DRV FACTORY TOUR! // DRV Toy Hauler // Full Time RV Living

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we go outside that's basically going to be a bear frame we're going to walk you through the whole process of how we build it how we assemble it how we put it together um when we send it out to paint we bring it back in we're going to go through every step that way you can tell exactly how your drv is being fixed so bait this is where all of our chassis come in this is going to be starting point number one um from here your chassis are going to be rolled into the first bay uh we're going to start assembling flooring we're going to start doing suspension um obviously we'll make our way that that way but over here what we've got is a chassis for a 41 rk so you can get a real good idea of the 626232 that makes up our 15-inch triple stack chassis okay uh the other thing that's unique about our upper decks we are the industry's only full steel upper deck really yes so all four sides of your storage compartment as you can see you're all surrounded by steel your cross members that connect side to side door side to off door side steel as well a lot of our counterparts this is going to be aluminum okay this will actually be non-existent their chassis will come here it'll drop down it'll come up comes here and comes there that's why they got a lot of flex back in the day okay at the 90s and the early 2000s you were getting a lot of flex out of your chassis that's why we triangulated this we've now made this actually one of the stoutest points of our chassis we don't have to worry about that flexing anymore that torsional this way or this way that eliminates all of that it also gives you what largest storage compartment in the industry and it allows us to put our tanks in locations where other manufacturers don't meaning i don't put my fresh tank right here okay our fresh tank sits back here okay so you're actually going to put the weight where not as far forward on the unit bingo mid coast just ahead of the axle give you an idea so on all of our 43s all of our triple axles and all of our full houses it's all going to be a quarter wall steel chassis okay a linear foot of this is just over 30 pounds a linear foot of a 12 inch competitor's i-beam is 10.8 to 12 pounds that's where that's where a lot of our weight comes in but now the center of gravity is lower but i tell people all the time it doesn't matter what you outfit inside of the unit that does not determine the longevity of the unit this is where it all starts powder coating we spend a lot of money to have these frames powder coated if you want to come in here and look at the inside they take the time to spray these areas there are a lot of coaches that come in in this industry rusty but it's it's tough out here you know you build these in indiana you get this climate up here we've got to roll them to paint we've got to roll them back we've got to roll them down from transport down to your location um they're going to get some salt they're going to get some nasty they're going to get some road debris so we're doing everything we can to protect your investment from the get go appreciate it it is it's nice so it'll be an 8k setup or an eight four these are going to be a 9k okay we use the 8ks on our triple axels we use the eight fours on our 36s and a couple of our 38s and then everything else exclusively goes to the 9k axle so kodiak disc brake package rotor brake pads we can get it on an automotive parts store it is not an elk heart based product this is actually kind of a retrofit of what was a similar braking system on about a 2000 model gm pickup you can call more rides and uh or kodiak and they can ship you they can ship you parts or if you get the part numbers you can go to an automotive parts store and they've got knock off pads and knock off rotors that we can use for the application in case we need a part on a saturday or sunday we're not waiting till monday to call elkhart so very nice to have on your coach and that's across the board so whether it's a dexter or whether it's a more ride still going to be a kodiaq disc brake system everything is going to roll on the same tire we use a different rim for the full house different color rim than what we use for the mobile suite it's still a high spec rim couple things to note about the tires 4 900 pounds carrying capacity on the rim 4 805 pounds carrying capacity on the tire you multiply that by four or six depending on if you've got a tandem or a triple axel we never have to worry about superseding what the tire rating uh yet again tire failures pretty rare pretty rare it's usually under inflated tires so um it can happen to anybody it can but um it's a great package it's treated us extremely well you go out and buy it on the marketplace it's almost a six seven hundred dollar setup so we're spending the money where we need to um the other nice thing they're either made in america or they're made in germany uh we don't buy any good years that are made in china so we call this station one as we saw gentlemen just rolled the frame in so obviously we need to start the floor structure you'll notice right behind me we've got our floor jig set up we've actually got the floor right here that they've already built that we're going to mate to this unit right here a couple things unique about your drv suite we implement the heat ducts into the floor structure as you can see right here that's vital during that winter time we want you to have warm feet we want that floor and that subfloor to be nice and toasty we're one of the only ones in the industry that ducks our furnace like that six inch duct versus four most of your industry standard is going to be a four inch duct we jump to a six inch duck finds two these two you can see flooring has been installed got the hydraulics already rolling got the water system started up furnace system got the tank set feel that that's some heavy-duty stuff that's some heavy-duty stuff and it's shawl i mean we just saw them unbox 12 boxes of saw flooring this this is their last stop called an lvc this is their last stop before a ceramic tile in their home in their home good so this is yet again residential material we're implementing into your unit not rv style material plywood everything we use wood wise is going to be plywood whether it's a half inch deck whether it's a 5 8 that's going to be in your full houses as well when when the rest of the industry in a toy hauler i'm the only insulated box so your mx450 yeah