Reloading 9mm: Hornady 115gr XTP

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hey everybody welcome back to the channel uh today I've got a video for you guys that I filmed back in the summer I've been working on several projects and shooting some video but I don't have anything ready to be completed and to upload for you guys so we're jumping back a little bit to a video I shot before the hog hunt uh I hope you enjoy hey everybody it has been a while since we did a pistol reloading video um and it's also been a while since we did a start to finish reloading video so we're going to do both of those things today I'm going to be working up a nine millimeter load for the Hornady xtp 115 grain now you can see I've got two different boxes here that's because one of them is several years old and one of them is pretty new um both haven't had any used out of them they both still have 100 bullets in it this one I bought for looks like about 18 bucks um back when I was reloading nine mil ammo on my dad's setup uh when I was a teenager so I still have this box from them and then this box I got free with a set of Hornady dies I believe um so there they are ready to go um we are going to be sort of duplicating the Hornady American Gunner ammo also with the 115 grain xtp I'll show you what those look like here foreign just like that so I'm guessing that our overall length is going to be the same as what's listed in the Hornady manual what we're going to see about that um this was my carry ammo for quite a while before I switched and uh it's been a good load now my goal for this load besides just finding uses for these 200 bullets is this is going to be the load that I'm going to have in my magazine when I go hog hunting this winter I'm sure that for a quick follow-up shots and for um quick Point Blank finishing shots my regular berries 124 grain round nose would be just fine but I have these so I might as well use them Hornady load data for CSV pistol which is the powder that I have actually the only pistol powder that I have says about 5.3 grains for 1100 feet per second 5.5 grains for 11.50 and then it shows a Max of 5.8 for 1200. I'm going to shoot for that 1150 Mark as far as velocity goes let me see what length of barrel they used they used a Smith and Wesson model 39 with a four inch barrel we have a five inch barrel on the Taurus pt99af let me double check that I'm fairly certain it's correct uh four and three quarter inch barrel it looks like four and a half so it's going to be pretty darn close that's what we got to work with starting out with some Remington brass I've got 20 pieces of it here you can see it still has the primer in it it is once fired and the only thing I've done to this brass is run it through the tumbler so other than that this video will be start to finish let's jump over to the reloading press and get this brass prepped all right now this is just about the simplest reloading job that you can do is reloading pistol ammo but I'm going to go through it anyway because it's uh kind of fun and therapeutic if you're one of those people that finds reloading to be that way so we're just going to run these through the sizing die and punch out these old primers nice thing about pistol ammo is you don't have to lubricate it to me that takes a lot of trouble out of it find my uh priming arm which serves as a diverter and my primer catcher cup and we'll just run through these real quick just 20 pieces nothing to it this die is set um I run brass through it all the time I'm also kind of interested to see what the accuracy is with this load it should be pretty decent foreign testing I will be trickling up all the powder charges even though that's not how it'll be out of the powder measuring in fact the powder measure might be slightly more accurate because remember our scale only weighs for within a tenth of a grain and when you're talking about a five and a half grain total pistol charge our scale is consistently measuring that the powder measures throwing the same charge every time so I would guess that it's actually a little tighter than that one tenth of a grain resolution that the scale has this is the part that a turret Crush would be kind of nice because I could run through these in the sizing die and then flare them before taking the shell out of the shell holder but it doesn't add much extra time to just do it this way and one more and we'll have her done okay Switching out dies for our flaring die I'll run back through them again just putting a very light flare on there just enough to get the bullet started takes barely any pressure at all to get it pushed up in there the flaring is one part of the pistol ammo reloading process but I always seem to forget for some reason I get and sometimes even have some of my cases charged with powder and then I realize oh I haven't flared these yet and I'm not going to be able to see bullets without shaving the sides of them off so I then have to dump out the powder go back and flare them thank you because it'd be a pain to try to and you know all right flaring's done swap out for our seating die and we'll set that up a little later all right time for primers I'm still using this Hornady climbing tool and foreign at all but it's the only thing I got so we're gonna use it and since it works it's kind of low on my priority to uh swap out all right let's grab our CCI 500s and we've got looks like 95 primers in this tray since we're doing an even 20 I'll just open it from this side okay and put them over in there this priming tool is constantly flipping primers but I think I have figured out a little bit of a strategy to keep it from flipping them and to keep things consistent run through these real quick and probably speed it up in the video foreign flat time for powder all right I'm just going to fill my trickler up here with CSE pistol whoops I always end up spilling in that little tiny trickler mouth there anyway we're gonna fill our trickler up and dispense our entire charge from the trickler since it's such a small volume I'm going to load or charge five of these cases at a time because I'm only going to do five and then I'll go out to the chronograph shoot them check them and then come back we will just do five at a time we're going to start with the 5.3 grains now between 5 and 5.2 is my normal charge for my 124 grain berries and these are a little bit lighter I'm already regretting my decision to do it this way okay and I went over because I wasn't paying attention so 5.2 I'm going to try to do granule by granule until I hit 5.3 and stop right there and I suppose we can use our funnel seems kind of silly for nine mil cartridge but we'll use it [Music] okay oh I want to make sure this scale zeroed out I keep bumping my trickler and bumping granules onto the scale this is the other component I want to swap out okay let me weigh this charge of powder again the first one we threw just to double check it good thing I did it's measuring 5.4 now I'm going to tap just a little bit back in I actually want to get it to read 5.2 so that I can trickle back