Remove Collections From Credit Report Fast (2023)

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foreign so now here's the method that I use to delete the clear credit report in 30 days that's right I cleared it in 30 days I had a friend you hit me up he said hey man I need some help I need to get my credit report clean I've been fighting these these these accounts on my credit report and I haven't been getting a results can you help me I said yeah go ahead send me the information go ahead and sign up I'm gonna get you together now this is when I was doing credit report for people with me credit repair for people I stopped doing credit repair and all that let me teach because I can't teach the whole world but if I could teach you you could teach somebody else you can help your family you can help them get to the next situation and a better life that they want to live so here's the thing when you do this method understand that everybody credit situation is different everybody's going to get different results everybody's going to get different letters sent them and let us send back to them that's okay because I'm going to show you the reason I created this course is to show you how to maximize your deletions once you learn how to maximize your deletions you're going to start being able to get funding you're going to start being able to get approved gonna be able to build that business credit faster the main goal is to clean up your personal credit report by any means necessary with spending the less amount of money you can do it and I want you to understand that this method I want to tell you that everything on your credit report that you have is frozen reason being is because you did not get these people authorization to put this information on your credit report did you know a lot of on your credit report is reported through third-party agencies meaning these credit bureaus or the credit reporting agencies get the information from somebody else so a lot of times we have bankruptcies we have repos some a lot of times they don't report this stuff where you have child support they doesn't they don't report this stuff to the credit bureaus is what you call them Equifax experience and Transunion what they do is they get this information from the secondary bureaus and then when they get this information from the secondary bureaus then they go ahead then they upload it to the uh to the current like uh experience Equifax and Transunion once they do that then they report it once they report it your score drops all of that so in this video I'm going to show you exactly the steps that I took to go ahead and start deleting everything in 30 days I'm telling you once you do this method you're going to start seeing stuff falling fall off your credit report understand that everybody credit situation is different but we're about to go on screen and I'm gonna show you exactly what I do step by step let's go all right so the first thing you're going to do you're gonna click the link below and what you're gonna do you're gonna start your membership with identity IQ now identity IQ what happens is well I use them is because they pull from Experian Equifax and Transunion and then they pull your report every 30 days but they have a daily Bureau like they monitor one Bureau per day with this plan so to monitor like your TransUnion which is like the most one that be used all the time A lot of times creditors use your TransUnion and they give you twenty five thousand dollars identity theft Insurance so I use identity IQ I've been using them for years so when you get them I recommend you keep them a similar to other apps like Experian app and things like that but I like using them when I'm especially through the credit repair process I like to use them and keep them just for When anybody use my social with doing anything they will always alert you they're seeing an email that checks your phone and things like that so I like using them I recommend you stay with them and once you get them just make sure you monitor first thing you need to do before we go to the next step just go ahead and put your credit report use the link below the bottom of this video click that link sign up if any Bureau any credit bureau shows up blank or shows up in a zero Mark what you're going to have to do is you're gonna have to call identity IQ because you've made a mistake by not identifying yourself properly but it's okay it's an easy fix all you gotta do is call them they're gonna go through and they're gonna verify you and they're gonna go ahead and pull it now we're gonna go to the next section on actually how to go through finding accounts and go ahead and start getting rid of these accounts off your credit report all right so now we in once you log in you either use your phone or use your computer I recommend you using the computer once you get on a computer what you're gonna do you're gonna once you log in you're gonna click view recent report I scroll past this person's personal information and I want to view recent report you know now we scrolling down you're gonna see all that all your personal information that type of old addresses current address you'll see your employers and things like that so I'm gonna skip that section for now because now we're just gonna get straight to the bread and butter now you come down here you're gonna come to this section it's going to show your summary and everything like that now you're gonna skip past all your positive accounts that's like green you're gonna skip past all of those you'll keep going down now there's a point this one got a late payment but that's okay I'm gonna show you how to get rid of late payments and stuff like that too so you're gonna keep scrolling down until you find a negative account okay so now that you find let's keep going down keep going down okay boom now here's a negative account here here's