Relentless Church *** New *** Keep Your Hand's Up *** Rejection

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luke chapter four luke chapter four we're in the certified series anybody in here certified who preached last weekend pastor lamoris he did a phenomenal job excellent job in the word so proud of him and of course relentless val week three tomorrow it's been amazing you gotta get there married single it's complicated uh whatever it is if you want to strengthen your relationship or get wisdom on how to have a godly relationship you need to get there tomorrow night seven o'clock doors open at 6 30 7 it starts by 8 30. it's done bishop's chapel we have child care available it's amazing and they got snacks out there i'm just saying that's good snacks too i saw some rib tips it wasn't out there i saw some they weren't at the church but they got some rich crackers for you and a capri sun um luke chapter four while you're going to luke chapter four i want to give honor to dameron batson jr who is back in the house with us dameron we love you who's that little baby boy you got with you i know it that's landon landon batson and he is here and let's let's just thank god for damren and just his wife haley and just the faith that they've had to walk through this season we love y'all can do better than that we love you your family your relentless church family stands with you whatever you need we are here we're long haul we we don't it's not the two-week church and nobody bother you're gonna be sick of me i'm checking on you a year from now i'm gonna be in the window knocking you all right i love you you're an amazing man of god and the way that you loved your daughter the way you covered and prayed for your daughter the faith that you stood in for your daughter honored god our job was to stay in faith it was god's job to make a decision but we never changed our confession and i thank god that i learned to stand fast and it is well i believe with your soul and we stand with you and your wife we love you luke chapter 4 somebody say i'm certified so jesus came to nazareth where he had been brought up and as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day and stood up to read and he was handed the book of the prophet isaiah and when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord then he closed the book and gave it back to the attendant and set down case closed in the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on him and he began to say to them today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing i just caught something because the word scripture is capitalized because what he was saying is thou this is not words on paper i am the word so it goes from small case s to capital s because the scripture is the word god is his word in the beginning was the word of the word was with god and the word was god so now god in human form jesus says this scripture capital s is fulfilled in your i am this word standing here come on holy ghost so all bore witness to him and marveled at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth and they said is this not joseph's son the title of my message is certified anointing certified anointing pray with me lord get the glory out of this message shake heavens make every devil in hell bow down save souls by the hundreds and give miracles by the pound in jesus name amen you may be seated the word anointing has been used too loosely and has become a casual word in church worlds and it is not a word that is to be taken lightly the word anointing is sometimes conflated with gifted you see someone who's gifted they move you with their gift oh they are anointed it's church words oh she's saying so good she's anointed oh my goodness that man boy you preached you heard the way he hooped at the end he's anointed she's anointed but today i want to talk to you about the biblical truth of the anointing because i need you to understand that for many of you you are getting ready to come into a realization of who god made you how god made you and why god made you for a specific purpose and task we learn about the anointing oil in the book of exodus and you can read about it in the 30th chapter of exodus starting at the 22nd verse and it says these words moreover the lord spoke to moses saying also take for yourself quality spices somebody say quality don't tell me it's the anointing if it's not quality 500 shekels of liquid myrrh half as much sweet smelling cinnamon 250 shekels 250 shekels of sweet smelling cane that sugar came for those who are not yet fully training like they had cocaine in the bible i did not know this is crazy sugar cane you can laugh y'all real deep this morning 500 shekels of cassia according to the shekel of the sanctuary or or the the um the the measure that is being utilized for weight according to the measure of the sanctuary uh and then a a hen of olive oil and you shall make from these a holy anointing oil an ointment compounded according to the art of the perfumer so there is an artistry to the anointing you cannot be haphazard with the anointing you don't play games with the anointing it is not something to take lightly the word itself and the actual substance of it it is not a game for too long the church has become a little too familiar with god and i believe god has taught us in the old testament that there was a reverential respect and distance between god and the people because uh the things that you're closest to you often take for granted you don't believe me ask your spouse real quiet and hear and so it shall be a holy anointing oil with it you shall anoint the tabernacle of meeting the ark of the testimony the table and all its utensils the lampstand and its utensils and the altar of incense the ultra burnt offering with all of its utensils and the labor and its base you shall consecrate