Remember Lot's Wife | Pastor W. Cowan | Sermon | S.D.A Sunrise, Fl

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[Music] [Music] oh they're for Savior is Jesus my Lord a [Music] wonderful Savior - he hided my soul in the cleft of the rod [Music] wherever's of ledger I see he hide my soul in the cleft of the rock that shine [Music] try thirsty land he hide in the depth of his [Music] offers people with visa and covers me there with his hair a wonderful Savior is Jesus my home they take my burdens away he holdin me up and I shall not be moved he giveth me strength and fighting he hide in the cleft of the rock that shine Rosa dry thirsty he hide my line in the death of his loved rain cover Stephen we fee sir and covers me there with his man well globe in His goodness transported he crowd to me Damon clouds of the sky he is perfect salvation is wonderful love a shout with the millions on high he hide at my soul in the cleft of the rock that shadows a dry thirsty liar [Music] verse me with these [Music] offers me there with his [Music] some church this time the Deacons will come forward as we call a collect all these tithes and offering the Lord is blessing [Music] me [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] right let's all stand bringing all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now herewith saith the Lord of Hosts if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive [Music] [Music] turn over to my father I want to thank you for bringing us into this eolic words well thank you for sparing our life want to thank you for your many blessings that you have bestowed upon us on the father you blessed us you have given us jobs you have blessed with so many different things we're here today to return your tithes and a free will offering we pray on the file that you will bless each art but those who had to give and those who didn't and father may in the end may Allah given but will not be in vain what our lives will be spared when you shall come to claim your home continue be with us we pray in Jesus blessed name well please decedent if go thanks we been echoing the call message went forth for the last three weeks what a revival what a crusade what a series Amen Murad spirit was manifested over the past weeks we give our thanks we started with pastor white and we are right now with pastor Pawan in the name of Jesus simmer I tell your friends not being here one evening you have missed something today is the last of the series of meetings and we give God thanks for these two men allow themselves to be used by God to give the trumpet a certainty so the last of the heavens we will fellowship in with Pastor coven and we pray that God will continue to bless his ministry amen today this final message for the final message God's people won't you join me and in singing our song as we invite pastor Colin to speak on the behalf of headquarters shall we stand [Music] wonderful merciful Savior precious Redeemer [Music] rise to the [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] while the water you graced our hearts always for [Music] [Music] Ancient of Days God of Abraham god of Isaac god of jacob god of the remnant church the seventh-day adventist church oh god we bow in your presence this morning thanking you for the life that you have loan unto us is that life that we have come now in your presence to give you this sacrifice of praise oh god we pray that in your own mysterious way that the holy spirit will enter into the heart of every worshiper here in this big building and even those who are watching my internet I pray God that you would work in such a way that men and women yeah even boys and girls will feel the spirit the lord moving like a magnet in this place oh may you humble us today as we listen to your words may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord you are my strength and my Redeemer let the church say Amen amen and amen you may be seated I am very heartened today that we are having about tis known service right here the new life seventh-day Adventist Church since we started some three weeks ago men was was there Monica's baptizo - yes women women have responded to the call we believe today will not believe we know that today we have another woman that has responded to the call you see anywhere the gospel has been preached if you are honest at heart you will respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ it is that powerful Word of God says that it is powerful like a two-edged sword cutting asunder wherever the gospel is being preached men and women will always respond and I'm very happy today very very happy to see that even here in this part of the vania that we are playing our part in snatching people from the that the less their snare of the enemy I got a call from a wife of a member of one of our churches she told me that her husband as in the hospital on life support and that it was looking dim but I was heartened because she was the wife for husband and I baptized last year was the first time that I was ever baptizing a person in a wheelchair was an experience that man about eight years of age if I can remember he said come hell or high water he wanted to get baptized it was a struggle for the Deacons to get him in the pool but we got him in the pool and he was baptized right there in his wheelchair subsequent his baptism have gone to his house encouraged