Relentless Mid-Week in ATL | 7:30pm

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me into your beat flow is is me guys is me i've gotta let you know that i'm so thankful for everything is zero we're up wow stop no please everybody stop excited stop calm down please you're too kind you're too kind man just the roar of applause in the room you're making jasmine bless guys come on what's going on everybody how y'all doing out there happy wednesday we can't really see you guys but we assume that you're out there and you're having a great day yes so um it's early it is but it's on time at the same time hey man if you're early you're on time and if you're on some time really let me tell you to be early it's honestly just to be on time i just had to be on wait hold on i got it don't just i i know just it's the rain i think it's the rain what's going on rock family the ones tuning in right now okay to be early is to be on time to be on time is to be late and to be late is no excuse right there it is there it there it is i got it i got it i got it halfway there i knew it i knew it uh i guess i should tell you my name my name's jasmine my name is brandon yeah i am uh i am i don't look like a brandon to y'all do you and he doesn't look like a jasmine but you know we're here we're happy i make jasmine rice is that does that count i made jasmine rice i'm a big i'm a big rice person like i love i have my grandma's recipe mexican rice you guys it is so good a lot of people have been emailing in from all over the world and they they want to ask questions they want to get to know you so uh one of the viewers uh wrote in and asked what's your favorite dish my favorite dish yeah what is your favorite food of all time oh sushi sushi yeah i don't i don't eat meat or cheese only three sushi lovers in the food yes i need food that's actually cooked no i like sushi i only eat fish and veggies i got a question what is the best soul food restaurant in atlanta and surrounding areas what is the best soulful i don't know how to get anybody know no one's saying anything she said at home at home is there a restaurant that you can go to right now that has soul food and everybody would just love it somebody said this is it but is this is it really soul food though like they're vegetables or do they come out of a can okay i'm just asking for a friend not for myself i'm asking for a friend um it used to be a place here a long time ago when i lived here back back way back in the day called queue time i don't know if they stopped anytime you mean anybody say we got a couple people know about that what's your favorite food my favorite food is man i'm gonna have to go with soul food yeah i like i like it depends it depends okay so i like some good fried chicken okay but if you can make one of my the things i love the most is a pot roast okay i'm talking about one that sits in there for a long 24 hours yeah not everybody can make it though right you understand some people you you it smells good and it looks good but you chew it and it don't it just it's a little tough you know what i'm saying i need it to be tender same same way with my brisket i love brisket but that's it everybody can't do brisket right everybody can you cook yeah i mean i i i mean i dabbled did y'all hear how he struggled he was but that's my thing i feel like as a man you know you have to highlight gifts in other people and you want to make them feel good about their gifts so i really i no seriously i take the l a lot of times because i could go in there and i can make a gourmet meal but i say you know what i'm not letting her operate in her anointing if i do that oh my gosh you see what i'm saying like she's not she's not getting an opportunity to fulfill what god put inside of her you understand what i'm saying i'm sure it's more so as much as it pains me and i and i mean it pains me it does it does you guys i i i have to sometimes go in the kitchen and i just stop don't do it not today not to you know i just i have to tell myself not today so that she gets the opportunity to feel like yes i did what i needed to do it is honor it is a form of honor any other husbands like to honor their wives in the building that just allow them to cook no just me pastor lamar said i definitely definitely like to raise the roof on that one do people still do this by the way right through it no that's what's going on that's that's okay well you guys there's a lot going on here we just wouldn't wait that was nothing i hope she's not watching but you guys i there's there's been we always have food trucks out here today we had a vegan hot dog i'm sure you're right wait are there any vegans in the room besides jasmine anybody okay no they're raising their hands for the ushers that's that's what that was she raised her hand okay excited so why vegan it's a that's a conversation for another day because exactly you guys i had a lot of gut problems a lot of skin issues and vegan just it just helps so it's a health reason okay all right i'll give you that you guys anyways outside of that we have a lot going on here at relentless first things first we had the blood drive happen today so i mean blood drive the vaccination i mean there will be a little blood there's a blood that comes up no we had the cocon 19 pfizer vaccines happening in the gym today so if you got your vaccine today the second dosage will be administered october 15th so make sure you get back in the building for that if you got your vaccine today man i hope pastor don't be like hey tap the neighbor in your arm right to you do that somebody got that back yeah that's going to be trash that's terrible all right another one's a win on the 15th october 15th is the second dose right before service so anything else happening uh yes parents those of you that have children that are in kingdom kids or if you have some children that will possibly be going to hang out with us a little later on we need you guys to make sure that you are pleased i know this is just work with me others please try to pick up your kids immediately after service right now i know y'all want to run off at the gipa and start talking that's old school saying y'all can keep that by the way running off together anyway i know y'all want to start talking and fellowshipping and you can still do that but let's make sure we do that and get our kids first please make sure that you're getting your kids immediately after service right speaking of kids after service we did a little something special last week with the teenagers here in atlanta how was that now for those parents i know some of the parents they're probably like what happened what would you what did you do so tell me about your experience last week with the youth yeah it was super cool we just got to talk and get to know who they were what they needed and a lot of them it was so beautiful because a lot of them just want to be heard a lot of students they feel like they aren't heard they're not really seen or what they're doing isn't valued and so like it was really cool for like to just open up like a platform or open up a like you know conversation with them and let them talk about what they want what they need what they feel like they would like to see out of youth group and it was super