a negative account here all right let's focus on this one because this is actual collection so what you're going to do is get a piece of paper create a note I say create a Google Drive just go on Google create a Google Drive or just write this down by hand if you old school and just create a doc you just want to create a DOT when you create that doc what I want you to do is I want you to grab that name of the Creditor so the whole entire name you're gonna grab this cane and Winer uh the original creditor is Progressive you're going to grab the account number you're gonna look at you're gonna grab the account number you're gonna write down whether it's on Experian or Equifax or TransUnion you're gonna write down the credit bureau that it's reporting to so it's reported to Equifax and experience you want to make sure you write it down Equifax and experience make sure the actual account number is the same you understand it's a collection then you want to look at date open now you see the date open right here is 4 1 2023 so that's the date that it was open and you want to keep that in mind write that down too you want to look at the balance the balance is 197. you're going to write the balance down and always write down the high credit to whichever one is higher that's the one we want we want the one that shows the highest balance that's what we want and then you get the you're not worried about the last reported or the last day active are you worried about is the Creditor name here you want to get the Creditor name here once you get the Creditor name you want to get that account number we should grab the account number here and you want to write down the date it was open no matter if it's a different date you want to write the earliest date down not the latest date so if this one said four is zero four zero two and this one says zero four zero one we want to go over to zero four zero one we want to go with the earliest date and then you want to get the balance to once you get the balance then we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna write that down too so there's another account here you're gonna do the same thing you're gonna write that down so this account is showing paid so they probably they most likely they paid it off and it just haven't been updated because I know this report right here this person showed me that this account was paid off I actually have a letter in the mail that was actually showing them that this account was paid off so this account is still reporting and it shouldn't be reporting this account has been paid off and should be removed so like I said you're gonna grab the name where the credit Builders are supporting to and then you're going to grab this right here which is the account number and then you're going to grab the date open so you're gonna grab the credit you're gonna grab the credit limit or high credit limit whichever one is higher see I just want to say 1150 you're gonna grab that and then that's pretty much it you're gonna go from there then I will scroll down and I just keep scrolling until I find inquiries so now I'm looking for inquiries they got inquiries you want to get these inquiries and you want to write this inquiry down so you're gonna write the the inquiry name then you're going to write the data inquiry right here you're gonna get the date two you're gonna write that down and then you can write down the credit bureau that is reporting to make sure I want you to listen to me closely make sure this incorrect this inquiry name is not a tie to an open account so you should have three capital ones now what I do me I'm gonna go look at the open Capital One account that I have so let's go if this is my credit report I'm gonna look at the open open Capital One I have so what day did I open this from 4 16 2023 that's what I'm gonna look at I'm gonna say okay I opened that one then and then I'll see this cap one here too we're gonna look and the last report it was in like November so this will count uh was most probably shut down they was probably doing some credit repair and this account got shut down then they had to reopen it but you're gonna look for the ones that have open accounts okay this one is still reporting you're gonna look for the date the last activity and the daily last payment and then you're gonna look for a date uh open so it's five one and the other one was 4 16 2023 so you'll go down to your inquiries and make sure that the inquiry date is not close to the date of the actual account that you have open so we said five one and then we said 401. so now these three right here is showing 416. so even though they open on zero four zero one it's still showing at 416. so we don't even want to get rid of these because we have the possibility of deleting the actual open account that's reporting positive from our credit report we don't want to do that so you want to get the name of the Creditor you want to get the date then you're gonna get the credit bureau and that's all you need so just watch this video if you got to watch it multiple times to fully understand what's going on then that's what you got to do but I'm gonna show you how to go ahead and get deleted now we're gonna go to the next section all right so now let's get down to the meat let's get down and get it done so now here's what I go through so we're gonna look at this is Cornell Law School Cornell Law School we're going to look at 15 USC the US code 1681b which is permission permissible purpose of the consumer report I'm not gonna read all the way through it but I'm gonna just tell you exactly what it means that you have to get people your signature your permission to post things on your credit report if it's not from you if it's not your signature it's not you give them information it's pretty much fraudulent so it being fraud we know what to do next we go to the FTC and then go on from there