Removing silicone on a DRV Mobile Suites.

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we're gonna work this little section right here it's small enough just to show everybody all right good morning everybody we're gonna start off with silicone removal as everybody knows that the DRV is using the geocell silicone it's not holding up going down the road I don't even think it's holding up six months directly from the factory I've talked to several people there they think that geocell maybe has changed something in the formula I thought by now they would at least ask but I don't know if they have or not but it's just not holding up and people are paying to have the silicone removed and the geocell right back on and it's failing within a year what I'm going to share with you today is on how to remove the silicone and then how to turn around and put Lexel silicone adhesive on it it's not just silicone it's an adhesive silicon and it's all about the prep you got to have to prep right if you get the prep right it's going to hold up right now the rig next door over here sandy and rusty and Sandy Creek Moore's rig has had a Lexel and for almost two years and there's no failure anywhere on it it's still flexible still you can still put a fingernail into it and it's holding on both sides so it's not pulled away at all it's been almost 2 years now so this is the solution now I can tell you once you put the looks alone there it is a pain in the butt to remove it because it is a silicone adhesive this definitely helps so some of the tools we're going to be using today is and this product cannot be purchased by individuals it's a curse off it's a company called crest I have spoke with them and I filled out the application with them I'm going to be able to start purchasing this here very shortly with the next few days so we'll set it up in a way that when you guys are ready to do this just send me an email we'll run it through their system and I'll just change the billing address and ship it to wherever you guys wanted to go to I'll do that for you guys because you can't get it's for professional body painter of body painter sub body removal and car paint tractors a lot of this fire department what's that company on a team that makes fire trucks they use it a lot and it's just I don't know for some reason they won't let us buy it so I'll be able to buy it here real soon we're gonna be using mineral spirits and then we're also gonna be using in this jar here I just have something here this is just if you go to any auto parts store or whatever this is just a wax remover just paint prep something you would wipe on the paint to remove all the contaminants and dirt and everything off of it before you would paint a vehicle and you can get it in the painting section at autozone o'reilly it'll say wax remover or something like that or but you got a better name for it yeah okay i know that you're into your car detailing quite a bit so alright so the tools i use you can get this which is a caulking finishing set you can get this at lowe's it's just a couple of dollars you're not going to use the smoothing out the silicone side because I'm old-school I'll use my finger I recommend using your finger because it's a better contour than what you're going to get with this what I use is the tool that comes in on the sharp edges for removing the old silicone out of the cracks and along the trim also from Harbor Freight I found that these work pretty good these are body panel removal tools for removing body panels on your cars are they're very cheap at Harbor Freight and all you do is when they start wearing down you just take a sander or something and you just put a sharp edge back on them again all you're looking for is something that's not going to scratch your surface and you're gonna be able to get in here and pull out the silicone okay once you put this on here now I wanna finish talking I'm gonna go ahead and take the top off the anchor saw and all I'm gonna do is just run a bead on it straight across we're just gonna let that sit for just a few minutes and let it start working before I my quit told me about this product here and actually this is Mike's hand here I was actually having to put goog on professional here let it sit let us sit get soft work it like crazy pull it off then put it on again work it like crazy it was taking me two days to do a 40-foot DRV the first day and part of the next morning is nothing but removal of silicone and then the caulking process that reapplying the silicone goes very fast once your prep is done I can't stress enough that prep is very important because I will not stick and hold up if you don't do the prep properly all right this little tool here is called his bhai this is my favorite tool and I don't remember where I got it I think it was Home Depot Lowe's doesn't carry this and mighta got it off Amazon because I buy everything off Amazon but the reason why I like this tool is you got two right in the left side first with a sharp edge for scraping along the paint surface but you ever had like a dozer with a big hook on the back it's got a nice little hook on the back that's really nice to get in there hook and you can pull and it just gets in there and pulls pulls to the silicone out really well what I'll call its its height makes it it's just a silicone removal tool by hi hy de and then you also have the middle one here that you can get in there and just go along the surface because it's plastic it's not gonna scratch up to paint now what it thinks about DRB that bothers me a little bit is they do not let the paint cure all the way the paint most the time the paint is not cured