cool let me let me say this to parents i don't know what the perception you have of your students whether in school or just whatever may have may be going on at home or whatever but the consensus the consensus the general consistency between all of your students they want a relationship with christ this is not something that we said to them that they need these are the things that they were saying but they said they want to understand why they need that relationship they want to understand what that really means and what that looks like so parents i ask you to do this before we get out of here sometime before the week or the month is over have a conversation with your students a non-judgmental conversation and really try to understand and get to know who they are and where they are in this season of their life not for where you want them to be not for who you know them to be as your little babies growing up get to know who they are right now and i guarantee you you'll start to open the door the door to that relationship and start to build upon some new things that you both can be excited about and ultimately ask god to help you how to steward your children better we're asking him to do that every single week when we come in front of your kids and so if you guys were doing the same thing i guarantee you we're going to come alongside you and work together and this is going to be one of the most amazing years with your students that you've ever had i promise you i promise you i promise just listening is so important you guys just not even like having anything to say just like hearing them out and not feeling like you have to teach them or counsel them it's just all they need but anyways you guys that's enough about us i mean like that's what we're doing today we can't wait to hang out with them again today during service but it's gonna be a great time are y'all excited yeah you should be you should be yes it's about to go down we got to get out of here we love you guys but we will see you during service hallelujah holla back [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening relentless church come on stand to our feet tonight let's get ready to worship the king of kings and the lord of lords anybody glad they came to church on a wednesday night come on let's sing together [Music] [Music] our god is great and glorious you see as he sees we put our trust in your name jesus is able to save and deliver us he sees his seers we put our hope in your name jesus sing blessing and honor to our god forever forever [Music] yes [Music] [Music] tonight [Music] let's go [Music] is see it see it we put our trust in your name jesus yeah there's nothing to fear [Music] we put our hope in your name jesus [Music] forever [Music] [Music] our god is in nothing's impossible [Music] [Music] [Music] all the way to the back i got him [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] all the appraisers in the room go ahead and shimmy a little bit tell your neighbor i need a little bit of space here we go here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] relentless church how's everybody doing tonight relentless how y'all doing tonight i can't really hear y'all i'ma say it again relentless how you doing tonight listen do me a favor wave at three people fist bump three people tell em your miracle is about five minutes away just your miracle five minutes not even five you gotta kill three people and then if you really believe that then somebody said it to you you should get excited about it because today is yom kippur for those who don't know this is the day of atonement this is the holiest day in the jewish calendar and as christians we actually were grafted into the promise through faith so we don't actually have we don't do away with our jewish foundation we learn from it but we know that our atonement came through the blood of jesus christ and so tonight we celebrate jesus we celebrate your sacrifice and tonight don't miss it you'll blink if you miss it because we are going to honor your time tonight we got a little quiet bet going on but we're going to have this service condensed so you can get home get with your kids rest and have a good time but while we're here we're going high octane we're going zero to a hundred real quick so i need everybody here to literally get prepared father i thank you for the power of god that's in the room faith that's rising now get the glory out of this moment receive our worship but more than that god do miracles in our midst right here right now this is our prayer in jesus name amen amen and amen somebody give god glory pastor ab anything in your spirit that you want to say to our relentless atlanta family i just want to tell all of you of all he scared me um i just want to tell all of you that we are so grateful that you fought through the traffic and the um what type of weather is this the rain and some crazy driving to get in the house tonight there's a reward for that i'm telling you if you fall in here you fall to get here tonight please understand that the lord is going to meet you with an unexpected blessing and i'm not just saying that this is a cliche for me i know that there is victory on the other side of a press a man in any time that you have to press your way to get somewhere and you come through and you trust the lord all the way through that he meets you in different ways in new ways so i want to just tell you tonight that the lord is for you he's with you he accompanied you here he's going to accompany you out that door but we don't want to leave the same we want to have our hearts open to receive what thus says the lord through the shepherd of this house pastor john and we're excited for the word amen amen so let's get back into worship pastor john thank you and i want to thank your shoulder for being out your shoulder is blessing me on this evening we thank the lord for your shoulder i want to thank the lord for your shoulder it's not ashy it's wonderful um listen i want you to get your joy up um we've got some big announcements that are getting ready to happen in a few minutes so text all your friends listen to our rock family that's watching online we love you make some noise for our rock family i heard that the volume was low but apparently it has been rectified can you hear me now all right y'all got exactly 12 seconds to take your praise up well our worship team comes back and takes us to the next level let's go i was glad when they said unto me i was glad when they said unto me let us go on a wednesday night to the house of the lord i want to give somebody 15 seconds right now to be glad to get glad somebody command their souls right now say so in the name of jesus i'm glad i may not have come here glad but i'm glad right now i'm telling myself i'm glad i'm seeing myself glad tonight hallelujah i was glad when they told me i was joyful when they told me the joy of the lord restrainted me one more time when i came to god's house hallelujah [Music] so i'll wait for you to come i'll wait on you jesus for you to come when i'm with you lord it always leaves me wanting more he's our praise come again let your glory in i'm open i'm moving [Music] so i'll wait for you to come [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] is [Music] my [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] open the eyes of my heart [Music] it's not a building it's not a building you want to feel it's my heart this empty space it's what you wanted all along it's what you died for it's not a building you want to feel it's my heart this empty space is what you wanted it's not a building you want to fill it's not a building you want to feel it's my heart this empty space [Music] [Music] [Music] it's not a building you wanna film it's my heart [Music] [Music] when i'm empty [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] my heart is what you wanted all along [Music] [Music] you would see me on calvary she would see my sin and want me still the same [Music] [Music] lord how beautiful it is but you would see all the faults in us god you see every mistake we could ever make all the ways we would let you down heavenly father and you would still love us and want us the same who are we god that you were mindful of us who are we that you would call us by name god you would call us friend you would call a son and daughter but you would give us an inheritance in heaven forever it is such a pleasure god an honor and a privilege to be known as yours to call you our beloved to know that you call us yours god i don't know who came to church tonight needing to know that they are loved by somebody but that somebody is jesus jesus loves you jesus loves you jesus loves us somebody put their hand over their heart tonight and say jesus loves me come on somebody put their hand over their hearts tonight say jesus loves me again come again [Music] anybody feel the presence of the lord already what's that part know the words how much how much more if [Music] how much more we thank you for your presence tonight we thank you for your glory that's in the room thank you that on this day that is a holy day for your chosen people that the day of atonement the tenth day in the days of all starting with rosh hashanah culminating in the day of atonement that began at sundown tonight and 25 hours from now it will be over but tonight we get to worship you and so we bless you and say all the power all dominion all honor all praise and all glory go to our king our savior our advocate our high priest jesus christ amen amen and amen if you feel so lit give god the best praise you can [Music] [Music] go ahead and be seated turn my lights up i want to see the people of god turn my lights up i want to see him how's everybody doing you doing well can y'all hear me cause ain't nobody talking back how are you doing good good good listen this is a moment where we get to actually be generous to god it is offering time at relentless church and so we thank god for the opportunity to be generous i want to tell you as a church that is less than two months old what's today's date the 15th we started service on july 21st on wednesdays in metro atlanta we are less than two months old and god is doing supernatural things in our community and i want to start uh this moment just by simply showing a heart of gratitude for all of the sacrifices and all of the commitment that you guys have made everybody say big announcements coming big announcements coming now we've invested a great deal of resources into this campus and it's already producing dividends we're able to worship we're able to gather it's amazing but now we've got a whole nother level of outreach to do we got a city to win let's say that again we have a city to win for the nine of y'all who are willing to take the city with me thanks we got a city to win i know you but you guys have been working hard been up a long time and so we want to honor that and and i'm asking that if you want to be generous in this offering and you need an envelope just lift your hands so our amazing ushers can serve you if you'd like an envelope and while they're doing that if this is your first time at relentless would you please stand up so we can just honor you would you be kind enough to stand first second third time come on y'all you can do better than that now y'all a little quiet tonight and i know you're not quiet let's make sure that our anybody standing around you people who are part of the family go give them a fist bump or elbow bump tell them welcome to relentless tell them we're glad that you're here if hey charles there's some visitors right none of y'all move see how y'all treat people get up out of your seat go say hi to people people been working all day people was cussing at him on the highway 285 getting off to the toad off of 400 double back and then swung around off 75 got off at wendy hill they've been in traffic so let's make sure we love everybody listen um as you are led to give tonight i want to share a couple of quick quick things number one uh you relentless help to take two truckloads of goods to new orleans metairie hammond louisiana 11 000 bottles of water countless 55-gallon uh containers of clothing baby items all kinds of stuff y'all did that and we did it without permission we drove down listen one of the churches we went to said we were the first church to drop things off and we drove 14 hours to get there so i want to thank our new director of outreach elder james williams terry peeden delroy and natasha escoffrey um ricky lake elder junius and shantay buchanan who are from new orleans they drove y'all through the night to get things to the people who need it that's what your generosity does so tonight i'm asking for all of us to so i'm sewing something in i've already given my tithe this is my tithe week so when i get paid on friday it comes straight out i don't play any games with god's part i don't pay bills until the lord gets his but tonight uh if you are so inclined to join me in sowing something into what god is doing here because we almost two months old we are almost two whole months old um do me a favor and just stand up everybody if you're gonna give tonight's stand if you're not gonna give you stand if you are a visitor feel free to stand and if you are a first time visitor please feel no obligation to give we want you to hear the word connect to people see if this is a place that you want to come back visit learn and grow in but for those who call relentless church home i'm asking that you govern yourselves accordingly um if you will do me a favor and lift your gifts in the air uh again i'm i'm an online push pay kind of guy myself but if you're ready to give let's lift that in the air we're going to pray you know pastor richie i i normally fret during offering because i get nervous like god's not going to show up i've been walking with him 48 years how 48 years how can he not show up i've watched him show up every single time and if i wondered if god was going to show up standing in this building lets me know he's already shown up and he's going to continue to show up and so uh i'm getting ready to sew uh pastor i'm sewing i'm sewing for a miracle for my son and my daughter and their health i'm just believing because you know with new technology they always gonna find something wrong take them to a checkup then they find something wrong we were going we had a lot going on but we just didn't have good doctors today's doctors know more but i still know the holy ghost so i pray over my kids did you hear