Dear Dad | John Gray

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] you [Music] dear dad it's father's day 2021 and i'll be 48 in one week and i still miss you it's weird to to miss someone you didn't really know [Music] but it's the truth and i often wish when i'm creating memories with my own son and daughter that you were here but there's a lot more in my heart that i want to say i just don't have the ability to say it all right now but for now let me just say happy father's day and one day past the clouds we'll get a chance to talk and anything we didn't get handled down here won't even matter once we up there i can't escape you because i came from you so i might as well embrace being your boy i love you your son john w gray iii you know father's day is a very complicated day for me emotionally because the legacy of those of us who did not grow up with a father in the home can sometimes be troubling it's only by the grace of god that you're able to do something of value uh it is a testimony not only to god's grace and his mercy it's a testimony to the enduring commitment of a mother who just would not let the devil win and for all the mothers who had to be fathers too i want to take a moment and salute you hallelujah great defender [Music] you all have caught me at a vulnerable moment a moment of development that i did not know was going to happen sometimes you don't know when god's going to grab your life and take you higher but i sit here today ruminating on the moments of development that have brought me to this place and i would write in my journal letters to my dad who uh i saw only a few times in my life but those times were extremely impactful now that i am a grown man i would like to ask uh all of the fathers to stand up please all the fathers to stand up [Applause] now remain standing because i'm going to address something on mother's day you can't hear the sound of the air conditioner over the applause that we give mothers you can't find a reservation at a restaurant on mother's day fathers we can walk in anywhere today and they'd be like there's no wait and i believe that that's a twofold attack number one there's a spiritual attack because you are the created image of god in the earth and so the devil hates you whether you know it or not as a father you are a progenitor and a legacy leader and so every time you wake up it is a blow to hell and so hell has pulled out all the stops to dishonor the created image of god to dishonor the hard work that you do and to anesthetize this society to the need of godly fathers not only are you a father you're a godly man and i want to take a moment to give honor to every man who is also a man of god and the world may not celebrate you but if you're in this place or online i want you to put praise hands applause or make noise for every father here and those who have gone to heaven i salute you elder i salute you leaders pastor robert i salute you sir to all of the men who told the devil no who stand in the gap and don't allow the enemy to take territory in your house i salute you to every man who struggles with their manhood i salute you because as long as you're struggling it means you're fighting and as long as you're fighting you're telling the devil no so don't highlight the moments where you don't get it right highlight the fact that you're still in the fight and no real man gets out of the earth without some bruises without some scars without some tears without some calluses if your hands are smooth then you probably haven't done anything but if your knuckles are bloodied then that means you fought and when they put you in the box tell them to put a smile on that body because you're not there anymore and the devil didn't win i salute every man every father every husband every grandfather every uncle every brother every son and on this day we celebrate the supernatural authority that god has given to fathers happy father's day [Music] now you can be seated [Music] i'm going to tell you now that this sermon will not be long because i don't have the emotional [Applause] she i think um see when you almost lose them you hold them different i know what it's like to be so filled with pain as a man that you don't feel like you're worthy of a family and so you self-destruct maybe i'm not the only man here who has made decisions based on pain and the devil will whisper to you that you are not worthy that you are not enough that no one wants you and no one needs you but he is a liar and i know that i'm winning because my son put on my jacket and he declared that he's going past a relentless church and i pray to god that i'm alive to see it thank you sweet girl and so uh you guys are gonna have to pray me through for the next few minutes thank you baby i might need y'all in a minute but for right now y'all can go ahead and sit in the front row just get ready if you see dan choke up again i have a complicated legacy with father's day and i think one of the great challenges of father's day for many of us is the relationship we have to our earthly fathers uh if you had a great father i salute you uh because it's almost like a museum piece you they're so rare we hear everything negative about a man every tv show always talks about how bad the man and he ain't no good ain't good ain't no good you always running around ain't doing nothing they always have us as shiftless and lazy and brutish and boorish but that is such a one-dimensional picture designed to dishonor who men are as thinking sentient human beings who have emotions and who have challenges and pain and no one understands the unique attack on christian manhood unless you got to walk through it every day in a society that says not only are you not needed you're not wanted in a society that says that now manhood and and the expression of masculinity is now toxic which is another way of muting my voice and muting my truth and muting my walk i am here to declare as a man of god that god expects us to be men who are watchmen on the wall to stand in the gap and not apologize because the moment you start selling out to culture is the moment you're saying that culture is your god and not god it's real quiet i want to show you a picture of