Remote Production with BirdDog Cloud with Phill Lane

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] heck says wireless digital is the perfect wireless audio solution for content creators and filmmakers thanks to a 2.4 gigahertz transmission access wireless digital is a truly plug-and-play system that allows you to upgrade your in-camera audio with one-button operation with a variety of configurations to choose from this entry point into the world of wireless will improve your workflow and will expand the possibilities of how you capture audio for your video for more information visit san eyes or comm /x swd okay welcome pack 2 prove' life sorry about the technical issues therefore everyone who is watching this live if you're watching it pre-recorded we had a few technical problems there and seem to have thro so we had to restart the stream so for those of you watching this life really really apologies for that and we will go over a couple of the intro points just very quickly again we'll go through a bit quicker this time but I think it's important because if people are going to be watching this after the fact they need to know what's going on but welcome the we are talking to Phil Lane today from burdock let me introduce you how you don't feel like oh you're not good thank you so I know we've already had this conversation could you give the people watching this back afterwards just a really quick little introduction to who bird dog are as a company and sort of things that you do okay yes rating company we started four four and a half years ago when the team that founded the company found out about MDI as they were the new tech distributor for for the region they realized very quickly this was a great protocol but at the time there wasn't a way of taking a base band video signal from a broadcast camera and actually getting that into new Tech's MDI world to work with the Tri casters and so they set about looking and designing off this product which was the studio NDI and from their portfolio of NDI products has grown so we have hardware cameras and software all designed around MDI and the workflow okay so we will assume some basic knowledge on NDI and for this because obviously and once you get to the point in India where you're starting to do it remotely there is a few base steps of knowledge that you need to know about India before that but for those watching who maybe don't know NDI are just a really really briefly it's actually surprisingly simple and we will be doing a bunch of streams that are going over NDI both on how we've been using it now here at v-- but also how it can be used in a variety of different situations so we'll be doing the loads more strains on that coming up soon because I think it's going to be an incredibly relevant technology as we deal now with this global pandemic and because we'll probably be using it to deal with that I imagine it will be it will just accelerate the adoption of IP within the the video world essentially NDI is new text technology it takes video and audio over a LAN connection or an IP network which is just simple using simple Ethernet or cat6 cables to wire up just like you would for the internet but it's not like related to the Internet it just uses the same hardware infrastructure so that out the way bergdahl out phone now this is something a little bit different isn't it this I've just said that NDI doesn't use the internet we designed to be to be pushed or moved across a public internet connection it works on local area networks we can work on VLANs we can work on different subnets but we work we can't work across the internet so we have to find a way a solution to be able to take MDI from one location encode it somehow and then be able to move it across public internet to be then decoded at a receiving end point so which is which is effectively what kveld does so clouds probably is it's probably not the wrong name but it probably gives people probably the slightly wrong impression of what cloud does cloud doesn't actually sit in the cloud ie we're not pushing the video streams by our a cloud service once we once we still create a connection between two endpoints that is a point-to-point connection over the public Internet the cloud section is is the centralized management software that's hosted in the clouds so we want to be moving through the sort of presentation artists or the outline that a little bit more sure so really simply then if you've got a nd I set up like I have here for example on one connection and then you wanted to bring in sources or push it out to a separate location say for example where you are right now we could be using something like bird or cloud to bring in pcs there can be sitting in your house or to output some output so that you can monitor things all that sort of stuff it's that correct yeah absolutely yeah ok let's jump through very simple point-to-point connection so we have a location one which we have multiple sources seeing of NDI sources which could be anything could be a bird or camera could be a converter it could be an output from a TriCaster for a from a Vimy extreme from a Wirecast system we could have any NDI source working on that so could be could be a ND i HX could be fill in di it could be anything cloud will see that and then will allow that then be encoded e to SRT so SRT is an SDK that was produced by a company called high vision and people may know them for their maketo series of encoders so they're straight SRT to SOT encoder systems so we utilized their technology for encoding and moving the NBI video rewrapped as srt across the public Internet so that's RT stands for secure reliable transport and basically gives them a high quality it