what i said my prayers still matter i just sowed uh it said success uh let's see there it is it says success let's pray let's lift up our gifts lord we thank you for the generosity of relentless church and i pray that you would get the glory out of this moment and i thank you for your heart for our house and i ask that everything that you receive tonight you will multiply it not only for your kingdom but back into the lives of the people who have sown this is my prayer in jesus name amen amen and amen would you do me a favor if you are giving by envelope and you you uh you want to bring your gifts go ahead and order in an orderly way you can bring them to the altar for those who have already sown i'm gonna need y'all to do me a favor i need you to add a praise to your gift starting right now you got five seconds you can go ahead and lift the praise rock family as you give we want you to watch this short video that shows you how to do that safely and securely and then we're getting back into worship in the word god bless you as you give are you ready to give we've designed a quick and easy way for you to do so start by telling us what location you'd like to get from greenville atlanta or rock online text 1-866 like to schedule your giving by using the push pay app you can schedule how often you'd like to give you can even select what dates you'd like to start and end your giving are you an international giver we've got you covered just go to the push pay app and click need help then continue as guest and follow the on-screen prompts we thank you for your generosity great [Music] you bring life to the darkness [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] you are loved you bring life to the darkness [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] knew my breath in our long days all over the room tonight if you're able can we stand to our feet as we continue to worship the lord all the earth all the earth will shout your praise our hearts will cry these bones will sing [Music] are you [Music] [Music] our hearts will cry these bones will sing [Music] great is the name of jesus [Music] our hearts will cry these won't yes [Music] these homes [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] our hearts will cry these boats [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] our hearts will cry these votes [Music] earth will [Music] [Music] unto god with the voice of triumph tonight no one's perfect but no one's worthless we ain't deserving of everything heaven heaven and earth [Music] let's go make some noise for jesus i said let's go make some noise for jesus all right one more time everybody stand up to our rock family this is our moment to get ready for the word who's ready for the word of god let's get right into it i need all the grown men step out of the aisles you know what we do we're getting ready to push devils off delroy let's go lamoris what are you doing up here let's go do [Music] so [Music] what's up fellas now all the ladies all the ladies stretched height all right now that you've exercised now exercise your vocal cords and give god 25 seconds of praise if you know that this is your moment all right while you're standing elder brandon elder jasmine stand up we're my sixth through twelfth graders sixth through twelfth graders make some noise where are you at sixth to twelfth graders come here hurry playstation 5 on deck brand new iphone 13s who wants a brand new iphone 13. i'm sure you do you can pre-order them not giving them to anyone elder brandon jasmine take these kids upstairs and you only got 30 minutes because that's how long i'm preaching watch what god does look at our babies y'all and last week they had an amazing time upstairs people worshiping getting free all right while you're clapping for them go to matthew chapter 14 in the 22nd verse matthew 14 22nd verse this band is blessing my soul i just need to say that y'all are amazing and our worship team and our worship leader tonight y'all have blessed me can we thank god for our worship team it's yom kippur it's the holiest day of the jewish calendar the day of atonement atonement at one minute the the work of heaven to bring us back into relationship right relationship with the father this is a holy day of fasting uh in in the in the jewish calendar and for those of us who are christ followers the bible says salvation is of the jews jesus was jewish so you cannot do away with the foundational roots of our faith but we are not connected to the law we are grafted in through faith and grace and so we know that the blood has finished the work amen the blood has finished the work but tonight i got some announcements and i don't have a lot of time but i got to get it out i'm filled up to overflow but let me get this scripture out then you can sit down immediately jesus made his disciples get into the boat tell somebody get in the boat i speak a yacht anointing on some of y'all get in the boat does anybody have faith for that he made him get in the boat and go before him to the other side while he sent the multitudes away and when he had sent the multitudes away he went up on the mountain by himself to pray now when evening came he was alone there but the boat was now in the middle of the sea tossed by the waves for the wind was contrary ever been trying to get somewhere but you have opposition opposition could be spirits or people opposition could be spirits people or bad habits opposition to be spirits people bad habits or lies that you have told yourself now in the fourth watch of the night jesus went to them i love this in the fourth watch of the night jesus went to them i'm going to tell you why that's important in just a moment walking on the sea and when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were troubled saying it is a ghost and they cried out for fear that means they screamed just like you would but immediately jesus spoke to them saying be of good cheer it is i do not be afraid and peter my favorite disciple answered him and said lord if it is you command me to come to you on the water so jesus said come and when peter had come down out of the boat he walked on the water to go to jesus but when he saw that the wind was boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried out saying lord save me and immediately jesus stretched out his hand and caught him and said to him oh you of little faith why did you doubt and when they got into the boat the wind ceased then those who were in the boat came and worshiped him saying truly you are the son of god the title of tonight's message is all hands on day all hands on deck pray with me jesus speak through your word be so clear and concise that it is unmistakable that it was you who sent me to speak these words tonight in jesus name amen you can be seated you can be seated somebody say all hands on deck jesus was not on this boat he sent his disciples over let me paint the picture before i make an announcement jesus sent the disciples after feeding 5 000 men besides women and children you'd have to read the scripture before this particular part of matthew chapter 14 to find out the rest of the story right before this jesus had fed 5 000 men plus women and children which would take that crowd to close to 15 000 people he did