Relentless Church * Brand New Today*Witness A Miracle* 9.29.2019

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coming from Charleston South Carolina where he tried his best did everything he could I watched my honey my mother is Angela Stewart her best friend peaches as a member of this church that attends every Sunday I was I was a stubborn hard-headed kid when I was caught how about everyone wanted to listen I went through a lot of things that I didn't have soon I didn't finish school because I got into a fight I never graduated a lot of resumes I've lied on diplomas I did things in my past that I wish that I could take away I went to prison and Atlanta you and speak [Applause] it's growing up and for real I know there's so many opportunities you're gonna get in life will you be like man little check this out it's easier to do it that way man it's easy to get in trouble but it's hard to survive talk about the devil will make it look so good my man I'm Tom I hear make it look so good that you'll just get destructed and everything that you ever thought you could ever focus home good eye the issue with so many distractions that your main goal has been clouded with everything that you knew you didn't want to go through in the first place but I ain't gonna say too much time and I appreciate even I've never been on a stage with this many people having their attention like number one dream that I've ever had was to be an artist and God has been really working with me saying well if you believe in me why do you want to do our app and arm be like why don't you pray as God [Applause] doctor says you need a job are you looking for a job you got him [Applause] [Music] the job in the manic I said I got a job for two people you need a chop I got a move on now yes yes yes just talk to me what is giving me money I'm gonna tell you for real I don't need it and there's a reason why but I don't want to live like that no more so I'm like I'm not all the money the child [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where's Demetri Carter give this to that lady right there she knows groceries it would tell her right there I won't connect with you say again you need a job as well what kind of field he has a master's degree in IT you can do it [Music] you need a job if there's anybody that's time we have two more people down here who need jobs Demetria you stay right there who needs groceries grocery not anymore ease enough she said my son is fabulous I said not anymore he's not he's covered did you hear what I said for those who are online and you may say well this is not a normal service this is why Church exists in the first place [Applause] he said I got five kids we're staying in our car you don't know what people go through when they walk through the doors you don't know that some people drove up in their house is there is there any there a mother in here who needs a car where are you who saved me first hold on okay you need a car come here hurry let her through please come up come up come up this way man this way pastor Todd she needs a car she doesn't need a car anymore so we'll talk about the service then I have a car that you could have it's yours [Applause] [Music] [Music] the young lady who whose house was hit by the tree she has this month's rent because of Miss Tanika my wife and Letoya Luckett walker are paying the next two months rent so she'll have a cushion and groceries what do you need [Applause] all right she drove up from North Carolina they were evicted two months ago and and live in their car and drove to church so this is the beginning of it turning around she also needs help with somebody who can help with the car cuz the car still not working who has two twin beds somebody you're gonna give those away if you need to in beds for girls honey when people have need they don't care if it's pink I'd be grown man sleeping on a paint bed and nobody care about no color listen I know that this service went in the direction of the Holy Ghost are y'all okay with what God is doing give me a second sir I gotta finish we're gonna try to meet every mean for anybody who needs resume prep now we're talking practical help and interviewing Nicole Andrews is going to help if you need that along with help see there's more we got somebody who's gonna do haircuts for free for people who are trying to get jobs we got a barber right here so come get that neat it's in the house Trevor it's in the house Larry it's in the house this is just to start you off I know you want a job that man in the gray shirt go over there to him you don't get a job that's how fast it y'all are believing God for a house apartment do we have anybody that can do temporary housing who can help or push people towards resources for temporary housing and where's the IT man because there's someone here hiring engineers wherever that gentleman was it would the master's degree here's another opportunity I believe well he better come back he said he works on cars come on down man he gonna look at your car and see what he can do and if you need parts he said he gonna pay for the parts [Applause] I don't want sometimes when you have things people still give to you because of how you give but I also have a car that I'm gonna give to somebody it's um being looked at you know we were probably gonna we don't have to sell it we can give it away so if you are in need of a vehicle can come see pastor Travis to get pastor ABS car it's it's not new it's it's gonna get you from A to B but it's a silver a silver car that's been sitting but we need to just do a couple things to it and we are give it away when when we lost all of our cars due to flooding in Houston at one time and that's a blessing to say all of