this is an insulated floor it'll be insulated all the way to the dovetail on your unit the only place i don't insulate is going to be around your fuel tank but everywhere else now you add up three and a quarter inch wall you have the fact that we insulate that floor structure that back room is not gonna be a hot box or a cold box it's gonna react more so with the rest of the unit which is what a lot of our competitors don't offer uh we talk to customers all the time that say my kids are back there during the winter and they freeze or they're back there during the summer and and they sweat we've eliminated that so we want you to be comfortable in your newbie rv insulation high density spun wool formaldehyde and fiberglass free it's called eco bat you can go buy it at home depot and put this in your house we simply choose to implement it and put it into our coach that's the only insulation we use in the unit because i do not laminate my sidewall because i use products like ecobats we are the certified greenest fifth wheel builder in the industry so we care about your health and your safety as well a lot of these coaches you'll walk in during the summertime and your eyes burn where is that coming from coming from the flooring that they use osb contains about 30 glue and it's gonna be from the formaldehyde that they use when they laminate their sidewalls together because i'm a hung wall because i don't use osb we don't have to worry about the burning of your eyes or walking in and getting those just uneasy feelings remember earlier how we saw the flashing light up underneath and it's located always above your tires that's the blowout that's that's just to keep that from tearing that underbelly up oh okay so we just put that there just as added protection because those tires will do some damage so the six-point leveling system you see on all of our units that was designed by us designed tested engineered failed tested engineered failed this is a system we finally came to uh the reason why is before this system the only system on the market was bigfoot familiar with bigfoot okay bigfoot had four jacks four pumps four buttons you didn't know how much pressure you were putting on each jack leg so carriage used it for a long time and they were getting some frame failures because they didn't know how much pressure they were putting on their frame when they were lifting their unit up our idea behind our system was to have the first als all hydraulic system where all the jacks level equally so basically you have solenoids in there and it's all based off pressure all six of these jack legs will do what i call dancing they'll lift that coach in unison this is the only coach you can lift off the ground indefinitely because the jacks can hold it you go by a montana you go buy a redwood you go buy any of our counterparts they will tell you do not raise the coats off the ground the frame cannot handle it ours if you want to get to where you're going take majority of the weight off the tires level it out go for it it's not gonna do any harm uh each of the jacks are rated um at uh ten thousand pounds so we don't we don't have to worry about running the system at mere full capacity on any of our coaches and they're all angled five degrees outward just to give us that added stability during those storms during the the wind but also when you're just moving forward and after the coast where we lack both everything there's a piece of wood inside every one of those studs so we don't just simply crush that whenever i lag bolt it down that makes sense but if you look at this this is clockwork like your house floor structure bolted to the chassis sidewall bolted to the floor structure stud every 16 inches and remember we screw and glue everything together we do not weld it we want it to flex we want it to be able to move so that's why we do what we do here but i mean you look at our headers you know there's some substantial uh you know amount of uh aluminum that we use the thickness of aluminum that we use to be able to screw in is going to be a little bit bigger than what our counterparts um typically you're going to have a 13 to a 15 gauge we run an 11 gauge so a little bit different than what your you know your competitors see if you notice one thing about my window is we frame it in wood we don't want that transfer of energy to go from the metal frame window to the stud everybody else they're going to clamp their windows to that aluminum opening so they're going to get a transfer of hot or cold energy and they're also going to get the transfer of what condensation into their unit a lot of electric work as you can see a lot of plumbing work interior here we'll walk the next one [Music] 48 feet how long is that 48 feet [Music] is that set okay so one of the things that i love about our process all right what do you see right here it's just one piece of glass every hole now that i router that glass for that slide out goes back behind it to my slide shop i'm not cutting a piece of glass in this factory hoping i frame it to the exact opening in this factory and then mating the two together which is how a lot of the industry does it that is a much more exact process to put that up against that hole router it out and then simply take it to your slide shop and make it the back of your slide out of it it's clean remember our slides go inside of the side so we've got to make sure that that plug is straight and clean otherwise you start getting off even a little bit on a fly that big it's never going to go in obviously that's going to be our main electric point right here so we can kind of see the junction boxes everything coming in obviously next stage over inverter's going in once that's all done then we can insulate that sidewall now so remember just like your house everything's run inside remember the grommets we spoke of so how earlier we spoke you can either laminate or you can do a hung wall that's the process this is this is as close as you can get to replicating building your house slides are built right what [Music] face meal in-house right here you see it and then we made them to the glass that we cut there's a piece of glass right there waiting to go on the back side of the slide and then go to the next station and we'll go down there and then we hang the slide in the coach cool thing about our slide boxes when we build them we put all the cabinetry in we put this i mean we put the fridge in and then we lift it in with a forklift it's pretty eye-opening once we get down to that