it with two fish and five loaves so god does not need a lot he just needs whatever's in your hands and he can multiply it not only to feed you but to feed everybody that's connected to you and then there will be leftovers and so i speak a leftover anointing on you that not only will you and your family eat but there will be 12 baskets left over one for each month that each month you will have overflow increase more than enough that you'll be able to sow into somebody else is there anybody that has faith for that now i'm looking for a single mom who has less than a quarter of a tank of gas in her car you drove here where are you he was near the orange light was that you ma'am with the blue jean jacket on come here you got to move fast though here pass him let's give that to her you're going and he added to it this is just to let you know that your your sacrifice did not go unnoticed you never know what your faith in being faithful to get to where you're supposed to go is going to produce i saw another mother with her hands up where was that in the back is that you ma'am it's a couple of y'all there's a couple of y'all come on up split it up between them just to bless them now let me say this while they're doing that you don't know what god is preparing for you that you don't know about you just have to get in position because faith means you get there and don't know what's going to happen you just have to trust that god has provision for you when you get in position am i am i talking right so let's let's quickly move jesus actually started not just to feed the five thousand he actually was trying to go pray the bible says he went by himself up on a high mountain he went to pray but the people found him because they were so hungry they went to uncomfortable lengths to get to him the same way many of you went through uncomfortable circumstances to get here because you wanted to encounter jesus in a unique way i want you to know that every time you sacrifice on behalf of god's kingdom you are being rewarded whether you see it in real time or not it is happening somebody say all hands on deck so jesus was actually trying to get some solitude so he could pray but here's what's funny he wasn't so deep that he was no earthly good he didn't see the people coming saying not now i'm too busy praying i don't want you to get so deep that you don't meet the needs of people never be so spiritually minded as they say that you're no earthly good jesus the son of god was trying to get time to pray by himself but the people were so hungry the bible says he had compassion on the multitudes he prayed for them he healed all the sick he also fed them why is that important because for us as the body of christ you can't live in a vacuum just because you have your salvation or your revelation or your understanding of things god is now saying now that you've got the revelation the way that you show people who jesus is is by the way that you now govern steward your life steward your resources steward your opportunities so that other people's lives can expand as well it's not just about you getting saved and going to heaven it's about you being saved and producing fruit while you're here okay so jesus after he finishes feeding plus women and children close to fifteen thousand he says to the disciples y'all go ahead i'll send the crowd away y'all get on the boat i'm still gonna do what i came to do which is pray don't move without prayer i don't know who this is for don't you make another major decision in your life until you turn your plate over talk to god and ask him this looks like you but is it you because every open door is not a god door and every good opportunity is not a god opportunity that's why you need to pray holy spirit this looks like a great person to start building a relationship with what do you say because i've learned that there's a difference between jesus being savior and jesus being lord because anybody can get saved but lordship means i'm submitting my whole life to you and i'll do what you say in every area now some people just get at salvation but if you really want to be a disciple you graduate to his lordship when he's lowered then he has the right to tell you not him not her not that not that opportunity no yes to that move make a left stop don't move sit there for a year now move go and get planted right there don't move these are the things that happen when you go from just salvation to lordship jesus is now it's the middle of the night he sends the disciples away and he says i'ma go up here and pray by the time he got finished praying it was about three in the morning the fourth watch of the night is between three and six in the morning am i correct so at three in the morning jesus is finished praying and the boat that was supposed to be waiting on him had been pushed out into the water by wind so jesus says well i could try to get them to navigate and come back but it's late at night the wind is bad so let me just go ahead and walk on it he starts walking and the disciples start screaming they think it's a ghost and jesus says chill it's me peter was like yo if it's you tell me to come to you on the water now i said all hands on deck because jesus and boats is a common theme we see jesus in a boat here in mark chapter 4 we see him on another boat going to another destination but both scriptures say that they were going to the other side so there's something about going over water and water is always symbolic of the word there's always a word that crosses you over from where you are to where you're called to be that's why in this season you got to get in the right church with the right voice speaking the right word to give you the direction for your life this is not the time for you to allow people to play games with your soul all right let me keep going everybody say all hands on deck it's the middle of the night jesus starts walking he's walking the wind is going crazy but that doesn't faze him and then the disciples are screaming but peter was like if it's you tell me to come to you on the water jesus said come on what's the next thing that happens peter does what he gets out of the boat what does he do he starts walking on what on water he walks on something that's not designed to be walked on but because he got authorization from the person who's in charge of it who has dominion over it because he got permission he has the ability to walk in a supernatural grace in this season you only have grace to do what god has asked you to do this may not be a shouting word but it's going to be a word of wisdom every path is not covered by god god is obligated to keep you in his will and he is obligated to give you warnings when you start stepping out of your grace but peter did not walk on the water because he wanted to or because he thought it was cool the only reason he was able to stand on water is he because he got permission to move into the supernatural so last week i was sitting there minding my business being mr conservative in my thoughts like god we're a young church and i feel like we should be doing more and further and and the lord said you you've been open seven weeks and i was comparing our church to churches that have been open for years and years and years when we haven't