but the main thing I want y'all to understand is to go through here and there's more than one law I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna probably put a PDF later together for y'all we all can go through and look at all the main important laws that y'all want to look at so as you go through here you just want to read this this code right here is permissible purpose of consumer report you can pause this you can read this section or however you want to do it you can go through you actually go through the Cornell School of Law I'll put a link to this below this video so you can go through there and start reading this stuff so now the next step is to go to so let me just start this over for y'all and then what you want to do is once you go to Identity you want to go ahead and you want to report identity theft so once you get to that section you can either have someone else has your information they try to use it I mean what about identity theft the information was exposed and the data breach or something else I'll go right here and then I go back to the type of account it was so what I'm going to do if it was uh if somebody had a a loan say if you got a loan from a company and then they got to pay them back and then some information had got mixed up you'll go there if it was the you know had an issue with your bank you'll go there if you had employment or taxes to go there telephone somebody try to get account your name whether it's the utilities or just a telephone or anything like that or if somebody tried to get insurance your name so now we want to go back to we're going to look at that sheet that I would developed that I created for y'all we're gonna look so we're going to only Attack One Bureau at a time so the first Bureau that we're going to attack is TransUnion so with that being said now I'm looking at TransUnion so now that comes that I wrote down then I'm gonna decide on which ones are changing if they got the Y next to them that's TransUnion if they have it in next to them it's not on that it's not on that credit bureau at all so I'm gonna look at if it's TransUnion then we're going to look at the highest amount that's on the TransUnion account so we got here we got 316 that is the highest one and that's this USAA account so that we're going to copy this right and we're gonna go back and then we're gonna start the actual identity theft report and then you're gonna go here to open Friday account credit card account and then you're just gonna click continue and then we're going to copy and paste that right there for the company that the credit card or the bank you're gonna put that right there when did you first notice this so you're gonna go to the month that it is whenever you're doing this video you're going to go to the month that you're in in the year that you're in because you want to make it look like you just looked at the report so boom we're gonna go here when did you first notice this account you're gonna go back and then you're gonna go to the date it was open so this one was open in six one 2015 so we're gonna go back 6-1 2015. and then we're just gonna do six and then 2015. boom then you're gonna go back and look at the total charges remember I told you you're gonna write those down so it's 316 dollars sorry we're gonna go to 316. and now you're gonna go back and go get the account number and this is the account number here like I said just copy and paste all this stuff that's what I'm trying to make this easy for y'all so you don't have to write everything down this section right here you don't have to worry about here and then you're going to go ahead and then you're going to scroll down and you're going to report the other account too so you're going to go here and then you're going to go back yeah I think you could do up you could do up to five accounts so you want to go back here and if you got more than five accounts then what you want to do is go ahead and create another FTC report so you're gonna go back and get the name of the Creditor for the company you're gonna put that there when did you first notice it we're going to put it July 2023 and then you're going to go back to see when it was open date open is 4 1 2023 so you're gonna go for in 2023 estimated charges I believe is 197 yep 197. you're gonna go back and then you're gonna put that there the account number go back and get the account number you know paste the account number so I believe that was all the ones per TransUnion yep that was all at once for TransUnion remember the Y next to it means yes yes and it's next to it means no so then we're gonna go ahead since that's the only accounts that they have there we're going to go ahead and put this we're going to go click continue and then I'm gonna just I'm gonna just put my information here for now and then go ahead here and please do not text my phone because if you text my phone I'm going to block you so we're gonna go through here now we're gonna go ahead and get the actual number all right cool because if you text me and be aware though I'm gonna block you and kick you out the group that's just how it's gonna go and I will refund you so you can let it validate everything I'm literally showing you what I do to remove accounts from my credit report and other people credit reports that I do that I help out too so that you don't put your date of birth so let me see I was born in 93 [Music] um and then we're going to use the address this is not my address so if you go there you will not find me how long have you live this address you ain't got to touch that and then has your legal name or anything like that you don't have to touch these two and you're gonna hit continue do you know about this person no he's gonna say no because if you say yes then they're gonna ask for all this other information have you received a copy of your credit report yes this is whether fraudsling