my dad and i think this picture says so much about who he was if you'll show this picture i want you guys to see my dad that's my dad that's my dad on his wedding day to the woman that's on the front row that was alice gray and john gray that's a fresh premium custom tux i want you to keep that picture up because right behind him and i never caught this mommy is the pulpit that i preached my first sermon from he was literally standing in front of where i would declare my ministry commitment to god he had no clue i want you to look at his face because his face is like a lot of men what did i just do he looked like something stink right up under his mustache i want you to keep looking at the picture because that's a man who made a commitment who in his heart the enemy was already sowing seized that you can't handle this you're not worthy of this and you're not going to last in this i can see it and what god has done in my life you can now reconnect to me here live what god did in showing me this picture because i always look at that picture because what i realized is that that man was making a god decision without fully submitting to the god he made the decision for in every real man there is a battle between flesh and spirit my father was not a man of faith and prayer but he had some level of wisdom and discernment because he chose a woman who could extend his legacy and what my mother did not know was the man standing there in the tux had many challenges many addictions many struggles struggling with addiction and identity and struggling with responsibility and it's so strange because we only saw each other four times and in my life i've dealt with identity and responsibility and addiction not drugs because everybody thinks that drugs is the only thing you can be addicted to you can be addicted to pain you could be addicted to shame you could be addicted to food and it can display itself through a body that's confused with skinny legs and a big stomach ask me how i know because i may not medicate with a needle in my arm but i'll medicate with a sandwich at 1am nobody wants to hear me today and i'm just and i know you're saying well where's the encouragement for fathers just give me about five minutes and we're gonna get there but before we talk about the encouragement i need you to understand the attack because the attack is not about you the attack started before you because if you understand how god operates then you understand that the first relationship that we see in scripture is between father and son nobody wants to talk about that we get down to adam and eve but that's not the first relationship the first relationship was the father and the son and adam is the only created being that didn't have a mother he only had a father and in this day and age when people are confused about the authority of a father let me rewind you to genesis chapter 1 when god was creating and by that 26 verse he said let us make man in our image according to our likeness and let him have dominion someone say dominion when a when a father understands his authority he can declare legacy and dominion through his children if you don't believe that fathers have the authority to declare a thing then you miss the relationship between father and son when god said to adam name all these animals adam didn't ask the father what he should name him out of his creativity and out of his relational connection to the father he was able to express the father's heart and so everything he said god backed and so the creativity of the son came from his relationship to the father i'm going somewhere mother's day we got all kinds of messages but you're gonna get blessed today sir father husband leader brother you're going to get blessed today all over the world in a time when they want to mute the voices of men strong men principled men men of character men of integrity men who have made mistakes but did not allow their mistake to define them i am here to let you know that you are exactly what god wanted in the earth you're exactly what god intended in the earth and if by chance you've made bad decisions and the lie of shame has rested on your shoulders i am here today to declare shake that devil off get up get it right you're still alive you have an opportunity to change the narrative and to create a fresh legacy by the authority of jesus christ you are an heir and a joint heir with jesus christ if there are any men in the room who understand what i'm saying i need you to make some noise and stand with me [Applause] happy father's day the title of my message is dear dad letters to my father i started writing letters to my dad and then it was chronicled on our tv show the book of john gray and it was a cathartic expression of trying to get some emotions out for a father that wasn't there it started back in 2003 with a stage play i wrote called man of god the journey where i talked about being abused and the pain of being a victim of sexual abuse not at the hands of a family member and there was times when i was hurt and angry because no one was there to protect me and i found myself angry at my father because if my daddy had been there this wouldn't have happened because no father is going to let somebody hurt their child i know we all saved in here but i guarantee you you want to see something else come out mess with one of my two we're the real men at and let me tell you something that the devil tries he'll try to poke the parameters of your manhood to see if he can get through because the issue now is the devil knows he can't have me he's tried everything you can't get me i've been delivered i'm talking about a deliverance that i can mark in time and so he knows it's over you can't get me but now he's hoping that he can get my kids and as long as there is god's breath in my lungs he will not get my kids and i'm not moving out of the way for him to get to them i'm watching everything they're watching i'm checking every device i'm looking at ipads i'm watching hulu i'm watching tv i'm watching apps my daughter wants a phone i said honey you'll be 16 almost grown before you get a cell phone in my house i'm old school now her mama is young but i'm almost 50. i'll be 48 next week you