your cars anyway but somebody blessed us with a car a couple people have given us cars before and we just give them away somebody gave me a car and I'm giving it away somebody gave Pastor John a car and he's giving it away but I have one that we're going to give as well so if you can talk to I won't get Pastor John to give the instructions on how to do that but we're we're not asking the church to me the need that we won't participate in is what we're saying so we're doing the same we're doing the same there are two young women that came down here one of them just had a baby and the other one has two children and the young lady with two children she said let her have the car so this young lady in the black and white outfit is going to get that Mercedes [Applause] and the young lady who gave her to car the young lady who said let her have it there's anybody that's gonna stand with me and help her get one is there anybody that has one to give we can't meet every need but I'm gonna meet the need of this other young lady we're going to help her get a car as well that'll be from [Applause] you're gonna fix the roof this gentleman fixes rules a woman who had the tree fall through our house somebody's gonna fix your roof [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Chansey the Bible says that they distributed to each one as they had me fix this so I can give it away please fix it so I can give it away don't let any other fall into that crack yes okay you was it you were renting it that's fine so you don't need the roof because it wasn't yours you were okay well guess what somebody else might need you and I need to be able to they need to know we know now that we can connect with you when we have a need I want pastor Trevor come in real quick this young lady here in the brown sweater get her information we're gonna help her get a car yes [Applause] all right so we have someone here who can get a car for you to help you get what you need you come over here we're going to connect right here this gentleman owns a dealership so we've got to figure out what she needs we're going to help get it you hear me we're gonna help come on okay I'm I don't know what God is doing but tell somebody give me room because somebody's about to shout in here pastor Tosha pastor Kenny and I for the father who's in the car with your five kids will cover your hotel stay until you get a job to take care of your family so if you want to come talk to him to get a job you might want to go over there and he'll help you out I have two more things that need to happen is there anybody here who has a bill on them for five hundred and sixty three dollars five hundred and sixty three dollars if that's you or you have a bill it's like five hundred and sixty or $563 I want you who's waving you have it with you it's in your car go get it you ain't gonna just get off with that one go get I want to see it with the she says she's gonna pay that five hundred and sixty three dollar bill you got the bill right here look come here let me see your bill is paid off [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] if you want to be saved young man just came down said I want to get saved see when your generosity is the sermon people see Jesus [Applause] hold on cuz I'm not finished don't give me don't get me the altar call yet [Music] listen to me I needed God to move today I asked the Lord for this to be the most generous Sunday in the history of our church because we have 150 employees and what y'all don't know is the sacrifices that have been made to make sure that things continue to go but I'm believing that today God's going to touch somebody whether you're online or here and what you plan to give you're going to give something different now now even though I've given away much of what I had in my closet I gave it away to let God know that if I have nothing I'll serve it and if I have everything I'll serve a and I will give it all the way over and over again I got my plot of ground picked out Larry down there at st. Paul's that name of the church st. Paul and Carrollton Florida that's where they're gonna bury me one day you ain't never heard of his a little country church down by the creek one day I'm gonna have this old tent in a box but until then I'm gonna serve God till I die and relentless Church will be known for its generosity I have been entire of my whole life that's why I'm blessed people hate on me and talk about me because I bless my wife with a car talking about you should have you should have sold that and gave it to the poor guess what you know the first person to say that Judas in John chapter 12 and the Bible says he didn't mean it he just wanted it so he could steal it all the people talking about what I should do with what I have ain't done nothing with what they have don't worry about what I do I'll never be broke cuz I always give and I'll keep on giving and I'll keep on tithing and I'll keep on sewing [Applause] so Jack away five mentoring sessions to single mothers with children high schoolers and we need to connect him with Brandon and our outreach as well but for five single mothers who need their kids pass them out to the single mothers who need mentoring for your kids and academic tutoring it's free he's sewing it in now I'm gonna ask you again how many people are ready to be generous towards God here's what I need you to do I notice it's awkward if you are a giver and you're using envelopes or cash I want you to get to the front this is not the end of service do not lead we're earlier than we normally are and we still give them some stuff away if you are an electronic giver where are those who are giving electronically put your hands up I heard the Lord tell me an amount to