allows us to do multiple channels it's very low latency it's highly resilient as well so we can have anything up to around about 50 percent packet loss while the video and audio is travelling and which is which is quite significant and we'll still get a usable video and image at the ends and allows us to do the points point I'm streaming securely as well as we have three levels of encryption available with SRT so we can take all of those NDI sources from save location one we've got here at San Francisco and move that to location 2 which I believe is Melbourne and that will then take the NDI sources from one location and make them available as if they were being generated locally but the upper end so then you could then move that back out into your B mix into a TriCaster and then do anything that you wanted so all of that is then controlled if we move all words a slide by the cloud management console so this is the part that actually sits in the cloud so the cloud management software is hosted on a number of AWS so there's globally so we have servers all over the world that that is this so once you go into the management console that then gives you the ability to manage and access all of your streams and the encoding process and decide what you want to send whether you're doing it with cameras so want Ali and etz control and different settings within that so that's that's the management software so it's the only beer that really sits in the cloud and you can group multiple NDI sources inputs and outputs to one endpoint can you within cloud you can indeed if we move on to the next slide this is one of the beauty it's one of the great things about cloud is that all of these endpoints that we can see that pops up on the screen now can be accessed and can link together so you could link multiple studios so you could have feeds coming in from three studios to one centralized points where the program's being made and switched and outputs to go live so it's completely manageable in terms of what you can do and what you can send between different end points the only thing you need to have is just the end points on mine and available within di sources okay so should we give a couple of real-world examples of how this might be useful in the current situation I mean one that instantly jumps to mind is that say we were let's use this stream as an example now for Argos for clarification we're not using this technology right now we're just using a simple Skype to bring you in as a remote guest to assess on which I'm doing here yeah but one thing that immediately springs to mind for MIT for this sorts of stream with this and this is a very basic stream really isn't it what we could be doing is having a operator over in their house and then they are doing the controlling it side of it there their vision mixing all that sort of stuff and so they'd have a wire cast or a TriCaster set up with something like that that there's and then they're bringing asked both of us in as endpoints umberto cloud say this if this was a regular thing which we were going to do all the time this would be a great way to set it up is that the right sort of thing yeah absolutely we we have customers are actually doing that now so we have people bringing back trying to think as a user case cut we have one world where we have some live comedy that's being done as a sort of talking head so you have a couple of comedians that have PTZ cameras set up in the house they are connected to the cloud and then they're coming back to the studio now the studio has complete control over the PTT cameras the audio and everything so it's it's sort of sort of talking how to without them being in the same room together bouncing off each other we can do return feeds we have all the Oh comms available as well so the director can talk to the talents in their house yes so yeah that's again that's a fairly simple workflow as well with just a couple of people in the top of the cameras we can do multiple feeds multiple cameras from different locations we've had some really interesting inquiries I think we had one last week for from an orchestra we wanted to bring in 56 feeds for practicing and for then streaming live which was which was an interesting one to try and work out 56 Klout feeds coming back to an endpoint yeah do you think the system would cope with something like that the system unfortunately would encode music's very difficult because of the low latency and the latency because we're clouds you have you're relying on the public Internet so the latency moves around and you know even even if I was using it and then suddenly three doors down from me was was in the same stream the latency would be slightly different yeah it was very difficult to do and in the end we decided that it wasn't really possible thought for that type of environment where timing was critical but we are looking at ways of maybe doing that in the future as we move forward with cloud okay so let's go over a couple more of these specific yes a little bit more side SRT is the backbone of what we use for cloud it's a way of transmitting video over public Internet pride private and public internets I mentioned before up to 50 cents of a packet loss while maintaining the streaming quality we have encryption available we have different ways of connecting with SRT as well because we're talking about my IP protocol here so there are a lot of people that have more particularly larger IT departments that don't like opening ports up within their networks because that then leaves them possibly valuable for our cyber hacks and hacking and that sort of stuff so we have different configurations rendezvous is the standard one that relies on port opening