🟢 building a career in design – welcome all

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[Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] bye [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] from [Music] uh [Music] food [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello oh welcome welcome to tonight's stream thank you all number one just thank you all for being here it's so crazy to me that there are more than 600 people watching that's crazy bro that's really really crazy hello welcome to tonight's stream welcome also to day number one welcome to day number one of this new learning experience that we've put together right and i'll talk more about that in today's stream a lot of you might be thinking what exactly is this how exactly does this work uh we'll talk a little bit about that today and um and yeah i'm going to i'm going to you know today set the stage right today i'm going to set the stage of what you can expect for the next couple of um for this entire month bro actually for this entire month for all of june we're going to be doing these streams we're going to be yup all of june we're going to be doing these streams um not exactly daily right we're going to be doing monday to friday i do need i do need a break but monday to friday every day 9 p.m for all of june we're going to be here so take a second right take a second the folks that you see in the chat you're going to be seeing them again you're going to be seeing them for the rest of um the rest of these couple of days so hmm is there an actual problem with the audio because uh if there is we can fix it other than that you know from my side it seems to be okay guys headphones legally bro headphones legally through increased cuddle volume right um if there is an issue i will check the recording and we'll fix it for the next session but for today you know let's jump into it number one i want to thank you all for coming here right um it's i don't take this lightly at all to have nearly a thousand people on chat right now i'm very grateful to you that you took your time to attend this hopefully even if this is the only session that you attend even if you're not going to be joining us for the next for this entire month for these sessions at least today gives you some idea of the vibe of the vibe of what exactly we're trying to do but before that before we jump into that which is i want to talk about this one very important thing i want to start with the story okay i love starting with stories okay um a lot of folks here genuine folks a lot of people here from bruh welcome for those of you who've uh who are here for the previous time we did this on the other channel welcome and i'm so i'm so happy we get to do this once more right okay so here's my here's my story okay um i wanna i wanna get a little serious for a sec okay i wanna tell you the story back in school i was very socially anxious maybe thinking why the you telling me this it's it's hear me out okay back in school i was very socially anxious in the sense that i knew there was like i was just trying to find my place in the world right and of course all of us were born into a certain kind of environment and that environment shapes our thinking right the kind of mindsets your parents will have your neighbors your relatives your closest circle whether we like it or not our environment shapes who we are and this is a very tricky thing and i'm going to talk about why it's tricky thing it's because as a as a kid i felt really really anxious socially to talk to people but also about life and the reason was that throughout my um throughout my years in school i always felt that um i always felt that there was um how do i say this there was a race that i was a part of i was i always like either it was the environment or it was my parents directly telling me go for iit coaching right it always felt like i was a part of a race and that really threw off my balance the reason i felt that was all throughout school we compete right and only after i started speaking to people outside of india people who didn't really grow up in that same kind of an education environment did i realize dude this is not this is not for everybody it's just an indian problem um the fact is we've been taught all our lives to compete to compete even if not directly it's a very it's a very inbuilt thing within our society or not not for everybody i won't generalize but in a class for example you're an eighth grade bro what do you know in eighth grade i knew nothing when i was in eighth grade but you do feel this competition that there is somebody above you there is somebody below you right for you to get higher marks and b number um in your class somebody else has to be lower right and that carries on into things like iit coaching in coaching we're like dude for me to get a rank i need to beat someone else there's a fixed number of seats available there's a fixed number of opportunities and the bad news is that most people don't realize that's not really how the world works we continue living our lives after this we get into it we start working and it pretty much stays the same so the reason i talk about this is the first time in my life the first time ever that i realized things don't have to be this way that i don't have to compete like there is not a fixed overall you know you might have heard of this this kind of mindset is called a zero-sum mindset which is people are like dude there's a fixed number of spots in the world that we're all competing for so obviously you're gonna be not friendly to the next person right that's a zero-sum mindset and the problem is that most people don't grow out of that zero-sum mindset even today for example right um i talked about when that changed for me when