Rendering in Revit: Beginner to PRO Revit Tutorial

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in this video we're going to be talking about rendering in Revit it's going to be one of those beginner to Pro tutorials which means that we're going to be starting from all of the basics and then build all the way up to the advanced settings and options I'm going to be showing you how to render locally on your computer and also how to utilize Cloud rendering let's go now speaking of renderings one of the main things that you can do to improve your renderings is have a large surroundings uh around your model and that conveniently brings us to today's video sponsor which is placemaker placemaker is a Revit plugin that allows you to generate any site on Earth inside of Revit and also there is a SketchUp version 2 it allows you to get data from different sources and it actually turns this into rabit geometry this means that we get high quality aerial images from different sources up to 7 cm m in resolution we can load in terrain data and turn it into rabbit topography we can load in buildings roads paths and Railways even trees are available and everything is built upon topography inside of rabbit I actually have a full video where I talk about placemaker if you want to try it out for yourself I'm going to be including a link in the description of this video and then also up in the cards above so you can test it out for yourself so now without any further Ado let's jump straight into ravit and here we are in Revit and I'm just going to be using this model as a reference I actually have a video on how to create this so you can check it out on my YouTube channel uh now let's talk about Cloud rendering versus rendering locally so if I go here to the view tab we have the presentation panel and the first option here is render and then we also have Cloud rendering so the main difference is when you're rendering on your machine or locally this means means that you can't really do anything else apart from well waiting for the render to be completed that's a downside however the upside of that is you can actually set it up really quickly so that means that if you just want to run a quick test or something like that you can do it really quickly on your computer and then you can move from there so if you're just kind testing out certain materials or something like that it's really useful and then once you're done with all of those tests you can use cloud rendering for your final rendering and then you can continue working on perhaps annotation or something like that while that rendering is being done on cloud now when it comes to rendering in Revit LT you only have Cloud rendering in ravit LT so in Revit LT we can only use cloud rendering and that's just something to keep in mind if you're using this version of rabbit okay so first I'm just going to be showing you how to render locally and before we go to the menu I just want to show you one thing that I like to do previously and that is to set the view to realistic uh display option and the reason for this is here you can see any obvious mistakes when it comes to materials so for example if this Foundation was made out of glass I would see that here and then I could make a change and once we see we don't really have any obvious mistakes then we can click on render or use the RR shortcut and that's going to bring up the rendering menu now the first option that we have here is going to be quality so for Quality it goes from draft and then all the way up to best we also have custom and we have this edit button so if I click on edit it's going to actually open up the rendering quality settings and here you can see the settings for each one so for draft that means simplified light and material accuracy and for the render duration is set to by level and here it's set to one then then for medium it's just a upper level here for high it's going to get Advanced precise materials and shadows uh and then for best it's just going to get even more than that and then finally here you have custom now when you set this to custom you can actually set this up manually and when it comes to rendering duration you can actually set it to render by time which is really cool so if you just have two minutes you can set it to two minutes and you're going to get the best of what your computer can do in 2 minutes and then we also have until satisfactory which means basically you didn't get end of your rendering it's going to look like this so you're just going to let it render and then once you're happy with the way it looks just click stop you stop that rendering and you're done with that version uh now in this case I'm actually just going to set this to perhaps draft for now and then click okay let's bring it here to draft now moving forward here we have the output settings so the output settings is just going to control the resolution or the size of your image now this is really important I see a lot of people making a mistake here where they set up their rendering and it looks pixelated and then they go back here to Quality and they set it to best or something like that because they don't want to get those pixelated views it's not an issue of Quality quality is only going to perhaps refer to the shadow how realistic they are the reflections the light things like that the resolution is the the thing that's going to control how pixelated your image is so for that first you actually want to exit out of this you want to select the outer uh crop of your 3D view then you want to go here to size crop and here you first want to see is the width and height of this set correctly so if this is supposed to print add I don't know 200 uh mm width well this isn't going to work so you would just set this to scale and then you would say 200 hit apply and now this is going to be larger also when you go back to the rendering dialogue here you can set it to screen which is going to be used for well screens if it's going to be something that's viewed online perfectly fine however in most cases when you print you actually want to set this to printer and then here you can see the width and it's actually going to be about 12200 pixels but that's only for 150 DPI for anything that's going to look good go with 300 or even 600 DPI I prefer 300 it's the best kind of uh of Both Worlds between having a large image and also a uh kind of high resolution image so it's not going to be too much in terms of size however it is going to get you a lot of pixels so that's good so anyways this is what that means now moving forward we have the lighting so for the scheme basically this means what you're trying to achieve with this you may have some lights inside as I do over here see we have those ceiling lights so is this going to be exterior sun only do you want sun and artificial which means Sun plus the lights or exterior artificial only so only the lights without the Sun so that would be a night rendering and then we have the same thing for interior rendering as well then we have the sun settings so that's the same dialogue as you would have here uh it's just available here so you can set it up however you like now if you want this to be accurate in terms of uh let's say location so this is at a specific location then you can say okay so at summer sols this and here we have the date and time it's going to look like that and then for winter it's going to look like that so you can create let's say four renderings for four different times of the year and then you can show that to your client just to see how the different uh renderings at different times would look uh in this case just because this is a simple test rendering let's just go with lighting and click okay and then finally here we have the artificial lights so here