but then we have called a listener listen a caller modes which make it easier to circumnavigate firewall configurations so that then works in a similar way to zoom and Skype calls work and we also have the ability to accept standard SRT sources as an input into clouds as well so from vmix or from one of the high vision maketo X's or a maketo products as well so that's really the backbone of the transports between cloud endpoints okay and so then moving forward within cloud we have a number of different things that we can actually do so WebRTC is one that's quite interesting which is the next slide so WebRTC is something that's available to any device really that's connected to the Internet so what we can do is we can take a feed and we can then publish that as a WebRTC so that people can then monitor so if you had the control room in one location you've got your camera feeds coming in but the director or producer is somewhere else they have to dial in fully to the cloud system you can make the WebRTC stream available to them which they can then sit and view on an iPad or a laptop or somebody is connected to the to the Internet and then we have some other options within WebRTC for doing return feeds with via cameras and different things as well which is it's quite a bit more in-depth they're getting people are using at the moment okay if you then we have so RTMP obviously you everybody most people probably know about rtmp it's a way of transmitting to various platforms like YouTube Facebook live wells and other CDNs so from clouds we can send rtmp feeds directly out of cloud so you could be producing your program record to me it locally sending out our web RTC feed to embed on a website while sending out also sending out an rtmp feed to your Facebook or your YouTube channel as well nd I obviously MDI is we do as a company we work with whatever the latest version most people will know that know us know that our products our hardware products and cameras are all film in the eye and we don't do anything with H X on that side well whoever will accept any NDI source so that doesn't matter whether its foot in DI sauce or an MDI HX source could be something coming from VLC player it could be coming from a TriCaster a vmix system as long as long as it's that NDI protocol cloud will see it and make it available to them be encoded and sent as an SRT feed what we also have wrapped within that as well as part the MDI protocol is that were able to send PTZ control we can do tally we can do audio we all support full resolution we can do proxy resolution we can do alpha channel as well so there's quite a bit stars or within in the eye that we can actually utilize while we're moving it across the public Internet's as well so recording I didn't actually know it to do this yes so recording it's something that we can do as well yeah most people don't actually realize that it is available so with the ISO recording there's a couple of things we can do we can record at either end so we record at the TX end and at the RX end I'm at the same time and we can either recall record the fill in the eye signals all we can record the compress to h.264 h.265 signals so if you are doing a live and you do drop out like we did earlier you have a recording of what's going on at Eva at events you can then obviously come back to that later Andrea deeds will do something with it and the person that the receiving end also has the ability to dial in and start using the recorded footage as well so it says it's really powerful worse or tool that's within cloud that's that we probably don't make enough noise about is everybody thinks the cloud is just a point-to-point connection yes that's really good and that recording to go on to anything that you want you just need to point the recording at a drive or your PC hard drive or a disgrace somewhere and s necess it's gotta be a local recording does it it can't see a cloud recording or anything it's a local recording but you can then access it over the cloud as well okay and then multiviewer so yes multi viewer as well multi viewer has a couple of features to it so we have two versions within multi views we have multi view and lecture modes very very sort very different somewhat of view is literally as you would expect from from a standard multi-view we have a number of different layouts and we have multi creates and we have a two plus eight which i think is pretty standard broadcast so moving into lecture mode multi-view sorry you then just designate the sources that you would like to send as a multi view then puts all of those and sends those as a single in the i stream and game that can go anywhere and then once you receive it at the other ends that's that can be again moved around on your own your local network and we have seen people using WebRTC to move the multi view to producers so they can see all the camera feeds coming in so yeah we can have tadi borders we can have source names we've got audio level meters on there as well so it's it's pretty pretty powerful tool to have really powerful that makes the the idea of a producer or director or something or even a client just sitting at home monitoring what's going on so much more powerful whether they can see a multi viewer rather than just at the actual final program out yeah so also within the multi view we also have something called lecture mode selection mode was designed with corporate scenarios schools colleges education similar to a multi viewing that you can do split screens so we have the ability to provide the lecture who's standing at his left on the ability to switch between different in the eye feeds from a device on iOS device could be an iPad or laptop that's sort of plugged