camshaft will have some of these in let's see if you rotate it to go right this is the one i'm doing yes and then yeah turn it yeah get injector injector down set the valves right so it's advanced about yeah yeah do you want to do it right so these valves are open at the moment yep yeah they'll set that injector you'll also find you'll probably find there's another one you can do so the injectors down here on number three it's firing it yep so we can set the valves right so we can do the valves on that one and the injector on this one yeah yeah see that one's down see look that's quite low right now and you were saying i think the original time that's just gonna wipe the oil off the top just so i'll get the oil in a stick and then okay you don't want a great puddle of oil you just want a sphere of oil on there you don't want look if you put that much oil on there it's so easy to wipe it off and get a full freedom get a false reading right you just want a really nice small amount still too much you're with the insect too so yeah but now you can actually see nowhere near it too low yep too low so this is a one four seven o [Music] timing tool and then your feeler gauges for your valve lash i do have some timing tools for like some outcomes and stuff like that so like a few people mentioned alcohols what are their don't big gender agents like general motors again so they're big boats like big big old boats and locomotives yeah okay so that sign there that this is like off the front of a locomotive right nice that's pretty cool so we're just done in the lock nut yep and then just push right here so what are we we're coming up to okay so that's you want it so it's just just bumping it that's not quite it's just touching it now probably just a fraction more then but when you do the lock nut up it'll actually push the rocker down because it takes the slop out of the thread so of course yeah right and you're undefined so do a final check so you get that right well it's not quite going over it at the moment but when you find it yeah it's wiping the oil off and you and you if you spin that with your fingers yep just use use the tips of your fingers just and try and hold the screw you'll feel it just scrapping over the top you can feel it yeah and i guess that thing of making sure you keep it square so it's not pretty critical yeah because you could easily lean into it quickly so you uh so the lock nut pushes pushes that pushes up up so you actually come past where you want to be yeah when you lock that up it takes it back so the gap was bigger than you wanted to be that was less less less than you wanted of course because then it pushes it down yes i couldn't actually get the tool to come over the top until you did the lock nut and then you could okay that's just nice nice that makes sense all right all right that'll do valves on number three now and they're currently yeah yeah they're all so they're all oh they can be but the right yeah okay and so once again you want to make it a little bit tight before you do the yeah we've i sort of get it on the 17 that's quite loose sort of get it to stop on the 17 and just get it let's go that should depending on how much slop's in the threads like yeah right every one of them is different yeah yeah the rule of thumb it's not don't hold me to it no no it makes sense though no but it does make sense to go look this is what's going to happen when you do a lock nut up so yeah don't be constantly chasing your tail trying to make it perfect before you do that so that's probably a little bit too bad like you can feel it stop on the backside of the with it where the curve is it doesn't look like it looks like it's going through but because of the the shape of it it's curved it actually doesn't catch the back edge of it yeah right you go in a bit further before you actually catch the stop probably just be yeah i'd like them with it just a smidgen tighter okay and they are pretty sensitive like it doesn't take much to snip it up yeah like a little bit on the push rod is definitely a little bit like right there's no yeah yeah see no flexing or anything it's really direct translation pretty good like i've just yeah i've made that a bit tight now why we're in the front of the back we could have a uh shock replacement party barbecue yeah you've got do you want to do my car you're gonna do your car that's pretty good now have a feel if you want sorry yep [Applause] probably a little bit firmer but you can actually there let's build the slides up yeah all right so it's good to get a sense of what's what what is the right amount of yeah and really drag on it yeah yeah yep okay and then we'll these will tighten up again in another couple hundred hours do them again do you know what i mean yeah yeah yep but then you probably would only do it once and every 12 months after that yep and obviously well you've done 12 months worth of running yeah yeah yeah it's been 12 months 130 hours i think it was in the end and inject it yes and what about here so that was all set when the head was assembled okay so when we back when we went to start until we checked them um i'm sure we did i know i have we um this is to make sure the vowel bridges touch both vowels evenly evenly yep so during a tune-up do not touch don't touch okay one you're probably undoing the lock nut you'll probably bend the valve oh wow two when you do bend the valve you might crack the guide yep three it's just you you can without having it all apart properly you can't feel properly okay and you won't you'll end up you could end up with a one valve going before the other yep so instead of coming down nice and square the square coming up and then off the screen we'll end up going down like that yeah it'll jam and open one vowel sooner it could hit a piston and eventually we'll actually try and drive the valve sideways so you just wear the guides of course yeah yeah it's not pretty straight so yeah so you've got two valves a full valve head yep opens two opens two yeah so four exhaust valves yep opened by two early 71 was two valve so just the vowel sweat where the center of this is per se um different injector different scenario so if you have a look you can see the body the injector here is offset so for later for n-series uh engines i'll just grab