you can turn on and off the lights you can dim them by going with the value smaller than one so like 0.5 or something like that uh and you can turn them on and off if you want uh moving forward we have the background so here you have some Sky options depending on how many clouds you want to see then we have color if you want to have just one color perhaps you're you want that I don't know you can add an image so you perhaps have a sky image or a background image of some sort I don't like this just because the way that it integrates that image with the model usually doesn't look very nice so I prefer the transparent option so this will create a PNG image so transparent background you bring it into Photoshop or some other uh image processing software and there you can add a nice background you don't have to delete the background because it's not there anyways then we have the image so here it says adjust exposure now these settings you can play around with them I actually prefer not to touch them because unlike all of these settings here the adjust exposure is something that you can actually play around with after the rendering is done so you can complete the rendering and then you can play around with these so doesn't really make sense to uh to to play around with them at this time uh and then uh for the draft renderings so that means kind of a test rendering you can go like this set it to draft and then render and just see what Revit brings up so I can just try that and that would look like this or alternatively I can say okay here I actually want to have perhaps very few clouds uh here it says the change has been made and then instead of creating a new draft rendering I just want to see uh when I set this to let's say high I want to see how the reflections will look because that's really what the high rendering settings does for me so what I'll do is I'll do a region so instead of rendering the full thing I can just render like a small sliver of this image something like this and then I can say okay I only want to render this so let's render and then it's it's just going to render that and then once it's done I can see here okay the reflections they look really nice I see the tree here the chain looks good so I can then go and here if I go to display it can say show the model or show the rendering see I can toggle between those let's go back to show the model I'm just going to turn off the region and now it's time to render at this high quality so let's hit render and see how long that takes so in about five minutes this is what I get and as you can see if I zoom in the quality is really high so even if we print this at like 20 30 cm width I think it would look really really good uh okay so now for the exposure I can go here to adjust exposure and then I can make it brighter or darker however I like uh same thing goes here with the highlights so I can make those brighter so just the kind of the the highlights of the image then we have the Shadows I usually like to create to turn those a bit lighter then we have the saturation we can make it a bit more intense for example and then for the white point I'm just going to make it a bit warmer yeah perfect so you can play around with these you can reset them if you want and then just click okay and now for uh actual kind of saving of the image you can either save it to project by clicking here so then you can say okay so this is 3D view let's call call it I don't know just new rendering click okay and now this is going to create a new tab here on the project browser called renderings see here and then here we have this new rendering so that's one option the second is to save to your computer so you can save it as a JPEG uh or a PNG diff or bitmap file so you can just save it wherever you want so let's save it here on desktop I'm just going to leave the name as it and hit save so that's going to save it externally outside of rabit so that basically covers your rendering inside of rabbit now let's talk about Cloud rendering so for cloud rendering and if you just zoom in and out it's going to go back to the original uh for cloud rendering you want to of course first set the rendering settings now if you're working in Revit LT you don't really have this render dialogue so what you need to do is you need to just go to your 3D View go here to the view properties and find camera and find rendering settings here and then here you can just set up the lighting and uh the the background and so on so once you set all of this up then you would go here to Cloud rendering you click on render in Cloud Rd is the shortcut it's going to give you this menu you click continue uh then we have to pick up some settings or set up some settings so we can either render all 3D View use or just check the ones we want to render uh then we go to the output type so here let's go with still image render quality let's go with standard size let's go with large and then for the exposure I'm just going to leave it at Advanced you can check this if you want to get a an email notification when it's done I don't really want to so I'm just going to click Start rendering and it's going to start rendering and now that process is done in the background as you can see it's rendering Ed online and I can continue working so I can say okay so I'm just going to go to my level one and now because it's already rendering I can continue I don't know annotating this project or something like that okay so once the rendering is done so as you can see it's still loading here but once it's done it's going to be available here in the render Gallery so I'm just going to open that up and let's wait for that rendering and this is what's going on in the render Gallery as you can see uh it's still rendering however we can already see the image at least at this point and what you'll notice is that these renderings here they're going to look a little bit better than rendering in rabbit at least in my experience you can tell me what you think or what experience you had in the past and now it's done yeah as you can see it looks really really nice I'm really happy with the way it turned out uh now here we do have some settings so we have some postprocessing and then we can play around again with the exposure value we have some uh we have some presets so if we want to try Vivid it's going to look like that and so on so uh you can play around with these a little bit I'm not going to bother too much but yeah that's that's what we have and then you can go here to download you can download it as uh these file formats so let's download this one as PNG so I'm just going to yeah it's downloading here on my computer here and there we go uh so that's how you do rendering in Cloud now for cloud rendering we actually have many different rendering types which we can play around with if this is something that you're interested in please let me know in the comments because I am interested in this these topics and perhaps I will make a video on this so anyways if you want to get access to this ravit project file you can find it on my patreon page which I'm going to include a link to up in the cards above and then also down in the description of this video thank you for watching guys make sure to check out my website balcan for more uh rabit courses there I have over 120 hours of content uh and I'm adding more each week make sure to subscribe for more videos and also I've added a video over there that might interest you as well
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 39,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, balkan architect, BIM, tutorial, Autodesk, Rendering, Cloud rendering, Place Maker
Id: cYZX6uvl92Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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