School Memes Students Can Relate To

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pov you called the teacher mom when you take your little brother to school and see your old teachers hey there demons it's me yeah boy when you fail the test but still get the hardest question on the test correct i may be an idiot but i'm not stupid teachers who use them teachers who use discord student how many years have you been teaching teacher eight student eight what apples bananas teacher schools be like we'll make kids get up at seven a.m have them learn something useless for six hours every day give them several long assignments why do kids hate us the new teacher being friendly me who liked the old teacher elementary teachers high school teachers college professors when you're the only one in class who gets an a on a test middle schooler maths was easy until the english alphabet decided to get involved me wait till you get to the greek alphabets middle schooler the what pe teacher supervising my maths exam [Music] children have 24 hours a day to do stuff schools is for me me after realizing i use the wrong formulas for the math test i already turned in [Music] i got a study now what if i study later maybe i study a little bit later it's night i'll study in the morning maybe i can study on school i should have studied yesterday teacher arrives 10 minutes late the entire class i'm sorry sir we are no longer required to follow your orders class clown look at me look at me substitute teacher i'm the captain now heaviest objects in the universe are sun neutron star black hole my eyes as soon as i start studying that one kid who asks the teacher for homework at the end of class teacher making groups are you two friends my friend no me no the online class the kid who screen lit up because of a fart high school teacher saying you'll learn this in college college professor saying you should learn this in high school me who doesn't know it now and has an exam on it me as a child i'm top of my class and i can do maths with ease me now what do all these letters mean students schools give us too much work and results in us not getting enough sleep also students at 2 a.m on a school day [Music] 12 assignments me who forgot about them teacher ask questions if you don't understand that's why i'm here also teachers when you ask question you make me sick teacher giving me an f in class me knowing there's 20 other worst letters i could have gotten when the teacher asks you a question but you weren't listening facts passing a test without studying doesn't mean you were lucky it just shows you were actually paying attention in class teachers trying to explain a subject some guy on youtube explaining the same subject hey are you sleeping yes now shut up teachers are probably the only people who use almost everything they learned in school almost every day [Music] the teacher telling me to stop clicking my pen me who has to click it one more time to close it one minute of lesson left teacher yeah i've got time teacher find a partner teacher looks at me or you can work alone if you want me [Music] students oh my god why do school teach subject why don't they teach us about taxes instead students if schools taught taxes [Music] interest in science me math what gives people feelings of power money status the teacher using your work as an example me when school finally ends the mission the nightmares they're finally over student will i get into trouble for something that i didn't do teacher of course not student but because i didn't do my homework teacher someone make a note of that man's bravery homework project putting it off until the day it's due [Music] letting my teacher count out how many marks i got on my exam me calculating all my correct answers to see if i passed before the teacher comes me typing 4 plus 8 into my calculator in 12th grade me asks a question teacher that's a really good question me school we prepare you for life my house is set on fire me me when i get my test and notice that i learned the wrong topic do it debra pull the trigger the copy you get the teacher's copy headache stomachache your favorite teacher being disappointed in you school days on fridays school days on mondays students 10 minutes before an exam begins be like [Music] our students aren't doing well enough if we give them extra homework they will work harder let's also give them less time so they work faster we are the best school if school isn't for sleeping then home isn't for school work think teacher think teacher don't be afraid to ask questions me asks a question teacher laughing young fool when the smart kid can recite 25 digits of pie but you know mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell you're in the presence of some pretty intense wisdom right now a two-day holiday the holiday is on saturday and sunday my teacher looking for the project i never did me acting confused on where it went my dad solving a math problem with the formula we didn't learn in school your tactics confuse and frighten me sir huh your name's not on our list of course not because i don't belong here i'm the guy who invented homework [Music] schools do you have depression no would you like to trade offer i receive years of your life you receive napoleon died on an island history teaches you're six hours late for school panic you're 21 and graduated calm you're a teacher panic when the teacher calls on you because you weren't paying attention but you still get the right answer do not question the elevated one school 1 000 pages of homeworks my entire weekend it's over she's finished studying what you studied what came out in the exam you who memorized based on colors writing exams be like first page second page pimples zero black heads zero my math test zero the letter f in school means fun the test tomorrow my teacher forgetting to make the test me who forgot to study the project i did 20 minutes before the deadline [Music] teacher why are you late me heavy traffic teacher is that my fault me did i blame you the class [Music] my class peacefully writing a test meanwhile the class next to me teachers when someone is being bullied teachers when the victims fight back schools when you forget one assignment then you're of no use to the empire when you meet your old friend in a different school typing a formal email to my teacher me you're okay teacher the asian kid starts crying at the start of math test rest of the class when you copy your friend's homework but you use blue ink instead of black ink so that it looks different i may be an idiot but i'm not stupid being a slave and work for free doing homework corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture they are the same picture smart kid getting an 80 me getting her 86 by guessing teacher you forgot your homework me didn't forget just don't care schools i'm going to teach you stuff students it will help me in future right it will help me in future right doc i'm afraid of vertical axis why screams me not knowing how to do something but being too scared to ask the teacher the guy on the other side of the room asking the teacher when you walk by your friend's classroom 32 assignments for today me and my new game that i bought me five minutes into the online class i've seen enough i'm sleeping me uses a different method to solve the problem the math teacher well new ideas are fine but they are also illegal thank you for watching this video tune in at 5 pm british time for a video of changing topic and at 7 pm for daily juicy memes check out my discord server using the link in the description also be sure to leave a like if you enjoyed the video and subscribe if you didn't already
Channel: Memenade
Views: 2,786,408
Rating: 4.9575796 out of 5
Id: AlLfKQ7VQtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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