that changed for me um you know in some of the early videos on this channel i talked about dude i loved the social network i was like your social network the reason the social network zuckerberg the movie the reason it was a big deal for me was that was the first time i literally imagined that in 10th standard that was the first time when i realized that things are not zero sum i realized like i was like i am somebody who's in school slash college to see you know of course mark zuckerberg i don't know who i didn't know anything about who mark zuckerberg was but to see mark zuckerberg not really have to play the game that he was form a part of but to create something new the key word here here is create was i didn't realize it back then it's only today that i can put these words to it back then i was just like generally blown away generally you know crazy that you i want to build something like this but i realized dude the work the world is not zero sum which is today it's a bit of a toxic environment because of zero-sum mentality in some ways not not generalizing but a lot of people here you might assume without even realizing a lot of people assume there's a fixed number of jobs out there and the reason i'm talking about this is we assume that we all of us all of us in the chat all the people who want to become designers a lot of people without even thinking about it assume that we are competing that we're competing for a fixed number of jobs that are out there and that leads to some intense toxicity guys like it's real and that's a zero-sum mindset but the reality and the very reason that i'm talking about this today in the very first session is i want all of you to realize that one of the one of the reasons we call this cohort based learning or community-based learning it's not really a buzzword we're not just saying we're not just saying this is a batch this is not a batch like a coaching batch right why because number one a coaching badge doesn't allow you to explore yourself it's not about self exploration coaching is not about self exploration it's about being told what to do and we will never tell you what to do we will help guide you and number two is a coaching watch you compete with everybody you're competing you might help each other but at some level you know you're competing because the game there is a zero-sum game getting into iit is a zero-sum game here it's not just it's not you're not going to be competing with the people in the chat so this is really important to me i want you all to understand you are not competing with the people in the chat the point is there is not a fixed number of jobs out there every single day that is expanding right so the minute you start getting defensive it doesn't make sense right the number of jobs out there is not limited for you to be successful somebody else doesn't have to be unsuccessful we can all be successful we can all be successful so the idea of 10k designers right a lot of people feel like dude so elitist you're like saying people can't get into this program and but you know that's not the case at all that's the opposite of what we want to what we stand for the reason that's 10k designers is because it's a hard goal to reach it's a very hard goal to reach and we're not going to get there if we're pulling each other down we're gonna get there if we're pushing each other up if you're supporting each other because think about this this is gonna take a while to you know if you're still thinking zero sum it can take a while when you think about this but the number of jobs is not limited you might think okay what's the proof for that the number of startups in the past year alone has gone like this right what's happening is design is one of those things that people have realized is table stakes what that means is basically people think people back in the day right let's say even 2010 people used to think design is this extra thing that you do right now that was the that was a very common uh mindset non-designers had back in the day today that is changing today people realize that if you want to launch an app a product a service a startup good design is minimum it's not even you know i'm gonna do it and impress it's minimum it's the minimum thing you need because think about this yourself would you ever use uh would you ever use a app that is not well designed would you use an app that's buggy that's glitchy that doesn't give you a good experience no you would find something else and the point is there are so many products out there right number of jobs is increasing right so don't ever fall into that zero-sum mentality colleges you do feel that as well in a batch when you're in a college people feel that competition because you're like dude we're gonna have um we're gonna have uh placements and placements means competition but the real world is not placements the real world is not you competing for a set list to be number two to be number one the real world you can go make your own game if your number if you feel like your number seven thousand on the list right i felt like i was number seven thousand on the list right in school i was like bro there's no way i can compete with these toppers i went and found a different game right for me that was building products eventually computer science eventually design and side hustles and all of that maybe we'll get into that in the future sessions for you if you feel like you're you've been forced to compete understand that there's a different option out there you don't have to do that you can go make your own game you can go join other games out there it's not a cutthroat environment so that's my intro thank you all again for being here right we're gonna we're gonna do a quick we're gonna do a quick check