him let him know that listen you're a very sick man anything can happen so I want you to consecrate yourself daily so when she called I was not perturbed because I believed that he had made it right to this Lord he eventually died and you know the family is in mourning but we thank God that in the nick of time he gave his heart to Jesus sorry young man last week here did not make it in a baptismal pool but somebody needs to talk to him it's a big mistake so this afternoon we are here again the Lord has given us a message so even though the Bible text will be on the screen like you to turn your Bibles turning pages of the Bibles walk with me the Book of Luke Luke chapter 17 and verse 32 let me hear that my believes moving Luke chapter 17 and verse 32 just that one verse for now Luke chapter 17 and verse 32 what book did I say Luke Luke that's the book chapter 17 and verse 32 and we're gonna read that text together the Bible says are you there are you there Luke chapter 17 is on the screen what I want you as a matter of fact I want you to take out your pens and whenever you have to make notes and make notes because our theme text for these this week that we have been here what is our theme text it is found in psalm 119 and verse 11 it says thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not watch sinned against thee so glad to see your sister more thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee Luke chapter 17 are you there not there yet Luke chapter 17 and verse 32 read with me the Bible says remember Lot's wife bow your heads you Oh God even now even now even now may your Holy Spirit work or work that has never been seen before in this place Oh God may you speak to the consciousness of someone this afternoon Oh God I pray that in some way shape or form your your your message will will find lodgement in someone's heart may you were wake that one out of the slumber the stupa and help them he or she realized and won't be long from now in Jesus will come so I pray God that your word will come forth with clarity and precision a laser beam into our hearts may we accept Jesus Christ fully is my prayer in Jesus name a few verses in Luke chapter 17 sets the context that will give meaning to the three simple most important words that screams at us from our topic remember Lot's wife remember Lot's wife remember Lot's wife from the passage it is obvious that Jesus is talking to the Pharisees about his coming Kingdom and in that discussion he made references as to what it would be like before he comes Jesus directed his errors to the experiences of Nohr and lodge and Jesus indicated that just as it was in the days of Noah and in the days of lot so it will be in our day when the Son of Man comes if you read a passage carefully you would have realized that Luke's description of those days shows that at that time economies of the world will be doing well food will be plenty so much so that people will be marrying and giving in marriage notwithstanding Jesus then gave a very cryptic warning in verse 31 and 32 of Luke chapter 17 walk with me the Bible says are you there the Bible says but he said to him reading from the New King James Version sorry Luke chapter 7 31 it says in that day are you walking with me he who is on the housetop and his goods is what it's goods are in the house let him not come down to take them away remit matured and likewise the one who is in the field let me not turn back the Bible the Bible the Bible is exhorting is screaming at us he says in that day when the Son of Man is nearing to come in that day if you are on the housetop as near as you are to your stuff that's what the King James Version says but I need mr. mr. technical man I need a new King James Version you don't have it well as near as you are to your stuff don't come down to take it away and if you're at work don't turn back and then in verse 32 the Bible says remember Lot's wife to remember Lot's wife you have to take a trip with me to Sodom so we read Genesis chapter 19 turn your Bibles with me to Genesis chapter 19 Genesis chapter 19 the Bible says the Bible says in verse 1 the Bible says in the New King James Version because this is the correct interpretation of the Hebrew listen the New King James Version the Bible says now the tool the two angels came to Sodom in the evening the King James says two angels but the New King James says now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening and lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom when lot saw them the Bible says he rose to meet them and he bowed himself for his face towards the ground the Bible says fit two angels I'm going to come back to those two angels as I as I go true but the Bible said the two angels those of us who are not familiar with the story let me take some time to set the context so that you will understand the message Oh his lot well we know Abraham and lot is a bruh the Abraham's nephew in Genesis chapter 12 work with me Genesis chapter 12 the Bible says the Bible says now the Lord said to Abraham and verse 1 get thee out of thy country and what from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that I will show thee so large was Abraham's nephew the son of Abraham's brother and if we were to be technical the command that God gave Abraham he was not supposed to have taken locked because the Bible says that get thee out of thy country