Renewing Your Mind & Break Your Mental Barriers 2021

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[Music] this morning i want to talk to you from the subject there's nothing as powerful as a changed mind there is nothing as powerful as a changed mind you can change your hair your clothing your spouse your residence but if you don't change your mind the same experience will perpetuate itself over and over again because everything outwardly changed but nothing inwardly so the renewing of your mind will help you transform your life and i'm talking about mind management question do i want to transform my life do i want to change my life to a better quality of life i need to have a knowledge but that knowledge can only be knowledge if it works for me if god says to you that you can be transformed by the renewing of your mind he has given you the responsibility he's telling you that you can make it happen he's instructing you to do it because he's put the ability within you to do it so you can actually change your life from glory to glory by the renewing of your mind and now what you do to your mind will show up in its character it will show up in what happens if you don't manage your mind then it's going to keep giving to you what it's already got where you are today is a function of your mind you are the expression of all that's in your mind the workings of your mind that's who you are your personality is the expression of your mind the bible says as a man think it's so easy so what he says according to the scriptures he says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he so you are in your heart how you think and if your heart is out of whack your life will be out of whack because everything about your life is going to come from your heart and your heart's going to be based on how you think it's the same way naturally words determine the way you think the way you think determine the way you feel if you feel depressed you got to back up and find out what you're thinking about because thoughts of heaviness and depression determine how you feel so how a man thinks in his soul how a man thinks in his mind determines how his life will work out let's look at third john chapter two let's begin there because i believe this is the basis of understanding where we're going he says beloved i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers the amplified says beloved i pray that you may prosper in every way prosperity simply means being successful in every endeavor in life that's god's will religion will tell you that god wants you to be successful in just spiritual things but not over here in your natural life the scriptures say it is with the mind that we serve the lord the mind is the battleground the fight is in your mind there is nothing as powerful the question every day of your life needs to be what are you thinking about and how long are you thinking about it and how long you think about a thing is called focus and whatever you focus on you give strength to so if you focus on your weaknesses you focus on your sins if you focus on the past failures you strengthen those things to hinder you in your present day and in your future so the scripture says that our whole life prosperity in every area begins with how we think wrong thinking equals wrong living so if you think the wrong way about a thing you're going to experience the wrong thing about that thing because you're thinking the wrong way about it and religion as a whole has thought the wrong way about prosperity and the financial stewardship what happens when i think the wrong way about something and i do it for a considerable amount of time i create a traditional way of thinking i think in a tradition and that tradition stops me from receiving what the word really says we can have a lot to do in determining what a year will bring forth for us and it is true we may not determine the exact activities or the actions or reactions of other people but we sure enough can determine the final results would i be all right if i tell you that jesus came so we can have abundant life a marriage where you're getting beat up every day is not abundant life a body that's infected with sickness and disease is not an abundant life not having enough to pay your bills is not an abundant life walking in fear that your two paychecks away from being homeless is not an abundant life and can't sleep at night because you're wondering if you're gonna be able to keep your house is not an abundant life the mind is the battleground it is the place where the greatest conflict is the struggle is in your mind this is why we have people who go to bed tired and wake up tired slept eight hours and you wake up still tired the reason you wake up tired is that you got sleep but you didn't get rest your life how you live what you do the character of your words the totality of your personality the expression of your mind so managing your mind is the primary principle for increasing your value and multiplying your success and upgrading your state sometimes you say i've tried hard about this i've prayed about this i've done this and i've done that and i've done that and i haven't had much success with it what more can i do well i'm saying to you let's begin with mind management can we manage your mind can we get into your mind and see how it works and see what files need to be deleted and what files need to be downloaded and installed so what changes can we make in the structure of your thinking do you have the courage to take something beyond where you are do you have the courage god says to abraham look out from where you are he says oh man do you have the courage to think beyond the parameters of your present location he said look out what do you see i see the stars of heaven look out what do you see the sands on the earth he said what you see is what you'll be so shall thy seed be your children will be what you see if you see nothing they will be nothing if you see something they will don't be in bondage to your thoughts thoughts are coming to you that are wrong thoughts are coming to you that are trying to intimidate you trying to make you feel less than yourself you got to say no have thoughts of hope you don't bother about what's happening around you it doesn't matter who likes you and who doesn't like you are you listening to me you see at work or in business never limit yourself but life is after your mind and and what