we're gonna do a quick um hello to everybody in the chat what's up rohan first super chat it is the first super chat thank you we don't compete we collaborate exactly think about how many benefits there are to collaboration right um i'll give you one example of this and uh maybe i can share my screen when i do this i should have cleared my tabs and man i should have cleared my tabs there are so many benefits to collaboration that we don't really realize which is think about um i wanted to show you something this is one example of that right a zero sum mindset assumes that if you get something the other person loses something but the space that we're in the space of ideas the space of products the space of design the space of creating new things instead of fighting for the things that exist creating new things the advantages to collaborating are way higher than the advantages to competing because when you collaborate right if you have an idea and you share that idea with somebody else they don't get ahead of you they just get a copy of the idea it's still up to them to decide what they do with it right exchanging ideas and let's understand this we might think that it's become easier to learn design to learn new skills in general because there's just so many resources on the internet today simultaneously it's actually gotten harder because there is so much information out there today so much information there was a time when i started design um long back 2012 maybe there were no design courses on youtube they were the only design related content you would find on youtube a lot of you might know this already was photoshop tutorials and as we all know tools are not enough right learning the tools doesn't make you a designer a designer is one who can solve problems and the tool is just one of the means of solving problems what was i saying bro before we got into this yeah it's actually gotten harder to learn something online because you're getting pulled in all of these places right you don't know which resource is the best right the point is a lot of you are here to learn ui ux design and folks by the way we're not going to be just limited to ui ux design during this the title of this is build a career in design we're going to be talking about how creators can also use design principles it's gotten harder because there's more content out there a lot of the things that you want you could any one of you here could go to udemy and search exactly what you want to learn you could search for ui ux design and i'm sure a lot of you have done that why is that not a good experience for a lot of us it is a good experience right it's better than nothing but why is udemy still not a good experience it's because even if you want to learn ui ux design you're going to find 100 courses 300 courses on ui ux design and now you're confused you're like which one is the best and the strategy to deal with this the antidote to the um the antidote to the unlimited options problem is community it is community which is one thing that we realize that we have to realize is all of education not just our education in school and colleges but going back in history education has never been a solo experience practice has been a solo experience but learning has very has not been a solo experience even if you look at gurukuls back in the day it was a very social experience right it was a social experience where you talk you learn you exchange ideas even if you look at classrooms in general it's a very social experience bro college simple example right college your the most of your learnings will be in the hostel rooms or you'll be chilling with your friends most of the learning does not happen in the classroom right so the fact that we're saying that you the best way to learn design is to go to udemy or coursera right where it's great don't get me wrong i think it's a free resource and you should definitely use it use as much as you can right all of these are resources to help you please use them but sitting alone watching videos alone is not how education is supposed to be you're supposed to do it with other people you're supposed to talk to other people and do it you're not supposed to go into a cave come out and say my design is done you're supposed to here's the word collaborate and you know very honestly kovit did take that away from us that's a really sad part it's a really sad part because think about how many people are entering college this year a lot of you actually might be entering college this year you might be thinking zoom classes are you serious zoom classes that's zoom classes is not the way forward at all and we all know that right however it is still a temporary measure overall colleges will get more fun assuming they stay online but zoom classes is not the way right and if it is zoom classes then uh you know this is something that's more fun right so let's talk now okay so thank you all again for being here we're gonna be talking a little bit about what you can expect from this cohort right so give me one sec what i'm gonna do is uh i am going to quickly pull up my um page for this for what we're going to be talking about here and i'll give you all an overview around this this is really funny bro howard has the costly streaming service they do it's so crazy how every college is basically a streaming service now but think about this um the day netflix launches their own college over but again it's not about binging content right so you will still need a community um and we'll talk about that so folks i'm going to play a small clip for you a small break and after right after that we're going to jump into um we're going to jump into some discussion of what this cohort includes right for those of you who've joined our streams