and from thy kingdom from thy father's house we're not going to get technical so now not ended up in Sodom if you turn with me to chapter 13 verse 7 and as we go through the Bible of Genesis the Bible says let me hear you turning your Bibles the Bible says in 13 and verse 7 and there was a strife between what the herdsmen of Abraham's livestock and the herd men of what Lots livestock the Canaanites and the parasites then dwell in the land verse 8 said so Abraham said to lot let there be no strife I pray thee between me and thee and between my herdsmen and what diet herdsmen for we be brethren let there be no strife between my herdsmen and thy Earth's men for we be brethren I told you that he was not supposed to have taken lot but know that the whole land is before them now that there is prosperity prosperity brings strife sometimes it happens in the Church of God prosperity means strife when Abraham said let there be no strife amongst us forward we be pressuring oh I wish that the Church of God members of the Church of God would take a leaf out of Abraham's book sometimes there is tension in the church are you walking with me sometimes there is strife in the church but injunction from Abraham is that let there be no strife amongst us Oh Edie brethren Bible goes on in chapter 8 in verse 18 of chapter 13 the Bible says so then Abraham move is tent and knew what they were and dwelt in the plain of Mamre which is in Abram and built there an altar unto the Lord for the Bible tells us that he said to lot in verse 9 of chapter 13 if you take the right I'll take the left and if you take the left and I will go right not look and he saw hardly that the verdure of the land and our beautifully boss and he chose the beautiful part he should have humble himself his uncle is an older man for him and harder as it were and should have given his uncle the first choice the Bible says Abraham went towards mamrie and in verse 12 the Bible says loved pitched his tent towards sudden looked pitched his tent towards Sodom Sodom will Sin City a lot does not move his family into a home on a nice street in a nice city in the suburban part of turn not move close enough so that his family will feel the full effect of the lure of wickedness in Sodom there was mirth and revelry feasting and drunkenness in Sodom the fairest and most brutal passions were unrestrained Sodom would have seen two men on the corners kissing a woman kissing involved in illicit sets the sanam was sensitive and the Bible says not pitched his tent what sorry and as you look at the progression of light now in chapter 19 he lives in the city but first the Bible says in in verse ten lot lifted up his eyes and saw all the plain of Jordan that was well watered everywhere the Bible says in verse 10 that he didn't what he lifted up his eyes looked toward sudden in first 12 the Bible says he pitched his tent towards Sodom and by the time we reach chapter 19 luck is living in Sodom you that city our O'War near our gates storica li men who sat at the gates were political leaders they were the elders who decided the matters of civil law so now in chapter 19 lot is at the gate I walking with me still lot is at the gate is now a leader he has now moved into Sodom he has made friends with the people he now rose in popularity now he has roots built a business and a home and had established a family now lot was a leading man in sorrow citizen so here we go back to where we started chapter 19 verse 1 the Bible says now the two angels are walking with me now the two angels as a matter of fact let us go back to chapter 80 the Bible says for us to understand what is acting in chapter 19 we have to go back to chapter 84 the Bible says in chapter 19 the two angels came to Sodom in the evening the two angels these are two specific angels ever asked them to understand the two angels let us go back to chapter AG the Bible says in Genesis chapter 18 the Lord appeared to him in the plains of Mamre and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day this hymn is referring to Abraham he was at the tent door cooling out in the heat of the day verse 2 put it on the screen Bible says that Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked and lo what three men stood by him and when he saw them he did what he ran to meet them from the tent door and what and bowed himself towards the ground I'd like you to notice that Abraham paid homage to these men these men were angels the Bible tell us that suddenly appeared and an Abraham knew from the beginning these were heavenly messengers and if we look at what MIT not did in chapter 19 Locke did the same thing recognize that these were not ordinary visitors he called them Lords Abraham referred to them as Lord not got good bomb training and family worship in verses 4 to 8 the Bible says chapter 18 the angels came and they said please let a little water be brought Abraham said and did one wash your feet rest yourselves under the tree and I will bring a morsel of what bread that you may refresh your hearts have you read it from the King James that you shall pass on and therefore how he come to your servants and they said so do as thou hast said verse 6 says and Abraham hastened into the tent on to Sara and said make ready quickly three measures of what fine meal knead it and make cakes upon the earth and Abraham ran unto the earth and fetch what a calf tender and