accounts including your credit report yes now here's the personal information section right here now if you want to just do one just for your personal information you will go ahead and select these which ones is wrong so when you go back to your credit you go back to your credit report and you read these then you can look at this section and see which ones was wrong so if you had the wrong social or you had the wrong date of birth name address phone number employee information or you can just hit none of the above but I just leave that alone you don't really need it so now say you had inquiries here say if you had an inquiry for Capital One right I'm gonna do a whole video just on inquiries alone it's going to be similar to the same process but it's I'm gonna show you how to actually go through and get these inquiries deleted then you just put ad company you can only add up to three here but then once you get to the personal section you get to the personal statement section then you can add more there so like I said we're just doing this one for TransUnion alone and then that's it have you received the alert for fraud report for the three bureaus just put no and then have you contacted because once you get it let me let me go back because once you get a fraud alert on your credit report it's nothing bad it's just an extra step that any credit or anyone that's going to give you a loan or a credit card they have to go through they'll have to call you and contact you once they contact you then they just go through and verify that is you applying for the loan and then it's just the next step now to get those fraud alerts removed you can literally just call into the bureaus and have them remove it it's that easy so do not get alarm when you get a fraud alert on your credit report do you do not get a line it's just security for you have you contacted your local police department no what's your information exposed in the daily breach no just leave that alone and then attach the debt collector contacts you about the contacts and yours just leave it alone you go to next now I created something for y'all for the personal statement section so let's go here and then what we're going to do here is we're going to copy this y'all will have a copy of this too and I'll show you how to go in there and get a copy of it make a copy so you can have access to it you just hit this hit please I don't know why it's not letting me copy it okay too easy so now I gotta type this out for y'all because now this thing gonna act crazy but that's okay so you just say I recently reviewed a copy I'm not the best typer at all of my credit report I was shocked to learn that I have been a victim of identity [Music] I found new memories accounts bear with me uh news accounts it's ready report that word by me this has been hurting vs in the process I just take a typing glass because it'll tell you really slow of buying a home for family please remove I'll go back and fix that yeah I make mistakes too fraud s credit oops there's so credit report as soon as possible unless I'm gonna go back and fix that boom then you just want to hit continue here and this is this is what your identity theft report through identity go this is what you don't put here it's going to look like this and you just go ahead and just sign it finalize it and then you just don't say no you don't want to submit an account you're just going to say no and then boom let's go generate it and then it's going to copy it and it's going to get you identity that report and you're gonna go to download and a lot of times it'll have your printer here right so then you just want to click destination save as PDF and then you're just going to save it and then boom it's safe now the next step we're gonna go to the cfpb and I'm gonna show you what to do on the cfpb all right now we're gonna go to the once you get here I want you to understand instead of sending letters in in the beginning you know you're waiting 30 to 45 days for them to say something we're just gonna go ahead and go above them to the above the credit bureaus we're going to go to the cfpb now this is a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau you go to Google type in and then you're going to come to a page like this once you get to this page you're gonna hit submit a complaint up here in the corner once you hit submit a complaint it's going to prompt you to you're going to go to this page then it's going to prompt you to log in you're gonna hit submit then you're gonna hit start a new complaint I want y'all to understand who the cfpb is now you can do some diving around into this website you can unders you can go look around what they do and who they are so this is the credit bureaus Big Brother the daddy the mama wherever you want to say the big sister whoever you want it to be it needs what they say has to go if they tell the credit bureaus to do anything the credit parents agencies to do anything even not even just the credit reporting agencies it can be a company who who you probably got a payday loan from it can be a person that you had got your car loan from it could be anybody you can really report anything about them and the government will get on top of them and they will go ahead and resolve that issue ASAP so you go to submit a complaint once you customize your plan is going to property to log in once you log in you log in make sure you use the email that you receive like don't just use your main email because once they started responding back to you or saying anything they're going to let you know the next step once you get inside of the cfpb do not refresh the page while you're in the middle of the complaint if you have to refresh the page restart it all over because it's not going to submit a complaint trust me that happened to me so I'm gonna show you exactly what to do all right once you get to submit a complaint