don't need a cell phone all you got to do is say my name i'll show up and that's all you need and if you don't have a phone somebody near you got a phone i don't need you having access to things in the world that i don't cover because i'm a father my job is not to be your friend my job is to cover you my job is to protect you my job is to provide my job is to be a priest prophet protector and provider and i don't play shout out to every father that's a priest prophet protector and provider i need you to know who you are because the world tells you that you are optional and that you're not needed but you are the priest because god responds to the sound of a father now i know what's popular particularly in the african-american church of which we have a large percentage of african-americans and i honor growing up in the black church that's just the reality of my cultural construct but i am a global citizen but in black church we always celebrate the women because the women were the ones that were the backbone of the church and the pain of black women became an economy that's how you get a madir that's how you get all of these plays and the plays speak to the pain of black women and the and the the spirituality of black women but it doesn't speak to the deliverance so they create an economy out of pain and man-bashing and it seeps into the church so when men try to take their rightful position they see men through the lens of society as opposed to the lens of the word [Applause] [Music] so even if i try to stand in my rightful priestly position society has told you i'm not worthy i'm not i'm not deserving of grace i'm not deserving of mercy and this is where i had my first breakthrough because i had so much pain dealing with an absent father and not reconciling the moments when i needed him i had one little league at bat the bases were loaded and i struck out swinging my father wasn't there i was on the varsity soccer team in high school and i remember looking in the stands he wasn't there he promised he was going to buy me a car when i was 16. he wasn't there he would call me drunk from bars collect and tell me all of these things and he wasn't there and the pain of the promise of a father who doesn't show up lingers with you and what's strange is the pain of his absence drove me into the presence of the father that had created me the entire time i need you to know that you can allow your pain to drive you away from the heavenly father or drive you to the heavenly father i think that this message is more impacting than the amount of the applause i think people are internalizing the moment but i feel that i need to tell you that the enemy wants to mute the voice of your father and even if you didn't have a good relationship with your father honoring your father and mother is not a suggestion says honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise that it may go well with you that your days would be long on the earth december 7th of 2000 on the corner of east 23rd and 1st street in manhattan at the veterans memorial hospital i believe on the sixth floor my father was taking his last breaths and by a series of god events i happened to be in manhattan on that day i couldn't get a cab so i walked in church shoes and goofy pants and i got to his room and i sang hymns over his bed and i looked at him and i ran my fingers through his then very long hair and i touched his hands and i touched his chest and i whispered in his ear and i said i forgive you for not being there and i want you to know that i'm going to make your name good in the earth because i'm john gray iii because while he was in jail my mother was giving birth to me but he gave her instructions his name is john she was going to name me brian can you imagine brian gray how you doing my name brian gray i'm just glad to be here reservation for brian brian gray no i'm john gray i couldn't be anything else and watch this this is for all the women who have had a complicated relationship with your husband or your baby daddy let me tell you something there is still something that god wants you to learn in that lesson because apparently he wasn't all bad because y'all had some slow dance or something happened that's how that baby got here so don't front let's be real it wasn't always an adversarial posture at some point there was a missionary position that was taken in the relationship so don't get mad get glad my mother had every right not to respect his leadership because he had been an absent husband but she honored his leadership because she submitted to god in the midst of a tough situation and named me after him and didn't realize that what god was doing is completing a legacy because what my father did not complete i am completing and what i don't finish my son will i need you to understand that respecting even in the midst of someone who's not worthy of it still produces fruit in your life and if by chance you have a complicated relationship with your father get it right call today say i forgive you even if he says something stupid don't hold that to him because you don't know the demons and you don't know the struggle and you don't know the pain or the addictions or the upbringing and when i look at the picture of my father what i realized after being in the presence of his mother my grandmother for many years he could never be who he actually was so he had he never had a chance to be himself he had to always put on for everybody because my grandmother was surface and she was big on what it looked like not what it really was costume jewelry and i ain't just talking about what she wore costume jewelry is faking it like you're really happy but you're not making making your kids wear goofy clothes to present a picture an image of wealth and all of these other things and it never allowed my father to be who he really was he could never be a boy he could never get dirty he could never go outside and play he always had to wear two-piece outfits and goofy socks and church shoes and he could never be and the moment he got free he acted a fool because that's what happens when people lie to make you think you're something you're not the moment you get a taste of freedom you start going crazy