Remastering DS Games for 3DS - Widescreen, Dual Analog & More

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[Music] hey everyone John here and when this thing came out many people pondered what will the circle pad do for backwards compatible Nintendo DS games will games like Mario 64 DS finally have full analog movement and the answer to that was no it just kind of mapped the d-pad to the circle pad giving you digital inputs on an analog plane which if anything is kind of worse however if I were to show you this Nintendo 3DS let's move just a little bit forward do you see that that's anog baby how are we doing that well we're going to use three tools for this one the Twilight menu two tww patch and three some cheat codes so pre-recorded John talk us through how we're doing this and let's see the results okay so the first thing you need is the Twilight menu a Nintendo DS ROM backup loader that also contains other extras such as a cheat loader and for now at least we'll just need the tww patch as well this basically patches the Twilight menu with a few other options the primary use is to adjust Nintendo DS scaling because the default Nintendo one is a little bit but ugly here's how Nintendo DS games usually boot on 3DS and it's kind of a blurry mess and here's how it looks in Pixel Perfect mode Which is far far better while none of these features match Pixel Perfect mode they still look a lot better than just standard DS scaling I tend to go with this one right here but anyway if you press B and Y at the same time you get another menu and there's a little toggle right here saying wides screen take that and press start and after a bit of a lengthy process your Nintendo DS games will be patched on 3DS there's just a little bit more to do from here put your SD card in a PC and go to the folder Luma and then CIS modules and you'll find the file TW wlbg doc XI this is in the wrong place so we're going to cut it and put it somewhere else back on the root of the SD card go to NDS Twilight menu and make a brand new folder called TW wlbg now put the file in this folder and rename it wides screen. cxi okay SD card back in the 3DS and now I'm booting the system hold the select button down to get to the Luma configuration menu make sure external firms and modules are ticked and press start now in the Twilight menu when you hover over a game simply press the Y button and there'll be a brand new option for aspect ratio this default 4x3 and 16x 10 that's widescreen whenever you boot a game up using that suddenly there'll be real widescreen not stretched well for polygons at least 2D Graphics can't really be made wider so they do stretch so do consider this experimental depending on the game but most fully 3D games will look fantastic with this feature so we've got widescreen game games but what about pure analog how do we get that well first of all we start by saying thank you to shako on GBA temp they made this all possible anlog movement is simply a cheat code for every game sho's got downloadable do dap for a bunch of different games including Mario 64 DS Star Fox command Metroid Prime hunters Gordon eye and so much more and you simply take this file put your SD card back in your PC and go to NDS Twilight menu extras and and then put the dot dat right here now when you hover over a game press y press X and enable the circle pad code and now with circle pad enabled and widescreen enabled we basically have Nintendo DS remasters running on the 3DS so let's look at a few games one by one starting with Super Mario 64 DS the big one this was a very ambitious Nintendo DS launch title taking the most famous 3D game and putting on a handheld and for the most most part it looked great but it didn't exactly control great they took 360° of movement and put it on eight with the d-pad now granted you could play the game with the touchcreen which enabled full anlock control but most of us didn't play that way most of us played by holding the Y button to run and using the d-pad to move around these big 3D areas and it just didn't feel great however with this cheat code the circle pad basically becomes the touch screen which means if we press forward just a tiny bit Yoshi's going to start walking rather than running and if you press all the way suddenly full speed in 360 different deges this is a game changer I am re-evaluating my stance on this game this changes so much but it doesn't stop here because if you're using a new 3DS the C stick is also a camera and that's also a huge deal because usually adjusting the camera is just a touch specific function if you're just using buttons you can only adjust the camera to be in front of you using the L button by reentering it you can't actually move it left and right but suddenly we can do it on the fly with full analog and it feels so damn good not only does the game feel a bit more like the 64 original with these inputs but generally Mario 64 DS plays better because usually you're holding the Y button to run it's very hard to press the a button to use Yoshi's tongue but that's no longer a problem anymore the a button is completely free to use making Dives and licks and so much more easily accessible Mario 64 DS is now a certified good game the world is changing fellas so that takes a game that could be played with buttons and makes it far better with full analog but how about a game that never really played with buttons how about Star Fox command a touchscreen game well this also takes touch inputs and puts them on the circle pad making a very tradition additional feeling Star Fox but it also takes some touch buttons such as boost barrel roll and slowing down and puts them on the face buttons so these inputs are actually more accessible than playing the game the normal way but at first I didn't really like this mod it just didn't feel quite right and then it clicked with me that these controls are not inverted and playing any flying game where up is up and down is down makes me want to cry but thankfully our boy shocko provided an inverted cheat as well and now this is perfect this plays so damn well and in my opinion Star Fox command has always been a very underrated Starfox game and this makes it so far more people can actually enjoy it if you found the touch controls just uncomfortable to use now this is just traditional standard ass Star Fox it feels just like Star Fox 64 but of course with the unique strategy twists of command but yeah there's basically no downside to using traditional controls Star Fox command has evolved baby but how about my baby boy Super Monkey Ball touch and roll I've always really enjoyed this game but it had one fatal flaw playing a 3D game about precise movement with a d-pad isn't very good now just like Mario 64 DS full analog is on the touchcreen and so it's very easy to adapt this to