them that they may be most holy the anointing is to separate you from the crowd you are not average you are not regular you've never been that and every time you've you've attempted to be less than what god called you to be ordained you to be and fashioned you to be you've been frustrated unhappy and disgruntled because you know in your spirit that you are called to be more than the surroundings and even the definitions of people that have spoken into your ear gate am i talking to anyone in this church or online who's a part of this church somebody say most holy don't treat me casual i've been consecrated i've been set aside by god for a purpose watch this whoever touches them must be holy we that's a whole nother sermon pastor robert not only am i anointed anybody who's in relationship with me needs to not only understand my anointing but they must be anointed as well whatever touches them must be holy and you shall anoint aaron and his sons and consecrate them that they may minister to me as priests so the original intent of the priesthood was not to reach people the original intent of the priesthood was to get in the presence of god and god would meet the needs of the people today we've got people who stand up in in in buildings across the world trying to make people think that they're so amazing that you've got to get to them and unless you get to them or only talk to them or hear from them then then then you're never going to be what god created you to be and i reject the notion of people worship any woman any man that wants you to worship them has a demon i'm not playing with any devils today i've been up since three o'clock this morning so i'm i'm gonna say whatever comes to my mind i'm gonna say it again anyone who wants you to think that you need them in order to get to heaven or you need them in order to fulfill every aspect of destiny anyone that puts themselves between you and god not as an usher to get you into the presence of god but as a stop gap as if they are the only way to get to god that is a spirit and it is not from god you don't worship a woman you don't worship a man you don't worship a platform you don't worship a building i pray that this building is is uh uh free from attack or destruction for as long as god has relentless in the earth but if there was a point where this building was no longer here this building is not the church the church is the church and the church are the ones who are clapping right now the church are the ones who are typing in the in the chat feed on youtube live and facebook john grey ministries live and and that's the church the church are the ones that are coming through the doors and god forbid anything that happened to this building but if it did the work of the church would continue you don't believe me elder jesus said tear this temple down in three days i'll raise it up you want to know where the church is the church is right on the outside of an empty tomb oh the church was built by one stone being rolled away by an angel and the bible says the angel sat on it sit on it and so the original intent of the priesthood was to minister to god god would meet the needs of the people somebody say i'm anointed so the first thing you need to know about the anointing is anybody who handles you needs to respect and reverence the anointing they also need to be separated and consecrated as well stop allowing people to handle you or have access to your life that don't respect the position god has given you in the kingdom stop talking to people that treat you like you from 10 years ago stop talking to people in your family about deep and intimate things who only see you as the cousin from 25 years ago at grandma's house stop allowing people to keep you in a place that you have graduated from because you are not that you are anointed now for something that is bigger than the experiences that got you to this moment somebody say i'm anointed and i'm not just anointed i'm certified the bible says god said when you make this oil don't make another like it there's a difference between the art of the anointing and the manufacturing of the oil there are people who manufacture oil every sunday and if you're not if you're not discerning you'll assume that what you're smelling is the anointing but you have to have a discerning nasal palate to discern between that which is god and that which is not god and is masquerading as from god every person singing ain't saved every person preaching isn't filled with the holy ghost every person that's in a position of power is not walking in humility and kindness and holiness and character and integrity everybody that's walking around doesn't have the same commitment to the principles of new testament church growth everybody's not anointed get that in your spirit it's also important for you to know that everybody's not happy that you're anointed there are some people that are deeply uncomfortable with the fact that god has chosen you to do anything because they have never seen you clearly and properly and they don't want to see you as anything other than your worst moment or your worst mistake or what they remember about you but the thing about the anointing is it's so fragrant and so potent that it moves any other stench from your past and any other thing out of the room when the anointing hits the scene everything in the room carries that fragrance you ever been around somebody that's truly anointed even when they leave the room you still feel the residue am i talking to anybody will somebody help me this premium morning somebody say certified there's a couple things i want you to know about the anointing i want you to get this really in your spirit the anointing is an unmistakable identifying mark that god confers on a person for the purpose of accomplishing a specific task that is in line with god's