so don't blame men for being a man because we were explorers by nature we're daredevils by nature we're risk takers by nature we're hunters by nature we're predators by nature don't get mad woman of god if there's a moment when you're walking in the mall and he spots something off the right corner of his eye the reality is there's something innate in our dna that causes us to be like i know i'm married i'm happy i love my wife but i just you know she kind of cold it doesn't mean that he wants to leave there's something in us that is predatorial now you can slap us and you can pinch us but it's not leaving because that's something we're always going to have to discipline but don't try to not make me that cause the thing you're trying to pinch out of me is what got you next to me [Applause] don't try to turn me into a woman when you wanted a man you i need a seven second praise break right there that thing just hit hard don't try to tame me now you caught me wild you caught me as a visionary don't try to make me less than what i am i came from my father i want to do it all i want to sing i want to rap i want to dance i want to do movies i want to write books i want to go on vacation i want to slow jam i want to slow dance i want to back it up i want to worship god i want to pray i want to prophesy i want to speak in tongues i want to listen to earth wind and fire i want to watch sports i want to eat wings i might want to drink something don't judge me i won't judge you i'm not an angel i'm a [Applause] man [Applause] i need a couple men that believe what i'm saying to come down and smash the fool out of this altar stay with me for a minute man cause i'm talking to men today i'm tired of y'all trying to make us less than what we are let us be wild let us break free let us be who god intended us to be and let us celebrate one another and when we fall don't judge us don't text about us don't dm don't tear us down find me some brothers that went through what i went through and let me surround myself with them so that they can nurse me back to health because we all have one abba father we cry out with a spirit of adoption abba father which means we got the same daddy so don't beat me up cause you're my brother if you see me fall pick me up we got the same daddy if i'm hurt you're hurt unless of course you're jealous cain i bind the spirit of jealousy and joel i've never seen it quite like i've seen it in the body of christ people that i have celebrated supported spoken into paid bills for prophesied my wife knows it full head i prophesied entire movements and in a moment where they and it looked like the father had turned his back everyone scattered god will allow that to happen to show you the difference between enemies and brothers i got brothers i got men of god i've got siblings i've got i've got fathers around me i've got men around me who understand what it's like to live in the tension between earth and heaven that we are earth we were created from the dust but we've got the spirit of god on the inside i'm talking to men that wrestle with the reality of manhood every day and i want to celebrate you today sir priest prophet protector provider i love that ladies celebrate these men one more time we don't we don't have enough celebration of men that's why that's why church that's why you don't see a lot of men in church because you don't let a man be a man we don't worship the way everybody else worships we don't shout the way everybody else shouts we don't connect the way everybody else connects we connect over sports and chicken wings and mountain dew some people drink a modelo so what don't be judgmental you got them at your house right now how come you can't be what you really are talk to me fellas i'm tired of having to fake it if the truth will make me free why i gotta come in here in bondage to make you think i'm something that i'm really not dear dad my father wasn't there and his absence informed my manhood stay with me fellas i'll be done and y'all will be the first fruit of the altar call my father wasn't there and god knew he wouldn't be there and watch this and it's okay i need you all to hear me because it may not sound like it but that is the sentence of a man that's been delivered he wasn't there and it's okay he didn't tell you who you were supposed to be and it's okay he didn't do everything he needed to do and it's okay he did not give you every opportunity and it's okay because look where you are at the altar still serving god worshiping god hands lifted heart surrendered this is the power whether you had a good father or a not-so-good father they still got you here and so they're worthy of honor today because honor is never about the worthiness of the person you're giving it to it's about the posture of the heart of the person who's releasing the honor i don't give honor to my father because he deserves it i give honor to my father because my heavenly father said to it is the word a draw in my journal dear dad dear dad i want you to know if i could write a a letter to him today i say dear dad i just celebrated my three-year pastoral anniversary i left a very nice home a beautiful home and stepped straight into hell didn't know that i left a mansion and stayed in an airbnb for months staying in a hotel for months that they wouldn't even clean the room but i never said nothing left my house early because the person who asked me to come left early and so i came early nobody knows the pain and i was a i thought i was a man when i got here but you made a man out of me in the three years since i've been here and i've been through hell and they tried to tear me down and i even failed myself and almost lost my wife and my family but by your grace and your mercy you delivered me and by a power that is outside of my comprehension you have established me here and i want to tell you dad all glory goes to you and you have stripped my flesh and where there was a boy you made a man to everybody and anyone who thinks that i left to make something of myself no no no i came here out of obedience to my father because the ban that existed before i got here would have run had i known what i had to face but any real father will make his son face