in so that he can switch between PTZ camera feeds he could switch between presentations he can do split screen you can do fullscreen so you sort of think you would see when you when you're pushing your legs up onto a number of screens around the auditorium for the students to actually see so that's I think that's a very nice feature as well again it's not something that people know that we do probably and we also within the lecture mode we have a very sort basic user interface that also allows for PTZ control as well so not only can he cuts between PTZ camera feeds he can actually change the presets of the cameras as well so he can he can move those about as well so using this for the in education is something I haven't actually to be honest thought about that's quite interesting can you give us a bit of a rundown as to what a sort of educational setup that might be using butter cloud looks like it's not something actually that's being used a great deal particularly in Europe we have some reusing cases in the states where it's being utilized as clouds doesn't only run on public internet you can work across a local local network as well so you can work in an offline mode a way to describe it but I mean MDI as a tool for schools colleges and universities it's something that is being looked at greatly at the moment we have also developed products in conjunction with NEC which is our STM modules which will be utilized in their screens to encode and decode nd I sources with corporates and mainly educational environments so yeah so it's something that we haven't done or I haven't done in the UK but it would probably need my colleague Dom to talk you through that one but he's based in the state so certainly an interesting idea maybe something we would expand on more in the future okay at some point if anybody would like me to do a live demonstration even a live demonstration on air actually all cloud connecting and running then be happy to do that as well yeah so we also have native enjoy encoding so at the moment is designed to run on either Windows or Linux systems which would be your gateway or your endpoints so you would need a system at either end that could be a laptop it could be a desktop it could be a 19-inch 1u rack PC that's running and within that we can actually utilize things like the Blackmagic capture cards so you can take an SDI feed into the capture card and you could do the NDI encoding directly within the computer that's then acting as your cloud endpoint as well and we could do this we could do the same with the other end where we could then have a capture device in the PC that they could then decode and send the NDI send you back out to SDI at that point as well that's a really important step because it takes away the need for someone to have an existing NDI set up and be able to use the technology like this you know yeah which is really quite cool yeah and then the last thing with cloud the last full presentation point here is that which I just mentioned that we can run in an offline mode as well so once it's configured you just use IP address is its to move video using clouds over a standard way and local area network so anything that's in-house or if you're working between offices that have a fiber connection you don't need to use the internet so you can use it in this mode instead so before we round off how does the sort of the pricing side of and we were going to exact numbers on the stream like this but how does it work is it a subscription type thing yeah we have two ways that people can purchase a news cloud we subscribe a TSA's so anybody that has a duction or a use for it for a month or two months can just buy it for a couple of months and use it and they can buy then exactly what they want to use so we have like the recording the RTMP the WebRTC multi-view as options so if you just want to do a basic point-to-point connection then that's all you pay for if you then want to add in multi-view then you can add in the multi-view module and then same with the web RTC you can then add in that module as well so it's scalable to do whatever you want with it most of the time we have been selling it to larger companies so we then subscription basis at that point it then includes a couple of endpoints plus all of the modules as well but then you can add to that as well because then you can start adding in additional licenses depending on the number of endpoints that you want to have available to you to use gotcha so and Kobes obviously just one part of what bird dog does let's go over and quickly finish up the presentation and a few other products yes so for 4k products what we announce really starting last year we have a number in the range now so the people Kay was announced at IBC last year unfortunately suffered some delays bringing it to market due to factory closures and then subsequent parts issues following on from The Cove in nineteen situation but this is probably the most about when it's coming out at the moment it's a utilizes of one-inch sony exmor r CMOS backlit sensor which is the same sensor that they use in their own VR CX 1000 we have n di we have dual six gig outputs we have Jen lock oh it's a 12-time zoom it has a very oh so naughty lens on the front we are able to do 10 bit 42 or 42 0 in the eye as well so were the only people from a camera point of view or a hardware point of view other than music themselves that can actually do this at the moment so that meant AIT's the possibility of these cameras into HDR workflows and we've also opened up the entire color management back-end to customers as well so you can go in and really fine-tune the cameras to get the look that you want so you have access to the gamma