preordained will i know that's a lot so you're going to have to go back in and and listen to this but from my family from arlington virginia i'll say it mistakeable identifying mark that god confers on an individual for the purpose of accomplishing a specific task that is in line with god's preordained will everybody say this one more time i'm anointed no you need to say it on faith until i give you the next 15 minutes of instruction so that when you say it the next time you need to say it with a level of vim vigor and vitality fervor and an assuredness that shakes devils off your life say it like you mean it and i need you to type it in the chat feed before i come through this computer screen into your house and throw your froot loops on the floor i want everybody to say it and i need you to say it with some bass in your voice and some some air in your chest through your mask i need you to say it i need you to say it like you mean and say i'm anointed some of y'all can't say it like you need to because you're sitting down some of you need to stand up and say it because you need to go ahead and agree with god and stop fighting god on what he said about you and i'm gonna ask you to say it again and i need you to say it like the king that you are like the queen that you are like the leader that you are i am anointed now if you know that the one who anoints you has backed your words then i triple dog dare you i said i triple dog dare you to bless god right now we are not leaving this church until somebody realizes that all the hell you've been through is not because of something you did wrong it's because of something god put on your forehead you wouldn't have been under attack if god hadn't put his hand on you the devil wasn't even thinking about you but god swiped your forehead and said she belongs to me he belongs to me the next thing that happened is all hell broke loose i'm talking to somebody in here now don't get me started pastor demarcus but a man who just had to tell his baby girl goodbye just walk to the altar and sow the seed you got to know that the attack of the devil is intensified based on the concentrated power of the anointing on your life the more anointed you are the more attacks will increase stop saying why is this happening to me it's happening because i'm anointed it's happening because i have purpose it's happening because i'm this close i'm less than an inch away from walking into the fullness of what i was created for i can feel it in my spirit i can feel it like phil collins i feel it calling in the air tonight oh lord i've been waiting for this moment for all my life is there anybody in here that knows today is the stirring minister chris of the anointing that's been dormant on the inside of you somebody say it again ah denzel say it like you mean it i am [Applause] [Applause] elder something about your hands lifted deeply offends hell and if i were you i wouldn't put my hands down till i feel that thing break let me tell you something when you lift your hands and you're anointed ah the people of god advance you don't believe me ask moses he was anointed and as long as his hands were up they were able to be successful but when he got tired and put his hands down the enemy was able to advance don't you ever doubt how important you are to god's plan keep your hands up throw them up till your shoulders burn and if you got to lean your hands up against the wall until you get your breakthrough then do what you have to do but your anointing is not optional god needs you on the wall in this season god needs you shouting like you've never shouted before you are anointed i need somebody to shout through that mask i need you to go ahead don't lift the mask just shout it somebody say it again something's breaking out in here i'm anointed i am anointed i am what is god's name how did he introduce himself so when you say i am anointed god anointed god anointed me i know that offends some of the people who are close to you because they could never discern the totality of you they like the bite-sized version of you they like the halloween candy version of you not the whole bar just a little piece stop stop doing life with people that only want a little piece of you if you can't have all of me if you can't if you can't digest everything that i am i don't need you in close proximity to my life you don't get to take a bite out of me and then go do what you want no i'm anointed it's either all or nothing either you're my friend or you're not either you're my sister or you're not either it's family or it's not and if the answer is yes then we gonna do this thing like this right here i am anointed and stop selling yourself short i need you to do me a favor i know you got that mask on but is it anybody smell that hold on i smell something hold on hold on i smell a chain breaking anointing in here wait a minute no no no no wait it's not just oh my god there's an anointing for wealth accumulation also wait a minute hold on it's on this side isn't it it is there's a wealth accumulation anointing on that side wait a minute there's a merger and acquisition anointing on this side wait a minute where's the anointing for real estate development where wait there's hold on there's another anointing in here it's the anoint it's the anointing for home ownership not renting for the rest of your life where is that wait hold on wait a minute hold hold on there's a laying on of hands anointing in here that the moment you lay your hands the stuff shrivels and shrinks wait a minute hold on hold on there's another anointing in here there's oh my god there's an anointing to cast out demons somebody in here is not afraid of the devil and you can cast that devil who am i i smell because the anointing according to scripture is a perfume and ladies y'all know about perfume yeah you do yes you do when