even been open every day for seven weeks and this is not the time to launch a church let alone a church with this big of a size you got to be stupid or you got to hear from god to make a move like this so i was like lord let's play it safe let's play it cool let's be chill for a long time let's just figure it out let's build our core team and let's just see where it goes and god says i want you to take it to the next level now i was like what are you saying and so i leaned over to my wife and then i talked to uh the executive pastor and i just started whispering some stuff and they looked at me and said you sure i was like yeah i'm sure and so everybody say all hands on deck y'all been sitting in the boat now for a couple hot months but i need a couple of peters to come on off the boat and get on the water because we've been doing mid weeks long enough it's time to go to sundays i wonder what the lord would do if we were open on a sunday morning i wonder if somebody had enough faith for us to go to the next level i think i got 75 people standing i wonder if there's anybody online that would have the faith for us to go to the next level somebody say all hands on deck you may not feel like high-fiving people because of kobe but fist bumper elbow three people all hands on deck all hands on deck but if we're going to the weekends and we are going we are going it's time everybody say it's time it's time it's time not because i think it is it's time not because i want it to be it's time because jesus said to we're moving on obedience but i'm gonna need a church full of faith like peter that says can i come off this boat and do something crazy like walk on water jesus says come on i need you to i need to set this up for you before i let you go home jesus is on the water y'all do know that the wind was contrary right wind strong enough to blow a boat off the shore into the middle of the sea it's very important so jesus leaves the shore starts walking on the water then peter sees him and says if it's you ask me to come he says come on so peter starts walking where are the other 11 disciples where they at they're in what's safe they're in what's familiar they're in what they know one out of 12 will hunger for the supernatural and here's what's deep that was matthew 14 by matthew 16 the same one that walked on water was the same one saying you are the christ the son of the living god because you get a different revelation of jesus when you start stepping into the miraculous some of y'all don't know that jesus yet some of y'all have a conservative jesus that can heal your headache or heal your toothache but you haven't seen the jesus that can take end stage cancer and rip it out of your body some of you haven't seen the jesus that doesn't care about your credit score but still gives you favor with a realtor and real estate some of you all have not seen the jesus that doesn't need you to have five advanced degrees to give you a six-figure job some of you have not seen the jesus that knows how to get you in front of the casting director without you compromising your values some of you have not yet seen the jesus that does not need the validation of the crowd to put you at the forefront of your position some of you have not seen that jesus but it's time for you to get off the boat and get into the water and start walking in the supernatural now i need about 10 sanctified people to just start moving in this sanctuary and clapping while you do it because it's time to get out of the boat we need all hands on deck i need a 10 second praise break don't stop somebody just sowed in the middle of a miracle pastor ab pray me through now cause i'm i'm around in third and heading for home i said i said i need a few people to hear what i'm saying lawrence tonight was a graduation for you while you were sitting there you did not lead a song you were just faithful to be a part of a collective and for some reason i just felt god do that like he just put his hand on your forehead like that's the one this is the time this is the moment because even though you have the ability to lead every song it's your faithfulness to sing background like you sing and lead that honors god in this season god is elevating people who will help other people look good who will help other people to get to their destiny this is not the season for you trying to make yourself known this is the season to push your brother and sister to the forefront because what you make happen for others god will make happen for you i need somebody to lift up the name of jesus somebody say all hands on deck i said all hands on deck now watch this a couple of y'all just walked with me for a second this is he's on the water he's on the water he's walking peter's walking the other 11 are still on the boat right we know that but then peter starts sinking here's what's deep jesus didn't swim to save him it says he reached out pastor morris come here real quick come to that second step say help me i'm drowning i'm right here now how this is deep if you peter you wait till you get close to doubt if jesus was close enough to catch him that means he was close enough to see him there are too many believers you've been walking in faith this whole time then you get this close to the promise and you doubt i need you to wipe the rain from your eyes and look you are this close to the hand of jesus don't sink now don't drown now don't stop now keep walking i need somebody to hear what i'm saying don't give up right now you're too close or i know i'm talking to somebody don't get weary in well-doing for you will reap a reward if you faint not somebody is sowing into a miracle right now do not give up god knows about your personal hopes your dreams your brand your business your accolades the things that are in your heart to do god is gonna bring it to pass you are not late you were early you were not late you were early that's why you feel like you're alone you're not alone because you lost you're not alone because you're last you're alone because no one else is where you are and you are further along than you know because you had the faith to get off the boat and get in the water somebody say all hands on deck all hands on deck the bible says jesus caught him watch this and then he got in the boat and what happened to the wind once peter i'm sorry say it again it ceased now stand for this this is going to trip some of y'all out now that's matthew 14. in mark chapter 4 we see them wake jesus up because the boat was filling jesus said he rebuked the wind did he not but this time he didn't rebuke the wind the wind stopped when he got on the boat here he had to rebuke the wind you don't rebuke the holy spirit he was talking to a demonic principality that was trying to stop them from getting to their destination what he said to them is why did y'all not have faith the reason why jesus was sleep is because they had the ability to handle it without him y'all missed it jesus said why did y'all wake me up y'all could have did this here's the principle some of y'all been praying god said stop praying start talking to it some of y'all have been lord i need an anointing you are anointed lord help me with this demon talk to that demon the bible says your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion god doesn't have enemies because i have an enemy means they got enough power to maybe overthrow you that's why the bible says the devil is our enemy god says i'm not even fooling with devils i'm gonna let the i'm gonna let my humans do that i'ma let my children handle that do you understand there are some things you don't need to keep praying for you need to rebuke it and speak to it watch this bj this gonna mess him up but here he didn't rebuke the wind why because this wind wasn't the devil that wind was the holy spirit seeing who on the boat had enough faith to step into the supernatural even though all of the conditions weren't perfect oh nobody caught it one person do you know you've been waiting three years for the right moment to start your business you've been waiting five years to publish your book you've been waiting x amount of months to try to do this and well i'm gonna try that and if i save enough money then i'm gonna get married you ain't waiting to save money to get married you get married for seven dollars to get you a certificate down at the courthouse no you're afraid you don't want to make a commitment because if you really understood covenant you spend that seven dollars and watch your favor show up and what your favor does in one week you couldn't do in two years i need some help in here the wind in this instance stopped when jesus got on the boat because the wind was connected to his presence what am i saying jesus wanted to see who had the guts to come off the boat when it wasn't perfect conditions as long as i see jesus i don't need everything to be perfect well we could really use a nice savings account before we go to sundays and we need a full staff and you know what else we need 500 volunteers you know what no you don't what you need is a mic a pure heart and a couple people that have the belief that this is the move of god who's willing to step out on the boat where are my peter folk all hands on deck we go on the sunday i need a couple people that'll step out the wind was an invitation to see who would be willing to go to the next level without perfect conditions and jesus was looking for somebody that will come closer tell somebody come closer that's the difference between elementary salvation and discipleship let me make this clear for those who are taking notes discipleship is not an individual sport christianity is not an individual sport discipleship is a team game it's critical for us to get in small groups that's why i'm actually going to lead one of the small groups here at relentless church i'm leading a small group i believe in it in my small group when we meet i won't be the only one talking and sharing the greatest gift that god has given me is the ability to spot greatness in others so imma start handing the ball off like a quarterback to top level running backs and i'm gonna be figuring out who in here has got the oil for what's coming next that is the assignment that's on my life somebody say all hands on deck it's not a team win if the team doesn't still feel the victory if only one person feels the victory then that's not a team win and i've got to do a better job of awakening the greatness that's in all of the team all hands on deck i don't do this without you we can't do it without one another jesus says come on peter come on on this water with your doubts and all i'm still gonna catch you now let's get back to the boat the wind stopped when he got back on the boat because the wind was an invitation to see who would move even though it wasn't perfect is there anybody here who's willing to run towards what god says even if you don't have all of the information or what you think all the resources are where are you at take one step forward one step forward keep keep moving act like you act like you're rocking now because here's the thing if it's rocky if it's rocky it's okay to be rocky because god doesn't mind rocky i just need you to have faith don't look at what's causing you to rock look at the one who is the rock who called you closer and he says come as long as you keep your eyes on my padonka don't don't as long as you keep your eyes on jesus so i had to do a little miss yeah keep your eyes on my but don't don't don't all right don't i look like a holly belly poster okay see the belvedere playing trick sonia i'm sorry okay i'm back i'm back i'm back all hands on deck where's my relentless family at how many people know we have a city to fight for we have a generation to save if there was a little win between me and a supernatural anointing to win a generation you think a little wind's going to stop me no what if your promise was on the other side of that wave or that wind you going to get it you're going to sit there and watch it float away if i i s i would doggy paddle towards my miracle if i have to i need somebody that's willing to step out on faith get out of the boat all hands on deck one there one there who else one there peter people always dog peter because peter doubt it oh i can't believe he doubted how many of us would have wouldn't have even got off the boat let's not beat people up who are trying to step out on faith don't talk people out of their dream don't talk people out of their business don't talk people out of their idea girl you don't have enough money for that really you gonna do what oh okay you're gonna be on tv oh okay are you gonna do movies oh yeah right oh you're gonna write a book yes i am i'm also gonna open a business you know what else i'm going to be so wealthy that i'm going to build my own senior citizens complex and i'm going to build a halfway house for transitional people who are homeless and they'll be able to stay there with their families until they can get on their feet i need somebody that'll get out of the boat and get into the water all hands on deck means i'm going to need to count on you to help us build all of the teams we need children's ministry we need youth ministry we need greeters we need ushers we need people in the parking lot we're going to need some people to help fry some chicken wings afterwards or for you vegans for us to steam some broccoli i need all hands on deck jesus wanted to see who had faith to step towards him in unfavorable conditions knowing that he has the power to change the condition at any moment our job is not to wait for perfect conditions to grow or expand the vision our job is to be obedient to move and even if the wind is contrary we're going what's deep to me is the bible says it was the fourth watch of the night jesus waited until there was no physical sight to start moving in their direction he will always invite you to greatness in darkness because god does his best creative work in the dark and god said let there be he started creating in the dark he did the same thing with you most of the things god has done in your life the people don't know about your family doesn't know about your friends don't know about am i talking right some of the regenerative work of the spirit has not even been revealed but now it's all hands on deck what does all hands on deck look like that means i'm willing to share of my time my talent and my testimony so that i can build god's kingdom everybody say time talent testimony there is somebody who's going