black levels and all the sort of things you'd be you'd expect to have access to on a broadcast camera it really seems like some of the image quality ceilings on PTSO cameras are being lifted recently doesn't and this is this is one of the most exciting ones that's going to hit the market in terms of just taking maybe an existing PC said production and just improving the image quality from there I mean so any sense is lovely the one inch Sony sensor is really nice I mean the BRC X 1000 has been a very popular camera we've obviously just taken that sense and the rest of the imaging module and built it into our camera and then just updated the ins and outs and obviously added in the NDI as well yeah it's gonna be an interesting chemist this is really our flagship camera in terms of what we have at the moment and then just as NAB would have been we announced are slightly low-rent camera the p4 hundreds so for those of you who've seen RP 200 camera it's physically around about the same size once again we're using a Sony CMOS sensor which is the one to five inch sensor it's got a twenty times zoom on it 4k out 10 bit 42 4 to zero signal processing as well for nd I we have NDIS CI an HDMI help that's on this as well all of which can be live at the same time we have gen lock and the image quality from this is I've seen some of the preliminary images from it and the picture quality is really nice from this as well and this camera has the same ability to be able to dial in and access the color management section is what I also really fine tuning the picture again like the people ok so controlling these you've got just I think you do hardware as well right we do absolutely we have a PTZ controller that will control all of our cameras we also as part of our NAB announcements released some software called control so this is the interface allows you to access the settings on the camera and basically fine-tune all of the color settings you have access opposite of things like the IRS control movement presets anything that you would want to do with a PTZ camera can be controlled from our can control our software this also has the ability which is very difficult generally with PTZ cameras to actually color-match cameras as well so within this you set one camera you can then copy those settings to any of your other cameras that are on the network so you can color match five or six cameras within a couple of minutes and I guess this brings it back to where it all sort of began for you guys isn't it with a bit of an update to that line yes so our HD products estudio NDI and the mini have been around for quite some time now so there's obviously the next move we've got some products so these are taking a while to come to markets a lot the features and some of the design we've taken from customers which we really really really appreciate their customers adding their input so we can design better products so within the 4k Pro range we have three three units so we have 4k HDMI and 4k SDI these these are pretty much the same apart from obviously the inputs with the HDMI we have HDMI IN and HDMI out and an SDI loop which can go to a monitor or it can be a real time cost conversion we have a one gig Ethernet out on these but we also have a 10 gig SFP as well obviously with 4k MDI the one gig connector is absolutely fine because we were only running out about 340 megabits so there's plenty of headroom there but we found that people were having the same issues I suppose it with SDI that you can only run a hundred meters before you then need to go into a switch or into a matrix or do something with the signal so for sporting events where you necessarily have the ability to run 100 meters and go into a network we sort of had it in the SFPD to these which gives you the ability to add in a fiber connector which then allows you to run up to 10 kilometers so it gives you a huge distance so it's the same same sniffing a fiber back on a yeah on a studio camera or an OB camera for sporting events but just doing it with a small box over in the eye very expensive why the banks are accepting expensive yeah the HDMI unit off the top of my head is around about 800 pounds list and then the SDI units a little bit more than that has about 950 I believe so pretty well priced what they do number of additional features over the the original studio NDI and that we have a USB which will do serial PTZ control we can also do ISO recording from it as well so yeah very nice units you move down the next slide is the the SDI unit which yep it looks exactly the same but it's just the connectors that's a difference but within the 4k range probably the one that I'm asked the most about at the moment is the 4k quad so the 4k quad lists adds just under two thousand US dollars but what it gives you is full independence 12 G SDI inputs or outputs so effectively with this box we can do over for encodes or for decodes of 4k 60 simultaneously so does that mean you can bring in four different NDI sources through this one box and then the one cable for independence SDI feeds and those two NDI simultaneously at that point unfortunate you do need to use big enough or mine enough for the job so that's that's obviously why the that connector is on this unit we also have an HDMI outputs on here as well and that can be a multi view so you can actually view all of the four inputs coming in or you can you can choose to monitor individual inputs the other beauty with this box is as well is that it doesn't just do inputs and outputs you can designate any of the connectors to do anything that you want so you could do two in and to our you could do three in one out three out and one in so you can do any number of encodes and