you want a certain mood you put on a certain perfume fellas you know you put the good cologne on when you you know trying to put the thing down she gonna love this the problem is the church has been trying to make its own fragrance and if you're not skilled in the art of creating the true oil the true fragrance something stinks some of y'all know what i'm talking about you've been to churches the song sounded good what the preacher was saying what she said what he said it sounded good but something stunk you couldn't even really tell anybody because everybody else said oh my god he's like oh yeah that's it you're coming back i don't i don't know i don't know who am i talking to here's the thing oil attracts oil and real oil repairs fake oil there are people who you wanted to be in relationship with and they can't be because the fragrance on your life won't allow for counterfeits did you hear what i said your fragrant anointing here's the thing not only do you have a fragrance here's what you need to know about the anointing it doesn't have an expiration date that's for anybody who the devil is lied to you and said you missed your moment you missed your chance you missed your open door you missed your opportunity ah you too late you too old it's never gonna happen i'm anointed and my anointing does not have an expiration date this is not bread on a shelf this is not fruit in the in the grocery store this is the anointing oil that's the way you can tell a difference between somebody who was trying to write a gospel hit and somebody who wrote a song to give god glory because the reason why i told minister dante i want to him every week is because when they were writing them hymns they weren't thinking about radio airplay they weren't thinking about making a music video they weren't thinking about going on tour they were thinking about how good god had been or they were thinking about how god kept their mind when they had to bury their wife and their child when they sing precious lord he meant that thing when he wrote it as well with my soul he meant that thing that's why you can still sing it today and the oil that was on it when they wrote it is still on it here a hundred years later because the anointing is an eternal touch of god in the moment you're in that's why the anointing doesn't have an expiration date so for anybody who wants to write you off because of your age or your lack of experience they better back up baby because the anointing on you does not have an expiration date oh help me lord help me lord do this go ahead and just right here on your chest say i'm one of a kind say it again say i'm one of a kind i look at somebody tell them how you doing i hope you're well you're standing next to a masterpiece just tell them tell them like you mean it if they looked at you cross-eyed look at somebody excuse me how are you tell them how are you hope you're well hope your family is well i'm amazing i am the greatest me that has ever been made there will never be another me i'm anointed to be me i'm not anointed to be you but i'm anointed to be me i'm not insecure about your calling because i'm too busy living out my calling [Applause] i'm anointed to do what i was created to do i'm not in competition with you my fragrance is not trying to out shine or out smell your fragrance because when we both do what we're created to do then it becomes the compounded anointing ah you might be mer i might be cassia you might be cinnamon you might be the olive oil but all of us together create a fragrance that god gets the glory out of and people get saved filled with the holy ghost add the mighty burning fire tell somebody i'm anointed don't get too casual with me don't play with me i ain't your little play thing i ain't your little friend tell us don't don't play game put that in the chat feed don't play with me i'm anointed let me tell you something jesus had a functional and i feel god in this church the problem nephew is that some people who say they're anointed are also weird you ever seen somebody that's i'm anointed god has called me to a great and mighty purpose why are you speaking in a british accent and you from columbia south carolina since when do you have to be weird to be anointed that's weird church though let me tell you the best oil is functional this is why oh i feel god i love jesus he had a functional anointing need to write that one down see the church has been too busy trying to scare people into this weird pseudo relationship with god that's based on shame and guilt as opposed to being functionally anointed what is a functional anointing god has chosen imperfect people to smear with his presence your job is not to walk around like you did something your job is to walk in humility saying i can't believe god chose me and since he chose me i'm going to be faithful to what he asked me to do oh my god i need your help in here i need your help because i'm getting ready to say something stop arguing with god about what he put on your life i'ma come over here i'll say it again you've been trying to talk god out of the calling on your life like he didn't know who you were and what you do and what you still do there are three things you need to know about god well this this is not one of the three but the first thing that's not on the list he is not dumb that's number one you know i'm trying to figure out who i'm going to choose to be anointed any meaning no no no the anointing is god's preference i'm i'm i'm teaching the anointing is god's preference god decides who he wants to anoint pastor i'll put some oil on my hand please put some oil on my hand there's some oil on my hand please please just give me some more thank you you always overdo it with the oil pastor robert i love you i asked pastor robin for this smells good what is this this is a new oil this is not that's