one so these are only adjusted with the head off so you can see the back side is it yeah you can do it with the head on but you need to not throw trying to do it with all the rocket gear on you everything disconnected yeah yep take that away take it away undo it in the vice do not touch trying to do the lock nut in the engine right take it away put in the bike undo it get it positioned then nip it up just a little bit of a nip there and then take it to the device and lock it up so that's a two valving oh okay so as you can see this won't fit between the two valves there that's hence the offset body so the other valves were either side yeah larger round valve so it makes sense they skirt the body yep so yeah and once your rockers off these just lift off a pin just lift off there's nothing [Applause] [Music] quickly to show the comparison so that's your detroit diesel that's the outcome it's gold something a bit different so yeah so that's more locomotive more more like a muddy great bit bigger a big engine like [Music] oh yeah it's just coming back up the injector on four that's it there so you've still got enough there to get them yeah right but you would normally still just stick to the corresponding yeah so one three so one three we did the bowels on three injector on one yep four yep we should be doing our valves so so that's just below two so yep it seems spinning over it and you haven't backed off the locking nut yet no i haven't touched it yet though what it might come up and please yeah it's come up now it's touching it so basically just got to back it lift it up a little bit more to get and not much [Music] that would be bumping so yeah you there's nothing wants to climb over it if you actually hold it hold push down on it because yeah it's not locked yet so i can't turn that now no that's right yeah [Music] what are you lost [Music] that hit the myth on the floor you haven't put the pills away oh yeah i figured that just meant that you've got to put everything away when you retire with just a fraction um [Music] that's nice that's really you nice just wipe the oil off nicely and get a little bit of scrap across the top of the follower [Music] adrian then went on and set the injector heights and the valve flash on all the rest of the cylinders getting it ready to fire up on hopefully the second or third attempt this has been a new truck in a truck well the rockers have been in there with joking all right so how does that work love with the jacobs and this but when so when you take your foot off the accelerator switches on and it powers up the solenoid oil pressure pushes this down and then it follows the injector rocket as the injector rocket comes up it makes a hydraulic link so it lock the oil between here and this follower and this plunger at the front so it'll push down and open the exhaust valve decompress on firing yep so um but you can see the witness marks where this it's been sitting on there it's been running down there all of them had it yeah right so it's so the engine has come from all the rocket here has come from somewhere that's been out of a truck yeah interesting so close to what we were saying the other day the engine's been built up out of something yeah yeah as you say is it just the rocker gear was it the whole engine so for me now it's sort of looking towards like okay it's been it's been a new block and built up out of a whole lot of stuff just a little bit daggy is it all so well that's what a new one looks like like nice and round and bubbly put one stew there just look it's on it's not if you're in trouble you'd use it good spare to keep in the boat but it's getting really thin out in the edges and squashed out and they will split good point about carrying a spare one in turn i've been very lucky and have one that did that and put put an o-ring over it did the nut back up and it stopped it and got me got the truck probably another one of the crumbles up the road yeah you better get a new one yeah yeah just got your home yeah it was just weeping it was weeping a little bit but it wasn't squirting like it was before yep as i was driving along and noticed lost oil pressure so all right filling the sump with diesel so straight home drain the oil out of it and get all the diesel out because the diesel the bracelet just chops the bearings yeah right and yes these are all still readily available in australia the kangaroos haven't taken them all yet haven't eaten them all most things are only a phone call away yeah the tim the fuel pipe socket the magic tool so it's got a split just got to remember when you go to do it up you don't keep trying to go all the way around the pipe because it doesn't happen they're only 15 foot pound but they're not super tight they're just nice yeah 15 is not much is it no it doesn't sound like a lot but it's enough but it's on that little c yep and it just compresses it stew hurries up we'll be able to start it in five minutes all right it's about to get a haircut it's a double-edged sword i want it to start but at the same time i don't want it to start because you've got to go home and front the bride should i put the torque wrench on these i'm sure you have an elbow yeah it knows that it's not too tight that's it reasonably even a new uh drainable sump so we're gonna have to get a hose on here too aren't we so it doesn't run out again yeah or a plug so even if you get a multi-stage one at least then you can if one circuit files you've got another circuit you can put a bypass on it too do you know what i mean yeah yeah that's what i mean so well really you could do all your steering off the front and leave the one on the side of the engine as your redundancy pump yeah right that makes sense do you know what i mean how do you go um i've got some v-twin compressors you can put on the back of the engine i don't i don't know if you're gonna be able to convince me to swap out the amount of work yeah exactly all right we're about to put some oil in this so we need to uh get a hose on here so it doesn't just all end up on adrian's floor i'm just going to cut i'll pop this rubber hose on just so the coolant circuit's complete so we turn this around but we're going to buy some 90 degree pipes when the shops open again tomorrow but for now we're just going to go here to