before we call this a bail break although i don't have any bail around me but uh let's jump into it in a bit [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] so [Music] welcome back welcome back there was a little break for you all um we are gonna have more different types of breaks right we want to make this like it's very funny but we want to make this like mtv in some ways we want to play some music we want to do a little talking we want to play a little some clips from for you right we don't want this to just be another zoom class we don't want it to be another zone class the point is whether you're in school or whether you're working dude everything is zoom now right so i don't want to like make that a zoom class okay we're going to mix this up we're going to keep this interesting real quick i want you all i want to or rather i want to show you all what you can expect from these 30 days from june right so here we go here we go let me just refresh this so this is going to be a new cohort right this is what you are right now you are technically here you are in session one right we're going to be updating this page with all the sessions so you will have access to the replays however um you might want to join live which is we're going to be doing a lot of interactive stuff over the next couple of sessions um the whole idea is we want to just give you a taste of what it's like to be a part of this new type of learning a lot of people haven't been through that me personally dude i wish this existed when i was learning design i had to make it i won't personally that makes me kind of sad that i will never be able to go through this myself but um this we're gonna have about 20 sessions overall the goal is i want to just make this clear 20 sessions 20 30 days one month i cannot promise that i will make you a ui ux designer that's not what this is about right this cohort that we're going to be doing on youtube we are i we are not going to be promising you a job we're not going to be promising you this but one thing we will be promising you is that you're not going to get bored you're not going to get bored and you are going to make a couple of friends right overall the syllabus we're still sort of figuring out what the overall structure is we'll be sharing that with you over the next couple of days you can of course come and watch this on youtube i will all i would also suggest that you um register for this the registration is not compulsory at all right if you want to just watch the sessions go for it it's it's your choice uh but this will help us figure out how many people are actually participating right um any updates emails we're gonna be sending it to the email that you use to register so for example if we have any um resources or any further updates or if we release something new that we can't talk about on video for example right we'll be using this email to send them out to you so if you haven't registered please check that out right you can go to 10kdesigners.com you'll see this free cohort on top overall the goal is we don't really want to we want to help you unlearn right one thing that um actually i didn't come up with this somebody else pointed it out to me they said that the we assume that learning new skills or making a um making a transition to a new career we assume that it is a um it's a process of learning new things new skills new words new vocabulary it is also an equal process of unlearning unlearning unlearning the bad mindsets that you might have right the wrong mindsets that you might have one of which we spoke about right in the beginning was that of thinking the world is zero sum that you have to compete you don't have to compete unless you want to those kind of mindsets while it's not very obvious and while it not might make sense how does it directly connect to design the most successful designers i've spoken to through some or the other way through some um mentor that helped them or if it was a job that they had or a boss or some life experience they realized that hey um there's a lot more to design than just design there's a lot of these things outside of how things work right so we're going to be unlearning we're going to be unlearning a lot of mindsets people have i'm going to be pointing you to a lot of free resources i will say this as well um our regular cohorts let me talk about the difference between this free cohort and our regular cohorts a regular cohorts are going to run just as planned right the only difference is the regular cohorts are way more focused on a particular topic right so we have one cohort right now which is the ui ux design program um that i think applications are open now by the way you'll find a link if you're interested if you want to know more about that but that is a very different experience from this free cohort right and the reason for that is that is a more focused feedback oriented program right that is a three-month program where there are a fixed number of people right unfortunately we haven't figured out how we can take that to thousands of people right the point is if you're doing udemy it's very easy for them to just say 100 users 2 000 users 200 000 right but with something like this you can't you can't really expand that quick so that's why we're doing these we're doing these open cohorts the regular cohorts are going to go on just as planned the only difference the only difference is that this we're not going to be teaching you ui ux design we're going to be helping you solve your blockers what does that mean it means there's a lot of people who can benefit from these kind of mindsets right a lot of people who are creatives or not even ui ux designers they have nothing to do with ui ux design but a lot of the things we talk