not your regular oil this your super unleaded oil pastor robert you you say this for special occasions it's that next level oil come here damron junior come here hurry yeah come here elder johnny hurry come here elder johnny hurry this is a different oil when you go through hell you get a different oil when you have grief like that you have a different oil you were standing there and and god said i'm putting something new on johnny i'm putting something new on him and so i'm going to do what he said so i'm putting this on you there's something new on you stay right there don't move you should smell that you smell that that smells real good doesn't that smell good oh my goodness woman of god black dress come here quickly quickly quickly quickly quick both of y'all since you started moving that's good i said black dressy they talking to me i said black dress i know that's your mama but you come up but but it's for her come here help her up come here you smell that that's freedom that's deliverance and it's not for you only it's for the people that you come into contact with you're going to be able to lay hands and they're going to walk in a level of freedom and deliverance right there don't move i said stay right there don't move there's a fragrance on the anointing and no one can duplicate it because no one's lived your life do you understand that the oil that you carry is because of the life you've lived watch this and what you didn't know is that your tears were watering the bottle [Music] is that the scripture he says he catches your tears and places them you didn't know that your tears were a necessary component of the anointing that you carry you ought to take a moment and say god i didn't know what the grief was for but the grief and the salt content from your tears actually mixed with the other ingredients to give you a unique anointing that will allow other people to get free ask somebody do you smell that oh lord help me holy ghost does anybody hear what i'm saying all right y'all go ahead go be seated i don't know what's getting ready to happen next don't help me holy jesus help me help me do you know who you are elder i was standing there during worship i watched you stand up and it blessed me because you're so faithful you're just always there and it just it just really blesses me come here sir come here you came all the way from arlington virginia come here i need somebody to understand what's happening you didn't come here for a sermon you came here to be activated okay so i'm just agreeing with god the oil is on your life and this is the moment that god says everything that you've been writing in your journals and the things that you've been praying about before the sun comes up are about to come to pass in your life and the and the visions that he has shown you were for this moment you were wondering when what's the timing god said the timing is now it would not have worked before but it's going to work now i need somebody to say now this is about something's about to happen i don't know if we're going to get out of here but god just released a right now anointing did you hear what i said no y'all didn't hear what i said i said there's a now anointing what do i mean by that jesus was 30 years old when the holy spirit descended in the form of a dog a dove in the scripture we just read he said the spirit of god the holy spirit came upon him then what did he say because he has anointed me wait a minute what do you mean he's anointed you i thought you were already anointed yeah i i was anointed i i always had an assignment but i had to go through the process before i could activate this oil what do i mean i know that i was called to ministry at 13. god always had for me to be a pastor in the years to come but my process was necessary for the oil that i stand in now to be functional some people want the anointing but don't want the process you want the oil but you don't want to go through the wilderness you don't want to tell the devil get behind me satan and jesus before he came on the scene had to go through the wilderness rebuke devils and get baptized but you just want the oil and to do what you want but that's not how the oil works y'all can be seated you can be seated i need you to get this when you're anointed you're anointed not just in a general sense you're anointed in a very specific sense you are anointed for your assignment i need you to write this down anointed for my assign i'm anointed for my assignment the reason why your oil didn't fit anywhere else is because you weren't assigned there some of you all have tried to serve at other churches they've so insecure well you know you really are talented but i just we you know what we already got somebody doing that and yeah why did you just go ahead and sit down for a little while they they're so intimidated by real oil that they would rather celebrate the counterfeit then you were their invitation to the anointing and they rejected it don't get mad if they didn't respond to god's rsvp oh my lord what did god say watch this what did god say to samuel he said don't be upset that the children of israel once saw they didn't reject you they rejected me don't get upset with people who reject you they're not rejecting you they're rejecting the god who anointed you what did god say go ahead and anoint them give them what they want this is the only way that they're going to see the difference between what's manufactured and what heaven declares and here's here's what happened when man tried to anoint somebody saul deeply insecure knew he wasn't qualified when the real anointing showed up in david what he tried to do there are people who try to kill you with their words they try to kill you with their mouth they try to kill you with a look they try to kill you on your job but here's what's funny you can't kill the