Remove any Unwanted Objects in your Video

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today I'm going to show you guys how to remove any objects from your videos we can remove things like this this and this [Music] in the line of work that I do I'm constantly removing any objects in my videos it's extremely important because I'll be setting up my products with the Rope or a line or a string or even a rod to hold it as we do the action to create this awesome shot something like this is all done by rigging up your product in your shot with a rod or anything that you're going to eventually need to remove in post I've taught myself quite a few different ways how to remove objects and these are highly highly effective for me so I'm going to show you guys in After Effects how to remove any object so you can make stunning shots just like this I know a lot of people right away are like what about content aware fill in After Effects well content aware fill is garbage it is super render heavy and it's not very accurate and I do not recommend it for Photoshop it's great but for this it is not the first shot that we're going to work on is the can Splash and what we're going to do is we're going to break this down into three steps one we're going to remove this Rod two we're going to remove the hand and then three we're gonna do the minor touch-ups so how do we remove the rod we go over to our effects presets and put in simple wire removal and drag it onto our clip now this Rod is pretty large and so we're gonna have to use everything we have to remove it but I'm going to put my point there and my point here so that's point a and point B and then we're going to go over to the effects panel and we're going to crank up the thickness all the way now that's not going to remove the rod all the way so the next thing we need to do is use the slope and the slope is going to take it away just a little bit more but this will start to create this obvious line in your shot so we're going to use something called Mirror blend and then blend it until you can't see that line anymore from there I'm going to hit the point a and point B and then I'm just going to track the rod all the way up and you guys are going to do the same by scrubbing through the timeline and moving the point a and point B so that we make key points and that it will cover the rod in the entire shot I will now be speeding up to save time all right so this is the start and we've removed the rod pretty well it's not perfect but this is a great start the next thing we need to do is remove the hand and the way to remove the hand or the way that I like to do it is I'm going to find a frame where the hand is completely out of the background like that I'm going to make sure that our simple wire removal as clean as possible so that it's not obvious and then what we're going to do is duplicate this layer by pressing command d we're going to pre-compose the top layer we're going to right click on that top layer and go to time Freeze Frame what that's doing is creating a frozen frame but now we're just going to mask out the background and then use our key points to remove that and that will help us remove the hand so we're going to create a mask just like this and we're going to make sure that it is covering there and now you can see now we have a masked out background but the problem is is that our shot needs to move with it so now we're going to do is keyframe our mask by pressing the mask stopwatch right there and then we're just going to move along and create key points just like we did with the simple wire removal now this is looking a lot better now that we've removed the hand and we've removed the rod it's not perfect yet but we can definitely get it to be a lot more perfect because we need to fix the touch-ups here as you can see the rod and then also up here from the simple wire removal leftovers another thing that we're going to need to do is you can see because this is not steady you can see the simple wire removal bouncing up and down now to do these minor touch-ups I'm going to show you guys on one but it's the same process for each one so I'll do the water one and what we're going to do is we're going to duplicate this layer yet again command D and then we're going to cut out a mask of our problem area like so thank you from there we're going to go to that mask make sure we have it all selected by clicking right here and now it's all those Square points and we're just going to move those Square points over off that mask now and what that's doing is now it's taking a mass from here and we're going to press p and then slide the position of that over there on top of there and what that's doing is pretty much just clone stamping it but it doesn't look very even so the way to fix that and kind of blend it together is go to the mask and then feather that mask until it looks more even and is still covering up our spot but now what we need to do is now track that as well by hitting the stopwatch and then following that path all the way up now as you can see that mask is covering up enough of this that you can't really see that Rod anymore in the shot now we're going to do the same thing for this and then we're also going to do the same thing for the cam we're going to duplicate again like this take a piece of the can that is the problem which is where the rod is coming from and then go to the mass and then go to the mask move the mask over like so remove the effects simple wire removal on this one and then just position it right back over the top and you're just going to track that along as well and once you take the time to mask all those minor imperfections your shot's going to end up looking something like this and now a quick ad from our sponsor this tutorial is brought to you by storyblocks storyblocks is my go-to for amazing content templates images and even stock footage you can access over a million royalty-free files for your next project storyblocks not only makes my projects easier but it allows me to Up level my videos by 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decided to have this slanted line in the background if you use a simple wire removal you're going to obviously see the difference because this line comes in at an angle and it's going to show up very easily so that's where you're going to need to use the touch-up masks by putting one underneath and one above and then just simultaneously switching back and forth between those two to