here but we're actually making a nicer version for the final product yeah you can always see them in your mind can't yeah you know you've got it somewhere adrian's finished making a hose up from the bottom of the sump so our oil doesn't run out and then we can attach a pump down the track or even as you say just stick the vacuum yeah stick the vacuum thing down the hose yep yes we now have an oil filler that points straight up due to the removed fuel filter and then the much neater cooling pipes getting its blood back yeah and i'll lay the cable on then i'll mark that and drill and tap that in the boat i think we need to make sure you're getting full throttle too yes yes did you get in trouble for the way i opened my oysters you did yeah from whom oh for robbie do you call your back shocker the best jew loses his hair come on it's got to be first time i keep my hair it will start first go nothing starts first go it will i promise we'll see so you can get the right amount of uh relief and get it to lock in yep so if i move that now i'm moving it i'm actually moving and see it going backwards and forward ah yeah yep so you want it so it's like a suspension adjustment yeah so just get it to the there sort of holding it's not tight so hold that and then [Music] so i'll just get a cable on here and then a bracket or some description somewhere whatever can you get the even off one of the bolts here straight down and maybe a spring between the end of the cable and here so just it just keeps it pushed in right so you can't accidentally yes you can't walk yeah and next thing you pull all your seals out or whatever well yeah that's right it probably won't start so you'll be lucky but yeah if it's already off yeah yeah as long as it doesn't vibrate off when it's running pretty much it won't just the weight of the flat holder but it's just a good idea just just bring it down normally sprung loaded okay bringing here which over time for the sea water this one's disappeared but yep so it's the spring between the end of the cable is enough to push it out like and just keep it bitter all right okay yeah just in here yeah and so you're pulling against the spring that's a good idea yeah nice turn the cable as well when you go to put it back yep okay good idea so oil in watering we're just using water at the moment because we're going to re-jig the cooling system later so there's no point wasting all that coolant water yeah right coming up yeah right that is higher than that point isn't it oh i thought i'm in it it dropped in there oh there we go so but it's nice having that at the top now as well as having the water come through diagonals yep like that's just taken you can see much of this yeah out of the head yeah very good well it is critical to so it has to be bled um yep otherwise just got it will it could stay with an air pocket there so this is for putting diesel under pressure yeah so there's about oh there's not there's no pressure in at the moment but i usually put about 60 psi just got one that's hard to start it'll help make it restart easier and also pre-filter is this cheating in our beds how you doing okay all right okay i'll do it without it no no no no no no no no no mate if you want to cheat that's fine but now if you need to bleed it yep on the side of the radiator truck that run out of fuel so we're going to try and fill you know fuel our filters and everything put the pressure canner yeah and if you're if you want to test for fuel leaks yeah right of course turn off pressurize it yep and you can have a look see if there's anything leaking and that would be less wear on the engine like if you're cranking it for a while with no fuel in the injectors it's a lot better for the engine it doesn't hurt them yeah but stu's worried that i'm cheating so no no no no no no you could use whatever techniques you know all right no get out of jail clauses squirt a little bit of water just on the seal of the jab skull you reckon or yeah i think when once it starts running i'll hang the hose might just poke the hose yeah so it sort of splashes around it yep effort so do so [Music] yeah yeah that's it thank you very much thomas thank you all right so the ring the illustrious ring that everyone talks about does work ah so you spin it to the inside yeah um that ran really well pretty happy with it um we've got 65 pounds now yeah at wooden engines pretty warm um got a couple little water leaks which i think should have got me off the hook yeah but you know they didn't develop till after it ran though [Music] fair enough all right but now it ran pretty good so we started pretty much straight away fired up yeah not too bad um considering something had no fuel in it and that's not going to is the self bleeding like yeah if you had an injector pump that ran dry or yeah it didn't it had enough just in there to get it going and then fuel up and that's no um primer bulb in the line nothing nothing into a bowl into the sucking in the bucket diesel and straight up um look if you were trying to suck it through a filter you'd be probably doing a bit worse off yep you could use the pressure key to fill it up yeah probably get it running on the pressure key and shut it off and then which is a good little bit of kit to have yeah oh absolutely it saves so much time even with the new ones electronic ones you can fill them up fill them with fuel until the computer's got pressure so it will start right okay so it will start instead of trying to set the computer going no no there's no fuel i can't start okay so you can give it a bit of a false thing yep um so it ran well did everything was supposed to do it's a little bit cleaner um it's just because of your injector timing you think yep and airchest two is a lot the nice clean area there there's no oil at all no slobber no slobber which is it should be no slobber at this point in time but yes until it's yeah it's probably done a couple of few few thousand thousands hours but yeah it'll always produce some in the ear tip it's a natural thing for yeah but other than that it should be pretty dry um a little air tip casting is made we'll catch the little tiny bits exactly somewhere for it to go somewhere to go we'll run it like i said here we'll run it without that on just so we can see make sure it's okay oh so