the circle pad if you move forward just a little bit I I will move forward just a little bit and of course you've got all these different degrees of movement 360 of them and this changes the game it takes a monkey ball game I felt was quite underrated and makes it something that is a must play for any fan of the series I love its art style too you I always just kind of love seeing 2D Sprites in a 3D environment I'm not sure why looks nice but yes this game is so much more playable with the circle pad Game Changer Okami Den is an interesting one as this game doesn't actually have touch input for moving it just gives you 360 degrees of movement there's no sensitivity to it though so moving it just a tiny bit is a run and moving it all the way is a run there's just no walking in this game it is still the most comfortable and best way to play Okami D but it's not quite the same Evolution as a few of the other 3D games but still any chance to talk about this game people are always begging for a sequel to Okami and you know what we' we've got one right here it's gorgeous it's fun and now its movement is free on a rather similar note are the Kingdom Hearts games and we're showing 358 over 2 days here just like okamiden there is no touch input so there's no sensitivity to the movement but yes this is still 360° analog but what's really interesting about the Kingdom Hearts games is they did have touch inputs for the camera and so the C stick can be a fully functioning camera and this brings both the DS games up to a really high standard of the console entries what's really special here is the DS games never found their way to any HD Collection and so this is basically the best we can do with them making them widescreen giving it analog movement and a fullon analog camera so these are your Kingdom Hearts DS remasters they're right here while not the most input demanding game we can take the touch inputs in Animal Crossing wild World and put them on the circle pad giving us fullon analog movement however this game plays almost entirely on the bottom screen and so giving it 16x 10 doesn't make a whole lot of sense given that most 2D assets would just be stretched on the top screen so this is still best played in 4x3 now we've saved these two or three games for last because they are so damn cool and first up is the Legend of Zelda Phantom a/p tracks now a long time ago a d-pad mod was made for these games which basically mapped a bunch of touch features to buttons so movement was mapped to the d-pad a was to interact B was slashing your sword Y and B at the same time was a Spin Attack it works for the most most part and this in tandem with the circle pad cheat adds so much more by Design these games have analog movement they're 3D games and so shoving all those directions onto a d-pad doesn't work particularly well but all of a sudden this elevates the mod link can walk and run in any direction he wants and this plays really really well see for like 80% of traversal this works but touch is so ingrained into these games that you can't just remove it touch is still used for changing the acceleration of the train or for pushing and pulling blocks or for drawing patterns or for just tapping on distant objects you can't really do that stuff just with the circle pad so while this does add some contextual Comfort to the game it can't replace touch outright it's something you use in tandem with touch but in my opinion General combat does work better with touch just tapping on an enemy from a distance and having link jump over and slash them that works well and you can't really do that with buttons and to end off on what I think is the coolest Metroid Prime hunters so I'm sure you can guess the usual stuff we've got full analog on the circle pad including sensitivity and 360 directions and the C stick is basically the touchcreen giving us a full Jewel analog shooter and that by itself is great however Metroid Prime hunters is quite a fast shooter and anlog sticks especially the little nub of a sea stick AR particularly well suited to this game it's a good camera but it's not particularly good for actually aiming at things and so this cheat has something a little extra if you press ZL and down on the d-pad at the exact same time gyro is enabled yeah they somehow crammed gyro into DS mode and keep in mind I'm playing this through a viewfinder while trying to keep the system relatively still so this isn't the best gameplay but it works so damn well you basically use the SE stick as a camera to sort of look vaguely at where you want to shoot and then you make those micro adjustments with gyro and this adds a ton of precision it gives you the movement that the touch inputs require while being way more comfortable and it's super easy to turn gyro off if you're just exploring and don't want it on but when it comes to combat ZL plus d-pad it's back on again this is an absolute GameChanger perhaps more than any other game even Mario 64 DS Metro Prime hunters is a good game but not a very comfortable one and all of a sudden this gives it a very traditional control scheme that's rather modern you get the comfort of dual analog and the accuracy of Gyro and this is a Metroid Prime hunters remaster This truly does evolve many of these games for years my thoughts on Mario 64 DS in particular have been very foggy and clouded because you're taking the pioneer of analog movement and putting it on a d-pad and that never felt good to me but all of a sudden this is what I wanted I always wanted another like 3DS Mario 64 remake and this is kind of that and what's even better is this full camera control 2 which I would have never expected but yeah we've got widescreen analog control Nintendo DS games pretty much fan-made remasters I guess you could say I guess that that might even be the title I haven't decided yet let me know anyway thank you for watching this all the way through and fellas you know what's going to happen I'm going to give you a hot take while the DSi may have a better build quality and a better screen I still prefer playing Nintendo DS games on a DS Light I like the d-pad it's a nice Middle Ground between responsive and a little bit mushy which makes games like Mario Kart DS feel really nice but yeah you know what an upgrade that was over the original but even compared to the DSi I prefer the DS Light thanks for watching all the way through and I'll catch you next time bye everyone [Music]
Channel: Good Vibes Gaming
Views: 229,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ds, 3ds, nintendo, homebrew, hack, mod, remaster, analog, super mario 64 ds, patch, widescreen, guide, metroid prime hunters, c stick, new 3ds, gyro, star fox, kingdom hearts
Id: l_d3H2bkZHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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