make the shot clean and turn out something like this for our last shot we're actually going to be using a different technique to remove the objects but it's still going to be broken down into three steps the first step is to remove the hand that is falling here on the side the Second Step will to be remove this Rod right here and the third step is to do the minor adjustment touch-ups so the first step removing the hand all we're going to do is do the same thing we did before which is command D we're just going to duplicate the layer pre-compose press OK and then we're going to find the shot that's going to work the best where the hand is not in it and we're going to go time Freeze Frame and now we have Frozen the shot we're going to take the clean part which is right here and we're just going to mask this out like so and that's going to hide the hand as it drops now what we need to do is take our position tool by pressing P sliding it up Feathering it out and then just keying it as it goes along with the hand so you want to make sure you have a fine line between not covering the blood and making sure that you have the hand covered up all right now that was a quick mask but as you can see your eyes are not being drawn to the side anymore and if you spend a little bit more time you can probably clean up so you don't see this Blood missing but we're gonna move on Just for time purposes because you get the idea of removing that the next thing that we're going to do is remove this Rod now the problem is you can't use Simple wire removal because this Rod is much too large and even if you were able to remove the entire Rod you would distort the blood so much that would be very obvious that you're covering something up so what I've come up with is something called a masking sandwich what we're going to do is we're gonna have three layers of this sandwich we're gonna duplicate this layer right here and we're gonna think of it like this we're going to mask out or rotoscope this shoe and that's going to be our top layer of the sandwich or the bread and then our bottom layer is going to be this video that's playing and the one with the rod and then we're going to slide our pastrami in which is going to be our fixed mask right in between those two layers and that is how we're going to fix this shot now I'm going to use rotoscope and you don't have to use rotoscope you can mask it out if you want to but there is movement in the shot so I think rotoscoping is going to be a little bit better I'm not going to go into great details of rotoscoping there's plenty of tutorials on rotoscoping and after effects that you can check out but what I do is I click on the rotoscoping tool I double click here and all I really need is this heel and this separation between these two things right here so I'm just going to start selecting this and making sure that we're not getting any of that rod in there even if it shows the blood it is okay but just to be safe we're going to do this and then make sure that's nice and clean make sure that none of the shoe and the rod are connected and we can just keep this small selection right here like I said because we only need this part to be covered on our top layer I'm going to switch this over to best and then I'm just going to scrub through we're going to skip forward but I'm going to scrub through to make sure it's okay and then I'm going to freeze it and then use that as our top layer now that's done rotoscoping I can show you what it looks like as now this is our top layer right here and then our bottom layer is that video now again we have to slide in our pastrami what our pastrami is is we're going to take the bottom layer duplicate it and we're going to cut out the shape of the Mask yet again right here by taking the pen tool going like this and making sure that we have the entire Rod cut out give it a little bit of space for Feathering we're going to move that mask over like so and just move it over to one of the sides and I'm going to take this side right here and move it down a little bit and then press p and now we're going to use that to cover that up so now it's covered up like that and we're going to need to feather it because obviously that looks very obvious and so feather it and you don't want to feather it too much because then it's going to even look more obvious but you're just going to want to play around with it and then turn this back on we can kind of look at it right here and see how that's going now it's not 100 smooth because we can see these jagginess in here so we're going to go back up to our rotoscoped layer and we are going to go to reduce chatter and crank that up we're going to feather a little bit more just so it Smooths it out and now you can see that's smoothing out and then we're gonna go to decontaminate Edge colors and select extend we're smooth and then just increase that radius up a little bit more and that's going to help with the issue that we have and now we're going to look at it yet again now after watching it we can see that it still needs some minor adjusting another thing that I can do is take this mask layer and go back to the beginning right here because you can kind of see that it's just doing this duplication thing which makes it very obvious and I can scrub a little bit farther into the shot so that they're not lined up at the exact same time also I like to just adjust this a little bit more and maybe we're going to take down our mask a little bit more but it's all about playing with it and again you can pretty much remove anything just depends on how much time you want to take for the shot and that's looking a lot better realistically even though it's not perfect your eye is not going to be drawn here it's all about working and reworking and until you get something perfect obviously this is not perfect but you spend a little bit more time tweaking it tweaking The Mask playing with the percentages and eventually you're going to get something that looks like this foreign guys I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial please like share comment and subscribe because I'm going to be teaching a lot more tutorials on how to do things just like this for your next videos
Channel: Austen Paul
Views: 35,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Filmmaking, editing, post production, adobe, after effects, learn, how to
Id: bWzuVRkqbKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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