RELATIVE CLAUSES: who, which, that 👌 Easy peasy! | Gramática inglesa

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[Music] hello students welcome back to another class today toka gramatica es que hay mucha confusion and prayer las palabras which who he that confers a la cabaña esta clase vas a ser una spectre and altima and the sums ok primero vamos a hablar de los defining relative clauses que son Loki of Samos quando Pyramus a specific ad the care sustantivo hablamos for ahem flow this is the book which I bought yesterday and this is the book which Isabel is reading oh thank you mr. sauce Friday's estamos Monsanto which the memory I'm so sad that we're not correct yes para causes of Hector's who's Hamas which or that ok e para las personas que pranaam girl relativity llamas and English whereas for handler this is the woman who stole my heart do you wanna see - I see going to a clash Oh Tammy autre hemp Louisa well that is the idiot who spilled my drink hmm that is the idiot who spilled my drink yes because significant Barama caramel spilled spill it's built okay Anton de espera personas se puede usar who eat ambien that ok ok e KF mo system salon de un animun los animales generally well the personal English Sosa who Oh Lester dice communicate Oh II the fairy say is gonna turn a relative of which lemon table mentor some petals in English I'm out of here wait unbelievable my little chihuahua is not an object I'm sorry I'm sorry but los animales on objects Molly and Dante's para animales Attila Tomas which yes all that Tommy yeah por ejemplo that's the cat which or that I adopted or that's the dog which or that it me okay okay mm-hmm Isabelle kiss well enough ellos not chivos con los pranaam brain services Sue Ellen Oh me tear SS pronoun brutality Vaz fellows common competitors exactly eat them with chips yes and ketchup yes in contest as Frances superb a guitar Helprin hombre relative oh yo diría que la primera yo diría does the cat I adopted yeah that sounds good exacto but an opposite a that's the dog it me no I per gallon Nana promise o material pronom brain por que no se puede qatar apron umbrella TiVo see Sarah Fiera on zucchetto en la segunda francais petrol SN su head toda la francaise porque el perro really so laggy on the more dare in esta casa hmm yeah automobile in cambio en la primera francais El Gato no really Thor ninguna action I adopted the cat el gato SLE or keto that's it okay and today's siempre cuando Ione pranaam Brella TiVo que será será una cosa puede owe me till I say from relative oh okay vamos a ver otra gente para que the Cabot's super Clara Valley the camera which or that costs a thousand pounds is incredible the camera which or that you bought yesterday is on sale today Alex Francis podemos eliminar which or that Paris on our community bro which one let me think I believe is the second one correct you can omit the pronoun so you can say the camera you bought yesterday is on sale today did you get it right at home yeah yeah relative clauses but why Isabel why was me Allegra camiones esta pregunta be a Turkish RL como en de llamada is not important okay [Music] come on I'm just flipping sinhala goddess Kalika hombre es porque la segunda francais the camera is a libretto thank you yes I'm just checking to see if you remember ballyhoo a witch supposed to stick to it for that pero estamos Impreza see better dad cs4 event you're talking about non-defining relative clauses non-defining relative clauses son Loki estamos cuando tenemos dos or a Sione's que queremos poner in una hora Theon and contains Isabelle Thomas up s equals pond and on the francais Stevie Wonder is a talented singer Stevie Wonder is blind wess father merciful of money has no choreography Stevie Wonder who's the talented singer is blind Oh Stevie Wonder who's blind is a talented singer yes excellent very good very superstitious radizen and Tom tezcan lost non-defining relative clauses siempre akio-san comas no se puede usar that y no se puede pehota ninguna circumstance eeeh a meteor Halperin hombre relative oh okay got it vamos a ver otra gente como pond Ria's estas das raciss in on a Friday Isabel my neighbor snake has escaped the snake is four metres long and can be aggressive okay and don't fear sake Vidya my neighbor's snake which is four metres long and can be aggressive escaped good pronunciation has escaped my neighbors neighbors my neighbor snake neighbors snake which has escaped is four metres long and can be addressed hope that makes it clear for you if you have any questions let us know in the comments we've also got some exercises which you can use to practice this a little bit more we'll leave a link here to our blog okay there's a blog post with some exercises yeah my little mini test porque necesita cuenta pero no somos de haro algunos relative pronouns come on yeah month on there yes hello I'm Shannon and this and nostra web anything else sonica knows the mention is the ballot and very soon we will be launching our brand new grammar course it's coming it's coming it's not ready yet it will be ready very soon so sign up here and you'll be the first to know when it's ready will it come before amigos English book or after amigo singular this book I either motherless who the heirs have just filled the bins yes so we hope to see you in class next week yes take care and bye for now see Montaner limpio is allowed in DST nose when intestinal gressil dabeli toddle irritate oh he conscious Gian adult as soon candle they cook T for the bacterias destructive us cannot gain an author of had TiVo okay this compare material potential mental peligroso did you know de corte [Music]
Channel: Amigos Ingleses
Views: 423,206
Rating: 4.9132361 out of 5
Keywords: learn english, aprender ingles, curso de ingles, aprende ingles, ingles fácil, hablar ingles, como aprender ingles, curso gratis de ingles, relative clauses, clausulas relativas, pronombres relativos, relative pronouns, who, which, that, whose, whom, where, what, when, defining, non defining, oraciones de relativo, frases de relativo, gramática, gramatica, gramatica inglesa, gramática inglesa, gramática fácil, gramatica divertida, ingles sin esfuerzo
Id: z_OcXv51H0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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