to come to this church because of what you say about jesus this church could double overnight if you just open your mouth to one person somebody say all hands on deck everybody's standing everybody's standing unless you got a baby then you can sit down you can sit down yeah you got the baby there's two invitations tonight the first invitation is for people to come right here who are saying before i can be all hands on deck i need to get on the boat called relentless if god is calling you to be a part of the relentless family or you want to give your life to jesus for the first time do me a favor and meet me right here at the front this is the church that i want to be a part of if that's you or i need to give my life to jesus well let's celebrate our sister as she's coming is there anybody else there's another one oh wow bring them to the very front come right here y'all can do better than that it's all hands on deck [Music] somebody say all hands on deck are you coming this is wonderful this is wonderful is there anybody else is there anybody else is there anybody else i got my alarm on is there anybody else i just need everybody in here to know that if i'm going to get off the boat i want to get off the boat with y'all i want to get off the boat with the people that pressed through wind and wave to get here see if you saw yourself as any other disciple other than peter you missed the story cause you don't come here if you're thomas you don't do wednesday nights if you bartholomew this ain't no james and matthew anointing this is a peter get off the boat anointing it's wednesday night i got kids i got a job i drove an hour who am i talking to pastor demarcus come on up here campus pastor are you coming brother look at that we got another one make some noise now i don't know where my elders are y'all not standing behind the people can we get some elders to stand behind all the people please and pastors elders if we could stand behind them because i want them to know that they are covered i don't know what groove that is it doesn't feel like jesus but i appreciate it my mind's telling me no stop it i'm back i'm back this is your fault this is mr b what the heck is going on jesus is salvation is gone someone's telling me that you just join relentless just because you see me here don't mean i'm not being here i just made it up just stay with me praise the hey lord here's the thing our church is crazy but we're going to do crazy things here comes some more yay see praise the lord ron eisley got somebody saying oh my gosh i want you guys to repeat this everybody say it out loud lord jesus it's me i confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that jesus is lord thank you for the blood that was shed for me i receive the free gift of salvation not through my works but the finished work of the cross the blood is enough to pay for all my sins now holy spirit come live inside and teach me how to be more like jesus each and every day i'm coming off the boat i'm stepping onto the water and i'm not waiting for conditions to be perfect to move on faith this is my prayer you are my savior and my lord in jesus name amen i need everybody to make some noise everybody here let's walk this way let's walk this way we're following pastor robert come on y'all we can do better than that let's continue to celebrate them for the decision that they just made hallelujah we can't wait we're going to have baptism here in atlanta very soon so if you have given your life and you finish your emerge you are a member and you need to be baptized please look for that announcement if you are a first-time guest please if you will follow elder sharon through the first door they can't see all the chances over there if you're a first-time guest visitor you need more information you want to learn more please follow her this way this is your time we want to give you something special please please please if you're a first time visitor go that way to go meet elder sharon and jordan they will help you love it um elder sharon don't leave yet because people are trying to follow you and so let me ask you have you guys been blessed tonight do me a favor everybody stand look at your watch it's a world record it is definitely it's a world record oh yes one hour and 18 minutes service we are going to honor your time and and it was added to you because you was talking you're an officer that's not the right time you got to look at the actual time and you was talking at 8 48. so it's an hour and eighteen minutes hater um so hater's gonna happen all right listen we are committed to making sure you're able to spend time with your family tonight was very simple it's time for us to start planning and preparing for sunday mornings who's ready for sunday mornings do you want to know when our first sunday morning service is going to be well i want to tell you tonight that our first sunday morning we'll let you know next week i do it i just don't even get excited what we need are all of y'all to volunteer to help be a part of what god's gonna do on sunday mornings amen we need you to watch announcements for our volunteer outreach initiative where we're going to get you plugged in so that you can be disciples and grab people and tell them about your church and what we're doing here it's the word of the lord it's the worship it's the discipleship it's the connectivity and we are going to do life together amen amen from greenville all the way to atlanta and back we are going to do life together we cannot wait to serve with you amen i need everybody to do just one thing step out the boat everybody step out step out step out step out the shabby this was a word for you step out god's got his hand on you step out don't apologize for the greatness that he's put on you you are peculiar you think in a weird way that's what leaders do they don't see what other people see it's very lonely as a leader in development because people don't understand how you think it's okay be okay with being weird be okay with being an outlier be okay with seeing what other people don't see don't ever conform to please people for any reason i want everyone here to be their authentic self step out one more time on the boat may the lord bless you and keep you cause his face to shine upon you may the lord god be gracious to you show you his favor and give you his peace if you're willing to step out on the boat and take this journey with us of building a healthy god-honoring vibrant multicultural multi-ethnic spirit-filled church that sets it off parties like rock stars has a good time changes culture does movies tv videos music uh our own school college university fully accredited high school all the way through is there anybody that has faith to believe if we get off the boat god will allow us to do supernatural things if that's you as you leave send up a praise to seal the moment we love you it's time to go to sundays come next week be on time 75 minutes or less we love you have a great evening [Music] you
Channel: Relentless Church
Views: 3,970
Rating: 4.9689922 out of 5
Id: gW-5jQZRSxs
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Length: 99min 12sec (5952 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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