Github Rankings and the Depressing TRUTH

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yeah Jeff's awesome though I love Jeff I did you know Jeff has gosh I looked it up the other day he he's one of the top contributors to I think he has some of the most stars out of any GitHub person GitHub rankings it's really the thing I care the most about GitHub rankings get star rankings yeah so let's go Jeff geerling uh Jeff's there let's just do Jeff no no uh Jeff am I spelling his name wrong oh gearling huh all right well let's just see I bet Jeff I want to see who's in the top hundred did I go past him I went past him didn't I gearling guy that's it he should be in here somewhere I can't type today ah there we go yeah 50 000 Stars he is rank 115 in GitHub and really this is this is the flex like some people are like check out how many subscribers I have for me how many GitHub stars do you have is is my new metric that I like strive for I'm I'm about to break the top 1000 but I'm only at 13 000 Stars so I'm about to work on like Debbie and Titus a little more architis I went ahead and archived if I come back to it I'll probably make like an architis 2.0 can I unarchive I think I might be I might archive it and then just make a new Branch actually uh win 10 script was the very first issue of like when you tell but I didn't like some of the foundations and I I basically scrapped it because when tenscript used winforms and no xaml or any of that and when util was the very first iteration of it uh using xaml but then we also switched to run spaces and then we also switched to modular programming so when 10 script's great for just like looking at a really basic script but as this has gone on over the years when utils really uh become a lot more advanced in almost every way yeah yeah this is this is the street cred that matters this is the thing I'm like ah I mean if I if I ever hit like a hundred thousand stars I would make my own plaque and like hang it in the background because that would be amazing like to get a hundred thousand stars you would be you'd be in the the basically the top 40. that's that's wild the or yeah the top 40 of all GitHub and yeah that would be legit number one is awesome awesome node.js awesome electron awesome that's not awesome Window Manager what is just awesome Feud on GitHub what is it I feel like I'm just a complete Noob sitting here like an infant running around what am I looking at scroll simulator it's it's a list that lists stuff this is the top project I mean I'm a little disappointed to be honest with you if this is the top GitHub project it's something amazing it's just a big ass list like really that's it that's the top list how many stars does this have good Lord it is the list of to end all lists like what do you just you just oh all the awesome lists so he just he just lists stuff he's got 262 000 Stars just listing crap wow okay I this is the top project I think is it good night okay we gotta look what's the top project okay okay let's go free free code Camp is the top one people want to learn to code Get It Free programming and then awesome lists so like when's like the very first like legit project oh react Facebook views this High View Js I guess I guess that makes sense so like the top seven are just or just like coding crap like stuff that probably teaches you to code to some extent but probably not you probably just need to go create something and then you get to like the very first thing and it's Facebook's react vue.js is the next one man this is just making me sad for Humanity that this is the top I don't know maybe maybe I'm a little bit out of the programming game but it definitely feels that way to me I feel like there's way better projects there's lots of JS and python crap okay omazh okay here we go Ty number 17 is where it actually begins [Laughter] I guess let's let's give python some props I mean that's Python's up there number 16 oh my zh is nice and Linux is number 19. I mean at least Linux beat vs code got that going for us
Channel: Titus Tech Talk
Views: 3,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Jw1trq6D0V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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