give and I knew it was God cuz I was like huh anybody ever had a huh Jesus are you sure well guess what I'm gonna trust the Lord it all belongs to him anyway let's see lift it up if you're giving Lord receive our gifts today bless it all blessed in Jesus name let it be the most significant day of generosity in the history of this church he men I'm giving now listen keep coming if people anyway keep coming come on where's car repairs we got somebody that'll help where it's a grocery grocery people come here good afternoon wanted to make sure if anybody wanted to provide services directly to people or give something directly to people you can contact the reach building monday through friday through thursday and we will be able to help provide those services directly to people if there are any needs the phone number directly is area code eight six four seven seven zero one seven five eight and we can make sure that people get access to services or anything that you want to help provide if you are not able to again that number is eight six four seven seven zero one seven and five eight [Music] for those who are watching online thank you for your patience in with what God is doing in our community this is one of the reasons why if you have the physical ability to get to the house something happens when you get in the house for those who are part of our global community and you cannot be here you can still give you can still be generous we're meeting needs in this church yes sir amen we appreciate you so for people who have thought that the church was only about what you can what we can get from you relentless churches about what we can give to you I want that to be heard all over this world with a hundred and fifty employees Sabrina Eric and we're gonna be about the needs of these people and we're gonna do the best we can is there anybody else that needs grocery money grocery we're rip me to I'm playing groceries rip you got a car so just hold up you need what groceries absolutely absolutely groceries will this pants up now there you go you good okay y'all go ahead watch this is there anybody in here and all your bills are paying for this month all your bills are paid that you you come here oh thank you bless you come here come on right here no it's for you yeah because he who has more will be given I need you to know that God is not just blessing those who don't have he's about to bless people that do have so that you can give more any millionaires in here is there anybody else who did not have the ability to meet their need for rent this month huh come here are those your kids bring them gir you got 30 seconds bring that boy bring him hold on don't hurt yourself don't fall cuz then you I'm suing them no the devil is alive walk slow now that I think about it tiptoe matter-of-fact you're welcome here gift card where's she go come here bring her up come here let her through you said you needed help with rent it's taken care of right here she's gonna pay your rent for the month right there that's how fast God doesn't you brought your son you were up in the balcony and God knew you had a need your need is met miss Lakeisha John said I don't have money I got rings if anybody needs a ring she wants to bless somebody with a ring that's unbelievable I don't even know what to do with that I love she said I want it well here's the thing didn't he Ben didn't you already get something come on get something else there [Applause] okay I mean you want me to put girl I'm married no and it fits perfectly [Applause] Adventist she tried to hate me from you girl title she says she means the trend here give this to somebody that's a gift card to Walmart we got another ring right here anybody need a ring you better catch it alright yeah we're done we're done huh okay what do you need yes we we don't have a lot of time but let me see this they denied the disability so that's the 340 + - 190 - Oh 560 huh is Sonique is this come on over here she said they denied disability the Lord told me she's the Lord said somebody's gonna need 563 come oh come on you're standing over there and your blessing over here let me say this prophetically you better move when the Holy Ghost says move because you don't know what God is about to do I took and because she's about to sew that into you she's blessing you to pay that bill these bills are paid that 560 is done she's helping you with it that's a done deal [Applause] I was talking about the lady that came with the for rent I didn't know that was the lady that we brought up that was the one I didn't know [Music] you need $440 for your rent you got three kids she needs $440 for her rent this young lady right here is there anybody that will help us with this I've given out everything you will there you go ma'am just like that what do you mean [Applause] okay somebody just blessed me somebody said I don't need physical things I need advice I'm about to bring two babies into the world and I feel stuck I don't know what to do I feel stuck is there anybody that had twins that can walk with her and is that you come come come come help her so she's not alone walk with her yes [Applause] okay okay we got somebody who's gonna sew $50 into a single mom for groceries from a single mama to a single mama that's unbelievable we got another family here who said they've been living in a car since when since December and they came to church if they're any elderly in here who needs somebody to take you grocery shopping we have a family here that's gonna take
Channel: Maggie Dow
Views: 36,690
Rating: 4.9044371 out of 5
Keywords: Relentless Church, Giving
Id: QN5T_6gjsww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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