anointing so somebody i need somebody to get free right there come on elder he said you can't do it i don't know who that's for you've tried over and over you thought you were coming after me you're not coming after me you're trying to kill the anointing and you better learn what happens to people who attack the anointing but here's a lesson for all of us who have been anointed by god watch this you've got to trust god to elevate the oil on you without tearing anybody else down oh that's so good what do i mean i'm gonna end right here you're gonna have to come to the next service to get the rest of this what do i mean saul when david was running from him told his men i can't put my hands on the lord's anointing he's tried to kill you twice he's willing to kill priests just to get to you yeah but he's still the lord's anointed but he's your enemy here's my question if i was bishop jakes i would say it like bishop what do you do when your enemy is anointed what do you do when your enemy is anointed you have to maintain your integrity and wait on god to determine whose oil will stand do you know what it's like to be me over the last three years when some of the people who said they loved me tried to kill my life and i had arsenal after arsenal if i opened my mouth i could tear i'd blow everything up and god said shut your mouth why he was led as a lamb as a sheep before his shearers is silent yet he opened not his mouth oh there's something about a quiet oil who am i talking to in here uh the real oil will always rise to the top listen to me when you find that your enemy is anointed you gotta wait for god to make the distinction you don't put your hands on her you don't put your hands on him you don't put your hands on that you wait on god pastor adam this is a word from the lord watch this even if the person is wrong the anointing isn't this is going to help you because god has never anointed anything perfect except his son i got so much in my notes we're gonna probably have to do this next week too y'all want some more next week there's a couple things i need you to grab about the anointing there's a couple things that will hinder your anointing number one a lack of discipline it doesn't stop you from being anointed but it will stop the ability of you to be effective in full capacity if you lack discipline if you have an unwillingness to corral your carnal appetites it can hinder the full flow of the anointing what do i mean samson was anointed but he loved women and not just any women he did he didn't want an israelite woman he wanted a philistine woman he wanted he wanted he wanted the freaks that's what he wanted you read scripture he even told his mama get get that one and his mom and dad which by the way were too weak to tell him the truth and to tell him no that's the problem when you got somebody anointed and everybody around them just tells them what they want to hear that's the worst thing in the world you setting up people to die when you don't tell them the truth i don't mind conflict i really don't i got people on my staff and they will come and tell hey pastor i respect you i don't think that's the way to go no that's not that's not a good idea and there have been times when i've been mad but you know what i listened because in the multitude of counsel there is safety sampson was a group he said i don't care what you're saying daddy i want her she pleases me what he said is i'm turned on by her and because he didn't get corrected because the parents were too too excited that they had an anointed son [Music] he ended up dying prematurely blind because the thing that he was looking at was designed to poke his eyes out stop looking at the thing that's coming to blind you lack of discipline and willingness to corral your carnal appetites and the false assumption that the anointing gives you a pass to skip process just because you're anointed don't mean you get to walk past people and not speak don't think because you're anointed that you can treat people like trash because you think that's what god don't you think because you got a robe on and you got a special gold cross that you get to walk past people and not speak and and treat them like you whatever and and make you come here and you do what i said and you take my shoes off and unbutton my shirt i'm anointed you better unbutton your own shirt take your own shoes off i've been around some of that in my years it's scary when you so anointed you can't take a dump without somebody in the room no that's worship that's creepy you want somebody to make you a god that ain't the anointing that's the devil i got a lot more i want to say but i'm gonna leave it right there cause i'm anointed to be the pastor here and i'm gonna be here next week so i can keep preaching pastor ab i got i got so much more y'all want one more one more no y'all wanna go you gotta put up one more one mo mo you gotta put one mode one w-u-n-m-o one mode you want one more no you can't get two you're being greedy here watch this jesus said the spirit of the lord god is upon me because he has anointed me you would think that the people that he was talking to would be excited they rejected him stop waiting for everybody to celebrate your anointing the first sign of your anointing is rejection oh my god mike did i don't think they heard me when you are anointed they they are not going to like you when the light shines on you like it did on stephen and he said look i see the son of man standing at the right hand of god they killed him because that kind of anointing offends the flesh jesus said the spirit of the lord is upon me because he's anointed me the first thing they said ain't that joseph's son that wasn't a compliment they were disrespecting him what you talking about you anointed we know you we know your family we know your people we know where