Conectores en inglés para triunfar en tu writing 👌 Linking words | Escribir en inglés

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hey students so today I'm going to teach you how to use some really useful linking expressions in English so you can sound more advanced and more sophisticated stay until the end because I'm also going to talk about one of the most common mistakes that my students make with one particular word maybe you could be making this mistake as well so are you ready let's get into it okay guys so there are four categories of linkers that I'm going to talk about in this class and I encourage you to use these linkers as much as possible especially if you're doing an English exam in your writing as well as in your speaking the first category is linkers for addition so what have we got [Music] when you want to add an additional point when you're speaking or writing what linkers can we use well I used one earlier did you hear it and I encourage you to use these linkers in your writing as well as in your speaking in your writing as well as in your speaking as well as so this is super common and easy to use and you should start using it from today you could say for example I've traveled to many countries in Europe as well as South America or that restaurant serves Japanese food as well as tappers again next we have besides for example I have no family besides my parents or I didn't have lunch because I wasn't hungry besides there was nothing in the fridge okay next we have furthermore this is a nice one to use in your essays and it's usually at the beginning of a sentence with a comma and it's quite formal so for example cycling to work is quicker than driving furthermore it's a lot cheaper and is better exercise now you could also put this in the middle of a sentence so you could say I hope you will subscribe to this channel and furthermore I hope your visit I'm equals in glasses dot-com the best blog for learning English it's true okay moving on to the next category we have linkers for giving reason jew-jew to repeat the pronunciation is due to do too then we also have owing to and since yes since can also mean because so let me give you some examples the flight was canceled due to terrible weather conditions the concert was cancelled owing to lack of interest or I didn't go to the park since I wasn't invited okay what about this one in case do you know how to use it in case hmm so this one is like saying because there's a possibility that okay for example wear a seatbelt in case you crash or for example take these glasses in case you fall asleep in your class that stewards okay moving on now we have condition I'm sure you're familiar with the word if what else can we use to sound like a master of English well we have as as long as for example you can stay at my house tonight as long as you're gone before I wake up or we can watch a film together as long as I can choose the film no I'm serious I'm choosing the film and what else do we have one beginning with P what is it peak our PR oh yes provided yes that's it provided well done well done provided is another word for if it's a bit more advanced a bit more formal and sounds really good so for example you could say you will get a pay rise provided you meet your targets and what about this word unless could you put it in a sentence could you could you hmm so this word is the same as saying if you don't it's the negative form of if so if we use the same example as before we could say you will not get a pay rise if you don't meet your targets or you will not get a pay rise unless you meet your targets and one for parents you will not be having dessert unless you eat your broccoli [Applause] hmm especially quite nice excuse me I'll be back another let's continue okay and to finish off we have linkers for contrasting two different ideas so the first one to kick off it's a tricky one to pronounce it is although although repeated with me come on let's spend some time let's pronounce it correctly although look at my tongue or no not Aldo the broccoli repeat it with me although although okay so repeat after me although it was sunny it was very cold another example I'll be there although I might be slightly late repeat [Music] keep practicing now notice although can go at the beginning of a sentence or in the middle okay but not at the end you could also use even though or just though and though can also go at the end of a sentence so for example I don't speak French I speak Spanish though I speak Spanish though no okay and next we have despite for example despite the heavy rain we enjoyed our picnic or we went to class despite being hungover at the beginning of this video I mentioned a very typical mistake so let's have a look and see if you can correct it for me she passed the exam despite she hadn't studied now if you're one of our super motivated students who have signed up to our amazing speaking course roll your English and I'm sure you can find the mistake easily here what's the correct answer well you should say she passed the exam despite the fact that she hadn't studied and why why do I have to put the fact that well after despite or also in spite of you can put a noun a verb with ing or if you want to put a clause then you need to add the fact that so using a noun she passed the exam despite a severe lack of preparation she passed the exam despite being a lazy student she passed the exam despite the fact that she hadn't studied she must be very clever must be the broccoli okay students that concludes today's class well done well done you got through it how did you find it was it difficult let me know in the comments below also feel free to ask your questions I'll be happy to respond don't forget to check out the blog post that comes with this video where you'll find a few little exercises to put you to the test that's very important okay it's been a pleasure and I'll see you very soon bye for now [Music] [Music]
Channel: Amigos Ingleses
Views: 260,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conectors, conectores, conectores en ingles, linking words, examen de ingles, examen ingles, examen de inglés, writing fce
Id: iDOrb8EOiAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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