good and gave it unto a young man and he hasted to us treci verse 8 says and he took butter and milk and the calf which he had dressed and said before them and he stood by them under the tree and there did eat abraham recognized that these were not ordinary visitors and he gave them the bible says meal that must have been a corn meal dumpling and butter this this looks like the high cholestoral meal oxtail that kind of a thing and Abraham treated them royally verse 9 verse 9 says put it on a screen and they said unto Him where he Sarah thy wife and he said behold in the tent and verse 10 and he said I was certainly return unto these according to the time of life and Lowell Sarah thy wife shall have a son and Sarah girded in the tent door which was behind him and like you to notice my sisters and my brothers these heavenly visitors they had interest in the family they knew what was happening and they had come to relieve the family and verse 11 says now Abraham and Sarah were cold well stricken in age it seems to be with Sarah half to the manner of women that means that she was barren couldn't have a child but the eight the angel informed him read verse thirty first and the Lord said unto Abraham well let us go back to verse 12 and therefore Sarah WA left within herself saying after I am waxed old shall have pleasure my lord being old also verse 13 and the Lord said unto Abraham wherefore did Sarah live you see she was in those days a woman were not to be in the company of men when they are when they are in Council and she was in the tent and she heard woman eavesdropping listening to her husband's conversation and the Bible said she left she laughed she said am 90 years of age how in the world am I gonna have a child nice she listened in on the conversation she left I want to tell you that 25 years before that the Lord had promised Abraham a son and the angels might have said to them Abraham listen God who is not circumscribed by human limitations promised you a son and for 25 years Abraham held down to that promise Abraham did not become a backslider Abraham did not lead the church God promised you a son when I digress verse 16 and 19 the Bible says that the men rose from there come read with me and look towards Sodom come on read it Lee and Abraham went with them to bring them on the way keep reading hmm might make and all the nations of the earth verse 19 and they shall heed the way of the Lord to the justice and one judgment and what I want you to notice my friends that are the Angels reasoned they said as they rose and they were looking towards Sodom Abraham went with them to send them on their way and they said shall we I that which we have come to do because you see these angels were on a mission Abraham was their first stop to tell him Sarah and Abraham that the Sun that God had promised them was to come and now they have done that they were on the second part of their itinerary going to Sarah and the Bible says that Abraham joined them and and because of who Abraham was they said let us tell him the secret are you walking with Masjid I'm going somewhere verse 20 and 21 the Bible says as they conversed with Abraham the Bible says and the Lord said because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great and because their sin is very Grievous I will go down and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it which has come unto me and if not the Bible says I will know listen my sisters and my brothers there will come a time when God will have to say enough is enough God has been giving you chance after chance after chance after chance who say at the crusade and there will come a time when God will say enough is enough you going down to sunny deal which say nice they talked conversed with Abraham something popped up in Abraham's mind let us read verse 22 the Bible says and the men turned their faces from thence and went towards Sodom but Abraham stood yet before the Lord he didn't see that Abraham go back to 22 Abraham stood yet before the Lord when they told Abraham that they were going down to sudden to destroy Sodom Abraham remembered his little nephew down there and Lord and the angels were on their way the Bible says Abraham stood before the angel don't go ahead I have a nephew in Sodom you can't go down there to destroy Sodom I have enough you down there but it says Abraham reasoned with the Lord and verse 23 and Abraham junior and said with tho also destroy the righteous with the wicked Abraham remembered his nephew lot how he had brought him up in family worship and in the church and he even though he had gone to sell him Abraham was thinking that he must have some godliness still with him and he might have even kept a crusade in Sodom and baptized some people so Abraham reason will go destroy the righteous with the wicked Abraham didn't even wait for an answer listen to me Church this world owes its existence because we were righteous I still hear there are times that God would have destroyed this earth had it not been for his righteous people I'd let you understand my sisters and my brothers that if God were to destroy the righteous with the wicked that makes no sense that we are here this it's not going to destroy Bible says Abraham stood before the Lord Abraham reasoned with the Lord verse 26 the Bible says and the Lord said if I find in son 50 righteous within the city then I will spare all