section it's gonna actually what it's complaint about like I said if you had different issues for our student loans vehicle loans leases debt collections money transfer virtual currency money Services payday loans if you had an issue with your payday loan and it was messing up your credit a mortgage some the mortgage company wasn't doing something right you know the check the checking or savings account was something was wrong with your bank or your credit card or a prepaid card or the main thing that we coming for is the credit reporting and the credit repair services so what you're going to do is you can click through all of these and just kind of like look through the site and see what they say because once you start clicking these it's going to start opening up sub sections so once you start seeing the sub sections and you click to the subsection and you see what they got and then you can start reporting the company when they when these companies get the response from the cfpb they act immediately like that they do they do not play no games because they know whatever they say they have to do and if they don't do what they say then they're gonna get in trouble so once this section opened up it say credit reporting and they say credit repair services and other Consumer Report so you're going to click right here where it say credit reporting you're gonna click where it say credit reporting then you're gonna click next and now once you get into the information you can go through all these sections and just say incorrect information on your credit report problem with a credit report company investigating to a problem so if you tell them tell Experian or TransUnion or anything like that to investigate into a problem and then not investigating then you can use this section here because you might have to use that section like I said every time I get a letter back saying it's verified and I asked me to investigate and they don't investigate then I come here and I tell them this and then you go to improper use of a credit report unable to get your credit report scores credit monitor or Identity Theft Protection Services problem with fraud alerts or security freezes so even if you get a fraud alert and they're not removing your fraud alert or they're taking a time to remove the fire alert then you'll come here and you'll click problem with a fraud alert so now what we're going to do is we're going to do information to the incorrect information on your credit report so you're gonna click this and then you're going to just push you're going to click this right here information belongs to someone else so if you get to the inspection too and you need to get rid of some public information that's inaccurate like a bankruptcy or anything like that you come here to you can do judgments liens anything like that you go ahead and get it removed so we're gonna go here have you tried to fix this problem with the company then you're gonna tell them yes because if you say no then they're going to automatically send you over there and just like hey go fix it with them first you know that's just too easy for them to do that so then you click next once you get to this section and then you just remember that statement that I created for you before we're gonna go back and we're gonna use that same statement so let's go find that statement and then I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna put that statement over here for y'all one second so we're gonna come back and we're gonna use that statement again so you just copy and paste that statement here once you put that statement here then at the bottom you don't want to click this because we don't want to put this public so everybody can use this all over and over again and then it can burn this method out we don't want to let them burn that part out so they say what would you want the fair resolution to be to for this issue inside of that identity theft and a cfpb statement that I created for y'all it's gonna say fair resolution section you're going to take that copy that and then once you copy that you're just gonna paste it over here I used to always want to thank Him in Advance because it kind of showed like common courtesy stuff like that too so that's it do not check this box here do not check that box then you're going to upload attachments here not attachment that you're going to upload is the identity theft report that you just created then you're going to upload a picture of your license a picture of a recent utility bill so making sure it's showing your current address and then you're going to upload your social security card and you're gonna upload it right here so they can verify that it's you them verifying that it's you it's going to make it easier once you go through this process because if you they might send you something back and say hey this wasn't you or they just may try to stall you out so you don't want them to stall you out so you're going to select your file to upload and we're going to do this and we're going to select this then you upload your license and everything in this section two wait for this to upload and then you just have everything uploaded there and then you go to continue and then you're going to just type in the company name so like I said we're going to do one report at a time one complaint at a time so we're going to do TransUnion once you start typing it starts showing up so you can go to either or change your units TransUnion you can go to transferion credit reporting I like to just go to TransUnion right here or you can do the one that's in all capital letters you can just put TransUnion either or but I'm gonna just do the transition that's right here the first one that pops up and then you're going to go ahead and select these three boxes and then you're going to put your so your last four your social m whatever it may be you know whatever