about are very general right the kind of stuff we're talking about will be useful if you want to be a creator on the internet you wanna be a freelancer you wanna start your own company whether you're working at a company and now you wanna introduce design some ways so this is gonna be a way more general cohort however our main program this is specific to building a career in uiux design this is more of a general q a it's going to be very interactive q a back and forth and a very guidance focused thing so i'm not going to be teaching too much but i am going to help you unlearn answer questions and hopefully offer guidance we do have two new cohorts coming up by the way these will very likely launch this week these are to give you a little bit of a hint one of them is for people who are kind of already designers so sort of middle of their career and now they want to level up so one of them is going to be regarding that and the other one is going to be something that's not ui ux design it's going to be getting into a new area completely one that we've been trying to explore but uh now will be our perfect attempt at it but besides that you know i am just happy that uh we get to do this we have to do this free cohort where you get to get an idea of what the vibe is like so we have another 20 minutes okay um i want to do a few questions before we wrap up for today tomorrow session we're going to have somebody else on um i mean i'm going to be there but you can expect multiple people on these streams you can expect multiple people we're gonna be getting some amazing experts some amazing people that i look up to who i think have been really useful in um helping form how i see the world right been really useful so we're going to be bringing a lot more people this is not going to be just me talking we're going to have a lot of different stuff coming up but let's do some questions now okay you think i asked can we join multiple cohorts nope the short answer is no a cohort this cohort everybody can join however all those other cohorts that those three cohorts that we showed you they are meant to be a very a bit of an intense experience like i would only get into one of those if you are really sure about making a career in that particular field right if you're still curious if you're not sure i would suggest this cohort is actually the best for that but the paid cohorts the paid programs you cannot do more than once one at a time it's going to be very difficult for you what is the selection criteria so the selection criteria is one very interesting thing that we've done that i don't think we talk about enough is most most other programs that i've seen are very just beginner focused however our cohorts include a mix of types of people so our criteria for picking we try to get a diverse group which is we have people who are in college who are transitioning into a design role or transitioning into design figuring stuff out we have people who are already working in the industry who are doing something really good um in whatever field they are in sales bd product management development we have vcs who've taken the cohort before we have a good bunch of people like that as well and then we have people who are already designers who want to now build more of a solid foundation right so our cohorts we have a mix of these different types of people and then when it comes to specifics what we do is we try to assess whether you would be a good fit from the program purely based on your answers purely based on your answers if you've taken some time to go through the form um answer those questions you would probably get in right however the tricky thing is i want you all to just just to give some perspective we're not an established company i just want to say that right in the sense that we haven't been around for five to ten years this is literally year one we just finished year one so a lot of stuff we're still yet to figure out however you know i think we have a really solid product so people who are interested you will find a link if you want to apply to those programs this is where you can find them the main difference is also as part of the free cohort by the way folks can somebody guess okay can somebody guess how many people have applied for this for this free cohort how many people are going to be participating of course we have a thousand people on stream right now but can somebody guess how many people have enrolled it's it's more than two thousand right it's more than two thousand um and the problem is when you have two thousand people there's a lot we can teach but there is no way we can give you personalized what you need attention and that's the main reason the cohorts the paid cohorts exist because there we restrict the numbers we bring in mentors we bring in alumni mentors as well as industry mentors and we help you out with that yeah 2005 register it's not wrote if 20k people are registered and only a thousand people showed up i would feel really bad i would feel really bad but um i think about 2000 people have registered and about a thousand have shown up to this first session yeah besides that you might be wondering although this is on youtube where do we where do we talk to each other where is the community is it just this chat is it just the chat no it's not we have uh we have a discord that we've created for this a lot of you might already be a part of that discord but uh let me show you all real quick the link let me just share this here we've created a dedicated section oops created a dedicated section within our cohort within our discord sorry this is the link let me really quick show you what it looks like on the inside yes here we go boom so this is going to be our meeting spot this is going to be our