all the way when they come behind you and they come behind in silicone it so when you start stripping silicone out you are going to pull up paint there's no way if ands or buts about it you're gonna start freaking out thinking you're pulling all your paint off you're gonna have sections of gray or Bargaining it's gonna come off it's because it's currently bonded to the paint the way they put it on there before it cured don't freak out too bad about it just make sure you got enough solvent on there that's gonna remove it because you're gonna put silicone right back on top of it and it won't be very noticeable when you when you're finished but the odds-on there's 0% chance you're going to strip your entire rig without pulling paint off it's not gonna happen so all right I'm gonna go ahead and try this you're welcome to come up and look I'm just gonna take this point in here and I'm just gonna put it in there and I'm just pulling just across here there's all the silicone right there that was right there in the crack then I'm gonna wipe that off turn around in go with the sharp edge of the tool on the surface and then get what's on the piece of trend there get that off of there we'll look at it you do not have to remove every bit of this okay your what you're trying to do is where someone will say someone made a really wide bead it's ugly you don't need a wide bead you don't need it two inches thick all you need is a nice little firm application of silicone right down there where the two pieces meet okay and it's going to end so it'll be flexible I'm going to go back one more time right into the crack where the two pieces meet and I'm gonna pull it up one more time so I got a little more out that time I will spray up one more time with mineral spirits and when you go make sure you get the chemical resistant bottles because if you get just a regular spray bottle it's gonna melt that straw inside and I'm just gonna come back now and wipe it and clean it up I don't use microfibers for this because you're gonna ruin the it's it's throwaway and here in just a few minutes so I by the ranks buy the bag over there on the table alright so that looks pretty good now mineral spirits leaves back a little leaves a little film that's still not ready for you to put silicone back on it so this is where the wax removal comes in you can also use acetone just something or denatured alcohol what you want to do is make sure you have a nice prep surface I'm just gonna dip that in there and all I'm gonna do is just call cross here on the trim and on the body panel there and work it in okay so that's now ready I'm gonna let that dry for just a second I'm gonna grab the leg cell let that dry and you'll know when it's ready because you're gonna hear from smooth here - [Applause] everything is stripped down to the paint it's ready to accept the leg self-weight threw out my gun now when I cut my tips I try and cut the tip right at the end a little bit less than a 45 degree angle and then I come back on the top with a razor blade around just the top off a little bit so that way when I'm squirting when I'm squeezing the silicone a nice little round over he's the silicone that goes across here and when you start working with the lek sale you don't have very long at all this stuff will stamp over very very quickly so you don't want to work in huge sections you want to work in small manageable sections what I used to do is I used to go across here with the lek sale put it across there and then I still do that I'll still use mineral spirits so much I've done it in full same shade yesterday I'm doing they don't fill carpenters friggin full Sun no issues whatsoever just small sections just know that when you've got low humidity and Sun beat right on you work in small sections that's with anything I'm going to show you today because almost all this stuff for evaporation and the start curing or it may skim over really quickly I would do this whole section at once here if I was doing half of it and what I try and do is I find I try and find a stopping point where I'll start at one and I'll stop on a color right where colour meets so that way it's not going to be noticeable too much and so what I would normally do in the in the past is I would go across here hit my finger and mineral spirits and I would smooth it out and be very careful not push too hard or too lightly so you get in there so you know it's a real wide ugly silicone up on your paint body okay so what I've discovered by YouTube and I've been trying it for the past couple of days and I tried it a little bit last week on another rig and I'm very happy with it it's any kind of spray glass cleaner okay it needs to be ammonia free almost all your cans are going to be ammonia free don't use Windex it has ammonia in it but if you take the glass cleaner and you're gonna see what I'm gonna do here I'm gonna put my silicone beat where I want it I'm going to cover it completely with a mist of foam from this what this is gonna do is it's gonna literally take the trim and it's going to lubricate the body panel but it's not going to lubricate underneath the silicone because it's blocking it then you can spray your finger witness but I found that it's still not slick enough sometimes you'll get a drag mark so I'm still gonna spray mineral spirits on my finger when I go across it does work with this but you got to make sure you keep your finger lubricated where the mineral spirits I know it's going to be lubricated so let's go ahead and do a section and I'll show you what I'm talking about and I'll try and do it from down here so everybody can see okay and at this point here I stopped you