the place for their sakes madam Abraham reasoned he said yes luck might have kept a cruel sin and baptized but maybe he didn't get 50 and so in verse 29 abraham reasoned again turned to 29 for me and he spake unto him again and said peradventure there shall be what forty found there and the angel said I will not do it 440c Abraham thought to himself again and a reason within his heart that that I'm not certain it's a it's been a while since I've heard from luck I'm not certain so Abraham reasoned with the Lord again in verse 30 and he said unto him let not the Lord be angry and I will speak proud venture there shall walk 30 30 30 he found there and the angel said if 30s there I will not destroy it Abraham still was not satisfied next verse Bible said 31 he said we all know now now I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord peradventure there shall be twenty he's counting down by 10 now he started 450 went to 405 than 240 now he's counting down by 10:30 no 20 the angel said if I find 20 there I will not destroy 420 say but Abraham still was not sure verse 32 says that Abraham said all let not the Lord be angry he realizes that he was testing the patience of the Lord and he was conscious of it but he had a family member down in sorrow he said just this one time ten only ten he said if there are ten I will not destroy the faith of sudden died in the actions of ten righteous people Oh can the Lord said that say that today in your life in Fort Lauderdale can I find ten righteous people in this community and if I can find ten not destroyed Bible says in verse 33 the Lord went his way for when the Lord makes his point is finished he's open to negotiation and he's reasonable the Bible says he's not slack concerning his promise and the Bible says as soon as he had left communing with Abraham Abraham returned unto his place the Lord went his way by then the two angels had already gone is there that we need these fit to angels in chapter 94 it was the practice in Old Testament that before you inflict punishment you sent two witnesses so God sends two angels the two angels the Bible says in chapter 19 verse 1 that they came in the evening my country we have us a song that we used to sing that's it even time work is over now is even time and an even time the bars are swinging things are happening in Sodom people are gallivanting and gyrate gyrating and having all kind of fun the ROM bars are open and they're drinking living it up and they do not know that up on the hills of Mamre there is a man of God are preaching a frame beseeching begging on their behalf [Music] god send the angels they are their Caravan G they are unaware that their salvation is in the hands of ten righteous people ten can God find ten righteous people in new life today that can save this community ten they are smoking and drinking the Bible says in verse 2 of chapter 19 and he said here not my logs least let me read from the King James turning I pray you to your servants house and tarry all night wash your feet you shall rise up early and go on your ways and they said no but we will abide in the street all night lot said no no you don't know what kind of a place is this these are sodomites and they will do things with you that said no no and he pressed upon them greatly and they turning down to him the Bible says and he entered into his house and he made them a feast and baked unleavened bread and they did eat verse 4 says but before they lay down men of the city even the men of Sodom compassed the house around both old and young and all the people from every quarter verse 5 said and they call unto lot and sent him where are the men which came into unto thee this night bring them unto us that we were awed may know how they that word know the Hebrew word yada for sex these were three would said elder nasty man bring them that we may know that verse 6 says and not went out of the door and to them and shut the door after him and verse 7 says and I said I pray thee brethren do not do so we could let verse eight and we all know I have two daughters which I've known I've not known man let me I pray you bring them out unto you do to them as it is good in your eyes only unto these men do nothing for therefore can they under the shadow of my hue some preachers of selling that lock was for luck this was a sham for he knew that these men were not interested in women to notice that I've seen no man verse 9 says and they said stand back and they said again this one fella came in to sojourn and he will needs me a judge now when we deal worse with these everything and they pressed swore upon the man evil lot and came near to break down the door psalm the Sin City break down the door first 12 to 14 the Bible says the men first wealth salient Allah has though there any besides son-in-law and thy sons and thy daughters and whatever thou hast in the city bring them out of this race when the man the angel saw that these sodomites were seriously breaking down the door to come in they said now this City of God and they said to lot do you have any more family members god is interested in families are you listening to me God is interested in families and so that is why when family member come to you and beg and beseech you to give your heart to Jesus it is because God is a family god it is not God's intention that that that are you should perish Bible says that we ask them do