up again okay good 5.2 and granule bi-granule because I'm doing this load work up this is a lot more there is 5.3 on the button okay this funnel uh it's not used to seeing powder in the bottom a little bit of it here because the mouth is on the nine mil case is wider so what I'm going to do is just dump it in by the powder pan like that very very carefully and if I were loading very many rounds at all this would be so tedious that's going to kind of be anyway all right and my Hornady scale did not zero back out again this is a continuing problem I've had with the scale even after I have let it warm up so we're going to zero it out take the pan off put the pan back on okay it's zero so I'm going to go back and measure that first charge again because who knows what it is yep reading 5.4 again 10th High which one we're talking about two different two tenths between okay there's 5.3 I'm gonna go with it when you're talking two tenths of a grain of powder for 50 feet per second in velocity at least according to the Hornady manual one tenth of a grain can be kind of important okay so let me get up to five grains here okay 4.7 and now I'll go slow up to 5.3 and I'm going to hope that our scale won't let me down okay and she didn't go back to zero again sometimes if I let it sit for a second it will and then I don't worry about it too much but since it's not cigarette out and weigh that charge again it might be having trouble because it's such a small charge yep and that one measures 5.4 so if I just kept showing you this y'all would get bored in a hurry which you might already be all right there's 5.3 so I'm just going to zip through the rest of this get the rest of these five cases charged and then we will see some bullets okay well that was the most pain in about five cases I've ever charged in a while let's see some bullets first I'll just set these on top and make sure they sit in here yeah this bag is still sealed so I didn't break it open when I bought it who knows how many years ago and the bolts aren't tarnished at all they look pretty darn good actually so let's sit them on there oh yeah I can just barely start them with my fingers which is perfect that's how I like it when I load bulk 2 is just barely starting with my fingers so that they stick on there visually inspecting each one for powder and let's go over to the bullet seating guy oh so I will have to pop my shell holder out of here I don't have any idea where my regular bullet seating setting is going to put it so I'm going to go ahead and back this seating stem out and we're gonna try for it oh before I do that let me check the manual the manual is wanting a case overall length of 1.075 inches and for reference let me check one of the Hornady American Gunner loads make sure my calipers are zeroed I've got 1.083 1.083 and 1.083 so those are very consistent let me check one more 1.0815 okay so they're pretty consistent at a few thousandths longer than the manual says let's go with the 1.075 it's not really that much different I have no idea if this seating stem is going to be ideal for these or not okay I'm a mile long Crank It Down still Way Long okay now I'll start measuring oh look at that 1.084 so I'm already Landing about right where they were let's go to I'm gonna go with the manual 1.075 I don't seem to be leaving any weird marks on the bullet so that's good oh 1.068 I went down too far let me back it out some and of course I always grab them I've got just enough crimp on here to remove that uh flyer that we put into it now I'm back to 1.084 so this is going to be a small adjustment on our seating stem 1.076 I'm going to call that close enough it's not going to mess with it past that 1.077 .078 and 1.077 okay all right we've got our five rounds loaded up let's go out to the chronograph and we'll chronograph our American Gunner loads see what we're getting through that then we'll switch to our uh hand loads here and see what we get from those okay if you see the dog in the frame at any time rest assured I am not going to shoot him he is not gun shy at all which can be a good thing I've got five rounds of the one of the American Gunner loaded on the top here we're gonna launch it over the chronograph down into a log over there and see what we get and I may have to put that dog in that okay the dog is in the house and we can continue with our testing shoot over the chronograph here [Music] 11 12. got a duplicate reading calling that a duplicate reading too let me back off here just a little bit 1108 and 11 13 so they're right in there and now we've got our hand loads in recoil impulse feels a little more Stout on that and we're at 12 21 on the chronograph let's shoot a few more here [Applause] 12 31 foreign 12 23 . [Applause] and 11.94. so for our Hornady American Gunner we had an average of 11 11 extreme spread of five and a standard deviation of two now those numbers are extremely good but remember that we had two duplicate errors so probably not accurate here let's switch to our hand loads here high was 12 31. low 1194 average of 12 16. extreme spread of 37 standard deviation of 14. these are much more along the lines of numbers that I would expect from pistol loads let's go back to our average there 12 16. um our Target is 11.50 the reason we're probably seeing a faster velocity here than the manual shows at 1100 feet per second for this load is the one extra inch of barrel length and from what I've seen on other channels on YouTube and such that extra inch could really give us another 100 feet per second in a pistol load like this so I think without any further load workup in five shots we have figured out our load 5.3 grains of CFE pistol we could probably even go down to 5.2 grains which is our normal load for the 124 grain berries bullet but this 5.3 grains gives us an average just over 1200 feet per second and I'm going to be very happy with that this pistol design is more than capable of handling uh that little extra bit of pressure and we're not even over Max as far as velocity goes the Hornady manual shows a Max velocity of 1200 at 5.8 grains but again that's out of a four inch barrel so we would be probably safe to go even a little bit higher but I'm not going to I'm going to stick right there with that 5.3 grain load of CFE pistol so without even trying to today we got more power than our American Gunner load and a decent load for our gun in just five shots for this Hornady 115 grain xtp I'm going to be pretty happy with that that's going to do it for us today guys I hope you enjoyed this uh kind of short little reloading video and foray back into uh loading for pistol if you like this content be sure to subscribe to the channel and stick around there's going to be more uh reloading content more shooting hunting all of that stuff to come thanks for watching
Channel: The Outdoor Generalist
Views: 16,023
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Id: l1rWxc0C26o
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Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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