you've got to understand is that any way any entrance way that he can get to upset your mind he will begin to wear you out that's why i would rather have peace than have joy the bible said in the word of god god has promised i will keep him at perfect peace whose mind is stayed on me it is not god's will or purpose for you to be troubled in your mind frustrated in your mind uncomfortable in your mind in fact the bible said be anxious for nothing to be anxious is to have anxiety about something that haven't even happened yet some of you are so worried by the threat of trouble you're not in trouble it's just that trouble has threatened you and the threat of what might happen what could happen is wearing you now half of the things that you thought were going to happen never did happen but if you allow those thoughts to dwell in your mind it will succeed at robbing you of your peace robbing you of your joy robbing you of your life just because you fought yourself into a nervous breakdown you love yourself into depression you thought yourself into defeatism now ladies and gentlemen buckle your seat i'm getting ready to go to some places where we need to go strongholds are houses of thoughts that reside in one's mind strongholds are made up of thoughts that reside in your mind in your heart you don't want to do this thing but there's a stronghold you ask how come i keep doing this you ever wondered about people how come they can't let that go there's a stronghold in their mind life is after your mind you see he didn't just tell us to renew our minds without telling us what to think about he told us to change the fires in our mind and then he told us what fires to download so he told us what to think about whatever things are honest whatever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatever things are lovely whatsoever things are good reports how many things have you listened to and they were not of good reports and you kept thinking about them they were not true they were not honest they were not real they were not of good reports yet you centered your mind on them and you wonder why you're unhappy an unhappy pastor produces unhappy people unhappy congregation i don't keep my mind on nasty things i only think deeply on god's word i don't have time to meditate on other things especially all those things that don't qualify here so i want to challenge you to waste no more effort wrestling with other people your destiny your future is not predicated on the decision of someone else you wasted too much of your life trying to change other people's mind about you it doesn't matter what they think about you god is not going to bless you by their opinion god is gonna bless you by how you see yourself now you look at your life and you think well you know i'm not a very outgoing person the way i was treated i lived with my uncle they so dealt with me and put fear in me i grew up with fear for how long are you gonna think like this what are you gonna do about it is it time to change you are here now so what are you gonna do what's your future gonna be like for how long are you gonna testify that they put fear in you how long will you be in bondage to your mind the bondage of the past for how long will you be there how long elijah the prophet said to the children of israel how long shall you hold between two opinions in other words the word heart means so stagger like a he said how long shall you stagger between two opinions how long how long are you going to stagger in your life when are you going to finally see yourself joining upward and forward only i've told you that's my life upward and forward only i don't have no doubts now there are many people who have known me for years there's been no down in my life i can't have a doubt i just keep moving upward i believe jesus gave us a life and he said follow me he said he that follows me shall not walk in darkness he shall have the light of life that's progress that's success that's prosperity that's victory why does pastor chris tell people they can have a life without suffering i didn't say that who said their own experiences told them i didn't say that you may not have some things to suffer the only thing you ought to suffer is persecution that's what the bible says and i've got quite a lot of it listen just the word alone will save your mind the engrafted word of god will save your mind the engrafted word of god will get in your memories then grab the word of god will heal things in you that you didn't even think could be healed people had given up and said well there's no help for her and grant the word of god will get down in your spirit and it will change then craft the word of god will give you new desires when the bible says that god will give you the desires of your heart he's not saying he's santa claus and he's going to give you everything you want he's saying that he's going to give you the things to want he's going to give you new desires that you never had before that's what i said i've been thinking the bible says the engrafted word is able to save your soul when something is grafted it becomes one with your tissues when that word that is being preached in you becomes one with you and you cease to just quote it but its thoughts become your thoughts the in grafted word is able to save your mind your memories your emotions your attitudes your disposition the word that sticks to you change your thoughts because your life what you are today is the expression of all your thoughts all these years you look like your mind now if you found out that your face is the expression of the character of your thoughts how do you feel and not only that your life the way you are is the character of your mind plus that the circumstances of your life at the expression of your mind
Channel: Motivitional vibes
Views: 931,086
Rating: 4.918251 out of 5
Keywords: motivational, Inspiring, Inspirational, Motivational, Successful, God, Jesus, Lord, Christian Inspiration, Christian Motivation, Christian Encouragement, Become Who You Were Born To Be, Manifest Your Gifts Maximize Your Potential, td jakes motivation, best motivation videos, pastor chris oyakhilome, Renewing Your Mind, Pastor Creflo Dollar, having a changed mind, motivational speech, 2021 motivational video, 2021 motivation, 2021 motivation video
Id: joHoKC3TNaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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