you have any family member Bible says continues in verse the next verse please for we will destroy this place because the cry of them is what Watson crate before the face of the Lord and the Lord has sent us to destroy it verse 14 says and Lud went out and spake unto his sons in law which married his daughters and said up get you out of this place for the Lord will destroy the city but he seems as one that mocked unto his sons-in-law let me break this down for us remember Bible says the angels came when in the evening and with all that exchange it must be nighttime so a lot because the the look that that God struck them with blindness and even in their blindness they were still pushing down the door the Lord said to lot listen do you have a me this is serious do you have any family member so when luck went out it was night time Bible says he spake unto his sons in law which married his daughters remember now he had two daughters at home these two daughters were other daughters that had married men in subtle and lot risking his safety because of you that is daughters-in-law and his sons in lowering problem went out at night when to speak to his family the Bible says he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons-in-law you can imagine they say daddy what you mean there are two angels at your house and the city is going to be destroyed they said mrs. Nadia you taking medication not pleaded and I want you to notice that Lots daughters married man who took God for a joke did you see that in the text not daughters that grew up in the church family worship morning and evening knew about the Living God they when they got big and was able to be independent and reach the age of accountability and marry they married men who God for a joke sad news is your sisters in our church coming down your streets now who are still shacking up and marrying two men who take God for a joke we are talk about is sonic Church you know you know no church married men who took God for a joke Locke begged the Bible says he pleaded listen this city is going to be destroyed and a lot beg them listen leave and come they're two angels at my house and they're going to destroy the city leave and come and not begged and pleaded but they would not hear like you to use your imagination as not turn his back upon his daughters and his sons-in-law walking back to the middle of the night and mrs. Locke looking out in the window wanting to see her husband coming back we learn daughters at least she's looking looking through a window and she sees that the lonely figure of her dejected husband coming back without their daughters or sons in law and verse 15 the Bible says and when the morning arose the angels they said not saying arise take thy wife and thy two sons no two daughters which I hear can't say those who are not here take my two daughters that I hear lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city verse 16 the Bible says and while he lingered one preacher says Lot's wife caused in Tahlequah remember we are talking about remember Lot's wife because you know the woman always have something that they want to carry with them you can't leave this now we have to carry this remember we read the thing about the stuffs the goods can't leave it behind and they linger and the man they hold upon his hand and upon the hand of his wife and upon the hand of his two daughters the Lord be merciful unto Him and they brought him forth sets him without the city wanting to look at a text read verse 17 came to pass when they had brought them forth abroad that he escaped said escape for thy life look not behind thee neither stay thou in all the plane and scared to the mountain lest thou be consumed verse 18 and Lud said unto them oh not so my lord the next verse we all know thy servant that from grace in thy sight and I was magnified thy mercy let me stop here so I want to make a point the angel said don't look back escape for thy life don't look back and she they were lingering and the Indians grabbed their hands listen to me church missus not had the prints I've never seen God forcing people like this she had the privilege of the angel holding on to her hands run for the years 24 and 25 reader for me run for the hills verse 24 and 25 grab the Bible says the Lord rained upon Sodom on brimstone fire for the Lord however over to this city and all the plain and all the inhabitants of the cities and that which grew up on the ground or his wife looked back from behind him she became Pyrrha sighs this is where I wanted to learn our topic is remember Lot's wife married to a righteous had the privilege of God holding her hand the angel holding her hand grabbing out of out of sudden run for your life Bible said she looked back she had stuff she had goods back inside that I believe I really believe Lot's wife lost her life because of her two daughters I've heard of women giving up house when the marriage gone solo bird of woman giving up jewelry's giving up cars material possessions I've heard of women giving up every other thing said bastard us just just just just I just want to get him out of my life let him take everything but when it comes out to the children she's not gonna give up she's gonna fight tooth and nail for those children for she remembers when she had to nurture and to carry those babies for nine months and a woman forget her suckling child No she cannot