know don't worry about trying to try the last layer off that glass cleaner is going to evaporate immediately watch my finger I don't have any silicone so in just a minute this is gonna dry and we're gonna have a nice pretty consistent feed all the way down the consistency is gonna be based on the initial line that you put on because the spray cleaner is going to prevent it from sticking to it the glass cleaner that we put on there I don't know if you wanna pause and wait a minute for that dinner you can do two passes but just be warned if you get it if you have need a second pass you're gonna get kind of a jerk eNOS look in in it because it skims over so fast well I found it do you have a section that that you need to hit again and I do this for the long sections too if this was a long section the door wasn't here I would wait here now until the glass cleaner dried and I would start at that Inn and come down and stop somewhere in the middle and I would do that section and then I would connect the two in the middle once the glass cleaner on both sides has dried so it would stick and if you put up right next to it neatly and when you spray the glass cleaner on it you're not going to be able to tell you did that in three times three three sections if you have a section that you miss there just come back after it's dry this is going to tack up pretty quickly I've liked in a half-hour you're gonna be able to come back and put a little dab in there just put you a little dab in there spray the glass cleaner over and take your finger and rub over it just don't push real hard because it's not cured underneath and it's gonna look really good you're not gonna know you starting to take fourth plus when you clip the table there when you pull that tape off usually have a mortgage so this is going to give you a nice smooth edge and it's starting to dry up now you can come by and look at it walk and look at it and you'll see it's dried up and it's gonna be a nice smooth line right up against the right up against the body panel there [Music] I'll strip it all let me grab it and we'll do a vertical alright somebody asked about a verse a Virgo asked about a vertical section I don't have it stripped down yet but it's a push damn pretty good I would definitely put more on there so little section when I get ready to do this section over here I'll just rip it off so I'm gonna go back and I'm gonna clean it make sure that this is just a wax remover uh from the pig shop or auto parts store because I can do it with one pass so but yeah the denatured alcohol is fine if you do anything on your rig with good gone or mineral spirits it leaves a real slick sale behind so you gotta come behind it cuz you're not prepped you're not ready that should be drying down so we'll go and we'll do a vertical run now same deal all I'm gonna do is that's really ugly there so I'm gonna strip this off I've only had this rig a couple months now but I'll start right below that ugliness there and start right and what I'm doing is trying to get a nice slow consistent bead without putting too much in there because you're gonna pull it all off so there's no sense in wasting it the stuff is about eleven dollars a to 10 dollars and some change it to and what I what I like to do instead of just going straight finger on something with a wide gap like this I'll turn my finger sideways so I'll get more of a wider bead if I want to then be held to my fingers right I want to wider me here there's my excess right there because they have mineral spirits on my finger this stuff sticks to everything is I'll just wipe right off the my finger because that's a vertical run you can see how clear that is right there and how straight it is I would start at the very top and work my way down because into there yeah because everything everything this gravity is gonna pull everything down just write everything down position the ladder and I would put that whole section at once can you first start off start in small sections but when you get the hang of it within 20 minutes really then go a little bit longer because by spraying the glass cleaner on top of it it gives you a few few extra minutes from the skimming over but I would never go over in a second pass the second pass is just gonna it'll work it's gonna seal but it's just gonna make the finished product look ugly how's that look all right looks like I need to get on your on your list for what silicon so any other questions on the silicon you want some close-ups or anything of that or and this is this is now starting to film up and cure and skip over on the top here and you can see right there if you notice where I I hesitated a little bit that's how sensitive this stuff is you can see every little thing that you do so it's all about technique everything everything here is original the previous owner didn't do anything but wash it with dirty brushes inputs world-building there and that happened between tech city coming up here from the Raleigh any other questions on cell phone see you awesome health 101 or whatever I'm doing two removals today and I put one today finishing up one today and probably start another one tomorrow so you know come on by me and show you on their know-how or see how I do it I know man I'm sorry can't wait no silicone aren't you okay now over here
Channel: The Nomad Detailer
Views: 11,362
Rating: 4.8956523 out of 5
Keywords: Silicone removal, applying silicone, caulking an RV, removing caulk on an RV, DRV, Mobile Suites, RV, 5th Wheel, Removing Silicone RV, Silicone tricks
Id: jtCAAV7oP2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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