himself because it's the only way you ever gonna know what's on the inside of you and it wasn't until i saw the truth of my condition that i realized the need for my abba father father i stretch my hands to thee no other help i know if you withdraw your help from me where would i go are there any men any fathers in here who know if it wasn't for your heavenly father you'd have nobody you'd have nothing you'd have nothing to hold on to i've learned that when men fail god does not [Applause] my final entry on father's day today would be dear dad i know who i am now that's the most powerful sentence a man can declare because when you know who you are the devil can't lie to you anymore when you know who you are because there are men who are 80 and still don't know who they are husbands grandfathers still lost don't know who they are i'm looking for men who have walked through hell got all of the t-shirts and can give me the wisdom from the decisions that they made that they wish they had made differently real manhood doesn't hide your brokenness it uses it as a tool to help other men so that they don't fall and fail in the same place if you see me walking towards the pit stop me if you love me fight for me don't let me fall hey don't mess with that leave that alone let me tell you what happened when you mess with that there dear dad i need a father's wisdom i don't need you to just walk around everybody got balls i don't need that i need a father i need a father that will speak and declare just because you can release seed doesn't make you a father i need a father that'll tell me sit your behind down have you lost your mind what you mean you didn't open the door for that young lady you talking about you want to marry her but you don't know how to open the door what you mean you let her pay what does that mean go in dutch you don't go dutch you're a son of this house you're a son of my anointing you're a son of my legacy you treat her with respect let me tell you what happens when you honor the woman of god you get favor boy favor on your life boy don't you understand who she is that's your favorite factor treat her right even if she doesn't do everything you want she ain't your slave you treat her right and what you sow will inevitably grow dear dad so i close i wrote in my journal but what you don't know is your heavenly father's been writing on you second corinthians 3 verse 1 do we begin again to commend ourselves or do we need as some others epistles of commendation to you or letters of commendation from you you are our epistle written in our hearts known and ready by all men clearly you are an epistle of christ ministered by us written not with ink but by the spirit of the living god not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh that is of the heart dear dad i just want to look like you and he says son i've been writing on your heart every day of your life warren the bible says all my days were written when as yet there were none of them how precious are your thoughts towards me if i were able to count them they would outnumber the grains of sand my dad thinks about me my earthly father he couldn't do it so my heavenly father adopted me and so while you can write letters to your dad whether living or absent living or transitioned just know that your heavenly father writes on you because you are his letter to the earth and you'll say i wish my father would write me letters he did he wrote you 66 of them read your word and find out how much he thinks of you read your word and find out how much he invested in you read your word to find out how much he adores you you're a living letter today my brother larry mcgugan texted me he said we get to break generational curses y'all don't understand what that means we both got young sons where our fathers weren't able to declare the destiny of god we stand in the gap and break that curse and we declare the destiny of god over our sons and our daughters with every hand lifted i just want to declare to every father that your father is proud of you your heavenly father and even if your earthly father and if he has said it great but if he hasn't you need to know that your heavenly father is saying it matthew chapter three this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased your father is proud of you but if you ever get in trouble spend some time with your dad and write on the tablet of your heart what's really going on is called prayer that's what held jesus together dad i'm going through this dad this is what's going dad this is what they're saying and the father would speak back he would say do this son say that son don't go there son do that be careful watch this hey they're all going to leave you listen judas watch him keep him close but just know he's going he's going he's going to betray you but i need you to pour into him for three years anyway don't say anything i want you to know who he is the whole time but don't tell him that you know until the end so that way he can never say that you treated him different [Music] so father bless every father and for those of us who've had a complicated legacy with father's day let us look at father's day through fresh eyes and see what we've never seen so that we can experience what we've never experienced and to every man here across the world because relentless home happy father's day right in this moment right now i believe that god is speaking specifically to men the bible says that when the disciples preached the word that miracles followed the word that was preached today was a word straight for every man across this globe today finally this message that god has been wanting to speak into your heart has come roman romans 10 9 tells us that if we confess with our mouth and believe in our heart that jesus christ was raised from the dead that we would be saved what i love about the scripture is that it was a father and a son working together to save the world and now they have come to save you this is a message for every man you may have listened to many a messages sat and many a church service watched many a preacher online but today something sir is happening in your heart you're being called this message was written for you this