forget and while she was leaving her stuff the children the children were under mine she couldn't be to leave her two daughters behind and the Bible says that she looked back and that was it you see God is not gonna save you against your will inspired writer says those who will be saved are those want to be saved you in jest could grow up you little more preachers could preach lika more who say that the crusade little more if you don't want to be saved you will not be saved you have to watch it I said you want to want it mothers can understand what mrs. Locke was going through how in the world can I leave my two daughters and I want to tell the church there comes a time when you have to run for your life I have one daughter is the only daughter that I have Lehren have fun memories of when my daughter was growing up and we used to play and write bicycle and and she would ask me daddy daddy so and so and so now I would tell her stories I understand like sister : what it means to have a daughter that you care for and the thought of me leaving my daughter behind son Irving but peer comes a time my sisters and brothers when you have to back up and run you think I've made my point so I'm done but I want to re-emphasize those of you who have been lingering like mrs. flood I want to remind you remember Lot's wife you a few times that the Bible exhausts us to remember this is one of them remember Lot's wife I said remember that's right I'm not here to preach and let people feel nice and go back home in your sins I come here to disturb you if you're too comfortable and to comfort the disturbed and I want to let you know that if you're continuing to Linda remember Lot's wife made reference to it earlier on young man was here last week took the vols but he never got baptized was uncomfortable in the past had to speak to him listen if you are uncomfortable don't do it because God is not going to force anyone poor young man did you know what he was doing I never get another opportunity like that and if you're here today remember Lot's wife there is any like that today the message is for you remember Lot's wife don't get comfortable in your sins and feel as if you're not going to make if you're gonna make it the other night I showed from the screen from the Bible that idolaters and fornicators and Liars and an adulteress and all those people will never inherit the kingdom of God if you're struggling with once in for 20 15 20 years something is wrong remember Lot's wife remember Lot's wife norsu door is still a jar and it will not be open forever remember Lot's wife posture you can get the candidates ready does that make this final appeal you're here this morning and that's the Church's stance demonstration come Christy give yourself give us [Music] give me a sound bracele [Music] while another stolen car do not pass me by oh let us sing it softly [Music] [Music] do not pass [Music] testing the next time [Music] find a sweet [Music] [Music] my Under [Music] you're here this afternoon you've heard a message remember Lot's wife is lingering the value of indecision for too long voilá say faster faithfully got the message faster pretty funny that is a sentiment of your heart why don't you put your hand up don't fight the spirit you're here this afternoon [Music] not yet baptized not yet a member of the church but the Lord has spoken to your heart and you want to say pastor the candidates come you want to say pastor prayed for me is there one stair why is there life just come when they pass the briefly still on come Savior say [Music] see while another star caught [Music] I want to make a second appeal because of the urgency of the time you're a mother in Zion or a father in Zion your daughter has not yet given their heart to Jesus like mrs. Locke sent mr. Locke for the children I make this appeal that you go for your child it is not serious and bring them to the object go for that child bring that child to the RT bring that child to the arm to bring that daughter bring that son to the our talk let us be together bring that family member to the arch our God is interested in family that is why he acts love is there any besides thing sons-in-law daughters-in-law whoever it is bring that family member to the altar let's talk to Jesus come on let us see the parents moving family member moving bring that first adult as we sing the last it's time for one more turn all the squeal Oh Michael [Music] one more for Jesus morganite to me [Music] my design movie nothing but thee [Music] [Applause] [Music] we thank God for the system escaped the fires that will befall this night not long from now we've tried our best and we'll meet o appeals people are still lingering remember Lot's wife posture is going to come and give the vows this sister we thank God for her she's made up her mind today Prince Karl what do you say mr. Lita Thompson has decided to go all the way with Jesus last week she wanted to be not baptism the circumstances beyond her control but thank God we may come amen the balm in Gilead the one that said to the sea thus far are no further this character through and soup sister Thompson because you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior we want to go through these thirteen vows the acts that you answer in the affirmative that is to say yes I will take a vote and we move on to the pace of baptism in the name of Jesus question 1 do you