station so it goes in with a forklift rather than a yeah we lift it in with a forklift they just walk it in and uh they hook it up and said it but some really good footage guys that takes a lot of time we could just simply cut a hole like everybody else run that sucker through maybe braise the wire along the way that's just not who we are we've been doing this since day one it treats us well you build it you insulate it you put the backside on it put it in the coat and go about your business if you ever need to take it apart pull it out and just start undoing it if you've ever tried to take apart anything laminated you're never going to get it back right this man can take apart pretty much any one of our things and put it just back together like we did so can a lot of our other dealers so it's nice to be able to have the flexibility be able to maintain the code or do service or do warranty work on it and not have to go through heck in a handbasket doing it so but the other thing too i don't want mom in here charging her phone and dad's using something and the the power flickers and i don't have enough juice running from a to b because we didn't use satisfactory wire i mean we just we pride ourselves on being a home that's mostly so we do everything that we can to make it a hunk so basically we set these sides door side first move the unit down set the off door side and everything comes right in the middle so i mean now you can see just the flow of everything yeah we've got the ability to do paint repairs in-house um on all of our units so everything comes back into here this is gonna be our pdi bay this is gonna be our after paint bay this is gonna be where essentially your final couple stations before this unit hits the road putting awnings on sealing the unit finalizing everything make sure the paint's up to spec if we're missing a cabinet door inside we're missing an awning uh what we'll do is we'll park the unit outside until we get the last part in bring the unit back in attach what we need to attach and it's uh gonna hit the road to your local dealership or to you for uh pickup and delivery this is this right here is hard to argue i pushed for this when we did it you know i said there's a market for the golf cart and for the harleys oh we've got we've got two of these that have been to alaskan factories you know um it is a it's it's we've had people turn it into an office yep we've had a bunk room we've done it where we've ripped out all the flooring we've ripped out the wall board we put all wood cabinetry we put the same flooring in the back remember earlier i spoke of insulated floor yes so that's a big big uh selling point for us and all the full houses when you transition from here to the competitors you step down you're going from a structured floor that's insulated to a non-structured floor that's not insulated you're going from two and a half inch stud with plywood to five eighths tongue and groove plywood that's just sitting on the frame rails that's why this is a hot box or a cold box right so i tell people all the time with the fact that we do dual pane windows the fact that we do a three and a quarter inch wall so we don't get the heart of the cold transfer put a heat pump back there and an air conditioner back there and it's dedicated we've had great success with it i always tell people we're not more expensive just because there's a deal on the front of our coach there's a lot of time and a lot of effort and a lot of engineering that we've put into it um and it's our baby you know what i mean and uh yeah we may you know we incur things here and there like every operation does but uh we work through it we make the best of it and you know we're i think at the end of the day we build a good product we take care of our customers and uh that's what it's all about we're gonna talk about our sidewall and what separates us from our counterparts so we are three and a quarter inch hung sidewall we do a stud every 16 inches as you can see down the coach we are screwed and glued together we do not weld a single piece of our construction we want that to flex as you move and up and down the road as we go up and down in elevation that coach is going to expand and contract the most vital part of our side wall though in this three and a quarter inch offering is this quarter inch foam core vapor barrier right here what this is going to do is it's going to do two things uh or actually it's going to counteract two things that every rv wall is susceptible to hot and cold transfer condensation bleed through when we talk about rvs and we walk in uh and and maybe we smell uh must or mildew a little bit of water but we've never had a water leak uh when it's hot outside and we're cooling this coach that stud's gonna form condensation if there's nothing to prevent that condensation from transferring from the stud to the wall border of your coach what's gonna happen it's gonna soak in that moisture into the wall board and eventually you're gonna get delamination this foam core vapor barrier right here as you can see now stops the hot transfer during the summer the cold transfer during the winter you combine that with the fact that the walls are three and a quarter inch now it's much easier to keep your coach cool or warm depending on the season all right we want to thank kyle adams for taking his time to show us the drv factory kyle thank you so much for your time absolutely guys more than happy to do it um what a wonderful experience what a wonderful product and we've got some big things coming up with the rv doesn't sure we do absolutely so we're excited to see it so we want to thank kyle for his time and his effort and we had a great time and wait for the new stuff coming out in the meantime from how indiana it all starts with an idea thanks for watching everybody we'll see you soon bye bye guys
Channel: Suite Travels
Views: 17,543
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Keywords: rv living, rv travel, hdt, hdt rv, fulltime rv, heavy duty truck, rv hauler, rv north america, rv america, rv toter, 5th wheel, fifth wheel, rv living full time, fulltime rv living, rv lifestyle, rv youtube channels, rv full time living, DRV Mobile Suites, DRV Fullhouse, DRV Toyhauler, RV Toyhauler, drv factory tour, drv mx450 toy hauler, mobile suites 5th wheel, mobile suites 5th wheel campers, mobile suites 5th wheel floor plans, mobile suites 5th wheel reviews
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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