yours may be and then you're gonna put your date of birth and then you're going to go back to your credit report that's on identity um identity IQ you're gonna go back to Identity IQ once you go back to Identity IQ then in the way your name appears on a TransUnion section you want to type it right here so if it just got your name like this or you might have to use your middle name or however it appears that you want to use that section do you want to complain about another company we're just going to say no because we only want to do one company at a time and then you're going to hit next I know you're just gonna sit myself and it's just gonna go through and verify all your information me I was a service member but you don't have to check that I did this before but you don't have to check this right here you can just leave it blank so you can just uncheck it so nothing comes up and then you're just going to hit review and give it a second to load remember do not do not refresh that page because if you refresh that page what's going to happen is it's not going to submit the complaint because you're not going to get an email after you submit the complaint remember do not use the email that you don't use use the email that you actively use use your main email that you use if you don't click this because you don't want to publish the description like I said y'all want to keep this information kind of private and everything is going to go through here you're just going to see everything that's attached here and then you just go through here and then you can just submit the complaint you click right here the information that you gave the best of your knowledge and that to see if we can act as a lawyer or anything like that you'll click this and you hit continue then you authorize the furniture copy of your credit report maybe just hit submit complaint like I said you're going to go back for each Bureau once you go back for each Bureau you're going to submit a complaint for each one so if you got to do the same process for Experian you'll do the same process for experience gotta do it for Equifax we're gonna go back and do it for Equifax if you you can only submit up to five accounts at one time so if you have 15 accounts you're gonna have to submit three different reports for each for that Bureau so if you have 15 accounts on your experience then you got to go back do five but remember put the most the one that's most important they got the highest amount we want to get rid of that one first so we're gonna put that one at the top once you put that one at the top then we're going to start knocking them down as we go down the list and save the save the top one come off but the second one don't or the third one come off and the second one do you just want to keep going online and keep getting rid of the top ones that's most important that has the highest amount to them once you submit this then you'll be good to go just follow those steps that I showed you and then we're gonna do a section I'm gonna have a section here for y'all to do the credit inquiry to show you how to get rid of inquiries once you do that then you'll be good to go like I said do not check this box here and then you're just gonna hit submit your complaint and then you're good to go all right so now this method right here is going to help you get deletions but if you want to maximize your deletions and get more deletions if you want to start deleting bankruptcies you want to start deleting late payments and things like that and other collections accounts too what I want you to do is look down below inside the description I want you to click the link I want you to join my group join my course get the ebooks get everything necessary to help you maximize your deletions so you can go where you are right now to the 700 plus code with your credit score when you can start getting more approvals instead of getting denied I know you tied again denied I was tied again denied so I created an e-book and I created a course below for you to go ahead and get once you get inside of here you're going to be happy you did and then you're gonna start maximizing your deletions do not forget to join the course I'm telling you it's so much information in there to help you go ahead and start maximizing the funding for your personal side and to start teaching you how to get into business credit so you can take everything out of your personal name and put it in your business name hit the link below I'm telling you you don't want to miss it and don't forget to hit like share and subscribe I'm on the go I'm on the road right now to 100 000 subscribers I'm going to help so many people repair their credit I'm telling you you're not going to want to miss out all the information that I'm giving you so make sure you hit that subscribe and that Bell button and also once you get these deletions what I want you to do is this email right here that I'm about to put on screen this email right here I want you to send your results and I want you to send a testimonial video to there so that we can help so many people around the world get these deletions let's get it
Channel: DigitalTrapping
Views: 68,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Credit Score, Credit Repair, Credit Card, Credit Score Increase, How to increase your credit score, How to fix my credit, Hot to fix my credit score fast, Credit repair 2023, Bad Credit Repair, Fix bad credit, Fix bad credit fast, Increase my credit score, Raise my credit score, How to raise my credit score, How to fix my credit score, Remove collections from your credit report, Collections credit report, delete collections from credit report, how to fix my credit fast
Id: aO7LKv8rKRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 18sec (2058 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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