decodes that you want you just need to tell the unit what you want it to do amazing and how do you control that that's just done through anyway within the Isaac so we have a web UI so it's just a web browser using Chrome you just log into the unit login to the IP address yeah exactly and then you have access to all of the controls for the units and then you can then decide what you're doing with it and set your settings so this is very interesting to a lot of broadcasters just because what he does in such a small box absolutely I mean people if people have already got say four cameras and using as an input thing it means that it brings the cost down and the simplicity down of transitioning those existing SDR HDMI sort of setups over to an in DI world it makes it much simpler yeah and as a box it's it's smaller it's about the same size of an iPhone my supposed to describe it so it's actually very small as well so there's a fro down box to keeping a bag to be able to do something we've all to have on the stage or in an OB truck it doesn't actually take up much via the states I mean it's pretty powerful magic for monitors and things like that it's brilliant as well for live productions yes and the all of the 4k units are also 10 bits 42 4 2 0 as well so they again could be using an HDR workflow so we're still obviously working on at the moment it could be used as a device by by date to send images to to somewhere there are different parts of reproductions it's a monitor into the cat so yes it's an interesting product excellent ok so yeah this was this was something that we only announced two weeks ago so we now have Dante integration into products in a number of different ways so one of the things we were also asked about was comms Pro package this it's great it's basically it's almost a free talkback for us to do I'm just using the power of India within our boxes but it was limited to having to use a studio NDI and mini or a camera so the control of the person would be need to be connected to the network so bringing Dante in that intercoms pro means that any number of different Dante Belle pack transmitters can be incorporated into a comms network so that they don't have to be it directly connected they can be a roving roving cameraman who's using something or a producer that's running around or just somebody working the floor that you need to talk to as well so that works really well integration intercoms pro dante bridge allows you to take dante and change it to ND i to then send the over the network with your n di video and then at the other end you can then turn the NDI audio back into Dante as well and that's really neat and we also have will have a software upgrade which is unfortunate chargeable for our hardware that allows the units to be able to take in Dante and moved on say at the same time as the the NDI videos as well so this is quite a powerful tool for those that don't know Dante probably the go-to people for audio over IP used by over 400 manufacturers as part of their products now so probably predominantly no more in the AV world obviously used increasingly anywhere where you're moving video and audio over IP networks now excellent okay so that's bird dog cloud I think we'll get to a couple of questions Marcus put a really good one we need you to clarify mark Bert Yi's put did you need an extremely fast internet connection to use nd I rather and hey checks what internet connection would you say 3p to hundreds could go over mark do you mean specifically with Bert or cloud or do took me n di in general because n di in general doesn't need an internet connection if you're just using it on a normal localized network you could connect a whole bunch of P to hundreds right yeah absolutely you just need the capacity to connect the standard one gig network anything up to around seven or eight P to hundreds running in DI HX is twelve McClung got encoding formats full n di is an iframe 120 Meg codecs so they are quite different in the way in which they're actually encoded and there is a difference between the latency and then the amount of work that the the system actually has to do because obviously HX requires more processing power because you having to do more encoding so I'm fill-in the I is slightly better from that point of view but obviously takes up more bandwidth initially because it's bigger signal so we've in clouds clouds very different because you're taking an in the I signal from your local network and then your encoding so with cloud we can encode anything from one megabit to 100 megabits so depending on the bandwidth that you have available from your internet connection and what you're doing in terms of work are these talking heads if it's sports or something with fast movements in will then define what you then encode and most people already have a user case in mind we have some sports that are running around about 15 megabits about Talking Heads some some of the guys that are using cloud are only running a 5 megabits on the encoding side so we have the ability to vary and you can set different parameters within cloud to decrease latency and to give you overheads and to manage the signal being moved across and does that go up depending on how many NDI sources you're moving oh you always it the same bandwidth no matter ham whether it's one source or three five sources you know it does increase depending on the number of signals that you're sending so I mean these days most people probably have pretty decent internet connection where you've got probably 30 or 40 up 50 or 60 down or something that's sort of what I got at the moment so sending sources is Jimmy okay because you're compressing down to a reasonable level the the one thing