many things are better yeah and yeah the compressor worked well it's not the camera um what else happened what else did we do well the the pipes so there you can you could fill it with oil yeah oil was nice good to fill with oil um and bleed the coolant the cloth bled out beautifully like in the end which we couldn't do before because that was gone so yeah it was all wrong that on the top of that pipe yeah at one end was probably full of 80. yeah the whole time the whole time yeah and you probably wouldn't have known yeah we got rid of one fuel filter but yep which then then we could bring the coolant line in with the raw water line which meant the oil filler could be up it could turn upright deep sump pan that's a huge difference okay i think it's made holes definitely holds more oil than what i remember before it's probably 18 or not liters yeah another two liters in the sump now and and because it's concentrated that pickup is right down in the bottom in the oil yeah even now if i tip the engine up it'll be fine yeah it can't come out of the oil yeah um yeah and that needle was never i mean obviously sitting still there but i think if the needle doesn't bounce the oil pressure it's quite steady that's cool and that's staying there really nice yeah also means that we haven't got any pin holes in the pickup so it's not sucking in the air right yeah which we're pretty sure anyway but well after brazing raising it up yeah yeah a little pinhole will make a little fluctuation yeah and it won't pick the oil up properly um so it's worked quite well everything's turned out so we got the mechanical little pressure gauge as well we didn't have that before that was another thing we did yeah uh yeah and the new lines for the air compressor but there's a lot we changed like it was surprising how long different things we've moved around yeah um to make things right again yeah yeah i think i think you'll notice a big difference in the whole way performs too on the water like yeah i think lifting the index is a little bit higher one of it seems more happy now it's more responsive once it wants to do something yeah so we'll be interested to see what it does when we get it oh we filled up everything uh so when we get on the water high load like really give it the beans make it work like push against the wharf toe toe yeah and get him to put it in reverse yeah right just make it work for two at least two hours a couple hours bend the rings um so you think that'll make a big difference and then eventually bigger problem yep which is what you're aiming for so that'll be your next um yeah next little adventure next little adventures cutting that prop off that's been welded on yeah and we had a little phone call with damien today and uh you're going to get into police commons out there yeah the cummins is going i've decided that he definitely shouldn't have a comment in group that's it he wants to drive too many other things and he just can't do it on a cummins no but she did have some good ideas for him so we might uh we might see a little bit of a connection there down the track which would be nice yeah and uh i'm still getting in adrian's brain about starting his own youtube channel i'll try i have been contemplating it now and um i'll help you yeah a horrid range of things so yeah variety or create things and you know here's another thing here yeah oh yeah anyway thank you thank you [Laughter] all right that'll do yeah no ice cream [Laughter] all right thank you thank you cover lady so adrian's been asked about his bike a couple times my michael i think it might fall was i think um so yeah it is mine um it's a 78 flh um so i brought it's an import from the states um so i've just started playing another bike to read it out so i ended up with the three-inch primary of putting on which i like better than the clothes from me just because it looks cooler um upgraded or i've gone back to an early model swing arm for the rear because the um starter motor didn't fit in the back it was all dragging on the original swing arm but yeah it's just a project i'm going to sort of piece it together um ride it see what it does and then i've got another motor which and the prices are going to start doing a 96 cube shovel motor so it's a shovel head so yeah it's just something a bit of fun but yeah yeah give it a close-up i do like your new solid rear yeah i got rid of the spokes and plus the wheel bearings are now that will go on there the hubs are gone so it's like gone it's a bit ready at the moment but um sweet yeah when it's finished the weakness i should be able to ride it so nice we'll definitely have to see an action then yeah and then we'll set the studio on the road i'm gonna see if it's safe enough to ride then you'll know if you can get on yeah the other one was a nitro and nitrous on it and stuff like that timing had to be packed away in the corner with two alpha two all for night trips very good thank you so yeah thanks well it's running again so obviously huge thanks to adrian for all his hard work expertise and taking extra time to teach us all about you know how he does the work he does also huge thanks to jenny for her hospitality and camera work so the engines still at adrian's the shops were closed between christmas and new year that i needed to buy the few bits to finish the cooling system so i'll go back in a couple of days we'll finish the cooling system then we'll get it ready to lift back into renko all right well i hope you guys had a great news eve and have a great year ahead and i'll see you in a week or so when we get this detroit back into renko all right see ya [Music] it's work time not feeding time sorry actually you'll probably find some spiders in here eat those it's all right soon limp around look for insects [Music] not falling for it makes your combs start look better scabs come off this side now see you soon thanks for visiting
Channel: Dangar Marine
Views: 130,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: detroit diesel, 4-71, tuning detroit, detroit tuning, injector tuning, diesel injector tuning, starting a detroit diesel
Id: WxvefTDAOZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 34sec (2854 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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