believe there is one God Father Son Holy Spirit the unity of three core eternal persons do you accept the death of Jesus Christ on Calvary's cross as an atoning sacrifice and believe that by God's grace through his shed blood you are saved from sin and it's penalty do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior believe that God in Christ has given forgiven your sins and has given you a new heart do you renounce the sinful ways of the world do you accept by faith the righteousness of Christ as your intercessor in him and the century and accept his promise of transforming Grace and a part to live a love in Christ centered life in your home and before the world do you believe that the Bible is God's inspired Word the only rule of faith and practice for Christians do you covenant to spend time in per and regular Bible study yes do you accept the Ten Commandments as a transcript of the character of God and a revelation of history is it your purpose by the power of an indwelling Christ to keep this law including the fourth commandment which requires the observance of the 70th week as a Sabbath of the Lord and a memorial of creation do you look forward to the soon coming of Jesus the Blessed hope when this mortal shall put on immortality and as you prepare to meet the Lord will you witness to his loving salvation by using your personal soul-winning endeavor to help others for his glorious appearing do you accept biblical teaching of spiritual gifts and believe that a spirit of prophecy is one of the identifying parts of the remnant Church do you believe in church organization is it your purpose to worship God is a forged Church through your tithes and offerings and your personal effort and influence do you believe that the body is a temple of the Holy Spirit will you honor God by caring for it avoiding that which is harmful abstaining from all unclean foods the use manufacture or the sale of alcoholic beverages from the use manufacture or sale of tobacco in any of its form for human consumption and from the misuse or trafficking in narcotics and other drugs amen do you know what understand the fundamental by the principles as taught by the seventh-day Adventist Church do your purpose by the grace of God the fulfil is your Israel by all in your life in harmony with these principles do you accept the new testament teaching of baptism by immersion and desire to be baptized as a public expression of faith in Christ and the forgiveness of your sins final question do you accept the belief that the seventh-day Adventist Church is the remnant Church of by the prophecy and that people of every nation recent language are invited and accepted into its finishing do you desire to be a member of this local congregation and the world Church all right I want you to turn around as we take the motion is there motion that we accept sister leader Thompson subject your baptism that's been move is there second all in favor should do so by lifting your right hand those opposed by this if you are opposing about dissimilar take your seat hey man turn around is still dieter thank God we're all seeing the same thing that we are seeing yes with you we are standing with you we are standing beside you will be indefinite not standing in front of you we want to let you know that this is God's church and you are welcome to be a foot soldier to the finest fight of faith in the lay hold on eternal life bow your heads with me Father in Heaven we thank you in the name of Jesus because one sinner has come Oh Lord we are reminded of of Lot's wife today and sister Lita Thompson as remember Lot's wife and that is why she's taking a stance now to be with our Lord forever and forever so lord I pray that you're blessed indeed honk resize her decision not only for time but for eternity Lord a preacher spoke about our children we want to pray for her son at this time Lord I don't know if he's at home but wherever he's at this time we pray that the life that she will begin to live will touch the heart of her son so that he will give his heart to you before it is too late Lord I wore the single out sister Bennet she came in answering to that call oh god remember her children but especially your son Oh God and right now she's thinking about him she has Jesus Christ on her mind and she recognized that there is something that you can do there is power in your name god I pray that this time that you will honor our faith gave her victory and so God before long that she were a choice with what you're about to do even right now wherever is at this time Lord we pray that your Larissa's attention turn him around may he ball or like Nicodemus and accept Jesus Christ as his personal Savior thank you for the message today thank you for your messenger Lord they linger live long in our hearts we pray in Jesus precious name [Music] a date [Music]
Channel: New Life SDA FL
Views: 455
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Keywords: New Life Seventh-Day Adventist Church FL Live Stream, New Life, Seventh-Day Adventist, Church, FL, Live Stream, live church service, message of the 3 angels, seven day Adventist live, Florida SDA, SDA Live service, Sunrise SDA, Saturday church, Saturday service
Id: tu4f9q0m3UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 12sec (5172 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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