you come from we know we we grew up with you don't be shocked when your anointing causes even your family to push you away jesus had to die and get up before his brother james became a believer there are some people oh lord help me jesus until you die to your flesh and god gets you up that's when your family's gonna know uh-uh god's wither god's with them there's an anointing on this house to break chains there's an anointing in this church for miracle signs and wonders there's an anointing in this church for trillionaires not so you can walk around and throw your money and wear glass sunglasses at night it's for you to build god's kingdom without having to beg people excuse me could you help us we're gonna sell some fish dinners so we can get a new roof the devil is alive what you need pastor you need five million here you go y'all want a new facility for the senior citizens let's go ahead and build it here's 26 million here's 13 million for the youth facility i need somebody to fight with me i don't have a voice i've been up since three this morning i need somebody to understand me believing god for a million dollars is nothing that's nothing because i'm believing for his house his kingdom not my house my thingdom everybody stand up because i'll stay here all day we'll run this service right into the 11 play with me if you want to where's baker tell him be out here next time not playing take that heavy gene shirt off and then sweat it through it the spirit of the living god is upon me because he has anointed me i didn't anoint myself when you are truly anointed you don't have to you don't have to convince anybody let me tell you something i'm anointed in dothan alabama i'm anointed in cincinnati i'm anointed in front of cameras i'm anointed in the bathroom i'm anointed at mcdonald's i'm anointed in a forest with the animals i'm anointed if no one sees me i'm anointed in the swimming pool i'm anointed in the shower my anointing is not public it is consistent it is constant i've been anointed so what i am i can function as that anywhere i go because i've gone through the process and my oil is non-transferable somebody asked me yesterday i got a chance to go to my hometown yesterday for a miracle meeting that's all i can say right now my wife knows the details through a series of supernatural extraordinary events i got a chance to go home i drove around my old neighborhoods one of my friends was waving at me her and her kids we went to school together he was like where's raw and i waved street justin grew up on lexington we drove past our old apartment and i was thinking about how far god has brought me i was thinking about how good god has been to me and i just have to say this to encourage you i don't know who this is for god's about to bring it back around i don't know who this is for but whatever it he's going to bring it back around whatever you thought you lost in influence or opportunity or open god's going to bring it back around i was sitting in a room standing excuse me i was standing in a room very very prominent individuals from around the world on the same street that my grandmother's house was on who prayed for me and all of these i mean i ain't talking like i got a couple thousand in the bank i'm talking mega i told them all i said this we're on vine street i said my grandmother's house was about four miles from right where i stand i'm a miracle standing in front i'm here as a product of the prayers of my grandmother long story very short i was called at 13. i preached at 21. i was ordained in what 20 20 no no no no in in dothan 2010 ordained as an elder now i've been serving in all these churches but nobody had ever ordained me because as long as you just a regular minister you are right but the moment somebody agrees with god then something happens and god begins to expand you in the earth i got ordained two years later i'm at the largest church in america and nine ten thousand people start showing up because i walk through the process god's not gonna he brought me back to my hometown to answer a prayer that my grandmother prayed in 1960 1963 my mother said it was 60 years but god made a promise to my mama's mama and 60 years later i walk into a room and i tell these people with all of this resource i'm the person you've been waiting on i'm not begging for one thing because the anointing doesn't beg the anointing arrives [Music] i'ma just say this last thing yesterday i was at my hometown and didn't i say mommy i don't i don't need your car i said somebody gonna give me a ride home i didn't know i just need you to know that an owner of a sports franchise a major sports franchise the owner gave me a ride to my mama's house i don't think you understand i i i went home on faith and got a ride from somebody that owns a team and before i got out of the car i prayed for him he said i feel god in the car i didn't ask him for one thing i don't need anything from you but you need what i got because the anointing is not for sale the oil on this house has just expanded and increased this week you will see miracles that you could not even articulate out of your mouth if you believe it say i believe it there are people in this room right now that need to give their lives to jesus or you need to be a member of relentless church if i'm talking to you you need to get to this altar don't wait grab your purse sir grab your wallet meet me at this altar relentless is my church i'm joining here who am i talking to text save to the number on the screen [Music] here they come
Channel: Maggie Dow
Views: 2,600
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: faith, hope, anointing, priest, worship
Id: wFeqg_jpIg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 50sec (3410 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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