that you just need to make sure of when you're speaking or working with cloud is that your PC your windows or your Linux system is capable of processing the number of signals that you're sending to air so that's the biggest consideration and we have some parameters and some guidelines on our website for different systems and we've done systems where people using single machines to take in 812 NDI sources right okay so let's talk over some use cases one thing that's come up a bunch of our customers recently is the idea of working within a corporate world where normally under normal circumstances someone would go around to various corporate productions and produce things for them you know streaming conference yeah you could you could even do it as weddings or something like that or events things like that and you'd be going to that place especially not for its trimming out and coming back one thing that's become up recently is the idea of companies that are doing that having a centralized system so say TriCaster set up something like that and then using internet IP over the internet like little cloud to provide each of their regular customers with an endpoint and then bringing in so same logging onto their import endpoint for one day when you've got a stream with them then logging in there's the next day when you've got streaming with them and bringing in each of their clients remotely like that and logging on to them one we're say there's a permanent install at that client of three pcs Ed's which are just always there and then there with that work perfectly fine on unbundle cloud is that something you've dealt with yeah absolutely it's something that we've done we have a number of corporate clients where they have different offices mostly different levels of CEOs and managers in different places we've done stuff with Facebook here so some sort bigs or corporate names everybody recognizes where they're using cameras and clouds to do exactly that scenario so taking feeds from different locations bringing it into one place and then streaming it out to their employees or to produce a video which then gets shown or is on the company website I'm soaking yeah all kinds of different things that people are doing at the moment what about on a much smaller level so say there's a job in corporate production company a relatively small level and say they've got Pro AV is a client and then they've got a couple of other companies as a client and then they've got a stream for pro AV one-day stream for them the next day stream for them the next day and then they use bud or clout to essentially log into my nd I set up here so I wouldn't need to have a TriCaster I think that that's something that I could see people trying to get up and running yeah absolutely again we have people doing that as well so cloud can be installed with your license on any number of machines so you could have it running on 30 machines but depending on the number of licenses or import license endpoints you have license so it's the number of machines you can have active at once so if you are doing various different corporate clients so you know one day you're doing say CRO a V next day you're doing dog so you could have the the equipment already installed but then only once you connect those two endpoints there they're the only two endpoints you can connect so it gives you ability to to do different production on different days within cloud as well we have something called snapshots so you can save settings for different shows so if we work out group of settings and encoding parameters for for you but then we want something different for the bird dog we just save those and then we can just recall them the director and it's set up straight away all the connections all of the coding and it's very simple and in that sort of an environment how much technology or IP knowledge would the actual client have to have if you go there and you install something and then you come back to your your base and how can you turn it on remotely can you set it up remotely for the start of each dream again it's something that we've had a lot because we've got a lot of these being installed into we call them talents or represented houses who don't yet have technical knowledge so the the amount of technical knowledge they have is to turn a camera on and to turn the laptop or the PC or the nuke that you're running the endpoints on that that's all they need to do at that point once it's turned on you then sitting in your production office can have full control over their endpoint do all the connections PTZ control and everything so yeah literally all they all they would have to do is to literally just turn the stuff on and make sure that it's got an internet connection or connected to the insurance yeah yeah I mean you'd probably have to a bit of Education with the most internet that could go on in the rest of the building and all that sort of stuff - yeah to manage bandwidth a little bit interesting okay accessible glow TV is saying that sound this sounds amazing do you have any demo examples online or anything like that did you have any good published examples we we don't at the moment unfortunately we have been trying desperately to get some user cases and some user stories unfortunately some of our larger customers have been willing to do that yeah sir privacy privacy things to tell people what they're doing there is there is a there is a free demo trial version of cloud that can be downloaded on the website which gives you access to all of the modules within cloud accepts and the web RTC are the only caveat on that is that it is watermarks because it's a demo version but it'll give you the ability to set up a couple