campus this is going to be our no this is the classroom youtube is the classroom but this is going to be the campus this is going to be the hospital this is going to be the cafeteria this is going to be where you meet other people we have set up some voice channels so right after this you know please feel free to jump here right i'll spend some time here as well um we have created this area here so you will be posting some updates here please all of you i want you all to post your intro right i will say this this is not netflix this is not netflix mode this is not a pre-recorded course you cannot just sit back and watch right i can see some people are typing right here awake this is not netflix mode you cannot binge this you have to actively participate in some ways at least right up to you but uh please post your intros here right we will um we will also be talking in the rest of this we've created sections for figma webflow to ask questions we have a newbie zone that we've created if you feel you know you might feel that hey um i'm too too early to this you might feel like hey i don't feel like i belong and my good news for you is you do belong right and we've made a space where you can just ask questions there are no there are no dumb questions right this is something that i strongly strongly believe in which is if you never ask the question you stay down right i don't know who told me this they're like bro if you're ever thinking your question is dumb they're like don't you want to overcome that right so there's no dumb questions please you know post here we'll be happy to chat and secondly if you'd like to speak to some alumni if you'd like to speak to some people who've been a part of the cohorts right the paid cohorts we've had so far if you want to ask them questions feel free to use this we have a channel called alumni chat right and we've added all our cohort people here here we go rohan so any questions that you have that we didn't exactly address in the chat you will be able to ask over here so this is our classroom 9 p.m every single day what you just saw the discord again let me add a link it's a bit.ly slash 10k discord let me just really quick share that again if you're enrolled number one i would definitely suggest enrolling right so that you get updates but besides that uh this is the link i will be sharing this in future sessions as well but for now you know go ahead and join this um so yes we're wrapping up our very first session right we are going to go on a journey together let me just say that without sounding cheesy without sounding like i'm you know making up this is going to be a journey people who've had um people who've been to their streams before this the second channel they know what this experience is like right we did a 33 day mini cohort related to crypto you know some of you probably were there this is going to be something similar this is for let me show you real quick this is for people transitioning to design one sec this is for those who are transitioning into design this is for those who are maybe designers maybe creators of some kind who want to level up and of course if you're curious about design no better place because here we're going to directly every single day monday to friday 9pm address you we're going to talk we're going to get more people on and besides that this is the classroom and our discord is the campus so i want to see you all on campus i want to see you hanging out there i'm going to be spending a lot of time in june in that discord as well so i'll be answering your questions but in addition to that a lot of the mentors will be helping you out as well mentors as well as the past alumni so overall um this has been our purity stream yes anurag this has been our priority stream um and this youtube cohort is going to be our parichai i'm not gonna call it that but um it's gonna be very interesting right and then i want to just say thank you all the journey is just getting started right and um with that namaste talk to you tomorrow at 9 00 pm right after this please jump into the voice chat some mentors are going to be around and they're going to be answering questions i might jump in for some time as well in future sessions we'll do some live q a as well so look looking forward to those um i think fridays are going to be our live q a days but i'll keep you updated on that right so thank you all for being here i will see you on discord if you haven't subscribed already please do right one of the most difficult parts about learning anything and i don't have to tell you this you know this already one of the most difficult parts of learning anything is the motivation how do you find the motivation to do stuff right it's so difficult i find it so difficult right i get pulled into crypto and all the time i get pulled into crypto because it's so interesting i want to do new things all the time and i'm sure it's the same for you right motivation is very hard so if you're interested i would suggest enrolling on the page enrolling will add these sessions to your calendar so you will get reminders right that is half of the motivation problem solved there's gonna be no tests there's gonna be no assignments there's gonna be no um forcing you to do anything we're going to make this a fun experience for you and we're really excited to see how this goes so see you somewhere else on the internet but tomorrow at 9 00 pm on this same bye bye i don't have an intro i don't have an outro to play bro i will have that in the next one but uh for that for now see you you
Channel: ABNUX
Views: 31,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MaffJqHg2Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 19sec (3259 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.