Relatable Memes Of Your Life

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volume at one volume two me uses marker without touching the tip my finger somehow [Music] how i feel after i skipped dessert [Music] job interviewer so we found a meme account link to your name me how i think i look like when i space out how i really look me wakes up my left nostril my right nostril feeling lonely wanting to be alone me classmate do you want to be friends me no thanks classmate but you're always by yourself don't you feel lonely or sad me it's a peaceful life me i'm gonna start having fun on my days off me on my days off girl walks up to me and says hi my social skills oh no mesa disappearing my bed when i'm sleeping my bed when i have to wake up me after putting the yogurt container in the sink and the spoon in the trash someone hey how's your day going heart go on tell him your problems mouth i said we fine today april 2020 oh wow i can play games as long as i want february 2021 i create imaginary scenarios in my head because of the sheer lack of social interaction with others when you're showing someone your favorite movie and they keep looking at their phone my financial decisions in a game my financial decisions in real life my depression anxiety and regrets taking me to the land of overthinking upstairs school bathroom downstairs school bathroom me sleeps for three hours a night and survives off of root beer and takis my organs bro i'm straight up not having a good time when you're watching the final episode of a show and hear the intro song for one last time [Music] when you're by yourself doing something you are really good at and love doing when someone starts watching someone lighting a cigarette me me at 2am creating fake scenarios in my head and hurting my own feelings me after saying pardon me instead of excuse me breaking news local dog to call for town me trying to avoid eye contact with the person sitting next to me on the bus when you said you wouldn't stay up too late and suddenly it's getting lighter outside and you hear birds singing mom the guests are gone me [Music] my teacher why don't all of you turn on your cameras so i can see your beautiful faces me [Music] me giving advice me living my life [Music] eight hours of sleep seven hours of sleep six hours of sleep it's sunday it's sunday wearing the same underwear for eight days straight wearing the same socks twice when you peel the crusty layer of lip and blood doesn't come out when you forge to bring your phone to the toilet so you start philosophizing without my cookies i'm just a monster [Music] when you text your crush and her status instantly changes from online to offline i'm aware of the effect i have on women when you make the slightest mistake and your brain reminds you of how big of a failure you are shut up a girl saying i'm cute me for the next week when you have a panic attack but you don't know why when you pull out the ds on a road trip suffering from car sickness me knowing that cactuses have sharp spikes also me every time i see a cactus me after having mint using toothpaste be like day one day 50 day 51 me at 2am all right time to sleep youtube how to wash a kitten without making it too scared also me who doesn't own a kitten well well well then let's find out going to sleep because you're tired going to sleep because you've had enough of being conscious the scariest things on earth the dark clowns sharks serial killers death when you rest out your computer but the problem still doesn't go away your stomach hurts for a while it gets worse you let out a giant fart your stomach doesn't hurt anymore how stupid people think i am how stupid i actually am me all day me at 3am [Music] when the facetime connects [Music] how's your mental health me i can't believe it's gotten even worse when the only person i know is talking to other people no one my blanket at 3am you lost your phone you can't find it anywhere in the room you decide to look under the bed you turn on your phone's flashlight to see you choose the fastest water droplet it suddenly slows down and almost loses it eats another droplet and wins the race teacher does anyone know the answer me who knows the answer but has social anxiety when you fall asleep in a car fast travel unlocked some kid i'm six years old me cool some kid i was born in 2015 me me when i touch my pockets and i don't feel my phone my brain two seconds after i lock a door did the past really happen when you try to take a screenshot but turn off your phone instead looking back my life has been a quintessential part of the definition of failure anyone don't do that me that when you're chilling and suddenly remember you have an exam tomorrow chilling chilling stressfully [Music] angry bads came out 11 years ago when you drink orange juice after brushing your teeth sips dies when you try to sleep in the bus by putting your head against the window thinking that everyone hates me thinking that everyone talks behind my back nobody cares enough to hate or talk about me in reality day is way better than night during the day it's light it's warm and nature is blooming at night you can cry without letting anyone know [Music] you find an absolute banger song it only goes for one and a half minutes friend what is your most played game me call of study infinite pain five-year-old me does something cringe my brain 13 years later while i'm trying to sleep chanting ancient sins ancient sins the amount of work that needs to get done the amount i'll consider doing but still won't do me replying back instantly after being ignored for two days [Music] something embarrassing that i made half a decade ago me me showing off my multiple personalities [Music] me during the argument me later that day realizing i was definitely wrong when you dump all the sugar form the bottom of the sour patch kids into your mouth [Music] the scariest things on earth dark clowns sharks serial killers death letting go of a tape measure nobody my ankle for no reason me sliding the straw in and out of mcdonald's cup [Music] me listening to my voice recordings from two seconds ago dies from cringe what i thought being a teenager was gonna be like what it's actually like you find a new show to watch it's actually pretty good it has seven seasons they ruin the show after season two me after reading texts to my crush four years ago cringe me to carrot me too thank you for watching this video tune in at 5 pm british time for a video of changing topic and at 7 pm for daily juicy memes check out my discord server using the link in the description also be sure to leave a like if you enjoyed the video and subscribe if you didn't already
Channel: Memenade
Views: 1,872,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c5LF8hUxMOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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