of endpoints and be actually able to display the system as if you were using it live yeah and test whether it's gonna do the job for you in the way that you think it's going to be do the job you cuz I think that that would be something that people will be wondering a lot is that oh I'm just trying to learn all this for the first time is this really gonna do what I think it's gonna do am i understanding this so downloading the trial will be a great way of of testing all of that out accessible globe TVs also saying it could be used as I see it by mainly mobility many mobility impaired people as it takes an ether way to run cables if I'm understanding it correctly well it doesn't necessarily take away them I suppose NDI does a little bit take away the need to run cables because for each camera you've only got one Ethernet cable cable and that can be run through the walls in some offices already is so rather than having mains power control cable and an SDI cable for example you just have that one Ethernet cable so that can help in situations like that and keep the floors clear for example but I think the main way the virtual cloud could help with that is bringing in people remotely so that save them having to travel from point A to point B into a studio for example you could have a regular production that is run entirely by mobility impaired people where they don't have to travel into a central studio or something like that they can do it from the comfort of their own homes which could be quite interesting especially right now and we have we have people with in the medical field using we're using the products at the moments as well obviously at the moment there's there's a big has been a big issue between with doctors travelling between say the red zone in the Green Zone and having to put on PPE to then go into the red zone which is where the the patient suffering from Kobe 9 sina to do I ought to talk to another consultant or a nurse and then so then come back out after then change out all of the PPE which is then wasted for an away - then go back into the green zones treat other patients so that we've had a few years of cases around the world where clouds being utilized over a local network on portable trolleys connected to cameras to talk bridge that gap so that they don't have to do this continuous crossing over that's interesting case so rather than using it to connect two entirely different locations you're essentially connecting to wireless kits within the same internet connection that's quite interesting yeah you're just using it is in its offline modes collects over the local network that's available within the facility yeah fantastic okay so I think that's it for the coming questions that have come in there so thank you everyone who's watching but thank you for that fellow and that was really educational I think it's a really fantastic technology and something we're definitely all going to be considering a lot more in the next couple of months I think sure yeah yeah and with all of our products as well we're continuously developing cloud we're working on version two at the moment so when that comes out for anybody that's already purchased come out and they're using it that will just be a free upgrade as with all of our firmware revisions for our hardware and cameras excellent that's really good to know so thank you for everyone watching it if you are thinking of setting anything like this up and either you've got some technical questions you'd like to ask from specifics or you're just really new to all of this and this is a bit overwhelming and you want some help and guidance please do get in touch with us with our sales team we've got a technical support team and we can reach out to people at the manufacturers like Phil to get them involved and to help you guys get set up to take productions into a remote environment over the next couple of months but yep thank you so much for your time Phil I think we'll try and arrange a couple more of these to talk through various other little bits and bobs to do with NDI and your products and some use cases for example it could be quite good content yes sir absolutely absolutely okay right thank you everyone so much for watching thank you for your time and I'll see you all very soon thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] access wireless digital is the perfect wireless audio solution for content creators and filmmakers thanks to a 2.4 gigahertz transmission access wireless digital is a truly plug-and-play system that allows you to upgrade your in-camera audio with one-button operation with a variety of configurations to choose from this entry point into the world of wireless will improve your workflow and will expand the possibilities of how you capture audio for your video for more information visit san eyes or comm /x as WD [Music] the new super $0.35 that canon have introduced with the c300 Mark 3 is quite a big step up from other s35 sensors that they have created before [Music] from the body and the flexibility that gives us in terms of the expansion packs and the interchangeable mounts to the sensor with its increased dynamic range for tackling scenes that possibly we couldn't have tackled or captured faithfully before I can get more out of this camera my money goes further it's as simple as that from a business standpoint from a creative point of view it's unquestionably unlocking more creative avenues for us as film
Channel: ProAV TV
Views: 1,991
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ae8t-EKzAxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 22sec (3802 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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