message is a love letter to you dear sir you're there and you're watching and you're listening this is your moment this is your moment to stand as the man that you've known that you are and god is calling him forth from the seated position to a standing position from retraction into action god is calling you today it's not too late listen my father he left when i was 14 months years old he was gone he went a different direction but i want to let you know here today you may have made a mistake but no mistake is too big there is no gap or chasm that can keep you where you are there is a relationship to be had and i can say this i just i love my dad to this day my biological father happy father's day to you thanks for not giving up thanks for not quitting thanks for grabbing my hand even though things were tough and difficult and today your father is grabbing your hand sir today your father is calling you out pulling you from where you are and wants to take you to where you've always seen yourself to be it is not too late romans 9 says if we confess with our mouth that jesus is lord that if we believe that god raised him from the dead that we can be saved not just your life in the hereafter but your life here and now your relationships can begin to change because he's a miracle working god right now if you're out there this is for every human being but specifically there's a connotation there's an ear mark there's a watermark for the men in this room and around the world who are watching your father is calling you out into goodness into holiness into the man you want to be if you need jesus christ if you need a miracle in your life this is your moment men in here some of us we need a rededication we need a moment to say you know what i've said a prayer i've made a commitment but today i commit to be my father son i commit to be him right now if you're saying this would you just repeat after me men around the world at home in this room will you just make this your declaration from that place in your heart that masculine place in your soul as we cry out today and we say father no say it in a way that you've never said it before repeat after me say father i come to you as your child i believe jesus christ died for me he paid the price for every sin every mistake every shortcoming and it's gone i believe god raised jesus from the dead now raise me from the dead give me a new life in the hereafter but here and now in jesus name i make you the lord jesus guide me into this life guide me further in the mighty name of jesus if you agreed with that would you say amen now if you were a man or a woman who prayed that prayer you are saved you can know that you know that jesus has died for you that if you were to die tonight that you would wake up and see your eternal father if you prayed that prayer of salvation today would you right now would you just text save to the number that's on your screen we want to connect with you we want to talk we want to equip you with the next steps if you prayed that prayer that's a great beginning but now it's time to walk further with your father and to continue that we want to help you do that so please text save to the number on the screen if you're in here or you're online you just say i want to be a member this is my house this is these are my people this is my community would you just text member to the number that's on your screen right now we want to talk with you we want to connect with you we want to bring you into our community bring you into our family and that's the way that you do that god bless you thank you so much relentless church here in greenville and around the world we love you god bless you have an amazing sunday amen thank you pastor joel happy father's day to all of the fathers everywhere we just want to honor pastor john one more time pastor john happy father's day thank you and we want to invite you to church next week please it's a special special special sunday we're going to be honoring pastor john and his 48th birthday and we want to thank the lord for his life and what the lord has done not only that it is also the 10-year anniversary of a miracle called alice gray and june 27 of 2011 is when the doctors could not find the end stage cancer that they gave her months to live and i want you to get here because we have something special happening amongst that celebration i think it's an amazing collision of a birthday and a miracle day and we have some special things in store but if you need healing you know someone who needs healing i want you to get here because we're going to have a special healing part of our service that you need to be here for you need to be a part of so i want to invite you next week it's going to be absolutely amazing right here at our greenville campus tell everybody you know far and near that they want to get to the building and i'm not sure if we've made it clear or not but we are not doing online registrations anymore we are still practicing social distancing however you do not have to register for service i received a few messages that said i couldn't find a way to register didn't know if it was okay to come so we need to make sure that you know to come you're welcome to come come we're open but we will still be very careful with how we're handling one another just being wise and full of wisdom but we want to let you know that you don't have to register for services anymore please come here we'll be live 8 30 and 11 and our replays at 2 7. 10. amen amen god bless you listen hands up may the lord bless you and keep you cause his face to shine upon you the lord god be gracious to you show you his favor and give you his peace next week is miracle sunday get here early if this is your preferred service get here early i'm telling you and bring everybody you know people are coming in from other countries to be here and god is going to do miracle healings in here god bless you god bless you
Channel: Relentless Church
Views: 10,161
Rating: 4.8900342 out of 5
Keywords: Relentless Church, John Gray Ministries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 45sec (3165 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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