Remove Glare From Glasses In Lightroom (2 Easy Methods)

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so the best way to avoid eyeglass glare and photos is to prevent it from happening in the first place but if you didn't do that and you want to know how to get rid of it in lightroom stay tuned we've all done it you take a photo you think it looks great you go back to the computer with the photo and there's glare on their glasses and you can't really see their face or their eyes now lightroom's not necessarily the best tool to do that to fix that photoshop is but i know a lot of you just use lightroom so we're going to go over some ways to fix that in lightroom so let's jump in okay so here we are in lightroom and this is a photo that looks pretty indicative of what you're probably going to see if you get glasses glare from something like a window or lights or something else going on or just just a bright area in the room in which the person is so first thing we're going to do here is identify the areas that we need to get rid of and we have three major areas here we have this section down here in the lower right this big section up here in the upper right and then right under the eyeball right there the left eye is not so bad and that's usually what happens just the way the light angles you're going to have one eye that's worse than the other so the first thing we want to do here is grab the spot removal tool and i'm going to put the feather and the opacity all the way up to a hundred percent and make sure it's on heel and that will blend it in a little bit better now the next thing i want to have the size very low and it's something about the the this tool that it just works better for something like this when the size is very small so i'm going to start kind of outlining this area here that i want to fix and i want to get as close to the edge of the glasses as possible without touching it and kind of outline it and then i'm going to fill that in that way we make sure we get all the areas and kind of color it in a little bit and let's see what it does and of course the tool goes rogue and tries to pull in piece of hair from from all the way over there so you gotta get a bring it back and pull it down this skin right here looks good and you know that did an actually a pretty good job okay so in this next step we're going to use the brush tool to fix some of what's going on here from the spot removal tool so i'm going to grab the brush tool go down and make sure keep that flow or somewhere in the mid 70s and that feather up at a hundred percent and again i want to use a smaller tool now the first thing you want to get in the habit of doing is double-click the effect button that just resets everything so you can start a new now i'm going to reduce clarity by a hundred percent and reduce sharpness by a hundred percent and what this does is it adds a blur to the image so it kind of blends in some of these areas that we've used the spot removal tool and look a little bit unnatural so you can see there's like the outline here so i'm just going to go in and kind of blur that up a little bit it just makes everything look a little more natural and it also has the added benefit of reducing wrinkles and kind of smoothing out the skin there we're going to do some up here get rid of that you can see the glare has added some lines now i don't want to mess around with this area where there's detail but you can see there's lines over here from the glare so we can just blend those in a little bit just make it all look a little more natural now we're super zoomed in so you're going to be able to see the blur here when you back off gonna look pretty good so here's the before and here's the after we got rid of a lot of that glare and now you can see her eyes in the image looks much better now there's another thing that you're going to see with glasses glare and that is discoloration or the glare having its own color so that gets a little more tricky and really when you see that your goal is not to get rid of it your goal is going to be to minimize it so let's look at another photo where that happened so in this image you can see that she's out in the sun the photo was taken out in the sunlight and she's got this green tint to the glare here so again we're going to zoom in and we're going to grab the brush tool and double click effect to get rid of all the settings and the first thing i want to do is bring down the saturation so i'm going to lower saturation and make sure that it's again somewhere in the 70s on flow i like to feather it 100 and use a very small brush now here it can be helpful also make sure auto mask is selected i'm going to press the o button and add the overlay you can use the uh the check box over here too that way i can see where i'm painting it helps to kind of stay in the lines i don't want to really get the blue of the eye here i want to stick to kind of the skin area and the white of the eye when i'm doing the desaturation and really what we're trying to do is just knock down that green color so that it's not overwhelming and it's not kind of overtaking the photo and being distracted so now let's turn the overlay off let's look at before after before and after and you can see we've you know it's not great but we've brought it down a little bit now the other thing you can try here is to play with hue and if you move the hue to the left here you're going to get something a little a little closer to skin tone now that that also brings it down a little bit it's again look at before after now we've knocked down even more the last thing i want to do is bring the exposure down a little bit ever so slightly you don't want to go too far because then it just looks weird so now we've brought that glare you know what i'm gonna this might be a situation where you don't want to bring the exposure down you want to keep a little bit of that brightness otherwise it just looks unnatural so that's the before and that's the after so if we back away and zoom out you can see the before and the after and we've reduced that green color significantly and now you can see her eyes a little bit better again this is not going to be something where you can get rid of it all together so there you have it two ways you can get rid of glasses glare in lightroom if you found this helpful make sure you hit subscribe and click that little bell icon so you get notified when i put up new tutorials just like this one there's going to be a lot more coming up thanks for watching
Channel: Photography Goals
Views: 19,065
Rating: 4.7037039 out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Lightroom, photo editing
Id: I43Pi7UA4Yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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