remove glare from glasses

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hello guys this is range from Mancala studio and today in this video I will show you how we can remove glares from the glasses so without wasting the time let's jump into the tutorial [Music] so here we are in the Photoshop and you if you observe this image you will see the clearance on the glasses let me zoom into her face okay you can see this glares on the glasses okay and you can observe this sign color on the glasses okay and if you want to get rid of this list from the glasses so the first thing that we need to do is we need to remove this sign color from this glasses okay so how we can do it we will just make that portion only that portion where the gear is present colorless okay so we will create a selection around this glare glares and then we will just desaturate that selected portion okay and then we will select a skin color and then we will paint on that colorless portion and then we will just change the blend mode to color simple it's very simple so select this pain tool click on it and just create a selection then right click on your image and click on this make selection option then here you can give a feather to your selection if there is a need but in this case there is no need of feather okay so just directly click on OK ok now you can see the selection now press control-shift you to just be saturate this selected portion now press ctrl D or command D if you use a Mac to remove this selection same for this portion also create a selection now create a duplicate layer of this background layer just click on this background layer drag and release on this new layer now change the blend mode of this layer background copy layer to color okay now select this brush tool okay and just take the sample of skin color press alt on the keyboard and click on the area to take the color sample okay option in the keyboard if you use a Mac no just paint on this colorless portion just like this hold the ultra click on the area to take the sample and then just paste same for this portion this ad hold the ultra click to take the sample and just paint this side now if you observe here you can see this portion is more brighter than this area okay so we need to match their brightness value okay so how to right let me show you create a new layer on top of this background copy layer you just click on this new layer icon click on it no make sure this brush tool is selected okay no click now make sure the foreground color is black okay so this is already black color okay and with this black color just paint on this brighter portion just paint here just like this senior no change the foreground color to white okay so just brace to toggle this toggle between this two colors okay now the foreground color is white with this white color just paint around this black color just like this cover the whole portion same on this side now change the blend mode of this layer to soft like now you can see here this portion is more darker now and this portion is more brighter staying here okay so just King come this opacity and move this lighter all the way to the left okay now move this slider to the right until you don't see the brightness level here okay on this portion and this portion so you just need to match just move it this is before this is the 15 is perfect okay now we are done here now and then we just need to remove these lines okay and make it smoother this lines okay so you can use anything you can use patch tool Spot Healing Brush tool or Healing Brush tool but I'm going to use this clone sample to remove these lines okay so so click on this clone stamp tool and create a modular on top of this so press ctrl alt rock shift II okay now zoom into your image hold Yantra take the sample and just apply it just like this decrease the opacity flow hold the No zoom out and just move this opacity slider all the way to the left and just move this opacity slider up slowly to the right and stop at the point where you don't see this Lyons this ages so somewhere here I think this is perfect okay now let me show you this is the before and this is the after okay you can see these lines without these lines it's very simple so thank you for watching this video and I hope you learned something from this video [Music]
Channel: funny films
Views: 8,931
Rating: 4.5966387 out of 5
Id: Nv4qNXKG7_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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